rsch 8210 assignment Science Assignment Help

rsch 8210 assignment Science Assignment Help. rsch 8210 assignment Science Assignment Help.

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To prepare for this Assignment:

  • Review this week’s Learning Resources and consider visual displays of data.
  • For additional support, review the Skill Builder: Unit of Analysis and the Skill Builder: Levels of Measurement, which you can find by navigating back to your Blackboard Course Home Page. From there, locate the Skill Builder link in the left navigation pane.
  • Using the SPSS software, open the Afrobarometer dataset or the High School Longitudinal Study dataset (whichever you choose) found in this week’s Learning Resources.
  • From the dataset you chose, choose one categorical and one continuous variable and perform the appropriate visual display for each variable.
  • Once you visually display each variable, review Chapter 11 of the Wagner text to understand how to copy and paste your output into your Word document.

For this Assignment:

Write a 2- to 3-paragraph analysis of your results and include a copy and paste of the appropriate visual display of the data into your document.

Based on the results of your data, provide a brief explanation of what the implications for social change might be. Early in your Assignment, when you relate which dataset you analyzed, please include the mean of the following variables. If you are using the Afrobarometer Dataset, report the mean of Q1 (Age). If you are using the HS Long Survey Dataset, report the mean of X1SES.

Use appropriate APA format. Refer to the APA manual for appropriate citation.

rsch 8210 assignment Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]

My question is below Business Finance Assignment Help

Revise CMN 504Epicheireme AssignmentI. Introduction. The argument you will write is called an epicheireme (sometimes spelled “epichireme”). It is an argument based on a valid syllogism that nevertheless imposes on the writer the obligation to provide evidence in support of one or both premises. The tradition of advancing such arguments publicly has its roots in ancient Greek and Roman rhetoric schools. Aristotle writes about the epicheireme in his book Topica. The practice was continued in the medieval and renaissance universities of Europe, as well as in the colleges and universities of early America. So, we continue it today as a useful exercise in reasoning and rhetoric. The object of the epicheireme, is to compose an argument either confirming or refuting a claim concerning a matter of public controversy. For our purposes here, we will focus on matters of philosophical, ethical, and theological significance. The directions for completing this assignment are quite detailed. They are as follows:


7Book discussion Writing Assignment Help

  • I NEED a reflection on Each post and should be at least 100 words for each please .
  • Should address a reaction(s) and/or question(s) about the course material based on what they posted
  • Quote the book “resource


In this weeks reading (Davis – Chapter 9) it is brought up how our political discourse is flat now a days. Everyday, millions of voices are shut out from political discourse for a variety of reasons. These reasons include, but are not limited to, things such as racism, sexism, differing ideas in politics, the power of a corporation to silence their employees, etc.. Without a tolerance to hear the opinions of others, there is no way to reach common ground, although, common ground cannot be found all of the time. It is the silencing of proper political discourse in society today that raises my question. When have you experienced someone’s political views being silenced? Whether it be your own experience with getting your political views silenced or another individual who you experienced getting silenced for their political views. What value do you find in hearing the opinions of others, even if you may not completely agree with them?


For this weeks readings I took an extra interest for the Reading by Davis. In her book she wrote that the beginning of Black history month with is celebrated in February, people complained because it was the shortest month so it gadually grew and now it is about two and a half months. Also, she posed the question, why dont we celebrate the Emacipation proclamaition enough? or why when Obama issued a proclamation on December 31 urging people to celebrate it, no one really did? I chose this question because Ive seen a lot of things that are done trying to do soemthing whether its spread awareness or get people to try and help, and it got me thinking about black history month and what they are trying to accomplish with it. So my question is, What do you think the overall goal of celebrating Black history month? Why is it only two months and not incorporated all year round? Do you think there are better ways to educate people on Black history? If you were the president what would you do?


there are 2 assignments need to work Humanities Assignment Help

2. Field Notes (due to Instructor by December 8th – worth 30% of your final grade)

You will keep an up-to-date field notebook. It is here that you should record your day’s activities (paying close attention to dates, times, and locations) and include sketches, maps, and references to photographs. Be sure to consult your readings, your GEOG 2P10 (or equivalent) notes and any other material that might help you keep effective field notes BEFORE WE DEPART. In short, you should be producing a document that outlines what you have done throughout each day and what you have observed. It is never a bad idea to stop periodically in order to summarize or organize your work. You should also use your field book as a field diary. This allows you to record your insights, thoughts, and interpretations, and to incorporate these into your day’s work. Remember: that great idea you had – if you do not record it – you’ll forget it. Your field book is particularly important as it will comprise the data you need for your final paper. Failure to submit your field book at this time will result in a grade of zero being awarded for this piece of work.

three are 9 week class and every week need field notebook and record the day’s activities.

every week have assignments and it is the file“essay 123”

3. Essay (due to instructor by December 8th – worth 40% of your final grade)

Students will be expected to write a paper of about twelve pages in which they review the literature on the role experiential learning in Geography. This paper must highlight arguments, theoretical assumptions, supporting evidence, and conclusions. Students are expected to consult at least ten sources on experiential learning. In addition, students must use their field notes to provide concrete examples of how their experiences in Vancouver contributed to their understanding of particular geographic problems. Thus, for example, students may use their experiences or observations of subsidized housing to contribute to their understanding of gentrification and race issues in Vancouver. Or, as another example, they may discuss how their experiences or observations of CRAB park help them to engage their understanding of public space. Failure to submit your field book at this time will result in a grade of zero being awarded for this piece of work.

read the outline.

Please finish it on time


West Virginia University Intermediate Microeconomics Questions Economics Assignment Help

please do the following 10 multiple choice questions and 7 open response questions. Only use original work in all answers and graphs. I will tip $20+ If I get a good grade. The professor project 60-90 minutes to complete this assignment. I don’t mind up to 12 hours to finish it tho

Part 1: Multiple Choice. Please answer each with the most correct answer. (3 points each)

1. Suppose I offer my significant other a gamble of $10 on a coinflip with fair odds. If she picks correctly, she wins $10 or if she picks incorrectly, she loses $10. She turns down my offer. Can we assume her risk preference?

a. yes, she is risk neutral

b. yes, she is risk averse

c. yes, she is risk seeking

d. no, we cannot say anything specific about her preferences.

2. This is a special instance in Game Theory where no players would deviate from their current strategy taking the other players’ actions as given.

a. dominated strategy

b. Nash Equilibrium

c. mixed strategy

d. perfect game

3. Which of these goods could be considered a public good?

a. a toothbrush

b. healthcare

c. fish in the ocean

d. clean air

4. What is the expected value of a coinflip where you win $10,000 on heads or lose $10,000 on tails?

a. $0

b. $5,000

c. [-$10000, $10000]

d. can’t calculate expected value given the current information

5. Suppose picking dinner in my household is a game. My significant other always picks “I am indifferent about what we have” as her strategy, regardless of my choice. From this we can assume “Indifference” is what?

a. a mixed strategy

b. a Nash Equilibrium

c. a dominant strategy

d. an expected value calculation

6. This is a tax that is used to offset an externality.

a. Pigou Tax

b. Coase Tax

c. Clarke Tax

d. Externality Tax

7. This type of good is non-excludable however they are rival in consumption

a. private good

b. public good

c. club good

d. common property

8. Which of the following is a pure strategy Nash Equilibria of this game?


(8, 1)

(9, -1)


a. [Apricot, Crow]

b. [Pear, Rooster]

c. [Pear, Crow]

d. [Apricot, Rooster]


(7, 3)


(6, 1)

9. The Coase Theorem is only applicable in the instance that these are low or are non- existent.

a. Taxes

b. Property Rights

c. Transaction Costs

d. Judicial Oversight

10. These types of externalities are due to changes that occur within the market and do not represent market failure.

a. Technical externalities

b. Pecuniary externalities

c. Coasian externalities

d. Pigouvian externalities

Part 2: Answer each of these to the best of your ability. (10 points each)

11. Imagine a game of rock, paper, scissors. If a player wins, they get a positive payoff. If a player loses, they get a negative payoff. If the players match, they each get a payoff of zero.

a. Show the game matrix for rock, paper, scissors using +, -, and 0 as payoffs.

b. Are there any pure strategy Nash Equilibria? Explain or demonstrate.

c. Are there any Nash Equilibria in any strategy? Explain.

12. Suppose I want to build a lighthouse, something that could be considered a public good. There are 4 citizens I need to know if this will benefit enough to justify construction. Let’s call them Liz, Kelsey, Raven, and Hannah. Fully illustrate one way I can get them to reveal the actual benefit they will receive from the lighthouse.

13. Suppose there is a common resource, like trees in the Amazon rainforest. The private MC of harvesting these trees is a constant, c. Assume each tree consumed reduces social benefit twice as much as private benefit.

Illustrate graphically the social optimum consumption and private consumption of trees using social benefit, private benefit, and private marginal cost.

Suppose harvesting trees becomes easier, reducing the marginal cost. What effect would this have on the harvesting of common property? Will the market failure be larger or smaller?

14. Calculate the expected value of these gambles:

a. A coin flip where you win $24 on heads, lost $18 on tails

b. A roll of a die where you win $12 on a 1, 2, 3, or 4 and lose $18 on a 5 or 6.

c. a raffle where you win $500 with a probability of 1 in 100, lose $10 otherwise.

d. a game of matching pennies where you win $1 if you match, lose $1 if you


15. Economists generally assume people to be risk averse. What does this mean? Illustrate risk averse preferences using a two-outcome framework, and then illustrate risk averse preferences using a utility of wealth framework. Explain as needed.

16. Stevie’s Steel Company of Steele, Alabama is located next to a residential area. Stevie’s Steel Co. produces an externality in the form of pollution (smoke) and noise which disrupts the lifestyle of the nearby residential area.

a. Suppose the neighborhood were to take Stevie’s Steel Co. to court over this issue. Describe the possible outcomes the judicial system could enforce

b. What is the condition under which there could potentially be a Coasian bargaining solution to this problem? Explain how the outcome of a Coasian bargain would be different from the judicial outcome.

17. My best friend Michelle loves to bake. In fact, she is quite good at it and owns her own small business, Farmhouse Sweets. In baking she produces a positive externality for her neighbors, a wonderful smell.

a. Show the private outcome vs. social optimum of Michelle baking using private and social marginal cost curves and a demand curve i.e. show the externality from a costs perspective.

b. How could the local HOA (Home Owners’ Association), the local governing body, incentivize Michelle to produce the socially optimal quantity of baked goods, given that there is an externality? Show how this would work graphically.



I need help with my homeworks Humanities Assignment Help

I’m working on a political science multi-part question and need support to help me learn.

I have two homework to do please, and these are its details


  1. Watch the YouTube video: “Network Robustness and Resiliency”. It is located at the end of the Unit 3 file.
  2. Read the article: Scale-Free Network


  1. Read Chapter 3 (pp. 113-146) in Coppola, Introduction to International Disaster review the concept of risk (Reading 6.1 & 6.2.pdf )and Chapter 11 (pp. 303-317) in Yoe, Principles of Risk Management (Reading 6.3)
  2. Analyze the problems in this assignment.

I need help with my homeworks Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

After completing this week’s reading, answer the following questions: Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a history multi-part question and need a sample draft to help me understand better.

1. What mass media are most influential in your day-to day-life? How do you use them? What effect do they have on your sense of self in the three social locations identified by Kirk and Rey?

2. Is there a mass-mediated culture in America?–if so, what are its values, attitudes and behaviors? If not, what “glue” do you believe holds the national culture together? Or is the nation even held together, in your opinion?

3. Are there any advantages to participation in mass-mediated culture? are there any disadvantages?

4. In your own words, describe the main qualities of the “self” that Gergen believes has emerged in American contemporary culture—do you see any of these qualities in your life and experiences? How would you describe your “self?”


Marketing Strategy-Blending previous papers together Writing Assignment Help


Context: Throughout the course we have practiced applying processes to making decisions about elements of a marketing strategy. This week your team will compile those decisions into a final paper that summarizes your decisions and the rationale for making them. In addition, you will add a list of measurements you will use to track implementation of the strategy and add a summary budget.

Step 1 – Define Your Marketing Strategy

Teams will develop a summary of marketing decisions to include the following:

  1. Provide an overview of the organization and a description of your marketing system that is engaged in implementation of a marketing strategy. Use feedback from the assignment in Week 2 as well as important lessons learned since then about collaboration with entities inside and outside an organization. Insert diagrams as appropriate.
  2. Define the problem that your organization is attempting to solve (WITHOUT referencing the product or solution) as it creates a new market. opportunity for your organization. Briefly explain why solving that problem will create value for business, customers, and society.
  3. Create a customer profile for the people or organizations that share the stated problem. Provide a summary profile of the potential customer group including the reasons they share the problem, a list of their common attributes, and their motivations for seeking a solution to the problem. The profile should include rough estimate of the number of potential customers or size of the market.
  4. List the marketing strategy goals and success measures. Explain why achieving these goals will provide value for the business, customers, and society.
  5. Describe the Product or solution developed to address the problem. Explain how the product attributes align with creating value for business and solves the problem for customers. If relevant, include product attributes that impact creating value for society. Include any relevant decision matrices that support your decisions.
  6. Describe the distribution or Place strategy. Explain criteria used to develop the Place strategy and how it creates value for stakeholders. Include relevant decision matrices if appropriate.
  7. Describe and support the Price strategy or objectives and the price methods or tactics to be used to implement the strategy.. Explain how this price strategy aligns with the overall business goals and creates value for business, customers, and society (if relevant).
  8. Explain the Promotion Strategy. Describe the top 3 promotion methods to be used, results measures that will be tracked, and why this promotion strategy is most effective to communicate with your customers. Summarize the key results the promotion strategy will deliver and the overall cost of implementing the strategy.
  9. Develop a marketing budget for 2-3 years that projects revenue, expenses, and outcomes that align with overall marketing strategy goals and marketing mix strategy expenses.
  10. Develop a summary or conclusion paragraph that supports the decision-making process the team followed to develop the marketing strategy. Provide a summary that explains how solving the stated problem has potential to create value for the company, the customers, and society. Conclude with a final rationale and request for approval of the strategy.

Step 2 – Compile and Submit

The team should collaborate to compile, write, and review the material listed above. The final document should be appropriate for a professional business environment that would achieve a positive review from busy executives. Proofread and edit the paper so that the decisions are aligned and clearly explained. Include any supporting tables, matrices or supporting material in the document or an appendix. Add citations to relevant resources that support your decisions or data. Your final team paper should be less than 12 pages in length, excluding matrices and references.


American History I (H1 FA20) Writing Assignment Help

Writing a research paper

I can’t stress the University of Wisconsin-Madison website enough:
The tips are concise and fantastic.

I will stress the elements needed for your paper

Opening Vignette:

-You may choose to open your paper with an interesting story or piece of information you found to intrigue the reader. This is not required, but does provide a nice rhetorical flourish.


-Thesis: What’s the point of your paper? What are you arguing?

-The thesis should be either the first line of the introduction or the last line.

-Ideally, you are making a historical argument which demonstrates change over time.

-It should be very obvious that this is not a vignette.

2nd paragraph:

-Definitions/context. If you cannot find space in the intro to define key terms in your paper this is the place to do it.

3rd paragraph:


-What did other scholars say about this topic?

-Be sure to summarize other scholars you’ve read.

-Reinforce why your thesis is a new (and hopefully better) way to tackle this topic.

Body paragraphs:

-Here is where you are getting into the research piece of the research project.

-Each paragraph should have a topic sentence that tells the reader what the focus of your paragraph will be.

-Each paragraph should have 2 or 3 pieces of information in it



-Summarize argument (thesis) for the reader

-Explain why you proved your thesis


DOC/714S Event Synthesis: Brookfield four lenses Business Finance Assignment Help

Read the article Critically Reflective Practice located in the (attached document) and locate a minimum of 1 additional article.

Identify an event; one that has occurred in society or one that has occurred in your professional field

Write a 500- to 700-word synthesized discussion on your chosen event and how the event could be perceived from each of Brookfield’s four lenses

Format your paper to APA standards, using the attached template.

Include a title page, citations, and reference page.

Review the attached rubric to learn of assignment criteria

writer. For this assignment you must choose and event which happened in business or society. I was going to choose the merger or Sprint and T-mobile but I was not sure how to relate them to the Brookfield lenses. You may choose any event which you feel will make this assignment best for your job.


rsch 8210 assignment Science Assignment Help

rsch 8210 assignment Science Assignment Help

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