Santa Monica College Tiffany & Co History And Company Overview Final Report Business Finance Assignment Help. Santa Monica College Tiffany & Co History And Company Overview Final Report Business Finance Assignment Help.
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Complete the following three sections of your Final Report. Remember, each section starts a new page; paraphrase, don’t copy; do you research well and make sure you take a look at enough resources to do it well.
Here are the three sections:
Company History– 2 Pages
Focus on the founding, 3-5 defining events in the company’s history and end with details about the company today.FINAL UPDATED SPRING 2020 Final Report-1.docx
Company Overview-1.5 page
A brief description of the company. What does the company do? How do they make money? What industry are they in? Where is it located? Where and who are their customers?
Write this section as if you are describing your company to someone who is not familiar with it.
Key Product Lines and Competition– 2 Pages
Focus on the most important product lines and competitors. Do not include long lists but include details on the main 2-5 product lines and competitors.
Santa Monica College Tiffany & Co History And Company Overview Final Report Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
George Washington University W 3 Environment Sustainability Presentation Humanities Assignment Help
It is up to you to choose a topic of your preference from the designated week. In order to find a topic, first browse through the readings based on your assigned week. Then choose a topic you would like to conduct research and post your topic on Google docs to minimize overlap with others.
The assignment involves the following steps:
- Choose a topic from Week 3 (examine urbanization, population, environment, and gender.)
- Read about the topic from Week 3’s readings
- Find a news article that speaks to that topic from reputable news sources (i.e. Washington Post, New York Times, BBC, NPR, Newsweek, Time, etc.). This can be done by reading the news or by searching the topic on Google and finding the most current news about it (preferably no more than one or two months old).
Create PPT slides containing the following:
- Topic title and introduction of the topic (slide 1)
- Key information about the topic from the readings (with proper citations) (slides 2-3)
- Summary presentation of the topic from the news source (with proper citations) (slides 4-5)
- Conclusion and references (slides 6-7)
- Upload the Current News PPT presentation to the Discussion Board
- Basic PPT Slides uploaded to the Current News Discussion Board (4%)
- A Three-Minute Kaltura Video of Current News PPT Presentation (like the mini-lecture) (extra 1%)
Comment/Feedback: Due Date: 7/26, Sunday 11:59 PM EST
- Students with last names K through O should view at least one presentation and provide comment/feedback about what you have learned and appreciated about the PPT presentation. The response should be minimum 200 words.
Criteria |
Novice |
Competent |
Proficient |
Engages the class readings to present the topic |
0 to 0.6 points Little to no engagement of the readings in the PPT presentation |
0.7 to 1.3 points Fairly good engagement of the readings in the PPT presentation |
1.4 to 2 points Strong and elaborate engagement of the readings in the PPT presentation |
Draws on relevant news source to examine and present the topic |
0 to 0.6 points Little to no relevant news source for examining and presenting the topic |
0.7 to 1.3 points Fairly good use of relevant news source for examining and presenting the topic |
1.4 to 2 points Strong and elaborate use of the news source for examining and presenting the topic |
Aesthetically pleasing slides with proper citations |
0 to 0.6 points Little to no effort to present aesthetically pleasing slides with proper citations |
0.7 to 1.3 points Fairly good effort to present aesthetically pleasing slides with proper citations |
1.4 to 2 points Strong and elaborate effort to present aesthetically pleasing slides with proper citations |
Week 2 Bonds and Stock Allocation for Investments Discussion & Responses Business Finance Assignment Help
In the Week 2 folder, you will see a content item labeled “Vanguard”, with a short description of the firm and a weblink (Links to an external site.) to an investor’s questionnaire. For this discussion assignment, you are asked to complete this questionnaire. There is no obligation nor are you required to divulge any personal information.
First, if you have any investments, write down the approximate allocation between short-term reserves (cash, savings account), stocks, and bonds. If you have yet to start any investments, write down what you believe you would have had you started investments in these markets.
Answer the questionnaire to the best of your ability and from your current perspective as investor. Meaning, if you do not yet have any investments, answer the question based on your current knowledge and thoughts about investing. The last question asks about your current allocation. Again, if you have no investments, leave this item as is (100% in short-term reserves).
For this discussion post, prepare a narrative that addresses each of these questions:
- What is your suggested allocation across the 3 classes (short-term reserves, stocks, bonds)?
- What does this allocation indicate to you in terms of your risk profile and why?
- How does this allocation compare to your current, or theoretical allocation?
- What limitations of this survey are apparent to you? Are there any limitations?
- If you were advising a client who has requested your investment expertise, would you utilize a survey such as this one? Why? If not, why?
- As a follow up to #5, assume you would use the survey to help the client. What other information would be valuable to provide the best guidance to the client?
Cuyamaca College Rationalism and Empiricism Comparative Essay Humanities Assignment Help
Having reviewed the content in this unit, students will make an online submission of their response to one of the assignment questions below. The purpose of this assignment is to assess your familiarity with the central ideas from the Age of Reason.
- See the Rubric for the number of points to earn on this assignment.
- Check below to find the Rubric and see how your response is to be evaluated.
- Click the Blue Submit button to begin your essay in the box. When done, Click save at the bottom.
- If you are doing a file upload, use (pdf, doc, docx) .
- If you are using a Mac, export pages to a PDF file and then click the blue submit assignment button.
- The assignment is to be 2-3 pages in length (approx. 1300 words or 125 lines) using standard 12″ font size with 1.5 spacing.
- You may use bullet lists sparingly for only part of your essay. Any late assignments will receive partial credit and must be turned in before advancing to the next week.
- If you have any problems with submission call the student help line in Canvas from the global menu on the bottom left.
Assignment Questions
In this comparison/contrast essay, choose one to the following questions to answer. Place one of the bold titles at the top of your essay. The prompts under each question are intended to guide your response. Use examples from the text readings or summaries in the content section of the modules to support your points.
Descartes & Hume
- compare & contrast them on some of the following;
- What is Descartes aim in the Meditations and how does this differ for Hume?
- What does each say about the origin and types of our ideas?
- In Descartes consider the difference between Innate, Acquired, and Produced).
- In Hume consider the distinction between impressions & ideas.
- What does Hume mean by the Association of Ideas ( Resemblance, Contiguity , Cause & Effect)
- Descartes employs radical doubt, Hume claims to be using experimental method. What is the difference between these two approaches.
- What serves as Descartes criteria for suspension of ideas, how does Hume employ the Empirical Criterion of meaning for a similar suspension?
- Explain the theory of Representation used by both and how it impacts what we can know?
- How do they distinguish reason from experience, and give examples showing how & why this is important for both thinkers?
- In the second Meditation Descartes arrives at his foundational principle or the cogito, compare this to Hume’s view of the Disappearing Self?
- Consider Descartes causal proof for the existence of God in Meditation 3 or his ontological proof in Mediation 5? What kind of criticism would Hume give to the causal or ontological proof, and how would this involve Hume’s distinction between a relation of ideas and matters of fact?
- Compare Descartes and Hume concerning our knowledge of the external world.
- Explain Hume’s view of causation and his critique of necessary connection? How does this challenge Descartes whole philosophical program that relies and certain causal assumptions?
- Compare & contrast Descartes to Hume regarding their views of human freedom
- How do the Rationalist and Empiricist approach to knowledge differ?
- You must give clear examples from their works.
- What are some of the key terms associated with the rationalist & empiricists tradition.
- for rationalist consider; a priori, innate ideas, coherence, necessity
- for empiricist consider; a posteriori, sensation, correspondence, contingency
- Choose two of the following to discuss: The Self, the External World, and God?
George Mason University Iron Man 2008 Analytical Commentary Presentation Humanities Assignment Help
Your first presentation is on a Disney or superhero movie and/or book of your choice. Your presentation should include ONLY 5 slides with images from the movie and/or book that illustrate the points that you are making.
Slide 1.) establish the general information about the movie and/or book that you are analyzing. Give the publication information, including years of release and major creators (authors, illustrators, screenwriters, and/or directors).
Slide 2.) provide a focused analytical commentary on what is “superheroic” about this movie and/or book, using the definitions we established in class. You will want to include at least one specific example. As a reminder, in class we said that a superheroic character exhibits charisma, personality, emotionality, courage, bravery, selflessness, a moral code, an interest in growing/learning/transformation, ambition, perserverance in the face of hardship, and a commitment to using their special gifts and abilities. We said that an author/creator who is superheroic: innovates, invents, inspires, influences, has imagination, and is introspective (i.e. sees the complexity in humanity and presents it in their characters and stories).
Slide 3.) analyze the movie and/or book by applying any of the five approaches to literary study that are especially relevant (Disability Studies, Gender Studies, Race/Ethnicity/Diversity Studies, Class/Social Rank Studies, Socio-political). You will want to include at least two examples. Here you should about his alcoholism.
Slide 4.) if you are presenting on a film, include a VERY BRIEF movie clip (one minute or less) to serve as an example of one of the points you make in #2 or #3.
Slide 5.) a page indictating Works Cited and Works Consulted
Important: Since this presentation involves research in the form of gathering information about everything from comic book characters’ stories to historical events, your PowerPoint presentation must include complete citations formatted according to MLA guidelines for any and every source that provides you with any information that you don’t know going into the research—any historical information whether or not you think it’s “common knowledge,” any information that you even summarize—and you must make sure that any words that you quote directly from your sources are in quotation marks, even if you’re just directly quoting a phrase. Your final slide should be a “Works Cited” PowerPoint slide, and your other slides should include in-text citations and attributive tags to indicate exactly what information you are taking from your sources, per MLA rules. Marymount University defines the failure to cite sources—whether in a typed research paper or in another format, such as a PowerPoint presentation—as an academic integrity violation. So what this means is that you need to keep track of where you’re getting your information while you are in the process of collection information, whether your sources are in a DVD extra feature, a Wikipedia page, or a scholarly article.
Fundação Getúlio Vargas Levels of Communication Essay Business Finance Assignment Help
Analysis Report: you will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of discussing or presenting COVID-19 in different communication contexts.
You will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of discussing or presenting COVID-19 in different communication contexts. First, look at the situation as if you were having a conversation with someone one-on-one (interpersonal comm), next, think about how it might play out within a group of 3-8 people (group comm), then from one person as the sender to a whole crowd (public), and lastly, an organization to a wide audience (mass comm). In this paper, you should be analyzing each part and talk about how you would handle the situation similarly or differently given the form of communication. Identify which one would be easiest for you and explain why, then which one would be the hardest. You could also find real-world examples where different forms are being played out and practice identifying and analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of their communication.
- Your paper should have the following
- Introduction paragraph that previews the paper, discuss the paper, and introduce the topic.
- In your own words, define what each form of communication before using it to analyze a situation.
- When introducing or discussing each form of communication, please bold the key term and when you mention examples or instances at the end of the sentence bold and put the form in parentheses (see below.)
- Dedicate a portion of your paper to analyzing the different forms of communication (interpersonal, group, public, and mass) and how they would play out using the same topic (i.e. A conversation with your sibling about the BLM movement (interpersonal) versus discussing the BLM movement with your family (group), etc.)
- Discuss both advantages and disadvantage to each of those situations and explain why.
- Find examples where these forms of communication are being used in regard to your subject and whether or not it’s effective.
- A conclusion to wrap it up and summarize.
- Your paper should use at least 1 source cited both within the paper and in a citation page at the end. Only APA or MLA citations for this paper.
Fundação Getúlio Vargas Levels of Communication Essay Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
CD 131 Reasons for Attending the Open House Flyer & Family Welcome Plan Paper Writing Assignment Help
You will be holding an orientation to your center and want as many families as possible to attend. Last year you used this flyer, and not many families attended. Please re-create the flyer so it meets more of the needs of the children and families you are serving. Your center has 4 different languages spoken (Spanish, Farsi, Arabic and Vietnamese), more than half of your families receive free or reduced lunch, and children who either live with their grandparents or their parents work full- time jobs.
At your meeting, you want to obtain information about the families. You will also need to create a questionnaire to handout to families that will give you some information about the families. You will be able to decide what information you would feel would be most beneficial to you.
For this assignment, you will need to turn in the following:
- Revised flyer
- A questionnaire that can be given to families
Assignment should be submitted to Canvas
George Mason UniversityTypes of Cyber Attacks Presentation Computer Science Assignment Help
During this course, we discussed three prominent cyberattack case studies as they relate to the United Nations (UN) Charter Article 2(4), Floridi’s Philosophy of Information, and the Tallinn Manual 2.0. For this assignment, please write a paper to the UN Secretary General on behalf of the country you previously selected.
1. Summarize the three types of cyberattacks we discussed in this course ( DDos, Malware, Interference)
2. Explain how each of the three types of cyberattacks pose potential threats and risks to your selected country
3. Recommend updates and revisions to the UN Charter Article 2(4) to protect your selected country and the international community
4. Short Presentation of the Paper
1. 1000 words excluding title page and reference page
2. Use at least five (5) peer-reviewed sources
3. Use proper APA style to include format, references, and citations
Saving Private Ryan by Steven Spielberg Movie Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
Please watch two of the films listed below. If any film presentations by students are scheduled for this week, you must watch one of the films that is scheduled for a presentation. The other film is your choice. If no film presentations are scheduled for this week, you can choose to watch any two of these films.
Glory (2:02:00)
This heroic story commemorates the sacrifices of the first all-black battalion to fight in the Civil War – who were, nevertheless, led by a white man, Robert Gould Shaw. Based on a true story, Shaw and the men of his unit face prejudice from both Union and Confederate forces, but come together to prove themselves and to fight for the ideal of freedom.
Saving Private Ryan (2:49:00)
This too is based on a true story. It’s one of Spielberg’s greatest achievements: a cinematographic masterpiece that will overwhelm you with its power from its first frames. It’s both brutal and incredibly moving, epic and highly personal. It emphasizes the bravery and immense sacrifices of those who served, as well as the massive carnage and its randomness.
Apocalypse Now (2:27:00)
Frances Ford Coppola’s homage to Joseph Conrad’s 19th-century novel Heart of Darkness, this film is set during the Vietnam War with its guerrilla warfare, jungle-like terrain, and lack of military strategy. As in Heart of Darkness, the Westerners/white men unleash their racial prejudices and false sense of moral superiority on the native population. As to plot, Martin Sheen—who thoroughly becomes Captain Willard—is sent on a deadly journey into Cambodia “to assassinate a renegade Colonel who has set himself up as a god among a local tribe” (IMDB). Marlon Brando, in what is basically a cameo, plays Colonel Walter E. Kurtz. This movie mines the psychological depths of the ravages of war, while also commenting on the politics that put us there.
The Hurt Locker (2:11:00)
Kathryn Bigelow’s gritty, documentary-style portrayal of the Iraqi war through the lens of a bomb squad and its new sergeant who doesn’t play by the rules, won six Oscars including Best Picture and Best Director. The film shows the precarious nature of occupation and the incredible anxieties that both soldiers and citizens felt towards each other in this hostile, always volatile environment where the enemy was never easily identified and was often as much within as without.
Discussion: Examine one scene in any of this week’s films in regards to the editing choices made. Is there a lot of rapid cutting from one thing to another? A number of long takes? Cutting between time frames? Cutting between spaces/locations? Cutting between kinds of shots? Be specific and analyze how these cuts affect our experience of the war we are witnessing.
Journal: Choose one of this week’s films.* How would you describe this film’s examination of the war it represents? Realistic? Abstract? Ironic? Detached? Humorous? Brutal? All of these are complex films, so the answer is probably some combination of the aforementioned–and more. Given this, what seems to be this film’s attitude toward this war, and the people who fought it? As always, choose at least two scenes to use as supporting examples for your argument. Screen shot each of them. Be specific in your analysis, and do not summarize.
Univeristy of Phoenix Play Othello by William Shakespeare Bibliography and Essay Humanities Assignment Help
Othello, Essay Questions:
- Examine the role of jealousy, love, and/or betrayal in the play. Choose ONE. 1a) role of jealousy/sexual jealousy; 1b) role of love; 1c) role of betrayal
- Examine the character and motivation of Iago. Why does he hate Othello so much?
- Some have said that the focus of Othello is not the title character. Is Othello simply too one-dimensional to be considered a great tragic hero? Does his seemingly unrealistic gullibility lessen our interest in him and his suffering?
- Explore the character of Desdemona. What does she represent in the play?
- Examine the role of Emilia.
- Compare/contrast the female characters in the play. Dot they share a common role in the play? Are they passive or direct or obedient or strong?
- Consider the role of the handkerchief. How can a small piece of cloth cause so much trouble?
- Examine the relationship between Emilia and Iago and/or Desdemona and Othello. How does each couple love and/hate each other? Explain. You may want to focus on only ONE couple. 8a) Emilia-Iago 8b) Desdemona-Othello.
- Compare and/or contrast Emilia and Desdemona’s love for their husbands. You could focus on the issue of loyalty.
- Consider the warning of Desdemona’s father to Othello, and Othello’s response. Are the responses a foreshadowing of what is to come and Othello’s ultimate fate? Explain.
- Examine the use of humor and/or irony in Othello. Choose ONE. 11a) role of humor 11b) role of irony.
- Examine the role of the setting and/or geography in Othello.
- Explore the issue of racism toward Othello. You may want to choose one character’s racial discrimination toward Othello.
- In Othello, each of the major characters has one or more character flaws that influence plot development. Choose one of the following characters – Iago, Desdemona, or Cassio and explain what specific weaknesses are demonstrated by the characters. Through what words or actions are his/her weaknesses revealed and how does the character’s weakness contribute to the play in performance. 14 a) weakness of Iago 14b) weakness of Desdemona 14c) weakness of Cassio.
- Roderigo is seen as the gullible, wealthy character of the play. Does Roderigo’s character change throughout the play as he becomes aware of Iago’s deceit?
- Michael Cassio is a character who knows the importance of reputation. How does his role in Othello support his claims that reputation is everything to him?
- If you feel strong about a topic that is not listed, come see me for discussion and approval.
Project Proposal:
Before beginning the research essay assignment, it is important to organize your thoughts. You must make an assessment of what you know and what you don’t know. Most importantly, you must have an idea of what you hope to learn over the course of your research. Thus, it is important to formulate questions that you hope to find answers to through your research.
To that end, compose a proposal for your research paper in which you complete the following three steps in the order they are listed:
- Begin with at least one fully developed paragraph that introduces your topic and discusses why it interests you. Briefly describe your topic. Answer the following questions: what is your topic and why are you interested in it?
- Following your description of your interests in your topic, write at least one fully developed paragraph about what you both do and don’t know about your topic (and, if necessary, any topics or issues related to your topic).
- Finally, write a third part (again of at least one fully developed paragraph) of your proposal in which you discuss what questions are guiding your research and what you hope to learn from this project. Write at least four research questions within this paragraph and explain why you picked those particular questions.
Annotated Bibliography:
The purpose of this assignment is to summarize what scholarship you have read and to begin thinking about how you can use that scholarship in your argument. A successful annotated bibliography will demonstrate both your familiarity with your secondary texts and your ability to put sources in conversation with one another. You must use a minimum of five to seven secondary sources; secondary sources must be scholarly criticism or analysis, not summaries, reviews, or “analysis” from sites such as Wikipedia, 123HelpMe, or; instead, use the library or the available databases such as EBSCOHost , JSTOR, or Literature Resources to locate appropriate sources.
Complete the following four parts:
Part I
Begin your annotated bibliography by writing a preliminary thesis. Although the thesis statement you provide at this point does not have to be exactly the same one that you will use in your research paper, it should be focused enough so that you would be proud to use it in your final paper. This means that your preliminary thesis statement should be 1-4 sentences and should give your readers a precise sense of what you intend to argue about your research topic.
Part II
Write MLA citations for each of your five secondary sources and summarize and evaluate those sources. You must arrange your sources in alphabetical order, as determined by the authors’ last names.
All entries must include the following two elements:
- The full citation for the source. All citations must be written in standard MLA style.
- A summary and evaluation of the source. This must be one formally written, fully developed paragraph. Begin the paragraph one line below your citation; indent the first sentence of the paragraph. Summarize the major points of each source, focusing on those elements that relate to your thesis. Following your summaries, evaluate the source. Will it help you prove your thesis (some sources may not)? Discuss what aspect of the source will be most useful to you in your argument and why. What parts do you plan to use? Where do you plan to use them in your argument? Conclude your paragraph by discussing how this source compares and contrasts with your other sources. Do they complement one another? Reach different conclusions?
Part III
After your bibliography entries, write one fully developed paragraph in which you assess the current state of your research. Consider the following: What questions do you still have about your topic? Has anything in your research surprised you? Are there any kinds of sources you really want to find or still hope to find? Do you feel there are any gaps in your research?
Part IV
On a separate line underneath your Part III paragraph, list all databases you used in your research. Then, write down all the search terms that you used to find sources.
(Note: This assignment does not necessarily have to represent all the sources you will use in your research paper. Thus, feel free to use additional sources when you draft your research paper or to not use some of the sources you discussed here.)
Essay Submission Instructions:
This is the final product of your research. Revise and proofread your paper carefully.
1) Your essay must be at least six pages long and it must refer to a minimum of five secondary sources.
2) Your essay must prove your thesis through an appropriate use of summaries, quotes, and paraphrases from both your primary and secondary sources. Papers that do not contain textual evidence in the form of summaries, quotes and paraphrases will not receive a passing grade. Your quotes and paraphrases must be cited in MLA parenthetical style.
3) Follow MLA format and be sure to have a Works Cited at the end of your paper.
4)Please note that plagiarism, either in whole or in part.