REVISION for post 1-4, writing assignment help Writing Assignment Help

REVISION for post 1-4, writing assignment help Writing Assignment Help. REVISION for post 1-4, writing assignment help Writing Assignment Help.

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here are teachers comments

1.The writer demonstrates understanding of the topic and the task and can translate that understanding in writing clearly to the reader.

___Very well _x___Satisfactory ____Needs more revision to be at passing level

See pages 22-32 in the course reader for introducing, titling and shaping your posts so that they are examples of clear and specific academic writing, organized around a point you are making. Use visualization, analogies, voice, and analysis to help the reader see the issue. Use sentence focus (an upcoming lesson) “who is doing what?” to craft your sentences (pages 101-109). Read many credible sources numerous times to understand your issue well. And read the prompt several times and any samples provided to help you understand the task.

2. The main point of each post is clear and specific.

___Very well developed __x__(mostly) Satisfactory–posts 2 and 3 have good main points. Make post 1’s point clearer and use the word “I” (I want to write about —- because…..)

Use white space to make the thesis its own paragraph, and use good sentence focus –“who is doing what?”to craft your main point (pages 101-109). Also, if possible, try to save a hyperlink for a key word in your thesis to emphasize it. See pages 24-27 in the course reader on thesis development.

3. The sub-points make a clear point and relate to the main point.

___Very well developed ____Satisfactory __x__Needs more revision–the sub-points in post 3 are better than the ones in post 2.

REVISION for post 1-4, writing assignment help Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

the sex of the role model , psychology homework help Other Assignment Help

Deci and Ryan (1985, 2001) have shown that there are three fundamental needs that are required for human growth
and fulfillment: relatedness, autonomy, and competence. Based off the existing research on fundamental needs,
Susan predicts that students who have all three needs met in their psychology class will feel happier and more
satisfied with the class. She collects data and finds that students who feel more related and competent do feel happier
but that feeling more autonomous does not seem to matter. Susan thinks that maybe autonomy is only necessary
when people are in situations in which they are not being evaluated. Use the scenario to answer the following
questions (A though E). 

A. What is the theory? [1 pt] 

B. What is the hypothesis? [1 pt] 

C. Is Susan’s hypothesis directional or non-directional? [1 pt] 

D. When Susan concluded that that people who reported feeling more autonomous did not seem to report feeling
happier, what type of error (Type I or Type II) might she have made? [1 pt]

 E. Susan’s hypothesis was not completely supported by her data. What does this mean for the theory? [1 pt]


Research Project, accounting homework help Business Finance Assignment Help

Research Project

Make sure the written report (the essay) of your project is at least 4-pages in length not including the cover page, reference page, graphs, or any other appendices/schedules.

Below is a list of items that you will need to incorporate into your mass manufacturing business. You are to create a manufacturing plant with 2 separate divisions. Each division will make one type of product (i.e. Textbooks and Pens or Shoes and Purses). You will prepare a professional written report and include three different budgets. You may also include a graph which will examine the business just before the opening day. 

As the CEO, you need to consider and research most of the items (especially the bolded ones):

1.What is (are) the equipment(s) needed in order to start the operation (make sure to include prices of the equipment(s)?

2.  What types of products will be sold?

3.  How many process systems will it take to make these items?

4.  What type of management (centralized or decentralized)?

5.  How much will your products sell for?

6.  How are you going to set your Selling Price? (Market/Cost?)

7.  How much will each factory worker be paid? (Provide a general annual wages).

8.  How many hours per day will you open and how many days per week?

            9.  List and express in dollars your factory estimated variable, fixed and mixed     costs when applicable.  

          10. Prepare at least three different budgets and show where the numbers come from:

a.  Flexible division budget; b. Zero-based budget; c.  Sales budget

d.  Production budget; e.  DM budget; f.  COGS budget; g.  Cash payment budget

          11.  What is included in administration and selling expenses?

          12.  Calculate the Break Even Point in Unit and in Dollar. 

          13.  Determine the company’s Rate of Return.

          14.  Prepare a budgeted income statement or a simple income statement. 

          15.  Provide a Works Cited page for your three sources.

Key for a higher grade:

Make sure to write your responses to the questions above as an Essay format; do not simply list your response(s) to the question(s). Prepare any budgets and graphs separately and include them as appendices at the end of the written report. I highly recommend to research an existing mass manufacturing business and mimic their production/systems. 

Some examples may include EnerDel, Kellogg, Nestle, Vera Bradley, and GM.

This project is not intended to be completed during one evening, 

so make sure to plan accordingly in order to meet the due date!

See the General Instructions and the Tips document, in Moodle, for more details.


Forum 1: Is Drug Addiction a Choice, English homework help Humanities Assignment Help

what is your opinion on this

Forum 1: Is Drug Addiction a Choice?

Each student is asked to argue with leading social scientists, health care professionals, and social commentators controversial issues in addiction. It is hoped that by developing critical debate-style thinking skills each student will enhance their personal judgments on a variety of controversial issues. In forming your opinions a student should not feel confined to adopt one or the other of the positions presented. Some readers may see important points on both sides of an issue and may construct for themselves a new and creative approach. Such an approach might incorporate the best of both sides, or it might provide an entirely new vantage point for understanding the issue.

Each student is asked to first read a summary of the issue for debate (see below) and then enter the forum for discussion. Following the discussion, and after you have “argued” your point of view, state your current position on the issue being discussed in the forum.

Issue 1: Is Drug Addiction a Choice? (Text book plus reading material below)

There is little debate that drug addiction is a major problem. Drug addiction wreaks havoc for society and ruins the lives of numerous individuals. The causes of drug addiction are many. Because alcohol and drug abuse can be viewed as a matter of free will or as a brain disorder, there are also different views on how society should deal with substance abusers. Should alcohol and drug addicts be incarcerated or treated?

One could argue that free will and the concept of brain disorder both apply to addiction. What may start out as a matter of free will may turn into an illness. What may start out as an occasional drinking or drug taking experience may become abusive or addictive. For example a person who may use alcohol or drugs for social purposes, but his or her use may develop into a chronic pattern-one that the person cannot easily overcome. Initially, one can stop using various substances without too much discomfort. As time passes, however, and drinking becomes heavier, stopping for some becomes difficult. By its very definition, social drinkers or drug users can stop at will.

It is widely believed that many people use addictive drugs and do not become dependent on them. Perhaps there are factors beyond free will and changes in the brain that account for those who become dependent. Is it possible that social factors come into play? Can friends and colleagues and their attitudes about drugs influence whether or not a drug user becomes a drug abuser or an addict? In the final analysis, addiction may result from the interaction of numerous factors and not simply be a dichotomy between psychology and biology.

Leshner states that there are 72 risk factors for drug abuse and addiction, although one may have many of these risk factors yet not become drug dependent. Not all risk factors are equally important, says Leshner. Stanton Peele, an outspoken critic of the disease concept, discusses this issue in “Hungry for the Next Fix,” Reason (May 2002). Another article that explores whether or not addiction is a matter of biology is “Addiction and Responsibility,” by Richard J. Bonnie,Social Research (Fall 2001). Sally Satel, in “The Fallacies of No-Fault Addiction,” The Public Interest (Winter 1999), describes the views of numerous drug addiction experts. An article that contends that drug addiction is primarily genetic is Ronald Kotaluk’s “Nearly Everyone Inherits Genetic Vulnerability to Drug Abuse,” Chicago Tribune (March 14, 1999).


the technology world , writing homework help Writing Assignment Help

  1. This
    semester I am most proud of being capable to grow in the technology world,
    WordPress was something I had never used before. I also didn’t know the basics
    of how to hyperlink or even what a hyperlink was. At first I felt as this class
    was going to be the biggest challenge of the semester due to the poor topic I
    had chosen it had made it extremely difficult to find information and connect
    it with my blogs. I felt as this class changed the way of thinking I turned the
    I can’t into can it really helped me chose a better topic with the help of my
    professor as well as help me give myself a better set of mind that I am capable
    of doing research and turning the information into my own blog. Obstacles that
    I faced was the organization of the sub-points it was also something I didn’t
    know how to do but by looking at the examples given in class as well as asking
    classmates it was much easier to learn the tactics.
  2. At
    the moment I am mostly struggling at finding pictures for my topic, sometimes I
    feel as they aren’t good enough or as if I could find better.
  3. Post
    1 and 3 I work very hard on, mainly post 1 I have gone back and added/changed
    as the semester has come along. I always pull my site up and think “I could
    take this off and place it with this to make it look better.” My weakest post I would have to say post 2 I
    have to add some more sub-points as well as pictures.
  4. I
    just want to acknowledge all the work I have put into these past posts and continue
    to accept my peers’ advice including my professor’s advice on my work as this
    is what has helped me improve and make my work quality work. Also follow class
    instructions/examples it helps ensure that I am getting my post done right.



Revise a written essay, English homework help Humanities Assignment Help

I already did the essay but my professor said it is not properly written. I will provide you with all the necessary instruction you need to follow.

My Professor’s Comment: This essay demonstrates some
very serious weaknesses in basic writing skills. However, it
doesn’t at all reflect the work you have done in the discussion posts
and the reflections.

Discussion post: Woke, to me, means somebody who is past the way toward awakening. They
are finished with it. They have proceeded forward. They have developed
from being sleeping and hitting the alarm clock 15 times. It also means
staying alert, and realizing what’s happening in the society.

In the attachment below is the essay instructions and the essay that needs to be revised. Thank you

Revise a written essay, English homework help Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Health care policy, writing homework help Health Medical Assignment Help

Choose already existing health care policy which you would like to see implemented or changed. Imagine that you have been given an opportunity to meet with a legislator to obtain support for your position or to influence his or her own policy decisions.

Read the Writing Policy Position Papers document from The Business Advocacy Fund.

Create a 1,400- to 2,100-word policy position paper to support your position on your chosen health care policy. Be sure to keep the following in mind:

  • You are trying to convince them of the validity and necessity of your policy proposal.
  • You are showing the legislator your understanding of the policy development and implementation process and you understand the role that he or she plays throughout
  • When you are providing your legislator with your information, be aware of the impact that special interest groups and other politics will have on the legislator’s decision. These factors will certainly impact the way that your proposal is received by the legislator.
  • Consider the relationship of government to the creation of policy and describe how your legislator’s support will assist the creation of the policy for which you are lobbying.

In your policy position, you must address each of the following bullets. It is vital that you address them in relation to your chosen health care policy. For example, where is your policy at within the health policymaking process? What has been done and what still needs to be done? And what information is needed for the development of your policy? How does this differ from other policies being developed? Keep in mind those are only examples of how you may address the required bullets below in your policy position.

  • Analyze the health policymaking process.
    • Consider the following:
      • How the policymaking process will impact the ability of your topic to become a successful policy
      • Which stage of the policy process will be the most difficult for your policy to pass, and why.
  • Differentiate information needed for the development of health policy.
    • Consider the following:
      • What data and research indicate a need for the proposed policy.
      • What information you will present to the legislator and why this information will be selected.
  • Differentiate key stakeholders and interest groups involved in health policymaking.
    • Consider the following:
      • Who the key stakeholders are and why they are important to your policy proposal.
      • What special interest group would support your policy and why you chose the group.
  • Analyze the drivers of health policy formulation.
    • Consider the following:
      • What factors will drive the formulation of the policy and why these policies elevate the issue from a topic to an agenda item.
  • Analyze the roles of legislative committees.
    • Consider the following:
      • What legislative committee(s) would be involved in reviewing your policy, their role, and how the structure of those committees might impact the success of your policy in the legislative stage.
  • Analyze local, state, and federal roles in the development of health policy.
    • Consider the following:
      • How any prior policy attempts related to your policy, either at local, state, or federal levels, have impacted the development of your selected policy.
  • Evaluate the impact of individuals and groups on the development of health policy.
    • Consider the following:
      • How either individual stakeholders or stakeholder interest groups have previously attempted to develop other policies like yours, and the impact of those efforts on the development of your policy.
  • Evaluate the impact of advocacy methods on the development of health policy.
    • Consider the following:
      • The impact of prior advocacy methods with regards to your policy and why you feel these efforts have been either successful or unsuccessful.
  • Contrast local, state, and federal policy implementation processes.
    • Consider the following:
      • Which level of government–federal, local, or state–would be primarily responsible for implementing your policy, and how the role of that level of government and differs from the roles of the other levels of government.
  • Analyze the differing roles of public and private regulatory agencies as they relate to the implementation of health policy.
    • Consider the following:
      • Which public and/or private regulatory agency (or agencies) is responsible for implementing your policy and how that agency’s role would impact the implementation of your policy.
  • Analyze the effect of current health policy on the health care environment.
    • Consider the following:
      • How the policy would impact the healthcare environment
      • What resources healthcare organizations would need devote to implementing the policy
      • How the proposed policy will impact the cost of delivering care (both short and long term)
      • How implementing the policy will impact the quality of patient care
      • What important tradeoffs might occur if the policy is implemented

Use appropriate references so your legislator may understand why he or she should support or adopt your position.

You are encouraged to include tables, graphics, and visuals where appropriate.

Cite any sources consistent with APA guidelines.

Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.


research project: mass manufacturing business, accounting homework help Business Finance Assignment Help


Make sure the written
report (the essay) of your project is
at least 4-pagesin length notincluding the cover
page, reference page, graphs, or any other appendices/schedules

Below is a list of items that you will need to incorporate
into your mass manufacturing business. You are to
create a manufacturing plant with 2 separate divisions
. Each division
will make one type of product (i.e. Textbooks and Pens or Shoes and Purses). You will prepare a professional written
report and include three different budgets. You may also include a graph which will
examine the business just before the opening day

As the CEO, you need to consider and research most of the
items (especially the bolded ones): 

1.  What is (are) the equipment(s) needed in
order to start the operation
(make sure to include prices of the

  2.  What
types of products will be sold

  3.  How many process systems will it take to make
these items?

  4.  What
type of management
(centralized or

  5.  How
much will your products sell for

  6.  How are you going to set your Selling Price?

  7.  How
much will each factory worker be paid?
(Provide a general annual wages).

  8.  How
many hours per day will you open and how many days per week?

   9.  List
and express in dollars your factory estimated variable, fixed and mixed    costs when

  10. Prepare at least three different budgets and show where the
numbers come from

  a.  Flexible division budget; b. Zero-based budget;
c.  Sales budget

  d.  Production budget; e.  DM budget; f. 
COGS budget; g.  Cash payment

What is included in administration and selling expenses?

Calculate the Break Even Point in
Unit and in Dollar

   13.  Determine the company’s Rate of Return.

Prepare a budgeted income
statement or a simple income statement

Provide a Works Cited page for
your three sources

Key for a higher grade:

Make sure to write your responses to the questions above
as an Essay format
; do not
simply list your response(s) to the question(s). Prepare any budgets and graphs
separately and include them as appendices at the end of the written report. I
highly recommend to research an existing mass manufacturing business and mimic
their production/systems

Some examples may include EnerDel, Kellogg, Nestle, Vera
Bradley, and GM.

This project is not intended
to be completed during one evening,

so make sure to plan
accordingly in order to meet the due date

See the General Instructions and
the Tips document, in Moodle, for more details.


​Using these data, conduct the following analyses, statistics homework help Mathematics Assignment Help

Using these data, conduct the following analyses:

(a) Plot and inspect the data. Summarize the dynamics with relevant ACF and PACF plots thataccount for the large drop in public drunkness arrests that occurs after June 1971. Discuss yourinitial models based on these diagnostics.

(b) Fit an appropriate ARIMA model to the data from January 1966 to June 1971. Make sure youcheck the diagnostics to make sure there is no residual seasonal serial correlation.

(c) Now include a permanent intervention variable that allows the constant in your model to changestarting in June 1971. Add this variable as a regressor in your ARIMA model and fit it to the fullsample. What do you conclude from this model. Hint: you can make the intervention variable using this intervene

(d) Check and report the residual diagnostics for this model. What modifications need to be madeto the ARIMA specification after including the intervention?

(e) Why is this procedure optimal? That is, why not just fit an ARIMA model to the full samplerather than use the part of the sample prior to the intervention like you did above?


Response to Request for proposal, business and finance homework help Business Finance Assignment Help

I have a course project due, and need help rewriting it. This project is a “Response to Request for proposal” meaning i have find a proposal that has been submitted on within the last 90 days and create a “response” to it. The response states what my company is and how the “technical approach” will complete the project listed in the bid. I also need to have information employee, past project my fake company completed with references and contractors. I have attached three documents. The 1st is the projects instructions, the 2nd is a copy of response i found, and the 3rd is the paper i have. please help

[supanova_question] within the last 90 days and create a “response” to it. The response states what my company is and how the “technical approach” will complete the project listed in the bid. I also need to have information employee, past project my fake company completed with references and contractors. I have attached three documents. The 1st is the projects instructions, the 2nd is a copy of response i found, and the 3rd is the paper i have. please help

[supanova_question] within the last 90 days and create a “response” to it. The response states what my company is and how the “technical approach” will complete the project listed in the bid. I also need to have information employee, past project my fake company completed with references and contractors. I have attached three documents. The 1st is the projects instructions, the 2nd is a copy of response i found, and the 3rd is the paper i have. please help

[supanova_question] within the last 90 days and create a “response” to it. The response states what my company is and how the “technical approach” will complete the project listed in the bid. I also need to have information employee, past project my fake company completed with references and contractors. I have attached three documents. The 1st is the projects instructions, the 2nd is a copy of response i found, and the 3rd is the paper i have. please help


REVISION for post 1-4, writing assignment help Writing Assignment Help

REVISION for post 1-4, writing assignment help Writing Assignment Help

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