Saudi Electronic University Leadership Styles and Employees Motivation Essay Business Finance Assignment Help. Saudi Electronic University Leadership Styles and Employees Motivation Essay Business Finance Assignment Help.
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Dr. Wassmiah is a leader in a local hospital and works well in the environment. The hospital’s environment is characterized by well-defined individual roles where each employee knows what is expected of him or her. Employee conflicts are minimized as everyone understands his or her responsibility, and the coordination of all activities leads to goal attainment. There is no duplication of work. Dr. Wassmiah encourages people to perform well and rewards positive behavior to boost productivity. Most goals Dr. Wassmiah sets are short-term, making them easier to fulfill, less intimidating to achieve, and as a result, employees are interested in obtaining the various rewards. When a problem arises, Dr. Wassmiah directs the employees in what to do and is quick to point out if the employee does not deliver results. However, Dr. Wassmiah suspects that employees are not working when there is no supervision.
What style of leadership is most likely described in this case and why have you reached that conclusion? What are the advantages of this type of leadership and what examples from the case support your position? What are the disadvantages of this type of leadership and what examples from the case support your position? What are the implications for employee motivation with this type of leadership? What other styles of leadership might be complementary to that described in the case and why?
- Write an essay that includes an introduction paragraph, the essay’s body, and a conclusion paragraph to address the assignment’s guide questions. Do not address the questions using a question-and-answer format.
Your well-written paper should meet the following requirements:
- Be 3-5 pages in length, which does not include the title and reference pages, which are never a part of the content minimum requirements.
- Use academic writing standards and APA 7th style guidelines.
- Use the book attached chapter 8
- Support your submission with course material concepts, principles, and theories from the textbook and at least two current, scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles. Current articles are those published in the last
Saudi Electronic University Leadership Styles and Employees Motivation Essay Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
CJSA 1312 Central Texas College Statutory Rape Laws Essay Law Assignment Help
I’m working on a criminal justice writing question and need support to help me study.
The state legislature has asked you to prepare a report on statutory rape because of the growing number of underage girls who have been impregnated by adult men. Studies reveal that many teenage pregnancies result from affairs that underage girls have with older men, with age gaps ranging from 7 to 10 years. For example, the typical relationship prosecuted in California involves a 13 year-old girl and a 22-year old male partner. These grants would allow more vigorous enforcement of the law and could result in the conviction of more than 1,500 offenders each year.
However, some critics suggest that implementing statutory rape laws to punish males who have relationships with minor girls does not solve the problems of teenage pregnancies and out-of-wedlock births. Liberals dislike the idea of using criminal law to solve social problems, because doing so does not provide for the girls and their young children and focuses only on punishing offenders. In contrast, conservatives fear that such laws give the state power to prosecute people for victimless crimes, thereby increasing the government’s ability to control people’s private lives. Not all cases involve much older men, and critics ask whether we should criminalize the behavior of 17-year-old boys and their 15 year-old girlfriends.
Writing Assignment-Write an essay on statutory rape and how different states address sew with minors. Decide whether current laws should be changed to reflect current social behaviors.
Campbellsville Cool Baby Inc Budget Statement Balance Sheet & First Year Budget Case Writing Assignment Help
Submit your three-year company budgeted income statement, balance sheet and 1st year cash budget. For a formatting example, use the attached Final Project Financial Statement Excel file. Add ROI and selected Financial Ratios useful in determining profitability of your business venture.
Your deliverable should be 4-6 pages in length. Make sure to include a title page and references section (that do not count towards the length of your assignment). Use New Times Roman, 12-size font with one-inch margins. Incorporate APA style.
I have attached deliverable 1 and 2 and this is the 3rd one. Please relate all these and write the paper
Nassau Community College Gary Turks Look Up and Ron Srigleys Connect Analysis Writing Assignment Help
you must write a reflection of Turk’s video. You will need to focus on
- the content
- his use of spoken word
- and how you are able to connect your life and the world around you to the video.
Your reflection needs to be at least 300 words.
1. You will review the video and the article and find at least three (3) ideas that are mentioned in both of them .
2. You will then discuss how the article/video are consistent or contradict each other regarding each specific idea you chose.
3. Helpful hint for each supporting paragraph: You will need to state the idea you are comparing AS YOUR TOPIC SENTENCE, then include information from both the article & video IN THE SAME PARAGRAPH, and then compare/contrast the text/video IN THE SAME PARAGRAPH.
4. this assignment is based on information in the articles/video.
5. This means that you should have an introductory paragraph, THREE paragraphs that follow the above recipe and a conclusion. [A total of five paragraphs]
Assignment Minimum Length: Two and a half double-spaced FULL pages, font 12
College at Buffalo The Wife of Baths Tale and Sir Gawain and The Green Knight Ques Humanities Assignment Help
How is natural order imposed upon in “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight” and the “Wife of Bath’s Tale”?
Define the notion of absolute truths or absolutism within the range of analyzing the chivalric code in “Sir Gawain”, Biblical ethics, and Aristotelian ethics in both tales. How do they compare and contrast? How is Sir Gawain truly a hero? Is the chivalric ideal attainable based on the tale? Is it necessary to be a good knight? Is the Wife of Bath a reliable source? Define the notion of authority in her monologue?
THTR 101 UCSB Theater in San Francisco Sam Shepards True West Bond Essay Humanities Assignment Help
In True West, the characters obviously have a whole (though interrupted) history of being brothers, and in many moments we, in the audience, can tell that they are aware of their past–using it as a guide to how to operate in the present. Through the course of the play, but especially in the opening scenes, the audience has to catch up to what the characters already know. We have to piece together the information, but ultimately we are aimed in the same direction–to know/feel what it is to be–to act–in the present situation. The lives that these characters come from represent what Stanislavski calls the given circumstances. Use your deductive and evidence-seeking powers to put together some aspect of what has happened in the past lives of these characters and how that works on them in the present.
THTR 101 UCSB Theater in San Francisco Sam Shepards True West Bond Essay Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Campbellsville Focus During This Week Was to Analyze Budget Problems in ORGs Ques Writing Assignment Help
I have attached the memo in which there are 3 questions and I need to answer them in 5 to 6 sentences atleast. I have attached the resume for the third question.
Goals for this module and their relationship to our course objectives
This module our learning materials, activities and assignments will help you achieve these goals:
- solve the budgeting problems;
- analyze and interpret the activity and spending variances between the static and flexible budget; and
- use your analysis to compare Perfect Parties to their competitors in the industry.
which will assist you in achieving these course objectives:
- prepare budgets and explain their use in both decision-making and behavioral implications; and
- demonstrate an awareness of ethical standards and professional responsibilities of using accounting information.
GCU Decoding the Ethics Code for Psychologists Ethical Dilemma Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
I’m working on a psychology case study and need support to help me study.
Read “Case 4: Research on Intimate Partner Violence and the Duty to Protect” on pages 435-436 in your textbook. Once you have read the case study completely, answer the discussion questions below in 350-500 words. Use one to two scholarly resources to support your answer. When appropriate, use in-text citations according to APA formatting.
- Why is this an ethical dilemma? Which APA Ethical Principles help frame the nature of the dilemma?
- How are APA Ethical Standards 2.01f, 3.04, 3.06, 4.01, 4.02, 4.05, and 8.01 relevant to this case? Which other standards might apply?
- What is Dr. Yeung’s ethical alternatives for resolving this dilemma? Which alternative best reflects the Ethics Code aspirational principles and enforceable standards, legal standards, and obligations to stakeholders? Can you identify the ethical theory (discussed in Chapter 3) guiding your decision?
- What steps should Dr. Yeung take to implement her decision and monitor its effect?
- Aidan is a research participant in this scenario. What are rights to privacy and confidentiality? How was this established? Under the circumstances in this scenario, what are the ethical issues related to his confidentiality and/or privacy?
While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
Case 4. Research on Intimate Partner Violence and the Duty to Protect
Dr. Daniela Yeung, a health psychologist, has been conducting a federally funded ethnographic study of couples in which the male partner has been paroled following conviction and imprisonment for intimate partner violence (IPV). Over the course of a year, she has had individual monthly interviews with 25 couples while one partner was in jail and following their release. Aiden is a 35-year-old male parolee convicted of seriously injuring his wife. He and his wife, Maya, have been interviewed by Dr. Yeung on eight occasions. The interviews have covered a range of personal topics including Aiden’s problem drinking, which is marked by blackouts and threatening phone calls made to his wife when he becomes drunk, usually in the evening. To her knowledge, Aiden has never followed through on these threats. Dr. Yeung has the impression both Aiden and Maya feel a sense of social support when discussing their life with Dr. Yeung. One evening Dr. Yeung checks her answering machine and finds a message from Aiden. His words are slurred and angry: “Now that you know the truth about what I am you know that there is nothing you can do to help the evil inside me. The bottle is my savior and I will end this with them tonight.” She calls both Aiden’s and Maya’s cell phone numbers, but no one answers.
Ethical Dilemma
Dr. Yeung has Aiden’s address, and after 2 hours, she is considering whether or not to contact emergency services to suggest that law enforcement officers go to Aiden’s home or to the homes of his parents and girlfriend.
(Do not use any references from the readings. The textbook by Fisher and the APA code of ethics is not to be used they are part of the readings. Only peer-reviewed).
Nova Southeastern University Difficult Conversation Workplace Conflict Outline Paper Humanities Assignment Help
To make it easy for you, I send you this outline; add only part V (5), a Topic for A and B, and Part VI (6), just the closing. Also, send me the outline.
I. Introduction-Working from home can be hard during regular times but even more of a challenge during a worldwide pandemic
II. Things to consider asking for-When to have a difficult conversation
A.) Topics
B.) Organizational resources
III. Sources of uncertainty-(Bolman and Deal p.33)
IV. Roadmap to difficult conversations-(Stone Patton and Heen- Pgs296-310)
Add Part V Topic A and B
Part VI closing
DVC Racial Segregation & Discrimination Against the Chinese Americans Question Writing Assignment Help
1. After the student has completed this week’s module, the student will complete the following short answer quiz.
Quizzes will focus on answering the 6 Ws of a specific topic. This quiz will focus on the case, United States v. Wong Kim Ark. Write your answer in the following format and not in a paragraph format.
Why (did this case happen)
Who (is involved in this event/who authored the opinion in the case/ be sure to explain individual roles in the case)
What (what is the ruling in the case/include the amendment and the clause)
When (did this case occur)
Where (did this case occur)
Why (is this case important in American History, and what is its lasting impact of this case)
Instructions: Complete all of the following topics: 1, 2, 3, and 4. Your answers need to be primarily in your own words. Yours answers must be based on the reading and module only. In this assignment, include at minimum 1 quote and 1 Chicago Style footnote.Preview the document A bibliography is not needed in this assignment. Use a quote as evidence in your answer. Do not use a quote alone as an answer; points will be deducted if you do. Be detailed in your answers. When you bring a point up explain the point thoroughly. Using an example is a good way to further clarify a point. Write in complete sentences.
1. Click the following link to watch the video Southern Segregation. Answer the following questions:
a. According to the video, what is the dominant purpose for segregation?
b. According to the video, how does segregation work on a day to day basis?
c. Read the Rise of Lynching in the Foner text on pages 520 and 521. Answer the following question, what is the role of lynching?
d. Search the recent news for examples of discrimination against African Americans. How are they similar or dissimilar to Southern Segregation mentioned by Foner?
2. Read the Foner text 518-521 and 525- 526. (The Law of Segregation- Politics, Religion and Memory). Click the following link to read Plessy v. Ferguson.Preview the document Explain the following:
a. What is the ruling in Plessy v. Ferguson?
b. What precedent does this ruling set in place?
3. Read the Foner text pages 524 – 527 (The New Immigration nd the New Nativism – Chinese Exclusion and Chinese Rights). Then click the following link to carefully read the Chinese Exclusion ActPreview the document. Answer the following questions:
a. Specifically which group of Chinese are excluded? Why are they excluded?
b. What are the Chinese required to carry in the U.S.? How does this set them apart from other American citizens?
c. Could a Chinese person become an American citizen? Why or why not? What is the root cause?
d. Search the recent news to find examples of racism towards Chinese and Chinese Americans? How are they similar or dissimilar to Foner’s description of the Chinese experience?
4. Click the following link to watch the film clip to learn about the case, United States v. Wong Kim Ark. Also, read about the case here. (Links to an external site.) Answer the following:
a. Who is Wong Kim Ark?
b. What is at the core of this case?
c. What is the ruling in this case?
d. How does this ruling impact future immigrants to the U.S.?