Rhetorical Genre Analysis Essay Humanities Assignment Help

Rhetorical Genre Analysis Essay Humanities Assignment Help. Rhetorical Genre Analysis Essay Humanities Assignment Help.

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Hello, I want some one to complete my essay to be 4.5 pages. I already wrote 1.5 pages so all i need is 3 more pages. You can add to my essay to make it 4.5 pages.


The only reference that can be used is the PDF file I attached.

Here are the requirements for the essay:

  • Essay features an in-depth, persuasive rhetorical and genre analysis of a peer-reviewed, academic article, from your major; essay demonstrates highly effective use of quotes from the source to support your clear thesis.
  • Essay analyzes author’s use of rhetorical strategies (ethos, logos).
  • Essay analyzes the Genre of a peer-reviewed article by discussing expectations for structure, language and references (citations).
  • Essay uses proper MLA format and features highly polished writing appropriate for an academic audience with knowledge of rhetorical/genre analysis.

Remember to address the issues about the genre structure, language, and use of references.

Here is my essay:

In the academic journal of “The impact of neglecting user-centered information design principles when delivering online information” Dr. Maria, Dr. David, and Dr. Hey-Won are investigating weather information design principles are important when delivering information or not. They established the results by comparing two websites, Cyber Aware and Get Safe Online. The primary audience for this journal is anyone in the cyber security field. It is also as important to people in the web development industry who are responsible for designing web pages. Also, people interested in the web security can find this journal interesting as it is full of helpful information. The authors established their goals by providing studies and logical deductions, and showing credibility by relying on trusty sources.

The journal was full of studies, charts, statistics, and quotes from experts which is important to persuade readers with reason. Authors did a great job explaining the findings of their study using charts and tables. They also followed up each table with a brief description telling the readers what was accomplished. “The choice of three words to describe the website is illustrated in Table 4.1 and Figure 7.1. The highest choice was the word ‘Accessible’ (31.1%), selected for the Cyber Aware website, and the word ‘Complex’ (23.0%) for the Get Safe Online website.” (Lonsdale et al) Here authors managed to narrow down what is important from the table that was full of results. The purpose for these illustrations is to help audiences understand the situation without wasting time reading through long texts. Authors also made sure to rely on experts when it comes to quoting information. It is important as it is the reason for readers to believe these information. “claimed by Nielsen (2011), users do not stay on a web page for very long. Users usually leave in 10–20 seconds, with the average page visit lasting a little less than a minute.” (Nielsen qtd. In Lonsdale et al) here authors used a quote from Jakob Nielsen who have a Ph.D. in human-computer interaction.

Throughout the article, authors relied on trusty sources to use as a source if information to back up their claims. “As reported in IBM’s Cyber Security Intelligence Index, the vast majority (95%) of security breaches are due to human error” (Lonsdale et al) Here authors used The International Business Machines Corporation (IBM) which is a leading computer hardware company as their source of information to strengthen their credibility. They also used governmental office as a source of information. “As noted by GCHQ Director, Robert Hannigan, ‘the baseline of understanding across society and across government is still very low’” (Lonsdale et al) Authors here relied on the Government Communications Headquarters in the United Kingdom (GCHQ) and Robert Hannigan, a cybersecurity specialist, as source of information. Their use of reliable sources has strengthened their credibility and created strong connection with the audience.

Finally, authors managed to establish their goals by persuading reader with studies and logical deductions, and showing credibility by relying on trusty sources. The journal started with an appeal to the readers’ logical reasoning. Throughout the journal, there were a lot of statistics and studies to prove their point. Also, authors managed to illustrate all the tables and chart in the journal to the audience to help them understand it without much effort. There was also many quotes from experts which was a way to persuade readers to believe these information.

Rhetorical Genre Analysis Essay Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

MGT 211 SEU VP of Human Resources for Ford Motor Company Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help

I want original text, No Plagiarism

I want original text, No Plagiarism

Instructions attached

READ the instructions carefully

  • All students MUST use their own words. (Do not copy and paste from the case study or websites)
  • A mark of zero will be given for any submission that includes copying from another assignment or resource without referencing it.
  • Student must apply “Times New Roman Font” with double space within their reports.
  • The attached cover-page has to be used, duly filled. Submissions without the cover page will NOT be accepted
  • Look at the case study and its questions on the cover page


FIU The Fillmore Miami Beach January 2020 Chainsmokers Concert Broadcast Script Humanities Assignment Help

Print news stories have the 5 Ws, but broadcast news stories have the 4 Cs (correctness, clarity, color and conversational style). These four Cs still serve as the basis for broadcast writing and form a good framework for talking about broadcast writing styles. Here are the rules for writing broadcast copy:

  • Use titles before names.
  • Avoid Abbreviations, even on second reference.
  • Avoid direct quotations if possible.
  • Attribution should come before a quotation, not after it.
  • Use as little punctuation as possible.
  • Numbers and statistics should be rounded off.
  • Personalize the news when possible and appropriate.
  • Avoid extended description.
  • Avoid using symbols when you write.
  • Use visual cues in your writing.
  • Use phonetic spelling for unfamiliar and hard-to-pronounce names and words.
  • Avoid third-person pronouns.
  • Avoid apposition.
  • Write in the present context when it is appropriate.
  • Avoid dependent clauses at the beginning of sentences.

The most common structure for broadcast news is called dramatic unity. This structure has three parts: climax, cause, and effect.

  • The climax of the story gives the listener the point of the story is about the same way the lead of a print news story does; it tells the listener what happened.
  • The cause portion of the story tells why it happened—the circumstances surrounding the event.
  • The effect portion gives the listener the context of the story and possibly some insight into what the story means.

Assignment: Produce a script for a newscast.

  1. Take Assignment #2: On the Spot News Story and turn it into a segment for a newscast.
  2. Report the story as if it just happened.
  3. While still following AP Style, write a script for one anchor.
  4. You are writing in a conversational tone as outlined in your textbook.
  5. You are the anchor of this ONE anchor news cast.


  • Think about what the focus of your story is before you write it!
  • Do additional research if needed.
  • Use quotes if needed to add to the story.
  • Time limit: 1:30 minutes.


IDLS 2300 UW Global Unemployment and its Impact on the Youth Essay Writing Assignment Help

Here is the original instructions for the paper.

The assignment that you will be editing is attached. I need it to changed from an outline to essay form.


Disciplinary Fieldwork Paper: The Paper is your chance to write about your disciplinary perspective as a lens on the complex problem. That’s two foci, the disciplinary perspective itself and how the disciplinary perspective profiles or explains the complex problem.

It might be useful to think of the paper as four sections or moments: Introduction, Assumptions or Epistemology, Concepts or Theories, Methods. Feel free to include Phenomenon or Data but it is not expected.

Criteria: 4 full pages min./ 5 pages max.

The better papers will clearly articulate how all three elements are exemplified in the discipline’s approach to the complex problem. Terms will be appropriately defined throughout, including specific disciplinary concepts or theories that the discipline uses in explaining the problem. All citations will be APA style in text and in references. There will be accurate literacy in syntax, semantics, grammar, spelling. Make sure you APA cite Repko et al. and at least two disciplinary articles or books.


The assignment that you will be editing is attached. I need it to changed from an outline to essay form.


California State University Fresno Faith Healing Essay Humanities Assignment Help

The purpose of this analysis assignment is to explore the topic of FAITH HEALING. Faith healing is a practice whereby a patient seeking healing from a physical or mental malady will solicit intervention from divine sources. In faith healing often an intermediary is involved–an individual with a direct connection to the divine and whose intervention is pivotal in effecting the desired cure.

Faith healing has been practiced since ancient times. In ancient Egypt and ancient Greece there is much evidence of faith healing in the practices of finding healing power in natural springs and erecting temples to divinities believed to be able to intercede in resolving human maladies close to such springs. In this example, there is an aspect of animism involved, where the source of the divine power is related to an actual place in nature.

In Christianity, faith healing is exemplified by the miraculous cures brought about by Jesus and his apostles, as well as by the miracles of saints. In modern times, faith healing is alive and thriving among many religious practices, including Christian belief systems.

Instructions for assignment

For this assignment you will watch the film Holy Hustlers. The film explores the charismatic Christian reformation presently underway in Botswana’s time of AIDS, and the moral crisis that divides the church between the elders and the young, apostolic faith healers. Richard Werbner, the director of the film, focuses on Eloyi, an Apostolic faith-healing church in Botswana’s capital. Werbner shows how charismatic “prophets”—holy hustlers—diagnose, hustle, and shock patients during violent and destructive exorcisms. He also shows how these healers enter into prayer and meditation and take on their patients’ pain and how their ecstatic devotions create an aesthetic in which beauty beckons God.

After you watch the film, write a 750 word paper addressing the following topics:

  • What is charismatic Christianity?
  • How does faith healing work?
  • Who are the healers?
  • Why do people seek faith healers?
  • What are the political and economic implications of faith healing?
  • How does faith healing compare to other forms of healing like shamanism and curanderismo?
  • What are the tensions in this film between holiness and hustling?

Specifics of your Paper

  • 750 words minimum
  • Typed in Times New Roman or Arial, 12 pt font, double spaced.
  • Two research sources (apart from the film) about the topic should be used to write this paper. Research sources could include books, magazine articles, scholarly articles, reputable websites, databases and journals.
  • References cited page should include citation of film.
  • This is an academic paper that should be written in a narrative style—no bullet points.
  • Need in-text citations whenever quoting film.
  • Make sure to have an introduction with a clear thesis statement (Links to an external site.)
  • Proof-read paper for grammatical/syntax errors.
  • MLA or APA format.

Reading and quizes.

I have attached a file which also must be completed. In the file there are three different readings with three separate 10 question quizzes. The questions are multiple choice. In total there are 30 questions in the file.



MCY 131 Miami University Listz Totentanz Danse Macabre Musical Analysis Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

Listen to this piece of music and write down what you hear and think about it.

Listen to this piece of music and write down what you hear and think about it.

Listen to this piece of music and write down what you hear and think about it.

Listen to this piece of music and write down what you hear and think about it.

the music is about 15min, and write down 300 wards about what you hear and think about it.


MCY 131 Miami University Listz Totentanz Danse Macabre Musical Analysis Discussion Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

University of Maryland Global Campus IPv4 and IPv6 Comparison Discussion Response Computer Science Assignment Help

Please respond to the two statements below.

1) IPv4 vs IPv6, FIGHT! But, wait, I thought the first rule of fight club was don’t talk about fight club? Ah well, guess we really blew that one.

First up, we have the current world champion, IPv4. Some of the key stats for IPv4 are:

  • Longevity, it was standardized in 1981
  • 32-bit address space (4.3 billion addresses)
  • Gave rise to the internet and is widely used
  • Supported as a default for pretty much all infrastructure
  • Virtually required to use a network address translation (NAT) to expand the usage

The contender is IPv6. The key figures for it are:

  • Went through 19 years of drafts before ratification in 2017, though it was being used before this
  • Is not reverse compatible with IPv4
  • 128-bit address space (340 undecillion addresses, that’s 36 more zeros)
  • No need for a NAT due to extended IP space
  • Network security layer is built in

IPv4 has an incredible amount of inertia behind it due to the length of time its been around. The protocol is intimately familiar and fairly easy to work with. IPv6, on the other hand, requires completely new hardware and does not easily connect into the existing IPv4 infrastructure. While IPv6 does provide an insane amount address space it also makes it not so user friendly in practice. This is offset by the efficiency, performance, and built-in security of the protocol. If I were a betting man, I would put my money on IPv6 slowly withering away. This is due to the fact that society is moving towards a much more mobile and flexible usage of networks.

However, there are many companies using IPv6, mostly tech companies like Google, Facebook, Microsoft, etc.

2) IPv4 is a protocol for use on packet switched Link Layer Networks. IPv6 is more advanced and has better features than IPv4. IPv6 has the capability to provide an infinite number of addresses. IPv4 uses four 1 byte decimal numbers separated by a dot and IPv6 uses hexadecimal numbers that are separated by colons. The number of bits on an IP address for IPv4 is 32 and 128 for IPv6.

The advantages of IPv6 over IPv4 are:

  • IPV6 simplified the router’s task compared to IPv4
  • IPv6 is more compatible to mobile networks than IPv4
  • IPv6 allows for bigger payloads than what is allowed in IPv4
  • IPv6 is used by less than 1% of the networks while IPv4 is still in use by the remaining 99%


HUMN 100 Atlanta Technical College Pandora Box Mythology Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

Think of your “fictional” favorite story (a Greek, Norse, or Egyptian myth or any other myth from another culture; fairy tale; urban legend; Bible story). Discuss in two paragraphs what type of myth it is and why it is significant to its culture or set of people.


  • Two full paragraphs of each least five sentences each
    • Feel free to write more
  • Needs to fully address the question listed above
    • This is where the critical thinking aspect of the course comes in. Make sure you are using the Myth PPT as your guide.
  • Must be in MLA format and well proofread
    • Works Cited page and citations are optional, but encouraged
    • The Myth PPT however will not need to be cited; use the information as general knowledge
    • Use the MLA resources as needed, especially the MLA template
  • Must be attached as a PDF or a Word document
    • This goes back to the emails sent out last week. If you have not downloaded Microsoft Word and are not using it to complete you written work that will need to be submitted, you run the risk of submission errors, especiallyif you are using Google Docs or some other program.
    • If you are using a Macbook, youalso may run into issues. Submitting files as a PDF may be the best way unless you know an alternative….
    • Download MicrosoftWord. It is free.
  • Must be submitted by Sunday at 11:59pm
    • Late work is not accepted
    • If you miss the assignment, make sure you review the Gimme section in your syllabus…


De Paul University Agenda Setting Theory and Immigration Report Business Finance Assignment Help

Take a look at the following articles and video clips and discuss whether the agenda setting theory can explain the American public agenda’s focus on immigration since 2015 and, if so, how.

Public agenda on immigration: https://news.gallup.com/poll/261500/mentions-immigration-top-problem-surpass-record-high.aspx (Links to an external site.)

Did Donald Trump set the agenda on immigration in 2015/2016?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YxZkg0rOWI4 (Links to an external site.)

Did Trump set the Republican agenda? https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/plum-line/wp/2015/08/19/donald-trump-is-setting-the-gop-agenda-on-immigration-what-could-go-wrong/ (Links to an external site.)

Did Trump set the Democratic agenda? https://www.nytimes.com/2019/06/29/us/politics/democratic-debates-immigration.html (


Management Organizational Behavior Essay Writing Assignment Help

Personal Application:

Improving the Teamwork Experience

Please write in essay style, i.e., complete sentences. Format your answer as two separate paragraphs, labeled Parts One and Two. If we were meeting face-to-face, this would be a
20-minute in-class writing assignment. Therefore, two well-written paragraphs (in total) should be sufficient to complete it.

Like it or not, most of us will be involved with committees, task forces, working groups, etc. throughout our careers, and most of the time, we won’t get to choose the other members. Given that these team experiences aren’t going to end at graduation, it’s worthwhile to spend some time considering ways to make teamwork both more productive and more enjoyable.

Part One

Consider your last major team experience, one in which the team’s lifespan was more than a couple of weeks. This could be from any context – class project, student organization, sports, work, etc. Overall, would you evaluate it as a success, both in terms of your group’s performance and your satisfaction with the experience? Why or why not?

What are sometypical problems you’ve encountered in the past with teamwork? You don’t need to limit your thoughts to the single experience you described above.

Part Two

Assume that on a future job you are appointed leader of a work team or committee. How can you avoid having your team repeat the same problems you’ve experienced in the past? Applying the material about teams that you’ve learned in the chapter and video lectures, develop some specific, actionable ideas for how you, as team leader, can improve the teamwork experience for everyone involved.


Rhetorical Genre Analysis Essay Humanities Assignment Help

Rhetorical Genre Analysis Essay Humanities Assignment Help

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