San Jose State University Machine Learning Questions Computer Science Assignment Help

San Jose State University Machine Learning Questions Computer Science Assignment Help. San Jose State University Machine Learning Questions Computer Science Assignment Help.

I’m working on a computer science question and need an explanation to help me study.
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1Q …Write about Successful Dissertation ( Computer science) ——(Minimum 150 words) + 1 reference APA format



Title: Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association

ISBN: 9781433832178

Authors: American Psychological Association

Publisher: American Psychological Association (APA)

Publication Date: 2019-10-01


Title: Writing a Successful Thesis Or Dissertation

ISBN: 9781412942256

Authors: Fred C. Lunenburg, Beverly J. Irby

Publisher: Corwin Press

Publication Date: 2008-01-01


Must be entirely focused on the specific content.

Add some generic points that could apply

Please check plagiarism, Grammarly

2Q…..Using the attached template as a guide, you are to create such a timeline – a roadmap, if you will, along your dissertation journey. Incorporated within the timeline are major milestones. Build into the timeline goals for each milestone with specific dates. You may also want to include specific contact information as well as possible obstacles that may arise. This will be a tool you will bring to each consultation with your professor. Most importantly, it is to be a useable point of reference along your dissertation journey.


1.Kelley, M., & Salisbury-Glennon, J. (2016). The Role of Self-regulation in Doctoral Students’ Status of All But Dissertation (ABD). Innovative Higher Education, 41(1), 87–100.

2.Zimmerman, B. J. (2002). Becoming a self-regulated learner: An overview. Theory into Practice, 41(2), 64-70.

San Jose State University Machine Learning Questions Computer Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]

SMC Truth About Reality Perception of A Subject Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

I’m working on a philosophy writing question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

Choose one from these Positions FOR Objectivity:

  • Descartes’ Rationalism + Hume’s Empiricism = Scientific Method
  • Marx’s Historical Materialism / Ideology Critique

Choose one from these Positions AGAINST Objectivity:

  • Nietzsche’s Existential Perspectivism (Subjectivity)
  • Abram’s Phenomenology (Intersubjectivity)

Hence, these are the possible debate options: (select one for your essay)

  • Scientific Method vs Perspectivism
  • Scientific Method vs Phenomenology
  • Historical Materialism vs Perspectivism
  • Historical Materialism vs Phenomenology

PROMPT: Write an 800-900 word essay in which you argue FOR or AGAINST the conclusion that objectivity is the best way to know the truth about reality. Use one well-developed example to make your case. Use (only) texts assigned or discussed in this class to make your argument.



A T Still University Comfort Hotel and Resort Business Plan Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a business plans question and need support to help me understand better.

Over the course of this class you will be constructing key portions of a disaster recovery plan for a company or organization you are familiar with. Submit a summary describing the candidate you have selected. You need to choose a client such as an actual place of employment, a local company, or some other organization. It doesn’t matter if it is for-profit or not-for-profit. What is important is that it is engaged in some ongoing regular business activities and you are familiar with how those activities are completed. This write-up should be 1-2 pages, and include an overview of your particular company’s operations or the organization’s activities. You will need to change the name and do not include any unique information that could be used to identify your selected organization. Use realistic information but avoid anything that might be proprietary. For example, you may use 555 for all phone numbers, or say the company is located in Anytown, USA.

Spend some quality time thinking about this selection. I must approve your Phase I

Here is some of useful sources


ENG 101 Harvard University Chapter 1 to 3 The Other Wes Moore Paper Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a english writing question and need guidance to help me understand better.

All the discussions are based on the material entitled “ The other Wes Moore” which is attached in pdf format. All the other documents require to complete this task are also included. There are three short parts for this task. Please deliver them in a different document and make sure it is based on the book and the request. The word documents need to be answered accordingly. I attached them to give you access to the full questions. All the questions in the 3 file need to be answered too in around 2-3 paragraphs each. In total there are 15 sets of questions which need to be answered (3 are listed in this request as a text and the other 12 can be found in the 3 documents attached) Everything must be answered.

TOWM Chapters 1-3 Discussion Post

Select 3-4 quotes from chapters 1-3 that stood out to you and write a 2-3 paragraph (total) post that answers the following:
1. Why did these quotes stand out to you?
2. Why do you think these quotes are important?
3. How do these quotes add to your understanding of the book?

Be sure to include the exact quotes (with page numbers) in your post. When answering the
questions, be sure to talk about each of the quotes you selected. Note, all quotes cannot come from Chapter 1.

Mini writing assignment #2 TOWM Chapters 1-3 TOMLIN.docx

TOWM Chapters 4-6 Discussion Post

Select a visual image or video of your choosing that you think relates in some way to Chapters 4-6. Post the image/video to the discussion board and write a 2-3 paragraph posts that answers the following:

  1. What is happening in the image/video that you selected?
  2. How do you think your selected image/video relates to chapter 4-6 of the book The Other Wes Moore?

Be sure to post the image/video to the discussion board and to fully explain the connection between your selected image/video and the book.Mini writing assignment #3 TOWM Chapters 4-6 TOMLIN.docx

Chapters 7-8, and Epilogue Discussion Post

Reflect on chapters 7-8 and Epilogue and write a 2-3 paragraph post that answers the following questions:

  1. What personal connections can you make between the book and your life experiences?
  2. How has your thinking changed as a result of reading this book?
  3. Moving forward, how will you use what you have learned from this book to work towards achieving your goals—both academic and personal?

Be sure to fully explain your answers using specific examples from the book (with page numbers) and from your personal experience.Mini writing assignment #4- TOWM Chapters 7-8 and Epilogue TOMLIN.docx


Purdue University Social Work Practice with Children and Adolescents Essay Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a writing question and need guidance to help me study.

Good morning, I am needing assistance with my final project for Social Work Practice with Children and Adolescents. Can someone assist me? The paper has to be 6-8 pages. Thank you. Whoever can assist me, I can send the case study that is needed for this assignment. I am willing to pay for this assignment as well.

The Final Project is a descriptive narrative divided in two sections. Section One requires you to analyze a case study of a family in crisis, to include a child, an adolescent, and a set of parents. Section Two is a self-reflection of your abilities to be an effective clinician who works with children, adolescents, and families.

This Final Project is a 6- to 8-page paper and will be due Day 3 of Week 11. Include the following sections in your Final Project:

Section One:

Choose one of the three Case Studies focusing on a family in crisis. Each member of the family has unique issues that you must address. You must also determine the primary problems (this may include diagnostic impressions but not formal diagnoses), intervention, prevention, and education required to assist the family. In your project, do the following:

  • Identify the client and the presenting problem or symptoms. Briefly explain if anyone else is involved and how they contribute to the problem. Explain if anyone other than the “identified client” also could be identified as a client. If so, describe who and why.
  • Briefly describe any underlying problems or potential mental health diagnoses contributing to the primary problem that should be noted as you proceed with the client.
  • Briefly describe the presenting problem from the family’s perspective and what theoretical perspective you will use to assess, analyze, and develop a treatment plan for this case.
  • Identify the unique needs of each individual in the family.
  • Briefly describe the culture of the family, societal expectations, gender roles, and cultural norms. Briefly explain how each of these might contribute to the problem.
  • Briefly explain the child and adolescent culture and at least one general contributing factor to the identified issue and explain how this may or may not impact the family dynamics.
  • Describe one intervention you might use for the identified client that would address the presenting problem and any related psychosocial factors.
  • Justify your intervention with evidence-based research to support the use of the interventions you have identified.
  • Briefly describe one preventative technique that you might use to reduce the likelihood of further crisis or the perpetuation of the current crisis.

Section Two:

Reflect on your journal entries throughout the course and consider what you may have learned about yourself as a future clinician working with children, adolescents, and families. Explain any areas of strength you have identified by completing this course that will assist you in working with children, adolescents, and families.

  • Explain any areas of strength you identified as you worked on this course that will assist you in working with children, adolescents, and families.
  • Explain any areas of knowledge you might want to further develop to become more effective as a clinician working with children, adolescents, and families.
  • Explain any insights you had or conclusions you drew as you worked on this course regarding your interest in becoming a clinician that works with children and adolescents.

Although the Final Project is not to be submitted until Day 3 of Week 11, you should become familiar with the project requirements and have them in mind as you proceed through the course. Many of the Discussions and Assignments relate to and can be of use to your Final Project.

The Final Project will be evaluated according to all four indicators in the Final Project Rubric located in the Course Information area. Be sure that the Final Project is written using APA format.

Requirements: N/A

I need to attach the case study below you need for the paper. See the attachment.



NU Implications of Digital Forensic in Emails and Cellphones Question Computer Science Assignment Help

For this assignment, you must conduct a literature review regarding the forensic implications of new uses for email and mobile devices.

Your formal academic paper must contain the following:

  • Current literature review style and formatting as indicated by the NCU Academic Success Center
  • Content organized by ideas, rather than by authors
  • Forensic implications of new uses for email and mobile devices

Length: 6-10 page academic paper (excluding title and reference pages)

Resources: Cite a minimum of 10 scholarly resources

The completed assignment should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course and provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards.

NU Implications of Digital Forensic in Emails and Cellphones Question Computer Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Vershawn Young Uses & Limits Language Prejudice & History Influences Journal Entry Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a english writing question and need an explanation to help me study.

Read Young short story and form one page paper, Cite textual evidence to support your reasoning. You can refer back to Harris “Coming to terms” if you need a recap on definition of uses and limits.

Next, please write a journal response where you explore the uses and limits of Young’s perspective. You can use the following questions as guideposts in your inquiry:


  • What does Young’s perspective allow us to see about how we use language? How does our family history, social class, race and ethnicity, etc. affect the way we use language?
  • What is Young’s position on “standard English” in the Academy? Why does he have a problem with this?
  • Do you agree with Young? Does he provide any useful insights into how language is used in the Academy? Do you see any limitations to his perspective? In other words, are there any gaps in his argument? Is there something important about this topic that his perspective does not allow us to see?


In assessing a writer’s uses and limits, we are essentially looking at the two things: First, we are looking at what their perspective allows us to see, allows us to get insight on. This is what is mean by “uses.” Second, we are looking at what their perspective leaves out, obscures, or fails to consider. This is what is meant by “limits.”


In your responses, please find specific places in Young’s essay that helps support your position. Point to specific locations in the text that helps your reader see that your reading of Young holds merit.


Please feel free to write your response below. This journal entry should be approximately one full page double spaced.


CJS 231 UOPX Social Learning Theory of Crime and Deviance Case Study Questions Law Assignment Help

PART1: Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

  • If deviance is behavior that violates social norms and societal rules, and criminality is behavior that breaks formal criminal laws, should deviant behavior be treated differently than criminal behavior in the criminal justice system?
  • Should there be different arrest, adjudication, and punishments for the different types of offenders? Support your rationale.
  • PART2: The field of criminology is comprehensive, so it is essential to know the importance and application of key terms associated with the field. In this assignment, you will research some common terms as well as discuss the role of research and theory.

    Part 1: Crime, Criminality, and Criminal Justice

    Complete the table.

    Term Definition Example
    Criminal justice
    Deviant behavior

    List your sources according to APA guidelines:Part 2: Research and TheoryNow that you understand some of the most common terms, it is time to share what you know about research and theories in criminology.Write a 175-word summary for each point in which you:

    • Explain what a theory is and the purpose of developing theories in criminal justice.
    • Describe the role research plays in theory building in criminology.
    • Explain how criminological research affects social policy.

    List your sources according to APA guidelines:


UOP Wk 1 General Quality Concepts and Theories in Business Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which you discuss the following items:

  • Discussion about quality concepts and theories for supply chain management.
  • Definition of process driven and customer driven quality and provide real-life examples.
  • Explanation of how different quality theories impact various industries, such as manufacturing and the service industries. Please provide examples.
  • Format your paper consistent with APA guideline
  • Course Textbook

    Foster, S. (2017). Managing quality: Integrating the supply chain (6th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall.Goetsch, D., & Davis, S. (2016). Quality management for organizational excellence: Introduction to total quality (8th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.


SAFE 4300 UMKC Confined Spaces Trench Collapse & Internal Combustion Engine Discussion Writing Assignment Help

1. If a facility has confined spaces, open trenches, or grain facilities, why is it necessary for all employees and not just those actually working in those areas to have an understanding of the hazards involved. What is a common scenario when there is an injury or death in these situations?

2. True or False: If someone is trapped in a trench collapse or in grain, their safety is assured if we can keep their head above the surface of the soil or grain.Why or why not____________________________?

3. True or False: Rescuers can “rapidly” get the victim out by tying a rope under their arms and lifting them out. ____________Why or why not?

4. An internal combustion engine is being used for pumping excess water out of a confined space well pit area. The engine has stopped. Is it ok to assume the engine is out of fuel and that it is safe to enter the area to refill it? ____________ Why or why not?

5. You are the safety officer for Tangy Citrus. The processing facility has 10 storage tanks for processed juice. Each tank has a one-million-gallon capacity. There are 75 employees at the facility. Ten of the workers have had the required permit-entry training for entering and working in confined spaces. Why is it necessary that some general training related to confined spaces be provided for the other 65 employees?

6. Confined space entry requires an OSHA ____________ process. This includes monitoring the ____________ conditions of the space.

7. As manager of WEARESAFE Farms Inc., you are in charge of employees who must enter a storage tank in the citrus processing plant portion of the corporation. The tank’s capacity is one million gallons. The tank has been emptied for needed maintenance, cleaning, and repairs.

8. Find the applicable OSHA Regulation from the OSHA website. Provide the Web address where it is located (you do not need to print the entire document).

9. Identify the steps that must be followed before entry is allowed into the tank.

10. Identify the hazards that exist in the tank.

there is a PowerPoint that may helps you to find the answers of the questions



Purdue University Social Work Practice with Children and Adolescents Essay Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a writing question and need guidance to help me study.

Good morning, I am needing assistance with my final project for Social Work Practice with Children and Adolescents. Can someone assist me? The paper has to be 6-8 pages. Thank you. Whoever can assist me, I can send the case study that is needed for this assignment. I am willing to pay for this assignment as well.

The Final Project is a descriptive narrative divided in two sections. Section One requires you to analyze a case study of a family in crisis, to include a child, an adolescent, and a set of parents. Section Two is a self-reflection of your abilities to be an effective clinician who works with children, adolescents, and families.

This Final Project is a 6- to 8-page paper and will be due Day 3 of Week 11. Include the following sections in your Final Project:

Section One:

Choose one of the three Case Studies focusing on a family in crisis. Each member of the family has unique issues that you must address. You must also determine the primary problems (this may include diagnostic impressions but not formal diagnoses), intervention, prevention, and education required to assist the family. In your project, do the following:

  • Identify the client and the presenting problem or symptoms. Briefly explain if anyone else is involved and how they contribute to the problem. Explain if anyone other than the “identified client” also could be identified as a client. If so, describe who and why.
  • Briefly describe any underlying problems or potential mental health diagnoses contributing to the primary problem that should be noted as you proceed with the client.
  • Briefly describe the presenting problem from the family’s perspective and what theoretical perspective you will use to assess, analyze, and develop a treatment plan for this case.
  • Identify the unique needs of each individual in the family.
  • Briefly describe the culture of the family, societal expectations, gender roles, and cultural norms. Briefly explain how each of these might contribute to the problem.
  • Briefly explain the child and adolescent culture and at least one general contributing factor to the identified issue and explain how this may or may not impact the family dynamics.
  • Describe one intervention you might use for the identified client that would address the presenting problem and any related psychosocial factors.
  • Justify your intervention with evidence-based research to support the use of the interventions you have identified.
  • Briefly describe one preventative technique that you might use to reduce the likelihood of further crisis or the perpetuation of the current crisis.

Section Two:

Reflect on your journal entries throughout the course and consider what you may have learned about yourself as a future clinician working with children, adolescents, and families. Explain any areas of strength you have identified by completing this course that will assist you in working with children, adolescents, and families.

  • Explain any areas of strength you identified as you worked on this course that will assist you in working with children, adolescents, and families.
  • Explain any areas of knowledge you might want to further develop to become more effective as a clinician working with children, adolescents, and families.
  • Explain any insights you had or conclusions you drew as you worked on this course regarding your interest in becoming a clinician that works with children and adolescents.

Although the Final Project is not to be submitted until Day 3 of Week 11, you should become familiar with the project requirements and have them in mind as you proceed through the course. Many of the Discussions and Assignments relate to and can be of use to your Final Project.

The Final Project will be evaluated according to all four indicators in the Final Project Rubric located in the Course Information area. Be sure that the Final Project is written using APA format.

Requirements: N/A

I need to attach the case study below you need for the paper. See the attachment.



NU Implications of Digital Forensic in Emails and Cellphones Question Computer Science Assignment Help

For this assignment, you must conduct a literature review regarding the forensic implications of new uses for email and mobile devices.

Your formal academic paper must contain the following:

  • Current literature review style and formatting as indicated by the NCU Academic Success Center
  • Content organized by ideas, rather than by authors
  • Forensic implications of new uses for email and mobile devices

Length: 6-10 page academic paper (excluding title and reference pages)

Resources: Cite a minimum of 10 scholarly resources

The completed assignment should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course and provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards.

NU Implications of Digital Forensic in Emails and Cellphones Question Computer Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Vershawn Young Uses & Limits Language Prejudice & History Influences Journal Entry Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a english writing question and need an explanation to help me study.

Read Young short story and form one page paper, Cite textual evidence to support your reasoning. You can refer back to Harris “Coming to terms” if you need a recap on definition of uses and limits.

Next, please write a journal response where you explore the uses and limits of Young’s perspective. You can use the following questions as guideposts in your inquiry:


  • What does Young’s perspective allow us to see about how we use language? How does our family history, social class, race and ethnicity, etc. affect the way we use language?
  • What is Young’s position on “standard English” in the Academy? Why does he have a problem with this?
  • Do you agree with Young? Does he provide any useful insights into how language is used in the Academy? Do you see any limitations to his perspective? In other words, are there any gaps in his argument? Is there something important about this topic that his perspective does not allow us to see?


In assessing a writer’s uses and limits, we are essentially looking at the two things: First, we are looking at what their perspective allows us to see, allows us to get insight on. This is what is mean by “uses.” Second, we are looking at what their perspective leaves out, obscures, or fails to consider. This is what is meant by “limits.”


In your responses, please find specific places in Young’s essay that helps support your position. Point to specific locations in the text that helps your reader see that your reading of Young holds merit.


Please feel free to write your response below. This journal entry should be approximately one full page double spaced.


CJS 231 UOPX Social Learning Theory of Crime and Deviance Case Study Questions Law Assignment Help

PART1: Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

  • If deviance is behavior that violates social norms and societal rules, and criminality is behavior that breaks formal criminal laws, should deviant behavior be treated differently than criminal behavior in the criminal justice system?
  • Should there be different arrest, adjudication, and punishments for the different types of offenders? Support your rationale.
  • PART2: The field of criminology is comprehensive, so it is essential to know the importance and application of key terms associated with the field. In this assignment, you will research some common terms as well as discuss the role of research and theory.

    Part 1: Crime, Criminality, and Criminal Justice

    Complete the table.

    Term Definition Example
    Criminal justice
    Deviant behavior

    List your sources according to APA guidelines:Part 2: Research and TheoryNow that you understand some of the most common terms, it is time to share what you know about research and theories in criminology.Write a 175-word summary for each point in which you:

    • Explain what a theory is and the purpose of developing theories in criminal justice.
    • Describe the role research plays in theory building in criminology.
    • Explain how criminological research affects social policy.

    List your sources according to APA guidelines:


UOP Wk 1 General Quality Concepts and Theories in Business Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which you discuss the following items:

  • Discussion about quality concepts and theories for supply chain management.
  • Definition of process driven and customer driven quality and provide real-life examples.
  • Explanation of how different quality theories impact various industries, such as manufacturing and the service industries. Please provide examples.
  • Format your paper consistent with APA guideline
  • Course Textbook

    Foster, S. (2017). Managing quality: Integrating the supply chain (6th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall.Goetsch, D., & Davis, S. (2016). Quality management for organizational excellence: Introduction to total quality (8th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.


SAFE 4300 UMKC Confined Spaces Trench Collapse & Internal Combustion Engine Discussion Writing Assignment Help

1. If a facility has confined spaces, open trenches, or grain facilities, why is it necessary for all employees and not just those actually working in those areas to have an understanding of the hazards involved. What is a common scenario when there is an injury or death in these situations?

2. True or False: If someone is trapped in a trench collapse or in grain, their safety is assured if we can keep their head above the surface of the soil or grain.Why or why not____________________________?

3. True or False: Rescuers can “rapidly” get the victim out by tying a rope under their arms and lifting them out. ____________Why or why not?

4. An internal combustion engine is being used for pumping excess water out of a confined space well pit area. The engine has stopped. Is it ok to assume the engine is out of fuel and that it is safe to enter the area to refill it? ____________ Why or why not?

5. You are the safety officer for Tangy Citrus. The processing facility has 10 storage tanks for processed juice. Each tank has a one-million-gallon capacity. There are 75 employees at the facility. Ten of the workers have had the required permit-entry training for entering and working in confined spaces. Why is it necessary that some general training related to confined spaces be provided for the other 65 employees?

6. Confined space entry requires an OSHA ____________ process. This includes monitoring the ____________ conditions of the space.

7. As manager of WEARESAFE Farms Inc., you are in charge of employees who must enter a storage tank in the citrus processing plant portion of the corporation. The tank’s capacity is one million gallons. The tank has been emptied for needed maintenance, cleaning, and repairs.

8. Find the applicable OSHA Regulation from the OSHA website. Provide the Web address where it is located (you do not need to print the entire document).

9. Identify the steps that must be followed before entry is allowed into the tank.

10. Identify the hazards that exist in the tank.

there is a PowerPoint that may helps you to find the answers of the questions



Purdue University Social Work Practice with Children and Adolescents Essay Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a writing question and need guidance to help me study.

Good morning, I am needing assistance with my final project for Social Work Practice with Children and Adolescents. Can someone assist me? The paper has to be 6-8 pages. Thank you. Whoever can assist me, I can send the case study that is needed for this assignment. I am willing to pay for this assignment as well.

The Final Project is a descriptive narrative divided in two sections. Section One requires you to analyze a case study of a family in crisis, to include a child, an adolescent, and a set of parents. Section Two is a self-reflection of your abilities to be an effective clinician who works with children, adolescents, and families.

This Final Project is a 6- to 8-page paper and will be due Day 3 of Week 11. Include the following sections in your Final Project:

Section One:

Choose one of the three Case Studies focusing on a family in crisis. Each member of the family has unique issues that you must address. You must also determine the primary problems (this may include diagnostic impressions but not formal diagnoses), intervention, prevention, and education required to assist the family. In your project, do the following:

  • Identify the client and the presenting problem or symptoms. Briefly explain if anyone else is involved and how they contribute to the problem. Explain if anyone other than the “identified client” also could be identified as a client. If so, describe who and why.
  • Briefly describe any underlying problems or potential mental health diagnoses contributing to the primary problem that should be noted as you proceed with the client.
  • Briefly describe the presenting problem from the family’s perspective and what theoretical perspective you will use to assess, analyze, and develop a treatment plan for this case.
  • Identify the unique needs of each individual in the family.
  • Briefly describe the culture of the family, societal expectations, gender roles, and cultural norms. Briefly explain how each of these might contribute to the problem.
  • Briefly explain the child and adolescent culture and at least one general contributing factor to the identified issue and explain how this may or may not impact the family dynamics.
  • Describe one intervention you might use for the identified client that would address the presenting problem and any related psychosocial factors.
  • Justify your intervention with evidence-based research to support the use of the interventions you have identified.
  • Briefly describe one preventative technique that you might use to reduce the likelihood of further crisis or the perpetuation of the current crisis.

Section Two:

Reflect on your journal entries throughout the course and consider what you may have learned about yourself as a future clinician working with children, adolescents, and families. Explain any areas of strength you have identified by completing this course that will assist you in working with children, adolescents, and families.

  • Explain any areas of strength you identified as you worked on this course that will assist you in working with children, adolescents, and families.
  • Explain any areas of knowledge you might want to further develop to become more effective as a clinician working with children, adolescents, and families.
  • Explain any insights you had or conclusions you drew as you worked on this course regarding your interest in becoming a clinician that works with children and adolescents.

Although the Final Project is not to be submitted until Day 3 of Week 11, you should become familiar with the project requirements and have them in mind as you proceed through the course. Many of the Discussions and Assignments relate to and can be of use to your Final Project.

The Final Project will be evaluated according to all four indicators in the Final Project Rubric located in the Course Information area. Be sure that the Final Project is written using APA format.

Requirements: N/A

I need to attach the case study below you need for the paper. See the attachment.



NU Implications of Digital Forensic in Emails and Cellphones Question Computer Science Assignment Help

For this assignment, you must conduct a literature review regarding the forensic implications of new uses for email and mobile devices.

Your formal academic paper must contain the following:

  • Current literature review style and formatting as indicated by the NCU Academic Success Center
  • Content organized by ideas, rather than by authors
  • Forensic implications of new uses for email and mobile devices

Length: 6-10 page academic paper (excluding title and reference pages)

Resources: Cite a minimum of 10 scholarly resources

The completed assignment should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course and provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards.

NU Implications of Digital Forensic in Emails and Cellphones Question Computer Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Vershawn Young Uses & Limits Language Prejudice & History Influences Journal Entry Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a english writing question and need an explanation to help me study.

Read Young short story and form one page paper, Cite textual evidence to support your reasoning. You can refer back to Harris “Coming to terms” if you need a recap on definition of uses and limits.

Next, please write a journal response where you explore the uses and limits of Young’s perspective. You can use the following questions as guideposts in your inquiry:


  • What does Young’s perspective allow us to see about how we use language? How does our family history, social class, race and ethnicity, etc. affect the way we use language?
  • What is Young’s position on “standard English” in the Academy? Why does he have a problem with this?
  • Do you agree with Young? Does he provide any useful insights into how language is used in the Academy? Do you see any limitations to his perspective? In other words, are there any gaps in his argument? Is there something important about this topic that his perspective does not allow us to see?


In assessing a writer’s uses and limits, we are essentially looking at the two things: First, we are looking at what their perspective allows us to see, allows us to get insight on. This is what is mean by “uses.” Second, we are looking at what their perspective leaves out, obscures, or fails to consider. This is what is meant by “limits.”


In your responses, please find specific places in Young’s essay that helps support your position. Point to specific locations in the text that helps your reader see that your reading of Young holds merit.


Please feel free to write your response below. This journal entry should be approximately one full page double spaced.


CJS 231 UOPX Social Learning Theory of Crime and Deviance Case Study Questions Law Assignment Help

PART1: Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

  • If deviance is behavior that violates social norms and societal rules, and criminality is behavior that breaks formal criminal laws, should deviant behavior be treated differently than criminal behavior in the criminal justice system?
  • Should there be different arrest, adjudication, and punishments for the different types of offenders? Support your rationale.
  • PART2: The field of criminology is comprehensive, so it is essential to know the importance and application of key terms associated with the field. In this assignment, you will research some common terms as well as discuss the role of research and theory.

    Part 1: Crime, Criminality, and Criminal Justice

    Complete the table.

    Term Definition Example
    Criminal justice
    Deviant behavior

    List your sources according to APA guidelines:Part 2: Research and TheoryNow that you understand some of the most common terms, it is time to share what you know about research and theories in criminology.Write a 175-word summary for each point in which you:

    • Explain what a theory is and the purpose of developing theories in criminal justice.
    • Describe the role research plays in theory building in criminology.
    • Explain how criminological research affects social policy.

    List your sources according to APA guidelines:


UOP Wk 1 General Quality Concepts and Theories in Business Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which you discuss the following items:

  • Discussion about quality concepts and theories for supply chain management.
  • Definition of process driven and customer driven quality and provide real-life examples.
  • Explanation of how different quality theories impact various industries, such as manufacturing and the service industries. Please provide examples.
  • Format your paper consistent with APA guideline
  • Course Textbook

    Foster, S. (2017). Managing quality: Integrating the supply chain (6th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall.Goetsch, D., & Davis, S. (2016). Quality management for organizational excellence: Introduction to total quality (8th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.


SAFE 4300 UMKC Confined Spaces Trench Collapse & Internal Combustion Engine Discussion Writing Assignment Help

1. If a facility has confined spaces, open trenches, or grain facilities, why is it necessary for all employees and not just those actually working in those areas to have an understanding of the hazards involved. What is a common scenario when there is an injury or death in these situations?

2. True or False: If someone is trapped in a trench collapse or in grain, their safety is assured if we can keep their head above the surface of the soil or grain.Why or why not____________________________?

3. True or False: Rescuers can “rapidly” get the victim out by tying a rope under their arms and lifting them out. ____________Why or why not?

4. An internal combustion engine is being used for pumping excess water out of a confined space well pit area. The engine has stopped. Is it ok to assume the engine is out of fuel and that it is safe to enter the area to refill it? ____________ Why or why not?

5. You are the safety officer for Tangy Citrus. The processing facility has 10 storage tanks for processed juice. Each tank has a one-million-gallon capacity. There are 75 employees at the facility. Ten of the workers have had the required permit-entry training for entering and working in confined spaces. Why is it necessary that some general training related to confined spaces be provided for the other 65 employees?

6. Confined space entry requires an OSHA ____________ process. This includes monitoring the ____________ conditions of the space.

7. As manager of WEARESAFE Farms Inc., you are in charge of employees who must enter a storage tank in the citrus processing plant portion of the corporation. The tank’s capacity is one million gallons. The tank has been emptied for needed maintenance, cleaning, and repairs.

8. Find the applicable OSHA Regulation from the OSHA website. Provide the Web address where it is located (you do not need to print the entire document).

9. Identify the steps that must be followed before entry is allowed into the tank.

10. Identify the hazards that exist in the tank.

there is a PowerPoint that may helps you to find the answers of the questions



Purdue University Social Work Practice with Children and Adolescents Essay Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a writing question and need guidance to help me study.

Good morning, I am needing assistance with my final project for Social Work Practice with Children and Adolescents. Can someone assist me? The paper has to be 6-8 pages. Thank you. Whoever can assist me, I can send the case study that is needed for this assignment. I am willing to pay for this assignment as well.

The Final Project is a descriptive narrative divided in two sections. Section One requires you to analyze a case study of a family in crisis, to include a child, an adolescent, and a set of parents. Section Two is a self-reflection of your abilities to be an effective clinician who works with children, adolescents, and families.

This Final Project is a 6- to 8-page paper and will be due Day 3 of Week 11. Include the following sections in your Final Project:

Section One:

Choose one of the three Case Studies focusing on a family in crisis. Each member of the family has unique issues that you must address. You must also determine the primary problems (this may include diagnostic impressions but not formal diagnoses), intervention, prevention, and education required to assist the family. In your project, do the following:

  • Identify the client and the presenting problem or symptoms. Briefly explain if anyone else is involved and how they contribute to the problem. Explain if anyone other than the “identified client” also could be identified as a client. If so, describe who and why.
  • Briefly describe any underlying problems or potential mental health diagnoses contributing to the primary problem that should be noted as you proceed with the client.
  • Briefly describe the presenting problem from the family’s perspective and what theoretical perspective you will use to assess, analyze, and develop a treatment plan for this case.
  • Identify the unique needs of each individual in the family.
  • Briefly describe the culture of the family, societal expectations, gender roles, and cultural norms. Briefly explain how each of these might contribute to the problem.
  • Briefly explain the child and adolescent culture and at least one general contributing factor to the identified issue and explain how this may or may not impact the family dynamics.
  • Describe one intervention you might use for the identified client that would address the presenting problem and any related psychosocial factors.
  • Justify your intervention with evidence-based research to support the use of the interventions you have identified.
  • Briefly describe one preventative technique that you might use to reduce the likelihood of further crisis or the perpetuation of the current crisis.

Section Two:

Reflect on your journal entries throughout the course and consider what you may have learned about yourself as a future clinician working with children, adolescents, and families. Explain any areas of strength you have identified by completing this course that will assist you in working with children, adolescents, and families.

  • Explain any areas of strength you identified as you worked on this course that will assist you in working with children, adolescents, and families.
  • Explain any areas of knowledge you might want to further develop to become more effective as a clinician working with children, adolescents, and families.
  • Explain any insights you had or conclusions you drew as you worked on this course regarding your interest in becoming a clinician that works with children and adolescents.

Although the Final Project is not to be submitted until Day 3 of Week 11, you should become familiar with the project requirements and have them in mind as you proceed through the course. Many of the Discussions and Assignments relate to and can be of use to your Final Project.

The Final Project will be evaluated according to all four indicators in the Final Project Rubric located in the Course Information area. Be sure that the Final Project is written using APA format.

Requirements: N/A

I need to attach the case study below you need for the paper. See the attachment.



NU Implications of Digital Forensic in Emails and Cellphones Question Computer Science Assignment Help

For this assignment, you must conduct a literature review regarding the forensic implications of new uses for email and mobile devices.

Your formal academic paper must contain the following:

  • Current literature review style and formatting as indicated by the NCU Academic Success Center
  • Content organized by ideas, rather than by authors
  • Forensic implications of new uses for email and mobile devices

Length: 6-10 page academic paper (excluding title and reference pages)

Resources: Cite a minimum of 10 scholarly resources

The completed assignment should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course and provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards.

NU Implications of Digital Forensic in Emails and Cellphones Question Computer Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Vershawn Young Uses & Limits Language Prejudice & History Influences Journal Entry Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a english writing question and need an explanation to help me study.

Read Young short story and form one page paper, Cite textual evidence to support your reasoning. You can refer back to Harris “Coming to terms” if you need a recap on definition of uses and limits.

Next, please write a journal response where you explore the uses and limits of Young’s perspective. You can use the following questions as guideposts in your inquiry:


  • What does Young’s perspective allow us to see about how we use language? How does our family history, social class, race and ethnicity, etc. affect the way we use language?
  • What is Young’s position on “standard English” in the Academy? Why does he have a problem with this?
  • Do you agree with Young? Does he provide any useful insights into how language is used in the Academy? Do you see any limitations to his perspective? In other words, are there any gaps in his argument? Is there something important about this topic that his perspective does not allow us to see?


In assessing a writer’s uses and limits, we are essentially looking at the two things: First, we are looking at what their perspective allows us to see, allows us to get insight on. This is what is mean by “uses.” Second, we are looking at what their perspective leaves out, obscures, or fails to consider. This is what is meant by “limits.”


In your responses, please find specific places in Young’s essay that helps support your position. Point to specific locations in the text that helps your reader see that your reading of Young holds merit.


Please feel free to write your response below. This journal entry should be approximately one full page double spaced.


CJS 231 UOPX Social Learning Theory of Crime and Deviance Case Study Questions Law Assignment Help

PART1: Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

  • If deviance is behavior that violates social norms and societal rules, and criminality is behavior that breaks formal criminal laws, should deviant behavior be treated differently than criminal behavior in the criminal justice system?
  • Should there be different arrest, adjudication, and punishments for the different types of offenders? Support your rationale.
  • PART2: The field of criminology is comprehensive, so it is essential to know the importance and application of key terms associated with the field. In this assignment, you will research some common terms as well as discuss the role of research and theory.

    Part 1: Crime, Criminality, and Criminal Justice

    Complete the table.

    Term Definition Example
    Criminal justice
    Deviant behavior

    List your sources according to APA guidelines:Part 2: Research and TheoryNow that you understand some of the most common terms, it is time to share what you know about research and theories in criminology.Write a 175-word summary for each point in which you:

    • Explain what a theory is and the purpose of developing theories in criminal justice.
    • Describe the role research plays in theory building in criminology.
    • Explain how criminological research affects social policy.

    List your sources according to APA guidelines:


UOP Wk 1 General Quality Concepts and Theories in Business Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which you discuss the following items:

  • Discussion about quality concepts and theories for supply chain management.
  • Definition of process driven and customer driven quality and provide real-life examples.
  • Explanation of how different quality theories impact various industries, such as manufacturing and the service industries. Please provide examples.
  • Format your paper consistent with APA guideline
  • Course Textbook

    Foster, S. (2017). Managing quality: Integrating the supply chain (6th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall.Goetsch, D., & Davis, S. (2016). Quality management for organizational excellence: Introduction to total quality (8th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.


SAFE 4300 UMKC Confined Spaces Trench Collapse & Internal Combustion Engine Discussion Writing Assignment Help

1. If a facility has confined spaces, open trenches, or grain facilities, why is it necessary for all employees and not just those actually working in those areas to have an understanding of the hazards involved. What is a common scenario when there is an injury or death in these situations?

2. True or False: If someone is trapped in a trench collapse or in grain, their safety is assured if we can keep their head above the surface of the soil or grain.Why or why not____________________________?

3. True or False: Rescuers can “rapidly” get the victim out by tying a rope under their arms and lifting them out. ____________Why or why not?

4. An internal combustion engine is being used for pumping excess water out of a confined space well pit area. The engine has stopped. Is it ok to assume the engine is out of fuel and that it is safe to enter the area to refill it? ____________ Why or why not?

5. You are the safety officer for Tangy Citrus. The processing facility has 10 storage tanks for processed juice. Each tank has a one-million-gallon capacity. There are 75 employees at the facility. Ten of the workers have had the required permit-entry training for entering and working in confined spaces. Why is it necessary that some general training related to confined spaces be provided for the other 65 employees?

6. Confined space entry requires an OSHA ____________ process. This includes monitoring the ____________ conditions of the space.

7. As manager of WEARESAFE Farms Inc., you are in charge of employees who must enter a storage tank in the citrus processing plant portion of the corporation. The tank’s capacity is one million gallons. The tank has been emptied for needed maintenance, cleaning, and repairs.

8. Find the applicable OSHA Regulation from the OSHA website. Provide the Web address where it is located (you do not need to print the entire document).

9. Identify the steps that must be followed before entry is allowed into the tank.

10. Identify the hazards that exist in the tank.

there is a PowerPoint that may helps you to find the answers of the questions


San Jose State University Machine Learning Questions Computer Science Assignment Help

San Jose State University Machine Learning Questions Computer Science Assignment Help

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