(Revision and Further Citation Help) For an already typed 6 page Literary Paper on (Political Media and it’s Viewers – Confirmation Bias) Writing Assignment Help. (Revision and Further Citation Help) For an already typed 6 page Literary Paper on (Political Media and it’s Viewers – Confirmation Bias) Writing Assignment Help.
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– Thank for your help in advance ! I appreciate your expertise and your professionalism.
– This is a fully typed essay but returned by my professor to fix the many imperfections and missing citations
– The mistakes the professor found are marked with a red mark that you can click on to get further information.
– Thank you for your help and I appreciate your expertise !
//////////////////////////// Below describes the documents I attached to the general outline of the essay
– Attached are (3) documents that I want you to review before starting the paper.
– The first is the (Prep – Media Confirmation Bias Literary Report.docx) that outlines topics or similar topics that I would like you to cover. While not all of the ideas listed in that .doc I expect to be implemented, I do want the subject of CONFIRMATION BIAS to be covered from both sides (the media and the consumers of its media).
– I’ve also attached (A checklist for Psychology Literature Review Paper.docx) that shows the guideline I would like you to follow to complete this paper.
– Lastly KevinSP.doc is the actual essay
– Below is particularly important from that doc.
- Began on a new page titled “References” (centered at top)
- Used APA format: http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/
- Included EVERY source cited in the paper
- Included ONLY those sources cited in the paper (do not include those sources you have read but did not cite in the text of your paper)
- Included ONLY those sources from Psychology Databases (Peer reviewed Psychology journal articles/scholarly work)
*Do not include any sources from .com, books, regular magazines, newspaper articles, and any other sources not scholarly oriented.
*Do not include any sources from .com, books, regular magazines, newspaper articles, and any other sources not scholarly oriented.
(Revision and Further Citation Help) For an already typed 6 page Literary Paper on (Political Media and it’s Viewers – Confirmation Bias) Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Speech Outline Writing Assignment Help
5 Min Speech on the Cartoon Character the Joker & Outline
The following items are required to be included in the speech and should be included on the outline. Your instructor may provide additional details concerning the requirements for your outline. Any additional requirements will be announced in class.
A.Attention-getting device.
B.Central idea statement revealing main points.
A.Write a declarative sentence identifying your first main point.
1.(Support)Provide details to help explain your main point.
2. (Support) Continue providing enough detail to fill out the main point completely.
3. (Support)If necessary…
use a signpost or transition statement between main points
B.Write a declarative sentence identifying your second main point.
use a signpost or transition statement between main points
C.Not all speeches will have a third point, but if you are including an additional point, make sure that it is developed with supporting materials.
A.Signal the ending of the speech.
B.Reinforce the central idea and summarize main points.
C.Conclude with a vivid/memorable ending.
IV. Bibliography (APA)
What is the story about it? Writing Assignment Help
The assignment is to write a 1500 word book review on the following textbooks. Please read the email and Announcement sent to you regarding these textbook reviews.
- Lethal Violence and Human Behavior: Death in the Stream
The Book Reviews must be typed in the APA format, double spaced, using New Times Roman 12 point font.You have to answer the following questions in detail.
- Title and Author of the Book
- How does the story begin
- What is the story about?
- Who are the characters?
- Where does the story take place?
- How does this textbook apply to real life applications
- Do the events described make you think this could happen to you or people you know?
- How does the story end?
- Why do you think this book was written?
- What did you learn by reading the book?
- What is your opinion about the book?
- Should these textbooks be required reading for all students?
Check the requirements for details Writing Assignment Help
Philosophy , Critical Thinking
Below, there are two different passages that contain arguments.One of them is an argument for the claim that we should legalize drugs; this is the called the PRO-LEGALIZATION ARGUMENT.The second is an argument for the claim that we should not legalize drugs; this is called the ANTI-LEGALIZATION ARGUMENT.Your assignment is to pick one of these arguments and write a paper explaining what you think is wrong with the argument.You should pick the argument that you disagree with.For example, if you think that drugs should be legalized, then you should pick the ANTI-LEGALIZATION ARGUMENT, and you should write a paper saying what’s wrong with that argument.And if you think that drugs should not be legalized, then you should pick the PRO-LEGALIZATION ARGUMENT, and you should write a paper saying what’s wrong with that argument.
In particular, whichever of the arguments you choose, you should (a) discuss which of the premises you think are false or questionable (especially those which are unsupported by other premises) and say why; and/or (b) discuss whether the various premises provide adequate support for their conclusions.You do not need to discuss every problem that you discover.You can discuss just one problem if you’d like; or if you’d rather, you can a discuss a few problems.
Your paper it should be typed and written in complete, grammatically correct sentences.You should use proper punctuation and spelling.You can use whatever voice and style feels natural to you, but you need to remember who your audience is–namely, a college professor–and you need to use a tone that’s appropriate for that audience.Finally, remember to think about how to break your essay into paragraphs.
The most important Homework Set to do, in order to prepare for this writing assignment, is Homework Set XIX. If you read the Solutions to Homework Set XIX, that will prepare you for writing the paper.In particular, for each argument in Homework Set XIX, there is a little discussion in the Solutions about the problems with the given argument.When you’re writing your paper, this is the sort of thing you want to do–you want to discuss the problems with the argument that you’re discussing.
It is clearly time for us to legalize drugs in this country.There are two sorts of considerations here–namely, the moral and the practical–and both of them favor the legalization of drugs. In other words, it is morally unacceptable for the government to tell the citizens of this country that they cannot use drugs, and the legalization of drugs would generate pragmatic gains for us.
As far as morality is concerned, the decision to use or not use drugs is a personal one that does not directly impinge upon the rights of others, and the government should never forbid activities that do not impinge upon the rights of others.Now, one might wonder why I say that drug use doesn’t impinge upon the rights of others; after all, one might (correctly) point out that the loved ones of a drug addict can be put through a great deal of unnecessary suffering, and society as a whole may have to foot the bill for the person’s rehabilitation.But I think this is irrelevant, because it seems to me that considerations of this sort are true of all sorts of behavior; in fact, this is true of anything that is dangerous.Driving on the freeways in L.A. is very dangerous and leads to a good many deaths and injuries; thus, it creates suffering in loved ones, and society as a whole is often called upon to pay for the medical expenses of those injured in accidents.The point is this: if you’re going to forbid drugs for the above reason, then you ought to forbid anything which is in the least bit dangerous.
Let’s move on to consider the pragmatic side of this issue.If drugs were legalized, it would help the economy in at least two ways.First of all, the government would no longer have to waste so much money on law enforcement, fighting drug-related crimes.And second, a whole new legal market would emerge, and therefore, jobs would be created, the Gross National Product would go up, and tax revenues would increase.
In the last few years, there has been a disturbing movement in this country toward the legalization of drugs.This is a terrible idea.There are two different reasons for thinking that we should not legalize drugs in this country.One of them is moral–it has to do with the role that government is supposed to play in our lives.And the second reason has to do with the consequences that legalization would have on our culture.
Let’s begin with the moral argument, and let’s ask ourselves this question: What is our government supposed to do?The answer seems obvious.It’s supposed to help us.After all, it’s our government.We set it up to make our lives easier.But if our government is supposed to help us, then shouldn’t it be protecting us from the evils of drug addiction?Drugs are capable of literally ruining people’s lives.The government should protect its citizens from this, and the obvious way to do that is to forbid drug use.In short, the government cannot sit by and watch people ruin their lives with drugs.
The second argument against the legalization of drugs has to do with the consequences that legalization would have on our country.The first point that needs to be made here is that there would be much more drug use and drug abuse and drug addition, if drugs were legalized.Look how much drug abuse there is right now when it’s illegal.If it were suddenly legalized–if you could go into a grocery store and buy drugs in the same way that you can buy beer–then there would be ten times more drug use and drug addiction than there is right now.And that would lead to a general degradation of our culture–in short, more people would be addicts.Another point worth making here is that if drugs were legalized, it would increase crime.This would happen in at least three different ways: (i) people would commit more robberies in order to raise the money they needed to feed their addictions; (ii) people would commit more crimes because of their altered state of consciousness (in other words, more people would be getting high on drugs, and once they were high, they would commit more crimes); and (iii) more people would be driving while under the influence of drugs.
Presentation data analysis about phone usage Business Finance Assignment Help
Do a 8 slides presentation about phone usage, relate it to me. I use my phone almost all day so feel free to get creative and choose the numbers you want.
8 slides including intro and conclusion
start with a nice intro bullet points, then data slide showing my phone usage and you can add at the end a way to manage using phone too much. Also, add how spread sheets helps you in bla bla bla. intsturctor said that we should say in the conclusion that spreadsheet helped me with *whatever our subject is* let it make sense!
Finally, add notes for me to read.
PS: let it be simple and easy for me to read it is only 3-5 mins presentation AND i do not like presentations :(!!!
Thank you!
Case Transcription and Conceptualization Humanities Assignment Help
This assignment provides an opportunity to review, reflect on, critique, and analyze your counseling skills in a role-play counseling session. After conducting and recording the 20-minute role-play during residency, you will create and analyze the transcript of a 10-minute segment of your session. When selecting the segment to transcribe, be sure to select a segment that demonstrates many key foundational counseling skills. Focusing on the middle and the end of the session is likely to provide more opportunities to observe the use of theory and goal-attainment strategies.
This written assignment includes three parts:
- Introduction of case.
- Transcription and analysis.
- Theory and self-reflection.
Assignment Objectives
To successfully complete this assignment, you will be expected to:
- Conceptualize the student issue(s) and relevant information.
- Identify basic communication and interviewing skills used in counseling with students/stakeholders.
- Identify systemic intervening skills, such as relevant open-ended questions, normalizing, and reframing.
- Identify and discuss the counseling theoretical model applied.
- Analyze the alignment of questions and interventions with the demonstrated/identified theory.
- Analyze self-knowledge gained from the project, including identification of personal strengths and areas for growth as a future school counselor.
Assignment Requirements
To achieve a successful assignment experience and outcome, you are expected to meet the following requirements:
- Content: Prepare a comprehensive assignment that includes all sections as described in the Content Format section below.
- Components: Include a title page, the body of the paper, and a reference list.
- Template: Please use the required Case Transcription Template located in the Resources for this assignment to complete your paper. Current APA formatting is built into the template for you.
- Number of pages: The body of the paper should be 7–10 pages in length.
- Written communication: Demonstrate accurate, meaningful, and appropriate written communication.
- References: Use a minimum of five scholarly references. The references can include peer-reviewed journal articles or textbooks – no websites will be accepted.
- APA Formatting: Use current APA formatting for the introduction and summary sections, including correct in-text citations, proper punctuation, double-spacing throughout, proper headings and subheadings, no skipped lines before headings and subheadings, proper paragraph and block indentation, no bolding, and no bullets. Refer to the APA Style and Format module for more information.
- File type: Write your paper using Microsoft Word, not Works or WordPerfect.
- Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.
Please read the Case Transcription and Conceptualization Scoring Guide to be sure you understand how this assignment will be graded and to ensure you have met all the assignment requirements.
Content Format
Section 1 – Introduction (2–3 paragraphs)
Provide a systemic case conceptualization of your taped role-play student case, including student demographic information, presenting issues, and any information that provides helpful context for the case.
Section 2 – Transcription and Analysis (5–7 pages)
Use the Case Transcription Template provided to present your transcription and reflection. The transcription template is comprised of three columns as described here:
- Column 1 – Verbatim Transcription: Transcribe a 10-minute segment of your taped residency role-play verbatim—your words and the student’s words. You may also comment on silences, pauses, or relevant observations of body language. Use Student to identify the student’s words and behaviors and Counselor to identify the counselor’s words and behaviors. Do not use any names in the verbatim transcription.
- Column 2 – Clinical Skills and Competencies: Identify clinical skills and competencies you used during the session. In particular, identify places where you:
- Utilized basic communication and interviewing skills in counseling with students.
- Applied communication and basic attending skills to establish rapport and a working relationship with the student.
- Used intervening skills, such as relevant theoretically informed open-ended questions, reflections, and identification of issues.
- Column 3 – Evaluation of Counselor’s Response: Evaluate the effectiveness of the skill, competency, or statement utilized by you, the counselor. Note if you would change the content, delivery, or timing of your comment. Comment on what you would have wanted to say or do differently or on the value of what you did say or do.
Section 3 – Theory and Self-Reflection (1–2 pages)
- Theory: In completing Section 2 of this project, you noted segments of the role-play where you utilized theory-based skills. Identify the theoretical model you used and provide a brief overview of the model, tenets, and techniques. Reflect on your application of theory and discuss how you did or did not demonstrate that in the role-play.
- Self-Reflection: Write a conclusion summarizing the following:
- What you have discovered about yourself as a counselor and your strengths and challenges as a result of completing this transcription.
- Reflect on your residency experience and upcoming fieldwork, and describe your personal model of counseling, including purpose of counseling, philosophical perspective on wellness and resilience, and personal theoretical models that you identify with.
- Identify the specific counseling skills you plan to focus on as you move forward into your field experience.
Submission Requirements
For this assignment in this course, use the SafeAssign Draft option to check your writing and ensure that you have paraphrased, quoted, and cited your sources appropriately. Run a SafeAssign report, saving your paper as a draft. Based on your SafeAssign results, make any necessary changes to your paper before submitting your final assignment to your instructor for grading.
Attach and submit the following document for this assignment:
- Submit your assignment using the following file naming format: Your Name_Assignment Number_Assignment Title (example: ImaLearner_u06a1_Case Transcription).
Note: Your instructor may also use the Writing Feedback Tool to provide feedback on your writing. In the tool, click on the linked resources for helpful writing information.
Case Transcription and Conceptualization Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
CJUS414 Work Place Violence, the dallas police shooting by Micah Xavier Johnson Writing Assignment Help
Description of incident: Outline your incident (who/what/when/where); describe what factually happened. This should include a brief description of the “normal” activity of the location-what happens there on a day-to-day basis? (approx. 1 page)
Why did this occur? motivation(s) of the suspect(s)-include any pertinent background and goals of action taken by the offender. (approx. 1 page)
Method(s) used by the offender(s) to effect their intended outcome.Explain any groundwork the suspect laid, and give an accounting of all the tools they used (like weapons, vehicles, other people, social media, etc) (approx. 1 page)
Were there any controls in place to detect/prevent/intervene during the incident? If so, describe. Did they work as intended? Were they adequate? (approx. 1-2 pages)
Now picture yourself as the person in charge of the above workplace & employees. Explain the steps you will be taking to prevent, detect, intervene during and recover from an incident, if a similar (or the same) incident were to happen again at a similar (or the same) location. To put it another way; what will be done differently/better next time? (approx. 3-4 pages)
*Be sure to apply concepts learned during this course!I want you to impress me, take something from every class this semester, and apply it to your topic in your paper.
* I don’t expect (or want) detailed descriptions of evacuation or tactical plans, nor episodes of CSI or Dr. Phil to be typed out. Think “common sense & practicality” when formulating your analysis and response and apply as many concepts (thoroughly) as you can.
You must include a cover page which has your topic, name, professor’s name, date, and the labeled “CJUS 414 Final Paper”. You must also include a “References” page in which you cite at least five (5) different, credible sources.Respectable and varied sources make respectable papers.Wikipedia is not respectable.
This means your paper will be at least seven (7) pages in length in order to possibly cover enough material to get an “A”.There is no max, but try not to go longer than 10 pages. This does not include the cover page and bibliography. 12-point font, one inch/fully justified margins, double spaced, 3-5 sentence paragraphs, numbered pages. Content is king; however improper grammar, spelling and punctuation will be penalized. Words (and wording) matter!This assignment will only be accepted on Blackboard & before the due date/time.*NO EXCEPTIONS*
This assignment is to be considered FORMAL ACADEMIC WRITING.Accordingly, personal opinion(s), beliefs, baseless speculation/conjecture, and overt emotionality shall be omitted.
Final Paper Rubric
250 Points Possible
Low-Paper does not abide by instructions.Flagrant disregard for fully justified margins, 12 point/Times New Roman Font, Double Spaced, 3-5 sentence paragraphs etc.Additionally, the paper is in little if no logical order.
Mid-Paper does an acceptable job in abiding by the formatting instructions.Some errors will be present, and may detract somewhat from the paper.Source material is appropriate and generally/ logically supports the point being made.
High-Paper abides by all formatting rules and “flows” logically.Pages are numbered and paper includes a proper cover sheet/bibliography and is of appropriate length (min. 7 pages not inclusive of cover/biblio)
Low-Paper draws on no or few concepts from class.The reader cannot connect concepts to subject material.There is no/little application of concepts or thoughtful inflection.Understanding of class subject matter is not apparent.It is unclear what the writer’s topic was and what they are trying to convey to the reader.
Mid-Writer generally understands the concepts of the class, and is able to convey the topic/class content to the reader.Some thoughtful inferences are made.This writer generally understands class material and demonstrates they can apply it to a topic.Some errors in logic pattern and unclear connections/conveyance of understanding to the reader will be present.
High-This paper demonstrates a thorough knowledge of class concepts and fully applies them to the topic.Relevant topics covered in class will be applied during the paper in a clear, thoughtful manner.A well-rounded understanding will be apparent.
Low-Flagrant disregard for punctuation/capitalization.”Tense Switching” throughout.Citations are not made or are so improper the reader cannot locate the source material.Spelling is clearly not a concern, with improper capitalizations and improper use of word versions (They’re/Their/There) etc.
Mid-Paper is generally legible.Grammar/Punctuation/Spelling/Citation errors somewhat detract from the overall effectiveness.Citations will have errors; however, source material is able to be located with minimal “guesswork”.
High-This paper has very few, if any spelling errors. Proper grammar is used and punctuation is appropriate.Citations comply with APA standards, and in-text materials are consistently/accurately backed up by citation(s).
I need help making a brainstorm map about owls for children 2-4years old. If anyone knows anything about child development please help. Writing Assignment Help
So I have an assignment based on the theme of owls. Just read the instructions provided and if you have questions let me know. I just want you to do the brainstorming web not the planning web I will do that one based off of your work. Basically just what can children learn and do in these 6 areas ” Language Arts & Literacy”, “Math” , “Art”, “Sensory play” , “Dramatic play” and “Science”. think as a teacher planning thing out. For example, for sensory play you can say ” feather box” “Langauge arts read a book about owls” or art “make puppet owls” get the point? thank you.
Zine on Negative Effects of Deforestation Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
Zine Assignment
Creating a zine allows you to construct an argument in a unique format, allows you to experiment with a culturally relevant kind of text, and advance claims in a way that might be unique to you, but is more common for others, and could be useful for you in the future. You will also have a chance to recognize, explain, and analyze your own choices through a supplemental document you create.
The purpose of this assignment is to help you practice the following skills that are essential to your success in navigating arguments you’ll encounter in your academic, professional, and personal lives. In this assignment you will:
- Demonstrate what topic you find to be socially relevant
- Avoid problems in logic through crafting your argument in the zine-medium
- Consider and choose a physical format for your zine, and build the physical object
- Compose an argument using language and other aesthetic considerations
This assignment will also help you to become familiar with the following important content knowledge in critical thinking and reasoning:
- The relationship between text and aesthetic elements, both physical and visual
- Specific rhetorical approaches to reach an audience through a physical document
To complete this assignment you should:
- create a zine using no more than two pieces of paper
- use images and/or text to make an argument about an environmental issue that is important to you
- Hand the physical object to me in class (optional: make additional copies to trade among each other in class)
- Prepare 1-3 pages of writing where you answer the following questions:
- What is the argument of your zine?
- What details are incorporated that help you advance that argument?
- Why do you feel this argument is appropriate for a zine?
- How did you settle on a format for your zine?
- Do you want this back? (If you do, I’ll return it at the final; if you don’t, I’m excited to keep it and add it to my collection).
- Submit that document here in Canvas
Criteria for Success:
You’ve created a small zine that can be handled without falling apart; it is legible; it contains an argument, whether it is explicate or implied; the argument being made is free of logical fallacies, and demonstrates a critical look at a topic; the zine is organized in a way that is intuitive and advances the argument; separately, there is a 1-3 page document that answers the questions above with details, in full paragraphs that are grammatically and mechanically sound.
Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
Definition of Tone:
Tone is the attitude of a writer/artist toward a subject. Tone is generally conveyed through the choice of words, or the viewpoint. Written and visual pieces have a central theme or subject matter. The manner in which a writer approaches this theme and subject is the tone. The tone can be formal, informal, serious, comic, sarcastic, sad, or cheerful, or it may be any other existing attitude.
Read about Stance (tone) on p. 66 in Norton Field Guide to Writing
For this discussion, complete one main post and two peer responses. For full participation credit, posts must occur on three or more days during the active week. First post should occur on or before Wednesday. See rubric for full assessment of discussion posts.
Post #1 Defining tone by analyzing details.
For your initial post, respond to all questions on written text and on visual texts (3 + 3 =6)
Read both selections:
Us and Them, David Sedaris, pp 883 – 889
Who is Malala? Malala Yousafzai, pp 900 – 905
For the Written Text answer the following questions:
- What is author’s purpose in each piece?
- Describe the tone of each story. Share a section of each that illustrates the tone and mood.
- Compare and contrast the two pieces. What elements are similar? What elements are different? Which is more effective in reaching the author’s purpose?
Visual Text:
- Compare and contrast the following portraits. You can identify them as Left, Middle, Right.
- Describe each one by using sensory details, the tone or mood the portraits present.
- Imagine who one of these men are and write a brief (two sentences) biography.
For Your Peer Responses: Respond to two of your peers’ posts by commenting on your peer’s thesis and significant detail. Encouragement is welcome but try to do more than simply agree with their choice, ask a question, offer suggestions, share an example, or comment on the thesis or message. Minimum 150 words
- For full participation credit, a minimum of three posts must occur on three or more days during the active week.
- First post should occur on or before Wednesday.
- All posts should include word count.
- Posts discussing written texts should include quotes with APA in-text citation and reference.
- See Discussion Rubric Discussion Rubric – Alternative Formats for full assessment of discussion posts