RVE 1211 ASU Maps Representations of Land Water and Perspective Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

RVE 1211 ASU Maps Representations of Land Water and Perspective Discussion Humanities Assignment Help. RVE 1211 ASU Maps Representations of Land Water and Perspective Discussion Humanities Assignment Help.

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Questions for Analysis

  1. Compare these maps in terms of their representations of land, water, perspective, and other features. What accounts for the maps’ similarities and differences?
  2. Based on the features and information on the maps, where did the cartographers get the data to create them? How might these maps have been used, and by whom?
  3. What do these maps suggest about how these cartographers and their patrons understood the known world? Why are certain parts of the world emphasized and others left off?

Full credit for each week consists of two (2) parts – the direct response to the questions, and the challenge or agreement to one other student’s answer, explaining why. The total word count for both parts must be a minimum of 300 words.

Keep in mind that your discussion forum postings will likely be seen by other members of the course. Care should be taken when determining what to post.

RVE 1211 ASU Maps Representations of Land Water and Perspective Discussion Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

SNHU Wk 3 The Major Concerns of Each one of the Political Parties Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

Respond to the following in a minimum of 200 words:

In the late 1700s, the fragile new government began to experience growing pains. Initially, there were no political parties, but as differences began to emerge about the formation of the centralized government and the proposed Constitution, the Federalist and Democratic-Republican parties formed.

Discussion questions: What were the major concerns of each political party? How did these opposing political views affect ratification of the Constitution and the addition of the Bill of Rights? Select one of the first ten amendments to the Constitution. Why do you think this amendment was included? How was it significant to the development of American democracy?


RC Retention of New Nurses Lewins Change Theory Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help


Integrate creative leadership and management strategies to facilitate change.


You are assigned to create a strategic plan that facilitates change to improve outcomes in your organization. Knowing that change is based on data, relative position within the dynamics of an organization, and a theoretical foundation, you agree to complete a SWOT analysis supported by a change theory.


Generate a SWOT analysis that reflects an understanding of a problem within the context of the organization’s needs and potential for change. As a nurse leader or manager, develop your analysis based on a change theory to improve outcomes by addressing one of the following processes:

  • Healing spaces
  • Retention of new nurses
  • Increase number of BSN RNs
  • Nurse leader succession planning
  • Clinical ladder

This SWOT analysis will include a description of the strengths of the proposed change, weaknesses within the context of the organization, opportunities for improving outcomes if the proposed change is implemented, and threats to the success of this proposal. A thorough analysis must include the following:

  • Identify and integrate a change theory as the foundation of your SWOT analysis justifying the selection of the theory used.
  • Description of the problem to be analyzed to promote a change and improve an outcome.
  • SWOT analysis to include the following elements:
    • Strengths of the proposal for change
    • Weakness of the proposal within the context of the organization
    • Opportunities for improved outcomes if the proposed change is implemented
    • Threats to this proposal, both internal and external to the organization.
  • Provides stated ideas with professional language and attribution for credible sources with correct APA citation, spelling, and grammar.


  • Identify and describe a change theory including how it supports the SWOT analysis and proposal for change.
  • Thoroughly describe the problem to be analyzed to promote a change and improve an outcome.
  • Thoroughly develops the SWOT analysis and all of its elements.


Arizona State University Privilege and Punishment Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

Questions for Analysis

  1. Assess the combinations of privilege and punishment conveyed by these images. What kinds of assistance or special privileges did leaders grant, to whom did they offer this assistance, and what kinds of punishment did they impose?
  2. Describe the original context for these images. Who might have created these images, for whom, and who might have seen them?
  3. Interpret the role religion plays in these images. How does the artist present the relationship between religion and social order?
  4. Explain how Berruguete’s use of the past alters the relationship between royal authorities and traditional elites presented in the first painting, compared to the relationship between rulers and elites shown or implied by the other two images.

Full credit for each week consists of two (2) parts – the direct response to the questions, and the challenge or agreement to one other student’s answer, explaining why. The total word count for both parts must be a minimum of 300 words.

Keep in mind that your discussion forum postings will likely be seen by other members of the course. Care should be taken when determining what to post.


Regent University farming in Cuba Case Study Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Minor Project 1: Case 1.2 (Cuba)

This is the first of two minor projects in this class which consist of a review of a case study drawn out of the textbook. Use the case as a basis for doing additional research on the topic. Use the case study questions as a jumping-off point for your discussion. Do not simply answer the questions, but elaborate on the point that the questions ask to be addressed. Weave your answers into an essay responding to the topics in the case. I should not see a list of the questions and your answers. Your citations from the textbook should be mainly from sections other than those in the case study. I am looking for demonstrated learning related to the course material, not just a rehash of the case study.

Use the essay rubric in the Grading Rubrics folder as your guideline while you develop your case essay. Use APA style and formatting to compose the 600-800-word case essay. There is no need to include an abstract in a paper this short. The word count excludes your cover page, any charts and graphs, and your reference list. Please seek to add 3-4 business-related journal articles or trade-based resources for support in addition to your textbook.

This week’s case is 1.2, on page 130. It is an intriguing look at history and shows how Cuba arrived, and it’s future.

Minor Project Grading Rubric

For example, this rubric will be used to grade your cases.

Essay & (Research) Paper Grading Rubric





1.Conceptual Understanding & Critical Thinking

The essay/paper directly addresses the assigned topic and provides a thoughtful answer to each question demonstrating critical thinking and a sound understanding of the issues.



2.Integration of Scripture and additional Text/ Resources

Writing is supported with Scripture as well as with course text and unassigned materials (at least 1 external resource in essays, 2 in papers and 3 in research papers).



3. Application/ Personal Experience

The essay/paper provides integration and application of course theories and principles and relates to personal experience when appropriate.



4. Innovation/ originality

The essay/paper demonstrates original innovative ideas and insights.



5. Organization

The essay/paper is well-organized, including cover and reference pages, an introduction, summary, smooth transitions between topics, and logically developed paragraphs.



6. Grammar/ Writing Style

The essay/paper employs correct English grammar, punctuation, and spelling, and appropriate word choices. In-text and after-text references are documented appropriately using APA style.



7. Length

The essay/paper is the appropriate length, within the specified range.



Late Points:






9 days ago

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Global Business

By: Mike W. Peng

  • Publisher: Cengage Learning

Print ISBN: 9781305890305, 1305890302

Print ISBN: 9781305890305, 1305890302

eText ISBN: 9781305890305, 1305890302

eText ISBN: 9781305890305, 1305890302

  • Edition: 4th



University of Central Florida Displacement Physics Questions Science Assignment Help

A spelunker is surveying a cave. She follows a passage that takes her a distance 190 mm straight west, then a distance 207 mm in a direction 45.0 east of south, then a distance 284 mm at 30.0 east of north. After a fourth unmeasured displacement she finds herself back where she started.

a. Use the method of components to determine the magnitude of the fourth displacement.

b. Use the method of components to determine the direction of the fourth displacement.(South of West)

University of Central Florida Displacement Physics Questions Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]

ITEC 4010 WU Networking Administration Labsims Practical Programming Exercise Computer Science Assignment Help

Labsims Practical

6.2.5 Configure Switch Ports

6.3.10 Exploring
Switch Port Status

8.3.4 Restrict
Telnet and SSH Access

8.3.5 Permit

8.3.6 Block
Source Hosts

6.3.5 Configure Management
VLAN Settings

6.4.5 Create

6.5.6 Configure

6.5.8 Configure
the Native VLAN

11.1.3 Configure
Allowed VLANs

In many cases, you may wish to review the text and media resources in the section to support your lab work.

For each of these, you should take a screen shot of your final report showing 100% completion. Paste the screen shots showing completion of each lab into a single document and submit that document. Your instructor will also be able to review your work in TestOut, but you must submit the reports here to receive credit as this documents completion in the Walden classroom.


HST 155 UOPX Week 3 Democratic Republican Partys Beliefs and Ideals Paper Humanities Assignment Help

Resource: New Nation Worksheet (attached)

Imagine you are a reporter covering political events of the time.

Complete the New Nation worksheet to trace the development of political parties in the new republic. As you complete the worksheet, you will also have the opportunity to describe Jeffersonian democracy in relation to significant events from Jefferson’s presidency (Do not discuss his actions prior to becoming president. This assignment solely focuses on his role in office.) Finally, you will discuss the relationship between the military events and outcomes of the War of 1812.

Please remember to complete this assignment using the course materials before any outside sources and ALWAYS include APA formatted citations and references.


Capella University Number Representation Number Theory & Discrete Probability Paper Mathematics Assignment Help

  • Toggle Drawer


    Refresh a company’s computer network memory with respect to number representation conversions, decimal to binary and hexadecimal (and vice versa), using your ability to apply number representation and theory. Then, use discrete probability to assess the risk of a hacker foiling the company network’s RSA encryption.

  • The assessment focuses on number theory, discrete probability theory, counting rules, permutations, and combinations.

  • Context

    The Assessment 2 Context document contains additional information about set and probability theory, permutations and combinations, and cryptography.

  • Resources

    Suggested Resources

    The following optional resources are provided to support you in completing the assessment or to provide a helpful context. For additional resources, refer to the Research Resources and Supplemental Resources in the left navigation menu of your courseroom.

    Capella Resources


    Capella Multimedia

    Click the links provided below to view the following multimedia pieces:

    • The Counting Principle | Transcript.
      • This presentation introduces the following topics:
        • Multiplication and addition principles.
        • Permutations and combinations.
        • Catalan numbers.
        • Discrete probability.
        • Conditional probability.
        • Pigeonhole principle.
    Library Resources

    The following e-book from the Capella University Library is linked directly in this course:

    Bookstore Resources

    The resource listed below is relevant to the topics and assessments in this course and is not required. Unless noted otherwise, this resource is available for purchase from the Capella University Bookstore. When searching the bookstore, be sure to look for the Course ID with the specific –FP (FlexPath) course designation.

    • Johnsonbaugh, R. (2018). Discrete mathematics (8th ed.). New York, NY: Pearson.
      • Chapter 6, “Counting Methods and the Pigeonhole Principle,” sections 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.5, and 6.6, are particularly useful for your work in this assessment. Topics in these sections include permutations, combinations, discrete probabilities, and discrete probability theory.
  • Assessment Instructions

    Assume you help to oversee your company’s computer network. As such, it is important for you to understand and be able to apply number representation and number theory, as well as other IT concepts.

    Part 1: Number Representation (application to binary encoding) and Combinatorics (application to IP network addressing)

    Note: For each of the following, you must show your work for credit.

  • Given your responsibilities, you decide to refresh your memory with respect to number representation conversions: decimal to binary and hexadecimal (and vice versa). In the following questions, the base is denoted as a subscript. For example, 1510 is 15 in decimal (base 10), 00112 is 3 in binary (base 2), and 1A16 is 26 in hexadecimal (base 16).
    1. What is the decimal representation of 100011012 ?
    2. What is the decimal representation of FFC616 ?
    3. What is the binary representation of 17C616 ?
    4. What is the hexadecimal representation of 111110002 ?

    According to the IP internet protocol, each IP address is represented as a binary string. In IPv4 (Internet protocol version 4), a 32-bit binary string is used. For example, 00000011.00000111.00000000.11111111, which is often presented in dotted decimal:

    1. In mathematics, the study of combinations refers to the number of ways one can select items from a group disregarding order; the study of permutations refers to the number of ways one can permute, or arrange, items into a sequence. Given that each entry in a binary string must be either a 1 or a 0, what is the total number of addresses that can be encoded using a 32-bit binary string? Is this a combination or permutation problem? Justify your answer.
    2. In IPv6, 128 bit, binary strings are used for addressing. How many addresses can be encoded using 128 bits? Is this a combination or permutation problem? Justify your answer.
    3. In IPv4, how many addresses contain exactly eight 1s?

    Part 2: Number Theory and Discrete Probability (application to encryption)

    Note: For each of the following, you must show your work for credit. Some questions also require you to justify your answer.

  • Network security and encryption is also a concern of a network administrator. Many encryption schemes are based on number theory and prime numbers; for example, RSA encryption. These methods rely on the difficulty of computing and testing large prime numbers. (A prime number is a number that has no divisor except for itself and 1.)For example, in RSA encryption, one must choose two prime numbers, p and q; these numbers are private but their product, z = pq, is public. For this scheme to work, it is important that one cannot easily find p or q given z, which is why p and q are generally large numbers.
    1. Choose an example of p and q and compute their product z. Justify your selection.
    2. Assume that you wish to make a risk assessment and you wish to determine how probable it may be for a hacker to determine p and q from z. You wish to use discrete probability for this computation. For the sake of example, you choose to assess z = 502,560,410,469,881. Say that a hacker will attempt to find p and thus q by randomly selecting a potential divisor and testing to see if it divides 502,560,410,469,881. (You know that p = 15,485,867 and q = 32,452,843, but the hacker does not.) For example, the hacker may choose 1021; however, upon inspection the hacker will see that 1021 does not divide z.

      For all questions below, please show all your work and/or justify your answers.

      1. Given this problem, what is the sample space of the problem? Hint: In this context, the sample space is the set of all possible values that the hacker may select.
      2. Given the sample space defined above, what events correspond to a successful guess by the hacker? Hint: An event is a subset of the sample space.
      3. Given the above, what is the probability that the hacker will successfully guess p and/or q?
      4. Assume the hacker selects five numbers to test.
        1. What is the probability that all five attempts will fail? Show your work.
        2. What is the probability that one of the five attempts will succeed? Show your work.

          Counting, Combinations, and Permutations Scoring Guide

          Criteria DISTINGUISHED
          Convert numbers to different representations. Converts numbers to different number representations and analyzes the utility of these number representations within the context of computing.

          Compute combinations and/or permutation.

          Computes and explains combinations and/or permutation and integrates IT scenario into explanation.
          Apply number theory to encryption.

          Applies number theory to encryption and evaluates prime number selections within the context of encryption.
          Compute discrete probability. Analyzes computational design within context of encryption by constructing a sample space of minimal size, and computes discrete probability.

          Combine discrete probability. Combines discrete probability and assesses the result within the context of encryption.


Causes and Effects of Climate Change Report Programming Assignment Help

Go to data.gov – a u.s government sponsored data portal that has a very large number of data sets on a wide variety of topics ranging from healthcare to public safety. Pick a topic that you are most passionate about. Go through the topic specific information and explanation provided on the site. Explore the possibilities of downloading the data and use your favorite data visualization tool to create your meaningful information and visualizations.

When submitting work, be sure to include an APA cover page and include at least two APA formatted references (and APA in-text citations) to support the work this week.


https://anyessayhelp.com/. When searching the bookstore, be sure to look for the Course ID with the specific –FP (FlexPath) course designation.

  • Johnsonbaugh, R. (2018). Discrete mathematics (8th ed.). New York, NY: Pearson.
    • Chapter 6, “Counting Methods and the Pigeonhole Principle,” sections 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.5, and 6.6, are particularly useful for your work in this assessment. Topics in these sections include permutations, combinations, discrete probabilities, and discrete probability theory.
  • Assessment Instructions

    Assume you help to oversee your company’s computer network. As such, it is important for you to understand and be able to apply number representation and number theory, as well as other IT concepts.

    Part 1: Number Representation (application to binary encoding) and Combinatorics (application to IP network addressing)

    Note: For each of the following, you must show your work for credit.

  • Given your responsibilities, you decide to refresh your memory with respect to number representation conversions: decimal to binary and hexadecimal (and vice versa). In the following questions, the base is denoted as a subscript. For example, 1510 is 15 in decimal (base 10), 00112 is 3 in binary (base 2), and 1A16 is 26 in hexadecimal (base 16).
    1. What is the decimal representation of 100011012 ?
    2. What is the decimal representation of FFC616 ?
    3. What is the binary representation of 17C616 ?
    4. What is the hexadecimal representation of 111110002 ?

    According to the IP internet protocol, each IP address is represented as a binary string. In IPv4 (Internet protocol version 4), a 32-bit binary string is used. For example, 00000011.00000111.00000000.11111111, which is often presented in dotted decimal:

    1. In mathematics, the study of combinations refers to the number of ways one can select items from a group disregarding order; the study of permutations refers to the number of ways one can permute, or arrange, items into a sequence. Given that each entry in a binary string must be either a 1 or a 0, what is the total number of addresses that can be encoded using a 32-bit binary string? Is this a combination or permutation problem? Justify your answer.
    2. In IPv6, 128 bit, binary strings are used for addressing. How many addresses can be encoded using 128 bits? Is this a combination or permutation problem? Justify your answer.
    3. In IPv4, how many addresses contain exactly eight 1s?

    Part 2: Number Theory and Discrete Probability (application to encryption)

    Note: For each of the following, you must show your work for credit. Some questions also require you to justify your answer.

  • Network security and encryption is also a concern of a network administrator. Many encryption schemes are based on number theory and prime numbers; for example, RSA encryption. These methods rely on the difficulty of computing and testing large prime numbers. (A prime number is a number that has no divisor except for itself and 1.)For example, in RSA encryption, one must choose two prime numbers, p and q; these numbers are private but their product, z = pq, is public. For this scheme to work, it is important that one cannot easily find p or q given z, which is why p and q are generally large numbers.
    1. Choose an example of p and q and compute their product z. Justify your selection.
    2. Assume that you wish to make a risk assessment and you wish to determine how probable it may be for a hacker to determine p and q from z. You wish to use discrete probability for this computation. For the sake of example, you choose to assess z = 502,560,410,469,881. Say that a hacker will attempt to find p and thus q by randomly selecting a potential divisor and testing to see if it divides 502,560,410,469,881. (You know that p = 15,485,867 and q = 32,452,843, but the hacker does not.) For example, the hacker may choose 1021; however, upon inspection the hacker will see that 1021 does not divide z.

      For all questions below, please show all your work and/or justify your answers.

      1. Given this problem, what is the sample space of the problem? Hint: In this context, the sample space is the set of all possible values that the hacker may select.
      2. Given the sample space defined above, what events correspond to a successful guess by the hacker? Hint: An event is a subset of the sample space.
      3. Given the above, what is the probability that the hacker will successfully guess p and/or q?
      4. Assume the hacker selects five numbers to test.
        1. What is the probability that all five attempts will fail? Show your work.
        2. What is the probability that one of the five attempts will succeed? Show your work.

          Counting, Combinations, and Permutations Scoring Guide

          Criteria DISTINGUISHED
          Convert numbers to different representations. Converts numbers to different number representations and analyzes the utility of these number representations within the context of computing.

          Compute combinations and/or permutation.

          Computes and explains combinations and/or permutation and integrates IT scenario into explanation.
          Apply number theory to encryption.

          Applies number theory to encryption and evaluates prime number selections within the context of encryption.
          Compute discrete probability. Analyzes computational design within context of encryption by constructing a sample space of minimal size, and computes discrete probability.

          Combine discrete probability. Combines discrete probability and assesses the result within the context of encryption.
  • [supanova_question]

    Causes and Effects of Climate Change Report Programming Assignment Help

    Go to data.gov – a u.s government sponsored data portal that has a very large number of data sets on a wide variety of topics ranging from healthcare to public safety. Pick a topic that you are most passionate about. Go through the topic specific information and explanation provided on the site. Explore the possibilities of downloading the data and use your favorite data visualization tool to create your meaningful information and visualizations.

    When submitting work, be sure to include an APA cover page and include at least two APA formatted references (and APA in-text citations) to support the work this week.


    https://anyessayhelp.com/. When searching the bookstore, be sure to look for the Course ID with the specific –FP (FlexPath) course designation.

    • Johnsonbaugh, R. (2018). Discrete mathematics (8th ed.). New York, NY: Pearson.
      • Chapter 6, “Counting Methods and the Pigeonhole Principle,” sections 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.5, and 6.6, are particularly useful for your work in this assessment. Topics in these sections include permutations, combinations, discrete probabilities, and discrete probability theory.
  • Assessment Instructions

    Assume you help to oversee your company’s computer network. As such, it is important for you to understand and be able to apply number representation and number theory, as well as other IT concepts.

    Part 1: Number Representation (application to binary encoding) and Combinatorics (application to IP network addressing)

    Note: For each of the following, you must show your work for credit.

  • Given your responsibilities, you decide to refresh your memory with respect to number representation conversions: decimal to binary and hexadecimal (and vice versa). In the following questions, the base is denoted as a subscript. For example, 1510 is 15 in decimal (base 10), 00112 is 3 in binary (base 2), and 1A16 is 26 in hexadecimal (base 16).
    1. What is the decimal representation of 100011012 ?
    2. What is the decimal representation of FFC616 ?
    3. What is the binary representation of 17C616 ?
    4. What is the hexadecimal representation of 111110002 ?

    According to the IP internet protocol, each IP address is represented as a binary string. In IPv4 (Internet protocol version 4), a 32-bit binary string is used. For example, 00000011.00000111.00000000.11111111, which is often presented in dotted decimal:

    1. In mathematics, the study of combinations refers to the number of ways one can select items from a group disregarding order; the study of permutations refers to the number of ways one can permute, or arrange, items into a sequence. Given that each entry in a binary string must be either a 1 or a 0, what is the total number of addresses that can be encoded using a 32-bit binary string? Is this a combination or permutation problem? Justify your answer.
    2. In IPv6, 128 bit, binary strings are used for addressing. How many addresses can be encoded using 128 bits? Is this a combination or permutation problem? Justify your answer.
    3. In IPv4, how many addresses contain exactly eight 1s?

    Part 2: Number Theory and Discrete Probability (application to encryption)

    Note: For each of the following, you must show your work for credit. Some questions also require you to justify your answer.

  • Network security and encryption is also a concern of a network administrator. Many encryption schemes are based on number theory and prime numbers; for example, RSA encryption. These methods rely on the difficulty of computing and testing large prime numbers. (A prime number is a number that has no divisor except for itself and 1.)For example, in RSA encryption, one must choose two prime numbers, p and q; these numbers are private but their product, z = pq, is public. For this scheme to work, it is important that one cannot easily find p or q given z, which is why p and q are generally large numbers.
    1. Choose an example of p and q and compute their product z. Justify your selection.
    2. Assume that you wish to make a risk assessment and you wish to determine how probable it may be for a hacker to determine p and q from z. You wish to use discrete probability for this computation. For the sake of example, you choose to assess z = 502,560,410,469,881. Say that a hacker will attempt to find p and thus q by randomly selecting a potential divisor and testing to see if it divides 502,560,410,469,881. (You know that p = 15,485,867 and q = 32,452,843, but the hacker does not.) For example, the hacker may choose 1021; however, upon inspection the hacker will see that 1021 does not divide z.

      For all questions below, please show all your work and/or justify your answers.

      1. Given this problem, what is the sample space of the problem? Hint: In this context, the sample space is the set of all possible values that the hacker may select.
      2. Given the sample space defined above, what events correspond to a successful guess by the hacker? Hint: An event is a subset of the sample space.
      3. Given the above, what is the probability that the hacker will successfully guess p and/or q?
      4. Assume the hacker selects five numbers to test.
        1. What is the probability that all five attempts will fail? Show your work.
        2. What is the probability that one of the five attempts will succeed? Show your work.

          Counting, Combinations, and Permutations Scoring Guide

          Criteria DISTINGUISHED
          Convert numbers to different representations. Converts numbers to different number representations and analyzes the utility of these number representations within the context of computing.

          Compute combinations and/or permutation.

          Computes and explains combinations and/or permutation and integrates IT scenario into explanation.
          Apply number theory to encryption.

          Applies number theory to encryption and evaluates prime number selections within the context of encryption.
          Compute discrete probability. Analyzes computational design within context of encryption by constructing a sample space of minimal size, and computes discrete probability.

          Combine discrete probability. Combines discrete probability and assesses the result within the context of encryption.
  • [supanova_question]

    Causes and Effects of Climate Change Report Programming Assignment Help

    Go to data.gov – a u.s government sponsored data portal that has a very large number of data sets on a wide variety of topics ranging from healthcare to public safety. Pick a topic that you are most passionate about. Go through the topic specific information and explanation provided on the site. Explore the possibilities of downloading the data and use your favorite data visualization tool to create your meaningful information and visualizations.

    When submitting work, be sure to include an APA cover page and include at least two APA formatted references (and APA in-text citations) to support the work this week.


    https://anyessayhelp.com/. When searching the bookstore, be sure to look for the Course ID with the specific –FP (FlexPath) course designation.

    • Johnsonbaugh, R. (2018). Discrete mathematics (8th ed.). New York, NY: Pearson.
      • Chapter 6, “Counting Methods and the Pigeonhole Principle,” sections 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.5, and 6.6, are particularly useful for your work in this assessment. Topics in these sections include permutations, combinations, discrete probabilities, and discrete probability theory.
  • Assessment Instructions

    Assume you help to oversee your company’s computer network. As such, it is important for you to understand and be able to apply number representation and number theory, as well as other IT concepts.

    Part 1: Number Representation (application to binary encoding) and Combinatorics (application to IP network addressing)

    Note: For each of the following, you must show your work for credit.

  • Given your responsibilities, you decide to refresh your memory with respect to number representation conversions: decimal to binary and hexadecimal (and vice versa). In the following questions, the base is denoted as a subscript. For example, 1510 is 15 in decimal (base 10), 00112 is 3 in binary (base 2), and 1A16 is 26 in hexadecimal (base 16).
    1. What is the decimal representation of 100011012 ?
    2. What is the decimal representation of FFC616 ?
    3. What is the binary representation of 17C616 ?
    4. What is the hexadecimal representation of 111110002 ?

    According to the IP internet protocol, each IP address is represented as a binary string. In IPv4 (Internet protocol version 4), a 32-bit binary string is used. For example, 00000011.00000111.00000000.11111111, which is often presented in dotted decimal:

    1. In mathematics, the study of combinations refers to the number of ways one can select items from a group disregarding order; the study of permutations refers to the number of ways one can permute, or arrange, items into a sequence. Given that each entry in a binary string must be either a 1 or a 0, what is the total number of addresses that can be encoded using a 32-bit binary string? Is this a combination or permutation problem? Justify your answer.
    2. In IPv6, 128 bit, binary strings are used for addressing. How many addresses can be encoded using 128 bits? Is this a combination or permutation problem? Justify your answer.
    3. In IPv4, how many addresses contain exactly eight 1s?

    Part 2: Number Theory and Discrete Probability (application to encryption)

    Note: For each of the following, you must show your work for credit. Some questions also require you to justify your answer.

  • Network security and encryption is also a concern of a network administrator. Many encryption schemes are based on number theory and prime numbers; for example, RSA encryption. These methods rely on the difficulty of computing and testing large prime numbers. (A prime number is a number that has no divisor except for itself and 1.)For example, in RSA encryption, one must choose two prime numbers, p and q; these numbers are private but their product, z = pq, is public. For this scheme to work, it is important that one cannot easily find p or q given z, which is why p and q are generally large numbers.
    1. Choose an example of p and q and compute their product z. Justify your selection.
    2. Assume that you wish to make a risk assessment and you wish to determine how probable it may be for a hacker to determine p and q from z. You wish to use discrete probability for this computation. For the sake of example, you choose to assess z = 502,560,410,469,881. Say that a hacker will attempt to find p and thus q by randomly selecting a potential divisor and testing to see if it divides 502,560,410,469,881. (You know that p = 15,485,867 and q = 32,452,843, but the hacker does not.) For example, the hacker may choose 1021; however, upon inspection the hacker will see that 1021 does not divide z.

      For all questions below, please show all your work and/or justify your answers.

      1. Given this problem, what is the sample space of the problem? Hint: In this context, the sample space is the set of all possible values that the hacker may select.
      2. Given the sample space defined above, what events correspond to a successful guess by the hacker? Hint: An event is a subset of the sample space.
      3. Given the above, what is the probability that the hacker will successfully guess p and/or q?
      4. Assume the hacker selects five numbers to test.
        1. What is the probability that all five attempts will fail? Show your work.
        2. What is the probability that one of the five attempts will succeed? Show your work.

          Counting, Combinations, and Permutations Scoring Guide

          Criteria DISTINGUISHED
          Convert numbers to different representations. Converts numbers to different number representations and analyzes the utility of these number representations within the context of computing.

          Compute combinations and/or permutation.

          Computes and explains combinations and/or permutation and integrates IT scenario into explanation.
          Apply number theory to encryption.

          Applies number theory to encryption and evaluates prime number selections within the context of encryption.
          Compute discrete probability. Analyzes computational design within context of encryption by constructing a sample space of minimal size, and computes discrete probability.

          Combine discrete probability. Combines discrete probability and assesses the result within the context of encryption.
  • [supanova_question]

    Causes and Effects of Climate Change Report Programming Assignment Help

    Go to data.gov – a u.s government sponsored data portal that has a very large number of data sets on a wide variety of topics ranging from healthcare to public safety. Pick a topic that you are most passionate about. Go through the topic specific information and explanation provided on the site. Explore the possibilities of downloading the data and use your favorite data visualization tool to create your meaningful information and visualizations.

    When submitting work, be sure to include an APA cover page and include at least two APA formatted references (and APA in-text citations) to support the work this week.


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    RVE 1211 ASU Maps Representations of Land Water and Perspective Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

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