SAS)lab/Reading Raw Data Files; Manipulating data Mathematics Assignment Help

SAS)lab/Reading Raw Data Files; Manipulating data Mathematics Assignment Help. SAS)lab/Reading Raw Data Files; Manipulating data Mathematics Assignment Help.

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1. Reading a Comma-Delimited Raw Data File

a. Open p108e01. Add the appropriate LENGTH, INFILE, and INPUT statements to read the comma-delimited raw data file, which can be named as follows:



Partial Raw Data File

Satyakam,Denny,Sales Rep. II,26780

Monica,Kletschkus,Sales Rep. IV,30890

Kevin,Lyon,Sales Rep. I,26955

Petrea,Soltau,Sales Rep. II,27440

Marina,Iyengar,Sales Rep. III,29715

b. Read the following fields from the raw data file:
















c. Submit the program to create the report below. The results should contain 71 observations.

Partial PROC PRINT Output

Obs First Last Title Salary

1 Satyakam Denny Sales Rep. II 26780

2 Monica Kletschkus Sales Rep. IV 30890

3 Kevin Lyon Sales Rep. I 26955

4 Petrea Soltau Sales Rep. II 27440

5 Marina Iyengar Sales Rep. III 29715

Part IV-Reading Raw Data

1. Reading Nonstandard Data from a Comma-Delimited Raw Data File

a. Open p108e04. Add the appropriate LENGTH, INFILE, and INPUT statements to read
the comma-delimited raw data file, which can be named as follows:





z/OS (OS/390)


Partial Raw Data File

Bill,Cuddy,11171,M,16/10/1986,21,15-30 years

Susan,Krasowski,17023,F,09/07/1959,48,46-60 years

Andreas,Rennie,26148,M,18/07/1934,73,61-75 years

Lauren,Krasowski,46966,F,24/10/1986,21,15-30 years

Lauren,Marx,54655,F,18/08/1969,38,31-45 years

Read the following fields:

























b. Use FORMAT and DROP statements in the DATA step to create a data set that results in the report below when it is displayed with a PROC PRINT step. Include an appropriate title. The results should contain 15 observations.

Partial PROC PRINT Output

Canadian Customers


Obs First Last Gender AgeGroup Date

1 Bill Cuddy M 15-30 years OCT1986

2 Susan Krasowski F 46-60 years JUL1959

3 Andreas Rennie M 61-75 years JUL1934

4 Lauren Krasowski F 15-30 years OCT1986

5 Lauren Marx F 31-45 years AUG1969

SAS)lab/Reading Raw Data Files; Manipulating data Mathematics Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Comparison of how Canada and China differ or are similar in any aspect relevant to business environment Writing Assignment Help

Select a business or create a fictitious business and pretend that this company wants to expand its activity into a new international market. The company want first to compare two potential markets in order to select the one with the business environment that will be the most suitable for the company’s objectives. Minimum of 10 reliable references. APA

Comparison of how Canada and your home country differ or are similar in any aspect relevant to business environment

The home country is China. compared with Canada.

The home country is China. compared with Canada

The home country is China. compared with Canada


2 and a half pages of writing. Humanities Assignment Help

Read “French Resistance – The Right to Self-Defense” by Charles de Gaulle and summarize the author’s argument without context with the Toulmin Method and analyze his effectiveness in a 2-page paper.

Remember, this is analysis of regular rhetorical strategies, so it will be very similar to the first 2-page paper on Benatar. My notes that I gave you on that one will be helpful to review in preparing for this one. Remember also that the point of this paper is analysis, not summary. Obviously summary is required, but only enough to then analyze what you’ve just summarized.

As toward the format, you’ll probably want an introductory paragraph with the author’s name (Charles De Gaulle), the pamphlet’s title (“The Right to Self-Defense”), the author’s Main Claim (that the French have a right to defend themselves against their German occupiers), and whether or not you will find it effective.

There should be about two or three body paragraphs, and these body paragraphs will look at two or three Reasonings the author has to support his Main Claim. Summarize the Reasonings, quote where you find them (and cite it), then analyze the effectiveness of the rhetorical strategies being used to make those Reasonings. Remember that it is not enough to simply claim that the strategies are effective or ineffective and then move on. You have to prove to me that the specific use of the rhetorical strategy you are analyzing is either effective or ineffective to the average reader. Your paper will be graded on your ability to convince your reader of the author’s effectiveness or ineffectiveness (and your Grammatical correctness, obviously). For now, avoid any context on the reading or the author, as we’ll add that later in another paper. Analyze the argument in a vacuum of context. (You’ll like Charles de Gaulle, though. He’s awesome.)

You will also want a conclusion paragraph which adds no new information to your analysis, but rather summarizes your body paragraphs and restates your Main Claim about the author’s effectiveness or ineffectiveness.

You do not need a Works Cited for this paper, but you do need:

At least 2 pages of writing.

And standard MLA formatting, including an MLA introduction.

Note: If you’re rusty on how to analyze, see the Analysis Worksheet and review my notes on your first 2-page paper.


rkatakam-discussion Computer Science Assignment Help

Download to Octave BGD.mat

And see files :


description at


Explain/Answer the 2 questions below,

A) Figure prD2eg2.pdf shows real data distribution (bars) and normal distribution. Explain how different they are by measuring the following :

1. For each distribution (sorted data for data is in B2 and normal data is in GD3), what are the percentages of values that fall within a standard deviation from the mean? Useful commands in Octave to do so, after you download B.mat :

I=find( B2 > mean(B2) + std(B2),1)

J=find( B2 > mean(B2) – std(B2),1)

and B2 size is 448192

2. For each distribution, within how many standard deviation from the mean, more than 99% values are covered?

B) Based on the calculations under A), draw the conclusions :

1. How different or the same are the 2 distributions in terms of dispersion measure (standard deviation)?

2. Which data set is more random? Explain why is that so.


SAS questions #4-Reading Raw Data; Manipulating Data Mathematics Assignment Help

Part I-Reading SAS data sets

1. Reading a Space-Delimited Raw Data File

a. Write a DATA step to create a new data set named work.qtrdonation. Read the space-delimited raw data file, which can be named as follows:





z/OS (OS/390)


Partial Raw Data File

120265 . . . 25

120267 15 15 15 15

120269 20 20 20 20

120270 20 10 5 .

120271 20 20 20 20

b. Read the following fields from the raw data file:



















c. Write a PROC PRINT step to create the report below. The results contain 124 observations.

Partial PROC PRINT Output

Obs IDNum Qtr1 Qtr2 Qtr3 Qtr4

1 120265 . . . 25

2 120267 15 15 15 15

3 120269 20 20 20 20

4 120270 20 10 5 .

5 120271 20 20 20 20

2. Reading a Delimited Raw Data File with Nonstandard Data Values

a. Write a DATA step to create a temporary data set, prices. Read the delimited raw data file named as follows:




“&path/ pricing.dat”

z/OS (OS/390)


All data fields are numeric.

Partial Raw Data File






b. Generate the report below. The results should contain 16 observations.

Partial PROC PRINT Output

2011 Pricing


Obs ProductID StartDate EndDate Cost Price

1 210200100009 06/09/2011 12/31/9999 15.50 34.70

2 210200100017 01/24/2011 12/31/9999 17.80 22.80

3 210200200023 07/04/2011 12/31/9999 8.25 19.80

4 210200600067 10/27/2011 12/31/9999 28.90 47.00

5 210200600085 08/28/2011 12/31/9999 17.85 39.40

3. Reading a Delimited File with Missing Values

a. Write a DATA step to create a temporary data set, prices. Use the asterisk-delimited raw data file, which can be named as follows:





z/OS (OS/390)


Partial Raw Data File






There might be missing data at the end of some records. Read the following fields from the raw data file:



















b. Define labels and formats in the DATA step to create a data set that generates the following output when they are used in the PROC PRINT step. The results should contain 259 observations.

Partial PROC PRINT Output

2007 Prices


Start of End of Cost Price Price per

Obs Product ID Date Range Date Range per Unit Unit

1 210200100009 06/09/2007 12/31/9999 15.50 34.70

2 210200100017 01/24/2007 12/31/9999 17.80 .

3 210200200023 07/04/2007 12/31/9999 8.25 19.80

4 210200600067 10/27/2007 12/31/9999 28.90 .

5 210200600085 08/28/2007 12/31/9999 17.85 39.40



Math Exam #1 need it within 45 mins for $40 A work BIG TIP$$$ Mathematics Assignment Help

Krystal is creating a square garden with a walkway around it. The walkway will be one-quarter as wide as the garden. The are of the garden is 144 square feet. A rough sketch, probably not to scale, is below.An illustration of a square garden with a walkway around it.

Question 2

How wide is the path surrounding the garden? Make sure to label!

Question 3

What is the area of the walkway surrounding the garden (NOT including the garden)?

Question 4

At Krystal’s old residence, she only had room for a garden with an area of 64 square feet. What is the relative change from that residence to the new one? Reminder: the garden at the new residence has an area of 144 square feet. Round to the nearest 10th of a percent if necessary. Include a negative sign if applicable. Remember to label!

There are 19 armies in a hush, and 25 hushes in a grue.

Question 5

How many armies are in a grue? armies

Question 6

A machine processes at a rate of 4.7 gures per day. How many armies per minute would that be? Round to the nearest hundredth if necessary. grues/minute

Question 7

Diann only has 2/3 of a cup of flour, but wants to make a recipe that would normally require 1 cup of flour. The recipe originally called for 1 cup sugar, 1 T baking powder, and 1/2 cup milk. How much of these should she use in the adjusted recipe?

Reminder: 16 Tablespoons (T) = 1 cup (c), and 3 teaspoons (t) = 1 Tablespoon (T)


Choose…3 T1 T2/3 c2 T1 t1/2 c2 t1/3 c1/4 c3/4 c

Baking Powder

Choose…3 T1 T2/3 c2 T1 t1/2 c2 t1/3 c1/4 c3/4 c


Choose…3 T1 T2/3 c2 T1 t1/2 c2 t1/3 c1/4 c3/4 c

Use the preference schedule for a student body president election, with candidates Anderson, Thornton, and Underhill




















Question 8

How many people voted in the election?

Question 9

What is the minimum number of votes a candidate needs to have a majority in this election?

Question 10

Is there a majority candidate in this election? If so, who?



There is no majority candidate.


Question 11

Who wins by the Plurality Method?




Question 12

Who wins by Plurality with Elimination?




Find the points for each candidate using the Borda Count method, and indicate who wins.

Points for Anderson:

Points for Thornton:

Points for Underhill:


Question 14

Find the points each candidate earns via Copeland’s Method, and indicate who the winner is

Points for Anderson:

Points for Thornton:

Points for Underhill:


Question 15

Is there a Condorcet Candidate for this election? If so, who?

There is no Condorcet Candidate.

Underhill is the Condorcet Candidate

Anderson is the Condorcet Candidate

Thornton is the Condorcet Candidate

Question 16

If Anderson won, which of the fairness criteria would be violated? Say “none” if applicable. Explain your answer

Question 17

Find the Banzhaf Power Indices for each player in the system below. Round to the nearest tenth of a percent if necessary.

{19 : 9, 7, 4, 2, 1}

Hint: There are 5 winning coalitions.

Player 1:

Player 2:

Player 3:

Player 4:

Player 5:

Find the Shapley Shubik power distirbution for the system below. Round to the nearest tenth of a percent if necessary.

{12: 11, 2, 1}

The sequential coalitions for three players are given below:

< P1, P2, P3 > < P1, P3, P2 > < P2, P1, P3 >

< P2, P3, P1 > < P3, P1, P2 > < P3, P2, P1 >

Player 1:

Player 2:

Player 3:

Question 19

In the system {5: 7, 1, 1, 1} , Player 1 is blank , and Players 2, 3, and 4 are each blank

In the system {12: 5, 5, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2}, Player 1 is blank , Player 2 is blank , and each of the rest of the players is blank

the Shapley Shubik Power Index None of These a Dictator the Quota the Banzhaf Power Index a Dummy Player a Player with Veto Power a Weight

Question 20

What values of the quota would be reasonable for this voting system: { q : 9, 7, 4, 2, 1} Explain.

Give a list or range of values {e.g. 1, 2, 3, 4 or “from 1 to 4”}

Math Exam #1 need it within 45 mins for $40 A work BIG TIP$$$ Mathematics Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Setting up a proposal in Word and your Key Statements Humanities Assignment Help

Please refer to the attachment. Thank you.

You have your research proposal worksheet. Now we will begin your research proposal, remember, we’ll build it all semester. I give you fairly specific guidelines here, I want you to get off to a good start.

This is a critical and useful assignment. You will be using this document ALL semester. It has two parts:

1) I want you to use the attached charts, which we have seen in class to set up your final research proposal. Save this document in a safe place!! As we go through the course, you will be ‘building’ your proposal pieces, step by step. So, take the outline provided in the charts, and create pages and headings for each topic on the outline.

The Research Proposal Outline.pptx

Now don’t over think this! I am simply asking you to take those items in bold, using page breaks as suggested, and ‘build’ a proposal. All headings and subheadings as instructed. We will be filling in the “guts” of the proposal, building block by building block, all semester until we have …a proposal! So you end up with a lot of blank space, but a lot of headings and subheadings, and page breaks – your paper is already about about 5-6 pages long.

2) Now in the introduction, please write 1-2 paragraphs discussing your key statements. The key statements should be written in this order and in the format required:

  • Your purpose statement
  • Name and define your variable(s)
  • Your research question (this ends in a ?)
  • Your hypothesis (It is hypothesized)
  • Purpose statement: this statement combines the variables, identifies the type of research and the population involved. (The purpose of this (kind of research) is ….
  • Variables: variables must be named and clearly defined. (Variable 1 is xx and is defined as…. Variable 2….)
  • Research question: this is the question our research seeks to answer (The research question is….)
  • Hypothesis: this is the researcher’s best guess how the research will turn out. (It is hypothesized…)

So, when I open up your document the first page I should see is a title page. Set up a place holder for the words, or enter a title for your proposal. Your research question makes a good title, stated as a statement.

The next page I should see would be a page labeled “Abstract” centered, at the top. You do not write the abstract, just the heading!

The next page I should see is a Table of Contents – with all the headings and sub-headings listed.

The next page would be Introduction, with the various paragraphs labeled: Introduction paragraph, discussion of the problem, appetizer of literature review. And, your key statements paragraph written.

And so on, all the way through to the Appendix.

Now, keep in mind these RULES about your proposal:

1. it must be a quantitative proposal

2. It must be related to public administration, government in general or an aspect of nonprofits. (Emergency Mgt., Urban Planning are all part of PA)

3. You will have to develop an original survey and propose to survey a group.


If you haven’t settled on a topic, here are some thoughts to help.

To get a sense of the types of proposals students write, here are a few titles from previously completed student proposals:

  • Public Perception of and Satisfaction with the Police in America
  • Effects Of Education On Economic Levels
  • Is the American Dream Still Alive?
  • Housing Developers and Zoning: A study within the City of Orlando
  • Early Learning Effects on College Graduation
  • Donor Recognition and Donor Retention: Determining The Relationship
  • Age and Its Effect on Emergency Preparedness
  • Student Satisfaction on Inclusion within UCF Outdoor Adventure
  • Partisanship and the Federal Minimum Wage: How Political Party Affiliation Effects Attitudes
  • Racial Diversity and Inclusiveness in U.S. Private Sector Organizations

Now, those sound official don’t they! Don’t worry yours will too

Here are some examples of research questions:

  1. Which kind of vehicle do students prefer: bicycles or scooters?
  2. How do students feel about the downtown campus?
  3. Do Orange county citizens feel their voting mechanisms are safe?
  4. Is there a relationship between length of time in Florida and appreciation of Florida’s environment?
  5. How do cities handle the homeless?

Where might you find ideas?

The PEW Research Center has all kinds of studies on policies and citizen’s ideas that might generate ideas: (Links to an external site.)

Just straight away Google: “Five issues in (insert your subject area – emergency management)

If you like to use journals, search the Public Administration Review for all kinds of ideas

For nonprofits, this public policy cite contains a list of policy issues:…

Professional organizations and Agencies in your subject matter identify issues (Google):

  • International City/County Managers Association
  • American Society of Public Administration
  • National council of Nonprofits
  • National Education Association
  • Federal Emergency Management Agency



Essay, Reflective Humanities Assignment Help

In a reflective essay of 1 1/2 pages (1,000 words), and using the Christiano text, Lesson 5, please address the following multi-part question in depth:

  • After reading about globalization, the megachurch trend and multi-sites, the role of media in religion, and new religious movements (all of which you should have read about), which of these do you see as most influential in shaping the future of religion in America? How does that compare to at least one of the other concepts? How do these insights relate to Christianity or Catholicism, Judaism, Muslim.

*Please use only the sources given. No other sources allowed.

More info on concepts should be found in chapter 5-7

Essay based on chapter 9-11

* Material will be provided.


Locate the Campbell Soup Case 4-4 on page 272 of your text. Be sure to submit thoughtful and substantial answers to the questions following each case. Writing Assignment Help

Unit 4 Assignment: Campbell Soup Case 4-4
In this Assignment, you will explore the asset structure of Campbell Soup and how it measures
their use effectively. This will prepare you to view any company with the same scrutiny.
Locate the Campbell Soup Case 4-4 on page 272 of your text. Be sure to submit thoughtful and
substantial answers to the questions following each case.
This is a challenging activity. You should prepare to spend substantial time working on your
Directions for Submitting Your Assignment
Compose your Assignment in a Microsoft Word document and save it as Username- MT482
Assignment-Unit 4.docx (Example: TAllen- MT482 Assignment Unit 4.docx). Submit your file
by selecting the Unit 4 Assignment Dropbox by the end of the unit.
Unit 4 Assignment: Campbell Soup Case 4-4 Points
Content, Analysis, and Effective Writing Skills
The response successfully answers Assignment questions for
this case.
Working capital, inventory analysis, and fixed assets.
LIFO and FIFO comparison. 12
The response to the questions exhibits strong critical thinking
and appropriate analysis.
Inventory policy, and tax impact.
Reported transactions impacting intangible assets. 6
Sentences are clear, concise, and direct; tone is appropriate.
Grammatical skills are strong with almost no errors per page.
Total Points 45


Unity Coherence Development Assignment Humanities Assignment Help

On page 77: complete exercise 4.6. You have a topic sentence–Mozart’s accomplishments in music seem remarkable even today. You then have 12 sentences that follow. Determine what sentences support/relate to the topic sentence. Now write a paragraph using the topic sentence and the sentences that you determine support it.

On page 77: complete exercise 4.7–you will select ONE topic sentence and write a paragraph developing unifying ideas.

On page 89: complete exercise 4.13. You have a topic sentence: Hypnosis is far superior to drugs for relieving tension. You have 6 sentences that follow. Using these 6 sentences, organize them to create a coherent paragraph.


  • New York Times
  • Washington Post
  • Wall Street Journal
  • [supanova_question]

    Essay, Reflective Humanities Assignment Help

    In a reflective essay of 1 1/2 pages (1,000 words), and using the Christiano text, Lesson 5, please address the following multi-part question in depth:

    • After reading about globalization, the megachurch trend and multi-sites, the role of media in religion, and new religious movements (all of which you should have read about), which of these do you see as most influential in shaping the future of religion in America? How does that compare to at least one of the other concepts? How do these insights relate to Christianity or Catholicism, Judaism, Muslim.

    *Please use only the sources given. No other sources allowed.

    More info on concepts should be found in chapter 5-7

    Essay based on chapter 9-11

    * Material will be provided.


    Locate the Campbell Soup Case 4-4 on page 272 of your text. Be sure to submit thoughtful and substantial answers to the questions following each case. Writing Assignment Help

    Unit 4 Assignment: Campbell Soup Case 4-4
    In this Assignment, you will explore the asset structure of Campbell Soup and how it measures
    their use effectively. This will prepare you to view any company with the same scrutiny.
    Locate the Campbell Soup Case 4-4 on page 272 of your text. Be sure to submit thoughtful and
    substantial answers to the questions following each case.
    This is a challenging activity. You should prepare to spend substantial time working on your
    Directions for Submitting Your Assignment
    Compose your Assignment in a Microsoft Word document and save it as Username- MT482
    Assignment-Unit 4.docx (Example: TAllen- MT482 Assignment Unit 4.docx). Submit your file
    by selecting the Unit 4 Assignment Dropbox by the end of the unit.
    Unit 4 Assignment: Campbell Soup Case 4-4 Points
    Content, Analysis, and Effective Writing Skills
    The response successfully answers Assignment questions for
    this case.
    Working capital, inventory analysis, and fixed assets.
    LIFO and FIFO comparison. 12
    The response to the questions exhibits strong critical thinking
    and appropriate analysis.
    Inventory policy, and tax impact.
    Reported transactions impacting intangible assets. 6
    Sentences are clear, concise, and direct; tone is appropriate.
    Grammatical skills are strong with almost no errors per page.
    Total Points 45


    Unity Coherence Development Assignment Humanities Assignment Help

    On page 77: complete exercise 4.6. You have a topic sentence–Mozart’s accomplishments in music seem remarkable even today. You then have 12 sentences that follow. Determine what sentences support/relate to the topic sentence. Now write a paragraph using the topic sentence and the sentences that you determine support it.

    On page 77: complete exercise 4.7–you will select ONE topic sentence and write a paragraph developing unifying ideas.

    On page 89: complete exercise 4.13. You have a topic sentence: Hypnosis is far superior to drugs for relieving tension. You have 6 sentences that follow. Using these 6 sentences, organize them to create a coherent paragraph.


  • New York Times
  • Washington Post
  • Wall Street Journal
  • [supanova_question]

    Essay, Reflective Humanities Assignment Help

    In a reflective essay of 1 1/2 pages (1,000 words), and using the Christiano text, Lesson 5, please address the following multi-part question in depth:

    • After reading about globalization, the megachurch trend and multi-sites, the role of media in religion, and new religious movements (all of which you should have read about), which of these do you see as most influential in shaping the future of religion in America? How does that compare to at least one of the other concepts? How do these insights relate to Christianity or Catholicism, Judaism, Muslim.

    *Please use only the sources given. No other sources allowed.

    More info on concepts should be found in chapter 5-7

    Essay based on chapter 9-11

    * Material will be provided.


    Locate the Campbell Soup Case 4-4 on page 272 of your text. Be sure to submit thoughtful and substantial answers to the questions following each case. Writing Assignment Help

    Unit 4 Assignment: Campbell Soup Case 4-4
    In this Assignment, you will explore the asset structure of Campbell Soup and how it measures
    their use effectively. This will prepare you to view any company with the same scrutiny.
    Locate the Campbell Soup Case 4-4 on page 272 of your text. Be sure to submit thoughtful and
    substantial answers to the questions following each case.
    This is a challenging activity. You should prepare to spend substantial time working on your
    Directions for Submitting Your Assignment
    Compose your Assignment in a Microsoft Word document and save it as Username- MT482
    Assignment-Unit 4.docx (Example: TAllen- MT482 Assignment Unit 4.docx). Submit your file
    by selecting the Unit 4 Assignment Dropbox by the end of the unit.
    Unit 4 Assignment: Campbell Soup Case 4-4 Points
    Content, Analysis, and Effective Writing Skills
    The response successfully answers Assignment questions for
    this case.
    Working capital, inventory analysis, and fixed assets.
    LIFO and FIFO comparison. 12
    The response to the questions exhibits strong critical thinking
    and appropriate analysis.
    Inventory policy, and tax impact.
    Reported transactions impacting intangible assets. 6
    Sentences are clear, concise, and direct; tone is appropriate.
    Grammatical skills are strong with almost no errors per page.
    Total Points 45


    Unity Coherence Development Assignment Humanities Assignment Help

    On page 77: complete exercise 4.6. You have a topic sentence–Mozart’s accomplishments in music seem remarkable even today. You then have 12 sentences that follow. Determine what sentences support/relate to the topic sentence. Now write a paragraph using the topic sentence and the sentences that you determine support it.

    On page 77: complete exercise 4.7–you will select ONE topic sentence and write a paragraph developing unifying ideas.

    On page 89: complete exercise 4.13. You have a topic sentence: Hypnosis is far superior to drugs for relieving tension. You have 6 sentences that follow. Using these 6 sentences, organize them to create a coherent paragraph.


  • New York Times
  • Washington Post
  • Wall Street Journal
  • [supanova_question]

    Essay, Reflective Humanities Assignment Help

    In a reflective essay of 1 1/2 pages (1,000 words), and using the Christiano text, Lesson 5, please address the following multi-part question in depth:

    • After reading about globalization, the megachurch trend and multi-sites, the role of media in religion, and new religious movements (all of which you should have read about), which of these do you see as most influential in shaping the future of religion in America? How does that compare to at least one of the other concepts? How do these insights relate to Christianity or Catholicism, Judaism, Muslim.

    *Please use only the sources given. No other sources allowed.

    More info on concepts should be found in chapter 5-7

    Essay based on chapter 9-11

    * Material will be provided.


    Locate the Campbell Soup Case 4-4 on page 272 of your text. Be sure to submit thoughtful and substantial answers to the questions following each case. Writing Assignment Help

    Unit 4 Assignment: Campbell Soup Case 4-4
    In this Assignment, you will explore the asset structure of Campbell Soup and how it measures
    their use effectively. This will prepare you to view any company with the same scrutiny.
    Locate the Campbell Soup Case 4-4 on page 272 of your text. Be sure to submit thoughtful and
    substantial answers to the questions following each case.
    This is a challenging activity. You should prepare to spend substantial time working on your
    Directions for Submitting Your Assignment
    Compose your Assignment in a Microsoft Word document and save it as Username- MT482
    Assignment-Unit 4.docx (Example: TAllen- MT482 Assignment Unit 4.docx). Submit your file
    by selecting the Unit 4 Assignment Dropbox by the end of the unit.
    Unit 4 Assignment: Campbell Soup Case 4-4 Points
    Content, Analysis, and Effective Writing Skills
    The response successfully answers Assignment questions for
    this case.
    Working capital, inventory analysis, and fixed assets.
    LIFO and FIFO comparison. 12
    The response to the questions exhibits strong critical thinking
    and appropriate analysis.
    Inventory policy, and tax impact.
    Reported transactions impacting intangible assets. 6
    Sentences are clear, concise, and direct; tone is appropriate.
    Grammatical skills are strong with almost no errors per page.
    Total Points 45


    Unity Coherence Development Assignment Humanities Assignment Help

    On page 77: complete exercise 4.6. You have a topic sentence–Mozart’s accomplishments in music seem remarkable even today. You then have 12 sentences that follow. Determine what sentences support/relate to the topic sentence. Now write a paragraph using the topic sentence and the sentences that you determine support it.

    On page 77: complete exercise 4.7–you will select ONE topic sentence and write a paragraph developing unifying ideas.

    On page 89: complete exercise 4.13. You have a topic sentence: Hypnosis is far superior to drugs for relieving tension. You have 6 sentences that follow. Using these 6 sentences, organize them to create a coherent paragraph.


    SAS)lab/Reading Raw Data Files; Manipulating data Mathematics Assignment Help

    SAS)lab/Reading Raw Data Files; Manipulating data Mathematics Assignment Help

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