Saudi Electronic University Marginal Cost and Average Total Cost Discussion Economics Assignment Help. Saudi Electronic University Marginal Cost and Average Total Cost Discussion Economics Assignment Help.
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Attached is the questions file
The table below shows the short run cost for producing bicycles. Complete all missing values
1.Draw the short run total cost curve (show the total cost, fixed cost, variable cost).
2.Where the marginal cost and average total cost intercept? Explain the relationship between the marginal cost and the average total cost with the help of graph.
Question 2
1. When do firms decide to shut down production in the short run? Explain it.
2.How is the short run average cost curve and the long run average cost curve shaped? What is the difference between them?
Question 3
The following graph represents the situation of Sindbad’s caps, a firm selling caps in the perfectly competitive caps industry.
1)How much output should Sindbad produce to maximize his profit, if the market price is equal to $11?
2)How much profit (loss) will he earn? Indicate the profit (loss) area on the graph.
3)Suppose Sindbad decides to shut down. What would his loss be?
Saudi Electronic University Marginal Cost and Average Total Cost Discussion Economics Assignment Help[supanova_question]
CIS 276 Strayer University Widget Sales Company Project Programming Assignment Help
Widget Sale Company Project Phase 2
Project Overview
You have been retained by Widget Sales Company (for more information, see Widget Sales Company Project Overview [DOCX]), an international company with offices in 25 countries, to develop a website that will allow its employees to enter travel expenses incurred on a business trip and store that data for reporting purposes. It is estimated that, initially, only 100 employees in the United States will use the system, but within two years, all 2,500 employees worldwide will be using it. The site should have functions that ask for input and calculate the following:
- The total number of days spent on the trip.
- The time of departure on the first day of the trip and the time of arrival back home on the last day of the trip.
- The amount of any round-trip airfare.
- The amount of any car rentals.
- Miles driven, if a private vehicle was used. Vehicle allowance is $0.58 per mile.
- Parking fees. (The company allows up to $12 per day. Anything in excess of this must be paid by the employee.)
- Taxi fees. (The company allows up to $40 per day for each day a taxi was used. Anything in excess of this must be paid by the employee.)
- Conference or seminar registration fees.
- Hotel expenses. (The company allows up to $90 per night for lodging. Anything in excess of this amount must be paid by the employee.)
- The cost of each meal eaten. On the first day of the trip, breakfast is allowed as an expense if the time of departure is before 7 a.m. Lunch is allowed if the time of departure is before noon. Dinner is allowed if the time of departure is before 6 p.m. On the last day of the trip, breakfast is allowed if the time of arrival is after 8 a.m. Lunch is allowed if the time of arrival is after 1 p.m. Dinner is allowed if the time of arrival is after 7 p.m. The program should ask only for the costs of allowable meals. (The company allows up to $18 for breakfast, $12 for lunch, and $20 for dinner. Anything in excess of this must be paid by the employee.)
The program should perform the necessary calculations to determine the total amount spent by the business traveler in each category (mileage charges, parking, hotel, meals, etc.) as well as the maximum amount allowed in each category. It should then create a nicely formatted expense report that includes the amount spent and the amount allowed in each category, as well as the total amount spent and the total amount allowed for the entire trip. This report should be written to a file.
Phase 2 Instructions
In this phase, you will provide the detail that each of the roles must perform in completing the website.
Project Manager
Provide a timeline for the various activities that need to be completed. You must include a start date and an end date. Each individual activity should have its own start and end date. Indicate which activities can be done in parallel and which activities must end before another activity can start. The following is an example of how to start this. Try to be realistic in the assignment of dates:
- Project Duration
- Start Date-1/1/2019
- End Date – 12/31/2020
- Dependencies –
- Initial Meeting
- Start Date – 1/2/2019
- End Date – 1/31/2019
- Dependencies – None
- Web Design
- Start Date – 4/1/2019
- End Date – 10/31/2019
- Dependencies – Database tables defined.
Database Analyst
Provide an overview of the data that will need to be captured. This can be in a table format, listing the variable name, the data type, and any restrictions on the data. The following is an example of the expectations for this part:
- Employee
- Variable – Emp Name
- Data Type – String
- Restriction – None
- Employee
- Variable – Expenses allowed
- Data Type – Boolean
- Restrictions – Only Yes or No values
- Expenses
- Variable – Hotel Arrive Date
- Data Type – Date
- Restrictions -Valid date
- Expenses
- Variable – Hotel Depart Date
- Data Type – Date
- Restrictions – Valid date, greater than arrival date
Provide the detail for the website. At a minimum, this should include the number of pages on the site and what data should be on each page. You must also include an overview of the Python functions needed to complete the functionality of the site. While no code will be required, you will need to provide the function signature, the parameters being passed in (if any), and a brief description of what the function will accomplish. Below is an example of this part:
def parking(days):
- Calculates the maximum allowance for parking fees using MAX_DAILY_FEE * days
- Gets the parking fees from the user.
- Adds the parking fees to total expenses (a global variable used for keeping track of the total amount spent by the traveler).
- Determines if the parking fees exceed the allowed amount.
- Returns the allowable parking fees.
Writing Requirements
This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course.
The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:
- Analyze the roles of team members and data and functionality requirements needed to develop an application.
Excel Question Business Finance Assignment Help
In this assignment you will complete an Excel Assignment related to the lecture on Resource Management. .
Here is the tutorial that will walk you through the steps to complete the assignment: Homework resource management lab fill in.pdf
You will need to use the Excel file provided here: Resource Management.xlsx
You will use an add-in in Excel called Solver to complete the assignment.
Please submit your solution in the quiz type assessment provided below.
Submit your Excel results here in this quiz format. You do not need to submit your Excel file.
CRM 123 Saint Leo University Brian Short versus the State of Florida Case Study Law Assignment Help
In this assignment, you will prepare three case analyses based on hypothetical fact patterns. These fact patterns all deal with the topic of due process.
Step 1: Download and thoroughly read the Case Analysis instructions.
Step 2: Download the Case Analysis 1 Fact Patterns. Prepare your responses to each fact pattern based on the instructions.
The Case Analysis Instructions and Case Analysis 1 Fact
Patterns are attached.
Please be sure to use APA format w/double spacing and include references.
Thank you!
Prince Georges Community College Treatment of Myasthenia Gravis Case Study Health Medical Assignment Help
Myasthenia Gravis Case Study
Please use both your pharmacology (Lehne)and adult health nursing (Lewis) textbooks for this—this will help you understand what myasthenia is and how to treat it.The Lewis text covers it on pages1393-1395 and complements what our pharm textbook covers.References and in-text citations required.Points per question in parentheses at the end of each question. (11 total points available)
J.B. is a 58-year-old retired postal worker who has been on the neurology unit for several days receiving plasmapheresis every other day for myasthenia gravis (MG).About a year ago, J.B. started experiencing difficulty chewing and swallowing, diplopia, and slurring of speech, at which time he was placed on physostigmine.Before this admission, he had been relatively stable.His medical history includes hypertension controlled with metoprolol (Lopressor) and glaucoma treated with timolol ophthalmic preparation.Recently, J.B. was diagnosed with a sinus infection and treated with ciprofloxacin (Cipro).On admission, J.B. was unable to bear any weight or take fluids through a straw.There have been periods of exacerbation and remission since admission.
Vital signs include T 101.8 degrees, HR 108, RR 24, BP 170/68
Please answer the following questions:
- What is myasthenia gravis and what are the usual presenting symptoms (2 points)?
2) Knowing the usual presenting symptoms, what are the essential assessments for this patient with myasthenia gravis (2 points)?
3)J.B.’s wife is wondering what caused the worsening of J.B.’s symptoms at this time.What are the possible causes of the worsening of the patient’s symptoms?
4)How is myasthenia gravis diagnosed
5)Explain how each of the following is used to treat myasthenia gravis
What is plasmapharesis and why is it being used in this patient?
What is physostigmine and how does it work to treat myasthenia gravis?Why is it used and not the prototype neostigmine?
6)What emergency medication should be on hand for this patient and why (1 point)?(I am looking for an antidote to too much cholinesterase inhibitor
7)Explain the difference between myasthenic crisis and cholinergic crisis.How could the health care provider determine the difference.
*citations and references
California Career College Law Punitive Awards Discussion Economics Assignment Help
Questions answered in the peer review.
- What would be the effect of a 75 percent tax on lawsuit punitive awards that was proposed by then California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger in 2004 on:
- The number of punitive awards. Demonstrate your answer using supply and demand curves. (You will post your graph as jpg. in your discussion post).
- The number of pretrial settlements.
- Airlines and hotels have many frequent-flyer and frequent-visitor programs in which individuals who fly the airline or stay at the hotel receive bonuses that are the equivalent to discounts.
- Give two reasons why these companies have such programs rather than simply offering lower prices.
- Can you give other examples of such programs?
- What is a likely reason why firms whose employees receive these benefits do not require their employees to give benefits to the firm?
Your Task: Read the posting of your colleagues to further the discussion. Simply saying “I agree, great point, etc” is not a sufficient peer review. You must discuss your peer’s argument with detailed evidence (include citations). (minimum of 100 words)
- Please note! Friendly greetings and compliments are not included in the word count.
- Discussions and responses must show evidence of knowledge of facts pertaining to the issues being discussed and must attempt to apply the economic terms, ideas, and theories in the textbook.
California Career College Law Punitive Awards Discussion Economics Assignment Help[supanova_question]
San Diego State University Rhetorical Strategies & Appeals Multiple Choice Humanities Assignment Help
This segment of our studies in writing is meant to build upon the foundation (main argument, claims and evidence) we’ve been constructing over the last two weeks.
Feel free to use the documents you have been assigned to read Rhetorical Strategies-2.docx
in preparation for this next segment. This “quiz” is meant to reinforce your understanding of the different types of Rhetorical Strategies and Rhetorical Appeals writers use to make impact on their readers. Since both work in conjunction with each other in making impact on an audience, it made sense to create a quiz that encompasses the content of both readings.
I worked on these two documents for nearly 3 hours so that they would include illustrations (and an hyperlink or two) meant to clarify how to interpret the content you’ve been given.
The more strongly you understand these concepts now, the more effectively you’ll be able to identify how other writers use them and, equally important, how to utilize them more effectively when crafting your own arguments.
ENGL Loyola Marymount To Live in the Borderlands Means You Essay Humanities Assignment Help
Poetry Explication EN 345
An Explication is a complete and detailed analysis of a work of literature, often proceeding word-by-word or line-by-line through the work. For this paper, you will be writing an explication of a poem. You may choose any of the poems we have read or will read for class. In the Explication you will be presenting your “reading” of the poem you have chosen. Such a reading will require you to understand all aspects of the poem and to have a grasp of the meaning of individual parts of the poem in relation to the entire work. You are not, however, striving to be exhaustive in your “explanation” of the poem, but rather you should strive to be selective in considering only those details that are significant to your own thematic understanding of the poem.
An explication demonstrates your ability to (1) follow the essential details of the poem, (2) understand the issues and the meaning the poem reveals, (3) explain some of the relationships of content and technique, and (4) note and discuss especially important or unique aspects of the poem.
Introduction: Include title (in quotation marks), author, dates, brief background of the author if necessary and relevant, a brief summary of the plot (situation), or literal level of the poem, and your thesis, which probably will mention two or three techniques the poet uses to convey his/her argument (theme). The thesis will include what you believe to be that argument.
Body Paragraphs: Systematically go through the poem showing the techniques stated in your thesis and showing how they relate to the poet’s argument. Brief quotes should be incorporated into your sentences to clarify your point. Do not, under any circumstance, quote the entire poem within the paper. If you quote three or fewer lines, an inline quote, you should introduce the quote with a signal phrase, and then quote the section of the poem, indicating line breaks with a “/” and stanza breaks with a “//”. To quote more than three lines, use a block quote. In either case, follow the quote with a parenthetical reference of the line number(s). And then, make sure that you follow the quote with an analysis of the quote.
Conclusion: Here you pull the paper together and reaffirm your thesis. You could discuss how the poem relates to real life and/or use this paragraph to disagree with the poet’s argument if you wish.
Additional Style Tips: While the explication tends to be a chronological progression, consider the organization of the paper. How can you group your observations? This, as any other formal paper, should be a multiple-draft project where your initial observations are organized into main points, and these main points are then focused with a thesis in the intro, with topic sentences in the body paragraphs, and finished with a conclusion.
Three page drafts are due Thursday 9/10 (these will be peer reviewed) and your final essays (with drafts and research notes attached) are due Thursday 9/17. You should plan to choose one of the poems we’ve discussed, draw in one or two of the critical readings we’ve completed, and deeply and thoughtfully analyze the poem.
NUR 555 Molloy College Hospital Acquired Infections PICOT Questions Health Medical Assignment Help
Revise your PICOT Question as needed, based on your preliminary database searches.
Using the key words in your PICOT question conduct a College Library search for relevant research evidence.
Begin with CINAHL (used advance search options for full text resources) Look in others such as (, Cochrane, Medline, Embase, PsyINFO, Cochrane, etc.).
- Create a statement (approx 300-500 Words) listing your final PICOT followed by a listing of 3-5 sources of evidence from your search. List these as APA citations with a brief annotated summary of each article
- Look in your searching for an evidence based guideline that is specific and one that you could implement at your place of work.
After doing some preliminary literature searching, my refined and further developed PICOT statement is: Will healthcare workers (P) hand hygiene and proper wearing and disposal of PPEs (I) compared with No Intervention (C) reduce prevalence for hospital-acquired infections (O) in 6 months(T)
MJC Impact of Covid 19 Pandemic on Teaching and Learning Essay Humanities Assignment Help
The thesis statement for your essay should explicitly list the three (or more) things you learned or refer to them in broad terms. For example, the thesis statement might be as follows (for a student who is researching homeless people, nutrition, and wellness).
- An effective hook should be crafted for the beginning of the essay to draw the reader into the essay.
- A biography and descriptive information explaining the background and expertise of the person(s) being interviewed that should be woven into the essay in a smooth manner.
- The essay should contain both summarized elements from the interview(s) and direct quotations.
- The essay must give specific examples, stories, and explanations of the interview, the material learned, and the emotional and analytical reaction to the information gleaned.