San Francisco State University Early Christian Art and Pagan Art Discussion Writing Assignment Help

San Francisco State University Early Christian Art and Pagan Art Discussion Writing Assignment Help. San Francisco State University Early Christian Art and Pagan Art Discussion Writing Assignment Help.

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Special note: religion can be a sensitive issue; please be tactful and courteous to your fellow students.

* * *

What does the style and function of Early Christian art tell us about its cultural context? How does it compare to pagan art and culture of Greco-Roman society?

To explore these issues, compare the Greek Archaic Calf Bearer to Christ as Good Shepherd catacomb painting. How are they similar and how are they different in terms of style, treatment of subject matter and symbolism, and function? What did early Christian artists borrow from pagan art and architecture? And, if they saw themselves as having a completely different religion, why would their art look at all like pagan art?

You are welcome to do outside research on this one to add to the discussion as it progresses, so be sure and provide links or citations of your sources when necessary.

NOTE: If, as the discussion develops, you want to choose a different pair of works, like a temple vs a basilica church, please do so and include images for the class and also be sure that they predate 500 CE.

As always, please write your composition in your own words.

calf bearer

Calf Bearer

Christ as good shepherd

Christ as Good Shepherd, catacomb painting, Rome.

San Francisco State University Early Christian Art and Pagan Art Discussion Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Central Florida College Negotiation Techniques Experience Questions Other Assignment Help

Instructions: Please read the question carefully before answering them.

Answer questions

I) Briefly describe a negotiation experience in your life. The experience can be from your past, or you can choose an upcoming negotiation. You can draw from a work situation or from a personal/family decision.

II) Describe you attempted to separate the people from the problem.

  • If you feel that this stage does not apply to your situation, then clearly explain your reasoning.
  • If you did not apply this stage, then explain how you could have done so.
  • If you chose a future negotiation, then explain how you intend to use this stage in your discussion.

III) Describe you attempted to focus on interests, not positions.

IV) Describe you attempted to invent options for mutual gain.

  • If you feel that this stage does not apply to your situation, then clearly explain your reasoning.
  • If you did not apply this stage, then explain how you could have done so.
  • If you chose a future negotiation, then explain how you intend to use this stage in your discussion.

V) Describe you attempted to use objective criteria.

  • If you feel that this stage does not apply to your situation, then clearly explain your reasoning.
  • If you did not apply this stage, then explain how you could have done so.
  • If you chose a future negotiation, then explain how you intend to use this stage in your discussion.

VI) What was your BATNA?

  • If you feel that this stage does not apply to your situation, then clearly explain your reasoning.
  • If you did not apply this stage, then explain how you could have done so.
  • If you chose a future negotiation, then explain how you intend to use this stage in your discussion.


ART 131 Pima Community College The Art of Giotto in Scrovegni Chapel Essay Humanities Assignment Help

* I will attach the example of this assignment

Formal Paper Topic Ideas

The Formal Paper is your opportunity to write about a subject that is dear to you. It should be a

subject that you would like to l earn more about.

Here are just a few ideas for a Formal Paper topic:

The Art of (name your favorite artist)

Illuminated Manuscripts

Dutch Genre Painting (Vermeer, etc.)

Michelangelo and his Paintings

Sculpture i n the Renaissance

Northern Renaissance Art

The Art of Giotto

Women Artists i n the 16th and 17th Centuries

The Influence of Classical art and Architecture i n Early America

Art as Illustration i n the Early 20th Century

19th Century (OR twentieth, or both) European Children’s Book Illustrations

The Impressionists

Woman Impressionists

The History of Tromp L’oeil Painting

Japanese Woodblock Prints

Norman Rockwell and His America

Art i n the American West (Thomas Cole, Albert Bierstadt, Frederic Church, etc.)

The Gothic Revival

The WPA Art and Artists During the Depression

The Arts and Crafts Movement i n Europe and America

Evolution/Overview of Animation Art

Disney and His Contribution to Art

The Hudson River School Artists

Winslow Homer and the Civil War

Art of the Battlefield



Contemporary Art

Native American Artists

African American Artists

Conceptual Art

Formal Paper Requirements & Grading


Paper requirements – /15 pts.

1. Do you follow the correct format including font (Times New Roman) and f ont size (12)

and margin size (1 inch top and sides) and Double-spaced?

2. Does your paper include a cover page AND i s your last name and course # i n header of

each page?

3. Is the word count i n your paper at l east 1,200 words?

Sentence formatting – /15 pts.

1. Are you pages numbered?

2. Did you provide a summary/outline and bibliography as requested throughout the class


3. Did you include a complete bibliography and labeled i mages in the back of your paper.

Sentence mechanics – /15 pts.

1. Is your paper free of careless typographical errors?

2. Is your paper free of spelling errors?

3. Is your paper free of grammatical errors?

Thesis – /50 pts.

1. Have you framed a significant and interesting issue for your topic?

2. Do you clearly state i n your introduction your thesis, and capture the reader’s attention?

3. Do your return to your thesis i n the conclusion of your Formal Paper?

Quality or your argument, or analysis of the artist’s work – /40 pts.

1. Are the elements of your argument/analysis clear and logical?

2. Do you provide 8 to 15 good i mages i n the Appendix of your Formal Paper (not inside

the paper itself), with cites and captions correctly included.

3. Are the works of art included i n your paper introduced and used i n such a way that i s

understandable to an “outside” reader?

Quality of writing – /15 pts.

1. Are your ideas clearly expressed and well organized?

2. Have you written smooth transitions from one topic to another?

3. Is your Formal Paper engaging, and holds the reader’s attention?

Formal Topic Bibliography Guidelines

Formal Paper Bibliography Guidelines

Basically, your Bibliography should be listed at the end of your Formal Paper AND have

at least three items listed as the source you use to research your paper. they should be

published sources, and not just someone’s blog on the internet. One of them needs to

be a published book.

Here are some examples of Formatting. These are made using the Chicago Manual of

Style. You are welcome to use MLA, but please be consistent with one style. The Pima

library system offers assistance in formatting.

Here is another helpful site: h ttps://

Sources should be arranged in Alphabetical order according to the author’s last name.

In your paper you must also cite your information. REMEMBER, you need to cite ideas

also, not just direct quotes.

Here are various ways to format your sources:


(Article about collecting Norman Rockwell’s work):

Stewart, James B., “Norman Rockwell’s Art, Once Sniffed At, Is Becoming Prized.” N ew York

Times (May 24, 2014): B1

Online Article

(Article about collection of Artists i n 1800s America, i ncluding Thomas Cole):

Mead, Rebecca. “Alice’s Wonderland.” T he New Yorker ( June 27, 2011),… .

(Article about collecting Maxfield Parrish’s work):

Ng, David, “George Lucas wants to build an Art Museum i n San Francisco.” L os Angeles Times

(March 6, 2013),…

305 .


Decter, Jacqueline. N icholas Roerich: The Life and Art of a Russian Master. (Great Britain:


Roerich, Nicholas. M essenger of Beauty: The Life and Letters of Nicholas Roerich. (Agni Yoga

Society. Kindle format).

Barrow, R. J. L awrence Alma-Tadema. ( New York: Phaidon Press, 2001).

________. T he Classical Tradition. ( West Sussex: John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2001).


NEU Crime Prevention Strategies on Substance Abuse and Distribution Essay Law Assignment Help

Each student will write a summary overview paper that relates to their final research paper and adheres to the guidelines below. This will serve as a separate writing assignment. It is due at the beginning of class on October 15.

This paper must contain the following four parts:

(1) a description of the crime prevention strategy (developmental, community, or situational) that you have selected;

(2) a brief discussion of the crime problem that you have chosen to be the focus of your crime prevention strategy;

(3) two or three examples of relevant programs that show evidence of effectiveness in reducing your crime problem; and

(4) five research/scholarly sources that you will use in the final research paper.

This paper is to be a maximum of 3 (or a minimum of 2) double-spaced pages. As a writing assignment, it is to be written in the form of a paper.


Azusa Pacific University Air Cargo Arrived on Time Distribution Channels Question Writing Assignment Help

Please answer the following questions by reviewing the (Airline On-Time Statistics) PDF file on week/module 7. Your response must be typed in Word Doc. Please follow the APA writing format.

Airline on-time data are reported in 2020 to the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT), Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS) by the 16 U.S. air carriers (Links to an external site.) that have at least 0.5 percent of total domestic scheduled-service passenger revenues and one carrier reporting voluntarily.

1- Regularly Scheduled Flights Canceled 5% or More for the following Airlines (you can copy and paste the result according to the airline):

  1. Alaska Airline
  2. American Airline
  3. Jet Blue Airways
  4. Delta Airline
  5. United Airline

2- Departure and arrival statistics (scheduled departure time, actual departure time, scheduled elapse time, departure delay, wheels-off time and taxi-out time) by airport and airline for Jan 15 2019 for the following airlines (you can copy and paste the result according to the airline).

  1. Alaska Airline
  2. American Airline
  3. Jet Blue Airways
  4. Delta Airline
  5. United Airline



The Slave Trade & African Societies & Long Lasting Economic Impact of College Essay Writing Assignment Help

First assignment:

In the document “The Slave Trade and African Societies”, author G.N. Uzoigwe discusses how the slave trade and its suppression form a major theme of African history between the fifteenth and nineteenth centuries. The author begins by stating how “many centuries of African slaves, he bast majority of whom came from tropical Africa, were transported to Arabia, Asia, and the Americas”. The author continues by discussing how recent slave trade studies have produced conclusions which may be summarized in five propositions. Those five being;” the so-called tremendous population loss to Africa as a result of the slave trade is a myth, the slave trade was part of a sustained economic development within the societies that participated in it with possible exception of the Congo and Angola, it is also led to sustained political development of the societies that participated in it although segmentary societies may have been adversely affected, the disastrous social consequences of the slave trade have been exaggerated, and though the slave trade may have brought ruin to some parts of Africa- especially the segmentary societies- generally speaking, it did not bring the ‘destruction and disintegration’ that have been credited to it” (187). Uzoigwe stated how these propositions appear in part to be a reaction against Blyden’s bitter accusation of the slave traders. It was determined by Professor John Fage, through a recent study of the Atlantic slave trade how the number of slaves who landed on the American continent during the four centuries of its operation did not exceed nine million and was probably less than that. Uzoigwe continues by discussing how the operation of the slave trade might have caused more disruption in east and central Africa than in the west due to the manner in which it was conducted in the interior, but it is difficult to discern the economic consequences of its suppression.

The slave trade included the transport of enslaved African people, being transported to Arabia to Asia and to the Americas. In the provided essay “The Slave Trade And African Societies” by G.N. Uzoigwe, the author breaks down the propositions from recent slave trade studies. The first being the myth that Africa has a mass depopulation episode due to the slave trade. Many people have come to believe that the down size in population in African is because of the slave trade when in reality it was certain areas that were becoming decreased, not the entire continent. Some even argue that the slave trade made the African population increase and rise. The second proposition is that the slave trade was included in a sustained economic development. Uzoigwe points out that nothing has been taken out of the significance between the economic development, commercial development, and sustained economic development. This is because the unknown and fear that developed in the areas affected any economic development. Yet there might not have been a growth in economic development, commercial development showed during the slave trade but it was hardly sustained. Though Africa itself didn’t have a good economic stand point, the slave trade made African rulers have a rise in profits which only increased their power and wealth. The third proposition discusses the sustained political development and of its societies and how they were affected. This argument stands different in different parts of Africa. In West Africa the slave trade helped sustain the development and political needs. Fage says “On the whole, it is probably true to say that the operation of the slave trade may have tened to integrate, strengthen and develop unitary territorial political authority…” The fourth proposition states that the disastrous social consequences of the slave trade have been exaggerated. Uzoigwe argues that the slave trade is not socially disastrous as it has been made out to be. This is because Africans made cultural increases from the Arab and European people.The Africans gain from the Arab includes the Swahili language and new ideas like religion and politicall relations. The Europeans also introduced their religion and forms of their own culture that some Africans copied. Though this is only one example as political impact on the slave trade is different from society to society. The slave trade also ended up changing the power structure of African polities.

Second assignment:

In the McArdle interview, I noticed that she says exactly what is in her article. She does not change her point of view or says that she is wrong. I agree with her when she says that college is good if you want to go somewhere in life, but if you want to do something that is does not require a college degree, then why go to college. She also mentions that people are in a lot of money in debt and the degrees that they have do not pay for that debt. I agree with that statement. She says to look at the cost early and not wait till the last year to look at the money. This is important because if you wait till the last minute with looking at money, you will be a lot in debt and that could be bad for your future.

In the strategies for synthesis video, I like the connection she made about a synthesis is like a bunch of people sitting around a table talking about a certain topic. I feel like people do this on a daily day without knowing about it. She also starts by saying that the first step is to summarize the sources. I think this is a great place to begin. I like the transitions she use when transitioning a quote or paraphrasing. I like the things she says that we have to think about when writing a synthesis. It all makes sense when thinking about the stage, audience, purpose, stance, genre, and how it all leads to the rhetorical situation. In the writing – analysis and synthesis video, I think it is interesting how analysis and synthesis are different but they still have similar parts. I like to use the 5 W’s and the 1 H, when writing a paper. I like the examples that she uses in the synthesis essay.

In the interview with Megan McArdle, they go over her article to express what she had written. She tends to just restate the article. She doesn’t provide much more information. I agree with her when she said it is best to go to a community college for the first two years, then transfer, but that is only if you’re looking at the money part of going to college. When you go to a community college, you don’t get the experience of living on campus, eating at the dining hall, and making a mass amount of friends. You don’t get the actual look of a freshman and sophomore college experience. I also agree with McArdle when she said she thinks it is best for teens to work for a few years before going into college. I happen to be working since I was 15, so I did kind of get the aspect of working, but I am so glad I chose to go straight to college instead of waiting.

In the synthesis video, she starts by explaining what synthesis is. She then states that synthesis is like a group of people sitting around a table expressing their ideas about one topic. She says the first step in synthesis is to summarize. I feel like this is a great start because it gives off a starting point about the topic. Next she says you need to engage. I really like the way she explains the engaging step. She says to agree to disagree with the author. I think I am best at expressing whether I agree or disagree with someone, so this step would be very easy for me. In the third video I watched, she explains analysis and synthesis. In this video, she says analysis is breaking down into parts, categorizing, and evaluating significants. She says synthesis is finding connections and links, identifying recurring themes, and evaluating significants. To do this you will use the six W’s; who, what, when, where, and how. To organize you will need to put your answers into a paragraph. First starting with a broad topic sentence, then your synthesized information, and lastly, the analysis of the source. I find this strategy useful. I think I will and could use this in the future to better organized my synthesis.

The Slave Trade & African Societies & Long Lasting Economic Impact of College Essay Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

North Carolina State University Creation of List Type Data Project Programming Assignment Help

Set up your project with the given starting templates. The files should compile and run, but either no tests will

be run, or tests will run but be failing.

2. For this project, start by uncommenting the first TEST_CASE in the assg07-tests.cpp file. These are the unit

tests to test the functionality of getSize() member function.

3. Add the correct function prototype for the getSize() member function to the ListType class in the

ListType.hpp header file. The prototype consists of the name of the function, its input parameters and their

types, and the return value of the function.

4. Add a implementation of the getSize() member function to the ListType.cpp implementation file. The

function should have the same signature as the prototype you gave in the header file. Documentation for the


function has not been given for you this time, so add documentation of your function first. Don’t forget to

indicate that this function is a member of the ListType class.

5. Your code should compile and run now. Make sure after adding the function prototype and stub your code

compiles and runs. However, your unit tests might be failing initially.

6. Incrementally implement the functionality of your getSize() function (if needed). You should try to add no

more than 2 or 3 lines of code, and then make sure your program still compiles and runs. Start by adding code

to get the first failing test to pass. Then once that test passes, move on to the next failing tests until you have

all tests passing. If you write something that causes a previously passing test to fail, you should stop and figure

out why, and either fix it so that the original test still passes, or remove what you did and try a new approach.

7. Once you have the getSize() function implemented and all unit tests passing, you should then move on to the

other functions in the order suggested. Some member functions use previous ones in this assignment, so do

them in the order given for you in the tasks below.


Ackerman Analysis The Second Paradox of Analysis Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

I’m working on a Philosophy discussion question and need a sample draft to help me study.

1. Please read the article and write the following discussion broad question around 300 words.


The Ackerman reading invites us to think about a paradox concerning conceptual analysis – a paradox concerning how to properly analyze concepts in order to better understand the world. However, as we’ve seen in the lectures, Ackerman’s solution to this paradox faces some problems, and she seems to offer inadequate solutions. And so, “our thinking about concepts and the world does not seem to involve the language that we need to communicate those thoughts” (lecture notes, 2.4, p. 2).

For this week, explain what conceptual analysis is and then respond to the following: Is conceptual analysis a fruitful way of making sense of the world? If you think so, give your own reasons for thinking so. If not, give your own reasons for thinking not. And make sure to provide examples to explain and justify your reasons.

2. You need to write two response to post 1,2,3. Please write about 150 words of each response.

Please tell me which two you did response when you finished.


San Francisco State University Racism in China Since Covid 19 Essay Humanities Assignment Help

Topic:Chinese has been racism since COVID-19 is found in Wuhan, China, and Trump called this ” Chinese Virus” , and this has impact people discriminate against Asians, such as beatings.

Your Essay Proposal should be about 1 page, single-spaced, and should include the five components listed on the prompt. Also write an outline about your proposal. Please use outline format (numbers, letters, indents, key words/phrases) and include all required components (listed on the Essay #2 prompt). Please also indicate where you will use which source. Basically, your outline should be a detailed plan for which ideas you’ll include in your essay and how you’ll organize them.


GGR 205 University of Toronto Soil Science Calculation Questions Science Assignment Help

I’m working on a Environmental Science test / quiz prep and need an explanation to help me learn.

1a) Calculate the particle density AND bulk density of a soil given:

• weight of soil solids = 1 Mg

• volume of soil solids = 0.8 m3

• volume of pores = 0.25 m3

(1b) Suppose this soil was uniform throughout a given area, and that half of this area was cultivated,
and half of this area was uncultivated. If the above values of bulk density are for the uncultivated
soil, would the values of bulk density for the cultivated soil likely be higher or lower than these
values? Explain your answer

(1c) Is this value of bulk density more reflective of a sandy or clay agricultural soil?

2. (a) Calculate the particle density AND bulk density of a soil given:

weight of soil solids = 4.7

volume of soil = 3.1 m3

volume of pores = 0.6 m3

Compare your value of bulk density in 2(a) with the value of bulk density you calculated in 1(a).
Which value of bulk density is indicative of a soil that is more compact? Which value of bulk
density is indicative of a soil that has higher porosity?

3. (a) Estimate the weight of a one-hectare furrow slice (plow layer) assuming that the Ap horizon is
21 cm thick and has a bulk density of 1.5 Mg/m3

5. (a) this is posted for reference for the next question. For a plot of land (plot A) in year 1, the initial bulk density of the surface soil was 1.2 Mg/m3
. In
year 2, after harvesting operations occurred, the bulk density of the surface soil in that same plot
of land was 1.72 Mg/m3
. In year 3, after further harvesting operations occurred, the bulk density
of the surface soil in that same plot of land was 1.83 Mg/m3
. What is the overall change in percent
pore space of the surface soil of plot A? the answer is 52.5 percent, need help with 5B.

(b) On a neighbouring plot of land (plot B) with the same soil and same initial bulk density as plot A,
a different harvest operation is performed. In year 3, the bulk density of the surface soil in plot
B was 1.3 Mg/m3
. Discuss the differences in bulk density between the two plots of land with
regard to the effects of the different harvesting operations.


In the interview with Megan McArdle, they go over her article to express what she had written. She tends to just restate the article. She doesn’t provide much more information. I agree with her when she said it is best to go to a community college for the first two years, then transfer, but that is only if you’re looking at the money part of going to college. When you go to a community college, you don’t get the experience of living on campus, eating at the dining hall, and making a mass amount of friends. You don’t get the actual look of a freshman and sophomore college experience. I also agree with McArdle when she said she thinks it is best for teens to work for a few years before going into college. I happen to be working since I was 15, so I did kind of get the aspect of working, but I am so glad I chose to go straight to college instead of waiting.

In the synthesis video, she starts by explaining what synthesis is. She then states that synthesis is like a group of people sitting around a table expressing their ideas about one topic. She says the first step in synthesis is to summarize. I feel like this is a great start because it gives off a starting point about the topic. Next she says you need to engage. I really like the way she explains the engaging step. She says to agree to disagree with the author. I think I am best at expressing whether I agree or disagree with someone, so this step would be very easy for me. In the third video I watched, she explains analysis and synthesis. In this video, she says analysis is breaking down into parts, categorizing, and evaluating significants. She says synthesis is finding connections and links, identifying recurring themes, and evaluating significants. To do this you will use the six W’s; who, what, when, where, and how. To organize you will need to put your answers into a paragraph. First starting with a broad topic sentence, then your synthesized information, and lastly, the analysis of the source. I find this strategy useful. I think I will and could use this in the future to better organized my synthesis.

The Slave Trade & African Societies & Long Lasting Economic Impact of College Essay Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

North Carolina State University Creation of List Type Data Project Programming Assignment Help

Set up your project with the given starting templates. The files should compile and run, but either no tests will

be run, or tests will run but be failing.

2. For this project, start by uncommenting the first TEST_CASE in the assg07-tests.cpp file. These are the unit

tests to test the functionality of getSize() member function.

3. Add the correct function prototype for the getSize() member function to the ListType class in the

ListType.hpp header file. The prototype consists of the name of the function, its input parameters and their

types, and the return value of the function.

4. Add a implementation of the getSize() member function to the ListType.cpp implementation file. The

function should have the same signature as the prototype you gave in the header file. Documentation for the


function has not been given for you this time, so add documentation of your function first. Don’t forget to

indicate that this function is a member of the ListType class.

5. Your code should compile and run now. Make sure after adding the function prototype and stub your code

compiles and runs. However, your unit tests might be failing initially.

6. Incrementally implement the functionality of your getSize() function (if needed). You should try to add no

more than 2 or 3 lines of code, and then make sure your program still compiles and runs. Start by adding code

to get the first failing test to pass. Then once that test passes, move on to the next failing tests until you have

all tests passing. If you write something that causes a previously passing test to fail, you should stop and figure

out why, and either fix it so that the original test still passes, or remove what you did and try a new approach.

7. Once you have the getSize() function implemented and all unit tests passing, you should then move on to the

other functions in the order suggested. Some member functions use previous ones in this assignment, so do

them in the order given for you in the tasks below.


Ackerman Analysis The Second Paradox of Analysis Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

I’m working on a Philosophy discussion question and need a sample draft to help me study.

1. Please read the article and write the following discussion broad question around 300 words.


The Ackerman reading invites us to think about a paradox concerning conceptual analysis – a paradox concerning how to properly analyze concepts in order to better understand the world. However, as we’ve seen in the lectures, Ackerman’s solution to this paradox faces some problems, and she seems to offer inadequate solutions. And so, “our thinking about concepts and the world does not seem to involve the language that we need to communicate those thoughts” (lecture notes, 2.4, p. 2).

For this week, explain what conceptual analysis is and then respond to the following: Is conceptual analysis a fruitful way of making sense of the world? If you think so, give your own reasons for thinking so. If not, give your own reasons for thinking not. And make sure to provide examples to explain and justify your reasons.

2. You need to write two response to post 1,2,3. Please write about 150 words of each response.

Please tell me which two you did response when you finished.


San Francisco State University Racism in China Since Covid 19 Essay Humanities Assignment Help

Topic:Chinese has been racism since COVID-19 is found in Wuhan, China, and Trump called this ” Chinese Virus” , and this has impact people discriminate against Asians, such as beatings.

Your Essay Proposal should be about 1 page, single-spaced, and should include the five components listed on the prompt. Also write an outline about your proposal. Please use outline format (numbers, letters, indents, key words/phrases) and include all required components (listed on the Essay #2 prompt). Please also indicate where you will use which source. Basically, your outline should be a detailed plan for which ideas you’ll include in your essay and how you’ll organize them.


GGR 205 University of Toronto Soil Science Calculation Questions Science Assignment Help

I’m working on a Environmental Science test / quiz prep and need an explanation to help me learn.

1a) Calculate the particle density AND bulk density of a soil given:

• weight of soil solids = 1 Mg

• volume of soil solids = 0.8 m3

• volume of pores = 0.25 m3

(1b) Suppose this soil was uniform throughout a given area, and that half of this area was cultivated,
and half of this area was uncultivated. If the above values of bulk density are for the uncultivated
soil, would the values of bulk density for the cultivated soil likely be higher or lower than these
values? Explain your answer

(1c) Is this value of bulk density more reflective of a sandy or clay agricultural soil?

2. (a) Calculate the particle density AND bulk density of a soil given:

weight of soil solids = 4.7

volume of soil = 3.1 m3

volume of pores = 0.6 m3

Compare your value of bulk density in 2(a) with the value of bulk density you calculated in 1(a).
Which value of bulk density is indicative of a soil that is more compact? Which value of bulk
density is indicative of a soil that has higher porosity?

3. (a) Estimate the weight of a one-hectare furrow slice (plow layer) assuming that the Ap horizon is
21 cm thick and has a bulk density of 1.5 Mg/m3

5. (a) this is posted for reference for the next question. For a plot of land (plot A) in year 1, the initial bulk density of the surface soil was 1.2 Mg/m3
. In
year 2, after harvesting operations occurred, the bulk density of the surface soil in that same plot
of land was 1.72 Mg/m3
. In year 3, after further harvesting operations occurred, the bulk density
of the surface soil in that same plot of land was 1.83 Mg/m3
. What is the overall change in percent
pore space of the surface soil of plot A? the answer is 52.5 percent, need help with 5B.

(b) On a neighbouring plot of land (plot B) with the same soil and same initial bulk density as plot A,
a different harvest operation is performed. In year 3, the bulk density of the surface soil in plot
B was 1.3 Mg/m3
. Discuss the differences in bulk density between the two plots of land with
regard to the effects of the different harvesting operations.


In the interview with Megan McArdle, they go over her article to express what she had written. She tends to just restate the article. She doesn’t provide much more information. I agree with her when she said it is best to go to a community college for the first two years, then transfer, but that is only if you’re looking at the money part of going to college. When you go to a community college, you don’t get the experience of living on campus, eating at the dining hall, and making a mass amount of friends. You don’t get the actual look of a freshman and sophomore college experience. I also agree with McArdle when she said she thinks it is best for teens to work for a few years before going into college. I happen to be working since I was 15, so I did kind of get the aspect of working, but I am so glad I chose to go straight to college instead of waiting.

In the synthesis video, she starts by explaining what synthesis is. She then states that synthesis is like a group of people sitting around a table expressing their ideas about one topic. She says the first step in synthesis is to summarize. I feel like this is a great start because it gives off a starting point about the topic. Next she says you need to engage. I really like the way she explains the engaging step. She says to agree to disagree with the author. I think I am best at expressing whether I agree or disagree with someone, so this step would be very easy for me. In the third video I watched, she explains analysis and synthesis. In this video, she says analysis is breaking down into parts, categorizing, and evaluating significants. She says synthesis is finding connections and links, identifying recurring themes, and evaluating significants. To do this you will use the six W’s; who, what, when, where, and how. To organize you will need to put your answers into a paragraph. First starting with a broad topic sentence, then your synthesized information, and lastly, the analysis of the source. I find this strategy useful. I think I will and could use this in the future to better organized my synthesis.

The Slave Trade & African Societies & Long Lasting Economic Impact of College Essay Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

North Carolina State University Creation of List Type Data Project Programming Assignment Help

Set up your project with the given starting templates. The files should compile and run, but either no tests will

be run, or tests will run but be failing.

2. For this project, start by uncommenting the first TEST_CASE in the assg07-tests.cpp file. These are the unit

tests to test the functionality of getSize() member function.

3. Add the correct function prototype for the getSize() member function to the ListType class in the

ListType.hpp header file. The prototype consists of the name of the function, its input parameters and their

types, and the return value of the function.

4. Add a implementation of the getSize() member function to the ListType.cpp implementation file. The

function should have the same signature as the prototype you gave in the header file. Documentation for the


function has not been given for you this time, so add documentation of your function first. Don’t forget to

indicate that this function is a member of the ListType class.

5. Your code should compile and run now. Make sure after adding the function prototype and stub your code

compiles and runs. However, your unit tests might be failing initially.

6. Incrementally implement the functionality of your getSize() function (if needed). You should try to add no

more than 2 or 3 lines of code, and then make sure your program still compiles and runs. Start by adding code

to get the first failing test to pass. Then once that test passes, move on to the next failing tests until you have

all tests passing. If you write something that causes a previously passing test to fail, you should stop and figure

out why, and either fix it so that the original test still passes, or remove what you did and try a new approach.

7. Once you have the getSize() function implemented and all unit tests passing, you should then move on to the

other functions in the order suggested. Some member functions use previous ones in this assignment, so do

them in the order given for you in the tasks below.


Ackerman Analysis The Second Paradox of Analysis Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

I’m working on a Philosophy discussion question and need a sample draft to help me study.

1. Please read the article and write the following discussion broad question around 300 words.


The Ackerman reading invites us to think about a paradox concerning conceptual analysis – a paradox concerning how to properly analyze concepts in order to better understand the world. However, as we’ve seen in the lectures, Ackerman’s solution to this paradox faces some problems, and she seems to offer inadequate solutions. And so, “our thinking about concepts and the world does not seem to involve the language that we need to communicate those thoughts” (lecture notes, 2.4, p. 2).

For this week, explain what conceptual analysis is and then respond to the following: Is conceptual analysis a fruitful way of making sense of the world? If you think so, give your own reasons for thinking so. If not, give your own reasons for thinking not. And make sure to provide examples to explain and justify your reasons.

2. You need to write two response to post 1,2,3. Please write about 150 words of each response.

Please tell me which two you did response when you finished.


San Francisco State University Racism in China Since Covid 19 Essay Humanities Assignment Help

Topic:Chinese has been racism since COVID-19 is found in Wuhan, China, and Trump called this ” Chinese Virus” , and this has impact people discriminate against Asians, such as beatings.

Your Essay Proposal should be about 1 page, single-spaced, and should include the five components listed on the prompt. Also write an outline about your proposal. Please use outline format (numbers, letters, indents, key words/phrases) and include all required components (listed on the Essay #2 prompt). Please also indicate where you will use which source. Basically, your outline should be a detailed plan for which ideas you’ll include in your essay and how you’ll organize them.


GGR 205 University of Toronto Soil Science Calculation Questions Science Assignment Help

I’m working on a Environmental Science test / quiz prep and need an explanation to help me learn.

1a) Calculate the particle density AND bulk density of a soil given:

• weight of soil solids = 1 Mg

• volume of soil solids = 0.8 m3

• volume of pores = 0.25 m3

(1b) Suppose this soil was uniform throughout a given area, and that half of this area was cultivated,
and half of this area was uncultivated. If the above values of bulk density are for the uncultivated
soil, would the values of bulk density for the cultivated soil likely be higher or lower than these
values? Explain your answer

(1c) Is this value of bulk density more reflective of a sandy or clay agricultural soil?

2. (a) Calculate the particle density AND bulk density of a soil given:

weight of soil solids = 4.7

volume of soil = 3.1 m3

volume of pores = 0.6 m3

Compare your value of bulk density in 2(a) with the value of bulk density you calculated in 1(a).
Which value of bulk density is indicative of a soil that is more compact? Which value of bulk
density is indicative of a soil that has higher porosity?

3. (a) Estimate the weight of a one-hectare furrow slice (plow layer) assuming that the Ap horizon is
21 cm thick and has a bulk density of 1.5 Mg/m3

5. (a) this is posted for reference for the next question. For a plot of land (plot A) in year 1, the initial bulk density of the surface soil was 1.2 Mg/m3
. In
year 2, after harvesting operations occurred, the bulk density of the surface soil in that same plot
of land was 1.72 Mg/m3
. In year 3, after further harvesting operations occurred, the bulk density
of the surface soil in that same plot of land was 1.83 Mg/m3
. What is the overall change in percent
pore space of the surface soil of plot A? the answer is 52.5 percent, need help with 5B.

(b) On a neighbouring plot of land (plot B) with the same soil and same initial bulk density as plot A,
a different harvest operation is performed. In year 3, the bulk density of the surface soil in plot
B was 1.3 Mg/m3
. Discuss the differences in bulk density between the two plots of land with
regard to the effects of the different harvesting operations.


In the interview with Megan McArdle, they go over her article to express what she had written. She tends to just restate the article. She doesn’t provide much more information. I agree with her when she said it is best to go to a community college for the first two years, then transfer, but that is only if you’re looking at the money part of going to college. When you go to a community college, you don’t get the experience of living on campus, eating at the dining hall, and making a mass amount of friends. You don’t get the actual look of a freshman and sophomore college experience. I also agree with McArdle when she said she thinks it is best for teens to work for a few years before going into college. I happen to be working since I was 15, so I did kind of get the aspect of working, but I am so glad I chose to go straight to college instead of waiting.

In the synthesis video, she starts by explaining what synthesis is. She then states that synthesis is like a group of people sitting around a table expressing their ideas about one topic. She says the first step in synthesis is to summarize. I feel like this is a great start because it gives off a starting point about the topic. Next she says you need to engage. I really like the way she explains the engaging step. She says to agree to disagree with the author. I think I am best at expressing whether I agree or disagree with someone, so this step would be very easy for me. In the third video I watched, she explains analysis and synthesis. In this video, she says analysis is breaking down into parts, categorizing, and evaluating significants. She says synthesis is finding connections and links, identifying recurring themes, and evaluating significants. To do this you will use the six W’s; who, what, when, where, and how. To organize you will need to put your answers into a paragraph. First starting with a broad topic sentence, then your synthesized information, and lastly, the analysis of the source. I find this strategy useful. I think I will and could use this in the future to better organized my synthesis.

The Slave Trade & African Societies & Long Lasting Economic Impact of College Essay Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

North Carolina State University Creation of List Type Data Project Programming Assignment Help

Set up your project with the given starting templates. The files should compile and run, but either no tests will

be run, or tests will run but be failing.

2. For this project, start by uncommenting the first TEST_CASE in the assg07-tests.cpp file. These are the unit

tests to test the functionality of getSize() member function.

3. Add the correct function prototype for the getSize() member function to the ListType class in the

ListType.hpp header file. The prototype consists of the name of the function, its input parameters and their

types, and the return value of the function.

4. Add a implementation of the getSize() member function to the ListType.cpp implementation file. The

function should have the same signature as the prototype you gave in the header file. Documentation for the


function has not been given for you this time, so add documentation of your function first. Don’t forget to

indicate that this function is a member of the ListType class.

5. Your code should compile and run now. Make sure after adding the function prototype and stub your code

compiles and runs. However, your unit tests might be failing initially.

6. Incrementally implement the functionality of your getSize() function (if needed). You should try to add no

more than 2 or 3 lines of code, and then make sure your program still compiles and runs. Start by adding code

to get the first failing test to pass. Then once that test passes, move on to the next failing tests until you have

all tests passing. If you write something that causes a previously passing test to fail, you should stop and figure

out why, and either fix it so that the original test still passes, or remove what you did and try a new approach.

7. Once you have the getSize() function implemented and all unit tests passing, you should then move on to the

other functions in the order suggested. Some member functions use previous ones in this assignment, so do

them in the order given for you in the tasks below.


Ackerman Analysis The Second Paradox of Analysis Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

I’m working on a Philosophy discussion question and need a sample draft to help me study.

1. Please read the article and write the following discussion broad question around 300 words.


The Ackerman reading invites us to think about a paradox concerning conceptual analysis – a paradox concerning how to properly analyze concepts in order to better understand the world. However, as we’ve seen in the lectures, Ackerman’s solution to this paradox faces some problems, and she seems to offer inadequate solutions. And so, “our thinking about concepts and the world does not seem to involve the language that we need to communicate those thoughts” (lecture notes, 2.4, p. 2).

For this week, explain what conceptual analysis is and then respond to the following: Is conceptual analysis a fruitful way of making sense of the world? If you think so, give your own reasons for thinking so. If not, give your own reasons for thinking not. And make sure to provide examples to explain and justify your reasons.

2. You need to write two response to post 1,2,3. Please write about 150 words of each response.

Please tell me which two you did response when you finished.


San Francisco State University Racism in China Since Covid 19 Essay Humanities Assignment Help

Topic:Chinese has been racism since COVID-19 is found in Wuhan, China, and Trump called this ” Chinese Virus” , and this has impact people discriminate against Asians, such as beatings.

Your Essay Proposal should be about 1 page, single-spaced, and should include the five components listed on the prompt. Also write an outline about your proposal. Please use outline format (numbers, letters, indents, key words/phrases) and include all required components (listed on the Essay #2 prompt). Please also indicate where you will use which source. Basically, your outline should be a detailed plan for which ideas you’ll include in your essay and how you’ll organize them.


GGR 205 University of Toronto Soil Science Calculation Questions Science Assignment Help

I’m working on a Environmental Science test / quiz prep and need an explanation to help me learn.

1a) Calculate the particle density AND bulk density of a soil given:

• weight of soil solids = 1 Mg

• volume of soil solids = 0.8 m3

• volume of pores = 0.25 m3

(1b) Suppose this soil was uniform throughout a given area, and that half of this area was cultivated,
and half of this area was uncultivated. If the above values of bulk density are for the uncultivated
soil, would the values of bulk density for the cultivated soil likely be higher or lower than these
values? Explain your answer

(1c) Is this value of bulk density more reflective of a sandy or clay agricultural soil?

2. (a) Calculate the particle density AND bulk density of a soil given:

weight of soil solids = 4.7

volume of soil = 3.1 m3

volume of pores = 0.6 m3

Compare your value of bulk density in 2(a) with the value of bulk density you calculated in 1(a).
Which value of bulk density is indicative of a soil that is more compact? Which value of bulk
density is indicative of a soil that has higher porosity?

3. (a) Estimate the weight of a one-hectare furrow slice (plow layer) assuming that the Ap horizon is
21 cm thick and has a bulk density of 1.5 Mg/m3

5. (a) this is posted for reference for the next question. For a plot of land (plot A) in year 1, the initial bulk density of the surface soil was 1.2 Mg/m3
. In
year 2, after harvesting operations occurred, the bulk density of the surface soil in that same plot
of land was 1.72 Mg/m3
. In year 3, after further harvesting operations occurred, the bulk density
of the surface soil in that same plot of land was 1.83 Mg/m3
. What is the overall change in percent
pore space of the surface soil of plot A? the answer is 52.5 percent, need help with 5B.

(b) On a neighbouring plot of land (plot B) with the same soil and same initial bulk density as plot A,
a different harvest operation is performed. In year 3, the bulk density of the surface soil in plot
B was 1.3 Mg/m3
. Discuss the differences in bulk density between the two plots of land with
regard to the effects of the different harvesting operations.


San Francisco State University Early Christian Art and Pagan Art Discussion Writing Assignment Help

San Francisco State University Early Christian Art and Pagan Art Discussion Writing Assignment Help

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