San Diego State University The Oresteia of Aeschylus Agamemnon Report Writing Assignment Help. San Diego State University The Oresteia of Aeschylus Agamemnon Report Writing Assignment Help.
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In addition to reading the play for this week, you will be asked to write a literary commentary in which you integrate one of the literary theories discussed. Your goal here is to construct a narrative where you use the literary theory as a lens to enhance your own, and the reader’s, interpretation of the story. You are free to choose a character in the play, a specific scene, or a running theme throughout the play. Please ensure you are not attempting to analyze too much. The purpose of this assignment is to find a nuanced approach to single component of the play and write about in such a way that after reading your commentary, the reader’s understanding of that particular character, scene, theme, etc. has been enhanced by your discussion.
For this commentary please write on the following:
Commentary Table
Literary Work
Literary Theory
Please review the Reader Response Literary Theory Example
to see how the theory is used in discussing the text.
Please note, a commentary treats the play as an evolving interaction between performance and spectator, not as a completed object, and the spectator must be imagined as knowing the play only up to the point where you begin your commentary. This also means your commentary should not jump ahead to later events. Only focus on the particular part of the work you are discussing.
The commentary has four distinct parts:
1Fact: the quoted segment of the work.
2Introduction: the context-setting opening sentence(s) with which you begin.
3Analysis: your examination of that segment, also a way to point out specific features.
4Conclusion: your articulation of what is revealed to the reader at that particular moment.
There are some temptations and pitfalls you want to avoid:
1Attempting to analyze, discuss, the entire work. Remember that you are being asked to focus critically on one particular piece of the work. Do not attempt to discuss how the section you are analyzing enhances the entire work; you only have 250 words max.
2Use the moment as a springboard for discussing the theme. Although themes are very important in critical thinking, you cannot discuss several theme of the work in only two pages words.
3Summarize. Do not waste your time summarizing the work. Summary tells us what happened. Analysis tells us why and how something happened.
4Commenting on stage direction. Although we are reading performance literature, we are concerned with the words and not, necessarily, the stage directions.
5Doing it at the last minute. Although it may be tempting to complete the assignment at the last moment, this could be arguably the worst thing for you to do. In order to do well on the commentaries, you must give yourself enough time to analyze the passage you are writing about.
San Diego State University The Oresteia of Aeschylus Agamemnon Report Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
San Jose State University The Godfather by Mario Puzo SWOT Analysis Writing Assignment Help
SWOT Analysis of The Godfather by Mario Puzo
Imagine that you are the acquisitions editor of a major New York publishing company. The year is 2021. You have received and read a manuscript of an unknown, new novel about the mafia titled The Godfather. Is it worth it for your company to take a risk and buy and publish it? Your job is to present an objective SWOT analysis of the book to the board of directors so they can know what to do.
Paragraph 1: Write a summary of The Godfather in 8-10 sentences for the directors. Finish your paragraph by either recommending that the company buy the book or turn it down. (That is your thesis)
Paragraph 2: Strengths. Talk about what you think is internally strong about the book (the story, the language, the characters, the culture, etc.) Explain how you think those strengths may translate into significant sales.
Paragraph 3: Weaknesses. Same as above, but discuss the internal weaknesses of the book (what may be wrong with how the story is written). Explain how the weaknesses may hurt the book’s saleability.
Paragraph 4: Opportunities. Think of the future opportunities the book may offer. What revenue streams might it open up? Think of other media forms, international markets, merchandising, spin-offs, etc.
Paragraph 5: Threats. Think of the blowback that might happen if your company publishes the book. How could the company lose money on it? Are there elements in the book that could cause it to be “canceled”? Would publishing it be a foolish move, knowing the status of books and controversial topics in our society today?
Paragraph 6: Conclusion. Restate what The Godfather is about in your opinion and whether the company should buy it or pass on it, based on your reasons above.
Great Depression Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
Reading Check: Great Depression Video Questions
You may not be excited to see yet another video for this week’s assignments, but this choice was made intentionally with the essay deadline in mind. While a lot of this information has already been covered in the Background Reading page, repetition of themes, ideas, figures, and events can be helpful to learning. In this assignment, you’ll watch a thirty-minute documentary on the Great Depress and New Deal and answer five questions related to segments of the video for a more focused-viewing approach.
Assignment Instructions
Step 1: Watch the video and answer the questions.
Watch each of the short video below. Answer the questions that follow. I have provided directions in each question so that you can pause the video and answer the questions as you watch. There are five questions total.
Confine each response to a few sentences, but be sure that you’ve answered the question completely. Compose your responses in a file that can be uploaded.
The video is thirty (30) minutes long and has closed captions.
Questions to answer:
- Pause at 00:11:45 (eleven minutes and forty-five seconds in). Summarize Hoover’s early response to the Great Depression. What were Hoovervilles?
- Pause at 00:13:35 (thirteen minutes and thirty-five seconds in). Summarize the Bonus Army March, and analyze its significance. What happened, and why is it important to history?
- Pause at 00:18:09 (eighteen minutes and nine seconds in). Choose and summarize one of the programs mentioned in the video as part of the First New Deal.
- Pause at 00:21:42 (twenty-one minutes and forty-two seconds in). What is court-packing, and why did President Roosevelt propose the Court Reform Bill? Although it failed, how was Roosevelt still able to appoint Supreme Court justices sympathetic to his New Deal programs?
- Pause at 00:25:22 (twenty-five minutes and twenty-two seconds in). Choose and summarize one of the programs mentioned in the video that was part of FDR’s Second New Deal.
New Deal and Its Critics Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
Mod 7 Assignment: The New Deal and its critics
1010 unread replies.1010 replies.
This assignment asks you to use the videos featured this week, as well as our textbook, to discuss and evaluate Roosevelt’s New Deal response a little further. Regardless of whether you agree politically with the New Deal, there are lessons to take from this interesting and desperate era.
Assignment Instructions
Step 1: Assess the primary source images in the link below.
Take a look at the charts, images, and cartoons featured on this webpage (Links to an external site.).
Skim through these images about the FDR’s New Deal. Was everyone a fan of New Deal programs?
How was the New Deal redefining political definitions like “liberalism” (‘classic liberalism’ meant a hands-off government that stays out of people’s paths to “life, liberty, and property,” but not so with this new brand)? Fear not, we will discuss the changing definitions of “conservatism” in the decades after World War II shortly.
For now, recall from last week that political “conservatives” tended to be those with interests in fewer regulations for Big Business (like the pro-business Republican party), as well as Christian fundamentalists. Keep in mind, though, that Christian fundamentalists existed in large numbers on both sides of the political spectrum– I present William Jennings Bryan as the prime example; he was a Populist-backed Democrat with a progressive view of society and reform, the anti-war vice-president for Woodrow Wilson who resigned upon US entry into WWI, AND the Christian fundamentalist who argued for the prosecution in the famous case against the teacher (Scopes) who taught evolution in a public classroom. My point being: do not try to apply today’s modern party politics to this era, it simply does not work.
Step 2: Reply to Prompt
Using this week’s videos and images (including the video from the Reading Check), respond to the prompt below in a 150- to 250-word discussion post. No formal citations necessary, but do reference the sources to support your ideas. You don’t have to answer all the questions, just the ones that get you writing.
Prompt: Assess President Roosevelt’s response to the Great Depression, namely his First and Second New Deals. What Populist or other progressive influences do you think played a role in FDR’s idea for the New Deal? What were the major criticisms of President Roosevelt’s New Deal policies? Why were some people against the legislation passed by Congress and the President under the New Deal? Consider the Supreme Court’s repeal of New Deal programs. How did the New Deal change the role of government during the 1930s? How did President Franklin D. Roosevelt redefine American freedom by the end of the decade? What lessons from the Great Depression and New Deal attempts to ease American suffering are useful to us today?
Step 3: Reply to Two (2) Peers
- In a short paragraph between 50 and 100 words, add further supporting details or respectfully disagree with the post’s author using evidence from this week’s readings.
- Respond to as many peers as you like, but you must respond to at least two coursemates.
Please reply to two peers who do not yet have replies so that all are included in the conversation.
How to participate:
A few tips for this assignment:
- Press “Reply” to add your own, individual reply to the discussion board.
- To reply to your peers’ posts, press reply under their specific post.
- Coursemates’ posts will become visible once you have posted to the discussion board.
- For discussion assignments, it is recommended that you compose your posts in a word processor so that you can copy and paste into your discussion posts. BE AWARE: There is no Save function for discussion posts.
- If you need further assistance, consider the following tutorials from the Canvas Student Guides earmarked here under “Discussions (Links to an external site.)“.
PCN 605 GCU Personality Disorders Spending Time Alone Sal Case Presentation Writing Assignment Help
Case Study
Sal has just gotten off work as a night watchman at a warehouse, where he is the only employee during the graveyard shift. Sal meets his brother for breakfast and tells him that he chose this job because it allows him to spend a good amount of time alone (Criterion A2). He has never dated and has lived alone in a one-bedroom apartment for 28 years. He is not interested in a sexual relationship, even though his brother has attempted to set him up with dates over the years (A3). He goes from home to work and, on rare occasions, to his brother’s home for dinner. He does not desire any acquaintances or friends; he just does not like being around other people (A1). He simply prefers to be alone. He has told his brother on several occasions that he does not like people. Since he entered school, he has never sought to have friends, and he contacts his brother only when he needs something and cannotfigure out how to meet his need on his own (A5). Three weeks ago, he was honored for 15 years of service to his company. His boss showered him with praise for keeping the company free of break-insandstatedhewasoneofthefinestemployeesanyemployerwouldwanttohave as part of the team. After the ceremony, Sal told his boss that he did not know what the ruckus was about and that he did not desire or deserve the recognition (A6). Sal made it clear to his boss he was just doing his job and nothing more and would prefer not to be subjected to another ceremony of this type again in the future. Sal meetsfive of the diagnostic criteria (A1, A2, A3, A5, and A6) for a diagnosis of SPD. Persons with SPD do not see themselves as having a problem and are happy with being left alone. Some individuals who come from a variety of cultural backgrounds may display defensive behaviors, avoid social contact, and be misinterpreted as schizoid. For example, a person moving from a rural environment to New York City may react with shock at the different, stressfully charged milieu of the city. An individual may appear to be cold, hostile, and distant, preferring to stay to himself or herself (APA, 2013). When the patterned behavior is related to the disorder, it would not occur to them that they might benefit from psychotherapy. If a person with SPD were to see a therapist, it would be due to a referral from a health professional or relative. Psychotherapy is generally contraindicated for people with SPD because of their intense resistance to change their way of life.
Create a 10-15-slide PowerPoint presentation about your selected case study and include the following:
Include the following in your presentation:
- A brief description of the selected case study
- Explanation and rationale for the Personality Disorder Diagnosis using the latest version of the DSM as a reference.
- Information on the course of treatment for the disorder.
- Identification of which cluster (A, B, or C) this personality disorder belongs to and an explanation of your rationale.
- Information on the prognosis and prevalence of the disorder.
- A minimum of five scholarly references including your textbook and the latest version of the DSM. Be sure to only use current and scholarly references for this assignment.
- Detailed speaker notes that represent what you would say if giving the presentation in person.
While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
GC Business Administration Diversity in A Global Business Environment Discussion Writing Assignment Help
- You have to Create (5 PAGES) of an Academic Lecture that involves a discussion in your major (Business Administration).
- This text should emanate from a sense of interest, passion, fluency, and authority, as well as an understanding of what Academic Lecture actually is and does. Note: an Academic Lecture is on a topic from your major studies that you want to research, write about, and present. (This is in paragraph form and you MUST INCLUDE A WORKS CITED).
- You must write-out the Lecture in paragraph form AND create a (detailed OUTLINE) of this speech.
- Create (1 PAGE) Proposal for what you plan-on researching, developing and delivering as a 10 minute oral presentation: an Academic Lecture. Include a short write-up of your Lecture and a couple of sources you’ve already found (Lectures, articles, definitions, etc.). If you have a couple of ideas for the Lecture, include this in your ~1 page write-up. This is just getting your ideas on the page and start this project. There is no strict formatting for this. Just put this in clear paragraph form.
You can personalize your project, be somewhat creative; after all, “genre becomes a way of navigating social activity. As such, it is dynamic, because the conditions of social activity are always in flux. [As a result], recurrence involves variation” (Berkenkotter and Huckin). Indeed, not all Academic Lectures are the same. But they do fit into their respective genre.
In other words, despite whatever personal touch you employ, the “text” you create must “do” whatever is typical of such a text (typifies that particular social action). Each text ( Academic Lecture) fits into a particular genre and plays a particular role in that discourse community. We are focusing on the specificity of genre and how this text (academic lecture acts as a kind of constituent of the culture to which it belongs.
your text and presentation have to be very well-conceived and executed with a nice dash of professionalism, smarts, insight, and confidence (you have to create a credible Academic lecture). We are constructing and presenting actual texts that play specific roles in a discourse community.
GC Business Administration Diversity in A Global Business Environment Discussion Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Dalhousie University Evolving Face of Ethics Book Review Writing Assignment Help
1, this reading response is about 500 words around
2, this book called:“Challenger to Columbia”
3, response paper should consist a brief summary followed by a critical analysis of the author’s argument. The response should identify the main argument of the text, explain how the author supports it, and discuss whether you agree or disagree with it, and why.
4, When you state an argument in the article, make it clear that you have an idea, then use the example in the article to argue it, and write a citation
5, I provide one example and one Rubric
6, As far as points of improvement: reduce the amount of summary as well as the discussion of their writing mechanics and focus more on your main arguments.
Cuyamaca College Factors that Led to Mexican Independence Essay Humanities Assignment Help
Please write 1,000-1,500 words in paragraph format answering the following questions on Mexican independence:
A-Describe three factors that led to Mexican independence.
B-Describe the two phases of Mexican independence.
C-In the end, what three groups benefited the most from Mexican independence and why?
D-Give two examples of how Mexican independence helped set the stage for the Mexican American War/ the U.S. takeover of Northern Mexico.
E-In your (informed) opinion, why is the history of Mexican independence, the history of the takeover of Texas, and the history of the Mexican American war relevant today? (mention one reason for each of the three)
Write the question and then answer it in paragraph format.
Do not plagiarize. Do not cheat. Do not copy and paste from anywhere else. Do not turn in material you have turned in for another class. Do not turn in material that you did not write yourself. If two students turn in identical material neither will receive credit. If you do any of these things you will receive a zero on the midterm and in the class. Please remember that you promised to be ethical.
Your answers will be based on the class lectures, guest speaker, and the textbook. You do NOT need to do any additional research. You do NOT need to cite anything besides the textbook and the guest speaker. You can just say “in the book, …” or “Prof. Guardino…” If it is something I (the professor) said, you do not need to say in your essay that I said it.
You can always write more than 1,500 words, but that doesn’t mean you will get a higher grade.
Please stick to words you know and stick to answering the questions. This is your opportunity to show that you know the material that we covered in class.
Therapy and Counselling Report Humanities Assignment Help
1. As a therapist, if you worked with Joleen and had little information about this medical condition, what would you do?
2. What are your experiences with people with disabilities? Are you comfortable in their presence? If not, what could you do to become more comfortable?
3. When Joleen is “despondent and hopeless,” do you mirror those feelings and likewise feel that her future is hopeless? What possible life do you imagine for Joleen?
4. Consider Joleen’s multiple identities. In what ways might the intersection of these identities create challenges when interacting with people with strong biases?
San Diego State University The Game of Chess Discussion Writing Assignment Help
Think about a hobby of yours; something you do for fun that is just for you. For example, maybe you fish, or ride a motorcycle, or play an instrument, or paint, or whatever it might be. After you have that hobby in mind, I want you to explain your own philosophy to that hobby. Generally speaking, philosophy implies answering these questions: What is the reasoning/logic behind it? What are the fundamental truths behind this activity? What purpose does this hobby provide you? What aesthetics are applied to this activity? Are there any particular rules to this activity (perhaps those apply implicitly/explicitly to the general community of this activity)? What pleasure (specifically) do you find through this activity? How do others perceive this hobby? What would your life be like without this activity? How does this hobby relate to your own sense of identity?
San Diego State University The Oresteia of Aeschylus Agamemnon Report Writing Assignment Help
San Diego State University The Oresteia of Aeschylus Agamemnon Report Writing Assignment Help