Rutgers University Law 9 11 Terrorism Attack Research Paper Law Assignment Help

Rutgers University Law 9 11 Terrorism Attack Research Paper Law Assignment Help. Rutgers University Law 9 11 Terrorism Attack Research Paper Law Assignment Help.

I’m working on a law report and need support to help me study.
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Research Paper#2 Submit your paper in the Assignment link in this week’s Module. The Research Paper is open to any terrorist event that has occurred in the United States. Compose a properly constructed APA style research paper describing an actual terrorist attack and how the four phases of disaster management impacted the resolution. What change would have led to an improved resolution? Explain and support.

The body of the Research Paper will be 4 to 5 typed pages in Microsoft Word. The body of the papers does not include the title page or reference page. Font will be Times New Roman size 12 point, double-spaced spaced, and written in the APA Style format. Please do not select any other style font. A minimum of 5 peer reviewed journal and / or government references are required.

Papers will follow the guidelines listed in the grading rubric.

Papers must be submitted electronically as an attachment within Canvas LMS in Safe-Assign. The document must use the following digital file naming format 5280LastnameFirstname2. For example, my paper would be named 5280McKeownJohn2.

Each paper should include the following:

  • Title Page
  • Introduction of the situation
  • Background
  • Current thinking, relevant theories
  • Conclusion
  • References

Rutgers University Law 9 11 Terrorism Attack Research Paper Law Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Week 1 Information System Security Risk Analysis Essay Questions Computer Science Assignment Help

I’m working on a cyber security question and need an explanation to help me study.



Instructions: Answer all questions in a single document. Then submit to the appropriate assignment folder. Each response to a single essay question should be about a half-page in length (about 150 words).


  • In this week’s readings, you learned about two methods of risk analysis: quantitative assessment and qualitative assessment. Explain the steps taken to assess a risk from a quantitative perspective where monetary and numeric values are assigned and discuss the formulas used to quantify risk. Then, explain the methods used to assess risk from a qualitative perspective where intangible values are evaluated such as the seriousness of the risk or ramifications to the reputation of the company.
  • Domain 1 introduced numerous security terms that are used in assessing risk. Please define the terms vulnerability, threat, threat agent, risk, exposure and control. Then, describe the three different control types and give examples for each.
  • After you’ve conducted your risk assessment and determined the amount of total and residual risk, you must decide how to handle it. Describe the four basic ways of handling risk.


Boston College Philosophy Virtue Ethics Questions Humanities Assignment Help

I’m working on a philosophy writing question and need an explanation to help me learn.

1. In their piece ‘Moral Saints’ Susan Wolf argues that there are two kinds of Saints. What are they and do they apply to virtue ethics (in your view) given our class discussion on the piece?

2. What does Susan Wolf say about Utilitarianism and Kantianism with regards to moral saintliness? Please be as specific as possible.

3. What is Neil Levy’s argument regarding addiction and disease? What are the main reasons he gives to support his thesis?

5. What is Sandel’s argument against genetic enhancement?


Ashford University Macroeconomic Discussion Economics Assignment Help

I’m working on a macro economics writing question and need support to help me learn.

Answer one of the following questions below: MUST BE 500 WORDS AND CITE SOURCES

Chapter 08: Watch the video from PolicyEd entitled, “Understanding the Unemployment Rate” and answer the following questions. Does the unemployment rate measure labor market strength? Is unemployment a problem in our country? Why does it make sense to also consider the employment-to-population ratio? In your summary, try to further support your position using either the textbook or other outside source. Use APA formatting when using in-text citations and references.

Chapter 09: Watch “Zimbabwe and Hyperinflation: Who Wants To Be A Trillionaire” from Marginal Revolution. When summarizing the video, how did they describe hyperinflation? When countries are faced with a similar challenge where there is limited growth and low living standards, what are some other alternatives that government can use rather than printing money? Use APA formatting when using in-text citations.

Chapter 11: Read this Forbes article entitled, “Global Manufacturing Shock During The Coronavirus Crisis: When Supply Shock Meets Demand Shock” and highlight the key points. When summarizing this, explain how they describe a supply shock and a demand shock. Then think about how this could impact the global economy in the future. Ideally, use either the textbook or outside sources to further support position. Use APA formatting when using in-text citations and references.


University of Maryland Innovation Cycles of Technology Discussion Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a computer science case study and need an explanation to help me learn.

Research Innovation Cycles 

In this step, you will learn about the process of Innovation AKA Innovation Cycles. Google “Innovation Cycle” using the Internet and research the different Innovation Cycles that are out there. 

Note: Disruptive/ Radical/ Incremental technology innovation are types of innovation; they are NOT Innovation “CYCLES”.

Activity: Prepare an Innovation Cycle report that addresses the findings from this step.  Provide a report that compares and contrasts two innovation cycles.  Include a table that summarizes the attributes of these innovation cycles. Make a recommendation as to which Innovation Cycle is most appropriate for Largo. Be specific how the recommendations address the issues identified in the Introduction of this learning activity. The report should be minimum 1.5 to maximum 2 pages.  Include at least 3 references in the report. To better guide the reader, include an Introduction and Conclusion. The Introduction sets the context for the report; the Conclusion restates key take away points for the reader. Use section headings in the body of the report to group ideas logically. 



REL 3127 Florida International University Church and State Research Paper Law Assignment Help

The instructions are the following:

Wikipedia* provides the following selective list of 1st Amendment religious issues addressed by the U.S. Supreme Court:

  1. Standing to sue
  2. Tax exemption to religious institutions
  3. Legislative chaplains
  4. Government-sponsored religious displays
  5. Religion in public education
  6. Prayer in public schools
  7. Teaching of creationism in public schools
  8. Governmental aid to church-related schools
  9. Blue laws
  10. Religious institution functioning as a government agency
  11. Unequal government treatment of religious groups
  12. Polygamy
  13. Religion and the right to work
  14. Religious tests for public service or benefits
  15. Religion and free speech
  16. Religion and public education
  17. Religion and public property
  18. Solicitation by religious groups
  19. Religion and eminent domain
  20. Ritual sacrifice of animals
  21. Government intervention in church controversies

The list provides a quick thumbnail sketch of how many different types of cases have been litigated as the Court continually refines the meaning of freedom of religion—and freedom from religion.

Choose two of these areas–one dealing with free exercise and one with establishment–and for each of them, do the following:

  1. Identify: whether this issue involves free exercise or establishment.
  2. Research: the history of the issue in terms of court cases. Write at least a few substantial paragraphs on questions such as:
    • How has it been interpreted over the years?
    • Have there been reverses in later decisions?
    • What is the currently accepted interpretation?
    • Where do we stand today on this issue?

      3. Analyze: the pros and cons of the issue, using your own interpretations, backed with research (properly cited.) This is the meat of your paper, so don’t skimp. Deal with such questions as

  • What are the relevant questions involved?
  • What were the positions on either side?
  • Is the issue now favoring a more conservative or more liberal interpretation?
  • Do you agree with what the courts have decided, especially the current interpretation? Why or why not? Give the arguments for both sides, and analyze the pros and cons, citing cases or other research as relevant.
  • Do you think public opinion has had an effect on the decisions? Do you think this is good? Why or why not?
  • What do you predict will happen with regard to this issue in the future? Are there important cases coming up through the lower courts? Is there an interpretive trend? What factors in the public arena might influence future decisions?

Do not simply answer these questions one by one. Use them as a guide to how to shape a thoughtful, informed analysis of the issues. You will be evaluated in large part on how thoughtfully you go beyond these questions in your analysis.


REL 3127 Florida International University Church and State Research Paper Law Assignment Help[supanova_question]

MT 482 Brooklyn Institute of Business Forecasted Cash Inflows & Outflows Discussion Writing Assignment Help…

In this Assignment, you will dig deep into the Fax Corporation’s financial statements to find what is
most impacting to their future cash flows. You will learn to search for the key results that are
impacting Fax Corporation’s future borrowing requirements. Forecasting credit helps you keep your
company’s cost of credit, and interest expense under control.
Locate the Fax Corporation Case 10-1 on page 604 of your text. Be sure to submit thoughtful and
substantial answers to the questions following each case.
This is a challenging activity. You should prepare to spend substantial time working on your
Directions for Submitting Your Assignment
Compose your Assignment in a Microsoft Word document and save it as Username- MT482
Assignment-Unit 8.docx (Example: TAllen- MT482 Assignment Unit 8.docx). Submit your file
by selecting the Unit 8 Assignment Dropbox by the end of the unit.
Unit 8 Assignment: Fax Corporation Case 10-1
Content, Analysis, and Effective Writing Skills
Response successfully answers Assignment questions for this
Prepares a forecast of cash inflows and outflows for next year.
The response to the questions exhibits strong critical thinking and
appropriate analysis.
Determines if the company will need to borrow money next year
and if so how much.
Sentences are clear, concise, and direct; tone is appropriate.
Grammatical skills are strong with almost no errors per page. 8
Total Points 45


FILM 1F94 Studies Boston College Today They Took My Son Film Analysis Writing Assignment Help

Paper format:

  • Double space, 12 point font, 1 inch margins word or PDF file can be uploaded here on this assignment
  • Undergrads: 3 to 5 pages

Introduction and opinion:

  • Film title, topic, release date
  • Summary of the story, rising action, climax
  • Accuracy of the depiction
  • Use of sources, people/characters, locations
  • Creative elements:
  • Use of color, camera techniques, mood and tone
  • Your opinion: Make sure to clearly state your own opinion about the film

Urban and Architectural analysis

  • What spatial elements are uses in establishing shots?
  • What Iconic urban elements are used?
  • Private and public spaces that are depicted?
  • What are some important long shots and close ups as it relates to the space the film is set in?
  • How are urban and architectural elements used to connote particular cultural and/or political narratives about the location?


University of the Cumberlands Strategic Risks Management Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help

In the last week of class, we are going to complete a reflection activity.

This discussion topic is to be reflective and will be using your own words and not a compilation of direct citations from other papers or sources. You can use citations in your posts, but this discussion exercise should be about what you have learned through your viewpoint and not a re-hash of any particular article, topic, or the book.

Items to include in the initial thread:

  • “Interesting Assignments” – What were some of the more interesting assignments to you?
  • “Interesting Readings” – What reading or readings did you find the most interesting and why? “Interesting Readings”
  • “Perspective” – How has this course changed your perspective?
  • “Course Feedback” – What topics or activities would you add to the course, or should we focus on some areas more than others?

Course Name: Enterprise Risk Management


FU Adolescents Physical Activity & Involvement in Bullying During HS Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

There are two articles need to be revised. Don’t add too many words, just follow the suggestions to revise it.

Suggestions for the first article : Involvement in bullying during high school: A Survival Analysis approach

  • The research topic shall include the research problem, justification of the problem and the central phenomenon or research question(s)
  • Data analysis method need to have a conclusion about whether the appropriate analytical methods are used or not.
  • Discussion of results and conclusions need to talk about whether the conclusions drawn by the author are appropriate and conform to Creswell’s requirements
  • Study Limitation need to list the limitation mentioned by the author.

Suggestions for second article: Physical activity among adolescents in India: A qualitative study of barriers and enablers.

  • The research topic shall include the research problem, justification of the problem and the central phenomenon or research question(s)
  • the methods employed for collecting data can be divided into four parts: A. the site/context. B. participants and research tools. C. instruments. D. Procedures
  • Ethic Considerations: the second half doesn’t seem to have something to do with the title
  • Study Limitation need to list the limitation mentioned by the author.


Rutgers University Law 9 11 Terrorism Attack Research Paper Law Assignment Help

Rutgers University Law 9 11 Terrorism Attack Research Paper Law Assignment Help

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