San Diego State University Music Consists of Simple Forms Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

San Diego State University Music Consists of Simple Forms Discussion Humanities Assignment Help. San Diego State University Music Consists of Simple Forms Discussion Humanities Assignment Help.

I’m working on a humanities discussion question and need support to help me understand better.
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9.3 Different Drummers in the 21st Century

77 unread replies.77 replies.

Describe your favorite style [genre] of music. Provide an overview of the characteristics of the music, including the use of music elements:

  • pitch [melody and harmony; consonance and dissonance]
  • timbres [specific instruments including voices]
  • rhythm and tempo
  • dynamics

Describe how the music evolves. Is there a preponderance of repetition or do contrasts dominate? Be as specific as possible so that your readers can ‘almost hear’ the music you describe.

Which of the elements in the music is most significant in terms of the meaning of the music? If there are lyrics, is the poetry more or less important than the traditional elements of the music? How does the music make you feel? Do you find yourself physically moving to the rhythms? Do the tempo and dynamics influence your choices in music?

Does your cultural background play a role in the music of your daily life?

How would you convince others with your words that your music is excellent for listening or hearing?


Enter the discussion with your original post by Friday . . . and responses or questions by the end of the day on the following Monday.

And what’s on the instructors playlist? Gerald Finzi’s “Eclogue for Piano and Strings” . . .

San Diego State University Music Consists of Simple Forms Discussion Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Simon Fraser University Leasing Strategies & Training Strategy Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a real estate case study and need support to help me learn.


The instruction is given as below pdf, case is the word file.

Need follow the words distribution as in the Criteria in the pdf file.

“You should include pictures, graphs, etc


Need 7+ peer-reviewed sources. APA style.



The graph part may require some research, such as some tables or pictures of Atlanta (this project) market conditions, demand and supply.

According to the analysis of the real estate market in the United States and the location of the project, I think it may be necessary to add these pictures to the project.

Subject Property: Regency Villas l Atlanta, GA

Thank you

The owner Is an efficient OWL type personality. —– Start from this stand.


San Diego State University The Singing Ringing Tree Sculpture Essay Humanities Assignment Help

I’m working on a humanities writing question and need support to help me understand better.

Write an essay of at least three-hundred fifty words/one page plus on the following topic to display your ability to describe, analyze and evaluate a work of art. Use the information and insight you have gained from your study of this specific humanities/art area to present a well written, edited and substantial view into your personal views on this creative topic.

What Sculpture Reveals

  • Select a personal possession [an object you own] that you would consider your favorite piece of three-dimensional art [sculpture]. Describe the nature of the object in terms of it being figurative, abstract, non-representational or kinetic. From what material[s] was the sculpture made and how was it constructed? What surface values would make one want to touch the object [tactile]; what other surface qualities make the object an excellent work of art?
  • Describe the object in terms of Sculptural Aesthetic Qualities presented in this module and The Humanities through the Arts – touch; perceived movement [or actual movement; design, open or closed form; scale, size and proportion; design and style; and other unique qualities that made the art appealing. Which of the qualities of the sculpture reveals its unique character?
  • What is it [denotation] and why is it significant [connotation]? What is the function of the piece? Do you relate to the sculpture more for its functionality, symbolism or beauty?
  • What are your criteria for determining what excellent or meaningful sculptural art is and how does this object exemplify that criteria?
  • What story does this object tell; why is this three-dimensional work of art significant to you?

Include personal or cultural references that are relevant to your choice of this work of art, and how the sculpture achieves a full sensory experience.

You will have extra time to complete the What Sculpture Reveals Essay; check the schedule for the due date.

General Format for All Essays
Introduction – overview of the subject whether film, painting, sculpture or controversy
Focus – describe and analyze the subject matter; how does the imagery reveal meaning
Conclusions – evaluation; will it stand your test of time?


Essay Evaluation

Essay Evaluation

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeRelevance

8 pts

Relevant and significant concepts, conclusions exceed expectations for the assignment

6 pts

Fundamental and basic information offers connections to the goals of the assignment

4 pts

Lacks the relevant and/or basic descriptive elements needed to meet the goals of the assignment

8 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEvidence/Research/Observation

4 pts

Well-founded evidence based on research and/or personal observation

3 pts

Observations and points of interest are apparent and thoughtful

1 pts

Minimal research, evidence and/or personal observation

4 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFocus/Creativity

4 pts

Offers significant insights into the subject with excellent descriptions, analysis and conclusions

3 pts

Traditional approach to the subject with appropriate descriptive values and conventional analysis

1 pts

Lacks focus and/or substantial descriptive values

4 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganization/Clarity/Logic

4 pts

Logical flow with clearly stated purpose, points of view and conclusions

3 pts

Purpose, concepts and evaluations presented with relative clarity and focus

1 pts

Meandering, lacks organization and clarity – requires editing

4 pts


University of South Carolina Wk 15 Programming Challenges Lab Report Programming Assignment Help

I’m working on a programming question and need support to help me study.

Starting Out with Visual Basic 2015

PROGRAMMING CHALLENGES QUESTION #1(Larger and Smaller): page 302

PROGRAMMING CHALLENGES QUESTION #3(Fat Percentage Calculator): pages 302


Complete text with figures for above HW 10 questions from the book is also attached as a PDF file.

Plz zip the solution folder and submit the zipped file to your Assignments page. Instructions for using and submitting assignments to Assignments page are posted to Assignments or Course Announcement pages.


You must organize your folder and subfolders as follows:

You need to create a folder name “Your Last Name HW10 in your desktop and then create three subfolders inside that as follows:

SubFolder1. You name it ” QUESTION #1” and you save the MS Visual Basic project folder (this should include all the files created by MS Visual Basic) for this challenge in this folder

SubFolder2. You name it ” QUESTION #3” and you save the MS Visual Basic project folder (this should include all the files created by MS Visual Basic) for this challenge in this folder

SubFolder3. You name it ” QUESTION #5” and you save the MS Visual Basic project folder (this should include all the files created by MS Visual Basic) for this challenge in this folder


Personal Statement of Cash Flows and Financial Planning Discussion Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a business Other and need an explanation to help me learn.

I’m working on a business Case Study and need an explanation to help me understand better.

The financial plan project requires extensive understanding of both conceptual knowledge and application of financial planning. In this project, you work as a professional financial planner, review clients’ financial situation to answer clients’ questions or to make specific recommendations. You can find all information about your clients and their requests from the following case description.

Use the template below to construct your recommendation report to your clients. Complete all parts that are highlighted with blue color. Make sure you are answering every question and making every recommendation with solid and detailed analysis. Show details of calculations where necessary. You can use tool such as equations, tables, charts to help you explain your calculations. But do NOT just paste any screenshot of any calculation software such as Excel to show your calculation process. You need to show everything formally in the report as it is to be presented to your clients. Remember, this is the goal of financial planning – to issue a financial plan with recommendations to solve the problems your clients are facing. You need to construct your report with professional language and clear/reasonable explanations so that your clients can understand and accept your recommendations/responses.

The project will be graded according to the rubric shown in the table below.



Executive Summary – ratio analysis


Assumptions and Goals


Recommendation I


Recommendation II


Recommendation III


Recommendation IV


Recommendation V


Recommendation VI


Additional Observations 1
Completing other parts as required in the template such as cover page, table of contents, contact information, e



COMM 203 University of South Carolina Addressing Raised Concerns Speech Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a communications presentation and need a reference to help me learn.

This will be a persuasive speech, which refutes the arguments, objections, and reservations
presented by your audience, political opponents, lawmakers, potential clients, special interest
groups, and perhaps society to the position you took in Project 3.
! Choose two questions, concerns, or reservations that have been raised about your policy
from your Project 3 speech.
! Do some additional research on the topic.
o Find at least three solid sources of information that were not used in your Project 3
speech (you should have a minimum of 5 sources)
o Make sure your sources are credible to you and would also be credible to your

COMM 203 University of South Carolina Addressing Raised Concerns Speech Paper Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Purdue Differences & Similarities Between Current Practices and Best Practices Paper Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a writing question and need guidance to help me learn.

Needs assessment and gap analysis to decrease the length of stay of patients in Post Anesthesia Care Unit (PACU) in the hospital.

bascically just make 2 pics like the attached

Download the Gap Analysis Tool.

Complete the Gap Analysis tool for your project by following the instructions that accompany it.

Create a workflow diagram depicting the current state of the process that you are conducting your needs assessment on. Show every step leading up to the gap in the flow. (See pp. 40–41 of Project Management for the Advanced Practice Nurse.) You can reference the IHI Flowchart tool to assist you with this assignment.

Create a second workflow diagram depicting the future state (the ideal state that follows best practices) of the process.

Summarize the differences between current practices (current state) and best practices (ideal state) and provide an assessment of the barriers that need to be addressed before successful implementation of best practices can occur. Utilize the workflow diagrams to enhance the relevance of your summary. The gaps are Doctor’s late discharge orders, the pharmacy’s slow and poor Rx processing, and Family/ride not coming on time to pick up a patient. I would like the flow chart something like this.

I will need 2 flowcharts, the current practice with these gaps: Doctor’s late discharge orders, the pharmacy’s slow and poor Rx processing, and Family/ride not coming on time to pick up a patient. I would like the flow chart something like this.


Grand Canyon University Family Social Determinants of Health Discussion Paper Health Medical Assignment Help

Refer back to the interview and evaluation you conducted in the Topic 2 Family Health Assessment assignment. Identify the social determinates of health (SDOH) contributing to the family’s health status. In a 750-1,000-word paper, create a plan of action to incorporate health promotion strategies for this family. Include the following:

  1. Describe the SDOH that affect the family health status. What is the impact of these SDOH on the family? Discuss why these factors are prevalent for this family.
  2. Based on the information gathered through the family health assessment, recommend age-appropriate screenings for each family member. Provide support and rationale for your suggestions.
  3. Choose a health model to assist in creating a plan of action. Describe the model selected. Discuss the reasons why this health model is the best choice for this family. Provide rationale for your reasoning.
  4. Using the model, outline the steps for a family-centered health promotion. Include strategies for communication.

Cite at least three peer-reviewed or scholarly sources to complete this assignment. Sources should be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.


Shoreline Community College Health Information Specialist Questions Mathematics Assignment Help

I’m working on a statistics exercise and need a reference to help me study.

INTRODUCTION The Health Information Specialist may need to plan changes to the budget, request additional staff, or calculate the number of staff needed for a new department or activity. This requires one to use basic arithmetical calculations to determine volumes of units of work needed to be completed, time standards to perform each unit, productive time during the day, and considerations of paid break times and paid unproductive time.

INSTRUCTIONS: Review this week’s lesson for Productivity Standards Answer the following. If a calculation yields a decimal, round to 1 decimal point (example 5.435 would be rounded to 5.4) before performing the next calculation.

Report all answers to 1 decimal point unless otherwise provided for in possible given answers in a multiple choice question. Type your answers and formulas/calculations you used to reach your answer.



Michael Olsen had been transcribing for the HIM Department for 3 years and had received repeated warnings to increase his productivity or he would be terminated from his job.He received additional training paid by the hospital to help him become more proficient on his job.He had the same equipment, software, and types of cases as the 8 other transcriptionists in the department. He received his last written warning on Friday, April 30 indicating that his line count would be obtained for each day next week and the line count would be averaged. If he was at 85% or more of the standard of 1200 lines per day, he could retain his job. If he was below 85% of 1200 lines per day he would loose his job. The following line counts were obtained of his work the following week:

Monday 1,342 lines

Tuesday 927




What was his average line count per day?

What was his percent of standard?

As a result of this study, Michael should

a.Keep his job

b.Be fired from his job

2.An average of 80cancer charts need to be abstracted for the tumor registry each week. The standard is 40 minutes per chart. How many FTE need to be hired to do all the abstracting?

3. The standard for transcription is 150 lines per hour. If the department has 816,328 lines per year of transcription to do, how many transcriptionists will you need to hire?

4. If the ROI clerk completed 609 requests during the month and met standard, how many requestsdid she do per productive hour?

5. After a work sampling study was completed, it was found that 20% of a coder’s time was devoted to pulling records for physicians with missing diagnoses. How many minutes of a 7.5 hour day are taken up with this activity?





6. It takes approximately 18 minutes to assemble and analyze a chart for deficiencies. There are 1562discharges for the month.

How many personnel hours per month are needed for this volume of work?

How many FTE employees would be needed to do the work?

7.A coding supervisor must determine the number of full time employees needed to code 600 discharges per week. It takes an average of 20 minutes to code each record and each coder will work 40 hours per week. How many coders are needed?a.6.4





San Diego State University Scarface 1983 Film Analytical Review Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a writing Narrative Essay and need a sample draft to help me understand better.

Choose one of the following movies from the list below:

  • Colors (1988)
  • Do the Right Thing (1989)
  • Scarface (1983)
  • A Clockwork Orange (1971)
  • Juice (1992)
  • Blow (2001)
  • Get Out (2017)
  • The Professional (1994)
  • Boyz n the Hood (1991)
  • Traffic (2000)
  • The Untouchables (1987)
  • Training Day (2001)
  • L.A. Confidential (1997)
  • Clockers (1995)
  • Monster (2003)
  • Pulp Fiction (1994)
  • The Outsiders (1983)
  • Heat (1995)
  • Hoodlum (1997)
  • A River Runs Through It (1992)
  • New Jersey Drive (1995)
  • Set It Off (1996)
  • Candyman (1992)
  • Murder at 1600 (1997)
  • Falling Down (1993)
  • Gangs of New York (2002)
  • Sleepers (1996)
  • A Time To Kill (1996)
  • Freedomland (2006)
  • Mystic River (2003)
  • Casino (1995)
  • Thelma & Louise (1991)
  • Menace II Society (1993)
  • Dead Presidents (1995)
  • Higher Learning (1995)
  • City of God (2002)

Ideally, you want to choose a movie whose character(s) engages in some form of illegal behavior. Additionally, you want a real person or fictional character(s) who has enough of a “back story” available for you to consider the reasons for his or her criminal behavior.

Give a brief overview of the movie. Next, apply the movie, its characters and their behaviors, and crime causation to one of the following theories.

  1. Social Disorganization Theory
  2. Strain Theory
    1. BOOK –

      Crime and Behavior


      ISBN13: 9781621315391

Your response should be 1 page min. (1.5 pages max), double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12pt font.


2–Directly and clearly addresses each component of the question. Ideas are logical, well conceived, and developed with sufficient support from course material.

1.5–A minimum of one substantive page. Follows guidelines. Correct grammar and spelling with no errors.

1.5–Includes correct APA citations and work cited.

[supanova_question] tool to assist you with this assignment.

Create a second workflow diagram depicting the future state (the ideal state that follows best practices) of the process.

Summarize the differences between current practices (current state) and best practices (ideal state) and provide an assessment of the barriers that need to be addressed before successful implementation of best practices can occur. Utilize the workflow diagrams to enhance the relevance of your summary. The gaps are Doctor’s late discharge orders, the pharmacy’s slow and poor Rx processing, and Family/ride not coming on time to pick up a patient. I would like the flow chart something like this.

I will need 2 flowcharts, the current practice with these gaps: Doctor’s late discharge orders, the pharmacy’s slow and poor Rx processing, and Family/ride not coming on time to pick up a patient. I would like the flow chart something like this.


Grand Canyon University Family Social Determinants of Health Discussion Paper Health Medical Assignment Help

Refer back to the interview and evaluation you conducted in the Topic 2 Family Health Assessment assignment. Identify the social determinates of health (SDOH) contributing to the family’s health status. In a 750-1,000-word paper, create a plan of action to incorporate health promotion strategies for this family. Include the following:

  1. Describe the SDOH that affect the family health status. What is the impact of these SDOH on the family? Discuss why these factors are prevalent for this family.
  2. Based on the information gathered through the family health assessment, recommend age-appropriate screenings for each family member. Provide support and rationale for your suggestions.
  3. Choose a health model to assist in creating a plan of action. Describe the model selected. Discuss the reasons why this health model is the best choice for this family. Provide rationale for your reasoning.
  4. Using the model, outline the steps for a family-centered health promotion. Include strategies for communication.

Cite at least three peer-reviewed or scholarly sources to complete this assignment. Sources should be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.


Shoreline Community College Health Information Specialist Questions Mathematics Assignment Help

I’m working on a statistics exercise and need a reference to help me study.

INTRODUCTION The Health Information Specialist may need to plan changes to the budget, request additional staff, or calculate the number of staff needed for a new department or activity. This requires one to use basic arithmetical calculations to determine volumes of units of work needed to be completed, time standards to perform each unit, productive time during the day, and considerations of paid break times and paid unproductive time.

INSTRUCTIONS: Review this week’s lesson for Productivity Standards Answer the following. If a calculation yields a decimal, round to 1 decimal point (example 5.435 would be rounded to 5.4) before performing the next calculation.

Report all answers to 1 decimal point unless otherwise provided for in possible given answers in a multiple choice question. Type your answers and formulas/calculations you used to reach your answer.



Michael Olsen had been transcribing for the HIM Department for 3 years and had received repeated warnings to increase his productivity or he would be terminated from his job.He received additional training paid by the hospital to help him become more proficient on his job.He had the same equipment, software, and types of cases as the 8 other transcriptionists in the department. He received his last written warning on Friday, April 30 indicating that his line count would be obtained for each day next week and the line count would be averaged. If he was at 85% or more of the standard of 1200 lines per day, he could retain his job. If he was below 85% of 1200 lines per day he would loose his job. The following line counts were obtained of his work the following week:

Monday 1,342 lines

Tuesday 927




What was his average line count per day?

What was his percent of standard?

As a result of this study, Michael should

a.Keep his job

b.Be fired from his job

2.An average of 80cancer charts need to be abstracted for the tumor registry each week. The standard is 40 minutes per chart. How many FTE need to be hired to do all the abstracting?

3. The standard for transcription is 150 lines per hour. If the department has 816,328 lines per year of transcription to do, how many transcriptionists will you need to hire?

4. If the ROI clerk completed 609 requests during the month and met standard, how many requestsdid she do per productive hour?

5. After a work sampling study was completed, it was found that 20% of a coder’s time was devoted to pulling records for physicians with missing diagnoses. How many minutes of a 7.5 hour day are taken up with this activity?





6. It takes approximately 18 minutes to assemble and analyze a chart for deficiencies. There are 1562discharges for the month.

How many personnel hours per month are needed for this volume of work?

How many FTE employees would be needed to do the work?

7.A coding supervisor must determine the number of full time employees needed to code 600 discharges per week. It takes an average of 20 minutes to code each record and each coder will work 40 hours per week. How many coders are needed?a.6.4





San Diego State University Scarface 1983 Film Analytical Review Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a writing Narrative Essay and need a sample draft to help me understand better.

Choose one of the following movies from the list below:

  • Colors (1988)
  • Do the Right Thing (1989)
  • Scarface (1983)
  • A Clockwork Orange (1971)
  • Juice (1992)
  • Blow (2001)
  • Get Out (2017)
  • The Professional (1994)
  • Boyz n the Hood (1991)
  • Traffic (2000)
  • The Untouchables (1987)
  • Training Day (2001)
  • L.A. Confidential (1997)
  • Clockers (1995)
  • Monster (2003)
  • Pulp Fiction (1994)
  • The Outsiders (1983)
  • Heat (1995)
  • Hoodlum (1997)
  • A River Runs Through It (1992)
  • New Jersey Drive (1995)
  • Set It Off (1996)
  • Candyman (1992)
  • Murder at 1600 (1997)
  • Falling Down (1993)
  • Gangs of New York (2002)
  • Sleepers (1996)
  • A Time To Kill (1996)
  • Freedomland (2006)
  • Mystic River (2003)
  • Casino (1995)
  • Thelma & Louise (1991)
  • Menace II Society (1993)
  • Dead Presidents (1995)
  • Higher Learning (1995)
  • City of God (2002)

Ideally, you want to choose a movie whose character(s) engages in some form of illegal behavior. Additionally, you want a real person or fictional character(s) who has enough of a “back story” available for you to consider the reasons for his or her criminal behavior.

Give a brief overview of the movie. Next, apply the movie, its characters and their behaviors, and crime causation to one of the following theories.

  1. Social Disorganization Theory
  2. Strain Theory
    1. BOOK –

      Crime and Behavior


      ISBN13: 9781621315391

Your response should be 1 page min. (1.5 pages max), double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12pt font.


2–Directly and clearly addresses each component of the question. Ideas are logical, well conceived, and developed with sufficient support from course material.

1.5–A minimum of one substantive page. Follows guidelines. Correct grammar and spelling with no errors.

1.5–Includes correct APA citations and work cited.

[supanova_question] tool to assist you with this assignment.

Create a second workflow diagram depicting the future state (the ideal state that follows best practices) of the process.

Summarize the differences between current practices (current state) and best practices (ideal state) and provide an assessment of the barriers that need to be addressed before successful implementation of best practices can occur. Utilize the workflow diagrams to enhance the relevance of your summary. The gaps are Doctor’s late discharge orders, the pharmacy’s slow and poor Rx processing, and Family/ride not coming on time to pick up a patient. I would like the flow chart something like this.

I will need 2 flowcharts, the current practice with these gaps: Doctor’s late discharge orders, the pharmacy’s slow and poor Rx processing, and Family/ride not coming on time to pick up a patient. I would like the flow chart something like this.


Grand Canyon University Family Social Determinants of Health Discussion Paper Health Medical Assignment Help

Refer back to the interview and evaluation you conducted in the Topic 2 Family Health Assessment assignment. Identify the social determinates of health (SDOH) contributing to the family’s health status. In a 750-1,000-word paper, create a plan of action to incorporate health promotion strategies for this family. Include the following:

  1. Describe the SDOH that affect the family health status. What is the impact of these SDOH on the family? Discuss why these factors are prevalent for this family.
  2. Based on the information gathered through the family health assessment, recommend age-appropriate screenings for each family member. Provide support and rationale for your suggestions.
  3. Choose a health model to assist in creating a plan of action. Describe the model selected. Discuss the reasons why this health model is the best choice for this family. Provide rationale for your reasoning.
  4. Using the model, outline the steps for a family-centered health promotion. Include strategies for communication.

Cite at least three peer-reviewed or scholarly sources to complete this assignment. Sources should be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.


Shoreline Community College Health Information Specialist Questions Mathematics Assignment Help

I’m working on a statistics exercise and need a reference to help me study.

INTRODUCTION The Health Information Specialist may need to plan changes to the budget, request additional staff, or calculate the number of staff needed for a new department or activity. This requires one to use basic arithmetical calculations to determine volumes of units of work needed to be completed, time standards to perform each unit, productive time during the day, and considerations of paid break times and paid unproductive time.

INSTRUCTIONS: Review this week’s lesson for Productivity Standards Answer the following. If a calculation yields a decimal, round to 1 decimal point (example 5.435 would be rounded to 5.4) before performing the next calculation.

Report all answers to 1 decimal point unless otherwise provided for in possible given answers in a multiple choice question. Type your answers and formulas/calculations you used to reach your answer.



Michael Olsen had been transcribing for the HIM Department for 3 years and had received repeated warnings to increase his productivity or he would be terminated from his job.He received additional training paid by the hospital to help him become more proficient on his job.He had the same equipment, software, and types of cases as the 8 other transcriptionists in the department. He received his last written warning on Friday, April 30 indicating that his line count would be obtained for each day next week and the line count would be averaged. If he was at 85% or more of the standard of 1200 lines per day, he could retain his job. If he was below 85% of 1200 lines per day he would loose his job. The following line counts were obtained of his work the following week:

Monday 1,342 lines

Tuesday 927




What was his average line count per day?

What was his percent of standard?

As a result of this study, Michael should

a.Keep his job

b.Be fired from his job

2.An average of 80cancer charts need to be abstracted for the tumor registry each week. The standard is 40 minutes per chart. How many FTE need to be hired to do all the abstracting?

3. The standard for transcription is 150 lines per hour. If the department has 816,328 lines per year of transcription to do, how many transcriptionists will you need to hire?

4. If the ROI clerk completed 609 requests during the month and met standard, how many requestsdid she do per productive hour?

5. After a work sampling study was completed, it was found that 20% of a coder’s time was devoted to pulling records for physicians with missing diagnoses. How many minutes of a 7.5 hour day are taken up with this activity?





6. It takes approximately 18 minutes to assemble and analyze a chart for deficiencies. There are 1562discharges for the month.

How many personnel hours per month are needed for this volume of work?

How many FTE employees would be needed to do the work?

7.A coding supervisor must determine the number of full time employees needed to code 600 discharges per week. It takes an average of 20 minutes to code each record and each coder will work 40 hours per week. How many coders are needed?a.6.4





San Diego State University Scarface 1983 Film Analytical Review Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a writing Narrative Essay and need a sample draft to help me understand better.

Choose one of the following movies from the list below:

  • Colors (1988)
  • Do the Right Thing (1989)
  • Scarface (1983)
  • A Clockwork Orange (1971)
  • Juice (1992)
  • Blow (2001)
  • Get Out (2017)
  • The Professional (1994)
  • Boyz n the Hood (1991)
  • Traffic (2000)
  • The Untouchables (1987)
  • Training Day (2001)
  • L.A. Confidential (1997)
  • Clockers (1995)
  • Monster (2003)
  • Pulp Fiction (1994)
  • The Outsiders (1983)
  • Heat (1995)
  • Hoodlum (1997)
  • A River Runs Through It (1992)
  • New Jersey Drive (1995)
  • Set It Off (1996)
  • Candyman (1992)
  • Murder at 1600 (1997)
  • Falling Down (1993)
  • Gangs of New York (2002)
  • Sleepers (1996)
  • A Time To Kill (1996)
  • Freedomland (2006)
  • Mystic River (2003)
  • Casino (1995)
  • Thelma & Louise (1991)
  • Menace II Society (1993)
  • Dead Presidents (1995)
  • Higher Learning (1995)
  • City of God (2002)

Ideally, you want to choose a movie whose character(s) engages in some form of illegal behavior. Additionally, you want a real person or fictional character(s) who has enough of a “back story” available for you to consider the reasons for his or her criminal behavior.

Give a brief overview of the movie. Next, apply the movie, its characters and their behaviors, and crime causation to one of the following theories.

  1. Social Disorganization Theory
  2. Strain Theory
    1. BOOK –

      Crime and Behavior


      ISBN13: 9781621315391

Your response should be 1 page min. (1.5 pages max), double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12pt font.


2–Directly and clearly addresses each component of the question. Ideas are logical, well conceived, and developed with sufficient support from course material.

1.5–A minimum of one substantive page. Follows guidelines. Correct grammar and spelling with no errors.

1.5–Includes correct APA citations and work cited.

[supanova_question] tool to assist you with this assignment.

Create a second workflow diagram depicting the future state (the ideal state that follows best practices) of the process.

Summarize the differences between current practices (current state) and best practices (ideal state) and provide an assessment of the barriers that need to be addressed before successful implementation of best practices can occur. Utilize the workflow diagrams to enhance the relevance of your summary. The gaps are Doctor’s late discharge orders, the pharmacy’s slow and poor Rx processing, and Family/ride not coming on time to pick up a patient. I would like the flow chart something like this.

I will need 2 flowcharts, the current practice with these gaps: Doctor’s late discharge orders, the pharmacy’s slow and poor Rx processing, and Family/ride not coming on time to pick up a patient. I would like the flow chart something like this.


Grand Canyon University Family Social Determinants of Health Discussion Paper Health Medical Assignment Help

Refer back to the interview and evaluation you conducted in the Topic 2 Family Health Assessment assignment. Identify the social determinates of health (SDOH) contributing to the family’s health status. In a 750-1,000-word paper, create a plan of action to incorporate health promotion strategies for this family. Include the following:

  1. Describe the SDOH that affect the family health status. What is the impact of these SDOH on the family? Discuss why these factors are prevalent for this family.
  2. Based on the information gathered through the family health assessment, recommend age-appropriate screenings for each family member. Provide support and rationale for your suggestions.
  3. Choose a health model to assist in creating a plan of action. Describe the model selected. Discuss the reasons why this health model is the best choice for this family. Provide rationale for your reasoning.
  4. Using the model, outline the steps for a family-centered health promotion. Include strategies for communication.

Cite at least three peer-reviewed or scholarly sources to complete this assignment. Sources should be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.


Shoreline Community College Health Information Specialist Questions Mathematics Assignment Help

I’m working on a statistics exercise and need a reference to help me study.

INTRODUCTION The Health Information Specialist may need to plan changes to the budget, request additional staff, or calculate the number of staff needed for a new department or activity. This requires one to use basic arithmetical calculations to determine volumes of units of work needed to be completed, time standards to perform each unit, productive time during the day, and considerations of paid break times and paid unproductive time.

INSTRUCTIONS: Review this week’s lesson for Productivity Standards Answer the following. If a calculation yields a decimal, round to 1 decimal point (example 5.435 would be rounded to 5.4) before performing the next calculation.

Report all answers to 1 decimal point unless otherwise provided for in possible given answers in a multiple choice question. Type your answers and formulas/calculations you used to reach your answer.



Michael Olsen had been transcribing for the HIM Department for 3 years and had received repeated warnings to increase his productivity or he would be terminated from his job.He received additional training paid by the hospital to help him become more proficient on his job.He had the same equipment, software, and types of cases as the 8 other transcriptionists in the department. He received his last written warning on Friday, April 30 indicating that his line count would be obtained for each day next week and the line count would be averaged. If he was at 85% or more of the standard of 1200 lines per day, he could retain his job. If he was below 85% of 1200 lines per day he would loose his job. The following line counts were obtained of his work the following week:

Monday 1,342 lines

Tuesday 927




What was his average line count per day?

What was his percent of standard?

As a result of this study, Michael should

a.Keep his job

b.Be fired from his job

2.An average of 80cancer charts need to be abstracted for the tumor registry each week. The standard is 40 minutes per chart. How many FTE need to be hired to do all the abstracting?

3. The standard for transcription is 150 lines per hour. If the department has 816,328 lines per year of transcription to do, how many transcriptionists will you need to hire?

4. If the ROI clerk completed 609 requests during the month and met standard, how many requestsdid she do per productive hour?

5. After a work sampling study was completed, it was found that 20% of a coder’s time was devoted to pulling records for physicians with missing diagnoses. How many minutes of a 7.5 hour day are taken up with this activity?





6. It takes approximately 18 minutes to assemble and analyze a chart for deficiencies. There are 1562discharges for the month.

How many personnel hours per month are needed for this volume of work?

How many FTE employees would be needed to do the work?

7.A coding supervisor must determine the number of full time employees needed to code 600 discharges per week. It takes an average of 20 minutes to code each record and each coder will work 40 hours per week. How many coders are needed?a.6.4





San Diego State University Scarface 1983 Film Analytical Review Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a writing Narrative Essay and need a sample draft to help me understand better.

Choose one of the following movies from the list below:

  • Colors (1988)
  • Do the Right Thing (1989)
  • Scarface (1983)
  • A Clockwork Orange (1971)
  • Juice (1992)
  • Blow (2001)
  • Get Out (2017)
  • The Professional (1994)
  • Boyz n the Hood (1991)
  • Traffic (2000)
  • The Untouchables (1987)
  • Training Day (2001)
  • L.A. Confidential (1997)
  • Clockers (1995)
  • Monster (2003)
  • Pulp Fiction (1994)
  • The Outsiders (1983)
  • Heat (1995)
  • Hoodlum (1997)
  • A River Runs Through It (1992)
  • New Jersey Drive (1995)
  • Set It Off (1996)
  • Candyman (1992)
  • Murder at 1600 (1997)
  • Falling Down (1993)
  • Gangs of New York (2002)
  • Sleepers (1996)
  • A Time To Kill (1996)
  • Freedomland (2006)
  • Mystic River (2003)
  • Casino (1995)
  • Thelma & Louise (1991)
  • Menace II Society (1993)
  • Dead Presidents (1995)
  • Higher Learning (1995)
  • City of God (2002)

Ideally, you want to choose a movie whose character(s) engages in some form of illegal behavior. Additionally, you want a real person or fictional character(s) who has enough of a “back story” available for you to consider the reasons for his or her criminal behavior.

Give a brief overview of the movie. Next, apply the movie, its characters and their behaviors, and crime causation to one of the following theories.

  1. Social Disorganization Theory
  2. Strain Theory
    1. BOOK –

      Crime and Behavior


      ISBN13: 9781621315391

Your response should be 1 page min. (1.5 pages max), double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12pt font.


2–Directly and clearly addresses each component of the question. Ideas are logical, well conceived, and developed with sufficient support from course material.

1.5–A minimum of one substantive page. Follows guidelines. Correct grammar and spelling with no errors.

1.5–Includes correct APA citations and work cited.


San Diego State University Music Consists of Simple Forms Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

San Diego State University Music Consists of Simple Forms Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

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