Security Architecture and Design Questions Computer Science Assignment Help

Security Architecture and Design Questions Computer Science Assignment Help. Security Architecture and Design Questions Computer Science Assignment Help.

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Course-Security Architecture and Design

  • Assignment: Week 1 Individual Assignment 1
  • Length: Minimum of 600 words

Briefly respond to all the following questions. Make sure to explain and back up your responses with facts and examples.

  • Use the cover sheet with your picture. Start typing on page 2.
  • This assignment should be written in APA format.
  • Include three references or more references.
  • Include three or more in-text citations.
  • Write with clarity, check spelling and grammar.
  • Recommend that you use Grammarly.

1. When should the architect begin the analysis?

2. What are the activities the architect must execute?

3. What is the set of knowledge domains applied to the analysis?

4. What are the tips and tricks that make security architecture risk assessment easier?


Title: Securing Systems



ISBN: 9781482233971

Authors: Brook S. E. Schoenfield

Publisher: CRC Press

Publication Date: 2015-05-20

Security Architecture and Design Questions Computer Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]

MC 621 University of Illinois at Chicago Health Education Purpose Statement Paper Writing Assignment Help


For your course project, you will draw upon your previous knowledge to create a Community/Population Health Education Program geared towards a prevalent public health issue.

Project Part 1 – Purpose Statement

To plan, implement, and evaluate an effective program you must have a solid foundation in place to guide participants through all phases of the program. The purpose statement, goals, and objectives should give direction to your program and provide the groundwork for program evaluation.

Purpose Statement: Often referred to as a program overview, this is a short narrative that describes the intent of a program but also reflects the purpose behind it.

  • Example: The purpose of the community/population health program is to prove a wide variety of primary prevention strategies for residents in the priority population.

Program Goals: The program goals should be simple concise and should include two basic components: Who will be affected and what will change as a result of the program.

  • Example: To reduce the spread of HIV in New York.

Program Objectives: Objectives are more precise and represent smaller steps to ultimately help reach the program goal. Knowing how to construct objectives for a program is an important skill for a planner.

  • Example: Identify how the preventative care management approach promotes healthy living.

As you draft your purpose statement, goals, and objectives remember your priority population. Goals and objectives should be relevant and attainable for the population being served.

Your paper should be a minimum of two-pages long and include the following:

  • Select a priority population to serve
    • Examples: Rural or city populations; newly immigrated populations
  • Select a community/population health education program targeting prevalent public health issue (must be relevant to priority population)
    • Type 2 Diabetes, Obesity, Heart Disease and Daily Exercise
  • Describe your priority population and health issue.
  • Develop a purpose statement for your health education program
  • Develop a program goal
    • Minimum of one program goal
  • Develop program objectives
    • Minimum of 3 objectives

Now using your critical thinking skills, answer the following:

  • Discuss why the health issue is a problem and the ramifications if the problem goes unresolved.
  • Discuss the methods and actions that the program intends to implement to help solve the health issue and why these methods will be effective.


Harvard University Homeland Security Grant Program In United States Response Posts Humanities Assignment Help

In week one, you were asked to describe two strengths and two weaknesses you’ve discovered about homeland security in your previous studies. Now that you completed your program of study, share your final insights or perspectives on Homeland Security in relation to the strengths and weakness you listed.

See attached document

Also, conclude your discussion by letting your fellow classmates know if you are continuing onward at by enrolling in a master’s degree program following your graduation. If not, highlight your next professional or educational move now that you have earned your bachelor’s degree.

Undecided at the current moment about moving forward with my masters but if I do it will be the dual degree of homeland security and emergency management.

Student Responses

Student #1Douglas

In week one I talked about two weakness. Senior citizens preparedness and the inability of our Senior communities to recover fully from psychological trauma. I am 60 years old and feel like I have a little insight to these concerns. I believe that our Senior living communities where caught off guard as well as everyone else when COVID-19 stuck its ugly head up. One thing that makes the Senior living communities different, was they could not simply close the doors and send everyone home. My daughter works at a VA retirement home, and the last few months have been a nightmare for the staff and most families with loved ones of the residents. They had drills to get people out of a burning building and to a safe place during a tornado, but not even the thought of a viruses spreading through a home where medically challenged people lived full time. We as disaster preparedness people have kind of followed the path that has been presented before us. Mass shootings fears from abroad terror groups. We must start thinking out of the box, how can we not be prepared for something like a virus when we are talking about hospitals and senior living facilities.

I have no desire at this point in my life to go back to work for money, but I hope I can spend time with our senior communities and seniors that live alone to somehow prepare them, for what may come along. I have worked on many preparedness and recovery checklist over my career, I hope to not only distribute them but to help seniors but together small kits for disasters.

The 2 strengths I mentioned were grant funding and intelligence. Fiscal Year (FY) 2020 Notices of Funding Opportunity for eight DHS preparedness grant programs totaling nearly $1.8 billion (U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), 2020). The FY 2020 HSGP’s allowable costs support efforts to build and sustain core capabilities across the Prevention, Protection, Mitigation, Response, and Recovery mission areas (DHS, 2020).

DHS has identified four critical priority areas for attention in the FY 2020 grant cycle: cybersecurity, soft targets and crowded places, intelligence and information sharing, and emerging threats. Applicants will be required to submit investment justifications that address these priorities. In addition, DHS will conduct an effectiveness review process to ensure grant funding is allocated to those projects the most effectively address these priorities (U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), 2020).



DHS. (2020, Aug). Homeland Security Grant Program (HSGP). Retrieved from DHS:,GoalNPGofasecureandresilientNation.

U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS). (2020, Feb 14). DHS Announces Funding Opportunity for Fiscal Year 2020 Preparedness Grants. Retrieved from DHS:…

Student #2 Steph

Class, I’ve enjoyed this semester and it’s been a wonderful experience with you all. Looking back on my first post talking about the strengths and weaknesses of DHS. I am reminded of organizational structure DHS has composed including both operational and support components. Management integration has made a priority and they have seen results. GAO determined that DHS has Fully Addressed 17 of 30 GAO outcomes, this is an increase 13 in 2017 and they have nearly doubled since 2015. Progress is significant and demonstrated the strengthening departmental management. Its shows the steps being taken are the steps in the right direction.

DHS continues to address crosscutting management and they have accomplished this by the establishment and monitoring of integrated priorities and keeping them up to date.

Another positive I spoke about is intelligence collection and the plethora of options they have to collect said intelligence all because of their working relationships. Lead by the Office of Intelligence & Analysis, the Department of Homeland Security integrates intelligence into operations across all DHS components. Partnerships include state and local governments and the private sector. One I find extremely beneficial is Fusion Centers. These are state owned and operated they serve as a bridge for DHS in states and major urban areas. They are a wealth of information, both coming and going.

A weakness I mentioned is cyber security. I just don’t think that’s going anywhere. So much of our infrastructure is held in the hands of the cyber world. While our technologies are advancing it’s something we have to stay ahead of. (GAO, 2019) the world is headed towards a technology driven era and why wouldn’t an attacker target the biggest target and take out some of our most critical infrastructures. Energy, transportation systems, communications, and financial services all depend on IT systems for daily operations. The risk associated are vast including insider threats, global, rapidly growing technologies, and cellular connectivity. In 2017 alone there were 35,000 incidents reports to DHS.

Border Security, the other weakness I talked about. We’ve added officers, we’ve worked to facilitate the cross-border movements of legitimate travelers and save billions of dollars in international trade but tightening the grasp on our borders even more could prove fatal economically speaking.. I still feel we need balance to mitigate dilemmas that arise.

The use of a comprehensive border protection approach which is much easier said than done. Which I why I chose to explore it more in my final paper for this class.

My future plans include working with my sheriff’s department, I’m not sure exactly where this degree will take me but I’m still fairly young in my law enforcement career and I’m excited for all the possibilities. I am ecstatic to finally be achieving this degree, it has been a long term goal of mine. I want more than anything in this world to make myself, my parents and my son proud. Frankly, it felt like I never would happen, but the weeks flew by and here I am I’ve overcome a lot, and I’d been told this wouldn’t happen for me but I’m blessed to say it finally has.

Class and Professor thank you, from the bottom of my heart. Your kind words, individual perspectives and constructive criticism are the reason I’ve made it this far. I have greatly enjoyed this class and I am thankful for each of you. If you’re ever in Lancaster, SC I owe you a coffee!


GAO Analysis (n.d) Cybersecurity Challenges Facing the Nation – High Risk Issue References retrieved from


HHS 320 Ashford University Sexual Orientation Outline & Annotated Bibliography Paper Health Medical Assignment Help

This week you will prepare a four-to-six page outline and annotated bibliography for your Research Paper. To help with the preparation of your Week Five Research Paper complete the following and submit to your instructor for feedback:

  • Outline: Develop an outline that identifies the thesis or central argument, along with any main topics and support to be included in your final paper (identified below).
  • Annotated Bibliography: Summarize at least four scholarly sources, in addition to the text, that you plan on using to support your argument.
  • APA Formatting: Must document all sources in APA style, as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

Focus of the Research Paper
For your Research Paper you will select one aspect of cultural diversity from the following list that you would like to study:
*(For improved memory and increased awareness, remember the mnemonic, GARREACS.)

  • Gender
  • Age
  • Race
  • Religion
  • Ethnicity
  • Ability
  • Class
  • Sexual Orientation

Once you have chosen one aspect of cultural diversity to study in depth, prepare a Research Paper with the following components:

  • Summarize the pertinent historical, political, social, economic and cultural factors related to your chosen aspect of diversity.
  • Consider and summarize any relevant developmental theory models related to your chosen aspect of diversity.
  • In regard to your chosen aspect of diversity, identify the relevant laws or programs that have either helped or restricted access to care and support.
  • Evaluate how your chosen aspect of diversity, in combination with two other aspects of diversity, can lead to increased needs or issues. For example, if someone is female, African American, and lesbian, will there be additional challenges? Select any combination of three aspects of diversity to discuss.
  • Describe at least two resources currently available in your area for someone needing special services related to your chosen aspect of diversity.
  • Explain how your personal characteristics will either complement or conflict with this diversity issue. Consider your own biases and prejudices or those of your family of origin.
  • Discuss relevant concerns, cautions or insights necessary for you to be a culturally competent human service professional.

Schmidt, J. (2019). Social and cultural foundations of counseling and human services: Multiple influences on self-concept development. Retrieved from


Week 2 Consumer Conformity and Social Influence Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Answer each of the following questions with a minimum of 400 words and two references. Please add the references following the question they pertain to. There is no need for a reference page.

(1) What is conformity, and does it exert a positive or negative influence (or both) on consumers? Explain and include examples. With what types of products is conformity most likely to occur and why? Explain. Be specific and provide original examples NOT mentioned in the textbook. Scholarly research on conformity as it relates to marketing from the online Bethel Library database must be included in your post.

  • (2) Take a stance for or against forced ranking. Support your response with examples of two pros and two cons that you must consider in your stance.
  • Specify two legal considerations to which an organization may be susceptible if it were to implement forced ranking performance evaluation systems unfairly and inaccurately. Suggest the key corrective actions that an organization could take in order to rectify issues that arise from said unfair and inaccurate implementation.

(3) After reading Bi-Partisan Support for Gun Proposals (attached)

Which aspects of the report are more persuasive? Why do you think so?

(4) Why should HR be a major consideration in the strategic direction of public and nonprofit organizations? Should HR even be involved in organizational strategic planning



CYB 220 SNHU Evaluation of Network Protection Technologies Paper Computer Science Assignment Help

I’m working on a networking exercise and need support to help me study.

For this project (due in Module Seven), you will be writing an evaluation of network protection technologies to your manager. This evaluation requires you to assess multiple technology options by weighing criteria associated with cost and effectiveness and then recommending a solution that satisfies the given requirements. In addition, your recommendation should be guided by a fundamental security design principle you select as a basis for your recommendation.

– Scenario

Your instructor has provided you with the specific scenario for this project as part of the Project Three Milestone. The scenario provided you with the beginning of a security plan that documents areas of relevance to your evaluation that you need for decision making in your project. Additionally, a fellow analyst has completed an evaluation of network protection technologies, specifically intrusion detection systems (IDSs) and intrusion prevention systems (IPSs), to help you with your decision-making process. Your manager has reviewed the evaluation, based on effectiveness and cost, and has verified its accuracy. Based on your analysis of the technology evaluation and the details provided in the scenario, recommend a network protection system for implementation.

– Prompt

You must address the critical elements listed below. The codes shown in brackets indicate the course competency to which each critical element is aligned. A. Explain how you are employing one of the Fundamental Security Design Principles to inform your recommendation. [CYB-220-02] B. Justify a recommended network protection approach. Describe how you balanced effectiveness, cost, and technical capabilities to select the network protection technology. [CYB-220-02] C. Recommend resources (e.g., organizational assets, workforce allocation, policies/procedures, hardware) that are necessary for implementing or monitoring your chosen network protection approach. These resources should optimize the technology or maximize organizational resources. Explain your recommendation using an adversarial mindset or systems thinking approach. [CYB-220-02]

CYB 220 SNHU Evaluation of Network Protection Technologies Paper Computer Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Hotel Room Floorplan with An Accessible Bathroom Drawing Engineering Assignment Help

I’m working on a engineering question and need guidance to help me study.

Draw a hotel room floorplan with an accessible bathroom and kitchen space. You do not need to show required grab bars or accessories.

Scale to be 1/4″ = 1′-0″.

Room to be no larger than 400 SF (Provide enough dimensions so I can verify SF).

All walls to be 6″ thick. Show door swings and clearance areas.

Minimum furniture to include king size bed, couch or chair, and TV (you may provide other furniture).

Kitchen appliances to include: mini-refrigerator, sink, microwave oven, and coffee maker.


MGT 401 Saudi Electronic University Microsoft Strategic Management Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a management multi-part question and need an explanation to help me study.


Follow APA-style referencing.

Use Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font.

No copy paste. matching ratio should not exceed 5%.


Consider the same company ‘X’ that you have already used in assignment 1 and answer the following questions

  • 1- Describe the roles of directional, marketing, operations and human resource strategies in the overall well-being of your selected company.
  • 2- Classify the products of your selected company based on the BCG matrix.
  • 3- Describe at least one partnership that your selected corporation has with other company (es). Is it successful? Justify.
  • 4- Describe the structure of your selected company.


HIST 13 SJDC Mexican American History During the California Missions Essay Writing Assignment Help

Historians turn to primary sources to tell us about life in a certain place and time. For this assignment, you will
write a 2-3 page paper that analyzes at least one primary source in order to completely address one of the
prompts below. The main question- which must be addressed- is bolded. The “consider questions” are
designed to help you answer the main question, but you don’t need to directly discuss them in your paper
(though they can help you organize the paper and sort out your thesis.) You MUST use at least one primary
source to formulate your answer.

1. What was the relationship like between Indigenous people and the Spanish in and around the
California Missions during the 1770s? (Consider: How did the Spanish view and treat Natives? How did
the Natives view and treat the Spanish? How did these perceptions impact their interactions?) Layout your
argument with a thesis and provide evidence in the form of quotes and examples from the primary
sources in this course.

Recommended sources: Jayme, Luis “Criticizes the Spanish Soldiers”- linked in the module, Captain F. W.
Beechey “Missionary Activity in New Spain’s Northern Frontier” (30-34), Pablo Tac “Life on a California
Mission” (34-35), Eulalia Perez “Duties of a Housekeeper” (35-36), Junipero Serra, “The Importance of
Laborers in the Mission (37-38), Junipero Serra “On the Lenient Treatment of Indians (38-39). Please note that you should not summarize the lecture or your document, but instead think critically about and deeply analyze/ discuss the document. Successful papers will include a clear argument that answers the question. They will provide evidence that supports this claim, including quotes from the primary source (and a discussion of the quotes). A full explanation of the analysis and how to analyze a primary source has been provided in our writing module. Please review those materials before you begin to write your paper. Please review that before you begin your paper. Ensure that you have properly cited throughout. (You may choose your citation style: MLA or Chicago.)How to cite is also included in the writing module. It is required. Works cited page is required but does not count to the page minimum…Follow standard formatting guidelines provided in the syllabus: 12pt, doublespaced Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins, do not include a cover sheet but ensure your name, the date, the instructor’s name, and the course number/name are included on the first page of your work on the lefthand side, ensure that your work does not include extra spaces after each paragraph. No title page. If you would like detailed feedback for your paper, please title it in the following manner. “FEEDBACK REQUESTED: (Put your title here).” If you do not title your work in this manner, you will receive only brief comments. If I do not submit your assignment by 11:59 pm on the due date it will be considered late. See the syllabus for the late work policy: for Papers ONLY you can submit within 24 hours late and lose 1 letter grade, and between 2448 hours late to lose two gradesafter that no late work would be accepted except for emergency situations. If you have trouble submitting but have followed these directions, please email me your paper as a word or pdf attachment by the due date. If you forget the attachment, it will be considered late. Only email me if you have trouble with canvas. Be sure to describe the issue you have with that platform. How do I submit my paper? Follow these instructions exactly. You must upload in word or PDF format only. If you are using google docs, please convert your essay to PDF format by clicking “file” and then the “download add” option and choosing the “PDF” option. You will lose points if you do not upload in word or PDF formats. (It messes with the margins, etc, so I can’t tell if you’ve met the requirements..


Southern NH University Web Service Maintenance Situations Discussions Computer Science Assignment Help

I’m working on a computer science exercise and need support to help me understand better.


In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competency:

  • Maintain simple web services


Your company is planning to increase the size of your IT maintenance department. To ensure that potential new employees are familiar with web services and the issues your company deals with on a regular basis, your manager developed three situations that the potential new employee will be asked to address and present as part of the interview process. Your manager asked you to review the situations and provide a written situation report that identifies the potential causes of each situation, as well as possible solutions that could be implemented to address each. Your responses will be used to provide examples to the interviewing team so they know what they should be looking for during the potential employee’s presentations.


In your 3–5 page situation report, you will identify the potential causes of each of the following situations and provide possible solutions that could be implemented to address them.

Situation One:

The web service for new user registration is not working. The user is unable to register using the sign-up form on the site, but has not specified which portion of the sign-up form isn’t working. The user is receiving a 400 – Bad Request error code from either the social media sign-up or the new user account sign-up.

Complete these test cases and then provide a solution to address the error.

Situation Two:

A rival company had a data breach of customer personal data that has prompted your manager to conduct a review of security. She has asked you to consider SQL injection and cross-site scripting vulnerabilities. For each vulnerability, you need to identify the security risks it poses to your web service and describe the security patches available to counteract it.

Situation Three:

The company’s website was mentioned on a high-profile social media site. This led to an increase in traffic on your service. Your manager asked you to provide solutions on how to avoid service downtime. She emphasized that uptime requirements need to be above 95% overall. Within your response, describe how redundant systems and maintenance windows impact uptime requirements.

What to Submit

To complete this project, you must submit the following:

Situation Report (3–5 pages)
A written report that identifies potential causes, risks, and appropriate solutions that are applicable to each of the situations.


Security Architecture and Design Questions Computer Science Assignment Help

Security Architecture and Design Questions Computer Science Assignment Help

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