Romanian Jews during the Holocaust Question Writing Assignment Help

Romanian Jews during the Holocaust Question Writing Assignment Help. Romanian Jews during the Holocaust Question Writing Assignment Help.

I’m working on a writing question and need an explanation to help me understand better.
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Hi! I was recommended to you by a friend that you recently did a write-up on a topic on the Holocaust. I have the same professor, but I have a different topic.

I have completed 95% of my paper. I need some help regarding synopses on primary sources similar to how you did it for my friend with Stefan Kosinski.

My topic is completely on acts of resistance by Romanian Jews during the Holocaust.

I have attached a document with three survivor testimonies that I have handpicked related to my topic. I am working on another 2 or 3 on my time. I just can’t watch and take notes on all of these in a timely manner.

These survivor accounts are broken up into 25-minute increments. You do not need to watch the entire thing. You can put it at 1.5x speed or as needed. I need outstanding accounts from these testimonies that fit into my paper.

I have attached my paper for your reference to see how we can synthesize these survivor interviews into my paper. I have a survivor account of a man named Mike Herskovits. You can see how I included his account and synthesized it into the narrative.

I need about another 2.5 – 3 pages double spaced in size 12 font times new roman to include into my paper with these primary accounts in mind.

Please add these and integrate them into my paper.

Let me know if you have any questions. I look forward to working with you!

Romanian Jews during the Holocaust Question Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

QSO 300 Southern New Hampshire University Performance Metrics Question Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a management report and need a sample draft to help me learn.

Based on this module’s readings and your own independent research, develop a listing of what you believe are the most important metrics for operations managers.

How does each metric support the overall financial performance of the organization? What data would be used to support this metric and how would you ensure that the data are of sufficient quality? How does data analytics support your metrics?

Be sure to fully explain your rationale for selecting these metrics.


UMUC Week 5 Woodward Grandparent Visitation Case Research Law Assignment Help

I’m working on a law case study and need support to help me study.


The purpose of Project 1 is to use different research strategies in Westlaw to find relevant case law, cite case law in Bluebook format, and assess cases’ relevance to a given research question.

Course Outcomes Met by Project 1:

Use common research methods to locate case law, a type of primary legal authority.

Cite to and explain the relevance of primary authority to a given legal topic or issue.

****** See the attachment titled Project 1 for full details of the assignment and rubric.


De Anza College Experience of A Teenage Girl & Dysfunctional Relationships Paper Humanities Assignment Help

I’m working on a english writing question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

Discuss the assigned short story…

Suggested discussion questions:

  • Write a one-sentence summary of this story (the bare-bones plot synopsis).
  • What are some of the story’s themes? Do certain words, passages of dialogue or description, or situations seem to represent the theme most clearly? Are there recurring images, concepts, or structures (or contrasting ones) in the story? What might those represent?
  • What are the indications that the protagonist has changed in this story?
  • Which type of ending (from the list of effective or ineffective endings in this module) does the author use? Is the ending resonant and satisfying? Why or why not? If not, rewrite the ending for us!
  • What do you think will happen to the characters after the end of the story?

respond to 3 of your peers’ writing exercises.

1. From Asin C

  • What are some of the story’s themes? Do certain words, passages of dialogue or description, or situations seem to represent the theme most clearly? Are there recurring images, concepts, or structures (or contrasting ones) in the story? What might those represent?

    “After reading this story, you can find that Liddie and her dad are facing relationship problems on Father’s Day. Liddie heard a girl laugh during the phone when she was calling her boyfriend. In the story, it is also mentioned that when Liddie cleaned the mug for her mother in the morning, the mug smelled of whiskey, which was her mother’s hangover the night before. They all know that these relationship problems are not something that only happened today, these problems have been happening for a while, so during their conversations, they did not focus on each other’s sentimentality, but on what they did. They talked about in terms of favorite music, let each other stay in a happy mood to spend this Father’s Day together.
    After reading this story, Reminds me with what someone said to me, “Life does not always go smoothly, you will be happy and sad, but don’t be overwhelmed by sad things and other things that make you happy.” I think the story also wants to express this meaning, life is not always happy, everyone has their own pains and hurts, but through each other’s company, we can make each other feel better.”

2. From Chaeles L

  • What are the indications that the protagonist has changed in this story?
  • What do you think will happen to the characters after the end of the story?
  • “First of all, I want to explain my understanding of the story. This story takes place between a girl and her father, but it seems that she is not a high school student, but an adult, because I saw “making love”. I am not quite clear about the specific provisions of the American law, but minors should not be allowed to sex. At least in my country, having sex with minors is a crime of rape. Of course, that’s not the point. The point is that although the girl is an adult, she looks like a child and is always careless, like forgetting to turn off the lights of the car, causing a lack of battery power and unable to start the car. However, this is not the girl’s intention to do so, can see that her father dotes on her, because these mistakes, the father always think it is “always”.
  • Second, at the end of the story, the girl calls Sherman. She realizes that Sherman is cheating, but she doesn’t cry, which is different from the naive look at the beginning of the article. So this detail is enough to show her signs of change.
  • Finally, I think that she will recognize life again after the story, just like at the end of the article, she had a favorite dinner with her father and talked about the piano. Those sad things like derailment didn’t disturb her life, just like “wanted back the one who would always be true” in the story.”

3.From Jinghan

  • What do you think will happen to the characters after the end of the story?

“To be frank, the two romantic we see in this story are both dysfunctional or at the very least unhappy. Liddie’s romantic interest is obviously engaged with another person, and the father has a strained relationship with the mother. I do not see this being remedied anytime soon. But the focus on this short story is not on them, it is on the relationship between Liddie and her father. They both seek solace with each other despite whatever else is going on in their lives. After this story ends, I would expect not much to change, they will continue on their relationships the way it is, but will have each other to lean on.”


EC Plea Bargains and Court Processes Essay Law Assignment Help

During the 2011 term, the United States Supreme Court recognized the reality that you read about since the midterm: most criminal cases are settled before trial in plea bargains. The role of the court, judges and formal court procedures intended to promote fairness, consistency and due process become essentially meaningless when supplanted by plea bargains. Seeing this, the Court in Missouri v. Frye and Lafler v. Cooper, held that criminal defendants have a Sixth Amendment right to effective assistance of counsel during plea negotiations.

For this project, you will review your readings in your text and read about these seminal Supreme Court decisions. You will then write a 500-700 word essay responding to the prompt below:

Did the Supreme Court get it right when they decided that the Sixth Amendment protects criminal defendants by requiring effective assistance of counsel during plea negotiations or are the strong dissents in these cases persuasive and correct?

You are expected to consult scholarly outside sources (EC Library Criminal Justice Research Guide (Links to an external site.)) and provide in text citations for facts and ideas obtained therefrom. Some recommended sources are:



EE 198A San Jose University Laser Security System Business Plan Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a business plans report and need guidance to help me understand better.

A Business Plan is a document that is used to:

  • Identify business opportunity
  • Describe the products or services
  • Analyze and examine the technical
  • Describe the business operation
  • Analyze the economic and financial feasibility

A business plan is not only a tool to bring your idea to a business startup, but it is also an important tool to solicit others for fund your business . It develops all of the procedures and strategies necessary in order to convert the business opportunity into a actual business project, provides answers to simple questions about a new business and convinces potential investors about the success of your business.

Imagine that you are writing a plan to solicit funding for developing your idea or design into a business. The first thing is to decide what you are trying to get funding for and what is the market and who are your competitors. For example, if your project is about developing a new DSP algorithm. You can write a business plan for trying to get funding for your R&D work OR for a business that sells a product that uses your DSP. For the former case, your market and competitors are the R&D industry. For the latter case, your market and competitors are companies selling a similar product. Also keep in mind that investor’s primary concern is if the idea can be profitable, not so much about the technical details. For that, you should not elaborate on your design detail. Instead, you should try everything to establish the needs, the opportunity, and the market size. Your business plan should include the following sections:

(1) The Executive Summary

The purpose of this summary to sell your idea to your potential investor in a few sentences. The following are the Do’s and Don’ts for this summary.


  • Do explain your product’s complete function in layman’s terms. within the first three sentences of the summary.
  • Do explain why your idea can be profitable.
  • Do write a plan for your business, for you company, NOT a plan for completing your senior project.
  • Do assume that you will achieve your design goal and the product will function as proposed.


  • Don’t write a plan for completing your senior project. This assignment is about selling your idea and your product, not completing your project.
  • Don’t write any technical detail (such as using certain FPGA, SAMD20D microcontroller. etc.) This is true for this entire business plan assignment, not just the executive summary part.
  • Don’t write too much about background information, (e.g., energy crisis, potential of AI, etc.) and don’t teach investor about anything.
  • Don’t make the executive summary a shortened version or a laundry list of every point of your entire business plan. You should only highlight the parts that make your product and company looks promising. For example, no need to mention any ethical or risk problems with your business unless it is a very significant part of your business concept.

Actually, the Executive Summary section should be written (or re-written) after other sections of the business plan were completed.

(2) The Industry, Economics, Opportunity, Business Concept, Marketing Strategy

Do not answer the questions below but use the questions (some or all) to elaborate the information in this section.

  • How big is the industry that your idea lies in? For example, if you project is a gadget for car, how big is the auto industry? This is where you describe your business/company, how you fit in, and what will be your market share. Describe what your company intends to do. You need to include only the information that is relevant to your product. Analyze the uniqueness of your business to show why you will be a success
  • What is the need/opportunity? Is the market large and growing? Or is it a small niche market but you expect it to grow? Who are the new venture’s customers? Where are customers located? How do you reach out to them? How does the customer make decisions about buying this product or service? Is the proposed product or service (the solution to the problem) clearly explained? You need to have a marketing plan, it is very important – you can have the best product in the world but if you have no sales, you have no business. You should know your customers well so that your business can meet their needs. Where will you sell your product (i.e. farmers’ market, on the street, retail, etc.)? You should have knowledge about the trends that are influencing and affecting your market and know how to address these trends
  • What is the business concept that will address this need or take advantage of the opportunity? What are its unique features? Its merits? Its limitations? Is it realistic and viable? To what extent is the product or service a compelling purchase for the customer?
  • What’s the nature/degree of competition in the industry? Who are the main competitors? How will the company differentiate itself from the competition? If you are doing a research project, talk about the other researchers in the field. Basically, you need to identify your competitors and how you will be able to compete them. By knowing and understanding your competition you will be able to better position your product or service in the market place. You also should describe a plan to grow your business
  • How much money will the venture require? What sources of finance? How/When will the venture make money? Remember the price you paid for the parts for your project is the retail price for small quantity. For business, you buy parts in bulk and the cost is much lower. A major cost item is the cost, you need labor to design, fabricate, sell, support any product. Also, you will need at some point insurance for when a customer does something unforeseen with your product. You can estimate the costs of different items but your estimate should be ‘reasonable’. What is the price of your product or service? How does this compare to similar products in the market? How will you keep costs down to remain competitive?

Do not talk about any technical or functional features of your design in this section. This is section is not about any technical merit of your design. It is about why your idea can be a successful business.

You should always include references in any formal writing. For example, if your design is related to cars and you claim that the automobile industry is a $50-billion industry, you should cite your reference of this amount.

(3) Management Team

How will the team contribute to the success of the business? (Link your background and skills to the tasks that need to be done.) In this part you can hand out the big titles such as CEO, CFO, CTO, but really since this is a startup, someone is going to have to design, fab, test, sell, and support the product. Each person has to have a clearly defined, realistic role. Each person needs to be in charge of a system. In large groups (4/5) someone will have to spend time keeping the communication flowing and integrating the final product. Investors want to know that you have the right people for your business. The quality of your people will determine the success of the business. Indicate who is on your team, their qualifications and responsibilities (i.e. production, marketing, accounting etc.)

(4) Risks & Ethics

A risk is NOT about what if your product fails to work properly or what if your product fails to meet regulations. Selling an unreliable product is an ethical issue, selling a product that does not meet regulations is illegal, they are not business risks. For example, would you use a lower cost, less reliable battery that can potentially start a fire? This is an ethical issue, not a business risk because you made the decision as part of your plan.

Risks are something that can impact your business but not within your control. For example, if you are in the business of running a driving school, a risk exists that self-driving cars will reduce your customer base. Travel agents did not see the risk of web-based services such as Expedia. If you are in the nuclear power business there is a risk of losing public favor if there is a nuclear accident anywhere in the world. A new government regulation, research finding, or societal issue can potentially impact your business.

Name a few potential ethical issues that might be involved in your business. This is also related to the Area S implications. Try to come up a few possible scenarios that your business can create society injustice. Does that make your business unethical? Other potential ethical issues include: waste produced by your product, energy inefficiency, potential of causing injury of the users, affecting long term health or environment, patent infringement, marketing, business and hiring practice etc. How much money are you willing to invest to prevent such potential consequence from these ethical issues?

EE 198A San Jose University Laser Security System Business Plan Paper Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Texas A & M University Project Management Technology at Genex Fuels Case Study Computer Science Assignment Help

I’m working on a computer science question and need a sample draft to help me study.

Read the Project Management Technology at Genex Fuels Case Study on pages 333-335 in the textbook.

Answer the Discussion Questions at the end of the Case Study.

Google Scholar is also a great source for research. Please be sure that journal articles are peer-reviewed and are published within the last five years.

The paper should meet the following requirements:

3-5 pages in length (not including title page or references)

APA guidelines must be followed. The paper must include a cover page, an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.

A minimum of five peer-reviewed journal articles.


Grand Canyon University Strategies for Increasing Health Care Workers Engagement Paper Humanities Assignment Help

I’m working on a social science writing question and need a sample draft to help me understand better.

Topic: Strategies for Increasing Health Care Worker’s Engagement & Creating Psychological Ownership During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Refer to the prospectus PowerPoint template and Chapter 2 of the dissertation template for information regarding the background to the problem and the problem space. Present three arguments from empirical studies published in the past three years that define a problem space to justify the need for your proposed study. For each argument, provide supporting citations from the empirical studies. Additionally, upload the corresponding PDFs of the full studies you are using to build your argument. Note: Use the feedback provided by your instructor to continue to revise the Background to the Problem section of your prospectus PowerPoint.

Synthesize the three arguments you identified previously in this topic to develop a one-sentence problem statement for your proposed study. Note: Use feedback from your instructor to revise and/or refine the problem statement section of your prospectus.


Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology Essay Computer Science Assignment Help

I’m working on a computer science discussion question and need a reference to help me learn.

Pick one of the IT governance methodologies or frameworks mentioned in section 9 of chapter 8 and explain why you think it is an effective way to govern IT. Give one good point and one bad point about that framework.

The length of this post must be at least 250 words and cannot be more than 500 words. I am not looking for a deep research project, just your thoughts on the framework. Do not use the APA format for this discussion post , except for citations and references. This must be your own work.


FIU Module 14 How Do We Become Better and More Informed Consumers Questions Humanities Assignment Help

I’m working on a social science question and need support to help me study.

Below you will find a series of activities (including articles/chapters to read, video clips to watch, images to analyze, questions to consider, and possibly more). At the end of the lesson, you will complete the associated. Please take time to complete these activities carefully and critically, and make sure to cite/reference the items you viewed below in your assignment answers (be specific).

  • Part 1: Wrestle with the essential question(s) and respond to it/them in 3-5 sentences.
  • Part 2: List a SAC that fits within the bounds of this lesson. And briefly explain how you think this SAC is related to this module and what you learned in 3-5 sentences.

Essential Question(s): How do we become better and more informed consumers?

*Don’t forget to make connections to your life/experiences in Part I and in Part II to describe how you would use the SAC and module in your future classroom.

please watch the 2 videos and read the article






Romanian Jews during the Holocaust Question Writing Assignment Help

Romanian Jews during the Holocaust Question Writing Assignment Help

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