School counseling presentation to school admin. on Iowa Youth Survey results/creating new interventions. Humanities Assignment Help. School counseling presentation to school admin. on Iowa Youth Survey results/creating new interventions. Humanities Assignment Help.
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Please only bid if you have education experience, like in a school administration system, thank you!
Take the perspective of a school counselor presenting to the administration team.
Review, analyze, and interpret data collected from the 2018 Iowa Youth Survey State of Iowa Results ( (Links to an external site.)) and then prepare a 10-15 minute Power Point presentation to designed to a designated group of stakeholders, the administration team. From a professional school counseling perspective, you will need to consider which of the data from the report is relevant and pertinent to share with administration team. You also need to identify 3-4 recommendations on possible services, interventions, and/or resources which could be added, changed, or eliminated based on their analysis and interpretation of the selected data. Throughout the presentation you need to integrate and discuss advocacy, leadership, and accountability efforts.
APA PowerPoint format. including in-text citations.
Explain under each slide in further detail.
School counseling presentation to school admin. on Iowa Youth Survey results/creating new interventions. Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
make 10-12 slides about Arabic spring Business Finance Assignment Help
make a presentation of 10 to 12 slides that talks about social Movements/ activism in the arabic spring.
Presentation Rubric
- This is a short, no more than 5-7 minute, presentation of your research using PowerPoint with voiceover, or other program that includes both slides and simultaneous audio.
- Subject Knowledge 1-5:
- You will score a 5, if the depth of content reflects thorough understanding of the topic; main points well supported with timely, relevant and sufficient support; provided precise explanation of key concepts.
- Organization 1-5:
- You will score a 5, if your main points are clearly distinct; and transitions create coherent progress toward a conclusion
- Delivery 1-5:
- You will score a 5, if your voice is clear, strong, confident, and fluent
- Technology 1-5:
- You will score a 5, if your slides are easy to read, attractive, informative and error free;
- Important Note: Piecing together a presentation by copying and reading sentences and paragraphs from wikipedia or any other website will be considered plagiarism and will not be graded.
presentation sample
ARM Assembly Language Program; Math Game Programming Assignment Help
Program must include at least 50 lines of unique assembly language code, and may also include C code. IMPORTANT, for each line of code, please comment on what is happening in each line.
My Program Proposal: In my program, I am going to create a game based on multiple math problems. It will start off simple (beginner level) then once the user answers those problems correctly, they will proceed to the intermediate level. After they answer the problems correctly from the intermediate level, they will proceed to the advanced level (last level). Finally, after the advanced level has been completed the user will be admitted to “The Math Universe” (NAME OF THE GAME).
My Teacher’s Response: “This is a great idea. Create random questions and verify the math with the user input. Use printf() and scanf() in C for all your input and output needs. Take care of your primary logic in ARM. ALSO, Use an LFSR (Linear-Feedback Shift Register) to generate random numbers for the player and have them do bitwise operations AND XOR.”
Analysis Paper: Art Experience Writing Assignment Help
Your paper must be typewritten, minimum 750 words in length, double-spaced (or 1.5) with a standard
12-point (or 11) font. Submit it as an attached Microsoft Word document (.doc or .docx file) to my Email
address by the due date. Do not do research on the artwork. Write in your own words from your direct
encounter with the artwork. Look for what is unusual and distinctive about the way the artwork is made,
its formal qualities. What are the techniques used to structure the artwork? How do the composition, approach to applying materials, the colors, textures, context, and the relationship between the different
formal elements of the artwork challenge and surprise us? How these formal gestures contribute to or
interact with our understanding of the artwork?
Your paper should discuss how the artwork employs formal elements by using concrete references to
specific details. What do those formal strategies bring to your experience of the artwork? Remember that
it is an analysis. It is the quality of your observation and the clarity of your articulation of it that count.
Points will be deducted for poor grammar, punctuation and spelling. Proofread your paper carefully
before handing it in.
Useful approaches to this assignment: Take particular care in describing accurately what you see before
starting to consider your thoughts on it. Try to approach the artwork with an open mind – that is, avoid
making quick judgments and let things seep in. Remember that making an opinion too quickly will stop
you from looking any further into what’s actually going on in the artwork. Allow the piece to be itself and
let yourself engage with it. Remember that these happenings are about paying close attention to things
you might not have noticed otherwise. You may need to identify what’s troubling you; possibly the key to
the experience resides there. Try and really look and ask yourself questions rather than settle for quick
Title of Artwork: Untitled
Artist: John Piper (English, 1903-1992)
Year: 1979
Medium: Screenprint
Introduction to Anthropology Writing Assignment Help
Read: Chapter 12 of Humanity (textbook)
“Taiwan Is Beating the Coronavirus. Can the US Do the Same?” by Andrew Leonard (March 18, 2020)
“Transparency and Testing WorkBetter Than Coercion inCoronavirus Battle”by Matthew Kavanagh (March 16, 2020)
Watch: “What the government can and can’t do during a pandemic” by CNN (2 min) (March27, 2020)
❖ Your comments must have in-text citation using the page numbers of the assigned chapter in the textbook and assigned article, as well as minute mark of the video. Please make sure to insert the page number of the assigned chapter and article, e.g. (Leonard, p.2), (Peoples,500-501), (Kavanagh, p.1-2) whenever you use the information from the textbook, document, or video.
1. Analyzesocial control and laws (and/or orders) enforced during this coronavirus crisis described in two articles and short video, using theinformation in Chapter 12 in Humanity (textbook).What are some laws and orders that illustrate forms of social control to reestablish social solidarity during this world crisis, and do you think current United States political leaders are successful sending a clear message to the public on the purpose of combatting this global pandemic?
2. What do you think Matthew Kavanagh means by “democratic governance and noncoerciveapproaches can be effective against the coronavirus—but only ifthey are vigorous and rooted in all-out efforts to deploy publichealthmeasures” (pp.3-4)? Do you agree with this statement and overall argument in this article? Furthermore, based on your information in Chapter 12, video, and two articles, how do you foresee United States’ future against the COVID-19 pandemic? As discussed in cases in China and Taiwan, do you think, the “[United States] can do the same” within existing society’s law and culture?
• Utilize the textbook and take notes. Make sure you write down the minute mark of the video and page numbers along with the information and quotes you are using.No citation, no grade!!
• Expand your analysis and explain the concep
Discussion board Writing Assignment Help
Step 1 Choose an article.
Please choose any one article from Practical Argument Book chapters 1 – 4 please only from the attached book below.
Step 2 Critically read the article and complete the PACES worksheet.
Read and annotate the article and complete the PACES worksheet.
Step 3 Answer Questions in Practical Argument
Please answer the checklist questions on page 102 for the article you choose.
Step 4 Post your response to the discussion board.
Submit the answers to the checklist in paragraph form as your discussion board post along with the attached PACES worksheet to the discussion board.
Step 5 Read and respond to other students’ posts.
Read other students’ posts and respond to at least two of them. In addition to any other comments you may have, respond to the following:
Do you think the thesis was well-supported?
If you had to offer a critical writing opinion of the text, what would you tell the author to revise?
Use your personal experience, if it’s relevant, to support or debate other students’ posts. If differences of opinion occur, debate the issues professionally and provide examples to support opinions.
Please respond to at least two (2) classmates.
After you gonna send me the answer I’ll send you the two post to reply on them
I appreciate your help
Discussion board Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
open intermidate distrubance hypothesis Science Assignment Help
The Intermediate Disturbance Hypothesis
What is an ecological disturbance?
• A sudden, temporary event that causes a pronounced change in an ecosystem
• Examples of natural disturbances include heavy storms, flooding, forest fires, hurricanes, and earthquakes
• The effects of disturbances on ecosystems depends on their:
• Intensity – how much of an effect each individual event has on the ecosystem • Frequency – how often the disturbance events occur
What is “ecological succession”?
• Process by which the community of species living in an ecosystem changes over time
• The time for succession to occur varies by habitat as well as by the starting conditions
• Can take anywhere from several years to several decades
• Large-scale succession (e.g. after mass extinction events) can take several millennia
Succession – key terms
• Pioneer species – The subset of species that begin the process of succession; generally hardy species that can survive in barren environments
- Climax community – the composition of species that would eventually populate an environment during the last successional stage
- Primary succession – Succession starting on newly-formed habitat
- Secondary succession – Succession starting on previously occupied habitat that had been recently cleared of organisms
Question Set A
- Give an example of anthropogenic (human-caused) disturbance (1).
- The process by which ecosystems repopulate after a disturbance would best be described as (primary/secondary) succession (1).
Intermediate Disturbance Hypothesis
• A hypothesis stating that the highest levels of biodiversity for an ecosystem will be achieved when there is an intermediate level of disturbance occurring
Question Set B
- Why would high levels of disturbance result in lower biodiversity? (2)
- Why would low levels of disturbance result in lower biodiversity? (2)
- Which succession term best describes the community composition that would be seen in conditions resembling the left side of the IDH graph? (1)
Working with Real Data
- The following dataset is from an ongoing research project on San Clemente Island (SCI) which is characterized as a California grassland.
- In 2012, there was a lightning ignited wildfire on SCI which spread across the grassland. However, the fire was stopped by a large road with no vegetation that slowed the spread.
- This created a natural experiment: burned and unburned areas in the same ecosystem located very close to each other.
- From 2013-2017, the United States Geological Survey (USGS) and the San Diego State Soil Ecology Restoration Group (SERG) monitored the changes in the plant community in the burned and unburned (control) plots.
Working with Real Data
• We have provided a subset of this data to look at how the intermediate disturbance hypothesis works in this ecosystem.
• We have provided plant density data (number of stems) for four common plant species.
• Sipa pulchra (STIPUL) is a perennial native grass and many of the USGS and SERG researchers were hoping the wildfire would increase the population.
• Bromus hordeaceus (BROHOR) is an annual, nonnative, invasive grass and researchers are attempting to control its spread on SCI and across Southern California.
• Lepidium nitidum (LEPNIT) is an annual flowering plant native to the west coast of North America.
• Erodium botrys (EROBOT) is an annual, nonnative, invasive flowering plant common in much of North America. It thrives in disturbed landscapes.
Fire in 2012
Fire in 2012
Fire in 2012
Fire in 2012
Question Set C:
- Compare/contrast the population densities for burned and unburned plots for each species (1)
- Hypothesize why some species perform better after a disturbance. (2)
- In addition to fire, what are other factors that may be contributing to the population fluxes? (2)
Fire in 2012
Question Set D:
- Describe the pattern in the Shannon Diversity (H index) over time. How does this pattern differ between disturbed and undisturbed plots? (2)
- Describe how to calculate the Shannon Diversity Index. Why is this an important index to measure? (2)
- Hypothesize what would happen to the diversity index if there was a fire every year. (1)
Real Data (2012-2017) |
Simulated Data (2018-2021) |
Fire in 2012
Annual Fires
Question Set E:
- Hypothesize what would happen to the Shannon Diversity Index if a fire occurred every five years? Every ten years? Do you think there is an optimal period between fires in this ecosystem to maintain biodiversity? (2)
- Why is maintaining biodiversity important? (2)
- The U.S. Forest Service has been actively suppressing forest fires since the early 1900s. How might these efforts have changed the biodiversity of forests in the U.S.? (2)
- Within the framework of the intermediate disturbance hypothesis, how might climate change affect biodiversity? (2)
Risk Management in Health Care Health Medical Assignment Help
Trends are heavily informed by local, state, and federal health care legislation.
Write a 750-1,000 word paper that evaluates the effect of local, state, and federal health care legislation within organizations by identifying trends. Be sure to address the following:
- Describe the role of risk management in health care operations.
- Describe general trends in health care legislation over the past 5 years.
- Describe a specific piece of legislation occurring within this time frame across the United States. Discuss how it governs a long trending health
care concern. What have been the motivating factors that have influenced this particular legislation? - Discuss the effects of the trending legislation on health care overall in the United States.
- Discuss how stakeholders (patients, undeserved populations, health care providers, staff, etc.) have been affected by the trending legislation.
Support your essay by including three to five scholarly sources, including your textbook.
Prepare this assignment according to APA guidelines.
answer each question in details and directly Business Finance Assignment Help
question one
The producer of electric cars Tesla has recently announced its plans to build a large production plant in Germany. Discuss potential ownership, location and internalization advantages of this investment according to the OLI approach. Based on the Integration-Response Framework, which internationalization strategy and which organizational structure would you recommend for Tesla? (300 words max)
question 2
Lyft, Inc. is an American ridesharing platform that is a direct competitor of Uber Technologies, Inc. in the US market. Using Lyft as an example, explain the importance of network effects for business success in the presence of a competitor. Why did Lyft manage to successfully enter the US market for ridesharing and compete with Uber, i.e., why is ridesharing not a dominant firm industry? Explain by referring to concepts such as multi-homing costs, network effects and product differentiation.
300 words max
Week 5 Assignment Health Medical Assignment Help
Prompt 1: Select a research study that discusses the efficacy of a treatment program for opioid use. You will use this same study for this week’s assignment. What biases did the researchers identify in the study? What other biases did you identify? Explain your answers.
Prompt 2: What is the intended target population for this treatment in the study you selected? What is a culturally competent way to implement treatment within this population? What are the necessary elements for a successful culturally appropriate implementation?
Prompt 3: Think about last week’s discussion on C. diff.
- In broad terms, what is the role of antimicrobial stewardship in the intersection of microbiology and epidemiology?
- How can infectious disease-trained pharmacists use microbiology data to guide doctors’ prescribing of antimicrobials?
- Respond to at least two (2) of your classmates’ or your instructor’s posts. Your responses should include elements such as follow-up questions, a further exploration of topics from the initial post, or requests for further clarification or explanation on some points made.