Services Marketing Blueprint Assignment, writing homework help Business Finance Assignment Help

Services Marketing Blueprint Assignment, writing homework help Business Finance Assignment Help. Services Marketing Blueprint Assignment, writing homework help Business Finance Assignment Help.

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I have finish the service blueprint and assignment topics 1, 2 and 3 myself, this need revise and the rest 8 topics need to be finish

Service blueprint assignment

In addition to the actual blueprint, each student is to write a short paper (4-5 pages) that addresses each of the following topics:

1)Describe at least four key customer actions depicted in the blueprint and discuss why you believe each is critical to a successful service experience. *

2)Describe at least four onstage employee/SST actions depicted in the blueprint and discuss why you believe each is critical to a successful experience. *

3)Describe at least four backstage employee/SST actions depicted in the blueprint and discuss why you believe each is critical to a successful experience. *

4)Describe at least four distinct support processes depicted in the blueprint and discuss why you believe each is critical to a successful experience. *

5)Describe the key elements of physical evidence depicted in the blueprint and discuss why you believe each is critical to a successful experience. *

6)Identify, number and describe four potential bottlenecks (i.e., places where the service process may become slow) or potential failpoints (i.e., places where the service process may fail altogether).

7)Propose possible solutions/alternatives to address each of the bottlenecks or failpoints you identified.

8)Discuss how a service blueprint might be used by an organization to make decisions with regard to marketing, human resource management, and operations.

9)Think about the service process you blueprinted in general. Discuss what you think generally creates the most negative customer experiences (for example: emotional hot spots, irritations, frustrations, time wasted, delays, etc.) for this service process.

10)Discuss what you learned by doing this assignment and how it could be applied in the business world.

*Note: In your response to the phrase “critical to a successful service experience,” think of how that customer action, employee/SST action, support process, or physical evidence contributes to customer satisfaction. A way to think through your response is to ask yourself, “If this part of the service process was absent, how might the quality of the service provision be diminished?”

Clearly organize your written document using the numbered topics. Use bold font for the topics and regular font for your responses.

Your written document should be typed, double-spaced and have 1” margins. Submission should use a 12-point font and be free of spelling and grammatical errors. Assignment should include your name, the date, and the title of the assignment. Your written submission should have page numbers.

Services Marketing Blueprint Assignment, writing homework help Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

help with two question and a small paper, economics homework help Economics Assignment Help

Please make sure complete and Plagiarism free work. This is an MBA program scholarly references only.

Chapter 3:Use the course text, and the material found in the Articles & Presentations folder in the Supplemental Materials section, and the videos “Elasticity” found in the Economics Principles folder in the Supplemental Materials section, the videos “Supply and Demand” (#3) and “Perfect Competition & Inelastic Demand” (#4) found in the Economics USA folder in the Course Materials section, and additional reputable economic sources.

Chapter 11:Use the course text, and the material found in the in the Articles & Presentations folder in the Supplemental Materials section, and the video “Federal Deficit” (#24) found in the Economics USA folder in the Supplemental Materials section, and additional reputable economic sources.

Economic Implications Analysis Paper (2-3 pages in length) MBA program Scholarly references only original

Drawing on the course text, and the videos “Macroeconomics: Monetary Policy ” and “Macroeconomics: Fiscal Policy” found in the Economics Principles folder in the Supplemental Materials section, the videos “Fiscal Policy” (#18) and “Monetary Policy” (#25) found in the Economics USA folder in the Supplemental Materials section, additional reputable economic sources, and guided by these Chapter Short Answer Questions: Chapter 9, Number 2 and Chapter 10, Number 4; apply economic concepts to appraise the implications of the applications of the respective economic policies from each question to promote both the short and long-term economic well-being of society.

Readings from:

Guell, R. C.

Issues in Economics Today

7th Edition, 2015



Some reference material will be attached. Will need more to complete work


c++ code, programming homework help Programming Assignment Help

Hello there

I have c++ code and I want to write a report about this code. the code is 196 lines the code is addressing

1-Maintain the Inventory and price of items in the store

2- Implement a point of sale menu for customer purchases

3- Provide a summary of daily sales and revenues in a report style format , by

4- categories and then grand total

(I will upload the code If you need as soon as you accept the work)

for More instruction: Look to the attachment and DONOT do coding I already have the code I just want you to do writing part

the report should consist of five part

Background and Introduction

Problem Statement

Solution & Algorithm

Future Work and Conclusion

Discussion and Analysis


Write on wildwood apartments short paper, computer science homework help Computer Science Assignment Help


  • Hands-On Database describes four different scenarios: Wild Wood Apartments, Vince’s Vinyl, Grandfield College, and Westlake Research Hospital. Choose one of the four scenarios to use for all scenario activities and for your final project. Based on your selected scenario, complete the “To Do” activities described at the end of Chapter 1 of Hands-On Database. Your response should be submitted as a Word document.

    For additional details, please refer to the Scenario Rubric document in the Assignment Guidelines and Rubrics section of the course

at lest 4 pages

Hands-On Database describes four scenarios: Wild Wood Apartments, Vince’s Vinyl, Grandfield College, and Westlake Research Hospital. Choose one of the four
scenarios. You will use your chosen scenario to complete all scenario tasks throughout the course. Each scenario task has you complete the “To Do” activities
described at the end of certain chapters in Hands-On Database.
Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:
 Completeness: The submission is complete and includes responses (as appropriate) for each element of the scenario activity.
 Correctness: The responses are correct and thoroughly respond to each element of the scenario activity.
 Critical Analysis: The responses exhibit critical analysis by clearly stating the response to each element of the scenario activity and providing evidence to
support the response


Monsters in America Project, English homework help Humanities Assignment Help

Monsters in America Project

As W. Scott Poole’s text will serve as the conceptual framework for the course, this assignment seeks to promote regular critical engagement with the text.

Part 1: Chapter by Chapter Engagement. For each chapter of the text, students will maintain comprehensive, written dossiers separated into three components as follows.

Component 1: Annotated Reflections. (1.5-2 pages) Students will compose written reflections on the material covered, using annotation as a strategy to highlight their perspective and response to the readings. Keeping the principles outlined in Adler’s “How to Mark a Book” in mind while reading, students should seek to identify moments/passages in the text that were illuminating, confusing, instructive, dubious, biased, fascinating, problematic, and so forth.

The written reflection itself should be both specific and representative of the whole range of the required reading, and not simply be from the first few pages of the reading. This piece is a reflection of how the reader interacts with the text; there is no right or wrong, only different levels of academic curiosity and critical thought.

The reflection should include a series of insightful, well-developed entries of select annotations the student has made. Each entry should begin by citing the first few words of the relevant phrase or passage, followed by the page number. The remainder of the entry should examine the significance of the passage. Entries can clarify a reference and explain its significance, explore something that is unclear, or explain why something resonates with the reader, etc. (There is a reason that you made the annotation, and each individual will annotate something different.)

Reflections will be submitted according to the due dates outlined in the weekly schedule. Those students scheduled to present for a given chapter are not required to submit a reflection (see Monsters in America Presentations assignment). An individual grade is not assigned to each reflection; however, reflections will be graded collectively upon the completion of the project. Failure to submit a reflection will result in a 10 point reduction from the overall project grade.

Component 2: Summary. (1 page) Students will compose a summary of the chapter, highlighting the key elements of Poole’s text. These summaries should not exceed one page in length.

Component 3: Vocabulary. Students will maintain a list of unfamiliar words they come across in the chapter. The list should also include the page on which the word was found. Once completing the chapter, students will define these words using a college dictionary and observing the definition appropriate for the word’s usage in context.

Part 2: Comprehensive Reflection. The comprehensive reflection will be a culminating work composed at the end of the semester. Prior to the class, students will have their chapter reflections returned to them for review. The comprehensive reflection will call upon students, using their chapter reflections as their only reference, to treat Monsters in America in its entirety, focusing on their overall impressions of the work as well as anything learned from the text with long ranging applicability beyond the context of the course.

The comprehensive reflection will be graded in conjunction with the previously submitted chapter reflections to determine the final grade for the project.



Intelligence article, writing homework help Humanities Assignment Help

Make sure to do all the steps

Write a summary of the paper.

The summary should include answers to the following questions.

What was the hypothesis?
What was the research method used?
What did the research data reveal?
What was the author’s conclusion?
What does this new data mean for science? Does it change the way we look at old ideas and/or theories?
Why is the information in the paper important to the world, you, and the class?


1) The science paper has to be from the year 2016.

2) Your paper summary needs to include a the title of the paper you are summarizing, and the authors’ names.

3) Your paper summary needs to be at least a half page double-spaced. (1/2 page, Double Spaced)

4) In-text citations and bibliography must be in APA format.

Intelligence article, writing homework help Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Calculate the client’s target heart rate using the Karvonen formula, health and medicine homework help Writing Assignment Help

Case Study 1

Calculations: Calculate the client’s target heart rate using the Karvonen formula.

Training Program: Design a 12-week periodized training program for the client described in the Client Profile. Be very specific as you design the training program. This is an opportunity for you to demonstrate your full comprehension of the information and concepts discussed throughout the course. List the types of exercise, duration, sets, reps, rest intervals, and so on.

Include the following in your case study submission:

  • A description of your professional responsibilities as discussed in the stages of the drawing-in process (Unit 12)
  • Discussion of any fitness tests, methods of evaluation, and data collection used to assess and evaluate the clientÕs needs
  • Specific conditions that you have identified in the client profile
  • A detailed 12-week comprehensive and periodized training program including specific exercises, sets, repetitions, suggested rest times, etc. Use an integrated approach in your program recommendations.
  • Specific and detailed nutritional strategies and an explanation as to how the strategies will assist the client in meeting energy needs
  • Explanation for your chosen assessment, programming, and nutritional recommendations. (Be sure to reference course concepts when discussing rationale for your recommendations.

Keep in mind that a client should be able to take your program and put it into practice without having to contact you to clarify what you intended by your recommendations or to explain parts of your program.

Don’t forget your explanation for WHY you listed and recommended what you did. Reference the concepts and theories covered in the course. Be sure to address why the program and exercises recommended are appropriate for the specific client given the clientÕs history, current abilities, and intended goal(s). For example: if you are developing a program for a beginner client without any resistance training experience, explain how your program addresses the lack of experience, initial need for foundational development, process by which you would safely progress the client, etc. Tying your program to course concepts is a critical component of your case study.

Review the Client Profile below.

Client Profile: Selina Kyle

Age: 31

Gender: Female

Resting Heart Rate: 70 bpm

Height: 5’7″

Weight: 159 lb

Body Fat Percentage: 33%

Background and Goals: Selina just had her first baby a couple months ago and is determined to shed excess pregnancy pounds before summer. Selina has very limited exercise experience. She did not play high school or college sports. Prior to having her first child, she did like to hike, go out dancing, and take the occasional yoga class. She is eager to start a program to lose the baby weight. She can dedicate 3 or 4 days per week to exercise and is willing to sign on for 12 weeks to start.


Plant and Equipment outlines , management homework help Business Finance Assignment Help

IAS 16 Property, Plant and Equipment outlines the accounting treatment for most types of property, plant and equipment. Property, plant and equipment is initially measured at its cost, subsequently measured either using a cost or revaluation model, and depreciated so that its depreciable amount is allocated on a systematic basis over its useful life.

IAS 16 was reissued in December 2003 and applies to annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2005.

“IAS 16- Property, Plant and Equipment ” N.p., 2016. Web. 18 Sept. 2016.


Part A:

Study IAS 16 Property, Plant and Equipment and write a report covering following –

  • Objective and recognition criteria of IAS 16
  • Allowable models for measurement after initial recognition
  • Characteristics of depreciation
  • Need for depreciation
  • Basic factors considered for determination of method of depreciation.
  • The impact on the financial statements if a company changes from a current method of depreciation to a new method (Illustrate with a numerical example)


POL 350 week 1 exercise, political science homework help Humanities Assignment Help

dear writer here are the instruction for this assignment but you will need to read the book for this assignment i am going to upload the pic of the book you can google it online to find the etext or the pdf i will also upload the written rubrics from my teacher about this assignment read it very good and also applique them in your written here are the instructions:

At the end of Chapter Two in the
textbook, there are four websites of policy think tanks listed. Choose
two to review in general and choose one policy area in each to review
more specifically. Adhering to APA style, write a one-to-two page
summary of both and discuss their mission, goals and areas of expertise.
Include which group you would use for what types of policy issues and
what cautions, if any, you may exercise using them and a conclusion.

Also remember dear writer use the written rubrics i upload while written this paper this instructor is very hard in grading and also add references at the end remember to google the book i attached the book pic download it and google the book name read chapter two and next follow the instructions.


Define “Whole object assumption”, writing homework help Writing Assignment Help

Basic writing skill nothing too complex

6. Define “Whole object assumption” and give three examples fo how it would work

7. Define “Type Assumption”, and using your examples from question six, show how it works.

8. Define “Basic Level Assumption” and using your examples from question six and seven, show how it works

9. What is the “social strategy”? How would it work? (Look at the experiments for examples, ut give one of your own.)

10. Linguistic constraints: explain how experimenters showed that 17 month old girls knew how to use the article “a”. Try to set up an experiment that would show if toddlers understand the word “the”.


I have finish the service blueprint and assignment topics 1, 2 and 3 myself, this need revise and the rest 8 topics need to be finish

Service blueprint assignment

In addition to the actual blueprint, each student is to write a short paper (4-5 pages) that addresses each of the following topics:

1)Describe at least four key customer actions depicted in the blueprint and discuss why you believe each is critical to a successful service experience. *

2)Describe at least four onstage employee/SST actions depicted in the blueprint and discuss why you believe each is critical to a successful experience. *

3)Describe at least four backstage employee/SST actions depicted in the blueprint and discuss why you believe each is critical to a successful experience. *

4)Describe at least four distinct support processes depicted in the blueprint and discuss why you believe each is critical to a successful experience. *

5)Describe the key elements of physical evidence depicted in the blueprint and discuss why you believe each is critical to a successful experience. *

6)Identify, number and describe four potential bottlenecks (i.e., places where the service process may become slow) or potential failpoints (i.e., places where the service process may fail altogether).

7)Propose possible solutions/alternatives to address each of the bottlenecks or failpoints you identified.

8)Discuss how a service blueprint might be used by an organization to make decisions with regard to marketing, human resource management, and operations.

9)Think about the service process you blueprinted in general. Discuss what you think generally creates the most negative customer experiences (for example: emotional hot spots, irritations, frustrations, time wasted, delays, etc.) for this service process.

10)Discuss what you learned by doing this assignment and how it could be applied in the business world.

*Note: In your response to the phrase “critical to a successful service experience,” think of how that customer action, employee/SST action, support process, or physical evidence contributes to customer satisfaction. A way to think through your response is to ask yourself, “If this part of the service process was absent, how might the quality of the service provision be diminished?”

Clearly organize your written document using the numbered topics. Use bold font for the topics and regular font for your responses.

Your written document should be typed, double-spaced and have 1” margins. Submission should use a 12-point font and be free of spelling and grammatical errors. Assignment should include your name, the date, and the title of the assignment. Your written submission should have page numbers.

Services Marketing Blueprint Assignment, writing homework help Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

help with two question and a small paper, economics homework help Economics Assignment Help

Please make sure complete and Plagiarism free work. This is an MBA program scholarly references only.

Chapter 3:Use the course text, and the material found in the Articles & Presentations folder in the Supplemental Materials section, and the videos “Elasticity” found in the Economics Principles folder in the Supplemental Materials section, the videos “Supply and Demand” (#3) and “Perfect Competition & Inelastic Demand” (#4) found in the Economics USA folder in the Course Materials section, and additional reputable economic sources.

Chapter 11:Use the course text, and the material found in the in the Articles & Presentations folder in the Supplemental Materials section, and the video “Federal Deficit” (#24) found in the Economics USA folder in the Supplemental Materials section, and additional reputable economic sources.

Economic Implications Analysis Paper (2-3 pages in length) MBA program Scholarly references only original

Drawing on the course text, and the videos “Macroeconomics: Monetary Policy ” and “Macroeconomics: Fiscal Policy” found in the Economics Principles folder in the Supplemental Materials section, the videos “Fiscal Policy” (#18) and “Monetary Policy” (#25) found in the Economics USA folder in the Supplemental Materials section, additional reputable economic sources, and guided by these Chapter Short Answer Questions: Chapter 9, Number 2 and Chapter 10, Number 4; apply economic concepts to appraise the implications of the applications of the respective economic policies from each question to promote both the short and long-term economic well-being of society.

Readings from:

Guell, R. C.

Issues in Economics Today

7th Edition, 2015



Some reference material will be attached. Will need more to complete work


c++ code, programming homework help Programming Assignment Help

Hello there

I have c++ code and I want to write a report about this code. the code is 196 lines the code is addressing

1-Maintain the Inventory and price of items in the store

2- Implement a point of sale menu for customer purchases

3- Provide a summary of daily sales and revenues in a report style format , by

4- categories and then grand total

(I will upload the code If you need as soon as you accept the work)

for More instruction: Look to the attachment and DONOT do coding I already have the code I just want you to do writing part

the report should consist of five part

Background and Introduction

Problem Statement

Solution & Algorithm

Future Work and Conclusion

Discussion and Analysis


Write on wildwood apartments short paper, computer science homework help Computer Science Assignment Help


  • Hands-On Database describes four different scenarios: Wild Wood Apartments, Vince’s Vinyl, Grandfield College, and Westlake Research Hospital. Choose one of the four scenarios to use for all scenario activities and for your final project. Based on your selected scenario, complete the “To Do” activities described at the end of Chapter 1 of Hands-On Database. Your response should be submitted as a Word document.

    For additional details, please refer to the Scenario Rubric document in the Assignment Guidelines and Rubrics section of the course

at lest 4 pages

Hands-On Database describes four scenarios: Wild Wood Apartments, Vince’s Vinyl, Grandfield College, and Westlake Research Hospital. Choose one of the four
scenarios. You will use your chosen scenario to complete all scenario tasks throughout the course. Each scenario task has you complete the “To Do” activities
described at the end of certain chapters in Hands-On Database.
Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:
 Completeness: The submission is complete and includes responses (as appropriate) for each element of the scenario activity.
 Correctness: The responses are correct and thoroughly respond to each element of the scenario activity.
 Critical Analysis: The responses exhibit critical analysis by clearly stating the response to each element of the scenario activity and providing evidence to
support the response


Monsters in America Project, English homework help Humanities Assignment Help

Monsters in America Project

As W. Scott Poole’s text will serve as the conceptual framework for the course, this assignment seeks to promote regular critical engagement with the text.

Part 1: Chapter by Chapter Engagement. For each chapter of the text, students will maintain comprehensive, written dossiers separated into three components as follows.

Component 1: Annotated Reflections. (1.5-2 pages) Students will compose written reflections on the material covered, using annotation as a strategy to highlight their perspective and response to the readings. Keeping the principles outlined in Adler’s “How to Mark a Book” in mind while reading, students should seek to identify moments/passages in the text that were illuminating, confusing, instructive, dubious, biased, fascinating, problematic, and so forth.

The written reflection itself should be both specific and representative of the whole range of the required reading, and not simply be from the first few pages of the reading. This piece is a reflection of how the reader interacts with the text; there is no right or wrong, only different levels of academic curiosity and critical thought.

The reflection should include a series of insightful, well-developed entries of select annotations the student has made. Each entry should begin by citing the first few words of the relevant phrase or passage, followed by the page number. The remainder of the entry should examine the significance of the passage. Entries can clarify a reference and explain its significance, explore something that is unclear, or explain why something resonates with the reader, etc. (There is a reason that you made the annotation, and each individual will annotate something different.)

Reflections will be submitted according to the due dates outlined in the weekly schedule. Those students scheduled to present for a given chapter are not required to submit a reflection (see Monsters in America Presentations assignment). An individual grade is not assigned to each reflection; however, reflections will be graded collectively upon the completion of the project. Failure to submit a reflection will result in a 10 point reduction from the overall project grade.

Component 2: Summary. (1 page) Students will compose a summary of the chapter, highlighting the key elements of Poole’s text. These summaries should not exceed one page in length.

Component 3: Vocabulary. Students will maintain a list of unfamiliar words they come across in the chapter. The list should also include the page on which the word was found. Once completing the chapter, students will define these words using a college dictionary and observing the definition appropriate for the word’s usage in context.

Part 2: Comprehensive Reflection. The comprehensive reflection will be a culminating work composed at the end of the semester. Prior to the class, students will have their chapter reflections returned to them for review. The comprehensive reflection will call upon students, using their chapter reflections as their only reference, to treat Monsters in America in its entirety, focusing on their overall impressions of the work as well as anything learned from the text with long ranging applicability beyond the context of the course.

The comprehensive reflection will be graded in conjunction with the previously submitted chapter reflections to determine the final grade for the project.



Intelligence article, writing homework help Humanities Assignment Help

Make sure to do all the steps

Write a summary of the paper.

The summary should include answers to the following questions.

What was the hypothesis?
What was the research method used?
What did the research data reveal?
What was the author’s conclusion?
What does this new data mean for science? Does it change the way we look at old ideas and/or theories?
Why is the information in the paper important to the world, you, and the class?


1) The science paper has to be from the year 2016.

2) Your paper summary needs to include a the title of the paper you are summarizing, and the authors’ names.

3) Your paper summary needs to be at least a half page double-spaced. (1/2 page, Double Spaced)

4) In-text citations and bibliography must be in APA format.

Intelligence article, writing homework help Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Calculate the client’s target heart rate using the Karvonen formula, health and medicine homework help Writing Assignment Help

Case Study 1

Calculations: Calculate the client’s target heart rate using the Karvonen formula.

Training Program: Design a 12-week periodized training program for the client described in the Client Profile. Be very specific as you design the training program. This is an opportunity for you to demonstrate your full comprehension of the information and concepts discussed throughout the course. List the types of exercise, duration, sets, reps, rest intervals, and so on.

Include the following in your case study submission:

  • A description of your professional responsibilities as discussed in the stages of the drawing-in process (Unit 12)
  • Discussion of any fitness tests, methods of evaluation, and data collection used to assess and evaluate the clientÕs needs
  • Specific conditions that you have identified in the client profile
  • A detailed 12-week comprehensive and periodized training program including specific exercises, sets, repetitions, suggested rest times, etc. Use an integrated approach in your program recommendations.
  • Specific and detailed nutritional strategies and an explanation as to how the strategies will assist the client in meeting energy needs
  • Explanation for your chosen assessment, programming, and nutritional recommendations. (Be sure to reference course concepts when discussing rationale for your recommendations.

Keep in mind that a client should be able to take your program and put it into practice without having to contact you to clarify what you intended by your recommendations or to explain parts of your program.

Don’t forget your explanation for WHY you listed and recommended what you did. Reference the concepts and theories covered in the course. Be sure to address why the program and exercises recommended are appropriate for the specific client given the clientÕs history, current abilities, and intended goal(s). For example: if you are developing a program for a beginner client without any resistance training experience, explain how your program addresses the lack of experience, initial need for foundational development, process by which you would safely progress the client, etc. Tying your program to course concepts is a critical component of your case study.

Review the Client Profile below.

Client Profile: Selina Kyle

Age: 31

Gender: Female

Resting Heart Rate: 70 bpm

Height: 5’7″

Weight: 159 lb

Body Fat Percentage: 33%

Background and Goals: Selina just had her first baby a couple months ago and is determined to shed excess pregnancy pounds before summer. Selina has very limited exercise experience. She did not play high school or college sports. Prior to having her first child, she did like to hike, go out dancing, and take the occasional yoga class. She is eager to start a program to lose the baby weight. She can dedicate 3 or 4 days per week to exercise and is willing to sign on for 12 weeks to start.


Plant and Equipment outlines , management homework help Business Finance Assignment Help

IAS 16 Property, Plant and Equipment outlines the accounting treatment for most types of property, plant and equipment. Property, plant and equipment is initially measured at its cost, subsequently measured either using a cost or revaluation model, and depreciated so that its depreciable amount is allocated on a systematic basis over its useful life.

IAS 16 was reissued in December 2003 and applies to annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2005.

“IAS 16- Property, Plant and Equipment ” N.p., 2016. Web. 18 Sept. 2016.


Part A:

Study IAS 16 Property, Plant and Equipment and write a report covering following –

  • Objective and recognition criteria of IAS 16
  • Allowable models for measurement after initial recognition
  • Characteristics of depreciation
  • Need for depreciation
  • Basic factors considered for determination of method of depreciation.
  • The impact on the financial statements if a company changes from a current method of depreciation to a new method (Illustrate with a numerical example)


POL 350 week 1 exercise, political science homework help Humanities Assignment Help

dear writer here are the instruction for this assignment but you will need to read the book for this assignment i am going to upload the pic of the book you can google it online to find the etext or the pdf i will also upload the written rubrics from my teacher about this assignment read it very good and also applique them in your written here are the instructions:

At the end of Chapter Two in the
textbook, there are four websites of policy think tanks listed. Choose
two to review in general and choose one policy area in each to review
more specifically. Adhering to APA style, write a one-to-two page
summary of both and discuss their mission, goals and areas of expertise.
Include which group you would use for what types of policy issues and
what cautions, if any, you may exercise using them and a conclusion.

Also remember dear writer use the written rubrics i upload while written this paper this instructor is very hard in grading and also add references at the end remember to google the book i attached the book pic download it and google the book name read chapter two and next follow the instructions.


Define “Whole object assumption”, writing homework help Writing Assignment Help

Basic writing skill nothing too complex

6. Define “Whole object assumption” and give three examples fo how it would work

7. Define “Type Assumption”, and using your examples from question six, show how it works.

8. Define “Basic Level Assumption” and using your examples from question six and seven, show how it works

9. What is the “social strategy”? How would it work? (Look at the experiments for examples, ut give one of your own.)

10. Linguistic constraints: explain how experimenters showed that 17 month old girls knew how to use the article “a”. Try to set up an experiment that would show if toddlers understand the word “the”.


I have finish the service blueprint and assignment topics 1, 2 and 3 myself, this need revise and the rest 8 topics need to be finish

Service blueprint assignment

In addition to the actual blueprint, each student is to write a short paper (4-5 pages) that addresses each of the following topics:

1)Describe at least four key customer actions depicted in the blueprint and discuss why you believe each is critical to a successful service experience. *

2)Describe at least four onstage employee/SST actions depicted in the blueprint and discuss why you believe each is critical to a successful experience. *

3)Describe at least four backstage employee/SST actions depicted in the blueprint and discuss why you believe each is critical to a successful experience. *

4)Describe at least four distinct support processes depicted in the blueprint and discuss why you believe each is critical to a successful experience. *

5)Describe the key elements of physical evidence depicted in the blueprint and discuss why you believe each is critical to a successful experience. *

6)Identify, number and describe four potential bottlenecks (i.e., places where the service process may become slow) or potential failpoints (i.e., places where the service process may fail altogether).

7)Propose possible solutions/alternatives to address each of the bottlenecks or failpoints you identified.

8)Discuss how a service blueprint might be used by an organization to make decisions with regard to marketing, human resource management, and operations.

9)Think about the service process you blueprinted in general. Discuss what you think generally creates the most negative customer experiences (for example: emotional hot spots, irritations, frustrations, time wasted, delays, etc.) for this service process.

10)Discuss what you learned by doing this assignment and how it could be applied in the business world.

*Note: In your response to the phrase “critical to a successful service experience,” think of how that customer action, employee/SST action, support process, or physical evidence contributes to customer satisfaction. A way to think through your response is to ask yourself, “If this part of the service process was absent, how might the quality of the service provision be diminished?”

Clearly organize your written document using the numbered topics. Use bold font for the topics and regular font for your responses.

Your written document should be typed, double-spaced and have 1” margins. Submission should use a 12-point font and be free of spelling and grammatical errors. Assignment should include your name, the date, and the title of the assignment. Your written submission should have page numbers.

Services Marketing Blueprint Assignment, writing homework help Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

help with two question and a small paper, economics homework help Economics Assignment Help

Please make sure complete and Plagiarism free work. This is an MBA program scholarly references only.

Chapter 3:Use the course text, and the material found in the Articles & Presentations folder in the Supplemental Materials section, and the videos “Elasticity” found in the Economics Principles folder in the Supplemental Materials section, the videos “Supply and Demand” (#3) and “Perfect Competition & Inelastic Demand” (#4) found in the Economics USA folder in the Course Materials section, and additional reputable economic sources.

Chapter 11:Use the course text, and the material found in the in the Articles & Presentations folder in the Supplemental Materials section, and the video “Federal Deficit” (#24) found in the Economics USA folder in the Supplemental Materials section, and additional reputable economic sources.

Economic Implications Analysis Paper (2-3 pages in length) MBA program Scholarly references only original

Drawing on the course text, and the videos “Macroeconomics: Monetary Policy ” and “Macroeconomics: Fiscal Policy” found in the Economics Principles folder in the Supplemental Materials section, the videos “Fiscal Policy” (#18) and “Monetary Policy” (#25) found in the Economics USA folder in the Supplemental Materials section, additional reputable economic sources, and guided by these Chapter Short Answer Questions: Chapter 9, Number 2 and Chapter 10, Number 4; apply economic concepts to appraise the implications of the applications of the respective economic policies from each question to promote both the short and long-term economic well-being of society.

Readings from:

Guell, R. C.

Issues in Economics Today

7th Edition, 2015



Some reference material will be attached. Will need more to complete work


c++ code, programming homework help Programming Assignment Help

Hello there

I have c++ code and I want to write a report about this code. the code is 196 lines the code is addressing

1-Maintain the Inventory and price of items in the store

2- Implement a point of sale menu for customer purchases

3- Provide a summary of daily sales and revenues in a report style format , by

4- categories and then grand total

(I will upload the code If you need as soon as you accept the work)

for More instruction: Look to the attachment and DONOT do coding I already have the code I just want you to do writing part

the report should consist of five part

Background and Introduction

Problem Statement

Solution & Algorithm

Future Work and Conclusion

Discussion and Analysis


Write on wildwood apartments short paper, computer science homework help Computer Science Assignment Help


  • Hands-On Database describes four different scenarios: Wild Wood Apartments, Vince’s Vinyl, Grandfield College, and Westlake Research Hospital. Choose one of the four scenarios to use for all scenario activities and for your final project. Based on your selected scenario, complete the “To Do” activities described at the end of Chapter 1 of Hands-On Database. Your response should be submitted as a Word document.

    For additional details, please refer to the Scenario Rubric document in the Assignment Guidelines and Rubrics section of the course

at lest 4 pages

Hands-On Database describes four scenarios: Wild Wood Apartments, Vince’s Vinyl, Grandfield College, and Westlake Research Hospital. Choose one of the four
scenarios. You will use your chosen scenario to complete all scenario tasks throughout the course. Each scenario task has you complete the “To Do” activities
described at the end of certain chapters in Hands-On Database.
Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:
 Completeness: The submission is complete and includes responses (as appropriate) for each element of the scenario activity.
 Correctness: The responses are correct and thoroughly respond to each element of the scenario activity.
 Critical Analysis: The responses exhibit critical analysis by clearly stating the response to each element of the scenario activity and providing evidence to
support the response


Monsters in America Project, English homework help Humanities Assignment Help

Monsters in America Project

As W. Scott Poole’s text will serve as the conceptual framework for the course, this assignment seeks to promote regular critical engagement with the text.

Part 1: Chapter by Chapter Engagement. For each chapter of the text, students will maintain comprehensive, written dossiers separated into three components as follows.

Component 1: Annotated Reflections. (1.5-2 pages) Students will compose written reflections on the material covered, using annotation as a strategy to highlight their perspective and response to the readings. Keeping the principles outlined in Adler’s “How to Mark a Book” in mind while reading, students should seek to identify moments/passages in the text that were illuminating, confusing, instructive, dubious, biased, fascinating, problematic, and so forth.

The written reflection itself should be both specific and representative of the whole range of the required reading, and not simply be from the first few pages of the reading. This piece is a reflection of how the reader interacts with the text; there is no right or wrong, only different levels of academic curiosity and critical thought.

The reflection should include a series of insightful, well-developed entries of select annotations the student has made. Each entry should begin by citing the first few words of the relevant phrase or passage, followed by the page number. The remainder of the entry should examine the significance of the passage. Entries can clarify a reference and explain its significance, explore something that is unclear, or explain why something resonates with the reader, etc. (There is a reason that you made the annotation, and each individual will annotate something different.)

Reflections will be submitted according to the due dates outlined in the weekly schedule. Those students scheduled to present for a given chapter are not required to submit a reflection (see Monsters in America Presentations assignment). An individual grade is not assigned to each reflection; however, reflections will be graded collectively upon the completion of the project. Failure to submit a reflection will result in a 10 point reduction from the overall project grade.

Component 2: Summary. (1 page) Students will compose a summary of the chapter, highlighting the key elements of Poole’s text. These summaries should not exceed one page in length.

Component 3: Vocabulary. Students will maintain a list of unfamiliar words they come across in the chapter. The list should also include the page on which the word was found. Once completing the chapter, students will define these words using a college dictionary and observing the definition appropriate for the word’s usage in context.

Part 2: Comprehensive Reflection. The comprehensive reflection will be a culminating work composed at the end of the semester. Prior to the class, students will have their chapter reflections returned to them for review. The comprehensive reflection will call upon students, using their chapter reflections as their only reference, to treat Monsters in America in its entirety, focusing on their overall impressions of the work as well as anything learned from the text with long ranging applicability beyond the context of the course.

The comprehensive reflection will be graded in conjunction with the previously submitted chapter reflections to determine the final grade for the project.



Intelligence article, writing homework help Humanities Assignment Help

Make sure to do all the steps

Write a summary of the paper.

The summary should include answers to the following questions.

What was the hypothesis?
What was the research method used?
What did the research data reveal?
What was the author’s conclusion?
What does this new data mean for science? Does it change the way we look at old ideas and/or theories?
Why is the information in the paper important to the world, you, and the class?


1) The science paper has to be from the year 2016.

2) Your paper summary needs to include a the title of the paper you are summarizing, and the authors’ names.

3) Your paper summary needs to be at least a half page double-spaced. (1/2 page, Double Spaced)

4) In-text citations and bibliography must be in APA format.

Intelligence article, writing homework help Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Calculate the client’s target heart rate using the Karvonen formula, health and medicine homework help Writing Assignment Help

Case Study 1

Calculations: Calculate the client’s target heart rate using the Karvonen formula.

Training Program: Design a 12-week periodized training program for the client described in the Client Profile. Be very specific as you design the training program. This is an opportunity for you to demonstrate your full comprehension of the information and concepts discussed throughout the course. List the types of exercise, duration, sets, reps, rest intervals, and so on.

Include the following in your case study submission:

  • A description of your professional responsibilities as discussed in the stages of the drawing-in process (Unit 12)
  • Discussion of any fitness tests, methods of evaluation, and data collection used to assess and evaluate the clientÕs needs
  • Specific conditions that you have identified in the client profile
  • A detailed 12-week comprehensive and periodized training program including specific exercises, sets, repetitions, suggested rest times, etc. Use an integrated approach in your program recommendations.
  • Specific and detailed nutritional strategies and an explanation as to how the strategies will assist the client in meeting energy needs
  • Explanation for your chosen assessment, programming, and nutritional recommendations. (Be sure to reference course concepts when discussing rationale for your recommendations.

Keep in mind that a client should be able to take your program and put it into practice without having to contact you to clarify what you intended by your recommendations or to explain parts of your program.

Don’t forget your explanation for WHY you listed and recommended what you did. Reference the concepts and theories covered in the course. Be sure to address why the program and exercises recommended are appropriate for the specific client given the clientÕs history, current abilities, and intended goal(s). For example: if you are developing a program for a beginner client without any resistance training experience, explain how your program addresses the lack of experience, initial need for foundational development, process by which you would safely progress the client, etc. Tying your program to course concepts is a critical component of your case study.

Review the Client Profile below.

Client Profile: Selina Kyle

Age: 31

Gender: Female

Resting Heart Rate: 70 bpm

Height: 5’7″

Weight: 159 lb

Body Fat Percentage: 33%

Background and Goals: Selina just had her first baby a couple months ago and is determined to shed excess pregnancy pounds before summer. Selina has very limited exercise experience. She did not play high school or college sports. Prior to having her first child, she did like to hike, go out dancing, and take the occasional yoga class. She is eager to start a program to lose the baby weight. She can dedicate 3 or 4 days per week to exercise and is willing to sign on for 12 weeks to start.


Plant and Equipment outlines , management homework help Business Finance Assignment Help

IAS 16 Property, Plant and Equipment outlines the accounting treatment for most types of property, plant and equipment. Property, plant and equipment is initially measured at its cost, subsequently measured either using a cost or revaluation model, and depreciated so that its depreciable amount is allocated on a systematic basis over its useful life.

IAS 16 was reissued in December 2003 and applies to annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2005.

“IAS 16- Property, Plant and Equipment ” N.p., 2016. Web. 18 Sept. 2016.


Part A:

Study IAS 16 Property, Plant and Equipment and write a report covering following –

  • Objective and recognition criteria of IAS 16
  • Allowable models for measurement after initial recognition
  • Characteristics of depreciation
  • Need for depreciation
  • Basic factors considered for determination of method of depreciation.
  • The impact on the financial statements if a company changes from a current method of depreciation to a new method (Illustrate with a numerical example)


POL 350 week 1 exercise, political science homework help Humanities Assignment Help

dear writer here are the instruction for this assignment but you will need to read the book for this assignment i am going to upload the pic of the book you can google it online to find the etext or the pdf i will also upload the written rubrics from my teacher about this assignment read it very good and also applique them in your written here are the instructions:

At the end of Chapter Two in the
textbook, there are four websites of policy think tanks listed. Choose
two to review in general and choose one policy area in each to review
more specifically. Adhering to APA style, write a one-to-two page
summary of both and discuss their mission, goals and areas of expertise.
Include which group you would use for what types of policy issues and
what cautions, if any, you may exercise using them and a conclusion.

Also remember dear writer use the written rubrics i upload while written this paper this instructor is very hard in grading and also add references at the end remember to google the book i attached the book pic download it and google the book name read chapter two and next follow the instructions.


Define “Whole object assumption”, writing homework help Writing Assignment Help

Basic writing skill nothing too complex

6. Define “Whole object assumption” and give three examples fo how it would work

7. Define “Type Assumption”, and using your examples from question six, show how it works.

8. Define “Basic Level Assumption” and using your examples from question six and seven, show how it works

9. What is the “social strategy”? How would it work? (Look at the experiments for examples, ut give one of your own.)

10. Linguistic constraints: explain how experimenters showed that 17 month old girls knew how to use the article “a”. Try to set up an experiment that would show if toddlers understand the word “the”.


I have finish the service blueprint and assignment topics 1, 2 and 3 myself, this need revise and the rest 8 topics need to be finish

Service blueprint assignment

In addition to the actual blueprint, each student is to write a short paper (4-5 pages) that addresses each of the following topics:

1)Describe at least four key customer actions depicted in the blueprint and discuss why you believe each is critical to a successful service experience. *

2)Describe at least four onstage employee/SST actions depicted in the blueprint and discuss why you believe each is critical to a successful experience. *

3)Describe at least four backstage employee/SST actions depicted in the blueprint and discuss why you believe each is critical to a successful experience. *

4)Describe at least four distinct support processes depicted in the blueprint and discuss why you believe each is critical to a successful experience. *

5)Describe the key elements of physical evidence depicted in the blueprint and discuss why you believe each is critical to a successful experience. *

6)Identify, number and describe four potential bottlenecks (i.e., places where the service process may become slow) or potential failpoints (i.e., places where the service process may fail altogether).

7)Propose possible solutions/alternatives to address each of the bottlenecks or failpoints you identified.

8)Discuss how a service blueprint might be used by an organization to make decisions with regard to marketing, human resource management, and operations.

9)Think about the service process you blueprinted in general. Discuss what you think generally creates the most negative customer experiences (for example: emotional hot spots, irritations, frustrations, time wasted, delays, etc.) for this service process.

10)Discuss what you learned by doing this assignment and how it could be applied in the business world.

*Note: In your response to the phrase “critical to a successful service experience,” think of how that customer action, employee/SST action, support process, or physical evidence contributes to customer satisfaction. A way to think through your response is to ask yourself, “If this part of the service process was absent, how might the quality of the service provision be diminished?”

Clearly organize your written document using the numbered topics. Use bold font for the topics and regular font for your responses.

Your written document should be typed, double-spaced and have 1” margins. Submission should use a 12-point font and be free of spelling and grammatical errors. Assignment should include your name, the date, and the title of the assignment. Your written submission should have page numbers.

Services Marketing Blueprint Assignment, writing homework help Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

help with two question and a small paper, economics homework help Economics Assignment Help

Please make sure complete and Plagiarism free work. This is an MBA program scholarly references only.

Chapter 3:Use the course text, and the material found in the Articles & Presentations folder in the Supplemental Materials section, and the videos “Elasticity” found in the Economics Principles folder in the Supplemental Materials section, the videos “Supply and Demand” (#3) and “Perfect Competition & Inelastic Demand” (#4) found in the Economics USA folder in the Course Materials section, and additional reputable economic sources.

Chapter 11:Use the course text, and the material found in the in the Articles & Presentations folder in the Supplemental Materials section, and the video “Federal Deficit” (#24) found in the Economics USA folder in the Supplemental Materials section, and additional reputable economic sources.

Economic Implications Analysis Paper (2-3 pages in length) MBA program Scholarly references only original

Drawing on the course text, and the videos “Macroeconomics: Monetary Policy ” and “Macroeconomics: Fiscal Policy” found in the Economics Principles folder in the Supplemental Materials section, the videos “Fiscal Policy” (#18) and “Monetary Policy” (#25) found in the Economics USA folder in the Supplemental Materials section, additional reputable economic sources, and guided by these Chapter Short Answer Questions: Chapter 9, Number 2 and Chapter 10, Number 4; apply economic concepts to appraise the implications of the applications of the respective economic policies from each question to promote both the short and long-term economic well-being of society.

Readings from:

Guell, R. C.

Issues in Economics Today

7th Edition, 2015



Some reference material will be attached. Will need more to complete work


c++ code, programming homework help Programming Assignment Help

Hello there

I have c++ code and I want to write a report about this code. the code is 196 lines the code is addressing

1-Maintain the Inventory and price of items in the store

2- Implement a point of sale menu for customer purchases

3- Provide a summary of daily sales and revenues in a report style format , by

4- categories and then grand total

(I will upload the code If you need as soon as you accept the work)

for More instruction: Look to the attachment and DONOT do coding I already have the code I just want you to do writing part

the report should consist of five part

Background and Introduction

Problem Statement

Solution & Algorithm

Future Work and Conclusion

Discussion and Analysis


Write on wildwood apartments short paper, computer science homework help Computer Science Assignment Help


  • Hands-On Database describes four different scenarios: Wild Wood Apartments, Vince’s Vinyl, Grandfield College, and Westlake Research Hospital. Choose one of the four scenarios to use for all scenario activities and for your final project. Based on your selected scenario, complete the “To Do” activities described at the end of Chapter 1 of Hands-On Database. Your response should be submitted as a Word document.

    For additional details, please refer to the Scenario Rubric document in the Assignment Guidelines and Rubrics section of the course

at lest 4 pages

Hands-On Database describes four scenarios: Wild Wood Apartments, Vince’s Vinyl, Grandfield College, and Westlake Research Hospital. Choose one of the four
scenarios. You will use your chosen scenario to complete all scenario tasks throughout the course. Each scenario task has you complete the “To Do” activities
described at the end of certain chapters in Hands-On Database.
Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:
 Completeness: The submission is complete and includes responses (as appropriate) for each element of the scenario activity.
 Correctness: The responses are correct and thoroughly respond to each element of the scenario activity.
 Critical Analysis: The responses exhibit critical analysis by clearly stating the response to each element of the scenario activity and providing evidence to
support the response


Monsters in America Project, English homework help Humanities Assignment Help

Monsters in America Project

As W. Scott Poole’s text will serve as the conceptual framework for the course, this assignment seeks to promote regular critical engagement with the text.

Part 1: Chapter by Chapter Engagement. For each chapter of the text, students will maintain comprehensive, written dossiers separated into three components as follows.

Component 1: Annotated Reflections. (1.5-2 pages) Students will compose written reflections on the material covered, using annotation as a strategy to highlight their perspective and response to the readings. Keeping the principles outlined in Adler’s “How to Mark a Book” in mind while reading, students should seek to identify moments/passages in the text that were illuminating, confusing, instructive, dubious, biased, fascinating, problematic, and so forth.

The written reflection itself should be both specific and representative of the whole range of the required reading, and not simply be from the first few pages of the reading. This piece is a reflection of how the reader interacts with the text; there is no right or wrong, only different levels of academic curiosity and critical thought.

The reflection should include a series of insightful, well-developed entries of select annotations the student has made. Each entry should begin by citing the first few words of the relevant phrase or passage, followed by the page number. The remainder of the entry should examine the significance of the passage. Entries can clarify a reference and explain its significance, explore something that is unclear, or explain why something resonates with the reader, etc. (There is a reason that you made the annotation, and each individual will annotate something different.)

Reflections will be submitted according to the due dates outlined in the weekly schedule. Those students scheduled to present for a given chapter are not required to submit a reflection (see Monsters in America Presentations assignment). An individual grade is not assigned to each reflection; however, reflections will be graded collectively upon the completion of the project. Failure to submit a reflection will result in a 10 point reduction from the overall project grade.

Component 2: Summary. (1 page) Students will compose a summary of the chapter, highlighting the key elements of Poole’s text. These summaries should not exceed one page in length.

Component 3: Vocabulary. Students will maintain a list of unfamiliar words they come across in the chapter. The list should also include the page on which the word was found. Once completing the chapter, students will define these words using a college dictionary and observing the definition appropriate for the word’s usage in context.

Part 2: Comprehensive Reflection. The comprehensive reflection will be a culminating work composed at the end of the semester. Prior to the class, students will have their chapter reflections returned to them for review. The comprehensive reflection will call upon students, using their chapter reflections as their only reference, to treat Monsters in America in its entirety, focusing on their overall impressions of the work as well as anything learned from the text with long ranging applicability beyond the context of the course.

The comprehensive reflection will be graded in conjunction with the previously submitted chapter reflections to determine the final grade for the project.



Intelligence article, writing homework help Humanities Assignment Help

Make sure to do all the steps

Write a summary of the paper.

The summary should include answers to the following questions.

What was the hypothesis?
What was the research method used?
What did the research data reveal?
What was the author’s conclusion?
What does this new data mean for science? Does it change the way we look at old ideas and/or theories?
Why is the information in the paper important to the world, you, and the class?


1) The science paper has to be from the year 2016.

2) Your paper summary needs to include a the title of the paper you are summarizing, and the authors’ names.

3) Your paper summary needs to be at least a half page double-spaced. (1/2 page, Double Spaced)

4) In-text citations and bibliography must be in APA format.

Intelligence article, writing homework help Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Calculate the client’s target heart rate using the Karvonen formula, health and medicine homework help Writing Assignment Help

Case Study 1

Calculations: Calculate the client’s target heart rate using the Karvonen formula.

Training Program: Design a 12-week periodized training program for the client described in the Client Profile. Be very specific as you design the training program. This is an opportunity for you to demonstrate your full comprehension of the information and concepts discussed throughout the course. List the types of exercise, duration, sets, reps, rest intervals, and so on.

Include the following in your case study submission:

  • A description of your professional responsibilities as discussed in the stages of the drawing-in process (Unit 12)
  • Discussion of any fitness tests, methods of evaluation, and data collection used to assess and evaluate the clientÕs needs
  • Specific conditions that you have identified in the client profile
  • A detailed 12-week comprehensive and periodized training program including specific exercises, sets, repetitions, suggested rest times, etc. Use an integrated approach in your program recommendations.
  • Specific and detailed nutritional strategies and an explanation as to how the strategies will assist the client in meeting energy needs
  • Explanation for your chosen assessment, programming, and nutritional recommendations. (Be sure to reference course concepts when discussing rationale for your recommendations.

Keep in mind that a client should be able to take your program and put it into practice without having to contact you to clarify what you intended by your recommendations or to explain parts of your program.

Don’t forget your explanation for WHY you listed and recommended what you did. Reference the concepts and theories covered in the course. Be sure to address why the program and exercises recommended are appropriate for the specific client given the clientÕs history, current abilities, and intended goal(s). For example: if you are developing a program for a beginner client without any resistance training experience, explain how your program addresses the lack of experience, initial need for foundational development, process by which you would safely progress the client, etc. Tying your program to course concepts is a critical component of your case study.

Review the Client Profile below.

Client Profile: Selina Kyle

Age: 31

Gender: Female

Resting Heart Rate: 70 bpm

Height: 5’7″

Weight: 159 lb

Body Fat Percentage: 33%

Background and Goals: Selina just had her first baby a couple months ago and is determined to shed excess pregnancy pounds before summer. Selina has very limited exercise experience. She did not play high school or college sports. Prior to having her first child, she did like to hike, go out dancing, and take the occasional yoga class. She is eager to start a program to lose the baby weight. She can dedicate 3 or 4 days per week to exercise and is willing to sign on for 12 weeks to start.


Plant and Equipment outlines , management homework help Business Finance Assignment Help

IAS 16 Property, Plant and Equipment outlines the accounting treatment for most types of property, plant and equipment. Property, plant and equipment is initially measured at its cost, subsequently measured either using a cost or revaluation model, and depreciated so that its depreciable amount is allocated on a systematic basis over its useful life.

IAS 16 was reissued in December 2003 and applies to annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2005.

“IAS 16- Property, Plant and Equipment ” N.p., 2016. Web. 18 Sept. 2016.


Part A:

Study IAS 16 Property, Plant and Equipment and write a report covering following –

  • Objective and recognition criteria of IAS 16
  • Allowable models for measurement after initial recognition
  • Characteristics of depreciation
  • Need for depreciation
  • Basic factors considered for determination of method of depreciation.
  • The impact on the financial statements if a company changes from a current method of depreciation to a new method (Illustrate with a numerical example)


POL 350 week 1 exercise, political science homework help Humanities Assignment Help

dear writer here are the instruction for this assignment but you will need to read the book for this assignment i am going to upload the pic of the book you can google it online to find the etext or the pdf i will also upload the written rubrics from my teacher about this assignment read it very good and also applique them in your written here are the instructions:

At the end of Chapter Two in the
textbook, there are four websites of policy think tanks listed. Choose
two to review in general and choose one policy area in each to review
more specifically. Adhering to APA style, write a one-to-two page
summary of both and discuss their mission, goals and areas of expertise.
Include which group you would use for what types of policy issues and
what cautions, if any, you may exercise using them and a conclusion.

Also remember dear writer use the written rubrics i upload while written this paper this instructor is very hard in grading and also add references at the end remember to google the book i attached the book pic download it and google the book name read chapter two and next follow the instructions.


Define “Whole object assumption”, writing homework help Writing Assignment Help

Basic writing skill nothing too complex

6. Define “Whole object assumption” and give three examples fo how it would work

7. Define “Type Assumption”, and using your examples from question six, show how it works.

8. Define “Basic Level Assumption” and using your examples from question six and seven, show how it works

9. What is the “social strategy”? How would it work? (Look at the experiments for examples, ut give one of your own.)

10. Linguistic constraints: explain how experimenters showed that 17 month old girls knew how to use the article “a”. Try to set up an experiment that would show if toddlers understand the word “the”.


Services Marketing Blueprint Assignment, writing homework help Business Finance Assignment Help

Services Marketing Blueprint Assignment, writing homework help Business Finance Assignment Help

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