Santa Monica College Business Model and Amazon Exponential Growth Discussion Economics Assignment Help. Santa Monica College Business Model and Amazon Exponential Growth Discussion Economics Assignment Help.
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Hi i need you to write a response back basically making a commentary of about 300 words each on these students posts.
Peer 1 Today Amazon is a tech giant, a big leap from its humble beginnings as a retail store that sold books to a company that has set the bar for online retailing, all in less than 20 years. According to Jeff Bezos, Amazon is a customer-centric company. Amazon makes money as an intermediary, a switchboard model, connecting multiple sellers to buyers through its retail, subscriptions, and web services, among other channels. Thanks to Prime, Advertising, and AWS, Amazon has created a diversified business model. “Amazon operates with razor-thin profit margins and succeeds due to a combination of economies of scale, cost leadership strategies and innovation of various business processes, along with constant business diversification” (Dudovskiy, 2020). The company understands, though to continue to shift ahead of the competition, they must stay focused on what it stands for in the minds of consumers, “reliable logistics” (Greenspan, 2019). Amazon’s strategy is driven by its sources of competitive advantage, wherein it is focusing on, “technology, actualizing the benefits of economies of scale, and leveraging the efficiencies from the synergies between its external drivers and internal resources which have long been cornerstones of its business model” (Juneja, 2015). What made Amazon so compelling is the model for creating long-term value and regenerating that value for other components of the company. Consumers can price shop instantly and get merchandise fast. Sellers have access to untapped markets and can even decide whether to carry their inventory. Amazon has its fulfillment center that manages the lists for its seller channels. Accessible to market entry for new sellers wanting to start an online store to lower entry barriers. Developers and enterprises can rely on AWS cloud services even though Amazon makes almost 70% of its revenues through product sales. “The larger Amazon gets, the more it can invest in lower prices, logistics, and expanding its catalog, which in turn creates a virtuous cycle leading towards greater sales per customer…clearly showing customers the value, it can create” (Fox, 2015).
Amazon has an extensive pricing theory strategy, “tweaking millions of individual price changes per day, taking advantage of the psychology of price perception” (D’Onfro, 2015). This behind-the-scenes technology learns about consumer shopping behaviors and adapts in real-time, training consumers to associate lowest prices through Amazon over time, hoping to drive more traffic and more sales. The company’s generic corporate strategy can be described as concentric diversification. This means the company excels at leveraging technological capabilities for business success and follows a low-cost leadership strategy. The online shopping giant’s entertainment arm is quite a program. The entertainment acquisition strategy is to entice people to become Prime members, a goal which is bluntly summed up in this 2016 Jeff Bezos quote: “When we win a Golden Globe, it helps us sell more shoes.” Amazon sets up the future monetization of its streaming services by first using it as a “free” way to get people through the door and hooked on its perks” (Campbell, 2018). They see this as a perfect model of what will grow Amazon’s profitability into the future. TV and film customers renew their subscriptions at higher rates and are a see overall strong conversions than members who do not stream video on Prime” (Dastin, 2018). Amazon continues to create value in many ways, “further scaling its operations. This process provides a continuous ongoing cycle of value creation” (Fox, 2015).
peer 2 Costco is a grocery and retail giant, it was the world’s 10th largest retailer in 2017, and its clubs are worth 96% of their sales. (EuroMonitor 2018). The company is growing steadily yearly (6% in 2017, [EuroMonitor 2018]). However, Costco is up against two main challenges to continue building and providing value as defined in the SWOT analysis. Primarily, Costco has put itself in a risky position by being so heavily reliant and dependent on its North American locations (responsible for 86% of 2017 global retail sales, EuroMonitor 2018). They have not globalized as quickly as they should have to expand their brand on a global scale. It is not a wise strategy in the case of such a large company to be dependent on a single market. That being the case, Costco has been ramping up efforts to expand internationally in recent years, adding 7 new international warehouses in 2017 (EuroMonitor 2018). Costco has seen success in these new markets with a huge new membership sales jump at the opening of the new locations. Additionally, Costco is seeking to improve value by honing consumer trends and expanding its online presence to create speed and convenience for today’s shoppers. They recently introduced a 2-day delivery program as well as partnered with Instacart for same-day grocery delivery services. These services provide value for today’s younger consumers, who want to spend as little time at the store as possible. I believe that their corporate theory is undergoing some evolution currently with the rush to go global, but I do see how they created a “Web” of synergistic services. They have their retail warehouses at the center and their webs expand out into; gasoline, pharmacy, auto, food court, big-box products, travel incentives, etc. They have captured immense market share in North America with this theory, now it is time to amend it for multiple international markets.
Santa Monica College Business Model and Amazon Exponential Growth Discussion Economics Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Dallas College Jean Paul Sartre Literature Essay Writing Assignment Help
300 words:
This is just a journal assignment. I already chose the short story that I will write in my next essay. Now it is time to begin conducting research.
For this journal assignment, you will create a brief annotated bibliography. What is an annotated bibliography you ask?
An annotated bibliography is a list of citations to books, articles, and documents. Each citation is followed by a brief (usually about 150 words) descriptive and evaluative paragraph, the annotation. The purpose of the annotation is to inform the reader of the relevance, accuracy, and quality of the sources cited. (Cornell Library Guides)
Locate at least four secondary sources (sources other than the story itself) that you intend to use in your upcoming essay, prepare an MLA citation for each and then annotate each entry by explaining how the source is relevant to your essay. Your research should be guided by the type of analysis you plan to conduct for the essay (i.e. biographical, historical, psychological, etc.).
A sample MLA annotated bibliography can be found here:
LU Amazon Opening up Full Size Cashier Less Grocery Store in California Essay Writing Assignment Help
For your investigative report, you will be addressing a topic based on your beat. This long-form article will be investigative, which means that you will present a claim (a conclusion) regarding all of the material you have read, viewed or listened to which pertains to the story for your beat.
My beat is focusing on Amazon opening up their first full-size grocery store in California (cashier-less).
Once hypothesizing that this store will be a success, supporting details may include that their technology will outdo itself and also Amazon previously opening up a grocery store (Grab and Go).
MUST be 4 pages, single-spaced. ALSO an outline for this article is required.
Directions are attached below.
San Diego State University Concept of Culture in Agriculture Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
Please respond to the following questions in a post of no fewer than 150 words. Tate Walker highlights two projects that are “trying to put the culture back in agriculture” (1084). What does that statement mean and what is its underlying concept abut culture? How well does Walker explain that concept? What examples, facts, or other types of evidence does Walker use to illustrate this important point?
TATÉ WALKER (they/them) is a Lakota (Cheyenne River Sioux, South Dakota) writer, photographer/videographer, and indigenous rights activist living in Phoenix. This article was published in 2015 in Native Peoples: The Journal of the Heard Museum. The Heard is an art museum in Phoenix founded in 1929 and dedicated to advancing American Indian art.
IN THE MIDST of Colorado Springs’ urban sprawl, Monycka Snowbird (Ojibwe) raises fowl, goats, rabbits, and indigenous plants to feed and make household products for her family and neighbors.
About 650 miles north in a sprawling rural landscape on the Cheyenne River reservation in South Dakota, Karen Ducheneaux (Lakota) and her
tiospaye1 are slowly building a series of ecodomes and straw bale
buildings powered by solar, wind, and water in an effort to disconnect from pollutants of mind, body, and earth.
The two women represent a growing number of Native people and organizations in the United States both on and off tribal land committed to leading clean, sustainable, and culturally competent lives.
The efforts of individuals like these women, in addition to the prevalence of companies specializing in mainstreaming indigenous foods and non-profits committed to building energy efficient and sustainable housing in tribal communities, highlight the popularity and return of such lifestyles.
Monycka Snowbird works in the yard.
Tiospaye. Walker doesn’t define it, but context clues help you understand. Using a word or phrase from an additional language can be an effective choice; check out pp. 685–93 to find out more.
“Our people had this tiospaye system, where you really made a life with the people you felt close to, and had skills that complemented each other,” says Ducheneaux. “We’ve spent generations at this point getting away from that beautiful system, and we’re taught the only way to be
successful is to follow the American dream, which is one of autonomy and being paid for your skills.”
The American dream, Ducheneaux says, doesn’t work on the reservation.
“It’s not in our nature to turn our back on people who need us,” she continues. “Our people without even realizing it sometimes are still living in a tiospaye system, because any success we’ve had as a people—success in material wealth—is because we can depend on each other.”
Studies show food stability, affordability, and access is severely limited for Native communities. According to a report from the USDA’s Economic Research Service released in December, just 25.6 percent of all tribal areas were within a mile’s distance from a supermarket, compared with 58.8 percent of the total U.S. population.
The latest USDA data also shows 23.5 million people nationwide live in a food desert—that is to say, their access to a grocery store and healthy, affordable food is limited—and more than half of those people are low income. Many tribal communities and urban areas with high populations of Native people are considered food deserts.
Given the staggering rates of poverty, diseases like diabetes, and unemployment for Natives nationwide—higher for those living on reservations—both Snowbird and Ducheneaux point to the many economic and health benefits of individuals creating their own energies, whether it’s food, fuel and power, or social capital.
Returning to traditional roots in a literal sense is also what drives Snowbird, who has lived in Colorado Springs for more than 20 years. “We as indigenous people have gotten farther away from our traditional food sources than anyone else in this country, and I think that’s why we have this sort of swelling epidemic of diabetes and obesity in Indian Country, because we’re losing the knowledge of our traditional foods,” says Snowbird, 40.
Some 440,000 people live in the Colorado Springs area, and Snowbird works with both Native and non-Native organizations throughout her region to educate and promote the benefits of urban food production, known in some places as backyard or micro farming. She leads
educational classes for children and adults, including seed cultivation, plant recognition, harvesting, livestock butchering, and more.
“You can’t be sovereign if you can’t feed yourself,” says Snowbird, borrowing a line from Winona LaDuke (Anishinaabe), an environmental activist and founder of Honor the Earth. “One of the ways colonizers controlled Indian people was to take our food sources away. Let’s reclaim our food.
“We have to teach our kids it’s not just about preserving our cultures and language; it’s about restorative stewardship and about knowing where food comes from, who tribally it comes from,” Snowbird says. “Indigenous food is medicine. And food brings everyone together.” . . .
Snowbird learned to appreciate indigenous food systems from her father, who hunted wild game and imparted an appreciation for knowing where your dinner comes from and how to prepare it beyond simply opening a box and heating up the contents.
But being known throughout Colorado Springs as “the Goat Lady” and earning a reputation as a knowledgeable indigenous educator didn’t happen until a few years ago, when Snowbird spearheaded a city-wide movement to change and educate people on the local laws of urban food production.
Now Snowbird manages the Colorado Springs Urban Homesteading support group, which boasts roughly 1,200 members. Through that group, Snowbird leads several classes per season on animal husbandry, butchering, and more with her fiery brand of wit and know- how.
Perhaps closer to her heart, however, are the lessons she imparts to the city’s urban Native youth. Colorado Springs School District 11, in which Snowbird’s two daughters, ages 11 and 13, are enrolled, has the only Title VII Indian Education Program in the city.
“I talk to Title VII kids about what indigenous food is—that it’s not just buffalo or corn,” she explains. “I try to break it down for them in terms of what they ate at lunch that day, even if it was junk food.”
Thanks in large part to Snowbird’s efforts, the program has several garden beds and a greenhouse growing traditional Native edibles, including Apache brown-striped sunflower seeds, . . . Pueblo chiles, and more.
“I come in sometimes and kids are bouncing off all the walls,” Snowbird says. “But the moment you get their hands in the dirt, it’s like all that contact with the earth just calms them.”
The children also learn to grow, harvest and cook with chokecherries, prickly pears, beans, and other local vegetation.
“Starting the kids off with food lets us also discuss Indian issues without putting people on the defensive,” Snowbird explains. “It’s hard to get mad when you’re talking about food.”
Re-introducing and re-popularizing indigenous foods and traditional cooking, especially among Native youth, will help strengthen Native people and the communities they live in, Snowbird insists.
Snowbird admits maintaining a lifestyle committed to food sovereignty can be hard on her tight budget. However, she says it helps her save and earn money in the long run. Snowbird is able to collect, grow, use and sell or barter with the milk, eggs, meat, vegetables, cleaning and toiletry items, and other useful goods produced on her property.
“I’m not completely self-sufficient by any means. But urban homesteading . . . is about as traditional as you can get,” she insists. “It’s living off the land within the radius of where you live and knowing the Creator has put what you need right where you are.” . . .
For outsiders following along on Facebook as Ducheneaux and her family transition to living efficiently and sustainably, the process of building an ecodome and maintaining a traditional garden may have seemed as easy as digging a hole.
Except that the hole in question—12 feet across and 4 to 6 feet deep in which the ecodome sits—took three months to dig out back in 2012, thanks to heavy rains and a landscape of gumbo.
“It was so much work,” Ducheneaux recalls. “We had to move the gumbo out one wheelbarrow at a time
Weaving textiles and harvesting corn, two ways Snowbird practices sustainability.
But the effort, shared by about seven members of Ducheneaux’s tiospaye—including her mom, siblings, and their spouses, as well as volunteers—has been well worth it.
On 10 acres of family land on the Cheyenne River reservation, Ducheneaux and her family are creating the Tatanka Wakpala Model Sustainable Community. The family has funded the project with help from Honor the Earth and Bread of Life Church . . .
The shell of the small, ecodome home—which the family learned to build via video and trial-by-error—is complete, and a garden featuring plants indigenous to the area produces hundreds of pounds of produce each year.
Considering hers is a reservation located within counties consistently listed as some of the poorest in the nation, and recognizing the tribe suffers from insufficient and inefficient housing where utility bills can reach into the high hundreds or more during the winter months, Ducheneaux hopes her family’s model sparks a trend for other tribal members.
“We really believe that even people who aren’t eco-friendly will be inspired by our use of wind and solar energy. We put up our own electric system and we’ll never have to pay another utility bill,” Ducheneaux says.
“We were waiting for the blueprint to drop in our laps. Then we realized no one was going to do it for us, so we said we’d do it ourselves. We’ll make mistakes and figure it out.”. . .
“What we have going on out there is a desire to be more self-sufficient. When we sat around talking about this, we asked ourselves, ‘What do we need?’” Ducheneaux explains. “We needed to start feeding ourselves and taking responsibility for our own food needs. . . . Not just growing food and raising animals, but going back to our Lakota traditions and treating the Earth respectfully by using what it gives us.” . ..
Living in an urban or reservation setting provides those who want to live sustainably unique challenges, both Snowbird and Ducheneaux say.
“One of the challenges is being so far away from everything,” Ducheneaux says of rural reservation life. “For a lot of our volunteers, it’s eye-opening for them that the hardware store is a one-hour trip just in one direction.”
Planning far ahead is key, Ducheneaux says.
Infrastructure, including a severe lack of Internet connectivity, weather, and a disinterested tribal government can also be setbacks, although Ducheneaux notes the latter can benefit sustainability projects due to few, if any, restrictions on things like harvesting rainwater or land use.
For urban Natives, being disconnected from tribal knowledge—for instance, the indigenous names and uses of plants—is a major disadvantage, Snowbird said.
When someone in the community comes forward with that knowledge, it’s often exploited for profit, and the people who would benefit most— namely Native youth—are left out.
“I always find it surprising how removed from the whole food process people are; they don’t know or care where their food comes from,” says Snowbird, who harvests edibles on hikes through the mountains or on strolls through downtown. She tries to combat this by giving eggs and
other food produced on her property to those who wouldn’t—or couldn’t —normally buy organic in a supermarket.
“Pretty soon those people are asking me for more eggs and then we’re talking about how they can get started with chickens in their backyard or growing herbs on their window sills,” Snowbird says, adding those conversations eventually lead to discussions on indigenous issues, regardless of whether the person is Native or not. “We’re trying to put the culture back in agriculture.
Friends University Sports Marketing and Communications Paper Business Finance Assignment Help
Refer to the following market segments to complete the assignment:
- Family of 4
- Retired Couple
- Someone who works weekends
- College Student
Part 1: Imagine you’re tasked with selling ticket packages for a particular baseball team. For each market segment, develop a range (minimum 2) of ticket packages that would appeal to the buyers in that segment.
Part 2: For each ticket package, detail why the package is appealing for those in the segment.
Part 3: For each market segment, briefly detail one advertising method you could use to market the ticket packages to reach each segment.
Please refer to 2 segments. College student nd family of 4.
At least 750 words.
Saudi Electronic University Financial Management for Healthcare Discussion Economics Assignment Help
Q1. Why might an organization enter a leasing arrangement? Based on a hypothetical example or a situation explain in detail (Based on Chapter 8 – Capital Financing for Healthcare providers) ( 3 Marks)
Q2. Briefly describe what happens to each of the following as volume increases. Assume all values stay within their relevant range.(Based on Chapter 9 – Using Cost Information to make special decisions)
(2 Marks)
a. Total fixed cost?
b. Total variable cost?
c. Fixed cos-t per unit?
d . Variable cost per unit?
pleases write answer in the doc achament
Saudi Electronic University Financial Management for Healthcare Discussion Economics Assignment Help[supanova_question]
ENG 120 GC Single Use Plastic Rhetorical Analysis of The Times Editorial Board Essay Writing Assignment Help
To begin this assignment, compose your Essay 4 by addressing the following requirements:
Read the essay (article) Los Angeles Times and respond to the following
- Is the essay well or poorly written.
- use a hook strategy
- Thesis Statement: Identify the author and essay title and claim that it is an effective or ineffective essay.
- Offer material from the chosen essay in analysis to best prove claims.
- Offer clear, fully-developed body paragraphs, making sure that the analysis is compelling.
- Use the essay that you are analyzing as evidence for your claims.
- When doing Rhetorical Analysis, you must include analysis of thesis, evidence, and opposition.
- Make use of transition terms.
- Ensure that all borrowed material, quotes and summaries, from the source essays or outside sources is parenthetically cited to avoid plagiarism.
- Offer bibliographic citations for any material you choose to use (it is not required that you use any) in the Works Cited at the end of the paper.
- Write 800+ words.
PSY 400 San Diego State University Wk 5 Altruism Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
In this assignment, you will apply the terms associated with altruism to a current event.
Locate a news article describing an act of altruism.
Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you analyze the act of altruism.
Explain the act in terms of social exchange, social responsibility, and reciprocity theory.
Apply one of the concepts of social psychology (such as group influence, persuasion, cognitive dissonance, or self in the social world) to the act of altruism,
Cite a minimum of 2 scholarly references.
Format your paper according to APA guidelines.
Note: When approaching Learning Team assignments, equal group work is required. Reference your Learning Team Charter for the details and guidance.
Here is the article…
MGT 521 Saudi Electronic University Du Telecom Project Management Paper Business Finance Assignment Help
Comprehensive Change Management Process (130 points)
The final critical thinking assignment for this course requires a comprehensive Change Management Process, including its origination and implementation. To complete this project, address the following:
- Choose a Middle Eastern organization in which you are currently working, or with which you are familiar. Provide a brief description of the organization, including its history, number of employees, products/services, mission/vision, strategies, etc.
- Discuss the problem or issue confronting the organization. Why is there a need to change (e.g., falling profits, low morale, challenges recruiting talented employees, etc.)?
- Assess the principle reasons for the organization’s problem or issue. What is the root cause and what are other causes of the problem/issue?
- Identify the intended change you propose for the organization. Detail the reasons for the change, including any research you conducted that led you to this recommendation (for instance, similar organizations in a similar situation followed this strategy, or studies indicated this was the preferred solution for other organizations in a similar situation).
- Identify a plan to implement the change. Be clear about the steps or processes that you propose to implement this change, including any resources which may be needed throughout the process.
- Identify the measurement/control mechanisms you would utilize to determine if the change management process is working effectively. Also, include any contingency plans you would propose if/when the plan is not implemented as intended.
- Finally, offer a brief statement about what you learned from completing this project and how your research in this course has affected your perspective/perception of change.
Your well-written paper should meet the following requirements:
- Be 6-8 pages in length, which does not include the title page and reference pages, which are never a part of the content minimum requirements.
- Use an academic writing standards and APA style guidelines.
- Support your submission with course material concepts, principles, and theories from the textbook and at least four scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles.
- It is strongly encouraged that you submit all assignments into the Turnitin Originality Check prior to submitting it to your instructor for grading. If you are unsure how to submit an assignment into the Originality Check tool, review the Turnitin Originality Check – Student Guide for step-by-step instructions.
- Review the grading rubric to see how you will be graded for this assignment.
- Chapter 9 in Organizational Change: An Action-Oriented Toolkit
- Brenkert, G. G. (2019). Mind the gap! The challenges and limits of (global) business ethics. Journal of Business Ethics, 155(4), 917–930.
- McAteer, P. (2019). With sustainability comes change. TD: Talent Development, 73(8), 42.
- Chapter 9 PowerPoint slides in Organizational Change: An Action-Oriented Toolkit
Course Materials
Cawsey, T. F., Deszca, G., & Ingols, C. (2020). Organizational change: An action-oriented toolkit (4th ed.).
Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publishing. ISBN-13: 9781544351407 <<<<<< incloude it in the references paper
POL 201 Ashford University Week 2 Trafficking and Violence Protection Act Paper Writing Assignment Help
Building on your assignment from Week 2, this week you will expand on your topic and develop a thesis statement and an outline for your Final Paper.
Prepare: This is the second step in writing your Final Paper, so please be sure to re-review the POL201 Assignment Guide and the POL201 Final Paper template within the online classroom. Reflect on the policy topic that you determined last week and review your instructor’s comments and feedback regarding the policy and preliminary research. Review the research articles you found last week and determine what other aspects of the policy still need to be discussed and supported.
Reflect: Reflecting on your policy and your previous research, think about how to best structure your thesis (the argument) that you are supporting within this assignment. For this assignment, you will establish your thesis and then outline your paper with your supporting resources. You will utilize your four references from last week and add at least two additional references this week, for a total of six sources for this week’s assignment. At least four of these resources should be from the Ashford University Library. The following resources will help you to use the library effectively to find resources for your assignment:
For guidance on using library databases to locate scholarly, peer-reviewed articles click on Help! Need Article (Links to an external site.) and then click the “How Do I Search for Articles” button from the menu.
For guidance on identifying the types of sources you can use for academic research, watch this interactive tutorial on Evaluating Sources (Links to an external site.). Continue the research process and find sources that support your ideas and that can be integrated into your paper effectively. The POL201 Research Guide (Links to an external site.)is designed to help you find sources for your paper. Be sure you make use of this librarian-created resource for your assignment.
The Scholarly, Peer-Reviewed and Other Credible Sources (Links to an external site.) table offers additional guidance on appropriate source types. If you have questions about whether a specific source is appropriate for this assignment, please contact your instructor. Be sure that the sources you are utilizing to support your ideas are valid, reliable, and not overly bias. For more information on identifying information bias, watch this interactive tutorial on Subjective and Objective Statements (Links to an external site.).
Write: You will establish and develop a strong thesis for your Final Paper. The thesis (see Writing a Thesis Statement (Links to an external site.)) will serve as the backbone of your Final Paper and should showcase in one complete statement what your policy is, why it is important, and how it relates to policymaking and government program administration within the American national government.
Once you have established your thesis, you will then outline (see Outlining (Links to an external site.)) your Final Paper utilizing outline format. When utilizing an outline, be sure to include the elements from the Week 2 assignment and remember to use headings and subheadings. All sentences within your outline should be complete and should help to support your ideas.
To complete the assignment, save the Week 3 Outline Worksheet to your computer, fill it out, and submit it via Waypoint. Within the worksheet, you will state your thesis statement, provide an outline of your paper, and integrate the four sources from your annotated bibliography, plus two more sources, into your outline to showcase how these resources support your ideas. Provide a full APA references list with a minimum of six sources. Please be sure to utilize outline format and to support all statements with scholarly research. All references should be listed in full APA format and cited appropriately.