San Diego State Pitching Minnesota Zoo Exhibit to News Media Personnel Report Writing Assignment Help

San Diego State Pitching Minnesota Zoo Exhibit to News Media Personnel Report Writing Assignment Help. San Diego State Pitching Minnesota Zoo Exhibit to News Media Personnel Report Writing Assignment Help.

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The Minnesota Zoo’s exhibit on insects will have a variety of bugs on display, but the main attraction will be a walk-through butterfly garden, in which a thousand butterflies will be feeding, resting, and emerging from cocoons. Write an email pitch to the following media to do a story on the exhibit:

  1. the lifestyle editor at the Minneapolis Tribune
  2. the assignment editor at a leading television station in the Twin Cities

Also describe what photographs and/or video, if any, you are including in the pitch. (You do not need to include actual photographs and video; just describe them.)

Your well-written paper should meet the following requirements:

  • Use the readings from this or any other module in addition to two to three peer-reviewed articles/professional sources.
  • Your paper should be 2-3 pages long, not including the title and reference pages.
  • Format your paper in accordance with the CSU Global Writing Center (Links to an external site.).

Requirements: 2-3 pages

San Diego State Pitching Minnesota Zoo Exhibit to News Media Personnel Report Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

CMPEN 472 PSU LED Light Blinking Parameter Declaration Section Programming Exercise Programming Assignment Help


  1. Read the textbook Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, and Chapter 4. Note, you do NOT need to understand all of them at this time.
  2. Review: Be sure to do the HW1 if you have not done it yet. You should be familiar with the assembly programming process from the HW1. That is,
    (0) Install the Freescale CodeWarrior IDE,
    (1) start the Freescale CodeWarrior IDE,
    (2) do ‘New Project’ named CMPEN472hw1,
    (3) type in the source code,
    (4) click the ‘Make’ icon to assemble and generate the .s19 executable file,
    (5) click the ‘Debug’ icon to start the Full Chip Simulation,
    (6) add/remove simulation window components, and
    (7) verify correct program functioning or do debug the program.
  3. Task: Create HW2 (named as CMPEN472hw2_lastname) in CodeWarrior, type in the sample program text from hw2prg.pdf file. Do make the main.asm file and generate the .s19 executable file.
  4. Once the program has been assembled without error, Start the Full Chip Simulation Debug.
  5. Add COMPONENTS: Component Window called VisualizationTool to the Full_Chip_ Simulation. By right clicking on the VisualizationTool, one may set the Properties or Add New Instrument. Set the VisualizationTool Properties first.
    Set Refresh Mode to CPU Cycles
    Set Cycle Refresh Count to 1
  6. Then on the VisualizationTool window, add one LED (Add New Instrument option). Now right click on the LED, then edit Properties,
    Set Port to Display to 0x0001
    Set Size 1 Byte
    Set Byte Order to Big Endian
    Set Bit Number to Display to 7
    This is the LED 4.
  7. Then on the VisualizationTool window, add three more LEDs. Right click on the LEDs, then edit Properties, same way as before.
    For LED 3, Set Bit Number to Display to 6.
    For LED 2, Set Bit Number to Display to 5.
    For LED 1, Set Bit Number to Display to 4.
  8. Then on the VisualizationTool window, add one DIL Switch (Add New Instrument option). Now right click on the DIL Switch, then edit Properties,
    Set Port to Display to 0x0001
    We will use PORTB bit 0, 1, 2, and 3 as switch 1, 2, 3, and 4 of the DIL Switch.
  9. Finally on the VisualizationTool window, set the mode from EDIT to DISPLAY mode.
  10. Run or single step your program. Be sure to check that the Program Counter PC is set to $3100 on your simulator upon start.
  11. When you are running the program, see the effects on the LED 4 at PORTB bit 7 – blinking. The speed of the LED 4 at bit 7 blinking can be changed. It may be too slow or it may be too fast (depends on your Windows 10 computer performance).
  12. Try changing the delay values and observe the LED blinking speed.
  13. The DIL Switch bit 0 is the SW1 (Switch 1) on the CSM-12C128 board. Press SW1 and see the LED light, observe the LED blinking.
  14. Please understand the program.
  15. For the Homework 2 to turn in, MODIFY the program including the comments. Have your program blink LED 1 and LED 4 alternately. The LED 1 is on PORTB bit 4 and LED 4 is on PORTB bit 7.
  16. In another words, the ‘blink LED 1 and LED 4 alternatively’ mean that both lights should blink at the same time – while 1 is ON and 4 is OFF for 1 second and then 1 is OFF and 4 is ON for next 1 second, and repeat.
  17. Also what is SW1 used for? Well, if sw1 is NOT pressed, do the alternat blinking above. If sw1 is pressed, do something different than the alternate blinking above. For example, blink all 4 LEDs in sequence: LED 4 ON and others OFF, LED 3 ON and others OFF, LED 2 ON and others OFF, LED 1 ON and others OFF, and repeat. There are many other possibility with the four LEDs.
  18. Again assemble, simulate, and run your program on the Full Chip Simulator.
  19. Be sure to correct all the errors and be sure to update the comments (put your name, etc.). Comments are very important in assembly language programs.
  20. You may want to see and check the Sample Grading Sheet for this homework.
  21. Copy your ‘main.asm’ file to ‘cmpen472hw2_YourLastName.asm’. For example, mine will be ‘cmpen472hw2_choi.asm’ (Do not ZIP your ‘cmpen472hw2_YourLastName.asm’ file.)
  22. Turn-in your project source code file through Penn State CANVAS. Upload your source code file into the CANVAS Assignment’s Homework submission. Be sure to select CMPEN 472 class and correct Homework number, and correct file name.


Campbellsville University ANN Architectures Computer Science Questions Computer Science Assignment Help


1. What is an artificial neural network and for what types of problems can it be used?

2. Compare artificial and biological neural networks. What aspects of biological networks are not mimicked by artificial ones? What aspects are similar?

3. What are the most common ANN architectures? For what types of problems can they be used?

4. ANN can be used for both supervised and unsupervised learning. Explain how they learn in a supervised mode and in an unsupervised mode.

5. Go to Google Scholar ( Conduct a search to find two papers written in the last five years that compare and contrast multiple machine-learning methods for a given problem domain. Observe commonalities and differences among their findings and prepare a report to summarize your understanding

6. Go to Look at Gee Whiz examples. Comment on the feasibility of achieving the results claimed by the developers of this neural network model. (Gee Whiz example is no longer on the page, so please look at the current examples?

References: At least five peer-reviewed, scholarly journal references.

Just make sure your answers fall within the minimal word-count (Enough information as per question) and covered the question expectation

Chapter 5 in Analytics, Data Science & Artificial Intelligence


Salisbury University Seneca Falls Convention Womens Movement Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

In preparation:

Choose one of the following as the subject of your memoir:

  • The civil rights movement (1960–1975)
  • The anti-war movement (Vietnam War period)
  • The women’s rights movement (1960–1975)

The Assignment

Compose a 2-page memoir entry in which you reflect on the social change movement you selected and its impact on society. Infuse your memoir with the honest passion and insight of one who was a witness to history as well as (if relevant) a beneficiary of change or impacted by it in some way. Did the movement you selected influence your life and/or community? How? How did your prior life experiences influence your attitude toward this movement?


Strategies for Technical Communication in the Workplace Discussion Writing Assignment Help

I will need you to do this:

1. What is the most important piece of new information (something you didn’t already know) you read in chapter 9?

The book is: (Strategies for Technical Communication in the Workplace by Gurak and Lannon, 3rd Edition)

2. Research the job market in your field. See if you can find any articles online on “how to find a job in Civil Engineering ” . Any source you find from professional organizations in your field will be particularly useful (American Society of Civil Engineers, etc.). Then, search through listings of current job ads on sites like Indeed, USAJobs, or any search engines specific to your field. Pay attention to things like how many jobs are available, what qualifications and experience they’re asking for, what the pay is, where they’re located, how competitive the jobs are, whether the pandemic has changed anything etc. Then, write and post a 2-3 paragraph report on “The Job Market in *Civil Engineering*” that includes any information you found that surprised you.

3. Respond to a classmate’s report with a question and/or an observation. (will send u my classmate writing later on)



Humber College Business Model Hotel Industry Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

I have attached resumes for both student who is working in this project and as it mentioned by professor that resume needs to be attached as an appendix so find attachment.

2 person making this model myself: Meetkumar Patel and second person is Harsh Panchal.

Below are the questions that’s need to be answered in essay paragraph format. Also need appendix page and title page.


  • Describe the general nature of the business and identify any important or unusual features of the business.
  • Identify any businesses that use a similar business model to what you propose. Explain how your model might be different.


  • Identify any circumstances or events that have led to a need that your business intends to satisfy. Be clear to why now is a good time to start a business such as this.


  • Name and give a brief background for each of the owners. Explain why this history is appropriate for running a business such as this one. Attach a resume for each of the owners as an appendix.
  • Identify any entrepreneurial abilities of the owners and if there is more than one owner, clarify the complementary nature of the relationship. Explain any personal motivation for going into business now.
  • Briefly estimate the minimum amount of money you and any partners will have to withdraw from the business each month in order to survive (or how long you can survive without relying on the business income).

Legal Organization:

  • Identify the legal form of the business and clearly state who owns how much of the company. Explain your reasons for this legal setup.
  • If there is more than one owner, explain who will be actively participating in the business and how. If there is a partnership agreement, identify the major previsions and attach a copy of the agreement as an appendix.

Humber College Business Model Hotel Industry Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

US Law and Ethics in Health Care Practice Doctor Welfare Aid Case Study Health Medical Assignment Help

Please be sure to address the assignment brief – choose a scenario – could be something discussed in class or something you have read about. Please avoid any area of your personal clinical practice.

1) First paragraph – An introduction – give an overview of the use of law and ethics in healthcare and support your work with references to the pertinent literature. Give a statement that confidentiality has been maintained and reference NMC (2015). Remember to keep all names fictitious – don’t use any individual’s name or give the place

2) Next paragraph – Give the scenario – give an overview of the case (scenario) .Just keep to the facts of what happened. No need to mention drugs / medication.

3) The next paragraph follow on the work from paragraph one and continue to debate/discuss law and ethics to progress the work. Using the four main ethical theories; utilitarianism, deontology, rights-based ethics and virtue ethics. Make use of the ethical principles to debate the scenario – debate the law. Even if your case does not relate to mental health directly, you should discuss mental health law and consent in children

4) Progress your work logically -Take care – You are NOT the judge of the jury – your role is to keep objective and debate the case from a legal and ethical perspective. Keep to the facts and also mention the criticism of the four ethical theories with references.

5) Give a summary and conclude your work to the key points in your work – give recommendations for practice

word count= 2,000


IT 650 Southern New Hampshire University Database Management System Paper Computer Science Assignment Help

Articulate the relevant legal and ethical standards that need to be considered in your solution design and in future implementation. Determine the best practices in design, data use, and storage to ensure legal compliance. The regulations in place and the best practices for aligning operations will likely change depending on the type of industry in which your company resides. Support your conclusions with research support. Determine best practices in design, data use, and storage to ensure ethical operation of your company. These best practices will likely change depending on the industry in which your company resides. Support your conclusions with research support. In consideration of the type of organization you selected, the data used, and your consideration of legal and ethical standards, discuss the security needs of your DBMS solution.

Considering the group/department for which you constructed your enterprise data model (Milestone Four), discuss the differences in security needs at this level in comparison with those of the company as a whole. Given the comparisons and discussions above, recommend a comprehensive but high-level (pertaining to the solution as a whole rather than the particular department) security management plan for your design that will align to organizational needs.

Complete your final project by submitting your database management system. This database management system will include the material development for the four final project milestones and the security plan and should address the feedback received in response to those submissions. The final project should be a complete, polished artifact containing all of the crucial elements of the final project.

For additional details, please refer to the Final Project Guidelines and Rubric document.


Cerritos College Clutch Disengagement Discussion Engineering Assignment Help

Clutch Diagnosis Research and Report Opinion Project. (20 points) Plus Possible Extra Credit of Additional (5 points).

Research and report on the following clutch-related real-world situation. I encountered this real life (IRL) issue. Do your best to diagnosis the condition using the given information and write up your best theory in the usual format, half to no more than one page.

Condition! The clutch would not disengage on a VW Jetta after prolonged storage.

Facts to consider in your diagnosis.

  1. The vehicle was stored for two years in a side yard where the grass grew up around it and the sprinklers sprayed it weekly.
  2. The clutch system worked fine when parked.
  3. The car uses a clutch cable release system, and it is verified to be intact.
  4. The release fork was moving when the pedal is depressed.
  5. The shifter moves freely between all gears when the engine is off.
  6. The shifter will not go into any gear when the engine is running it makes no difference if the clutch pedal is depressed or not.
  7. Bonus clue: I figured out the problem in a few minutes and was able to repair it within minutes without tools.

Extra credit question. (5 Points)

Explain what happens to the free play in the clutch system as the clutch disk wears. (Any manual clutch system, not necessarily the Jetta)

Use the title CLUTCH DISENGAGEMENT DISCUSSION as your title.

Don’t forget to put your name on your paper.


MDC Business Administration Wells Fargo Compensation Analysis Essay Business Finance Assignment Help

Background: Wells Fargo has been in the press a great deal over the past few years for a variety of unscrupulous business practices and compensation programs that encouraged and rewarded such behavior. While it is unknown whether the incentive plans were specifically designed to drive such “bad” behavior, it is clear that controls did not exist to protect against unforeseen consequences or to support ethical leadership that might have curtailed it once it began. Some have gone so far as to suggest that the culture is/was inherently corrupt and that the incentives were intentionally designed to work within that framework.

Assignment: You have been hired as an outside Compensation Consultant to provide fresh eyes to Wells Fargo. Your role is to examine what happened (based on the readings and any other sources you wish to include), consider how such rampant fraud was allowed to occur and to make a recommendation for a new incentive program that will drive ethically responsible customer service. (Note that, as part of their sanctions announced in February 2018, the Fed has precluded Wells Fargo from getting any bigger than its current $2 trillion in assets until they are satisfied that they have cleaned up their act.)

After reading through the 2 short articles attached, you are to write an analysis of what went wrong and why followed by a recommendation for the new incentive plan. Support how your plan will address ethical behavior and leadership’s role in assuring effective oversight. Your review should be a minimum of 700 words.

Readings: While you are welcome to use any supplemental readings you deem appropriate, the following will provide all of the details that are required for the assignment.

  • “Wells Fargo’s 17-month Nightmare”, By Jackie Wattles (Ben Geier and Matt Egan), provides a recap of the company’s woes by transgression.
  • “Wells Fargo revamps pay plan after fake-accounts scandal”, By Kevin McCoy, USA TodayWells Fargo’s 17-month nightmarePosted February 3 to…By Jackie Wattles (Ben Geier and Matt Egan)NEW YORK (CNNMoney) — Regulators fined Wells Fargo in September 2016 for repeatedly creating fake customer accounts to juice the bank’s books. The fine was big — $185 million — but the allegations were shocking.On Friday night, Wells Fargo was hit with one of the harshest punishments ever handed down by the Federal Reserve. Wells Fargo, one of the nation’s largest banks, won’t be allowed to expand its business until it convinces the Fed it has cleaned up its act. The bank agreed to replace four members of its board of directors.The Fed cited Wells Fargo’s “pervasive and persistent misconduct.” The past 17 months have brought one bad headline after another. The bank’s culture of misconduct extended well beyond the original revelations.Wells Fargo was dragged before Congress, put under the microscope by government officials, and embarrassed before its customers. A new CEO and management team were brought in, and the old regime lost millions of dollars in docked pay.2016September 8: Fake account scandal breaks wide open. Federal regulators reveal Wells Fargo employees secretly created millions of unauthorized bank and credit card accounts without their customers knowing it. The bank is hit with a $185 million fine. Wells Fargo says 5,300 employees were fired for related reasons.September 14: A government official tells CNN the Department of Justice has issued subpoenas in a probe related to the fake account scandal.September 27: Wells Fargo CEO John Stumpf forfeits pay. Stumpf says he will give up much of his 2016 salary, including a bonus and $41 million in stock awards. The first major executive leaves the company over the scandal. Carrie Tolstedt, who headed the division that created the fake accounts, steps down and forfeits some pay.September 28: Wells Fargo is accused of illegally repossessing service members’ cars. The company agrees to pay $24 million to settle charges. The DOJ claims the bank took 413 cars without a court order, which violates federal law. The company apologizes and commits to refunds.September 29: Wells Fargo promises to abandon unrealistic sales goals. Wells Fargo employees blamed their bosses for effectively encouraging fake accounts. Before lawmakers on Capitol Hill, CEO John Stumpf is accused of running “a criminal enterprise.”October 5: California’s attorney general opens an investigation into possible identity fraud related to the fake accounts scandal.October 12: CEO John Stumpf steps down. The company announces he will retire effective immediately.November 3: SEC probe revealed. A new public filing from the bank discloses that the Securities and Exchange Commission is investigating the bank for issues related to the creation of as many as 2 million fake accounts.December 13: Wells Fargo is punished by federal regulators for actions unrelated to the fake accounts. The bank is dinged for failing to comply with certain provisions of Dodd-Frank, the post-2008 law meant to better regulate big banks and protect consumers.2017January 23: Wells Fargo acknowledges potential worker retaliation. The bank says there are signs it retaliated against workers who tried to blow the whistle on the fake accounts.February 20: Four senior bank employees are fired. The employees either worked or used to work in Wells Fargo’s community banking division, which is at the center of the fake account scandal.March 27: Federal agency accuses Wells Fargo of “egregious,” “discriminatory and illegal” practices. In an unusual move, a top federal banking regulator severely downgrades Wells Fargo’s community lending rating. The decision stems from factors beyond the fake account scandal.March 27: Wells Fargo settles class action suit. The preliminary deal promises $110 million for wronged consumers.April 10: Former executives are asked for money back. The bank claws back $75 million from two former executives for their roles in the fake accounts scandal, including another $28 million from former CEO John Stumpf. A new report from independent directors on the Wells Fargo board reveals the bank prepared an internal report in 2004 about practices that may encourage employees to create fake accounts.April 21: The bank’s cost of a settlement goes up. The settlement in the class action suit is increased to $142 million.June 14: New allegations about mortgages are leveled. In a new lawsuit, Wells Fargo is accused of modifying mortgages without authorization from the customers. That means some customers could have ended up paying the bank more than they owed. It’s unclear how many customers were affected. Wells Fargo says it “strongly denies” the claims.July 27: New allegations about auto insurance are revealed. The bank admits it charged at least 570,000 customers for auto insurance they did not need. Wells Fargo says an internal review found about 20,000 customers may have defaulted on their car loans for related reasons.August 4: Wells Fargo is sued for allegedly ripping off small businesses. A lawsuit accuses Wells Fargo of overcharging small businesses for credit card transactions by using a “deceptive” 63-page contract to confuse them.August 31: More fake accounts are discovered. Wells Fargo says it has found 1.4 million additional phony accounts. This brings the total number of fake accounts to 3.5 million.October 3: Wells Fargo says it wrongly fined mortgage clients. Wells Fargo admits that 110,000 mortgage holders were fined for missing a deadline — even though the delays were the company’s fault. The company pledges to refund the customers.October 16: Regulators say Wells Fargo sold dangerous investments it didn’t understand. Regulators order the bank to pay back $3.4 million to brokerage customers because advisers recommended products that were “highly likely to lose value over time.” Wells Fargo does not admit to nor deny the charges.November 13: Wells Fargo admits it illegally repossessed more service members’ cars. The company says it found that it had taken vehicles from another 450 service members. Wells Fargo agrees to pay an additional $5.4 million, according to the Justice Department. The company promises refunds.2018February 2: The Federal Reserve punishes Wells Fargo. In an unprecedented move, the Fed says the bank won’t be allowed to grow its assets until the bank cleans up its act. The bank also agrees to overhaul its board of directors.–CNNMoney’s Donna Borak, Danielle Wiener-Bronner and Jill Disis contributed to this report.___________________________________Wells Fargo revamps pay plan after fake-accounts scandalKevin McCoy (Links to an external site.), USA TODAY Published 1:13 p.m. ET Jan. 11, 2017 | Updated 2:38 p.m. ET Jan. 11, 2017Wells Fargo is overhauling the compensation plan at the heart of its fake accounts scandal.Wells Fargo is shaking up its payment system for bank tellers and other employees, overhauling the compensation plan at the heart of the fake accounts scandal that led to the ouster of the embattled bank’s chief executive, cost $185 million in fines and threatens billions of dollars in additional financial and reputation damage.The changes come as the San Francisco-based global bank prepares to issue its fourth-quarter earnings report Friday in a presentation expected to give investors a closer look at the fallout.Longtime Wells Fargo sales policies pressed bank branch tellers and other workers nationwide to urge customers to open multiple accounts, credit cards and debit cards. The employees, whose pay was directly linked to selling multiple financial products, opened as many as 2 million fraudulent accounts without customers’ authorization, according to federal and local investigators who imposed the fines last year.The findings sparked new investigations, prompted Wells Fargo’s Oct.1 elimination of product sales goals in bank branches and set in motion work on the new compensation system. Formally announced Tuesday, and in effect since Jan. 1 for an estimated 70,000 bank workers, the plan features:
    • No product sales goals.
    • Performance evaluation based on customer service, usage and growth, not simply on new accounts opened.
    • Incentives associated with direct customer feedback and product usage.
    • A higher percentage of employee compensation comprised of base salary, rather than variable incentives.
    • More employee performance metrics focused on the goals of a given bank branch, instead of on an individual worker.

    “This plan is another step in our journey to restore trust with our team members and our customers, and makes delivering a great customer experience our highest priority,” Mary Mack (Links to an external site.), who heads Wells Fargo’s community banking, said in an online journal (Links to an external site.) about the changes. “Our future success depends most of all on our ability to make the changes that will restore that trust, and this new plan is an important one of those changes.”The changes stem from the findings announced in early September by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency and the Los Angeles city attorney’s office following investigations of the bank’s compensation practices.During contentious Capitol Hill hearings later that month, longtime Wells Fargo CEO and Chairman John Stumpf apologized for the bank’s conduct but insisted the fake accounts had not been part of an orchestrated scheme. He also rejected congressional calls for the bank to claw back pay from some top executives — including him and former community banking chief Carrie Tolstedt.But as criticism of the bank continued, Stumpf abruptly retired Oct. 12 after a 34-year career at Wells Fargo. Stumpf left with him an estimated $134 million in retirement benefits. Tim Sloan, the banking giant’s president and chief operating officer, took over as CEO. Wells Fargo separated the roles of CEO and chairman in December, and said the change also requires its board chair and vice chair to be independent.Wells Fargo shares, which closed at $43.75 the day before regulators announced the fines in September, plunged to $43.75 on Oct. 4 but have rallied in subsequent months, closing at a high of $57.14 on Dec. 9.The bank announced in November that litigation costs could soar to an estimated $1.7 billion as it confirmed new investigations of the accounts scandal by the Department of Justice and Securities and Exchange Commission.Financial analysts forecast Wells Fargo will report fourth quarter 2016 earnings of $1 per share on Friday, 3 cents lower than the same period during 2015.

[supanova_question] about the changes. “Our future success depends most of all on our ability to make the changes that will restore that trust, and this new plan is an important one of those changes.”The changes stem from the findings announced in early September by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency and the Los Angeles city attorney’s office following investigations of the bank’s compensation practices.During contentious Capitol Hill hearings later that month, longtime Wells Fargo CEO and Chairman John Stumpf apologized for the bank’s conduct but insisted the fake accounts had not been part of an orchestrated scheme. He also rejected congressional calls for the bank to claw back pay from some top executives — including him and former community banking chief Carrie Tolstedt.But as criticism of the bank continued, Stumpf abruptly retired Oct. 12 after a 34-year career at Wells Fargo. Stumpf left with him an estimated $134 million in retirement benefits. Tim Sloan, the banking giant’s president and chief operating officer, took over as CEO. Wells Fargo separated the roles of CEO and chairman in December, and said the change also requires its board chair and vice chair to be independent.Wells Fargo shares, which closed at $43.75 the day before regulators announced the fines in September, plunged to $43.75 on Oct. 4 but have rallied in subsequent months, closing at a high of $57.14 on Dec. 9.The bank announced in November that litigation costs could soar to an estimated $1.7 billion as it confirmed new investigations of the accounts scandal by the Department of Justice and Securities and Exchange Commission.Financial analysts forecast Wells Fargo will report fourth quarter 2016 earnings of $1 per share on Friday, 3 cents lower than the same period during 2015.

  • [supanova_question] about the changes. “Our future success depends most of all on our ability to make the changes that will restore that trust, and this new plan is an important one of those changes.”The changes stem from the findings announced in early September by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency and the Los Angeles city attorney’s office following investigations of the bank’s compensation practices.During contentious Capitol Hill hearings later that month, longtime Wells Fargo CEO and Chairman John Stumpf apologized for the bank’s conduct but insisted the fake accounts had not been part of an orchestrated scheme. He also rejected congressional calls for the bank to claw back pay from some top executives — including him and former community banking chief Carrie Tolstedt.But as criticism of the bank continued, Stumpf abruptly retired Oct. 12 after a 34-year career at Wells Fargo. Stumpf left with him an estimated $134 million in retirement benefits. Tim Sloan, the banking giant’s president and chief operating officer, took over as CEO. Wells Fargo separated the roles of CEO and chairman in December, and said the change also requires its board chair and vice chair to be independent.Wells Fargo shares, which closed at $43.75 the day before regulators announced the fines in September, plunged to $43.75 on Oct. 4 but have rallied in subsequent months, closing at a high of $57.14 on Dec. 9.The bank announced in November that litigation costs could soar to an estimated $1.7 billion as it confirmed new investigations of the accounts scandal by the Department of Justice and Securities and Exchange Commission.Financial analysts forecast Wells Fargo will report fourth quarter 2016 earnings of $1 per share on Friday, 3 cents lower than the same period during 2015.

  • [supanova_question] about the changes. “Our future success depends most of all on our ability to make the changes that will restore that trust, and this new plan is an important one of those changes.”The changes stem from the findings announced in early September by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency and the Los Angeles city attorney’s office following investigations of the bank’s compensation practices.During contentious Capitol Hill hearings later that month, longtime Wells Fargo CEO and Chairman John Stumpf apologized for the bank’s conduct but insisted the fake accounts had not been part of an orchestrated scheme. He also rejected congressional calls for the bank to claw back pay from some top executives — including him and former community banking chief Carrie Tolstedt.But as criticism of the bank continued, Stumpf abruptly retired Oct. 12 after a 34-year career at Wells Fargo. Stumpf left with him an estimated $134 million in retirement benefits. Tim Sloan, the banking giant’s president and chief operating officer, took over as CEO. Wells Fargo separated the roles of CEO and chairman in December, and said the change also requires its board chair and vice chair to be independent.Wells Fargo shares, which closed at $43.75 the day before regulators announced the fines in September, plunged to $43.75 on Oct. 4 but have rallied in subsequent months, closing at a high of $57.14 on Dec. 9.The bank announced in November that litigation costs could soar to an estimated $1.7 billion as it confirmed new investigations of the accounts scandal by the Department of Justice and Securities and Exchange Commission.Financial analysts forecast Wells Fargo will report fourth quarter 2016 earnings of $1 per share on Friday, 3 cents lower than the same period during 2015.

  • [supanova_question]

    San Diego State Pitching Minnesota Zoo Exhibit to News Media Personnel Report Writing Assignment Help

    San Diego State Pitching Minnesota Zoo Exhibit to News Media Personnel Report Writing Assignment Help

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