San Diego State Website Evaluation and Framing Analysis Discussion Question Writing Assignment Help. San Diego State Website Evaluation and Framing Analysis Discussion Question Writing Assignment Help.
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Project 3 Proposal
Write one paragraph (this implies multiple sentences!) in which
• Clearly explain which option you are selecting from the
choices on the Project 3 prompt (social issue website,
job/career, internship, grad school, law school, future career
goal, some other real world project).
• Explain why your topic is of particular interest or importance
to you.
• Identify the two websites you want to analyze, and explain
why each one is relevant to the option/topic identified above.
RWS 305W Project 3 Prompt
Engaging in public discussion with an informed argument
The goal of this project is for you to apply the rhetorical analysis skills you refined during
Project 2, and practice your new skill of framing analysis in an arena of public discourse. Lakoff
contrasts framing models applicable to conservatives and liberals in order to encourage his
audience of progressive activists to find ways to create solidarity between their own sub-groups.
In what extends from Lakoff, Ryan and Gamson use a case study of a Rhode Island domestic
violence awareness movement to illustrate that while framing is a crucial tool for social change,
broader concrete efforts must also fuel the movement. With a focus just on the technique of
framing, Entman proposes that the communication discipline could accumulate the wide variety
of framing work to develop some inter-disciplinary theory. Entman diagrams the practice of
“framing” to show how framing analysis could be systematized. The latter two articles provide
specific descriptions of framing that could be used as basic tools for analysis of other texts.
Building upon your rhetorical analysis skills, add framing analysis and website evaluation to
investigate two websites. This is more of an analytical journal project than it is a formal writing
assignment. Document your analysis in a journal format, and compose the short writing tasks as
would be appropriate for the particular writing situation.
For the subject matter of this project, you have a choice between four options:
1. Contemporary social/political activist movement (e.g., an equality-related issue,
animal rights, food movement, etc.). Conduct a website evaluation and framing
analysis of two websites related to your selected issue.
2. Job/Career/Internship. Conduct a website evaluation and framing analysis of websites
for two companies/organizations in your field. You may focus on specific job
announcements for each company or organization, or you may focus on the company
itself or a combination.
3. Grad School. Conduct a website evaluation and framing analysis of two graduate
program websites relevant to your field.
4. Another option (related to your major) that we agree upon.
my major is civil engineer
San Diego State Website Evaluation and Framing Analysis Discussion Question Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Western Kentucky University Social Psychology Event & Concepts Paper Humanities Assignment Help
- Final Paper(Draft)
- Instructions
In 1,400 words or less, please describe an incident relevant to social psychology that you experienced or witnessed.
After describing the incident you either witnessed or experienced, explain how four (4) of the course concepts you were exposed to (either in lecture or the book) have helped you better understand the social psychology of this incident. Make sure to clearly explain each concept before describing how it has helped your understanding of social psychology. Underline each concept. Cite your explanations of concepts using the format (Text, p. XX), or (Powerpoint, Date). Please do not attach a Title Page, Bibliography or Reference Page. This is unnecessary. Instead of quoting, paraphrase. For tips on paraphrasing, you can do a search on to find a site such as []Your grade will be heavily based on the clarity and completeness of your concept explanations, as well as how persuasively you show that the concepts have helped you better understand the incident. It also will be based on following these directions (i.e. word count, number of underlined concepts, explaining an incident).
This assignment is due by 11:59 PM on the last day of our class.
Iowa Western Community College Moral Theory and Practice Questions Humanities Assignment Help
Philosophy, Moral theory and practice
25 question
Why should we modify Nozick’s experience machine thought experiment so that you would remain in the experience machine for the rest of your life rather than being brought out every two years?
Flag this QuestionQuestion 21 pts
According to Nozick, what are you missing out on if you live a simulated life connected to an experience machine *and* a transformation machine *and* a results machine?
Flag this QuestionQuestion 31 pts
What does it mean to say that something is *intrinsically* good?
Flag this QuestionQuestion 41 pts
What theory of well-being says that something is intrinsically good for you if and only if you intrinsically *desire* it?
Flag this QuestionQuestion 51 pts
According to ethical hedonism, when is something intrinsically good for you?
Flag this QuestionQuestion 61 pts
What is the Objectivism about well-being?
Flag this QuestionQuestion 71 pts
According to Ethical Hedonism, why would we be better off being plugged into the experience machine?
Flag this QuestionQuestion 81 pts
Heathwood says that talk about having a good life involves several aspects. Which aspect is he going to focus on in the essay?
Flag this QuestionQuestion 91 pts
What is Heathwood’s view about well-being (also called welfare)?
Flag this QuestionQuestion 101 pts
What are Heathwood’s views about well-being and morality?
Flag this QuestionQuestion 111 pts
What point does Heathwood attempt to make with the example involving Charlie and the increased freedom to drive faster?
Flag this QuestionQuestion 121 pts
What example does Heathwood use to argue that while desiring something makes it *intrinsically* good for you, it may also *instrumentally* bad for you if it frustrates other desires you have?
Flag this QuestionQuestion 131 pts
You intrinsically desire your uncle to have a healthy, happy life. He does. However, you never find this out. Desire Satisfaction Theory seems to say that your well-being improves in this situation. So, Desire Satisfaction Theory seems to give us the wrong verdict. It would seem like your well-being really has not improved at all. What is Heathwood’s preferred solution to this challenge?
Flag this QuestionQuestion 141 pts
What conclusion is someone arguing *for* when they claim that the pleasure experienced by a sadistic person while he or she tortures someone *lacks* any intrinsic value?
Flag this QuestionQuestion 151 pts
Suppose someone claims that a life lived in the experience machine would *not* be as good as a life lived in the real world as we know it. What is an implication of this claim?
Flag this QuestionQuestion 161 pts
To which theory of well-being is the following an objection: It doesn’t seem to leave much room for individuality and self-expression
Flag this QuestionQuestion 171 pts
To which objection would Objectivists make the following reply:
We’ve reached “rock bottom.” That is, we’ve reached the point beyond which there’s no further explanation that could be given.
Flag this QuestionQuestion 181 pts
Infants *lack* desires, but it makes sense to talk about what is intrinsically *good and bad* for them. If that is correct, then what must we conclude about the desire satisfaction theory?
Flag this QuestionQuestion 191 pts
Suppose Betsy wants to do nothing but counts blades of grass every waking hour. This is her deepest, most intense desire. There is nothing else she wants to do more than this. Suppose she can spend almost all her time for the remaining 80 years of her life doing nothing but this.
Many people do *not* think Betsy’s life goes any better even if she gets this desire satisfied. The satisfaction of *this* desire does *not* improve Jennifer’s well-being at all. What are they claiming?
Flag this QuestionQuestion 201 pts
Of which theory of well-being is Richard Kraut’s human flourishing account a version?
Flag this QuestionQuestion 211 pts
According to Kraut, what is the connection between human well-being and human flourishing?
Flag this QuestionQuestion 221 pts
Kraut suggests that flourishing consists in the possession, development, and enjoyed exercise of various human powers. What are those powers?
Flag this QuestionQuestion 231 pts
Which of the three approaches to meaningful activity says that the activity must have *objective* worth?
Flag this QuestionQuestion 241 pts
What is the focus of the categories of work offered by Gregory Pence?
Flag this QuestionQuestion 251 pts
According to Russell Muirhead, which type of jobs would be meaningful?
ENGL 120 Cuyamaca College An Ode of Nature Poem Writing Humanities Assignment Help
An ode is a kind of poem, usually praising something. The praise can be for anything (but for this assignment it cannot be a person). There are many famous examples of ode poetry, the Romantic poet John Keates wrote odes to Autumn, a Nightingale, A Greek Urn, Melancholy, and more. Another famous poet Pablo Neruda wrote odes to salt, wine, and his socks. I have included two of his odes below:
Ode To The Lemon by Pablo Neruda
From blossoms
by the moonlight,
from an
aroma of exasperated
steeped in fragrance,
drifted from the lemon tree,
and from its plantarium
lemons descended to the earth.
Tender yield!
The coasts,
the markets glowed
with light, with
unrefined gold;
we opened
two halves
of a miracle,
congealed acid
from the hemispheres
of a star,
the most intense liqueur
of nature,
unique, vivid,
born of the cool, fresh
of its fragrant house,
its acid, secret symmetry.
sliced a small
in the lemon,
the concealed apse, opened,
revealed acid stained glass,
oozed topaz,
cool architecture.
So, when you hold
the hemisphere
of a cut lemon
above your plate,
you spill
a universe of gold,
yellow goblet
of miracles,
a fragrant nipple
of the earth’s breast,
a ray of light that was made fruit,
the minute fire of a planet.
Among the market greens,
a bullet
from the ocean
a swimming
I saw you,
All around you
were lettuces,
sea foam
of the earth,
of the ocean
of the unknown,
of the
shadow, the
of the sea,
the abyss,
only you had survived,
a pitch-black, varnished
to deepest night.
Ode To A Large Tuna In The Market By Pablo Neruda
Only you, well-aimed
dark bullet
from the abyss,
at one tip,
but constantly
at anchor in the current,
winged fins
in the swift
a mourning arrow,
dart of the sea,
olive, oily fish.
I saw you dead,
a deceased king
of my own ocean,
assault, silver
submarine fir,
of seaquakes,
only dead remains,
in all the market
was the only
purposeful form
the bewildering rout
of nature;
amid the fragile greens
you were
a solitary ship,
among the vegetables
fin and prow black and oiled,
as if you were still
the vessel of the wind,
the one and only
unflawed, navigating
the waters of death.
POETRY PROMPT – for this poem I want you to write an Ode to something. I want you to write a poem praising something. Your poem must have a title. Your poem must be over 20 lines in length, but your line length must be a short – one to six words per line maximum (like it the example above). Your ode can be to anything, it doesn’t matter how weird it is, but it cannot be to a person or a group of people or any human being.
Girl Powdering Her Neck Poem by Cathy Song Questions Humanities Assignment Help
Choose ONE of the following paired images and poems from the “Poetry and the Visual Arts” section of the textbook (NOTE: This is the section with the thicker, glossy pages in the center of the textbook; the pages have letters rather than numbers)
Choice #1: American Gothic – Analyze the painting by Grant Wood and the poem by John Stone. In what sense can Stone’s poem be regarded as an analysis of the painting? Does Stone see Grant’s depiction of the two figures as a satire or a celebration? What symbolic elements are found in the painting?
Choice #2: Girl Powdering Her Neck – Analyze the woodblock print by Kitagawa Utamaro and the poem by Cathy Song. What does Song’s poem add to the visual information provided in Utamaro’s woodcut? What is the relationship of the final three lines to the rest of the poem and what effect does it have on the reader?
Choice #3: Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall – Analyze the photograph of the memorial from the Library of Congress and the poem “Facing It” by Yusef Komunyakaa. What is the significance of the poem’s title and how are the speaker’s war experiences reflected in the war memorial? Does the speaker’s response to the memorial indicate that the conception and composition of the memorial were successful or unsuccessful as a public memorial?
Remember you must:
- Adhere to MLA format
- The Bedford Handbook provides a guide (MLA Chapters 48 to 51)
- Paper should range between 1,300 and 1,500 words
- Upload your assignment to Turnitin
Due Sunday at 11:59 p.m. ET
Your proposal must include:
- Topic Choice
- Your thesis and at least two main points in support of it
- Three sources you will use for your paper (not counting the primary text), presented in MLA format
- An analysis of how each source will help you make your argument and how each is credible
Lynn University Animal Laboratory Testing and Its Benefits Essay & PPT Writing Assignment Help
Topic you should debate for is Animal testing by companies developing new drugs is important and should continue in the U.S. Why? you should have two graphs or tables that you should discuss the requirements is as follows
Here are instructions regarding your Research Essay and your Oral Presentation
1. You will selected is Animal testing by companies developing new drugs is important and should continue in the U.S. Why? You will use this topic for both the paper and the presentation. You must email me to select a topic.
2. The essay’s requirements:
I.An outline which will be due before the paper is due. 5% loss if late
II.Minimum 5 written pages in length. 20% loss per page short
III.Minimum of 2 sources showing published statistics (these may be charts, tables, graphs, etc. and you will also use these in your presentation). 25% loss per statistic short
IV.APA formatting. Use the template that will be sent to you . It should have a title page, numbered pages, a reference page, and an appendix (where you include graphs/pictures of statistics with one per page, a label, and a caption) in that order. Points lost here per rubric
3. The oral presentation’s requirements:
I.You must present on the information and topic from your paper. No exceptions
II.An outline (if using same information from essay there is no need) will be due before the presentation date.
III.Minimum length of 4 minutes and maximum length of 8 minutes. Then time after for questions. Points lost here per rubric
IV.You must include and discuss/explain 2 graphs/tables showing statistics.
Lynn University Animal Laboratory Testing and Its Benefits Essay & PPT Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Women Increasingly Sidelined Regarding Computers Gaming & Technology Discussion Writing Assignment Help
just answer the discussion.
- This discussion requires that you complete writing exercises on how to synthesize your literature review. Now that you have a good foundation to work with, we will consider how to improve synthesis for your final paper.
- Please respond to each example by forming a paragraph with the information together. You can find solutions to this in the week 9 writing lecture. Please use a different approach/wording to what was given as an example and try to comment on at least one other classmate. Seeing other people’s work is important.
- Example One [Made Up Examples/Quotes]:
“The majority of respondents preferred to have a variety of options for breakfast” (Jones, 2010).
“For many Americans, income can be a major deciding factor in whether or not they have breakfast” (Rodriguez, 2014).
“One possible diet is intermittent fasting, which leads to many people skipping breakfast to lose weight” (Carter, 2017).
- Example Two [Real information]:
Women make up approximately 50% of the gaming audience (Entertainment Software Association [ESA], 2016).
People tend to associate computers, technology, and video games with boys and men (Boellstorff, 2008; Kuzenkoff & Rose, 2012; Salter & Blodgett, 2012; Shaw, 2014; Taylor, 2006; Thornham, 2011).
Women have been found to spend more time and money on video games (Williams, 2014; Williams et al., 2009; Yee 2008).
Women have been found to spend less time on video games, focusing on other obligations instead (Lucas & Sherry, 2004;Taylor, 2006; Winn & Heeter, 2009).
- What do you notice about the information in the second selections? How does this influence the way that you put the information together?
Ohio Christian University Ethics and Financial Reporting Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
Effective financial reporting depends on sound ethical behavior. Financial scandals in accounting and the businesses world have resulted in legislation to ensure adequate disclosures and honesty and integrity in financial reporting. A sound economy is contingent on truthful and reliable financial reporting.
- Read the following scenario.
- Answer the questions that follow. This will be a 2-3 page submission in a question and answer format (also in paragraph form). An introduction and conclusion is not required.
- Refer back to your textbook for guidance on how to think through the scenario.
You have been recently hired as an assistant controller for XYZ Industries, a large, publically held manufacturing company. Your immediate supervisor is the controller who also reports directly to the VP of Finance. The controller has assigned you the task of preparing the year-end adjusting entries. In the receivables area, you have prepared an aging accounts receivable and have applied historical percentages to the balances of each of the age categories. The analysis indicates that an appropriate estimated balance for the allowance for uncollectible accounts is $180,000. The existing balance in the allowance account prior to any adjusting entry is a $20,000 credit balance.
After showing your analysis to the controller, he tells you to change the aging category of a large account from over 120 days to current status and to prepare a new invoice to the customer with a revised date that agrees with the new category. This will change the required allowance for uncollectible accounts from $180,000 to $135,000. Tactfully, you ask the controller for an explanation for the change and he tells you “We need the extra income, the bottom line is too low.”
In a 2-3 page paper, discuss the following:
- Consider what you have learned relative to ethics and financial reporting. What is the rationale for the calculations/process used to estimate the $180,000 uncollectible allowance?
- How do you think the misstatement of funds will impact the income statement and balance sheet?
- What is the ethical dilemma you face? What are the ethical considerations? Consider your options and responsibilities as assistant controller.
- Identify the key internal and external stakeholders. What are the negative impacts that can happen if you do not follow the instructions of your supervisor?
- What are the potential consequences if you do comply with your supervisor’s instructions? Who will be negatively impacted?
Property Assessment System Project Management Microsoft Project Business Finance Assignment Help
1. Create a new project file in Microsoft Project and use the “Save as” function to rename the file with your last name, your first initial, and your project title. Example: AlexisJ_EletricTruckProject. (1point).
2. Use the file Properties from the Backstage view in Microsoft Project to enter a brief description of the project objectives. Remember, project objectives must be SMART. Complete the other Properties as appropriate. (Hint: Go to File>Info>Project Information>Advanced Properties>Summary). (2points)
3. From the Gantt chart view, with the Entry Table applied, enter *10* deliverables for your project in the Task Name column, including project management. Remember, typically a deliverable is a component part of the project and is expressed as a noun/adjective – NOT a verb (Hint: see PMBOK ® for examples). You may want to incorporate the phases identified in your previous individual assignment, but this is not required. (7points).
**Remember, phases are not the same as Process Groups!**
4. Break down the deliverables of your project into *at least 10* sub-deliverables and work packages and enter them as tasks under the deliverables. Remember, it is okay to combine a phase-based with a deliverable-based approach. In fact, you are encouraged to use the phases you created for your project earlier in the course. If you need a hint, take a look at the attached file provided as an example. (2 points)
5. Break down the work packages into *20* project activities. Note that unlike deliverables, activities are the actual actions you need to perform to complete the deliverables/work packages or phases. Activities are expressed as verb phrases. If you need a hint, take a look at the attached file provided as an example. (6 points)
6. Use the “Indent/Outdent Task” command from the Task tab in Microsoft Project to create a hierarchy of deliverables/work packages/activities. This hierarchy will help you plan better your project. (1point)
7. Use the default WBS coding system in MS Project to code your WBS. (Hint: From the Format tab> Outline Number). (1point)
Note: The total items in your project files should consist of at least *40* lines, including deliverables, work packages, and activities. Remember that planning is an iterative process. You can always revise your plan as more information becomes available.
Note: This assignment is to test your understanding of the difference between project deliverables and activities. Do not enter any information other than what is required to complete the assignment. For example, do NOT enter activity duration – do NOT enter resources.
ACCT 310 Central Washington University Financial Statement Analysis Paper Writing Assignment Help
In this assignment, you will be studying the One-Stop Reports you generated on three public companies.
The focus will be on the company that you generated a full financial report for.
Look at the financial statements for specific details, and the One-Stop reports for the general details.
If you did not complete the first assignment, you will need to complete it now to do this assignment, but you will not receive full credit for the first assignment.
You will type a 3-4 page report (single spaced) in Word and submit it here. (It can be longer, just not shorter) If you work in a group, you will be graded much harder because the assignment will have more resources and it should be faultless. The Rubric for this assignment is included. Please read it carefully.
In Section One of this assignment, you will focus on comparing trends for each of these three companies for the following items:
- Total Receivables
- Total Inventory
- Depreciation, Amortization and Depletion
- Property, Plant & Equipment
These are used in CH 11 “Activity Measures” pg 398.
You are comparing your selected specific company against itself in the past, and its competitors. For each item you should ask yourself:
- Did it go up or down over time?
- What does this trend potentially mean?
- Is this company performing better with respect to this item than in the past?
- Is this company performing better than its competitors with respect to this line item?
- Is there any connection between receivables and inventory?
- Is there any connection between PP&E and depreciation?
Basic Trend Information
Common Successes and Mistakes on Assignment.docx
In Section Two of this assignment, you will analyze two ratios from each of the following ( a minimum of 8 ratios):
- Financial Strength
- Efficiency
- Profitability
- Management Effectiveness (ROA and ROE) Debt vs Equity Financing.docxActions
(These areas are broken out specifically for you in the One-Stop Reports. Each area has many options to choose from, except Management Effectiveness. There are two ratios for that. Return on Assets and Return on Equity.)
- Is the company performing better or worse than it did in the past? How do you know this?
- What does this trend potentially mean?
- Is this company performing better than its competitors with respect to this set of ratios?
- How does the company compare to the Industry Averages?
- Does any ratio stand out? Why?
The assignment should have:
- Your Name
- ACCT 310 Spring 2020
- Financial Statement Analysis
either at the top of the page or entered as a Header or Footnote.
Here are resources to help you create charts or graphs to use in your assignment.
301 Financial Statement Project.docx
Financial Statement Analysis Example.xlsx
Do not use this as an example of EXACTLY what to say. Your paper will be very specific to the companies you are analyzing.
Do not use this as an example of EXACTLY what to say. Your paper will be very specific to the companies you are analyzing.