San Diego State University Apple Inc Diversity Programs Paper Writing Assignment Help. San Diego State University Apple Inc Diversity Programs Paper Writing Assignment Help.
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Promoting Diversity in the Workplace
Many corporations today recognize the importance of incorporating diversity into their vision and mission statements. The presence of diversity in the workplace, particularly when corporations are based outside of the United States, is of utmost important for establishing long-term relationships with the international publics. Organizations recognize that in order to maintain positive relationships with various stakeholders from diverse cultures and regions, the companies have to exhibit a genuine desire to work with a diverse population. Analyze the diversity program of a multinational company and discuss the following:
- Background information about the company
- What is the diversity message that the company promotes?
- How does this diversity program impact the company’s public relations presence within the international community?
- Why is it important to recognize diversity in the workplace?
- Your written paper should be 3-4 pages in length not counting the title and reference pages, which you must include.
- Use terms, evidence, and concepts from class readings.
- You need to cite at least 3 sources for this assignment, outside of the textbook. The CSU Global Library (Links to an external site.) is a great place to find resources.
San Diego State University Apple Inc Diversity Programs Paper Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Alpena Community College Public Art Presentation Humanities Assignment Help
Your Art Find is a hands-on assignment. You will record yourselves talking/discussing a piece of art either on location or via voice over . Your presentation is worth 100 points.
Find The Art You Will Discuss
Many museums are still closed. Find a public artwork that resides where all can see and is free to view and appreciate. Art from your travels is fine, too. Just be sure that the photo you took of something while traveling is no older than a year or two.
Step 1: Find a piece of public art. The art can be two or three – dimensional.
Step 2: Record yourself talking about the art. Discuss what is so special about the piece to you. You must provide a visual analysis utilizing the Principles of Design and items from the Visual Toolbox. If the artwork is 3-dimension, discuss sculptural terminology. Use terminology that applies to the type of artwork you have chosen. If you are able to provide some information about the artist, do so. Don’t forget to tell me where the artwork is located. Also, be sure to include good shots of the artwork that you are discussing.
Remember that this is not a grade school style book report. Avoid making the entirely about where the artist was born, who they married, the name of their dog or cat, etc. In addition, avoid plagiarizing art historical information. If you are using anyone else’s words, YOU MUST CITE THE SOURCE. So in the case of this presentation, you must say “according to so and so, they said that this portrait’s colours represent the anguish the artist felt towards the relationship with the person depicted on the canvas.” Things look/sound suspicious when all of the sudden you become posh art historians. Cite your sources.
In addition, you must discuss an original artwork. NO REPRODUCTIONS. I will not accept a presentation about a poster (reproduction) of a Van Gogh painting that hangs in your living room unless it is a REAL Van Gogh, for example. Da Vinci’s “Last Supper” is a popular artwork used for this project. Unless you went to Santa Maria delle Grazie, where it resides, saw it first hand, and used your own images for your presentation, then you can use it. The reproduction in your local church will not count.
MGT 404 SEU Relational System Based Approach of Organizational Development Questions Business Finance Assignment Help
Most Importantly, avoid plagiarism.
Follow the instructions in the provided file and use the provided materials.
Part 1:
Q.1 What is a holographic organization? Describe its characteristics. (Words 150-200)
Q.2 How important is the ‘collective organizational learning’ in the development of a new organization design (i.e. the holographic design)? (Words 150-200)
Q.3 Compare a holographic design to a matrix-based structure. What similar advantages could you identify for organizations implementing these structures? (Words 200-300)
Part 2:
Q.4 Please refer to table 12.5 in Chapter 12 of your textbook (Page 352) . Then, provide an example of an organization that uses a customer-centric structure. Please justify your answer. (Words 200-300)
Understanding Issues of Sex Gender and Sexuality in Todays World Critical Analysis Humanities Assignment Help
Summarize the key arguments of the reading by the specified author and briefly discuss the
reading’s relevance to understanding issues of sex, gender, and/or sexuality in today’s world.
The word length is 250 words, +/- 10%. You risk losing partial points if you go over 275 words
or under 225 words.
This is a very short assignment, so remember to get straight to the key points. No introduction or
conclusion are necessary. You will lose partial points for vagueness/repetition.
You must summarize the key arguments of the text using your own words, not the words of the
author. You may use a very short quote or two from the reading for context, but keep in mind,
these need to be brief. If you think it might be too long, it likely is (think a short sentence or
short portion of a sentence).
Unlike for your Midterm and Final papers which require a works cited section, you do not need
to include a citation of the reading (even if you quote it) or any other sources. The lectures and
slides are meant to help guide your understanding of the reading, but these should also not be
cited, i.e. do not copy and paste from these.
Remember, this is a critical analysis and not an opinion piece, so you should avoid value
statements like “I liked the article because,” or “this article is good/bad because.” Instead,
explain the author’s points and discuss the real-world examples they can be applied to.
You are free to criticize those points in your discussion. You should refrain from any
biographical statements about the author.
MGT 312 SEU Decision Making and Problem Solving Critical Thinking Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
– Unique Case Study with no match
– All answered must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font. No pictures containing text will be accepted and will be considered plagiarism)
– Must mention question number clearly in their answer
– Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, copying from students or other resources without proper referencing will result in ZERO marks.
– Cover Page must be used.
Course Learning Outcomes-Covered
- Identify and analyze different perspectives on understanding problems for different situations. (3.1)
- Utilize different decision making tools to enhance problem solving and decision making approaches. (4.3)
- Identify organized alternatives and select among possible alternative to evaluate business options. (2.10)
- Create a Decision Making and Problem Solving worksheet document. (4.5)
East Los Angeles College Child Development and ABC Field Observation Writing Assignment Help
Field Observation # 2 (50 points)
In order to complete your field observation # 2, you will need to go back to observe THE SAME CHILD YOU OBSERVED IN OBSERVATION#1 (IF YOU ARE STILL ABLE TO. IF YOU ARE NOT ABLE TO go ahead and observe a new child over 1.5 years of age and under the age of 6 years old in ANY natural play setting) and write up three separate reports, using three different observation methods. You must do another narrative (20-30 minutes), an anecdotal record (about 10 minutes) and a checklist assessment (around 5 minutes).
Since we are still in Pandemic Safe Distance mode if you decide to visit a family member or friend outside of your home or “pandemic pod” you must take extra precautions of washing your hands and wearing a mask at all times. Please do not put yourself or others at risk for this assignment. I can give you an optional virtual video observation below if you do not have a live child to observe in your immediate household.
- Use your templates we have used in previous exercises as a reference for the guidelines on the specific observation methods you have chosen.
- Your observation should be a maximum of one hour to complete all three assessment tools – so plan accordingly.
- Observations must be typed and in the required formats we have been using in this course.
- Refrain from asking teachers/parents questions about the child you are observing while the teachers are working. BE OBSERVANT!
- Please do not engage the children in conversation. Stay out of the way of the class activities. Sit quietly in an inconspicuous place during your visit.
- Thank your teachers/parent when you leave.
For this assignment you will go back to the site or classroom where you observed the child from Observation #1 (IF YOU ARE ABLE TO). You will observe that child for one hour. The first 20-30 minutes should be the Narrative. The next 10 minutes or so, you observe for an anecdote to record — remember an anecdote is “Something of note” or out of the ordinary or a new or different behavior you saw compared to the first time you observed the child. The anecdote should be short/brief, concise and only on ONE domain, written in the past tense since you technically would be writing this “after the fact.” For the last 5 minutes or so you should be able to quickly fill out your checklist (This is a checklist YOU CREATE BEFOREyou go out to observe the child) — make sure this checklist denotes behaviors that perhaps you did not capture the first time, the behaviors should be written broadly so you are likely to capture them at the time and place you go to observe (for this reason go back to your observation site — roughly around the same time you observed last time). The Checklist should include 3 domains with at least 4 behaviors under each domain, and should have rows and only one column with a Yes — place where you would mark off if the behavior occurred or not.
Field Observation # 2 Grading rubric for the three assessment tools
- Static descriptors recorded properly (name/time/date/environment) (3pt ea)____ /9pts
- Content of observation implemented correctly matching criteria to format 3 pt ea) _____ /9pts
- Narrative Observation: Descriptions in each domain are objective and detailed (3 pt / domain)_____ /9pts
- Anecdote: Objective data (4pts)_____/4pts
- Anecdote: Opportunities are specific and Developmentally Appropriate (4pts) _____ /4pts
- Checklist: Behaviors are objective, observable, broad, and appropriate for location (4pts)_____/4pts
- Interpretations logical and not written in body (3pts/tool) _____/6pts
- Fewer than five grammatical, spelling errors, typed using 12 font prints __ /5pts
FOR UP TO 10 PTS EXTRA CREDIT SELECT FROM ANOTHER TYPE OF ASSESSMENT TOOL WE HAVE COVERED IN THIS COURSE TO ASSESS THE CHILD! This is up to you which tool you use ABC Event, Frequency, Duration Record, and if you do a Time Sample capture at least 3 domains and at least 3 behaviors under each of these and at least 3 other children aside from the child of your main observations.
*Please remember that your findings from this assignment will be used for your Documentation Plan assignment.*
IF YOU DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO A CHILD 1.5-6YEARS OF AGE TO OBSERVE IN YOUR HOME OR PANDEMIC POD you may go ahead and use the following videos of the child in the videos below. Focus on the child with the light blue polo and tan pants. Use the following videos in the order I indicate below for the different assessments:
For the Narrative Use this video:
For the Anecdote Use this video:
Anecdote should start at the 25 second mark when child leaves the slide.
For the Checklist Use this Video:
For the Checklist Use this Video
Here’s a very short video that can be used in addition of the Checklist video if you feel the other video was not enough:
East Los Angeles College Child Development and ABC Field Observation Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
EDP University of Puerto Rico Personalities on Computing Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help
I’m working on a nursing exercise and need guidance to help me study.
Objetivo de la actividad
No basta con escribir en un procesador de palabras. Conocer las funciones
del procesador de palabras y el uso adecuado de ellas, resultan en un
documento con apariencia profesional, que invita y facilita su lectura. En
esta actividad cada estudiante desarrollará un documento en un
procesador de palabras utilizando las funciones que se le solicitan.
La meta académica de esta tarea consiste en conocer tres de las
personalidades contemporáneas de mayor importancia en la evolución de
las computadoras. Los nombres que verás a continuación pueden ser
Steve Jobs
Michael Dell
Bill Gates
Adicional, incluirá una cuarta persona, la cual su trayectoria lo haga
merecedor de estar a la par de los personajes que se mencionan
Para realizar esta actividad deberá hacer una investigación mediante el
uso de recursos como las bases de datos o el Internet. Las fuentes de
información consultadas deben ser fuentes confiables (no
monografí,, buenas tareas, rincón del vago… entre
Entregará un documento electrónico correctamente escrito en sus propias
palabras en el que resumirá los aspectos más importantes de estas
personalidades: origen, algo de su niñez; educación, su incursión en el
mundo de las computadoras y su aportación o aportaciones más
importantes. El documento no debe ser tan corto como la mitad de una
página, pero tampoco se pretende algo extenso. Se espera una página por
cada individuo investigado.
Descargar el documento para la actividad: Esquema para el Examen MS
¿Qué vamos a hacer?
Luego de haber recopilado, analizado y parafraseado la información,
entregará un (1) documento creado con un procesador de palabra,
siguiendo el esquema para el trabajo escrito. El trabajo deberá tener:
Tabla de Contenido (utilizando la función Table of Contents de la
pestaña Reference)
Personalidades en la Evolución de las Computadoras (presente
en orden alfabético por el apellido)
o Michael Dell
o Bill Gates
o Steve Jobs
o _________________ (Nombre del personaje identificado
por el estudiante)
Apéndice (Cada apéndice en una página, ordenado alfabético por
el apellido). En esta sección puede incluir una foto del personaje
o Apéndice A – Michael Dell
o Apéndice B – Bill Gates
o Apéndice C – Steve Jobs
o Apéndice D – Nombre de personaje identificado por el
A través de su trabajo, el estudiante podrá en práctica las siguientes
Crear y guardar documentos en word
dar atributos tales como:
o Ennegrecer e itálico
o Alinear verticalmente
o Alinear horizontalmente
o Aplicar los estilos (Style)
o “Page break (cortes de páginas)
o Enumeración de páginas
o “Header (encabezados) & footer” (pie de páginas)
o Spacing (interlineado)
sencillo y doble
“before & after”
Tabla de Contenido (utilizando la función Table of Contents)
Index (utilizando la función Index)
¿Cómo vamos a hacer el trabajo?
Estudie los recursos de la unidad.
Realice la búsqueda de información en fuentes confiables.
En un documento del procesador de palabras, redacte el trabajo.
Es importante que resuma y utilice técnicas de parafraseo al
redactar su trabajo.
De estructura a su trabajo para que cumpla con las partes a
desarrollar. Consulte el documento Esquema para el trabajo
Realice las funciones requeridas y aplique los atributos
Guarde el documento con el nombre Personalidades en la
evolución de las computadoras_su nombre . Por ejemplo,
Personalidades en la evolución de las computadoras_Maria
Suba su trabajo a la plataforma. La actividad permite subir un solo
Si tiene alguna duda de cómo hacer el trabajo, repase los
tutoriales y las simulaciones. Si no encuentra cómo hacer el
proceso, publique su duda en el foro Dudas y Preguntas.
La actividad es de carácter individual. Los trabajos serán sometidos a la
herramienta para detectar similitud de contenidos (ahora Urkund).
Cada estudiante debe entregar un documento escrito en un procesador de
palabras. La actividad es de carácter individual. El trabajo debe ser
entregado a tiempo, sin errores ortográficos ni gramaticales. Los trabajos
serán sometidos a la herramienta para detectar similitud de contenidos
(ahora Urkund). De tener dudas o preguntas debe publicarlas en el Foro
Dudas y Preguntas con tiempo para poderles ayudar de forma oportuna.
El documento debe tener las siguientes características:
La letra debe ser Times New Roman, tamaño 12, color negro.
El margen debe ser 1” en todos los lados.
Los párrafos deben tener sangría.
Los títulos deben estar centralizados horizontalmente en “bold”.
El contenido debe estar alineado horizontalmente en “justify”.
La Portada y la página divisoria del apéndice deben estar
alineadas horizontal y verticalmente en “center”.
El trabajo deberá tener las siguientes partes:
Tabla de Contenido
Introducción (al menos tres párrafos de cinco oraciones cada uno)
Personalidades en la Evolución de las Computadoras (presente
en orden alfabético por el apellido)
o Michael Dell
o Bill Gates
o Steve Jobs
o _________________ (Nombre del personaje identificado
por el estudiante)
Conclusión (al menos tres párrafos de cinco oraciones cada uno)
Apéndice (Página divisoria del apéndice)
Cada apéndice en una página, ordenado alfabético por el
apellido). En esta sección puede incluir una foto del personaje
o Apéndice A – Steve Jobs
o Apéndice B – Michael Dell
o Apéndice C – Bill Gates
o Apéndice D – Nombre de personaje identificado por el
PNU Professional and Ethical Principles and Issues in Clinical Psychology Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
Aside from general ethical principles and code of conduct, there are four main ethical issues that specifically relate to clinical psychology research. These are:
- Informed consent.
- Avoidance of harm.
- Privacy.
- Review by the academic ethics committee and/or governing health authority or hospital ethics committee.
Consider the following cases and explain how these four issues relate to each situation.
- A psychologist wants to study how positive reinforcement could help reduce the amount of night-time shouting by patients with dementia who are staying in a hospital unit.
- What ethical
questions do you have for the researcher?1. Informed
consent. 2 marks
2. Avoidance of
harm. 2 marks
3. Privacy. 2 marks
4. Review by the academic
ethics committee; recommendation? 2
marks - a psychologist wants to carry out a survey amongst mothers attending vaccination appointments with their new-born babies, to assess levels and prevalence of post-partum depression.
- What ethical
questions should she consider?1. Informed
consent. 2 marks
2. Avoidance of
harm. 2 marks
3. Privacy. 2 marks
4. Review by the academic
ethics committee; recommendation? 2
marks - A psychologist wants
to survey teenagers at a local school to assess levels of social
anxiety. - What ethical
questions should she consider?1. Informed
consent. 2 marks
2. Avoidance of
harm. 2 marks
3. Privacy. 2 marks
4. Review by the academic
ethics committee; recommendation? 2
What ethical questions do you have for the researcher?
You write the question to the researcher for example Informed consent : Who will you get the informed consent from dementia patient ?
write 2 or more question for each code in each case and answer it based on correct information and relaibly resource
no Plagiarism
OSU Advertising and Social Media Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
Reply to the posts attached in 35 to 80 words, only three posts. reply to them in the context of the question in each. Label each of the replies with the date there.
I will currently use the free question credit you awarded me from my last question to post then i will pay as i always do from my card as tip.
So please advice your writers to bid at the same price i posted. Will pay for this question and the other two, all in one as i indicated earlier from my card. For this am willing to pay 25 usd , at the end of the question, as a tip deposit.
CD 141 Cuyamaca College Advocacy Activity & Children with Special Needs Essay Writing Assignment Help
Advocacy Assignment Fall 2020
The purpose of this assignment is to get you motivated and involved as an advocate for young children with special needs. You will choose one act of advocacy of your own and write a summary of your actions. Use the following format:
- Description of what you completed as an advocacy activity: setting, circumstances, audience, or target population.
- The hoped for outcome(s) of your actions:
- How your advocacy will make a difference for young children with special needs:
- Possible ways to follow up on this action in a few months:
- Personal comments or insights related to your actions:
Here are some possible ideas: (This is a very very brief list — think outside the box!)
- Speak up when you notice or are participating in a situation where you observe an action which is prejudicial or unthinking (concerning special needs or children and/or families with special needs).
- Write a letter to an elected official regarding young children with special needs (particularly meaningful in these times of budget cuts in education and services to persons with special needs).
- Find out about a virtual community meeting of a group related to children and/or families of young children with special needs.
- Contact a media source about the need to portray persons with special needs as competent and in the mainstream of life.
- Investigate inclusion policies at preschools, child care facilities, and recreation programs
An advocate is someone who stands up for or tries to help someone, to bring about change, or to try to improve conditions for others. “I sincerely believe that, without advocacy, people would be robbed of their needs and their rights. By trying to advocate for ourselves and others, we can take care of one another and achieve things that might not otherwise be possible”. – Mario Damiani
Many parents of a young child with special needs have to advocate for services, acceptance, and educational opportunities. For one group’s perspective on how to be an advocate (Links to an external site.) for your child with disabilities, you can read this article. I hope it will just be the beginning of your advocacy exploration.
[supanova_question] for your child with disabilities, you can read this article. I hope it will just be the beginning of your advocacy exploration.