SCWK 131 SJSU Human Behavior & Social Environment the Smiths Divorce Case Study Humanities Assignment Help. SCWK 131 SJSU Human Behavior & Social Environment the Smiths Divorce Case Study Humanities Assignment Help.
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John and Jill Smith have been divorced for the past four months. They have a son, Steve, who is fifteen years old. John is in his late thirties, while Jill is in the mid-thirties. They had been living separately for a year, and shared custody of Steve who moved back and forth between the two parents. Steve started having problems in school such as poor grades, and would get into trouble over minor incidents at school. The school counselor (i.e. you) decides to have a talk with Steve’s parents to find out more about their situation. You talk to each of the parents and to Steve separately. In the course of the interview with Mr. Smith, you find out that he is still attached to his former wife; he is lonely and wants to get back together. Mrs. Smith, however, will have none of this and tells you that she wants to start a new life. She is afraid however, to start out completely on her own and feels a little insecure. Mr. and Mrs. Smith spend a great deal of time arguing about what to do with Steve. Mr. Smith also likes to offer his opinions on Mrs. Smith’s future plans – he really hopes that they will eventually get back together. Jill Smith tends to feel guilty, and offers her husband advice on what he must do to move on with his life. The communication between the ex-spouses seems to be laden with conflict. Mrs. Smith indicates that she wants her ex-husband to help out with managing Steve and Mr. Smith willingly gets involved in her life, telling her what she should do. However, Mrs. Smith then resents this advice as it confirms her fears about her inability to cope.Steve tells you that he feels angry with his parents. You also gather that his father usually tries to get Steve to talk about his mother and her activities every time he visits, and his mother asks him the same every time he returns home.From talking to the parents, you are also able to piece together, that every time Mrs. Smith decides to move on to a new life, for example, registering for graduate school classes, or putting up the house for sale, Steve has some kind of trouble at school. You also gather that Steve is now spending a lot more time with his friends and many of them have been in trouble at school. In fact, his parents don’t know this, but two of his friends have just been suspended from school for smoking marijuana in the school parking lot. Steve tells you he has not done any drugs yet.
1)Using ALL the material on family systems, explain what’s going on with the Smiths and describe the structure, roles, and communication between the family members.
2) Also, using ALL the material on adolescent development, family life cycle development, describe the developmental issues and tasks facing members of this family
.3)Finally, based on your assessment and using an ecological approach, family systems theories, and social learning theory propose a care plan for this family.
SCWK 131 SJSU Human Behavior & Social Environment the Smiths Divorce Case Study Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Political Order Discussion & Questions Business Finance Assignment Help
I will provide the articles. You have read 3 articles. You must summarize each one, using your own words – not lengthy quotes from the articles. Theses summaries should be about 2 paragraphs, not including any introductory comments. (In other words, stick to the important stuff.)
After you summarize the articles you should address the following issues:
How do these positions agree or disagree with each other.
How do these articles support, or refute (or something in between) the ideal of Globalization, the growth and role of international institutions.
What questions arise based on the viewpoints you read?
What information do you feel the writers of these articles (or the principal being interviewed) ignored, mis-represented or should have learned that would improve the content of the article(s)
MKT301 University of Miami Principles of Marketing Review Paper Business Finance Assignment Help
In chapter 8,(You will need to read the entire chapter and use the concepts you saw earlier to answer the questions.) Products, Services, and Brands Building Customer Value (Page212), analyze Company Case MINI: Focus on the Essential—Maximize the Experience(page244) and then answer four Questions “Questions for Discussion” (Page247). Answer five or four sentences per question.:
8-16 Discuss how MINI has endured for 60 years as a brand, despite being owned by various companies.
8-17 Does MINI have high brand equity? Explain.
8-18 Over the years, has MINI been positioned based on attributes, benefits, or values? Explain.
8-19 Is BMW taking MINI in the right direction with its current branding strategy? Why or why not?
In chapter 9,(You will need to read the entire chapter and use the concepts you saw earlier to answer the questions.)Developing New Products and Managing the Product Life Cycle (Page248), analyze Company Case Bose: Better Products by Focusing on the Product(page272) and then answer four Questions “Questions for Discussion” (Page273). Answer five or four sentences per question.:
9-16 Based on concepts discussed in this chapter, describe the factors that have contributed to Bose’s new product success.
9-17 Is Bose’s product development process customer centered? Explain.
9-18 How is Bose unique with respect to product life cycle management?
9-19 With respect to the product life cycle, what challenges does Bose face in managing its product portfolio?
9-20 Can Bose continue to maintain its innovative culture without Amar Bose?
In chapter 10,(You will need to read the entire chapter and use the concepts you saw earlier to answer the questions.)Pricing Understanding and Capturing Customer Value (Page274), analyze Company Case Gillette: Searching for the Right Price in a Volatile Market(page293) and then answer four Questions “Questions for Discussion” (Page295). Answer five or four sentences per question.:
10-16 Based on the concept of customer value–based pricing, explain Gillette’s rise to market dominance.
10-17 Historically, did Gillette employ good-value pricing or value-added pricing? Explain.
10-18 Based on those same concepts of value-based pricing, explain how Gillette’s pricing strategy stopped working.
10-19 What can Gillette do to improve its position in the market?
In chapter 11,(You will need to read the entire chapter and use the concepts you saw earlier to answer the questions.)Pricing Strategies Additional Considerations (Page296), analyze Company Case Casper: A Pricing Strategy That Flipped the Mattress Industry(page319) and then answer four Questions “Questions for Discussion” (Page321). Answer five or four sentences per question.:
11-16 Explain Casper’s product offering in terms of customer value.
11-17 Which new product pricing strategy does Casper employ? Why does it work?
11-18 Could Casper have achieved the same level of success with a different pricing strategy? Explain.
11-19 Based on principles of price changes, make some predictions for the mattress industry.
After you receive the order, I will put the book on Google Drive and share the link with you!
PYSC 325 American Military Week 8 Socialization Media Content and Effects Exam Humanities Assignment Help
Answer the questions below completely and fully for full credit. This requires a minimum of two substantive paragraphs for each answer with a minimum total of 300 words for the combined paragraphs (not including the references). Use your learning resources and outside academic references (not Wikipedia!) to answer the questions completely. Support your answers with source credits (citations and references). Use APA formatting for all your work.
- Discuss the literature on split-brain and lateralization of function. What does the research tell us about each hemispheres ability to function independently (e.g., cognitively, creatively, etc.) and in unison? What are the implications for the cognitive neuroscientist in terms of research?
- Discuss one of the psychiatric disorders. Be sure to address both the physiological and behavioral aspects of the disorder (signs and symptoms, biochemical or genetic theories, etc.), and pharmacological and behavioral treatments for the disorder. What is the role of the biopsychologist or neuroscientist in this type of research?
- Discuss sleep in terms of the normal sleep cycle. Be sure to address the stages of sleep and physiological correlates associated with each stage. How does dreaming fit into our conception of a normal sleep cycle? Address theories of dreaming. What are the consequences of disruption of sleep?
- Critically evaluate the theories that have been used to explain emotion. Which do you think is the best theory and why?
- What brain regions and neurochemical systems are known to be involved in the regulation of sleep? What is known about the neurobiology and endocrinology of circadian rhythms?
- What brain structures and circuits are known to be particularly important for human memory? Discuss the evidence linking the hippocampus with an involvement in cognitive mapping and spatial memory.
- Compare and contrast Broca’s aphasia with Wernicke’s aphasia. What cortical regions need to be damaged to produce these types of aphasia, and what do they tell us about the brain mechanisms underlying language?
- What are the differences and similarities in the action of cocaine and heroin on the brains reward systems? Do all addictive drugs work by causing the release of dopamine in the nucleus accumbens? In what ways have learning and conditioning been shown to be important determinants of drug tolerance?
- Brain scanning technology is providing new insights into our understanding of the brain. Explain how CAT, MRI, PET and fMRI scanning works, and some of the ways in which this technology has been used to justify the above statement. Provide an example to support your answer.
- In what ways has the abnormal formation and deposition of amyloid been implicated in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease? How can cognitive reserve be built up? What evidence shows that this can have beneficial effects for maintaining mental functioning later in life?
Assistive Technology Important in Special Education Field Method Section Report Writing Assignment Help
For this assignment you will develop a method section that is designed to address the research question identified in Assignment 1. This section must include all necessary subsections:
a) list your research question at the top of the Assignment
b) sample and sampling plan
c) data collection instruments
d) procedures
e) ethical consideration
Be as specific as possible. To guide the writing of this section, you are urged to use peer reviewed published articles, the APA Manual, and course readings in Mertler textbook. A draft of the method section is due on the discussion board to be shared with your classmates during this module. It is expected that you will incorporate feedback from peers and instructors before turning the final version in through the Assignments section by the end of the last module ( I will send their feedbacks once I get them) . See Attached Document.
ENGL 102 Los Angeles Pierce College Araby by James Joyce Book Report Humanities Assignment Help
An explication is a close analysis of a passage in a story or a short poem or part of a poem. It involves a discussion of the meaning and techniques in the work that is being discussed. It can be a separate assignment or a tool used during a longer essay to explain the meaning of a section of the text.
Your explications should be about 2 pages, double-spaced, in 12 pt. font (500 words) and should focus in great depth on the passage assigned to you; an explication requires the close analysis–an unfolding or discovery–of the language of a written work.
Structure your explication as you would organize any essay: introduction, body, conclusion. Begin with a general overview of the work (author, title, brief description) and be sure that you have a clear thesis or statement about the material you are examining, which explains its significance and the connection to the work as a whole, if it is a passage from a longer piece. Examine the imagery evoked by the words, and consider carefully any connotations, or associated meanings, that might color the way a reader would interpret the piece. Look at the word choices, or diction, and try to discuss the sound of the language as well, including syntax, rhythm, alliteration, etc., if such techniques are used, which is often important in fiction and drama as well as poetry. Look for figures of speech, such as metaphors and similes, and try to decode any allusions or symbols. With poetry, consider the way the poem’s structure contributes to or reinforces the theme. It is particularly crucial that you connect your discussion to the overall theme, to explain how the part that you are explicating supports the message of the work.
Let me know if you have any other questions about the requirements.
ENGL 102 Los Angeles Pierce College Araby by James Joyce Book Report Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Jawaharlal Nehru Technology Wireless Mobile Network Essay Business Finance Assignment Help
Topic: Wireless networks,mostly focusing on mobile networks.
Mobile networks in a global economy can be a challenge for multiple reasons. First, governments in other countries control the mobile networks. Second is the technology. Mobile networks in other countries might not be as good as the mobile networks within the US. As a global company, how can we deal with this? With a big push for 5G, which has speeds well over 2Gbps, how does that change the way you do business? What are some things you need to think about when it comes to doing business globally, using a wireless mobile network?
Write a Program to Read Two Sets of Numbers in Two Arrays Exam Practice Programming Assignment Help
Write a program to read two sets of numbers in two arrays. The maximum size of numbers each array can have is 10, after the user enters the values into the arrays, display the following menu:
1-) Content of Array 1
2-) Content of Array 2
3-) Array 1 UNION Array 2
4-) Array 1 INTERSECT Array 2
5-) The values in Array 1 that are NOT in array 2
6-) The values of Array 2 that are NOT in array 1
7-)The union of both arrays (numbers that exist in one AND the other).
For example, if my array size was 5 and I entered the following data:
1 4 5 8 9
1 5 8 10 11
Then from the menu I selected 1 (Intersect), I should get:
The output is: 1 5 8
Submit a word document with screenshot at the top followed by the code copy/pasted below it.
San Diego State University Medieval European Towns Essay Writing Assignment Help
- This 5-page essay is a continuation of the Draft Analytical Essay on Primary Sources that you submitted at the end of Week 2. It was an early installment on this final essay. In this final essay you will develop your ideas based on my feedback on your draft essay and deepen and extend your analysis of that single primary source.
In this 5-page draft Analytical Essay on Primary Sources you will continue to analyze one primary source from the primary sources in one of the Discussion Boards in Weeks 2-4. The topics of those Discussion Boards are: Hammurabi’s Law Code, Zoroastrianism, Classical Greece, and China and Rome (Week 2), the Silk Road, the Abbasid Caliphate, the Song Dynasty, and Medieval European Towns (Week 3), and Empires of Western Africa and the Aztec Empire (Week 4). For your final Analytical Essay on Primary Sources you will deepen and extend your analysis of the single primary source you chose. You may not write on Cave Arts, Venus Figurines, Çatal Höyük, or Stick Charts for this assignment. To help you verify that you have chosen an eligible primary source, please review the list of eligible primary sources for this assignment a the link below.
You begin this assignment by reading or viewing the one primary source you chose and analyze its meaning by making notes on your answers to the questions below:
- What kind of primary source is it?
- Who is the author or creator (if known)?
- Can you tell why was it written or created?
- What is the primary source’s tone? What words and phrases (and/or scenes and visual perspectives) convey it?
- What are the author’s or creator’s values and assumptions are? Is there visible bias? Explain your answers.
- What information does it relate? Did the author or creator have first-hand knowledge of the subject or did s/he report what others saw and heard?
- What issues does it address?
- What is your overall assessment of the primary source and its usefulness/significance for the historical study of your topic?
You can only use sources from the course (required readings from the textbook and websites) for the Analytical Essay on Primary Sources. No sources from outside the course are allowed. Use of or reference to material outside the course is not allowed and will result in a failing grade for the assignment.Make sure that the ideas and words in your essay are your own. All paraphrases and quotations must have full citations. Be sure to read this PDF on
- Plagiarism – PDF (105 KB)
Once you have analyzed the primary source by answering the questions, compose your essay using the information and insights from your analysis that you recorded in your notes. Your task in this essay is to summarize and interpret the primary source. Your task is not to argue with or endorse its ideas. Try to maintain an impartial tone. To complete the assignment successfully you need to read the source carefully and analyze its contents. We will practice these analytical skills in the discussion boards and here are some steps to follow as you put your ideas into writing this essay.Start your essay with your overall impression of the primary sources. Tell the reader what kind of sources they are (images, legal codes, literary texts, travelogues, memoirs, architecture, etc.). Express in your best possible prose the stated or implied main point of each source and try to surmise from clues in the text (tone, topics, values, etc.) the sources’ purpose. Finish your introduction with your thesis statement which should be your answer to prompt 8. Engage the reader’s interest by using active verbs and active voice.Next, provide a historical context for the documents. In what kind of society did the primary sources’ creators live? What were the dominant cultural assumptions of the period? How might the sources’ creators fit into this larger background? Do not limit yourself to these questions. Your goal is to present an accurate and concise two- to three-paragraph sketch that places the primary source in its historical context and gives an appropriate factual and thematic background to the specific points you will discuss in the next part of the essay. To provide this context, please consult the course textbook and supplemental web materials that accompany the primary sources in the course.The next section of the essay should state what you take to be the tone of the primary source, the key issues the source raises, and the information it provides. Be sure to give examples to support your claims about tone and issues. Summarize the source’s main points in detail as you relate them to those issues. Express your ideas as clearly and forcefully as possible and be sure that similar ideas are grouped together around a central issue for each paragraph. Each paragraph must develop one, and only one, identifiable idea. Make sure that your ideas flow easily from one paragraph to another by means of clear transitions.After summarizing the primary source it is now time to analyze the values and assumptions it contains. This part of the essay calls for you to make some inferences from the source since values and assumptions are more often hidden and implicit rather than open and explicit. They are the unspoken foundations on which a source rests and they often give it its meaning. Be sure to present those pieces of evidence upon which you make your assessment.In the conclusion, summarize your main points, discuss the significance of the primary source, and leave the reader with an idea to ponder. Your conclusion should pull your ideas together and flow naturally from the body of the essay.Remember, always keep the coherence of your essay in mind. Every statement should have a clear relationship to what came before it and what comes after it. Proofread carefully for spelling and grammatical errors and try to leave the reader with a striking final image or impression.Your essay will receive a grade based on how well it follows the assignment, how thoroughly it answers each question, how well it identifies and differentiates the various elements of the primary source (e.g., tone from value and value from assumption, etc.), how clearly it expresses your ideas, and how well it is written and organized.I am willing to answer any questions you may have about the assignment or look at rough drafts anytime.Check the Course Due Dates for the exact date when the Draft Analytical Essay on Primary Sources is due. It will be evaluated using the rubrics for the
- Essay Evaluation Rubrics – PDF (341 KB)
Your essay should be no less than 5 double-spaced typed pages in 12-point Times New Roman font with 1-inch margins on all sides. It can be longer, however, Title, Bibliography, and Works Cited pages are not part of the required page count.The formatting of the essay and all citations need to follow Chicago Manual of Style format. Chicago is the citation and bibliographic style used by historians. Click on the website links below for Chicago-style guides and examples of humanities and author-date citation styles. You may use either humanities or author-date citation styles but use only one of these styles in your work. The author-date citation style is very close to MLA and APA styles. A modified MLA or APA format that provides page numbers from a hard copy of the textbook may be allowed. Check with your instructor. If you are using an e-book version of the textbook, identify passages by citing the chapter, section, and paragraph number.The website below opens with examples in Notes and Bibliography style (a note [N], followed by a bibliographic entry [B]). If you click on the tab the page will show Author-Date style (an in-text citation [T], followed by a reference-list entry [R]).
The PDF at the link below has an example of Chicago-style citation and essay formatting. If you scroll to the middle, you will find an example of Chicago-Style essay formatting.
Click on the “Week Four Assignment – Analytical Essay on Primary Sources” link above when you are ready to submit the assignment.
San Diego State University Empires of Western Africa Discussion Writing Assignment Help
There are three discussion board topics this week and you can choose on which discussion board topic you will post. To access the required reading, click on the Week Four Discussion Board link. Please choose ONE discussion board topic and submit your posts only to that topic. You will not get more points for posting to more discussion board topics. You get graded on how thorough and complete your discussion posts are so focus is very important; think of it as quality over quantity.
Once you have finished all of the required reading, please post an answer to the discussion prompts for one Discussion Board topic. Be sure to respect the informed ideas and opinions of your classmates and express your ideas in clear and concise English. For each discussion board you are expected to post one initial entry and at least two responses to initial postings by your classmates. if a discussion board already has eight (8) initial posts, you must post to another discussion board topic. Please be succinct. The discussion prompts are not intended elicit long essays but a dialogue with each other on a particular topic.
Specific Directions
- Original post: respond to only ONE discussion board topic
- Check Course Outline for due date
- Due before 11:59 PM on due date
- Write around 250 words
- Provide appropriate topic-label to post
- If topic already has eight (8) initial posts, you must choose another topic to earn credit
- Add something NEW to the discussion rather than merely restating what has already been posted
- No credit if posted after due date/due time (exception: documented emergency)
- Follow-up posts (at least 2 for a passing grade); there is no limit to the number of follow-up posts you can make – making more than two response posts, as long as they are substantive (simply stating “I agree” or “Good point” doesn’t count), will improve your discussion grade.
- Check Course Outline for due date
- Due before 11:59 PM on due date
- Write around 100 words per post
- Respond directly to classmates’ initial post(s)
- Add something NEW to the discussion rather than merely restating what has already been posted
- No credit if posted after due date/due time (exception: documented emergency)
- MOST COMMON DEDUCTIONS for initial post and replies to classmates
- Partial credit: writing errors (spelling, punctuation, grammar)
- No credit: responded to prompt that already had right (8) responses from classmates
- No credit: made initial post and/or response posts after due date/due time
You contributions to discussion will be evaluated in accordance with the rubricsand you will receive points for participation.
Critique at least two of your fellow students’ postings.
Thereafter, the professor will guide the discussion.
To access the Discussion Board, click the Week Four Discussion link above.
Click on the “Week Four Assignment – Analytical Essay on Primary Sources” link above when you are ready to submit the assignment.