Self-assessments (1500 words): Personal Goals Statement and What I have Learned Analysis Humanities Assignment Help

Self-assessments (1500 words): Personal Goals Statement and What I have Learned Analysis Humanities Assignment Help. Self-assessments (1500 words): Personal Goals Statement and What I have Learned Analysis Humanities Assignment Help.

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Assignment Purpose: to set goals for yourself and assess how well you’ve met those goals

Instructions: you will submit a Personal Goals Statement during the first week of class and submit a What I have Learned Analysis during the final week.

1) Prepare a paper (at least 750 words) that identifies your Personal Goals for this course. This statement should be specific and detailed.The paper should also contain a description of how you plan to meet your goals. If it helps, you are welcome to set weekly goals and a time schedule. You should do whatever will help you think through why you are taking this particular course and how it fits in with your overall learning goals.

2) Submit a What I have Learned Analysis during the final week of class. Prepare another paper (at least 750 words) in which you analyze how well you met your personal goals for the course. If your goals changed, discuss how and if unforeseen goals emerged, describe what they were. Conclude the paper by assigning yourself an overall-grade based on your performance in the course.

Self-assessments (1500 words): Personal Goals Statement and What I have Learned Analysis Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

critical analysis essay Humanities Assignment Help

Visit the Indianapolis Museum of Art (IMA), and choose an artwork that you find interesting.

Write an essay (3-4 double spaced pages using 12 point font). Include a title page and a works cited page. You will need to explore the formal treatment (see the Gathering Information template) and iconography of the work. Your essay should address how artistic devices contribute to your understanding of the works meaning or artistic significance. (Use the first few chapters of your textbook for vocabulary.)

SOURCES: You must use viable sources. Such sources include, Oxford Art online database, ARTSTOR, MyUINDY library and DATABASE, ARTCHIVE, and other educational or museum sites.


  • TITLE PAGE: Please title your paper with the name of the artwork you have chosen. Make sure to always italicize titles of artworks. Your title page will also include your name, my name, the date and the class you are in: Art Appreciation

  • Introduction: Introduce the artwork you have chosen. Your introduction will state where you observed the artwork (museum). You will want to introduce the reader to your overall experience at the IMA. Your introduction will need a thesis statement that you will recap in your conclusion. What do you want to tell people the most about this artist or artwork? Example: Hopper’s work often explores themes of loneliness, which can specifically be seen within this piece. – Then, the rest of the paper will focus on explaining that statement.

  • Discuss the FORMAL PROPERTIES of your selection- size, materials, technique, color, and any other details about its physical attributes. Don’t forget to tell whether the artwork is a painting, sculpture, print, architecture, installation, video media, drawing, photograph, etc…

  • ARTIST: Please include a few brief words about the artists involvement in any specific style (associated with the image you chose) as well as his/her contribution to the art movement and style- not an entire biography.

  • Please provide the CONTEXT of the work of art- its culture of origin, time period or art movement, religion if applicable and artist information if available.

  • Be sure to DESCRIBE the look of the artwork in your own words as much as possible. Be specific, as though you were explaining it over the phone to someone who couldn’t see it. Classify the work; is it Representational, Abstract, or Nonrepresentational? What is the subject matter and/or the content of the work of art? Also, analyze the work of art. Artists don’t generally emphasize all the elements of art equally. Use the provided Gathering Information template to collect information on the elements and principles of art. If the artist emphasizes SCALE (principle of design), then talk about scale, etc. Discuss the artist(s) intent for the artwork. Does the artist achieve his/her intent? Does the artwork visually explain what it was intended to? Refer back to chapter one where the text discusses the roles of artists to help with your judgment.

  • Analyze your work of art for any SYMBOLISM or Iconography. Research should guide you in this if you select a work of art from a time or cultural we haven’t studied yet.

  • It may be interesting to provide a HISTORY of the work itself and any restoration efforts. (If known)

  • Next, please tell the reader what inspired you to pick this work. Why did it speak to you? The look? A religious or emotional connection? Travel experience? You tell me.

  • CONCLUSION: the conclusion should summarize and restate your thesis statement. Consider an additional leading thought to encourage the reader to want more information beyond these images.


Analysis using a motivation theory ( goal setting theory) 300- 350 Writing Assignment Help

You MUST use and know the goal setting theory.
I attached my projact, you have to Analysis is using the goal setting theor. in 300 to 350 words.
I will give you TWO examples:
The Story I told in my DMP2 project applies to the goal setting theory. I indicated that when my school told me I would not graduate if I did not approve my attendance, I adapted the goal of improving my friends and attendance, with the end goal of getting into college. Although I didn’t mention the specifics in my video due to time constraints, my school told me I had missed more than half of my junior year thus far, and in order to pass, I could not miss a single other day of school from there on out, even doctor’s appointments had to be made outside of class time. The school challenged me to not miss a single other day of school, which for someone like me was extremely hard to do, this is a very clear and specific goal. Even though the school encouraged me to do so, I was blown away when they told me how many days I had missed, this motivated me to stay focused and attend every class each day for six months straight. I even set an intrinsic goal of getting my butt to class each day. My story reveals intense and engaging effort as I made drastic changes to my friend groups, choices, and school attendance, all of which were important task strategies on my way to a better life, one day as a college student. Some people might think that my goal is easily attainable, but for me it was quite difficult, attending school every day was a very complex task due to health and family issues. Doing so required that I not only attend school, but pick up my grades substantially, and start thinking about going to college, something I had never done previously. It also meant I had to examine some of my friendships and behaviors and adjust accordingly.

Surprisingly, my desire to attend school gradually increased as life went on. After I found out about my ACT grade being so high, I made the commitment to myself and family, that I would attend college. My high-test score was made public in the hallways of Greendale High School, and that was also motivation to keep up the good work. I had so much positive feedback after I took my ACT and it was just the extra push I needed to be able to believe that I really could go to college. This goal proved to myself that if I put my mind to it, I can do anything!”

“The story I told in my DMP2 example project begins with an application of goal setting theory, as I indicated that a visit to my doctor in the summer of 2016, lead to my adoption of a goal to jump start my metabolism through diet and exercise, with the end goal to lose some weight and take charge of my health. Although I didn’t mention the specifics in my video (due to time constraints), my doctor challenged me to lose 20 pounds by the beginning of 2017 — a very clear and specific goal. Even though she encouraged me to adopt this goal, I feel as though it was a goal that I set for myself, because I wanted to take better care of myself and avoid serious health problems in the future. My story reveals intense and persistent effort as I made drastic changes to my diet and exercise habits — both of which were important task strategies on my way to a healthier lifestyle. Some people might think that the elimination of sugar, wheat, cheese, dairy and all processed foods was a complex task and challenging undertaking. Doing so required that I do a lot of reading and learning about what foods would be healthier choices. It also meant that I had to examine some life long patterns related to diet and exercise and make some decisions about how to change old habits that were not serving me very well.

Interestingly enough, my desire to continue eating healthy foods and exercising regularly is stronger than ever because of the positive feedback I have received from the scale (so far I have lost almost 40 pounds) and my friends’ observations that I look much younger and healthier. Making my commitment to living a healthier lifestyle public, has also intensified my motivation to continue healing and strengthening my body through diet and exercise. This dramatic change has also increased my confidence that if I can achieve this goal, I can accomplish anything!

Thanks for watching my DMP2 Example and reading my analysis. Good luck on your projects.”

***You must use the theory**


Physical security Discussion Engineering Assignment Help

The Information Technology (IT) perspective is important to produce comprehensive security. IT specialists use terms such as denial of access and intrusion detection, as do physical security specialists. However. IT specialists apply these terms to the protection of information systems. Write a 300 to 600 discussion paper substantively discussing some of the methods an offender might use to gain unauthorized entry. Further, as the manager of this organization list and discuss the opposing strategies you will implement to ensure that such criminal element does not succeed.

REQUIREMENTS: Please ensure you use the DB header provided in the class room for this assignment. Further, must have a minimum of six in-text citations with corresponding reference list. You should also respond to at least 2 classmates post with no less than 100 words each after you have posted your initial post. Initial postings are due on Wednesday and responses are due on Saturdays.


One of these questions from HIS 111 will be needed to be answered. Writing Assignment Help

The Questions to Consider will be part of the midterm and final exams in the course. You should study these questions using your textbook, but you are also encouraged to use any other sources, such as Wikipedia. A good answer to a question to consider should be about a long paragraph. Check out an example.

Unit 1 Introduction

  • How has geography influenced the course of history?
  • What is human progress?

Unit 2 Pre-History

  • What role did technological innovation play in the development of early humankind?
  • What was important about the shift to the use of systematic agriculture in the Neolithic period?

Unit 3 Ancient Near East

  • Why did cities first form in Mesopotamia?
  • What enabled ancient Egypt to exist for so long a period of time as a cultural unit?

Unit 4 Classical Mediterranean

  • What factors contributed to the eventual destruction of the Roman Empire?
  • Why were the Ancient Greeks so interested in questions of philosophy?

Unit 5 Classical South Asia

  • How and why did Harappan civilization end?
  • Why did Buddhism arise as a religious reform movement in South Asia?

Unit 6 Mesoamerica

  • Why did the large-scale civilization emerge somewhat later in the Americas than in Eurasia?
  • What factors enabled the Aztec Empire to expand so quickly in the fifteenth century?

Unit 7 Classical China

  • What were some of the social and political characteristics of classical Chinese civilization of the Han Dynasty?
  • Compare and contrast the origin, development and characteristics of Buddhism, Christianity and Confucianism.

Unit 8 Russia

  • What were some of the distinctive features of early Russian civilization based in Kiev?
  • What factors enabled Byzantine civilization to last until the fifteenth century?

Unit 9 Islam and Empire

  • How did Islam continue the traditions of Christianity and Judaism?
  • How did the Islamic empire of the Abbasid era mirror some of the features of the Roman empire?

Unit 10 Charlemagne and the European Middle Ages

  • Why did the center of Western civilization move from the Mediterranean to Northwestern Europe?
  • What impact did the Crusades have on the development of European civilization?

Unit 11 Mongols

  • Compare and contrast the origin, development and characteristics of Islam, Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism and Confucianism.
  • Why were the Mongols able to create such a large empire?

Unit 12 African Society

  • What were some of the distinctive features of societies in early Ghana and Mali?
  • Was there an early “African” cultural or social pattern?

Unit 13 Japan

  • What were some of the characteristics of early Japanese history?
  • How much did Japanese political practice borrow from the Chinese?

Unit 14 Renaissance and Reformation

  • Why did the Renaissance begin in Italy?
  • Why did the Protestant reform movements in Christianity succeed in the early sixteenth century?

Unit 15 Final Exam

  • How did the discovery of other world societies change Europe’s view of itself?
  • What specific technologies did Europeans develop that allowed them to sail the open seas?

Unit 16 The World in 1500

  • How has geography influenced the course of history?
  • What is human progress?



English 111 Research Essay Writing Assignment Help

My thesis/ intro: T.C. Boyle’s “Greasy Lake” and Joyce Carol’s “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?” both show the notion of a coming of age story, where adolescents find themselves attempting to fit in. This often leads to a confusion in self identity, resulting in individuals role playing as something other than themselves.

Assignment: In some of the stories there is some role playing. Discuss two of them from this perspective. What is the role? Why is it chosen? What is the result?

Use two or more print sources, use at least five sources. These materials range from historical facts, medical facts, social or economic facts, anything that provides context for your essay’s argument. Use valid research sources. Make sure to cite sources accurately both parenthetically and in your works cited.

English 111 Research Essay Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Design an IT-related project and deliver the final design. We design each portion of your project each week. Business Finance Assignment Help

Every project has a life and goes through different phases—Feasibility, Initiation and Approval Phase, Planning Phase, Execute and control Phase, Transition and Monitoring Phase, and Closing Phase.

System Development Life Cycle (SDLC), include Business Requirements, System Design, Development & Unit Testing, User Acceptance Testing, and Implementation.

In each phase, there must be some documentation written and approve by stakeholders. It is ultimately up to the project manager and stakeholders as to which documents are truly necessary. Having all the documents does not guarantee a successful project; but having them help with its success and reduces the confusion

Complete the following for your Week 1 Assignment:

  1. Decide on an IT-related project that you like to work on as your final Portfolio Project.
  2. Research and find a template for your project proposal.
  3. Use APA formatting for citations and references.
  4. Criteria:  Complete your project proposal for your project with title page, project name, table of content, references, and detail information about each component listed in your table of content. Please make sure your table of content includes all the related items for a project proposal.


Writing critique response about 2 articles Writing Assignment Help

The RATS format for this section will differ. Each RAT will be a critical response. A critical response engages the reading, which is the art of analyzing and evaluation a text that moves beyond information processing or personal responses. It is also an opportunity to link past to the present and possible future of women in Appalachia and the intersections of gender with race, class, ethnicity, sexualities, geography, (dis)abilities, nations, etc, The standard expectation is a solid well-crafted 1-2 paragraphs.


Step 1) TEXT: Chose a piece of text to critique and use as part of the classroom discussion. Copy & paste that portion into the RAT or reference the page number with a section of the chosen quote or idea.

Step 2) RESPOND: Make nuanced connections among the previous and current readings, authors’ arguments, and Gender, Sexuality, & Appalachian Studies. What question(s) did the article raise for you academically, socially, personally, etc.?

Step 3) APPLY: This is the most important section of your CR. As such, you should spend the most time and effort in your completion of this section. Apply the readings, key concepts, and terms to a “real world” text (a music video, a movie, a news coverage story, a website, an event in your own life, etc.).


*Use tangible examples instead of personal anecdotes or generalizations

* Think social data (memes, images, FB, articles, websites, events, protests. etc.) to strengthen your application.

*Explain why you chose this application and how it contributes to our class material

*Re-connect your application to the text or a series of text(s) from class.


hi i need someone to answer that question about one page Writing Assignment Help

In order to be considered for this position, interested candidates must submit a supplemental application. Your response must be no more than one type-written page in length, using 12-point font, 1-inch standard margins and include your first and last name in the upper right-hand corner of the page. Respond to the following supplemental statement:Having the ability to apply your knowledge, while demonstrating your organizational skills and interpersonal skills is extremely important in this Section. Please provide a brief but detailed example of your experience in the following area. Identify the issue, how you handled it and what was the result?


Analysis using a motivation theory ( goal setting theory) 300- 350 Writing Assignment Help

DO NOT WRITE SOMETHING NEW. You Must use the story I attached.
All what you have to do is

Analysis it using a motivation theory ( goal setting theory) in 300- 350 words

I will give you TWO examples:
“The Story I told in my DMP2 project applies to the goal setting theory. I indicated that when my school told me I would not graduate if I did not approve my attendance, I adapted the goal of improving my friends and attendance, with the end goal of getting into college. Although I didn’t mention the specifics in my video due to time constraints, my school told me I had missed more than half of my junior year thus far, and in order to pass, I could not miss a single other day of school from there on out, even doctor’s appointments had to be made outside of class time. The school challenged me to not miss a single other day of school, which for someone like me was extremely hard to do, this is a very clear and specific goal. Even though the school encouraged me to do so, I was blown away when they told me how many days I had missed, this motivated me to stay focused and attend every class each day for six months straight. I even set an intrinsic goal of getting my butt to class each day. My story reveals intense and engaging effort as I made drastic changes to my friend groups, choices, and school attendance, all of which were important task strategies on my way to a better life, one day as a college student. Some people might think that my goal is easily attainable, but for me it was quite difficult, attending school every day was a very complex task due to health and family issues. Doing so required that I not only attend school, but pick up my grades substantially, and start thinking about going to college, something I had never done previously. It also meant I had to examine some of my friendships and behaviors and adjust accordingly.

Surprisingly, my desire to attend school gradually increased as life went on. After I found out about my ACT grade being so high, I made the commitment to myself and family, that I would attend college. My high-test score was made public in the hallways of Greendale High School, and that was also motivation to keep up the good work. I had so much positive feedbackafter I took my ACT and it was just the extra push I needed to be able to believe that I really could go to college. This goal proved to myself that if I put my mind to it, I can do anything!”

“The story I told in my DMP2 example project begins with an application of goal setting theory, as I indicated that a visit to my doctor in the summer of 2016, lead to my adoption of a goal to jump start my metabolism through diet and exercise, with the end goal to lose some weight and take charge of my health. Although I didn’t mention the specifics in my video (due to time constraints), my doctor challenged me to lose 20 pounds by the beginning of 2017 — a very clear and specific goal. Even though she encouraged me to adopt this goal, I feel as though it was a goal that I set for myself, because I wanted to take better care of myself and avoid serious health problems in the future. My story reveals intense and persistent effortas I made drastic changes to my diet and exercise habits — both of which were important task strategies on my way to a healthier lifestyle. Some people might think that the elimination of sugar, wheat, cheese, dairy and all processed foods was a complex task and challenging undertaking. Doing so required that I do a lot of reading and learning about what foods would be healthier choices. It also meant that I had to examine some life long patterns related to diet and exercise and make some decisions about how to change old habits that were not serving me very well.

Interestingly enough, my desire to continue eating healthy foods and exercising regularly is stronger than ever because of the positive feedback I have received from the scale (so far I have lost almost 40 pounds) and my friends’ observations that I look much younger and healthier. Making my commitment to living a healthier lifestyle public, has also intensified my motivation to continue healing and strengthening my body through diet and exercise. This dramatic change has also increased my confidence that if I can achieve this goal, I can accomplish anything!

Thanks for watching my DMP2 Example and reading my analysis. Good luck on your projects.”

***You must use the theory**
After reading the EXampleas nad the story i attached. now write 300-350 words simmilar to the examples but based on my story i attached. NOthing new.

Start with something like
The story I told in my DMP2 example project begins with an application of goal setting theory, as I indicated that i felt that i am missing alot of book becaus ei wonly read in Arabic, lead to my adoption of a goal to start reading in English ….. ect


Self-assessments (1500 words): Personal Goals Statement and What I have Learned Analysis Humanities Assignment Help

Self-assessments (1500 words): Personal Goals Statement and What I have Learned Analysis Humanities Assignment Help

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