SDSU Invertebrate Biology Main Characteristics of The Phylum Cnidaria Worksheet Writing Assignment Help

SDSU Invertebrate Biology Main Characteristics of The Phylum Cnidaria Worksheet Writing Assignment Help. SDSU Invertebrate Biology Main Characteristics of The Phylum Cnidaria Worksheet Writing Assignment Help.

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1. List at least five (5) of the main characteristics of the Phylum Cnidaria including unique ones.

2. List the major groups of cnidarians and their subphyla, class or order that they belong to.

3. Elaborate on the following:

-Hydromedusae (Class Hydrozoa) vs. Scyphozoan (Class)

-Velarium vs. Velum:

4. List the main types of reproduction modes of cnidarians and provide at least one example for each one. For asexual modes, provide at least two examples.

5. (A) List the unique features of the Phylum Ctenophora. (B) Why is the Ctenophora a potential intermediate between radial and bilateral phyla?

SDSU Invertebrate Biology Main Characteristics of The Phylum Cnidaria Worksheet Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

RSCH 8210 Moraine Valley Community Social Statistics for a Diverse Society Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

I’m working on a sociology discussion question and need a sample draft to help me study.

For this Discussion, you will examine central tendency and variability based on two separate variables. You will also explore the implications for positive social change based on the results of the data

To prepare for this Discussion:

  • Review this week’s Learning Resources and the Descriptive Statistics media program.
  • For additional support, review the Skill Builder: Visual Displays for Categorical Variables and the Skill Builder: Visual Displays for Continuous Variables, which you can find by navigating back to your Blackboard Course Home Page. From there, locate the Skill Builder link in the left navigation pane.
  • Review the Chapter 4 of the Wagner text and the examples in the SPSS software related to central tendency and variability.
  • From the General Social Survey dataset found in this week’s Learning Resources, use the SPSS software and choose one continuous and one categorical variable Note: this dataset will be different from your Assignment dataset).
  • As you review, consider the implications for positive social change based on the results of your data.

By Day 3

Post, present, and report a descriptive analysis for your variables, specifically noting the following: THE INSTRUCTOR PREFER TO HAVE THIS ASSIGNMENT A PAPER FORM APA STYLE. YOU WILL NEED THE IBM SPSS SOFTWARE FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT

For your continuous variable:

  1. Report the mean, median, and mode.
  2. What might be the better measure for central tendency? (i.e., mean, median, or mode) and why?
  3. Report the standard deviation.
  4. How variable are the data?
  5. How would you describe this data?
  6. What sort of research question would this variable help answer that might inform social change?

Post the following information for your categorical variable:

  1. A frequency distribution.
  2. An appropriate measure of variation.
  3. How variable are the data?
  4. How would you describe this data?
  5. What sort of research question would this variable help answer that might inform social change?

Be sure to support your Main Post and Response Post with reference to the week’s Learning Resources and other scholarly evidence in APA Style.


ATSU What You Learned About Yourself While Making a Self Assessment Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Self-assessments were already taken. Review the assessments along with my corresponding responses and expand on the responses. The assessments and responses will be provided to the selected tutor.


In a journey entry of 4 to 5 paragraphs, reflect on the results of the assessment. In your reflection, be sure to:

  • Discuss what you learned about yourself as a result of taking the assessments and the implications for your personal leadership development.
  • Research and identify three potential professional resources to help you develop each of the areas of development and why you think they would be helpful.
  • Be sure to use 2 to 3 credible sources to support your findings. Also, use citations.


Berkely College Resistance of Heating Pad length of Nichrome Wire Needed Question Science Assignment Help

I’m working on a physics question and need an explanation to help me learn.

An electric heating pad (like the ones you put on sore muscles) can be modeled as a long wire that current flows through. We have an electric heating pad that uses 180.0W of power when connected to a 120.0 V source.

What is the resistance of the heating pad? Assuming the heating pad is made purely of nichrome wire (ρ= 100.0×108m) that has a diameter d= 0.85mm, how what length of nichrome wire would be needed to produce this resistance?


MGMT 312 APUS Leadership & Motivation Leadership Ethics & Team Leadership Discussion Writing Assignment Help

In need of (2) substantive replies of 125 words each to (2) different post. MGMT312 Leadership and Motivation Topic: Leadership Ethics and Team Leadership

Peer replies to further the conversation

Student replied to at least two (2) classmates’ posts and each reply includes at least three (3) to four (4) sentences relating the classmate’s post to at least one (1) question/point of the Discussion Prompt.

Responses are substantive and encourage discussion by proposing a different point of view supported by an attribution to a source, personal example, or personal application. All responses include related follow up questions to promote continued discussion.

Prompt: Leadership Ethics and Team Leadership

Videos to view:

Team Leadership

Business Ethics Speaker

The Effects of Enron Fraud

Then review the week seven lesson in the lessons section of the classroom. Specifically, review the Case Study on Ethics in that lesson.

Then choose one of the following two questions to answer for this week’s discussion:

1 – After reviewing the Case Study on Ethics in the lesson section of the classroom, answer the four questions presented at the end of that case study.


2- If you were a supervisor in a large corporation and you have just selected eight of your employees to sit on a team to propose a new procedure for the production line, what steps would you, as team leader, take to help increase the team’s effectiveness.

****I have provided the materials for this discussion from the course.****

  1. Book Title: Leadership Theory, Ch 6 pages 158-165
  2. Article: How BMW successfully practices sustainable leadership principles
  3. Article: Leadership Ethics in Today’s World: Key Issues and Perspectives


Book Title: Leadership Theory: Cultivating Critical Perspectives – e-book available in the APUS Online Library. Link also provided in the classroom Content section.

Author: Dugan, John

Publication Info:

ISBN: 9781118864159

Textbook in APA format:

Dugan, J.P. (2017). Leadership theory: Cultivating critical perspectives, San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

Forum Post 1: (Question 1)

Option 1

Based on this information, what type of ethics is Elizabeth practicing—egoism, utilitarianism, or altruism? Why do you categorize her ethics this way?

Elizabeth is practicing egoism; her concern was solely for the benefit of herself. She was not concerned with the public getting valid statistical data, and her team suffered because she dreamed of being interviewed on television. She was faced with a decision and ultimately chose herself; Elizabeth was self-centered and only cared for personal benefits. She mentions that this publicity will benefit the university. Still, her actions indicate she has no loyalty to the institution’s success because if the public learns of the misinformation, the backlash could be detrimental.

Do you agree or disagree with the way Elizabeth handled this situation? What should she have done differently?

I can’t entirely agree with the way Elizabeth handled the situation. She should have encouraged her team to produce accurate survey results. Everyone has dreams, and even if Elizabeth waited to get the best results from the survey, she would have still acted on ego. Elizabeth could have taken a utilitarianism approach that would benefit the most amount of people. She could have asked for a different interview date, explain the situation. I am sure political leaders and news outlets want the most accurate information because they are in front of the public all the time.

Do you agree or disagree with the way her team handled this situation? What should her team have done differently?

The team decided to conduct less than 1000 calls needed to have a valid sample; they should have decided to add that their sample was not statistically valid at the bottom of the report. They could have also come up with a different approach to the research to get accurate information. As a team, they were all unethical, and Elizabeth failed them as the leader.

If the team had completed the research as originally planned and released their paper later, they might have missed the opportunity to have their paper discussed on national news. Should this be a consideration in this situation? Why or why not?

Her dream will be ruined regardless when the public finds out the information pushed out is inaccurate. Elizabeth was acting on unethical terms. She knowingly pushed out information to the public that was inaccurate. Elizabeth also encouraged her team to omit critical information. If she had added the information of the survey’s invalid nature, then I would support going on the news and talking about what information she could provide.

Forum Post 2: (Question 2)

Being a leader means you are able to be there for your team but also help get them working the best that they can. In the scenario for this week I think there are a few things as a leader I would do. The first and fore most is I would have a meeting with the team to go over the expectations and what being on the team means. If they were chosen to be on this team they have to know and understand that. The meeting would not be just me sitting there and telling them about the process or what is expected but also brainstorming. If a leader allows the team to help come up with how something should be done then they are more willing to get it done faster. People want to feel like their voice is heard and that they are doing what they think is right. Sure anyone can tell someone what to do but a leader will slow down and listen and lead their team. I would make sure in that meeting that everyone was involved and had their input heard.

Another thing I would do with the team is have regular check ins. They could mean daily, monthly or weekly. It would depend on the deadline for the project. I would need to give the team time to work on the project but also need to make sure to stay on top of them and where they are at. By having the check ins with the team it would allow me to check on their progress, stop any issues before they become big but more importantly connect with the team. Having the connection can help boost morale and make sure the effectiveness is where it needs to be. If a team is motivated then they will do their best to get the work done for us.



UOH South Africa Gender Hierarchies in International Relations Discussion Writing Assignment Help


12 font, Times News Roman; double-spaced; 5 pages

Search for national identity in South Africa; find out if country’s national laws are gendered in any ways and if women are represented in formal politics; find out if SA is involved in active warfare; find information about its military and gender-sensitivity in security and foreign policies (female representation in armed forces; plans for gender inclusivity; SCR 1325); find data on gender based violence as well as measures taken by the state to combat it (laws, shelters, training); describe economic profile of SA and gender features of the labor market (employment/ part-time/ unemployment rates; gender segregation by sector; pay differentials between men and women). Explain how sex work is regulated in South Africa.

No plagiarism; include sources

UOH South Africa Gender Hierarchies in International Relations Discussion Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

HSN 376 Phoenix Week 5 Nursing Clinical Issue Presentation Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a nursing presentation and need support to help me study.

Develop a proposal in which you evaluate the two specific products you selected in Week 4. Your goal is to persuade the directors of the health care workplace to implement your chosen informatics solution.

Address the following details:

  • Brief description of the administrative or clinical issue
  • Concise overview of the two products, including an evaluation of all relevant features of each product
  • Select one (not both) product for implementation and provide a clear explanation about why
  • Two suggestions of how the chosen product could be implemented
  • Two suggestions for how the chosen product would be evaluated after implementation
  • Identify a future trend in this area

Develop a presentation using one of the following formats:

  • 7- to 10-slide presentation with speaker notes of 50-200 words each

Include a minimum of three peer-reviewed references and you may use the product websites in this case.

Format your proposal and reference page according to APA guidelines.

Submit your assignment.


Dubai Mens College Plastic Pollution & Care of The Environment Discussion Economics Assignment Help


The purpose of this assignment is to:

  1. identify a stakeholder audiences that will impact or be impacted by your project in some way
    • a stakeholder is any person or group who would be impacted by your project and the decisions made as part of the project planning and implementation, including private citizens, nonprofit organizations, small businesses, etc.
  2. assess how you will communicate with this stakeholder
  3. contribute specific information to your team project


In addition to identifying and analyzing project costs and benefits, project planning also requires identifying potential stakeholders who may be positively or negatively impacted by or interested in your project. This identification step may take place repeatedly throughout a project as you find that new stakeholder groups become impacted or interested in some way, but the sooner you can identify stakeholders, the sooner you can consider their perspectives and begin planning communications with them. Stakeholders can often be identified through the assessment of project costs, which is why this step is positioned second in this assignment.

Required Content and Structure

1. Problem Statement and Solution

As part of this assignment, you will develop a problem statement and a solution statement. The problem statement and solution must be clearly and directly connected, with the proposed solution clearly and directly alleviating the stated problem in some way.

You will specifically direct your problem statement and solution statement to your stakeholder audience. Although the problem and solution will not change from audience to audience, the way you describe and relate the problem and your solution must be targeted to your stakeholder audience to achieve the best outcomes.

For Example
  • A proposal for a new community recreation park and nature preserve that includes a playground, splash pad, dog park, nature trails, exercise trails, sidewalks, an outdoor restaurant, pavilions, a campground, and water access has a wide range of stakeholders. The project managers will discuss their justifications for this project differently with different groups. Consider the different perspectives of the stakeholder audiences below, and think about how the project rationale and approach would be discussed differently depending on each stakeholder audience’s particular priorities and concerns.
      • Nature and wildlife conservancy organizations will have a particular set of concerns and priorities related to new construction, runoff, foot traffic, etc., and will need to know why the project is important (e.g., what is this project solving/helping?), and how your approach positively impacts the natural areas and wildlife that the recreation park encroaches on.
      • Local government officials will have some overlapping concerns and priorities, as well as some distinct priorities and concerns about some similar topics. This stakeholder audience will need to consider costs, leases, land use surveys, patron safety, potential local economic impacts, and public health and safety concerns and precautions (e.g., sanitation, restroom facilities, bears, etc.).
      • Community members will have a variety of overlapping concerns with conservancy organizations and government officials, depending on their perspectives, backgrounds. This stakeholder group will also have a variety of interests, concerns, and priorities about the park, which may include topics such as increased traffic to the park through adjacent neighborhoods (and the related need for new sidewalks, stop signs, speed bumps, etc. to improve pedestrian and road safety), hours of operation, patron safety, accessibility, noise levels, and property value.
  • Even though each of these stakeholders requires different kinds of information and assurances about the impacts (i.e., the costs and benefits) of the project, the project itself and the overarching rationale of and approach to the project (i.e., problem statement and solution) do not change.

At the top of your submission, include a problem statement (~1-2 paragraphs) followed by a description of your engineering solution (~1 paragraph). Students’ problem statements and solutions must be written individually — this is not a collaborative assignment.

**Remember, the problem statement and solution must be clearly and directly connected, with the proposed solution clearly and directly alleviating the stated problem in some way.**

2. Potential Stakeholder

Provide citations throughout.

  1. Identify 1 specific potential stakeholder associated with your project
    • Your stakeholder must be specific.
      • “Farmers” is not specific enough
      • “Dairy farms” is acceptably narrow
      • but “independently owned dairy farms,” or a specific business like “M&B Products” is even better
    • Although “Tampa Bay Area citizens” sounds very broad, they are a specific subsection of Florida citizenry who may be similarly impacted by your project
      • However, the broader the stakeholder group, the more difficult the analysis.
      • Instead, you might focus on a particular subsection of Tampa Bay citizens, such as “Tampa Bay Area children.” A more narrow focus will allow you to focus your analysis in a specific way.
  2. Research your stakeholder and identify the following (use full sentences):

1. Stakeholder background and cultural considerations (~2 paragraphs)

      • Provide an overview of your stakeholder’s background. Offer clear, specific information that provides a holistic sketch of your stakeholder. For example:
          • Example:
            • Founded in 1930 by George Jenkins, Publix is currently owned by X and has a net worth of y, with ___ of their ___ stores located in Florida. Publix is the x-ranked/sized food retailer in Tampa, with x-number of stores in the city serving approximately y-number of people. Publix’s values and philanthropy includes x, y, and z. Publix was recognized by the state of Florida for their outstanding commitment to ___ in 2008, and were nationally recognized in ____, _____, and _____ by the non-profit organization Feeding America for their local and statewide contributions and continued dedication to ending hunger in their communities.
            • Concerning culture, Publix’s corporate culture can be summed up by this sentence from the “About” page on their website: “Taking care of our customers, communities and each other is still what Publix is all about.” Publix’s community outreach, focus on sustainability, and belief in people and their potential strongly shapes Publix’s business practices and decision making. Publix believes that their employees make the business, and that the communities shape the people, so Publix not only trains, supports, and promotes from within, they also invest time and money in employees and their communities. As a result, Publix tackles global issues at a local level through civic engagement and sustainable practices.
        • Remember that “culture” includes multiculturalism and cocultures, and that you cannot simply assume that a person, group, company, region, etc. will think, act, or value the things that you believe are most important to the dominant culture. The perspectives of your stakeholders may be very different from yours.

2. Stakeholder interest

      • Problem: Why does this stakeholder care about the problem as articulated in your problem statement? How are they impacted by the problem as articulated in your problem statement? (~2-4 sentences/~50-100 words)
      • Solution: Will the stakeholder find your solution clear, familiar, and easy to understand? Why? If the solution is outside of this stakeholder’s likely realm of understanding, what will you do to make your solution more concrete and easy to understand? (~2-4 sentences/~50-100 words)
      • Cultural Considerations: What cultural considerations discussed in A above might shape this stakeholder’s interest, or affect the way they understand the problem or perceive the proposed solution?

3. Probable stakeholder attitude toward the project (positive, negative, neutral, adversarial, competitive, etc.) and why (~2-5 sentences/~50-125 words)

4. Include one cost that you think may be particularly important to the stakeholder, and why (~1-3 sentences/~25-75 words)

          • Draw from the bank of costs created by your team in the Costs & Benefits assignment (due last week). To answer “Why,” consider the descriptions provided and how your chosen stakeholder may relate to or interpret the provided facts/explanations/descriptions.

5. Include one benefit that you think may be particularly important to the stakeholder, and why (~1-3 sentences/~25-75 words)

          • Draw from the bank of benefits created by your team in the Costs & Benefits assignment (due last week). To answer “Why,” consider the descriptions provided and how your chosen stakeholder may relate to or interpret the provided facts/explanations/descriptions.

6. Based on your own values and goals, what common-ground do you and the stakeholder share? Explain. (~3-6 sentences/~75-150 word)

        • consider shared goals, values, desired outcomes, etc.
        • you can find common ground with any stakeholder, even if you believe they will have a negative or competitive attitude toward your project

7. How might this common ground help you positively connect with the stakeholder? How can this common ground help you develop shared meaning with the stakeholder? (3-6 sentences/~75-150 words)


PA 6601 AMU What Led to The Development of The Belmont Report Case Study Writing Assignment Help

Attached is a document that summarizes the Belmont Report. This report is known throughout the world as the ultimate articulation of the ethical standards for conducting research using human subjects. Read the document carefully and then do some additional research to find out more about the work of the commission in developing the full document. Prepare an essay response to each of the following questions based on this document and your additional research.

  1. What led to the development of the Belmont Report?
  2. How exactly does the Belmont Report seek to protect human subjects of research?
  3. Why is it important to consider the ethical implications of conducting research on human subjects?

Responses are expected to be comprehensive (minimum 300 words per question), supported and defended with references to academic sources, and formatted in accordance with APA requirements. For grading considerations, refer to the grading rubric in your syllabus.


CSU Asian American History Farewell My Concubine Novel Analysis Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

I’m working on a asian studies test / quiz prep and need support to help me study.

1.The image of sword, which some would read as a phallic symbol, appears several times in the novel “Farewell My Concubine”. For example, they first saw it in a shop as Little Bean ( Xiao Douzi) wishes he could buy it and give it to Little Rock (Xiao Shitou) as a gift. Then Dieyi sees it again in Yuan Shiye’s house and is able to get it from Yuan. Later Juxian brings the sword with herself to see Yuan Shiye to ask him to rescue Xiaolou. During the Cultural Revolution, the sword gets them into trouble because it used to be hung next Mao’s portrait in Xiaolou’s residence. When they are being struggled against by the Red Guards, the sword has reappeared once more. Finally, almost at the end of the novel, in their reunion, in performing their old roles, Dieyi cut himself with this same sword and gets bloody. After carefully reading these passages (and possibly other relevant passages), please describe the possible symbolic implications of “sword” in the novel. (max 400 words)

2.The relationship between “life on stage” and “life off stage” is an important thematic concern in “Farewell My Concubine.” Use specific examples to discuss how differently and/or similarly Dieyi and Xiaolou each views this relationship and how such differences/similarities have shaped their respective lives and careers. (max 400 words)

3.1. In the novel “Farewell My Concubine,” on page 255, it reads: “He decided to drop by the bathhouse and have a long soak. But when he got there, he saw tht the sign over the entrance had been changed from BATHING IN VIRTUE POOL to read FINLAND BATHS. There wasn’t even any refuge in virtue any more.” What is the implied meaning of this passage? 2. In the movie, unlike in the novel, there is no mention of their being reunited in Hong Kong at all. What is the possible reason for such omission on the part of the movie producer? In the movie, it is suggested that Dieyi commits suicide at the end with that sword, while in the novel, he does not commit suicide and it is said that “he would not die for love”. Compare these two different conclusions and discuss their possible different implications. (max 400 words)

4.1. In “Butcher’s Wife” Women’s own complicity in women’s oppression is an important theme. Use specific examples from the story to explore the role of such complicity in the tragedy of Lin Shi. 2. In “Three Inch Golden Lotus” women are said to have actively and sometimes even willingly participated in foot-binding, a practice thought to be invented by men to oppress women. Compare these two works to see how women become accomplices in their own victimization. (max 500 words)


SDSU Invertebrate Biology Main Characteristics of The Phylum Cnidaria Worksheet Writing Assignment Help

SDSU Invertebrate Biology Main Characteristics of The Phylum Cnidaria Worksheet Writing Assignment Help

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