RU Effect of The Pandemic on Global Economy Discussion Writing Assignment Help. RU Effect of The Pandemic on Global Economy Discussion Writing Assignment Help.
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Watch Bloomberg trainer for Capital in the 21st centur
International Studies_ Global F – Scott A. (Alexander) Straus (1).pdf Read chapter 7, or skim throught it.
Use these resources and create a CRA. In the Capital in the 21st century it was about industrialization in the current time and market working its a documentary on Netflix. Dont create a summary b ut just state your opinion on one of the main ideas of this source and connect it to international studies. THIS IS DUE AT 11;59 TODAY
RU Effect of The Pandemic on Global Economy Discussion Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
HPU Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for Mathematics Instructional Objectives Writing Assignment Help
Knowing what you want to teach by writing instructional objectives in advance of instruction is essential to helping students learn. Begin by identifying the state mandated content standards related to the subject you will teach. Then identify one or two specific standards on which you will base a specific lesson.
- You can find Texas’ curricular standards, the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills, or TEKS, here (Links to an external site.).
- If you are pursuing certification as an EC-6 generalist, be sure that your lesson plan is consistent with Texas’ Prekindergarten Guidelines (Links to an external site.) if appropriate.
- If you are pursuing certification in the field of special education, there are no specific TEKS related to special education. Instead, lessons for special education students are still aligned to the grade and content level TEKS in which the student is studying. Therefore, you may select any content area or grade level for which to align your lesson; however, be sure to identify the selected grade level and content area as well as identifying that the lesson is specifically designed for learners with special needs.
Each educational objective should address at least one identified state standard. When writing objectives, a sufficient number of objectives should be constructed to address each identified state standard for your lesson. In this assignment you will need to provide 3-5 objectives corresponding to 1 or more state standards that you identify.
For this assignment, follow these steps:
1. Provide the grade level and subject in which the lesson will be used.
2.Identify the state standards to which you will align. Include both the reference number of the standard and the full text of the standard. For example,
Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for Mathematics
Subchapter B. Middle School, Grade 6
(b)(1)(C) (The student is expected to) select tools, including real objects, manipulatives, paper and pencil, and technology as appropriate,and techniques, including mental math, estimation, and number sense as appropriate, to solve problems;
(b)(2)(C) (The student is expected to) locate, compare, and order integers and rational numbers using a number line;
3. Review the list of verbs related to Bloom’s taxonomy from this course.
4. Identify the verbs you want to use in writing objectives from each column on the list, based on the Bloom’s level at which you are seeking to measure learning. Each objective should have one verb as its focus. Label the objective’s verb by putting it in bold text.
5. Ensure that at least two of your objectives are related to higher-order thinking (thinking at the two highest levels, Evaluating or Creating, of Bloom’s taxonomy).
The student decides whether a sentence is simple, compound, complex, or compound-complex. (Evaluate)
6. Label the level of Bloom’s taxonomy that corresponds to each objective and place the label in bold text.
ACC Managing State Run Universities and Governments Questions Humanities Assignment Help
I’m working on a american studies writing question and need a sample draft to help me understand better.
An area of state government responsibility is running state supported higher education institutions such as state universities. In your judgment, how well are states doing in managing how they run state universities – particularly in terms of their access and affordability? Are there other issues in how state universities are run that are important to you?
What would you like to see state governments do differently in how they run state universities and why? Discuss. Further, do you see a role for the federal government in running state universities in the way the feds have gotten involved in K-12 education with the No Child Left Behind Act? Why/why not?
COMM 400 University of Phoenix EEOC Age Discrimination Seminar Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help
In 6 slide PowerPoint along with speaker notes, images.
Design a seminar to train the new managers who are replacing those who demonstrated discrimination. This seminar should define the new managers’ roles in establishing an organizational climate in which all employees feel valued and can contribute to the success of the company.
- Discuss projected demographics for this company in terms of age, ethnicity, gender, lifestyle, and language. How might these factors influence communication inside and outside the company?
- Provide examples of cultural issues that may arise in this company. Consider, for example, employees whose cultural holidays do not align with those of the corporate calendar. Provide other examples and propose strategies for management to maintain cultural neutrality.
MGT 422 Saudi Electronic University Truth vs Loyalty Dilemma Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
LO 6: The capacity to write coherent project about a case study or an actual research about ethics.
Experience from 2020 Pandemic
Almost all the individuals were experiencing a different circumstance during the past ten months. Think about a situation during these days where your values have conflicted. Identify and explain at least two values eg. Truth vs Loyalty. How have you resolved those conflicts, and what were the consequences (harms and benefits) of the decision? Now that your professor has explained about the ethical decision-making frameworks, what should you have done?
Psychological Distress Factors Affecting Saudi People During Covid Article Critique Humanities Assignment Help
Critical analysis of journal article summary
The critique should be of 1.5 pages with a text of no more than 500 words excluding references with a font of Times New Roman and size of 12. The line spacing should be 1.5.
The purpose of writing a critique is to assess the quality of work carried out by others and also for having a better understanding. The critical analysis of a journal article requires a critical reading and writing.
The students may use the following sample questions whichever applicable as basic guidelines for critiquing a journal article in health sciences:
Ten questions to ask when critically appraising a research article:
1. Is the study question relevant?
2. Does the study add anything new?
3. What type of research question is being asked?
4. Was the study design appropriate for the research question?
5. Did the study methods address the most important potential sources of bias?
6. Was the study performed according to the original protocol?
7. Does the study test a stated hypothesis?
8. Were the statistical analyses performed correctly?
9. Do the data justify the conclusions?
10. Are there any conflicts of interest?
Psychological Distress Factors Affecting Saudi People During Covid Article Critique Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
University of Oxford The Longshots Case Studies Question Writing Assignment Help
Please submit a paper a minimum of 3 pages total (1 page each case study) which answers the following questions for each of the three case studies.
Please describe what you think the therapeutic issues are for this case.
Please state at least three therapeutic goals for the case study.
Please state what DSM V diagnosis you would apply to this case and state your rationale for this diagnosis.
Please submit this paper to the assignment tab in Canvas. No abstract is needed. Cite references when necessary.
Case #1
Rick, age 45, and Agnes, age 42, have been in a committed relationship for 20 years and have three children (ages 8, 3, and 1). Rick is African American and Agnes is Caucasian. Rick works as an area manager for a food delivery service and Agnes maintains a part-time position as a medical secretary. They seek counseling stating that “sex use to be good” but in the last several years their sex life has dwindled. Agnes states that she does not have the same interest in sex as she used to. She states “He used to be romantic and passionate, now he just wants to “do it.” “Besides, women over 40 just don’t have the same excitement about sex s when he was younger.” She offers that she is often “too tired” to think about sex at the end of the day. She reports that she maintains the household taking care of children and doing most of the chores in addition to her job. She states that she feels angry and resentful that she is “stuck” with all the responsibilities and that she would like to feel heard by her partner. Rick states that he used to have more time to help out with the children but since his responsibilities shifted at work he is tired as well. He complains that he wants to “do it” more often and feels neglected and isolated. He reports “I bring home the bacon and that’s my main responsibility, I love Agnes and want her to want me sexually like she used to.” He states that Agnes does not understand the pressure he is feeling.
Case #2
Carl V., age 20, entered therapy at the urging of his wife, Melissa. Melissa has been increasingly concerned with Carl’s inability to become sexually aroused by “traditional” sexual foreplay. This has been a change in their relatively young marriage. Carl has asked for her to wear various shoes during sex, and while that had not initially been that alarming, she was concerned when she caught him masturbating with a pair of her heels.
Case #3
Donna, a 35-year-old woman presented for therapy due to problems in her relationship. She reported that she was very upset that her husband of 6 months was so sexually demanding. If it were up to him, she said, the couple would have sexual relations multiple times a day. She also stated that he would often keep her up at night, despite the early demands of her job, and that he would masturbate for several hours each night. Donna loves her husband, but is not sure she can take much more.
What every mental health professional needs to know about sex
Author: Stephanie Buehler
Publisher: Springer Publishing Company
Edition: 2nd
ISBN13: 9780826174444
San Diego State University Business Negotiation Skills Research Paper Business Finance Assignment Help
Please draft an “internal Research Memo” (See Exhibit 2-9) for San Jose Wellness, 156 TC No. 4. You should cite at least 3 good form references. The references might include Internal Revenue Code sections, Treasury Regulations, IRS pronouncements, and other court cases. Please limit your memo to 700 words or less. Graduate students should cite at least 6 references. PDF ATTACHED BELOW. Also, there is an example of memo. Thank you
San Jose Wellness v. Commissioner., U.S. Tax Court, CCH Dec. 61,820, 156 T.C. No. 4, (Feb. 17, 2021).pdf. Any quotes should be minimal and included within quotation marks.
University of Oxford Paragraph Analysis Writing Assignment Help
Even if substantial agreement could be reached on ethical principles and they could be set out in a code, the attempt to impose such principles on others in the guise of ethics contradicts the notion of ethics itself, which presumes that persons are autonomous moral agents. In Kant’s terms, such an attempt makes ethics- heteronymous; it confuses ethics with some kind of externally imposed set of rules such as a code of ethics which, indeed, is heteronymous. To put the point in more popular language: ethics must, by its very nature, be self-directed rather than other-directed.
Look at the above paragraph from an engineering ethics point of view if possible, or a philosophical perspective if not possible. reflect and describe the paragraph in one page
Tools Can Be Used to Bulk Modify Attributes of Identified User Accounts Discussion Engineering Assignment Help
Respond to Steven:
Address the following based on the given information.
- What tools can be used to bulk modify the attributes of identified user accounts?
Some tools that you can use to bulk modify attributes are Bulk AD Users, AD Bulk User Update Tool, and ADManager Plus. All three tools allow updates through a .csv file and the ability to export an Active Directory (AD) to a .csv file. You can edit the attributes in an Excel file and import the changes back into the AD. They also offer a Graphical User Interface to perform these tasks versus command line tools and scripts. They make it more user friendly.
- How many instances of Azure AD Connect are needed for Ohm Productions?
One Azure AD Connect instance can cover the three forests and 10 domains of Ohm production. You must make sure that the forests are only connected to one Azure AD Connect sync server and this server must be joined to the domain. A user may only be used once in the Azure AD. If there are multiple accounts of the same user, you must consolidate them. (Topologies, 2018)
- How can you ensure that the members of the Development and Plant Operations department do not synchronize?
By using the filtering options when conducting an Azure AD Connect sync you can disable the Development and Plant departments from syncing. You must first disable the scheduled task, so it does not run, on its own, without the filters you want. You can then set a filter based on Group, Domain, Organizational Unit, or Attribute. And you can set multiple options at the same time. (Configure filtering, 2019)
- How do you meet the recovery process requirement?
I would use Azure Migrate to move the on-premises AD to Azure AD. Before I did that I would backup the information of every user into a separate storage device, as a fail-safe. Another method would be to follow the documentation at which shows you how to restore deleted user accounts to the AD.
Topologies. (November 27, 2018). Topologies for Azure AD Connect. Microsoft.
Configure filtering. (March 26, 2019). Azure AD Connect sync: Configure filtering. Microsoft.