San Diego State Univ Concept of Probability and Its Accurate Definition Response Mathematics Assignment Help. San Diego State Univ Concept of Probability and Its Accurate Definition Response Mathematics Assignment Help.
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Student 1.
As Lippman (2017) explains “probability of a specified event is the chance or likelihood that it will occur” (p. 279). I can think of a couple of examples that I use probability and one of them I use almost every week. As a manager overseeing 16 employees, I can probably count on at least 1, if not 2 employees that will call in sick every Friday. In the 1.5 years that I have been managing the service center, I know I can count on one hand that I have had everyone be available to work on a Friday. The probability that someone calls in sick increases when there is a holiday on either a Friday or a Monday. So, if the holiday was on a Friday, I know I can count on several of them calling in sick on Thursday to make it a longer weekend.
The reason why this is important is because of the customer appointments that are scheduled each day and the commitments that I need to make sure get completed. Due to the likeliness that I will be down resources, I tend to not schedule anything on Friday’s because I don’t want to let our customer’s down if I tell them we will be there and then I can’t get the work completed because of the lack of manpower. It is honestly one of the worst feelings for me when I tell someone they can count on us to be there for a scheduled job and then employees call in sick, making it to where I have to call them and reschedule to a new date.
Resource –
Lippman, D. (2017) Chapter 13: Probability, pages 279-303 in Math in society Edition 2.5 Retrieved from:…
Student 2.
Probability is the prediction of the likelihood an event will happen (Lippman, 2013). As a sales manager I must provide weekly forecast calls provide to my sales director. When a forecast call is off, this brings unwanted attention from company executives. Forecast calls need to be accurate as these numbers are shared with shareholders of the company. Forecast numbers affect investor decision making, so getting the numbers are close as possible is crucial.
To provide an accurate forecast, I must use probability to predict how much sales we will close in the given month and quarter. As I mentioned in week one, I have my team set their opportunities with a green, yellow, and red code. This allows me to calculate the total amount of their opportunities by applying the likelihood that the opportunities will come in. For example, if the opportunity code is red this tells me that those opportunities has a high risk of coming in. If the total of the red opportunities is $250,000, based off historical data I measure that about 20% of those opportunities will be booked so I will forecast $50,000 for the opportunities in red. I then will follow the same process for the green and yellow opportunities applying a higher weighted value of 92% to the green opportunities and 74% to the yellow opportunities. Once I determine the amount for all three categories, I then add them all together to provide my forecast call to my director. This method has been successful for me and I average a +/- 2% margin in my forecast calls.
Lippman, D. (2013). Math in society (2.4 ed.). CC BY-SA. Retrieved from…
A substantive initial post answers
the question presented completely and/or asks a thoughtful question pertaining to the topic.
Substantive peer responses ask a thoughtful question pertaining to the topic and/or answers a question
(in detail) posted by another student or the instructor.
Note: The following are not examples of substantive contributions:
● Thanking a classmate.
● Agreeing with a classmate.
● Complimenting a classmate.
● Providing irrelevant commentary.
Always support your statements with logic and argument, citing any sources referenced (APA style and page number. )Post your initial
response early and check back often to continue the discussion
San Diego State Univ Concept of Probability and Its Accurate Definition Response Mathematics Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Academy College San Diego Sailing Rental and Charter Fleet Excel Project Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a writing project and need support to help me learn.
Independent Project 2-5
These instructions are compatible with both Microsoft Windows and Mac operating systems.
San Diego Sailing keeps data about its fleet of rental and charter boats. One of the sheets is missing a piece of data and another sheet has circular reference errors. You will complete work on these sheets, calculate projected rates for each boat, and build basic statistics about past rentals.
[Student Learning Outcomes 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 2.7]
File Needed: SanDiegoSailing-02.xlsx (Available from the Start File link.)
Completed Project File Name: [your name]-SanDiegoSailing-02.xlsx
Skills Covered in This Project
- Create and copy formulas.
- Use formula auditing tools.
- Set mathematical order of operations.
- Use relative, mixed, and 3D cell references.
- Use COUNTIF and SUMIF functions.
- Build an IF formula.
- Insert the TODAY function.
NOTE: If group titles are not visible on your Ribbon in Excel for Mac, click the Excel menu and select Preferences to open the Excel Preferences dialog box. Click the View button and check the Group Titles check box under In Ribbon, Show. Close the Excel Preferences dialog box.
- Review a formula.
- Edit and copy a formula with mixed references.
Figure 2-105 Mixed reference in the edited formula
- Build a formula with mixed references.
Figure 2-106 Mixed references in the new formula
- Build an IF function formula.
- Create a division formula.
- Create and copy a COUNTIF function to count bookings by boat manufacturer.
- Create and copy a SUMIF function to calculate total revenue by boat make.
- Complete formatting.
Figure 2-107 Excel 2-5 completed
Change Management Plan Presentation and Paper Business Finance Assignment Help
In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competency:
- Demonstrate the manager’s role in the change management process in an organization
You are a manager of a call center, Respond to Resolve, that answers calls for a number of local small businesses. As the business has begun to mature, you and the owner of the call center have noticed that your existing plan for employees requesting time off has been ineffective. For instance, there are certain peak times that many employees request time off, leaving Respond to Resolve understaffed. The remaining employees are overworked; and external clients, including callers and businesses, get frustrated by wait times.

You have decided to implement a new process for requesting and approving time off that will ensure operational coverage as well as consistency in time off policies for all employees. Employees who request time off will be approved based on the order in which they submit their requests and at least 50% of staff must be working each day. You have a system in place that will track this automatically and let employees know when their time off has been approved; however, you anticipate that some employees will dislike this more official method of tracking time off.
While the change in policy does seem fairly minor to you and the owner, you realize that some employees may have a negative reaction. In order to help manage this change smoothly, you must create a brief change management plan as well as a presentation to your employees. As you work on this plan and presentation, consider that everyone responds to change differently. The owner of Respond to Resolve is counting on you to minimize negative impact and maintain positive employee morale.

The owner of Respond to Resolve would like you to create an abbreviated change management plan as well as a presentation to your call center employees to communicate this new time off request policy. Be sure to complete the following:
- Change Management Plan
- Introduction: Begin your plan by explaining the importance of creating a change management plan. Answer the following question: How do change management plans support the success of an initiative?
- Current Problem: In your next section, discuss the current problem and proposed change. Include the following:
- Proposed Change: Describe what change will be implemented.
- Reason for Change: Explain why this change needs to be implemented.
- Intended Outcome: Describe the desired outcome from making this change.
- Stakeholder Impact: In your next section, list at least two potential benefits and at least two potential perceived adverse effects on each of the following:
- Internal Stakeholders: For the purpose of this plan, the only internal stakeholders you need to describe are your employees. Your employees are call center employees who will be requesting their time off with the new system.
- External Stakeholders: For the purpose of this plan, the only internal stakeholders you need to describe are your customers. Your customers are the local owners of small businesses whose calls you answer at Respond to Resolve.
- Communication Plan: Conclude your change management plan with a brief communication plan.
- Describe how and when you will communicate this change to employees. Consider including your Change Management Presentation in this plan. You do not need to draft specific communication, aside from the presentation, but should describe the message type and tone. (“When” here refers to how long before the change is being made and how often the communication will be broadcast to the organization.)
- Determine if you will communicate this change to customers. If so, how and when will you do so? If not, why not? (“When” here refers to how long before the change is being made and how often the communication will be broadcast to the organization.)
- Change Management Presentation
- Change Proposal: Explain the proposed change, the reason for the change, and the desired outcome. This information can be taken from your change management plan but edited to use employee-facing language. It is critical to keep in mind your audience for the presentation.
- Strategies to Cope: Share at least two specific strategies for your employees to cope with the change. Consider managerial best practices in your proposed strategies for employees.
- Next Steps: Include at least two next steps that your employees can take if they have any additional questions. This could be a person to contact, an informational packet that will be distributed, a company-wide follow up email, etc. Consider the best method to communicate this information and answer additional questions.
- Potential Adverse Reactions: Choose at least two potential adverse reactions that you listed in the change management plan. You do not need to list them in the presentation itself; but instead, anticipate the reactions of your employees and include proposed solutions.
What to Submit
Every project has a deliverable or deliverables, which are the files that must be submitted before your project can be assessed. For this project, you must submit the following:
- Change Management Plan
You will submit a 1,000 to 1,500 word abbreviated change management plan. Be sure to summarize the change, intended outcome, stakeholder reactions, and communication plan. Reference List For each source that you cite, you need to include the author’s name, the publication year, the title of the source, and the location of the source in a References section at the end of your work. Cite all sources appropriately. - Change Management Presentation
You will create a four- to six-slide presentation for your employees at Respond to Resolve. In this presentation, you will explain the proposed change as well as provide strategies to mitigate potential adverse reactions. Be sure to use employee-facing language throughout your presentation. Reference List For each source that you cite, you need to include the author’s name, the publication year, the title of the source, and the location of the source in a References section at the end of your work. Cite all sources appropriately.
Computer Forensics Tools Computer Science Research Paper Computer Science Assignment Help
- For your assignment – please review pages 183 to 231 which covers out an EXTENSIVE set of tools related
- Next, I have prepared a chart for you. See below. Please download these tools and experiment.
- Perform an analysis and send me screenshots or log files showing that you have tested all these tools
- Then prepare a 3 – 6 pages paper outlining what you learned and if there are any tools that you would consider recommending to your colleagues. Be sure to experiment e.g. what happens if you are in Private Browsing mode? What happens if you run the tool then check a website then you run the tool again? Please compare and contrast!
Software |
Link |
Free? |
WinPrefetchView |
Yes |
Thumbcache Viewer |
Yes |
IEHistory View |
Yes |
MiTEC Internet History Browser |
Yes |
Browsing History View |
Yes |
IECache View |
Yes |
IECookies View |
Yes |
FavoritesView |
Yes |
Yes |
MozzillaHistory View or IECookiesView |
Yes |
MozillaCookies View, (if you do use Mozilla) |
Yes |
here the textbook
Title: Practical Windows Forensics
ISBN: 9781783554102
Authors: Ayman Shaaban, Konstantin Sapronov
Publisher: Packt Publishing Ltd
Publication Date: 2016-06-29
University of the Cumberlands Risk Quality Management Reflection Paper Writing Assignment Help
Provide a reflection of at least 500 words (or 2 pages double spaced) of how the knowledge, skills, or theories of this course have been applied, or could be applied, in a practical manner to your current work environment. If you are not currently working, share times when you have or could observe these theories and knowledge could be applied to an employment opportunity in your field of study.
- Provide a 500 word (or 2 pages double spaced) minimum reflection.
- Use of proper APA formatting and citations. If supporting evidence from outside resources is used those must be properly cited.
- Share a personal connection that identifies specific knowledge and theories from this course.
- Demonstrate a connection to your current work environment. If you are not employed, demonstrate a connection to your desired work environment.
- You should NOT, provide an overview of the assignments assigned in the course. The assignment asks that you reflect how the knowledge and skills obtained through meeting course objectives were applied or could be applied in the workplace.
Questionnaire to Know if You Have Covid19 Presentation Mathematics Assignment Help
I’m working on a algebra presentation and need a sample draft to help me study.
C17V- You have been charged with creating a survey for your community! The community is interested in having you create a survey and present the results at the next town hall meeting.
In this project, students will:
Learn about quantitative variables.
- Learn to analyze data for measures of central tendency (mean, median and mode)
- Learn to create an effective presentation with real-world conclusions.
To complete this project you will:
Think of a problem within your community or workplace. The problem needs to be something others will have an interest in solving or will want to share reactions to.
- Create a 10 question survey with quantitative variables (number) on a topic you are interested in. Think of questions where 0 is dislike there is a scale to 4- like. Another way to do this is using 0-never, 1 sometimes, 2 frequently, and 3 always.
- Administer the survey to a minimum of 10 people.
- Analyze your data for the mean, median, and mode of each questions.
- Create a visual from this chapter: bar graph, box and whisker plot, histogram, stem and leaf plot. etc.
- Compile the information into a slide presentation, of at least 5 slides, to present at the next town hall. The presentation should present: the mean, median, and mode of each question, the visual of the data, and conclusions based on the statistics you found in the survey.
Questionnaire to Know if You Have Covid19 Presentation Mathematics Assignment Help[supanova_question]
University of Idaho Discrimination and Negative Behaviors in Society Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
I’m working on a anthropology writing question and need an explanation to help me understand better.
This essay should be about four to six pages long (without including title page and list of cited references). This essay prompt asks that you engage in a reflection about the course’s contents (no library research is needed; engaging only with the textbook’s contents and other course materials is required). Textbook: The Anthropology of Religion, Magic, and Witchcraft. You must:
a] Read the New York Times article, “In Narrow Decision, Supreme Court Sides With Baker Who Turned Away Gay Couple” (see the folder Recent Press Articles of Interest at the Student Resources link). Briefly summarize the case.
b] Read the New York Times article, “British Jury Delivers First Conviction for Female Genital Cutting” (see the folder Recent Press Articles of Interest at the Student Resources link). Briefly summarize the case.
c] Use as many specific concepts and contents (no vague reference accepted) from this courseto develop a sophisticated discussion of the significance of these two cases when considered together. Indeed, they contrast meaningfully: the first case is decided by the U.S. Supreme Court in favor of a religious perspective abd belief system at the detriment, perhaps, of “individual sexual rights,” while the second could be seen as promoting individual rights by limiting the reach of religious and cultural traditions–some of which are criminalized by law (female genital cutting). In this section of your essay, you should engage in a discussion of all aspects of the contrast made by the two cases (two NYT articles) and the beliefs in the existence of supernatural forces/beings each are grounded on. You should focus on what you find most relevant in the development of your sophisticated argument, FROM AN ANTHROPOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVE. This means that I am not looking for you to attempt to simply write a summary of the legal arguments presented only. YOUR DISCUSSION MUST ENGAGE WITH COURSE CONTENTS, and as you know, this is not a legal studies course, but a course that could be identified as belonging to the subfield called “the anthropology of religion.” That argument should make as many relevant references to the course’s contents as possible. This section of your essay may not focus on one of the articles only. It must focus instead on the significance of the contrast between both cases.
Your accurate utilization of course contents in the development of a well-constructed argument will be the major criteria used to evaluate your essay.
You must use the Author-Date Chicago Manual of Style (see the Student Resources link) to cite your written sources (including the textbook) and list your references cited at the end of your essay.
Your essay must have a brief introduction, and must end with a list of cited references.
You must submit your essay as a Word file.
This assignment is graded according to your ability to identify and articulate an argument about the central focus of the essay (the significance of the contrast between the two cases referred to in the two NYT articles, marshal evidence from the course’s materials to support the sophisticated argument you develop, as well as to show your ability to follow directions, present accurate information and cite examples from the texts that you paraphrase. Finally, this assignment will be graded on your demonstrated ability to adequately understand anthropological explanations and adhere to the rules of English grammar. For this assignment, I look for whether you have developed a sound argument and whether you have constructed logical paragraphs that explain how the examples you have chosen support your statement about the question’s focus/target.
KSU The Importance of Communication in Patient Provider Communication Essay Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a communications case study and need an explanation to help me understand better.
I’m working on a communications writing question and need an explanation to help me understand better.
or this paper, you will read a case study centered on patient-provider communication and react to it. You should bring in course concepts, theories, models, debates, etc. in your reaction paper, with a focus on the role that communication played in the case study example.
An example of what you could write about is: What do I think of the patient’s/caregiver’s/provider’s experiences? You may also want to tie the speaker’s presentation to your personal experience, such as: How does my personal experience either confirm or deny what the case presented?
These papers should be about 4-5 double-spaced pages in length (not including title page and references). You should include at least three sources/references in APA style. References should be cited in-text, as well as listed on a separate page.
Note: rather than summarizing what happened in the case study, try to focus on your own personal reaction to what was happening, given what you have learned in this class about effective patient-provider communication.
These papers should be about 4-5 double-spaced pages in length.
Here is the rubric that will be used:
Reaction papers will be graded using the following rubric (20 points possible):
40 Superior work that exceeds all expectations
36 Excellent work that meets all expectations
32 Good work that meets all expectations
29 Average work that meets most, but not all expectations
26 and below Work does not meet expectations
Case Study Reaction Papers – For these two (2) papers, you will read a case study centered on patient-provider communication and react to it. You should bring in course concepts, theories, models, debates, etc. in your reaction paper, with a focus on the role that communication played in the case study example. An example of what you could write about is: What do I think of the patient’s/caregiver’s/provider’s experiences? You may also want to tie the speaker’s presentation to your personal experience, such as: How does my personal experience either confirm or deny what the case presented? These papers should be about 4-5 double-spaced pages in length (not including title page and references). You should include no less than three sources/references in APA style. References should be listed on a separate page. The page is not included in the page count listed above. Note: rather than summarizing what happened in the case study, try to focus on your own personal reaction to what was happening, given what you have learned in this class about effective patient-provider communication.
Please read the posted illness narrative. As you read it, reflect on what you’ve learned in COM 311 so far, as well as your own and your family’s healthcare experiences. For your reaction paper, please use the follow questions to guide your response:
- How important was communication in this story? How did it play a central role? What important course concepts, theories, models, etc. come to mind as you read this story? How/why?
- What are two things the provider did well and what are two things the provider could improve on? Use your COM 311 knowledge to identify and discuss these things.
- What are two things the patient (or caregiver) did well and what are two things the patient (or caregiver) could improve on? Use your COM 311 knowledge to identify and discuss these things.
- We’ve discussed the importance of keeping “shared meaning” as a goal for any patient-provider interaction. Was shared meaning achieved in this interaction? Why or why not? Who was responsible? What could the provider or patient (or caregiver) have done differently in order to create shared meaning? If shared meaning was not achieved, what were the consequences?
Additional information:
- The questions listed above are meant to help guide your response and what you should focus on. I suggest organizing your paper according to the questions above.
- Your paper should be in essay format (with title page) and 4-5 pages of main text (excluding title and reference pages).
- You need to cite no less than three sources. These can be course readings or outside sources you bring in. You must use APA style so please make sure you cite the sources properly and consistently and include a reference list on a separate page (which is not included in your page count).
Grade considerations:
- Did you address the prompt in the paper?
- Did you react to the story more than you summarized what was going on?
- Did you appropriately incorporate three sources into the paper?
- Did you organize and format the paper appropriately (length, Grammar, spelling, punctuation
- Cara’s Story
- Cara is a single 57 year-old businesswomen who lives in Fort Worth, Texas. Cara’s Mother passed away five years ago and was survived by Cara, her 82 year-old Father Jim, and three married siblings, all of which have children and do not reside in Texas. Since Jim’s heart attack and extensive open-heart surgery three years ago, Cara has made a habit of stopping by her father’s to have dinner (i.e., to check on him). Nearly two years ago, Cara began noticing that her father was having difficulties remembering seemingly trivial things like where he put his keys and to pay bills on time, which Cara attributed to his old age and prior medical issues; that is, until he started forgetting key ingredients and the steps to make his favorite dishes, which is a big deal given that Jim is a retired chef. Recently, Jim’s memory has become worse and he has become paranoid claiming that someone is stealing his belongings and breaking into his apartment at the retirement home so Cara decides to take action.
- After speaking with her physician friend, Cara decides to take Jim to a neurologist to have a neurological exam, but when told of the appointment Jim becomes angry, refuses to go to the doctor, and changes the locks to his house so she can no longer enter. For weeks, Cara has become increasingly stressed and has been unable to sleep, eat, or concentrate at work. After several attempts to get Jim to make an appointment with a neurologist and noting his uncharacteristic reaction to her suggestion, Cara concludes that Jim’s condition may be more serious than she previously thought. After conducting research on the Internet (i.e., WebMD), Cara she believes that her father may be exhibiting symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease/dementia. Cara’s suspicions are further supported after she visits the Alzheimer’s Association website and reads about the initial and progressive symptoms of the disease. Moreover, after learning about the symptomology, Cara believes her father began showing early symptoms of Alzheimer’s, even before her mother passed away. Now, Cara is certain that Jim is suffering from moderate to severe Alzheimer’s disease and decides that he must be tested as soon a possible. Unfortunately, Cara obviously cannot rely on her father to make an appointment for himself and she would never dream of setting him off by sharing her suspicions, so she makes numerous attempts to get her father an appointment and to see a doctor, without avail.
Further increasing Cara’s frustration, the neurology specialists have been uncooperative and appear to disregard her pleas for assistance getting her father to the doctor for a neurological assessment. In fact, two weeks ago, she made Jim an appointment (without telling her him) and asked her father to accompany her for lunch at his favorite restaurant, after which she planned to take him to the appointment. After weeks of sleepless nights, stress, and sick days from work, Cara finally began to feel some relief that she had figured out a way to get Jim to the doctor. Although a diagnosis of a degenerative disease like Alzheimer’s dementia would be devastating, Cara was comforted by the prospect of finally knowing her father’s diagnosis/prognosis, which would enable her to establish a plan for moving forward and providing the care her father desperately needs.
Unfortunately, the day before the appointment, the receptionist at the clinic called Jim to confirm the appointment and although Cara explained the delicate situation, the receptionist bluntly informed Jim that Cara suspected he had Alzheimer’s disease and had scheduled him for a neurological exam behind his back. Given Jim’s previous reactions, it is not surprising that he angrily confronted Cara and refused to go to lunch. Now, Cara’s father will no longer speak to her nor will he unlock his door or respond when she visits. Cara’s stress and exhaustion is continuously elevating and she is becoming sick with worry now that she is unable to care for her father and check on his well-being. Although, Cara is not at the point of physically providing care for her father, Jim has cut all contact with his daughter, which is increasing her level of stress.
Cara is fortunate, however, that unlike many family caregivers she has developed a close relationship with Jim’s neighbor and the staff at the retirement community, both of whom she maintains contact to stay informed of Jim’s strange behaviors (e.g., parking in the grass, wandering the complex at all hours of the night, engaging in disoriented conversations, and the bouncing of his last two rent payments), which is helpful. However, Cara still feels helpless and has no idea how to help her father so she decides to enlist her siblings for support and advice.
After informing her siblings of her suspicions and describing their father’s increasingly abnormal behavior, the siblings insist that they have spoken with their father and he seems fine—which is clearly a result of their distance and inability to personally witness Jim’s decline. In a sense, everyone Cara normally goes to for support has rejected her suspicions and two of her siblings actually told her that their mother’s death has caused her to become paranoid and is causing her to overthink her father’s situation, suggesting that Cara give her dad some space and focus on her own life and work.
After numerous failed conversations and attempts over the span of several months to enlist her siblings for help, Cara again seeks guidance from her physician friend who recommends a neurologist who might be able to help, although she prefaces that his methods may be less than traditional. Seeing no other option, Cara finally contacts the office, and as recommended by her friend, makes an appointment for herself to see Dr. Stein in order to discuss the situation and obtain her professional guidance and assistance.
During her appointment, Cara informs Dr. Stein of her father’s medical history (e.g., heart condition, diabetes) and psychosocial issues (e.g., mother’s sudden death, father’s resulting distrust of the medical community, inability to obtain family assistance/support), her father’s increasing paranoia, and refusal to see a doctor. After listening attentively, together Cara and Dr. Stein hatch a plan. The plan collaboratively developed by Cara and Dr. Stein consisted a nurse calling her father and telling him that he needed to have a checkup that is routinely scheduled at this time after his type of heart surgery and asking him to make an appointment. Although the exam would take considerably more time than usual, Dr. Stein agreed to act as if it was mostly about his heart and conduct the neurological exams intermittently throughout the appointment under the guise that it is a routine procedure. Cara also informed the doctor of her previous experience with a neurologist office, after which Dr. Stein promised she would inform the staff of the delicate situation in advance in case Jim called, and to ensure the entire staff was aware of the plan and the specific procedures to follow
PSY 1010 CSU General Psychology Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Essay Humanities Assignment Help
For this assignment, you must first view the video Applying Psychology to Everyday Life: Minimizing the Impact of Adult Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and review the material on p. 86 of your eTextbook.
Now, imagine that you are a university psychology professor. One of your students, John Doe, was recently diagnosed with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), combined presentation. He has emailed you and requested your advice and assistance with better understanding his circumstances, diagnosis, and prognosis. You will reply to John by writing an email in which you will offer him advice in the following areas.
- Indicate structures of the brain that are involved and biopsychology factors that could impact his emotions, learning, memory, and motivation related to your class.
- Describe ways in which his brain can perceive information from the outside world that could in turn impact his performance in your class.
- Identify suggestions that you have for John to increase his chances for success in your class as well his other courses.
FIN 300 Colorado State Global Campus Bonds and Stock Issuance Report Economics Assignment Help
I’m working on a finance writing question and need a sample draft to help me learn.
Bonds are a liability (debt) for a company, stock is equity and therefore, a form of capital. Using the information and terminology in this module and research you complete on your own, determine the pros and cons for a company for issuing bonds and stocks. Assess the following components:
- Advantages
- Disadvantages
- Potential for Earnings
- Risk
- Access to funds
- Tax implications
- Submit your 3 to 4 page paper in a Word document. Use terms, and concepts from class readings and your own research through the CSU Global Library.
- Cite at least 4 references with at least 2 being scholarly/peer reviewed articles.
- Your paper must be formatted according to CSU Global Writing Center (Links to an external site.).