SDSU Management Sociological Perspective on Social Classes Essay Business Finance Assignment Help. SDSU Management Sociological Perspective on Social Classes Essay Business Finance Assignment Help.
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The Sociological Perspective (or, Imagination) emphasizes that our social landscapes have an impact on how we think about the world around us, including our attitudes, behaviors, and even life chances. Using the course material and your life experiences with social class, consider the following questions (you may use these verbatim, or you may simply use them as a point of departure).
- Do socioeconomic class locations impact one’s ability to move up (or down) the class ladder?
- Can you change your class culture? Why or why not?
- Where do you see examples of Inequality for All demonstrated in day-to-day life?
SDSU Management Sociological Perspective on Social Classes Essay Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
University of Florida Digital Electronic Circuit Design Lab Report Engineering Assignment Help
I’m working on a electrical engineering report and need a sample draft to help me understand better.
For the decimal number from 0 to 7, design and implement a NAND-only circuit that detects numbers 0,1 and 5 only. You may use NOT gates (inverters) to invert the inputs alone, not the outputs. Fill in the truth table below, derive the K-map, obtain the Boolean expression and draw the NAND-only logical circuit diagram for the output F. Show your output to the lab instructor. Hint: Use Sum-Of-Products SOP. USE EasyEDA to design and simulate the circuit. Screenshot all possible cases of simulation and type answer in word doc.
Grossmont College Medical Microbiology Lab report Science Assignment Help
Medical Microbiology Homework
1a. Based on the results you recorded in Table 2 and compared to the data in Table 1, what Lancefield group is S. pyogenes in? What are the major features of this organism that places it in this group?
1b. What major diseases are caused by this organism? Does it occur as normal flora, and if so, where in the body does it reside?
2a. Based on the results you recorded in Table 2 and compared to the data in Table 1, what Lancefield group is S. agalactiae in? What are the major features of this organism that places it in this group?
2b. What major diseases are caused by this organism? Does it occur as normal flora, and if so, where in the body does it reside?
3a. Based on the results you recorded in Table 2 and compared to the data in Table 1, what Lancefield group is S. pneumoniae in? What are the major features of this organism that places it in this group?
3b. What major diseases are caused by this organism? Does it occur as normal flora, and if so, where in the body does it reside?
4a. Based on the results you recorded in Table 2 and compared to the data in Table 1, what Lancefield group is S. mitis in? What are the major features of this organism that places it in this group?
4b. What major diseases are caused by this organism? Does it occur as normal flora, and if so, where in the body does it reside?
5a. Based on the results you recorded in Table 2 and compared to the data in Table 1, what Lancefield group is E. faecalis in? What are the major features of this organism that places it in this group?
5b. What major diseases are caused by this organism? Does it occur as normal flora, and if so, where in the body does it reside?
Med Micro III HW #1
1. Differentiate campylobacteriosis from salmonellosis and shigellosis in terms of symptoms, ways to diagnose, and ways to treat.
2. What are coliforms? Where are they normally found? Give examples of coliforms.
Med Micro III HW #2
1. Using the given link to an article and using other online sources, explain what Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS) is and what the symptoms are.…
2. Using the same article from #1, What are lipooligosaccharides (LOS) and how does LOS cause Guillain-Barre syndrome or GBS?
UNCCH Constructivism Human Variations in Communication Capacity Essay Business Finance Assignment Help
Directions: Respond to the essay questions provided below. Essays should be well-organized and well-written. The first question asks you to synthesize the relationships between cognitive structures, cognitive processes, and communication. The second question asks you to integrate material from attribution theory with constructivism in order to develop your own new theory. The third question asks you to think about attribution theory in broad terms. Your ability to analyze and synthesize material is necessarily dependent on your ability to write clearly and effectively. So, I expect that your writing process will involve a good deal of editing and rewriting (and editing and rewriting some more). Please double space your exam and use 12-point font and set one-inch margins to allow room for feedback.
Question 1
Constructivism (Chapter 6) is a theory that describes the relationship between cognition and communication. Employing the terminology of constructivism, describe the relationships between cognitive structures or cognitive complexity (pp. 111-112), social perception processes (pp. 109 to middle 111), and person-centered forms of communication (pp. 112-117). What is cognitive complexity and why is it important to constructivists? What forms of social perception should be related to cognitive complexity? Be sure to define what constructivists mean by “person-centered communication.” Include in your discussion the three specific forms of person-centered communication we discussed in class and be sure to describe what makes each form more or less person-centered. Why are the three forms of person-centered communication important? Incorporate Wilson’s discussion of goals to explain how and why cognitive complexity and social perception are related to the three forms of Person-centered communication? What kinds of goals does cognitive complexity shape? Wilson discusses cultural syndromes that shape goal formation. What is a cultural syndrome and what kind of cultural syndrome might shape the development of cognitively complex people that might ultimately shape goal formation? (20 points)
Question 2
Integrate information and concepts from attribution theory with constructivism to create a new theory. This theory should address constructivism’s concern with the relationship between cognitive structure and communication. However, your theory should also integrate some aspect of attribution making with this traditional concern of constructivism. The following are some questions you might consider in the development of your theory. Are certain forms of message production associated with how people make attributions? How might an attribution shape the persuasive/comforting/discipline message produced by someone? Are certain communication competencies associated with certain forms of attribution making? Is cognitive complexity associated with how people make attributions? How do biases shape our person-centered communication capacities? Do forms of person-centered communication influence the attributions we make of the communicator? I don’t expect you to answer all of these question. However, thinking about them may help you to develop your new theory. (10 points)
Question 3
We covered a few attribution models and biases in our readings and lectures dealing with attribution theory. These theories discussed how attributions could be made to the social actor or the person whose behavior we are observing (also referenced as internal attributions). Many of these theories focus on attributions that could be made to the situation(s) our social actor is in (also referred to as an external attribution). These readings and discussions illustrate that we spend a lot of time making internal attributions to the behaviors of others (there is something about the person that explains their behavior). Drawing on the wide variety of attribution research we have discussed, provide as many reasons as you can for why we are likely to make internal attributions to the behaviors of others. (10 points)
B. Whaley & W. Samter (2007). Explaining Communication: Contemporary Theories and Exemplars.
E. Goffman, The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life
Communication Theory and the Goal Concept by Deirdre Wilson
Slides Attached Below
San Diego State University Authentic Leadership Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
In this week’s reading of Palanski and Simons (2012) article about authentic leadership, the authors hypothesize that authentic leadership has a positive impact on employees attitudes and job satisfaction. Do you agree with their hypothesis? What examples have you seen that refute or support their assertion?
REAL LIFE APPLICATION: Choose an authentic leader who has had a significant impact on you and discuss why this person made such a positive impact and how they have shaped your beliefs about effective leadership. Alternatively, describe a leader who has not led authentically, why this person had a negative impact on you, and how the experience has shaped your beliefs about effective leadership.
please use APA style referencing.
- George, B., Sims, P., McLean, A., & Mayer, D. (2007). Discovering your authentic leadership. Harvard Business Review, 85(2), 129-138.
- Leroy, H., Palanski, M., & Simons, T. (2012). Authentic leadership and behavioral integrity as drivers of follower commitment and performance. Journal of Business Ethics, 107(3), 255-264. doi:10.1007/s10551-011-1036-1.
- Kotter, J. P. (2001). What leaders really do. Harvard Business Review, 79(11), 85-96.
- Elrod, D. J. (2012). The importance of being authentic. Strategic Finance, 94(2), 14-16.
USA MBA Enrolment in University of Notre Dame Mendoza College of Business Presentation Writing Assignment Help
Effective communication is a central skill for managers and visual presentations are an important method of communication. Demonstrate your ability to clearly and concisely communicate by telling us about yourself, using a short slide presentation.
Please consider the following guidelines when creating your presentation:
- Please submit four slides.
- You may create your slides in any software that works for you, but you must save and upload as a .pdf.
- Do not use audio or video files.
- You are free to share anything about yourself that you think would be of value to the Admissions Committee. You can have some fun and be a bit more lighthearted in this portion of your application. Your tone should reflect your personality.
- Please be assured that the Admissions Committee will read your essay, your resume, and your transcripts in detail. Your slides are an opportunity to go beyond your academic and work history and show the Committee who you are as a person.
USA MBA Enrolment in University of Notre Dame Mendoza College of Business Presentation Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Purdue University Week 9 What Motivating This Writer Template Paper Humanities Assignment Help
Read the chapter and complete templates
Write a short essay of 250-300 words
No particular format
No citation and references needed
Read the chapter and complete templates
Write a short essay of 250-300 words
No particular format
No citation and references needed
1) Can you define and describe generosity and charity?
> What connotations come with these words? > What circumstances are associated with these words?
– – Word Document –> student generated list and discussion.
Paulo Freire (1921–1997) was a Brazilian educator and philosopher who was a leading advocate of critical pedagogy. He is best known for his influential work Pedagogy of the Oppressed, which is generally considered one of the foundational texts of the critical pedagogy movement.
Freire institute – concepts used by Paulo Freire
Critical pedagogy is a teaching approach which attempts to help students question and challenge domination, and the beliefs and practices that dominate. In other words, it is a theory and practice of helping students achieve critical consciousness. Critical pedagogic educator Ira Shor defines critical pedagogy as habits of thought, reading, writing, and speaking which go beneath surface meaning, first impressions, dominant myths, official pronouncements, traditional cliches, received wisdom, and mere opinions, to understand the deep meaning, root causes, social context, ideology, and personal consequences of any action, event, object, process, organization, experience, text, subject matter, policy, mass media, or discourse.
In this tradition the teacher works to lead students to question ideologies and practices considered oppressive (including those at school), and encourage liberatory collective and individual responses to the actual conditions of their own lives.
The student often begins as a member of the group or process (including religion, national identity, cultural norms, or expected roles) they are critically studying. After they reach the point of revelation where they begin to view their present society as deeply problematic, the next behavior encouraged is sharing this knowledge with the attempt to change the oppressive nature of the society.
False Generosity – Paulo Freire – Pedagogy of the Oppressed
2) Inventing the discipline: a highly caffeinated survey of rhetoric and composition studies
In your reflection paper Describe a charitable situation of which you might be critical or skeptical. (due Nov. 4th), also discuss how you might picture a situation of true generosity. How can charity really and truly help people?
Grossmont College Building Careers and Writing Resumes Paper Business Finance Assignment Help
Create a resume. You can choose one of the following four formats (1) Video – you will need to send me a link to your YouTube clip (2) Chronological (3) Functional (4) Combination. Please review Chapter 18 for the appropriate resume format that meets your needs. If you are unsure, please contact me directly. Here are some excellent links that can help you with your assignment:
Sample Video Resume –
DAVID PEDERSEN’S VIDEO RESUME (Links to an external site.)
Sample Resumes –
Resume Templates –
Good start for college grads – (Links to an external site.)
Coastline College Career Services –
Glendale Community College Common Core English Language Arts Standards Questions Humanities Assignment Help
Do not need a cover page
1.5 page journal + reference page
double spaced
A minimum of two citations per Journal Questions. Must be from the book
BOOK: Effective Practices in Early Childhood EducationBy: BREDEKAMP
You are a kindergarten teacher in a district that uses language arts standards based on the Common Core State Standards. There is a lot of pressure on you to teach children to read. Some of your children speak a language other than English at home. Other children didn’t go to preschool, so they have not had some of the enjoyable, creative experiences that their peers have had. You strongly value the arts and believe in the children’s capacity to build communication skills. What are some ways you could manage these seemingly contradictory goals and help children meet learning standards? How would you justify your choices to your principal and parents?
(Focus on section 12.5 Literacy Instructions in the Primary Grades)
Purdue University Propaganda Museum Paper Humanities Assignment Help
1500 words minimum, Chicago Style, Needs a reference page, Footnotes and citations are required.
You already wrote the first part of the assignment titled “proposal” on the added files, you can use this to complete the paper. The instructor was pleased with your work on the “proposal” assignment so you are on the right track.
John Nash Óver The Top’. 1st Artists’ Rifles ast Marcoing 1917
Paolo Uccello The Battle of San Romano, C 1438 – 40
You can use these two artworks from before. If you have difficulties, you are free to chose any other image instead.
It a new paper that is supposed to be 1500, the pictures you are writing about are the same as the proposal one. You need to have an introduction and conclusion. The “Propaganda Guidelines” attachment will explain the details.
SDSU Management Sociological Perspective on Social Classes Essay Business Finance Assignment Help
SDSU Management Sociological Perspective on Social Classes Essay Business Finance Assignment Help