risk management home work Engineering Assignment Help. risk management home work Engineering Assignment Help.
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Dear students
Before start working on assignment 2, you need to address the comments of assignment 1.
((( show how you used the fish-bone as an approach in risk identification. )))
In this assignment, you need to analyze the risks you have identified using any risk matrix provided in the lecture note or any other resources. In the analysis you are expected to show the likelihood and consequences of each risks. Then you need also to evaluate those risks and try to come up with some actions for each risk level as a reference.
Good luck
The answers must be from the same file as the attachments.
risk management home work Engineering Assignment Help[supanova_question]
paper on tables Mathematics Assignment Help
March 2020
Week 3 Assignment: Lab
- Due
Sunday by
11:59pm - Points
50 - Submitting
a file upload
Required Resources
Read/review the following resources for this activity:
- OpenStax Textbook: Chapter 2
- Lesson
- Chamberlain University Library
- Internet
This week’s lab highlights the use of graphics, distributions, and tables to summarize and interpret data.
Follow the directions below to find one of the given academic
articles from the Chamberlain library and then use that to describe the
graphs and tables included. Further, you will describe other ways that
the same data could be presented.
The deliverable is a Word document with your answers to the questions posed below based on the article you find.
Required Software
- Microsoft Word
- Internet access to read articles
Steps to Complete Week 3 Lab
Step 1: Go to the Chamberlain Library at: https://library.chamberlain.edu (Links to an external site.) .
Step 2: Click Databases in the Search the Library block. Then choose ProQuest Nursing and Allied Health Database in the dropdown menu.

Step 3: Below, you will find the titles of six articles from the
ProQuest database that show a frequency distribution within the article.
CHOOSE ONE OF THE ARTICLES FROM THE LIST BELOW. You will perform two searches using this article.
- For our first broad-based search, use the
underlined words in your chosen article to search and see how many
articles from the database contain these underlined words (see the
example below the article list for an example search on post-partum
Article Titles
- Oral manifestations in diabetic patients under treatment for ischemic heart diseases: A comparative observational study
- Systolic blood pressure , diastolic blood pressure, and pulse pressure: An evaluation of their joint effect on mortality
- The Relationship Between Body Mass Index (BMI) and Menstrual Disorders at Different Ages of Menarche and Sex Hormones
- Adolescents’ first tobacco products: Associations with current multiple tobacco product use
- Association of lifestyle modification and pharmacological adherence on blood pressure control among patients with hypertension at Kenyatta National Hospital, Kenya: A crosssectional study
- Demographic, parental, and personal factors and youth athletes’ concussion -related knowledge and beliefs

choose Last 12 Months from the drop down list. Also, choose English
under the language section.

- For our second more narrow search, go back and search for the title
of the article that you chose originally. Type A PORTION of the article
title into the search bar and find the full PDF for that article.
Step 4: Complete your lab by taking the following steps
- Copy and paste, or post a screen shot of the frequency distribution from the article you chose at the top of your Word document.
- On your first search, what terms did you use, and what other things
did you mark on the search page before conducting your search? Why did
you choose the article that you did? How many articles were found with
these search terms? Give the full APA reference of the article you are
using for this lab. - What data are shown in the frequency distribution and why might it
be of interest? Include the size of the classes, noting if they are of a
consistent size or not. Also include a conclusion that could be made
from the frequency distribution. (1 to 2 paragraphs) - How else might these data have been displayed? Discuss pros and cons
of 2 other presentation options, such as tables or different graphical
displays (1 to 2 paragraphs)
Step 5: Be sure your name is on the Word document, save it, and then submit it under “Assignments” and “Week 3: Lab”.
This activity will be graded based on the Week 3 Lab Rubric.
Course Outcomes (CO): 1, 2
Due Date: By 11:59 p.m. MT on Sunday
Week 3 Assignment: Lab
Week 3 Assignment: Lab
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome
Describing search terms and reasons
12.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome
Frequency Distribution
15.0 |
12.75 |
10.5 |
8.25 |
0.0 |
15.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome
Pros and Cons of alternative displays
15.0 |
12.75 |
10.5 |
8.25 |
0.0 |
15.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome
Grammar and Formatting
8.0 |
6.8 |
5.6 |
4.4 |
0.0 |
8.0 pts
divya-assignment1 Computer Science Assignment Help
For Idea Day, each student must come up with an idea for a product or service that is not currently in the marketplace.
1. The Idea has to be original and feasible (a transporter from Star Trek or an invisibility inducing cologne or perfume are not currently feasible) … do a modicum of research to verify the product/service does not exist. State how you came up with the idea.
2. Write a minimum 800 word paper which is equivalent to about 2 pages of double spaced type written material.
3. Describe the product/service in some amount of detail. You can discuss only the product/service if you chose or any combination of the following in the paper: potential distribution methods, price and pricing strategies, promotional strategies, or any of the environmental factors that may affect the product/service such as political/legal aspects, social/cultural aspects, technological aspects, competitive aspects, and economic forces.
4. You must have a minimum of two references for the paper and the references must be cited in the paper and listed in a REFERENCES section at the end of the paper. The references and in-text citations must be in APA format.
5. The paper must use good grammar and complete sentences except where appropriate.
Assignment must be submitted in Word.
Write a 2-page paper (times new roman, double spaced) regarding one movement of a Haydn or Beethoven Symphony or Solo Concerto Writing Assignment Help
- Write a 2-page paper (times new roman, double spaced) regarding one movement of a Haydn or Beethoven Symphony or Solo Concerto
- Please explain the significance of the piece you chose
- Explain why it is a strong example of either the form of “Symphony” or the form of “Concerto”
- Explain your own opinion of the piece you chose using vocabulary from the textbook reading excerpts.
- Please explain the form of music that the movement you choose takes: sonata-allegro; theme & variation; minuet; or rondo.
- Please provide a youtube link to a live video performance of the piece you select to write about.
” The Great Depression” Humanities Assignment Help
Topic: “The Great depression”
The paper is 30 percent of the grade and the paper will be a double spaced, using 12 point font. Work cited cannot be count as a part of the paper. This should be similar to any paper you would write for other classes – including a title page, an introduction, body of text, a conclusion, and references/bibliography. APA format is acceptable.
Proper Citation of Sources.
When writing papers that use information from researched sources, it is necessary to provide complete and correct documentation to show the source of all words and ideas which are not those of the student. Failure to cite a source implies that the information used is the original work of the paper writer – a form of stealing known as “plagiarism.” In the college class, plagiarism is grounds for failure, no matter how well written the rest of the paper may be.
Do not use first person or contractions when writing. Also, remember that a successful term paper is not one that is written at the last moment, rather it is one that has been thought out, written, edited, and edited some more. Make sure you proofread! Nothing detracts from a paper (or grade) worse than a poorly written, mistake-filled paper.
When writing this research paper, you should attempt to address the following questions: Comprehensive introduction ( includes who, what, where, and when) with a clear thesis statement that answers the question. the paper should be a five page singled spaced
- Why is this person or event important in Modern World History?
- Does this individual or event represent an aspect that helped shape Modern World History?
- Would Modern World History be different if not for the actions of this person or the occurrence of the events? (ensure you have a solid conclusion)
Important :
“Students should not use the encyclopedia or the course textbook as the primary source of research. Also, keep in mind when writing the research paper, You should not rely solely on the internet for information either; students may use certain web page links such as The History Channel or Historynet.com to reinforce the research paper. “
Do structural calculations and draw the following plans using AutoCADD Engineering Assignment Help
This is capstone project ( graduation project) for engineering major.
the project is to do pedestrian tunnel between Tarawa Rd & SR 75 in Coronado, California, USA. read RFP for more information
I need to do some calculations (handwritten and using program) and do plans see attached below for more information
Use google map to see the location. I also provided the site layout , proposed picture for the tunnel design and dimensions, request for proposal,and proposal.
I provided geotechnical report so you can use the information for the calculations needed
please see attached excel sheet for the plans and calculations needed and some information to use
important note: we will use boring machine, so you can know how to do the structural calculations
Do structural calculations and draw the following plans using AutoCADD Engineering Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Knowledge management systems in organizations Business Finance Assignment Help
Part A. Introduction:
The introduction part must highlight the following.
- Conceptual framework of knowledge management.
- A brief description of knowledge management systems in organizations.
Part B. Organizational Analysis:
Students must choose any organization and highlight following points.
- Brief description of organization.
- Description of knowledge management system in the selected organization.
- Highlight and analyze the major knowledge management tools used by the selected organization for capturing and disseminating knowledge throughout the organization.
Part C. Recommendation and Conclusion:
The students must come up with some suggestions/recommendations for the selected organization for improving their knowledge management systems.
Write down conclusion in one paragraph.
Article analysis essay (1 page already done) 3 total pages Humanities Assignment Help
Provide an essay based upon this article https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2018/… . Follow MLA and essay structure. Remember, your overall argument will talk about all the bulleted aspects of the article’s argument, but your main thesis will be about how these elements affect the SOUNDNESS of the article’s argument. I have the first page already done so you can continue that.
original title
Put forward a clearly focused thesis
that evaluates the soundness of the author’s
critical thinking based on an examination of its components.
Use a balance of clearly attributed and properly documented
summary, paraphrase, and
direct quotation
for representing the ideas and language of the article.
at least one
short quote
from the work under analysis. By definition, a
short quote is under four typed lines and is not indented.
Be 3 pages in length
, submitted in MLA format with in-text citations and a separate
Works Cited page with your primary source.
No secondary sources are to be consulted or referenced on this assignment.
Therefore, only your primary text (the article itself) will be listed on your Works
Cited page.
Power Point Assignment Unit 9 Capstone Assignment Law Assignment Help
Transnational Crime Continued
In this week’s Assignment, you are identifying a culture or ethnicity with links to transnational crime. Often times the criminal activity has ties to the culture’s religion or other societal beliefs. The article below describes the impact of transnational crime and the steps taken to combat it.
Library Articles
Ruetschlin, C. M., & Bangura, A. (2012). Transnational organized crime: A global concern. Feature Edition, 2012(2), 113–121.
Paraschiv, G. (Jun 2013). Conceptualizing transnational organized crime. Economics, Management & Financial Markets, 8(2), 173-178.
Assignment Details
PowerPoint Assignment: Transnational Crime
Explore a culture that has been linked to criminal behavior. At one time or another all cultures have had some link to criminal behavior, whether that’s organized crime, drug trafficking, terrorism, or civil disobedience. In a 12–15 PowerPoint slide presentation (excluding title and reference slides) complete the following:
- Identify one culture or ethnicity that has ties to transnational crime, and describe its links to criminal behavior.
- Evaluate its role in transnational crimes.
- Analyze and explain how this culture or ethnicity has had an impact on systems of justice.
Be sure to discuss the role that socialization and religion play in shaping the beliefs of this culture. Provide examples determining why these beliefs are formed, and how culture and religion shaped these beliefs.
The PowerPoint presentation should have the following characteristics.
- Contains a title and references slide.
- Bullets for your main points.
- Pictures to support your presentation where applicable.
- Must include speaker notes to fully explain what is being discussed in the slide bullet points as though you are presenting to an audience.
- Research from at least three credible sources to support the main message, including graphics.
- Incorporate information from course readings, the course materials, or other library sources to support your discussion. Properly cite all sources of information by including in-text citations and a list of references.
- Research and visuals are cited in APA citation format, both in-text and on a References slide. You need to quote material taken directly from a source.
- The same standards for documenting sources that apply to an essay, apply to a presentation. Go to the APA Style® Central website for a digital library of APA Style quick guides and tutorials to refine your writing.
- Designed with a live audience in mind in order to inform your viewers about the topic
Research essay about "The Fireman’s Wife" by richard Bausch and 4 other resources that i used Humanities Assignment Help
Assignment topic : Two to three characters and explain what motivates the actions of each (characterization). Think about what makes up 2-3 characters, and how does their characterizations by the author contribute to the story’s theme.
1800 words 7-8 pages .
“”” The Fireman’s Wife””” by Richard Bausch
Other resources:
Larsen, Michael J. “The Fireman’s Wife.”. Masterplots II: Short Story Series, Revised Edition,
January 2004, 4 Mar. 2020.
2) http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=lfh&AN=9610120689&site=eds-live.
Busch, Frederick. Contemporary American Short Fiction. Southern Review, Gale Academic OneFile, 1991. 4 Mar.2020
3)Solomon, Andy, “The Fireman’s Wife And Other Stories”, Chicago Tribune, 29 July 1990.
http://andysolomonwriter.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/Bausch__Richard._The_Fireman_s_Wife.pdf .
Queenan, Joe, Book Reviews, American Spectator, January 1991.
https://anyessayhelp.com/ .
Queenan, Joe, Book Reviews, American Spectator, January 1991.