Saint Josephs University Behavioral Decision Making and Employee Stimulation Questions Business Finance Assignment Help. Saint Josephs University Behavioral Decision Making and Employee Stimulation Questions Business Finance Assignment Help.
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You should complete the long question according to the lecture notes( including 11 attachments).
Long question 1 (10 points)
To test whether a proposed incentive program would increase productivity, a manager applied the program to a group of workers who had the lowest productivity. A month later, their productivity indeed increased. Give five viable explanations to the increase in productivity. (2 points for each reasonable explanation spotted)
Long question 2 (10 points)
Airlines often charge higher airfares during busy seasons (e.g., in the summer) than during slow seasons. Most consumers consider this practice fair and do not complain. Now, suppose that you are the owner of a small store, and you are the only store in the region that carries face mask.
Because of the recent COVID pandemic there is a great increase in demand for face mask, and you doubled the price of the mask. Having no other choices, many residents still bought masks from you. However, they were angry and considered you unfair. Your store’s reputation is badly damaged. Please list the key differences between what you did and what the airlines do which you think make consumers react so differently in the two cases.
Long question 3 (10 points)
You are the owner of a computer software company. Instead of buying, many people illegally copy your software from their friends and relatives. Propose two designs or strategies that would make consumers feel guiltier if they copy your software. The strategies should be based on psychological principles. For example, to reduce the price of your software is not an acceptable strategy for this question.
Long question 4 (10 points)
Toro had begun in 1914 by making tractor engines and later branched out into lawn mowers. In the early 1960’s they added snow throwers. By 1984 they offered a full range of products for “outdoor care” to both institutional and residential customers. Residential lawn care products constituted about 40-50% of sales, with snow throwers accounting for a further 10-15%.
Snow thrower sales were channeled through twenty-six regional distributors who supplied snow throwers to independent retailers, such as hardware stores and lawn and garden centers, across
the snow belt (a number of regions near the Great Lakes in North America where heavy snowfall in the form of lake-effect snow is particularly common). Toro also sold directly to mass merchandisers, like Marshall Field, whose private labels made up about 30-35% of Toro snow thrower sales. Although snow throwers were sold throughout the year, 60-70% of sales occurred during November, December, and January, dropping off during the ensuing months and becoming minimal during the summer. Sales were especially strong in a year following a severe winter, presumably because people resolved not to be “caught again.”
The Toro product line included the newly-introduced lightweight power shovel, as well as the more traditional single-stage and two-stage models. The (smaller) single-stage machines, with suggested retail prices between $270 and $440, had been selling in excess of 100,000 units per year. The self-propelled two-stage machines, ranging in price from $640 to $1500, had been selling at somewhat less than 20,000 units per year.
These figures were a far cry from the heady days of the late 1970’s when several years of strong growth had culminated in two year, 1978-1979 and 1979-80, of exceptionally high sales. During that time Toro sold approximately 800,000 single-stage and 125,000 two-stage machines. The severity of the three winters beginning in 1977/1978 created a demand that rewarded dealers for their aggressive inventories.
The following year, 1980/1981 sales plummeted. Dealers and distributors were left with unsold inventories that in some cases lasted them three years. Toro not only had to forego the lost income as orders fell to a trickle but they also offered to pay some of the huge holding costs faced by their dealers. There next two winters were equally mild, causing a sharp downturn in Toro’s fortunes. Dealers had become disenchanted with the snow removal equipment. The outlook was bleak.
1) In general, why were consumers reluctant to purchase snow throwers? (5 points)
2) Describe some marketing/promotional strategies Toro could use to improve sales. (5 points)
Long question 5 (10 points)
You are debating whether or not to invest $180K in a R&D project aimed at developing a new product. There is a 50% chance that the project will be successful. If the project is successful, the company can choose between building a large plant which costs $400K or a small plant which costs $200K. The market size for the product may be large (50% probability), medium (30%
probability), or small (20% probability). The present value of the net cash flows corresponding to sales in a large, medium, and small market over the life of the plant are $1000K, $500K, and
$250K, respectively. However, a small plant can only cope with a small or medium market size, but not with a large market size; in other words, for a small plant, the net cash flow in a large market is the same as that for a medium market.
1) Draw a Decision Tree showing these choices. (6 points)
2) Based on the Decision Tree analysis, decide 1) whether to invest in large or small plant (2 points), 2) whether to invest in this project at all (2 points).
Long question 6 (20 points)
Mike is a fisherman living on a rural island. He is deciding to take one of the three potential jobs for today: A) working for the local store, with a fixed salary of HK$400 for sure, or B) fishing in the small river near his home, in which he could make either 0 (and no loss) or HK$1000, with equal probabilities; or C) fishing in the sea, in which he could lose HK$200 (e.g., the cost of the boat) or make HK$1500, with equal probabilities.
Assume that Mike’s expected utility (EU) function is x0.5, where x>=0, that his prospect theory (PT) value function is x0.5, where x>0, and that she is twice as sensitive to a loss than to a gain of the same size. Mike’s PT weighting function is the same as the probability of events.
6.1. If Mike is an expected value maximizer, which option will he choose? Back up your conclusion with calculations (3 points).
6.2 What are EU(A), EU(B), and EU(C) if Mike’s current wealth is worth HK$100? Based on the calculation, which option will he choose if Mike is an expected utility maximizer? (3 points)
6.3 What are EU(A), EU(B), and EU(C) if Mike’s current wealth is worth HK$300? Based on the calculation, which option will he choose if Mike is an expected utility maximizer? (2 points)
6.4 What are EU(A), EU(B), and EU(C) if Mike’s current wealth is worth HK$2000? Based on the calculation, which option will he choose if Mike is an expected utility maximizer? (2 points)
6.5 Suppose Mike has just moved to the island with HK$100 wealth, and local living cost is about HK$320 per day. Based on your analyses of results from 6.2, 6.3 and 6.4 (assuming Mike an expected utility maximizer), what kind of career path would you recommend Mike to take? (4 points)
6.6 What are Prospect Theory V(A), V(B), and V(C) if Mike’s current wealth is worth HK$100? Based on the calculation, which option will he choose if Mike is a PT utility maximizer? (3
6.7 What are Prospect Theory V(A), V(B), and V(C) if Mike’s current wealth is worth HK$2000? Based on the calculation, which option will he choose if Mike is a PT utility maximizer? (3 points)
Saint Josephs University Behavioral Decision Making and Employee Stimulation Questions Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Chemical Structures of Four Amino Acids L Tyrosine and Stereochemistry Questions Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a biology exercise and need support to help me learn.
- a) Draw the amino acid L-tyrosine in its fully protonated form. What are the three-letter and single-letter codes for tyrosine? Show the proper stereochemistry in your drawing. Sketch a titration curve for tyrosine (Hint: plot pH on the y-axis and equivalents of strong base on the x-axis). What is the charge on the prevailing species of tyrosine at pH 12? Calculate the isoelectric point (pI) of tyrosine.
b) Draw the amino acid L-histidine in its fully protonated form. What are the three-letter and single-letter codes for histidine? Show the proper stereochemistry. Sketch a titration curve for histidine. What is the charge on the prevailing species of histidine at pH 12? Calculate the isoelectric point (pI) of histidine - The chemical structures of four amino acids are depicted below and labeled as I, II, III, and IV. Use your knowledge of amino acid nomenclature, structure, and chemistry to answer the questions that follow.
a) What is the single letter code of amino acid I?
b) Which of these does not carry a neutral charge at pH 7?
c) Which amino acid is classified as aromatic?
d) Which is shown above as a D-amino acid
e) What is the three letter code of amino acid III?
f) What is the isoelectric point (pI) of I?
g) Which has a chiral center within its side group?
h) Which amino acid contains the indole side group?
i) Which cannot form hydrogen bonds through its side group?
j) Which will elute last from (or bind most tightly to) an anion exchange column at pH = 7?
k) Which has a polar uncharged side group?
l) Between amino acid II and amino acid III, which would you more expect to see buried at the core of a globular protein? - The enzyme gyrase is a tetramer composed of two subunits of molecular weight 110,000 and two subunits of molecular weight 90,000. A sample of the pure gyrase is run on a size exclusion column under physiological conditions (i.e., neutral pH, normal saline). A single peak corresponding to molecular weight 400,000 is detected. A separate sample of gyrase is electrophoresed on an SDS polyacrylamide gel under reducing conditions. What is the expected outcome of the SDS PAGE? Explain your answer.
- Use the structure of Molecule A, depicted below, to answer the following questions.
a) Give the names, three-letter codes, and single-letter codes of the amino acids that are covalently linked to form molecule A.
b) Circle the peptide bond(s) in molecule A.
c) Draw squares around each of the atoms that lie in the same plane as the peptide bond(s) (Hint: there should be six atoms).
d) Assign stereochemistry (D or L) below each of the chiral carbons in molecule A.
e) Calculate the isoelectric point (pI) for molecule A. - In 1997, scientists in Dr. Peter Kim’s laboratory at the Whitehead Institute at MIT determined the core structure of the gp41 HIV envelope glycoprotein by protein x-ray crystallography. It is shown in a ribbon diagram representation below. The first (left) view is from the side. The second (right) view has been rotated 90° about the horizontal in order to show its dimensions from the top.
a) Each of the six helices in this core structure is approximately the same length. Approximately how many amino acids make up the gp41 core structure?
b) Drawing upon your knowledge of protein secondary structure as a reference, estimate the dimensions (length, width, and height) of the HIV gp41 protein molecule in nanometers.
UMGC WK 4 Development of EHR Implementation & Medical System Project Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a health & medical project and need an explanation to help me understand better.
Step 2: Development of Project Charter (due week 4 by Tuesday mid-night). The first and the foremost thing in any project management is development of the project charter, a document that officially starts a project and provides a reference for the future as well as a direction from start to end. A Project Charter contains objective statement of a project, describes key project goals, lists key stakeholders, and enumerates roles and responsibilities of project team members. Thus, your supervisor asked to develop a project charter to formally initiate the EHR project. The Project Charter document should comprise: Title of the Project – EHR Implementation Phase I Project Objective – why you want to undertake the project? What are the anticipated benefits? Project Goals – what are you trying to accomplish? Stakeholders – who will benefit from the project? Project Team – Project Managers and Project Steering Committee; their roles n responsibilities. This step of the project should comprise 3-5 APA formatted pages, excluding the Cover and Reference pages. Your supervisor also advised you to read these articles before proceeding with this step: A Quick Guide to project Charter. Project Charter Project Charter: Example, Template, Definition, & Purpose [PMBOK] The Roe and Purpose of Project Charter Stakeholders in EHR Who are the key stakeholders during EHR implementation? How to Identify Key Stakeholders for a Healthcare IT Project Sample Position Description: Project Manager, Health Information Exchange What Are Some Roles of a Manager? Examples of Project Teams. Good and Bad Project Managers. Olson, B. D. (2016). Chapter 27: Project Management. Health Information Management: Concepts, Principles and Practice. 5th Edn. AHIMA press. |
Campbellsville University ISO Affect the Standards for Network Security Paper & Discussions Computer Science Assignment Help
What do you think were the critical factors that fueled the need for IT governance? In what ways did ISO affect the standards for network security?
Student 1:
Discussion 6 – IT Governance
There are some critical factors that fueled the need for IT governance. Initially, IT systems supported business processes in silos. As the business processes evolved there was a changing need for the IT systems to support the new business processes that are interlinked. Hence, IT systems needed to be integrated to each other. This added complexity to these systems. Now the IT organization had to consider application integration, this means application build with different languages must be able to integrate. If an application is updated, it needs to be checked for integration testing (
Next, as the business becomes more and more dependent on IT systems, IT systems have started storing critical data. To ensure that critical data of the business is accessible to only authorized individuals IT governance has become important. Further, there may be certain individual that may need view access to the data and some individuals that need edit access to the data. Hence, providing different levels of access to different individuals is also made possible because of IT governance (
Finally, to ensure data security we need IT governance. If there is no IT governance, the data of the company may not have rules of governance and storage. Thus, there may be duplicate data available on a flash drive or an open system. This may bring risk to the company operations. Thus, we need IT governance (
Standards. (n.d.). ISO.
Student 2:
Factors for IT Governance
In recent years, various organizations have cooperated with IT in their management systems, and several critical factors across the sector fuel this. According to research work and projects, they indicate several reasons that necessitated such move in governance within companies and parastatals. For example, the executive and the entire leadership in organizations who had the urge to adopt modern technology in making critical decisions played a significant role in implementing the proposal (Van Grembergen & De Hales, 2017). Also, the management embarked on proper communication, education, and training of workers on the new aspects of technology. In the long run, such actions equipped the workforce with the right skills to operate on the machines, thus embracing the IT systems within the organizations.
Another factor that drove the agenda is the separation of roles and responsibilities among the workforce. For instance, the management assigned specific roles to different departments within the organizations, creating an enabling environment for easy supervision of the work. Also, each department had a team leader who rallied the members to the course for realizations of the required results. Lastly, regular evaluation and measurement of the assigned projects were key in ensuring service delivery within the organizations (Van Grembergen & De Hales, 2017). Within a specific period, the assessment would be done by a team of experts to ascertain the progress and emerging issues that needed the management’s attention for the success of the projects.
Effects of ISO on Network Security
Additionally, with the emergence of ISO standards in technology and networking, several benefits have been realized by organizations. First, international standards are mandated to provide supplies for creating, maintaining, and constantly improving systems within information security (Mirtsch et al., 2020). Similarly, it assisted in regulating the activities in the information sector, thus controlling the cybersecurity menace across the world. As a result, the concerned body adopted common rules and guidelines, which the organizations and key players accepted globally, which made the process succeed in the long run.
Mirtsch, M., Kinne, J., & Blind, K. (2020). Exploring the adoption of the international information security management system standard iso/iec 27001: A web mining-based analysis. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 68(1), 87-100.
Van Grembergen, W., & De Haes, S. (2017, January). Introduction to IT governance and its mechanisms minitrack. In Proceedings of the 50th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.
Future Global Lingua Franca Spanish A Practically Potential Candidate Research Writing Assignment Help
Latin lost to French as the lingua franca of the known Western world by the beginning of the European Enlightenment. In 1919, French lost this status to English. English has retained this importance for a century now. Build a scenario in which English gets replaced by another language. What factors need to come into play for this to come true? Which language do you think is the most likely candidate to replace English? Why?
Use this paper to show how well you can consolidate information from the Lecture Notes and accompanying readings with your own generated insights in examining contemporary language situations.
Read: Sayeh S Abdullah and Mohammad Latif Chaudhary, “English as a Global Lingua Franca.” Paper presented at the International Conference on Education, Applied Sciences and Management (ICEASM’2012) December 26-27, 2012 Dubai (UAE). In
Note: We need to use at least 3 internal sources that I will be providing down below.
Chapter 17 MNC Assets and Global Financial Strategy Discussion Questions Business Finance Assignment Help
I’m working on a business multi-part question and need an explanation to help me learn.
Read chapter 17 and respond to the following:
1. State and describe in detail, the concept which explains how a host country might restrict MNC access to exchanging local currencies for foreign currencies.
2. State and describe in detail, the concept which explains the action by a host country to seize or transfer MNC assets/property on a statewide or industry-wide basis and not a singular or specific firm.
3. State and describe in detail, the concept that are offsetting loans between between commercial businesses arranged outside the banking system in a country.
Textbook link:…
Chapter 17 MNC Assets and Global Financial Strategy Discussion Questions Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
St. Thomas University Healthcare Issues & Ethics of Practice Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help
Module 3 Discussion
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How do you separate your personal beliefs/values and the ethics of practice? Include an example. i am a icu nurse Submission Instructions:
Muscat College Jazz Music Styles Discussion Questions Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a writing discussion question and need a sample draft to help me understand better.
Compare and contrast two pieces, representing two different styles of jazz music: one that is from our textbook (Part VI: Chapter 30) to one that is written by a different composer discussed in our textbook (Part VI: Chapter 30).
What similarities and/or differences do you hear within the form, melody, harmony, rhythm, lyrics, etc. of each piece? Of the two pieces selected, which style of jazz music do you prefer and why? What was musically and historically significant about the contribution(s) of this style of jazz music? Is this style of jazz music still heard today? In what context is it still heard?
Stern School Data Analysis A Crucial Method Used by So Many Scientist R Coding Task Business Finance Assignment Help
In this individual project, you will use the diabetes data in Efron, et al. (2003) to examine the effects of ten baseline predictor variables [age, sex, body mass index (bmi), average blood pressure (map), and six blood serum measurements (tc, ldl, hdl, tch, ltg, glu)] on a quantitative measure of disease progression one year after baseline. There are 442 diabetes patients in this data set. The data are available in the R package “lars.” You must employ several machine learning techniques using the diabetes data to fit linear regression, ridge regression and lasso models. You must also incorporate best subset selection and cross-validation techniques.
Novel Corona Virus Review of Related Literature Paper Business Finance Assignment Help
The assignment is in the ( BAMA3113) document. The instructions are in blue and you can use the sources I will attach which includes the lecture, workshop and the activity that should be helpful for the assignment. The document (chapter 1) should be used for chapter 2 which is the main assignment we’re working on. Basically the assignment ( BAMA3113) document is a follow up for chapter 1 which will be attached.
Activity 2:
Work through the sources (mentioned below), think and decide if they are a primary source or a secondary source or a combination of both. Refer to the slides of chapter 3, if required.
Source-1: an article in a newspaper that gives details about the degree of air pollution recorded last week
Source-2: a documentary that shows and describes the experiences of factory workers during the Gulf War
Source-3: history interviews (audio recorded) that have been carried out with citizens working as taxi drivers in Muscat
Source-4: an article in a journal that describes the usage of statistical dataset in informing governmental social policy
Source-5: a journal research paper that gives revision of the existing research studies into the cause of alcohol in liver cancer. This is done before it reports the findings of the new study, undertaken by the author of the paper
Source-6: a conference paper that gives temporary findings about an ongoing study in exploring the behavior of students at schools
Source-7: an online encyclopedia including brief explanation about business terms and topics
Source-8: a text book in research methodology
Source-9: a research article reviews past and current research into the effect of employees’ turnover on company’s productivity
Source-10: field notes from a previous study of an organization in Al Rusayl Industrial area
Discussion 3
How do you separate your personal beliefs/values and the ethics of practice? Include an example.
i am a icu nurse
Submission Instructions:
- Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources. Your initial post is worth 8 points.
- You should respond to at least two of your peers by extending, refuting/correcting, or adding additional nuance to their posts. Your reply posts are worth 2 points (1 point per response.)
- All replies must be constructive and use literature where possible.