Savannah State University Disabilities Portrayed on The Media Presentation Writing Assignment Help

Savannah State University Disabilities Portrayed on The Media Presentation Writing Assignment Help. Savannah State University Disabilities Portrayed on The Media Presentation Writing Assignment Help.

I’m working on a writing question and need guidance to help me understand better.
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Each day, there are individuals in the media either portrayed positively or negatively. For example, do you

ever hear news reporters say, “The Mentally Retarded Person?” That is a negative

portrayal. Or have you seen where there are now individuals with Down Syndrome who

are models? That is a positive portrayal to let people know that individuals with

disabilities can do things that individuals without disabilities do. I want you to investigate

the portrayal with disabilities of individuals in popular media. You will include at least

three specific examples from movies, television, news stories, social media, and/or

magazines of media portrayal of disabilities. The examples may be positive or negative.

In a PPT presentation, you will critically analyze the media’s portrayal of individuals

with disabilities. Your PPT should include the following:

At least three examples of different portrayal of disabilities in the media (cannot

be of the same gender)

Characteristics of the disabilities

Example of the persons work

Links to the example, pictures of the example, etc. You must document where you

found the portrayal

An explanation of your reaction to each portrayal positive or negative and your


Your learning center consist of students with exceptionalities, use this assignment

as a career awareness

Savannah State University Disabilities Portrayed on The Media Presentation Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

The Community College of Baltimore County Female Genital Mutilation Presentation Other Assignment Help

I’m working on a other writing question and need an explanation to help me learn.

Activism Project Blog

For this assignment you are going to choose an issue relating to gendered violence (it can be any issue raised in the textbook or other assigned readings for this week, or in the PowerPoint (i.e. Female Genital Mutilation, Dowry Killings, Domestic violence etc.). You will then create an informative blog post relating to social activism around that issue. Your post should include three sections:

1. An Important Facts Section — here you want to provide some basic factual information/statistics about the scope/nature of this problem (you can include some information from course readings/PowerPoints, but you should also include some additional information that you uncover through online research). Be sure to provide a parenthetical citation for each entry.

2. A What’s Being Done Section — here you should identify some organizations that are working to combat this problem along with a brief description of what they are doing.

3. A What You Can Do Section — here you should provide some information about what people who want to help combat this problem can do. This might include a list of ways to volunteer with or donate to particular organization, links to petitions that can be signed, or bills/laws that they can urge political leaders to support etc. You might also list here warning signs that people can be aware of, hotlines to report instances of abuse to or a list of things to say/not say to women experiencing violence.

FORMAT: You can be creative and arrange/design your blog any way you like in terms of colors, background graphics or images — just make sure that each of the three required sections are clearly demarcated. You may also upload a PowerPoint or Prezi if you prefer that format.

LENGTH: For section 1, include 6 to 10 key facts (no more than l 3 of which can come from course materials). For sections 2 and 3, list between 2 and 5 items.


Fashion Institute Exchange Rate Determination in the Currency Markets Questions Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a business multi-part question and need an explanation to help me understand better.

Read chapter 9 and respond to the following questions:

1. It is stated in the assigned chapter that currency markets do not seem to pay attention to the various theories surrounding exchange rate determination. State and describe in detail an example of this phenomenon (concept) that explains this type of confusion over exchange rate changes.

2. State and describe in detail, the concept that explains why so many countries have pursued numerous competitive devaluations over the years.

3. What key factor motivates a country’s intervention in the FX markets to alter economic and financial fundamentals that may drive capital into and out of specific currencies? Provide detail for your response.

textbook links:…


HI 215 Purdue University Global Coverage Determinations and Incident Reports Essay Health Medical Assignment Help

I’m working on a health & medical discussion question and need an explanation to help me understand better.

HI215 Reimbursement Methodologies

TOPIC #1: Coverage Determinations

Medicare Medical Necessity Local Coverage Determinations (LCDs) or local coverage determinations specify under what clinical circumstances a service is covered.

  • Explain medical necessity.
  • From the Medicare Coverage Database, access the Local Coverage Determinations (LCDs) Alphabetical Index. Locate and present a procedures/services to determine whether Medicare covers that procedure or service, by scrolling down and clicking on the blue ID to select the procedure (L32553) (the first time might include a License Agreement, go to bottom right and agree, otherwise, when you click the code the information on it will open
  • Provide details on why or why not this procedure or service is covered. Scroll through the coverage, the outline will provide details on coverage, limitations, and stipulations. As you review details of coverage note the ICD-10 codes which are deemed medically necessary in support of this procedure.
  • What if any stipulations exist of covering these services or procedures
  • l
  • HI230: Quality Assurance and Statistics in Health Information
  • Topic #2: Incident Reports

Examine the components of a risk management plan as it relates to incident reporting. Analyze and discuss the pros and cons of storing incident reports in, or acknowledging the presence of them in the patient’s record. Recommend two best practices in regards to storage or acknowledgement of incident reports for the health organization to consider implementing that would limit risk.

Best Practices:

The importance of having a Risk Management Plan is covered in Chapter 11 and incident reports are covered in Chapters 5, 11, and 13 in the Shaw and Carter digital text included as part of this course.

As you consider your response, view the importance of incident reporting and filing of incident reports from a nursing standpoint at the following links:……

Respond to the two discussion posts using a minimum of 150-200 words each


Oakwood University Week 1 Apple Company Research Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a business case study and need an explanation to help me study.


Initial Firm Selection and Review

Select one company you are interested in learning more about or a company from an industry that intrigues you; this will be the company you will strategically analyze at the end of each chapter. Be sure to choose a company that makes its details (for example, annual reports, number of employees, management structure, business model, and so forth) easily available to the public. Since much of what you’ll be doing for each assignment is obtaining and analyzing data about the firm, available access to the firm’s details is especially important.

Choose one of two approaches to select the company:

Approach1: Selecting a Publicly Held Firm

The primary approach to this project is to select a publicly held firm. Many large firms (for example, Apple, Google, and GE) have been widely reported on in the business and popular press, and a wealth of information is available on them. Other medium-sized public firms, such as Tesla, Netflix, and BlackBerry, can be used as example firms for this project. One cautionary note: For firms that are less than three years public or in industries that are not well-defined, it will take extra effort to properly identify such items as competitors and suppliers. But if it is a firm you are truly motivated to study, the effort can be quite rewarding. Relevant data on all public firms can be freely obtained using web services such as Edgar ( (For guidance on how to pull data from the Securities and Exchange Commission website, ask your instructor to download instructions from the Instructor’s Resources tab in Connect for the fourth edition. Annual reports for firms also are a treasure trove of information. These reports and other quarterly update materials are often available from the firm’s own website (look for “about us” or “investor relations” tabs, often located at the bottom of the company’s website). Additionally, most university and public libraries have access to large databases of articles from many trade publications. (Factiva and ABI/Proquest are two examples.) Company profiles of a variety of publicly listed firms are available at reliable websites such as and Many industries have quite active trade associations that will have websites and publications that can also be useful in this process. Your local librarian can likely provide you with additional resources that may be licensed for library use or that are otherwise not available online. Examples of these are Value Line Ratings & Reports and Datamonitor.

Approach 2: Selecting a Smaller Firm

A second approach to this project is to select a smaller firm in your area of interest. Smaller firms may have coverage in the local press. However, if the firm is not public, you will need to ensure you have access to a wide variety of data about the firm. If this is a firm for which you have worked or where you know people, please check in advance to be sure the firm is willing to share its information with you. This approach can work well, especially if the firm is interested in a detailed analysis of its strategic position. But to be successful with this project, be sure you will have access to a broad range of data and information (perhaps including interviews of key managers at the firm).f you are in doubt on how to select a firm, check with your instructor before proceeding. In some instances, your instructor will assign a firm to you or your study group.

See a description and overview for the Case Project Weekly Updates and the Strategy Term Project Portfolio due by Week Eight.

For this module, complete or answer the following:

1. Provide a brief history of the company.

2. List the top management of the firm and note what experience and leadership skills the executives bring to the firm. If it is a larger conglomerate, list both the corporate and business managers.

3. What is the principal business model of the firm? (How does the firm make most of its profits?)

4. Search for a vision, mission statement, and statement of values for your chosen firm. Note that not all organizations publish these statements, so you may need to make inferences from the available information. Relevant information is often available at the firm’s website (though it may take some searching) or is contained in its annual reports. You may also interview a manager of the firm or contact investor relations. You may also be able to compare the official statement with the business press coverage of the firm.

Paper Details:

  • Submit the assignment in Microsoft Office format.
  • Format the assignment using APA formatting and writing style.



MKT 574 Alabama A&M W5 Costco Digital & Social Media Strategies Presentation Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a business Other and need support to help me understand better.

Complete only slide 3 and 10

Many digital and social media sites are widely used in marketing strategies.

Prepare a 10- to 15-slide presentation with detailed speaker’s notes and visuals elements.

Complete the following in your presentation:

  • Identify a company that could benefit from better use of social media.
  • Analyze at least 10 digital and social media channels and describe the strengths and weaknesses of each of these as a marketing tool for this company.
  • Design an online strategy that maximizes the use of some or all of the digital and social media channels, as appropriate, based on your team’s analysis.
  • Determine key performance indicators to measure the success of the online strategy.

****My part of the project is the introduction and conclusion which is slide 3 and 10 *** our company is Costco

MKT 574 Alabama A&M W5 Costco Digital & Social Media Strategies Presentation Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

ENGL 120 Cuyamaca College Front Lines of The Myanmar Protests Bibliography Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a english multi-part question and need an explanation to help me understand better.

I have this assignment due in 4 days but I want the assignment to be for 2 persons. There is 2 articles that deals with “Struggle for Democracy,” so the topic title you going to choice it should be for 2 persons and should be 2 different answers for each person and I will upload the articles as well that deals with this assignment. Also, I will upload the annotated papers that I did and I will upload the 2 articles that deals with the assignment as well. If there is anything else please let me know and if you can finish the papers earlier I will appreciate it.

Research Paper Draft of Introduction

50 points Due Sunday, May 9, 11:59 pm

  • Introduction paragraph
  • First body paragraph
  • Works Cited page with two sources (not the same sources as on your annotated bibliography)
  • MLA formatted


The purpose of an argument research paper is to teach certain writing and thinking skills:

  • to form a clear opinion about a controversial issue,
  • to understand how various social, cultural, political, and economic influences have led to the controversy,
  • to fairly present these influences and opposing points of view,
  • to support your own point of view with reliable and relevant sources,
  • and to draw a logical conclusion about an issue based on your own research

Being able to clearly express your opinion, support it persuasively, and acknowledge the ways and reasons other points of view differ from your own is both an academic skill and a life skill.


This semester we have read and written about controversial issues, such as women’s right to vote, children and girls’ right to be educated, effectiveness of protest movements, and youth activism in the United States and other countries. We’ve read about two young activists who are passionate about their chosen social issue and fearless about confronting world leaders to take action to resolve these issues. Greta Thunberg and Malala Yousafzai have inspired others around the world for their courage and persistence.


  • Write a draft of the introduction paragraph to your paper.
  • Do not use first person (I, we, my); See Thesis Guidelines, 12.4, on how to give your opinion without using first person.
  • Your introduction should include the following elements:
    • Gain reader’s attention and interest with a hook as the first sentence (an example, brief story, statistic, controversial statement)
    • Brief discussion of the movement you have chosen as your topic
      • context or background (when and how it began)
    • Establish the controversial aspect of the movement that you will argue.
      • Give some reasons for the controversy (these reasons come from your sources and are cited)
      • The controversy and reasons should lead to your thesis.
    • In the last sentence of the introduction, state clearly your argument or thesis.
      • Remember, you are arguing about the movement not its central issue (education, climate, racism, or guns)
      • Your thesis focuses on some controversy around the movement.
      • Here are some examples of controversy
        • The movement’s effectiveness (are there outcomes, results?)
        • Criticism of its leaders and followers, (from whom, valid or not?)
        • Opposition to the movement’s goals, (from whom, valid or not?)
  • Write at least one body paragraph.
    • This paragraph gives the basic information the reader needs to understand your position.
      • Expand on the goals and obstacles of the movement.
      • Present evidence from one of your sources that supports your argument/position.
  • Create your Works Cited page with two different sources than those on your annotated bibliography.
  • Submit your draft and Works Cited page.

I’m requiring that your draft be submitted to a plagiarism checker, Turnitin. The report I receive from Turnitin will show if any information in your paper comes from a source that you have not cited. As we have discussed in this class (see 8.5), all direct quotes from a source must have quotation marks and the source. Even a paraphrase must have a source. I will let you see the report so you can correct your paper by citing the sources. This way you will not accidentally plagiarize. And, on your final paper, you will be careful to cite all your sources.


OU Wk 2 Biblical Foundations Biblical Models of Leadership Paul Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a management discussion question and need an explanation to help me learn.

Paul: “Believe in something bigger than yourself.”

“I have appointed you as a light for the Gentiles, to bring salvation to the ends of the earth” (Acts 13:47). Paul thought of himself as nothing in the total scheme of things. He was thoroughly subservient to the will of God, and he was committed to a specific, meaningful mission. Paul had courage in the face of opposition because he had limitless horizons in his mission. He believed in himself, but he believed in something bigger than himself, namely, “Jesus Christ and Him crucified,” (1 Cor. 2:2).


MKT 356 California State University Northridge Gourmet Food Market Discussion Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a marketing report and need support to help me learn.

This is group project, and my part is Method.

Method: The procedures you used should be described in this section. This would include a description and justification of analysis you choose to do for your project.

In our project we used Tableau; Microsoft Excel;

And this is our project report, match to the our project Please write one page about Method and explain how did we do it.

And double space.


Lincoln University of Pennsylvania Ailins Character Analysis Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a writing question and need an explanation to help me learn.

This paper will have you describe a fictional character from a movie, TV show or book from the perspective of the Five-Factor Model and another theory of your choice from one of the following perspectives: 2) biological, 3) psychoanalytic 4) existential and 5) learning, thinking feeling. The paper should be no shorter than 3 pages and no longer than 8 pages in length (double-spaced, 12 pt. font, Times New Roman, 1” margins).

Please divide you paper into the following sections and clearly label each of the following:

1 Analyze your character from each of the five-factors and give two observations supporting how the character would score on each factor. Make sure to use information from the text or lecture to help explain your decision about where the character would score on each factor. (20 Points)

2 Chose another specific theory (not related to traits or types). Describe your character from this theory and give at least two instances of your characters life that relates to the theory. (20 points)

3 Include reasons for why your character may have developed their personality (genetics, family, environment, etc.). Speculate based on the characters situation, family, genetics, upbringing, etc. (7 points)

4 In-text citations and a reference page (3 points)

[supanova_question] for the Case Project Weekly Updates and the Strategy Term Project Portfolio due by Week Eight.

For this module, complete or answer the following:

1. Provide a brief history of the company.

2. List the top management of the firm and note what experience and leadership skills the executives bring to the firm. If it is a larger conglomerate, list both the corporate and business managers.

3. What is the principal business model of the firm? (How does the firm make most of its profits?)

4. Search for a vision, mission statement, and statement of values for your chosen firm. Note that not all organizations publish these statements, so you may need to make inferences from the available information. Relevant information is often available at the firm’s website (though it may take some searching) or is contained in its annual reports. You may also interview a manager of the firm or contact investor relations. You may also be able to compare the official statement with the business press coverage of the firm.

Paper Details:

  • Submit the assignment in Microsoft Office format.
  • Format the assignment using APA formatting and writing style.



MKT 574 Alabama A&M W5 Costco Digital & Social Media Strategies Presentation Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a business Other and need support to help me understand better.

Complete only slide 3 and 10

Many digital and social media sites are widely used in marketing strategies.

Prepare a 10- to 15-slide presentation with detailed speaker’s notes and visuals elements.

Complete the following in your presentation:

  • Identify a company that could benefit from better use of social media.
  • Analyze at least 10 digital and social media channels and describe the strengths and weaknesses of each of these as a marketing tool for this company.
  • Design an online strategy that maximizes the use of some or all of the digital and social media channels, as appropriate, based on your team’s analysis.
  • Determine key performance indicators to measure the success of the online strategy.

****My part of the project is the introduction and conclusion which is slide 3 and 10 *** our company is Costco

MKT 574 Alabama A&M W5 Costco Digital & Social Media Strategies Presentation Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

ENGL 120 Cuyamaca College Front Lines of The Myanmar Protests Bibliography Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a english multi-part question and need an explanation to help me understand better.

I have this assignment due in 4 days but I want the assignment to be for 2 persons. There is 2 articles that deals with “Struggle for Democracy,” so the topic title you going to choice it should be for 2 persons and should be 2 different answers for each person and I will upload the articles as well that deals with this assignment. Also, I will upload the annotated papers that I did and I will upload the 2 articles that deals with the assignment as well. If there is anything else please let me know and if you can finish the papers earlier I will appreciate it.

Research Paper Draft of Introduction

50 points Due Sunday, May 9, 11:59 pm

  • Introduction paragraph
  • First body paragraph
  • Works Cited page with two sources (not the same sources as on your annotated bibliography)
  • MLA formatted


The purpose of an argument research paper is to teach certain writing and thinking skills:

  • to form a clear opinion about a controversial issue,
  • to understand how various social, cultural, political, and economic influences have led to the controversy,
  • to fairly present these influences and opposing points of view,
  • to support your own point of view with reliable and relevant sources,
  • and to draw a logical conclusion about an issue based on your own research

Being able to clearly express your opinion, support it persuasively, and acknowledge the ways and reasons other points of view differ from your own is both an academic skill and a life skill.


This semester we have read and written about controversial issues, such as women’s right to vote, children and girls’ right to be educated, effectiveness of protest movements, and youth activism in the United States and other countries. We’ve read about two young activists who are passionate about their chosen social issue and fearless about confronting world leaders to take action to resolve these issues. Greta Thunberg and Malala Yousafzai have inspired others around the world for their courage and persistence.


  • Write a draft of the introduction paragraph to your paper.
  • Do not use first person (I, we, my); See Thesis Guidelines, 12.4, on how to give your opinion without using first person.
  • Your introduction should include the following elements:
    • Gain reader’s attention and interest with a hook as the first sentence (an example, brief story, statistic, controversial statement)
    • Brief discussion of the movement you have chosen as your topic
      • context or background (when and how it began)
    • Establish the controversial aspect of the movement that you will argue.
      • Give some reasons for the controversy (these reasons come from your sources and are cited)
      • The controversy and reasons should lead to your thesis.
    • In the last sentence of the introduction, state clearly your argument or thesis.
      • Remember, you are arguing about the movement not its central issue (education, climate, racism, or guns)
      • Your thesis focuses on some controversy around the movement.
      • Here are some examples of controversy
        • The movement’s effectiveness (are there outcomes, results?)
        • Criticism of its leaders and followers, (from whom, valid or not?)
        • Opposition to the movement’s goals, (from whom, valid or not?)
  • Write at least one body paragraph.
    • This paragraph gives the basic information the reader needs to understand your position.
      • Expand on the goals and obstacles of the movement.
      • Present evidence from one of your sources that supports your argument/position.
  • Create your Works Cited page with two different sources than those on your annotated bibliography.
  • Submit your draft and Works Cited page.

I’m requiring that your draft be submitted to a plagiarism checker, Turnitin. The report I receive from Turnitin will show if any information in your paper comes from a source that you have not cited. As we have discussed in this class (see 8.5), all direct quotes from a source must have quotation marks and the source. Even a paraphrase must have a source. I will let you see the report so you can correct your paper by citing the sources. This way you will not accidentally plagiarize. And, on your final paper, you will be careful to cite all your sources.


OU Wk 2 Biblical Foundations Biblical Models of Leadership Paul Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a management discussion question and need an explanation to help me learn.

Paul: “Believe in something bigger than yourself.”

“I have appointed you as a light for the Gentiles, to bring salvation to the ends of the earth” (Acts 13:47). Paul thought of himself as nothing in the total scheme of things. He was thoroughly subservient to the will of God, and he was committed to a specific, meaningful mission. Paul had courage in the face of opposition because he had limitless horizons in his mission. He believed in himself, but he believed in something bigger than himself, namely, “Jesus Christ and Him crucified,” (1 Cor. 2:2).


MKT 356 California State University Northridge Gourmet Food Market Discussion Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a marketing report and need support to help me learn.

This is group project, and my part is Method.

Method: The procedures you used should be described in this section. This would include a description and justification of analysis you choose to do for your project.

In our project we used Tableau; Microsoft Excel;

And this is our project report, match to the our project Please write one page about Method and explain how did we do it.

And double space.


Lincoln University of Pennsylvania Ailins Character Analysis Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a writing question and need an explanation to help me learn.

This paper will have you describe a fictional character from a movie, TV show or book from the perspective of the Five-Factor Model and another theory of your choice from one of the following perspectives: 2) biological, 3) psychoanalytic 4) existential and 5) learning, thinking feeling. The paper should be no shorter than 3 pages and no longer than 8 pages in length (double-spaced, 12 pt. font, Times New Roman, 1” margins).

Please divide you paper into the following sections and clearly label each of the following:

1 Analyze your character from each of the five-factors and give two observations supporting how the character would score on each factor. Make sure to use information from the text or lecture to help explain your decision about where the character would score on each factor. (20 Points)

2 Chose another specific theory (not related to traits or types). Describe your character from this theory and give at least two instances of your characters life that relates to the theory. (20 points)

3 Include reasons for why your character may have developed their personality (genetics, family, environment, etc.). Speculate based on the characters situation, family, genetics, upbringing, etc. (7 points)

4 In-text citations and a reference page (3 points)

[supanova_question] for the Case Project Weekly Updates and the Strategy Term Project Portfolio due by Week Eight.

For this module, complete or answer the following:

1. Provide a brief history of the company.

2. List the top management of the firm and note what experience and leadership skills the executives bring to the firm. If it is a larger conglomerate, list both the corporate and business managers.

3. What is the principal business model of the firm? (How does the firm make most of its profits?)

4. Search for a vision, mission statement, and statement of values for your chosen firm. Note that not all organizations publish these statements, so you may need to make inferences from the available information. Relevant information is often available at the firm’s website (though it may take some searching) or is contained in its annual reports. You may also interview a manager of the firm or contact investor relations. You may also be able to compare the official statement with the business press coverage of the firm.

Paper Details:

  • Submit the assignment in Microsoft Office format.
  • Format the assignment using APA formatting and writing style.



MKT 574 Alabama A&M W5 Costco Digital & Social Media Strategies Presentation Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a business Other and need support to help me understand better.

Complete only slide 3 and 10

Many digital and social media sites are widely used in marketing strategies.

Prepare a 10- to 15-slide presentation with detailed speaker’s notes and visuals elements.

Complete the following in your presentation:

  • Identify a company that could benefit from better use of social media.
  • Analyze at least 10 digital and social media channels and describe the strengths and weaknesses of each of these as a marketing tool for this company.
  • Design an online strategy that maximizes the use of some or all of the digital and social media channels, as appropriate, based on your team’s analysis.
  • Determine key performance indicators to measure the success of the online strategy.

****My part of the project is the introduction and conclusion which is slide 3 and 10 *** our company is Costco

MKT 574 Alabama A&M W5 Costco Digital & Social Media Strategies Presentation Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

ENGL 120 Cuyamaca College Front Lines of The Myanmar Protests Bibliography Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a english multi-part question and need an explanation to help me understand better.

I have this assignment due in 4 days but I want the assignment to be for 2 persons. There is 2 articles that deals with “Struggle for Democracy,” so the topic title you going to choice it should be for 2 persons and should be 2 different answers for each person and I will upload the articles as well that deals with this assignment. Also, I will upload the annotated papers that I did and I will upload the 2 articles that deals with the assignment as well. If there is anything else please let me know and if you can finish the papers earlier I will appreciate it.

Research Paper Draft of Introduction

50 points Due Sunday, May 9, 11:59 pm

  • Introduction paragraph
  • First body paragraph
  • Works Cited page with two sources (not the same sources as on your annotated bibliography)
  • MLA formatted


The purpose of an argument research paper is to teach certain writing and thinking skills:

  • to form a clear opinion about a controversial issue,
  • to understand how various social, cultural, political, and economic influences have led to the controversy,
  • to fairly present these influences and opposing points of view,
  • to support your own point of view with reliable and relevant sources,
  • and to draw a logical conclusion about an issue based on your own research

Being able to clearly express your opinion, support it persuasively, and acknowledge the ways and reasons other points of view differ from your own is both an academic skill and a life skill.


This semester we have read and written about controversial issues, such as women’s right to vote, children and girls’ right to be educated, effectiveness of protest movements, and youth activism in the United States and other countries. We’ve read about two young activists who are passionate about their chosen social issue and fearless about confronting world leaders to take action to resolve these issues. Greta Thunberg and Malala Yousafzai have inspired others around the world for their courage and persistence.


  • Write a draft of the introduction paragraph to your paper.
  • Do not use first person (I, we, my); See Thesis Guidelines, 12.4, on how to give your opinion without using first person.
  • Your introduction should include the following elements:
    • Gain reader’s attention and interest with a hook as the first sentence (an example, brief story, statistic, controversial statement)
    • Brief discussion of the movement you have chosen as your topic
      • context or background (when and how it began)
    • Establish the controversial aspect of the movement that you will argue.
      • Give some reasons for the controversy (these reasons come from your sources and are cited)
      • The controversy and reasons should lead to your thesis.
    • In the last sentence of the introduction, state clearly your argument or thesis.
      • Remember, you are arguing about the movement not its central issue (education, climate, racism, or guns)
      • Your thesis focuses on some controversy around the movement.
      • Here are some examples of controversy
        • The movement’s effectiveness (are there outcomes, results?)
        • Criticism of its leaders and followers, (from whom, valid or not?)
        • Opposition to the movement’s goals, (from whom, valid or not?)
  • Write at least one body paragraph.
    • This paragraph gives the basic information the reader needs to understand your position.
      • Expand on the goals and obstacles of the movement.
      • Present evidence from one of your sources that supports your argument/position.
  • Create your Works Cited page with two different sources than those on your annotated bibliography.
  • Submit your draft and Works Cited page.

I’m requiring that your draft be submitted to a plagiarism checker, Turnitin. The report I receive from Turnitin will show if any information in your paper comes from a source that you have not cited. As we have discussed in this class (see 8.5), all direct quotes from a source must have quotation marks and the source. Even a paraphrase must have a source. I will let you see the report so you can correct your paper by citing the sources. This way you will not accidentally plagiarize. And, on your final paper, you will be careful to cite all your sources.


OU Wk 2 Biblical Foundations Biblical Models of Leadership Paul Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a management discussion question and need an explanation to help me learn.

Paul: “Believe in something bigger than yourself.”

“I have appointed you as a light for the Gentiles, to bring salvation to the ends of the earth” (Acts 13:47). Paul thought of himself as nothing in the total scheme of things. He was thoroughly subservient to the will of God, and he was committed to a specific, meaningful mission. Paul had courage in the face of opposition because he had limitless horizons in his mission. He believed in himself, but he believed in something bigger than himself, namely, “Jesus Christ and Him crucified,” (1 Cor. 2:2).


MKT 356 California State University Northridge Gourmet Food Market Discussion Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a marketing report and need support to help me learn.

This is group project, and my part is Method.

Method: The procedures you used should be described in this section. This would include a description and justification of analysis you choose to do for your project.

In our project we used Tableau; Microsoft Excel;

And this is our project report, match to the our project Please write one page about Method and explain how did we do it.

And double space.


Lincoln University of Pennsylvania Ailins Character Analysis Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a writing question and need an explanation to help me learn.

This paper will have you describe a fictional character from a movie, TV show or book from the perspective of the Five-Factor Model and another theory of your choice from one of the following perspectives: 2) biological, 3) psychoanalytic 4) existential and 5) learning, thinking feeling. The paper should be no shorter than 3 pages and no longer than 8 pages in length (double-spaced, 12 pt. font, Times New Roman, 1” margins).

Please divide you paper into the following sections and clearly label each of the following:

1 Analyze your character from each of the five-factors and give two observations supporting how the character would score on each factor. Make sure to use information from the text or lecture to help explain your decision about where the character would score on each factor. (20 Points)

2 Chose another specific theory (not related to traits or types). Describe your character from this theory and give at least two instances of your characters life that relates to the theory. (20 points)

3 Include reasons for why your character may have developed their personality (genetics, family, environment, etc.). Speculate based on the characters situation, family, genetics, upbringing, etc. (7 points)

4 In-text citations and a reference page (3 points)

[supanova_question] for the Case Project Weekly Updates and the Strategy Term Project Portfolio due by Week Eight.

For this module, complete or answer the following:

1. Provide a brief history of the company.

2. List the top management of the firm and note what experience and leadership skills the executives bring to the firm. If it is a larger conglomerate, list both the corporate and business managers.

3. What is the principal business model of the firm? (How does the firm make most of its profits?)

4. Search for a vision, mission statement, and statement of values for your chosen firm. Note that not all organizations publish these statements, so you may need to make inferences from the available information. Relevant information is often available at the firm’s website (though it may take some searching) or is contained in its annual reports. You may also interview a manager of the firm or contact investor relations. You may also be able to compare the official statement with the business press coverage of the firm.

Paper Details:

  • Submit the assignment in Microsoft Office format.
  • Format the assignment using APA formatting and writing style.



MKT 574 Alabama A&M W5 Costco Digital & Social Media Strategies Presentation Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a business Other and need support to help me understand better.

Complete only slide 3 and 10

Many digital and social media sites are widely used in marketing strategies.

Prepare a 10- to 15-slide presentation with detailed speaker’s notes and visuals elements.

Complete the following in your presentation:

  • Identify a company that could benefit from better use of social media.
  • Analyze at least 10 digital and social media channels and describe the strengths and weaknesses of each of these as a marketing tool for this company.
  • Design an online strategy that maximizes the use of some or all of the digital and social media channels, as appropriate, based on your team’s analysis.
  • Determine key performance indicators to measure the success of the online strategy.

****My part of the project is the introduction and conclusion which is slide 3 and 10 *** our company is Costco

MKT 574 Alabama A&M W5 Costco Digital & Social Media Strategies Presentation Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

ENGL 120 Cuyamaca College Front Lines of The Myanmar Protests Bibliography Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a english multi-part question and need an explanation to help me understand better.

I have this assignment due in 4 days but I want the assignment to be for 2 persons. There is 2 articles that deals with “Struggle for Democracy,” so the topic title you going to choice it should be for 2 persons and should be 2 different answers for each person and I will upload the articles as well that deals with this assignment. Also, I will upload the annotated papers that I did and I will upload the 2 articles that deals with the assignment as well. If there is anything else please let me know and if you can finish the papers earlier I will appreciate it.

Research Paper Draft of Introduction

50 points Due Sunday, May 9, 11:59 pm

  • Introduction paragraph
  • First body paragraph
  • Works Cited page with two sources (not the same sources as on your annotated bibliography)
  • MLA formatted


The purpose of an argument research paper is to teach certain writing and thinking skills:

  • to form a clear opinion about a controversial issue,
  • to understand how various social, cultural, political, and economic influences have led to the controversy,
  • to fairly present these influences and opposing points of view,
  • to support your own point of view with reliable and relevant sources,
  • and to draw a logical conclusion about an issue based on your own research

Being able to clearly express your opinion, support it persuasively, and acknowledge the ways and reasons other points of view differ from your own is both an academic skill and a life skill.


This semester we have read and written about controversial issues, such as women’s right to vote, children and girls’ right to be educated, effectiveness of protest movements, and youth activism in the United States and other countries. We’ve read about two young activists who are passionate about their chosen social issue and fearless about confronting world leaders to take action to resolve these issues. Greta Thunberg and Malala Yousafzai have inspired others around the world for their courage and persistence.


  • Write a draft of the introduction paragraph to your paper.
  • Do not use first person (I, we, my); See Thesis Guidelines, 12.4, on how to give your opinion without using first person.
  • Your introduction should include the following elements:
    • Gain reader’s attention and interest with a hook as the first sentence (an example, brief story, statistic, controversial statement)
    • Brief discussion of the movement you have chosen as your topic
      • context or background (when and how it began)
    • Establish the controversial aspect of the movement that you will argue.
      • Give some reasons for the controversy (these reasons come from your sources and are cited)
      • The controversy and reasons should lead to your thesis.
    • In the last sentence of the introduction, state clearly your argument or thesis.
      • Remember, you are arguing about the movement not its central issue (education, climate, racism, or guns)
      • Your thesis focuses on some controversy around the movement.
      • Here are some examples of controversy
        • The movement’s effectiveness (are there outcomes, results?)
        • Criticism of its leaders and followers, (from whom, valid or not?)
        • Opposition to the movement’s goals, (from whom, valid or not?)
  • Write at least one body paragraph.
    • This paragraph gives the basic information the reader needs to understand your position.
      • Expand on the goals and obstacles of the movement.
      • Present evidence from one of your sources that supports your argument/position.
  • Create your Works Cited page with two different sources than those on your annotated bibliography.
  • Submit your draft and Works Cited page.

I’m requiring that your draft be submitted to a plagiarism checker, Turnitin. The report I receive from Turnitin will show if any information in your paper comes from a source that you have not cited. As we have discussed in this class (see 8.5), all direct quotes from a source must have quotation marks and the source. Even a paraphrase must have a source. I will let you see the report so you can correct your paper by citing the sources. This way you will not accidentally plagiarize. And, on your final paper, you will be careful to cite all your sources.


OU Wk 2 Biblical Foundations Biblical Models of Leadership Paul Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a management discussion question and need an explanation to help me learn.

Paul: “Believe in something bigger than yourself.”

“I have appointed you as a light for the Gentiles, to bring salvation to the ends of the earth” (Acts 13:47). Paul thought of himself as nothing in the total scheme of things. He was thoroughly subservient to the will of God, and he was committed to a specific, meaningful mission. Paul had courage in the face of opposition because he had limitless horizons in his mission. He believed in himself, but he believed in something bigger than himself, namely, “Jesus Christ and Him crucified,” (1 Cor. 2:2).


MKT 356 California State University Northridge Gourmet Food Market Discussion Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a marketing report and need support to help me learn.

This is group project, and my part is Method.

Method: The procedures you used should be described in this section. This would include a description and justification of analysis you choose to do for your project.

In our project we used Tableau; Microsoft Excel;

And this is our project report, match to the our project Please write one page about Method and explain how did we do it.

And double space.


Lincoln University of Pennsylvania Ailins Character Analysis Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a writing question and need an explanation to help me learn.

This paper will have you describe a fictional character from a movie, TV show or book from the perspective of the Five-Factor Model and another theory of your choice from one of the following perspectives: 2) biological, 3) psychoanalytic 4) existential and 5) learning, thinking feeling. The paper should be no shorter than 3 pages and no longer than 8 pages in length (double-spaced, 12 pt. font, Times New Roman, 1” margins).

Please divide you paper into the following sections and clearly label each of the following:

1 Analyze your character from each of the five-factors and give two observations supporting how the character would score on each factor. Make sure to use information from the text or lecture to help explain your decision about where the character would score on each factor. (20 Points)

2 Chose another specific theory (not related to traits or types). Describe your character from this theory and give at least two instances of your characters life that relates to the theory. (20 points)

3 Include reasons for why your character may have developed their personality (genetics, family, environment, etc.). Speculate based on the characters situation, family, genetics, upbringing, etc. (7 points)

4 In-text citations and a reference page (3 points)


Savannah State University Disabilities Portrayed on The Media Presentation Writing Assignment Help

Savannah State University Disabilities Portrayed on The Media Presentation Writing Assignment Help

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