SEU Decision Theory Risk Management Government & Alliances HSBC Bank Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

SEU Decision Theory Risk Management Government & Alliances HSBC Bank Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help. SEU Decision Theory Risk Management Government & Alliances HSBC Bank Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help.

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HSBC in China

Your assignment this week will focus on the case study HSBC in China (p. 563). We once again visit the country of China, this time to look at the financial and banking sectors. China acceded to the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 2001, which was important to integrate China into the global economy. The WTO requirements guaranteed China entry into the important financial sector, setting it on a course to become a financial powerhouse.

Reflecting on this week’s content focusing on ethical leadership, strategy, and alliances, develop an essay responding to the following questions

How has HSBC adapted its global strategy to operate in China, both before and after China’s WTO accession?

Discuss HSBC’s strategy for entering and operating in other emerging markets. Where has it found success, and where has it faced setbacks? Why?

What are the pros and cons of HSBC’s “Managing for Growth” strategy?

Your well-written paper should meet the following requirements:

Be 7 pages in length, which does not include the title page or required reference page, which are never a part of the content minimum requirements.

Use University academic writing standards and APA-7 style guidelines.

Support your submission with course material concepts, principles, and theories from the textbook and at least two scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles.

A total of five references are required for this assignment

SEU Decision Theory Risk Management Government & Alliances HSBC Bank Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

BMGT 364 UMGC Week 5 Management and Organization Theory Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Initial Post

This week’s discussion continues with the Smithfield Custom Furniture case. Your posting should answer the questions posed using the course materials to support your answers. It is important to write concisely and to follow the detailed instructions provided below. Include in-text citations and references in a reference list. For citation examples, use the APA Resources on the Content page.

Case Discussion: Smithfield Custom Furniture (Part 3)

It is now 2015, and Smithfield’s Custom Furniture has continued to grow. Its new product line of lower-priced furniture was an immediate sensation in the marketplace. The company now has 344 stores and 21,000 employees. The company now has a total of 12 international retail stores evenly divided among Spain (3), France (3), Germany (3), and England (3).

Margot Smithfield, Jonas Smithfield III’s only heir, is now running the company. She has a master’s degree in design and an MBA degree. She has been running the company for 3 years.

Margot Smithfield and the 12-member board of directors have been assessing an opportunity to acquire You Figure it Out, a moderately profitable 51 store chain of ultra-modern furniture. The furniture and furniture-related accessories of You Figure it Out are all made in China and sold only in the United States. Their retail stores are located in Texas (6), California (13), New York (15), Nevada (4), Florida (9), and North Carolina (4).

Margot and her board have reasoned that the company has excess capacity at their 5 manufacturing plants. They are aware that producing a new line of furniture would mean retraining several hundred of their workers in the new production process. However, if this change is successfully executed it would significantly increase the profitability of the You Figure It Out brand. The company also sees a market for the ultra-modern style of furniture in Smithfield’s existing foreign markets and believe the current Smithfield stores in Spain, France, Germany, and England could display some of the new furniture along with their traditional lines of furniture and take orders that would be produced in the US plants. Other than that, the Smithfield Custom Furniture product line and the You Figure It Out brand would operate as they currently do.

They have decided to conclude the purchase with You Figure It Out executives and want to announce the decision to their workforce as soon as possible.

The Management Issue: Margot Smithfield is concerned she will overlook something important in her communications to employees and the decision making of the board.

Your Task for Your Initial Post

Margot Smithfield is asking for your input to help her understanding and ensure she does not overlook anything important to the success of introducing a new furniture product line to the current Smithfield product line. She has requested that you send her a single-spaced summary, using only course readings and proper citations, that addresses (in the order they are listed) the issues she believes she needs to be aware of related to communications and decision making.

  1. Explaining to her, using not more than 4 sentences, why employees need to understand the need for Smithfield to continue to be innovative.
  2. Selecting the 3 “noise” factors that are most likely to interfere with the successful launch of the new product line. Using not more than 4 sentences for each of your 3 noise factors, you will explain to Margot why you selected each of the 3 noise factors you selected, including its potential negative impact on a new product launch if it is not eliminated or reduced.
  3. Identifying for Margot Smithfield the 3 most significant obstacles to change that you believe will make the acceptance of the new product line difficult for employees to support. Using not more than 4 sentences for each obstacle to change you identified, you will explain to Margot why you selected each of the 3 obstacles to change you selected, including each obstacle’s potential negative impact on a new product launch if it is not eliminated or reduced.
  4. Selecting for her and explaining, using not more than 4 sentences, the one specific change management technique or tool you think is most likely to pave the way for a successful launch of the new product line.
  5. Explaining to her, using course readings on decision making and in no more than 4 sentences, the most likely decision-making oversight the board could make in the launch of a new product line.

Note: You are expected to use in-text citations and create a reference list in answering the above 5 issues.

Format for Your Initial Post

You must use the following numbers and corresponding headings for each part of your response to a particular issue.

1. Understanding the Need for Innovation.

2. Significant “Noise” factors

3. Obstacles to the Acceptance of Change

4. An Effective Change Management Technique

5. Possible Decision-making Oversight


American University Danger to Governance and Development in The Society Paper Writing Assignment Help

An Op-Ed is an article that expresses the opinion of the writer as its main focus.These are typically written by people who are experts on a topic.These articles are a persuasive argument; something created to sway the reader’s opinion to the author’s point of view.


This assignment is a chance for you to express your informed opinion on a topic relevant to combat sports.Your job is to take an opinionated stand on this issue (claim), use techniques of persuasive writing (rhetoric) to sway your reader to agree with you, and back it up with facts (evidence.)


Your argument will also engage the “other side” on the issue you are discussing.For instance, if you’re arguing that MMA is a dangerous sport and should have more head trauma regulations, then you must include the argument for why it might be considered less harmful than other sports which use pads and helmets.


You will then press your evidence and rhetoric against this opposing argument, to sway your reader back toward agreeing with your claim.You will detail your sound reasoning and use solid evidence (citable facts, quotes from experts, examples, etc.) to show your “expertise” on this subject.Your credibility as an expert will come from the research and reading you do to situate yourself in this issue.

what we need to do is

  • Write down at least three issues/conflicts that you are compelled by and write down some thoughts. Come in on Friday, March 19th with about a page of notes (bullet points and lists are fine)

Finding Your Topic:

Think about what we’ve been discussing through our readings, films, and class discussions? What issue in fighting has struck you? We’ve covered safety, race, gender, class, morality, corruption, exploitation, capitalism, geopolitics, the human struggle, etc.

After you choose your issue, write down some ideas on what you really think about it. Honesty is the best approach. Next, look for what “experts” in the field are saying about your issue. Find credible people with experience or knowledge in this issue and pull quotes from them you can respond to in your essay. You must put evidence behind whatever claims you are making.


NR 703 Chamberlain University Value Based Healthcare in Social Media Questions Health Medical Assignment Help

I’m working on a nursing discussion question and need a sample draft to help me study.

Ethical Decision-Making

Upon learning that a medication error occurred resulting in a child’s death, the Chief Nursing Officer (CNO) of a regional acute care facility held a press conference to announce the mistake. The conference centered on reporter questions about why the nurse was not fired. The CNO explained that the nurse was highly regarded and that the problem was a “system” problem, not simply a problem of an incompetent nurse. The CNO also explained that an examination of the medication administration procedures was ordered and that an electronic medication error avoidance system would be implemented to ensure that such an error would not happen again. Consider this scenario to address the following.


  • As the CNO in the scenario, defend your decision to disclose the incident to the media. How does this decision influence value-based healthcare? What risks might you encounter? What impact might this decision have on you personally and professionally?
  • At a regional health consortium, fellow CNOs remark that they would not disclose such an incident to the media. Provide two justifications for withholding disclosure of the error to the public. How does this decision influence value-based healthcare?
  • Imagine you are the patient’s family. How would you want the issue to be handled by the CNO? Explain your rationale
  • Engage your discussion using at least 3 journal references not more than three years old.


West Stanly High School President Bush 9/11 Speech SOAPS Analysis Writing Assignment Help

Using SOAPS, analyze the rhetorical situation in President George W. Bush’s 9/11 Speech, posted below. Refer to the chart for an example of the quality of work I’m looking for.

9/11 Speech

George W. Bush
Good evening.

Today, our fellow citizens, our way of life, our very freedom came under
attack in a series of deliberate and deadly terrorist acts.
The victims were in airplanes or in their offices — secretaries, businessmen
and women, military and federal workers. Moms and dads. Friends and

Thousands of lives were suddenly ended by evil, despicable acts of terror.
The pictures of airplanes flying into buildings, fires burning, huge structures
collapsing, have filled us with disbelief, terrible sadness, and a quiet, unyielding anger.
These acts of mass murder were intended to frighten our nation into chaos
and retreat. But they have failed. our country is strong. A great people has been
moved to defend a great nation.

Terrorist attacks can shake the foundations of our biggest buildings, but they
cannot touch the foundation of America. These acts shatter steel, but they cannot dent the steel of American resolve.

America was targeted for attack because we’re the brightest beacon for
freedom and opportunity in the world. And no one will keep that light from

Today, our nation saw evil, the very worst of human nature, and we responded
with the best of America, with the daring of our rescue workers, with the caring
for strangers and neighbors who came to give blood and help in any way they

Immediately following the first attack, I implemented our government’s emergency response plans. our military is powerful, and it’s prepared. our emergency teams are working in New York City and Washington, D.C., to help with local rescue efforts.

Our first priority is to get help to those who have been injured and to take
every precaution to protect our citizens at home and around the world from
further attacks. The functions of our government continue without interruption.
Federal agencies in Washington which had to be evacuated today are reopening for essential personnel tonight and will be open for business tomorrow.

Our financial institutions remain strong, and the American economy will be
open for business as well.

The search is under way for those who are behind these evil acts. I’ve directed
the full resources of our intelligence and law enforcement communities to find
those responsible and bring them to justice. We will make no distinction between the
terrorists who committed these acts and those who harbor them.




West Stanly How the Author Establishes Logos in Reigning China by George Will Essay Writing Assignment Help

Read the article below. In complete sentences, explain how the author establishes Logos. Use evidence from the text to support your claims. Submit as a google doc.

Use PowerPoint for u understanding of logos

from King Coal: Reigning in China
George Will

Half of the 6 billion tons of coal burned globally each year is burned in China.
A spokesman for the Sierra Club, which in recent years has helped to block
construction of 139 proposed coal-fired plants in America, says, “This is undermining everything we’ve accomplished.” America, say environmentalists, is
exporting global warming.

Can something really be exported if it supposedly affects the entire planet?
Never mind. America has partners in this crime against nature, if such it is. one
Australian company proposes to build the Cowlitz facility; another has signed
a $60 billion contract to supply Chinese power plants with Australian coal.

The Times says ships — all burning hydrocarbons — hauled about 690 million tons of thermal coal this year, up from 385 million in 2001. China, which imported about 150 million tons this year, was a net exporter of coal until 2009, sending abroad its low-grade coal and importing higher-grade, low-sulfur coal
from, for example, the Powder River Basin of Wyoming and Montana. Because
much of China’s enormous coal reserves is inland, far from coastal factories,
it is sometimes more economical to import American and Australian coal.

Writing in the Atlantic on China’s appetite for coal and possible aptitude for
using the old fuel in new, cleaner ways, James Fallows quotes a Chinese official
saying that the country’s transportation system is the only serious limit on how
fast power companies increase their use of coal. one reason China is building
light-rail systems is to get passenger traffic out of the way of coal trains.

Fallows reports that 15 years from now China expects that 350 million
people will be living in cities that do not exist yet. This will require adding to
China’s electrical system a capacity almost as large as America’s current
capacity. The united States, China, Russia and India have 40 percent of the
world’s population and 60 percent of its coal.

West Stanly How the Author Establishes Logos in Reigning China by George Will Essay Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

BIOL 160 UM The Cows that Produced Low Fat Content Milk Questions Science Assignment Help

Visit the “Course Content” area, then click on the “Science Learning Center” and finally click on “The Scientific Method Tutorial”.

After you have read through the tutorial, discuss the following:

You live in a rural area. Your local radio station reports the results of an experiment a high school student conducted to test the

effects of a healthy diet on the saturated fat content of cow’s milk. The student’s father bought 6 cows from two different sellers.

Cows from seller 1 were fed the student’s special mixed-grass diet; the other cows from seller 2 were fed the usual animal feed.

The student discovered that milk from the cows had lower saturated fat than then cows fed the usual feed.

The radio station report created a lot of attention and coverage in other media beyond the local radio station.

The student thought he might look into a financial sponsor to promote and even patent his special mixed-grass diet.

Based on this limited information and using the scientific method:

I. What problems do you see with the student’s study?

II. Help the student develop a better question followed by a hypothesis. Then …

III. Design a brief experiment to test your hypothesis (make sure to indicate a control) and describe (in brief) predicted results.

(The reading for this week will also help you in this exercise).…


NYU Philips vs Matsushita The Competitive Battle Continues SWOT Analysis Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a management case study and need support to help me study.

The first part is the case analysis. I have attached a pdf file that lists the questions to be answered. Read the entire the file before beginning to answer the questions. Remember to footnote all references.

The second part of the assignment is to briefly answer the six short questions that I have attached as a separate pdf document. As I mentioned in class your answers can be in outline or bullet form. You do not need to write lengthy essays for this part of the exam.

Read Case: p259~275 of pdf “Transnational Management”, it should e case 4.3.

Answer questions in pdf.”Philips vs. Matsyshita” and “short answers”


SEU Strategy Planning & Global Strategy in International Business Strategy Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

For this week’s discussion, read the case study found in your textbook (Case 17): Haier Group: Internationalization Strategy.

Remember, a case study is a puzzle to be solved, so before reading and answering the specific case and study questions, develop your proposed solution by following these five steps:

Read the case study to identify the key issues and underlying issues. These issues are the principles and concepts of the course area which apply to the situation described in the case study.

Record the facts from the case study which are relevant to the principles and concepts of the course area issues. The case may have extraneous information not relevant to the current course area. Your ability to differentiate between relevant and irrelevant information is an important aspect of case analysis, as it will inform the focus of your answers.

Describe in some detail the actions that would address or correct the situation.

Consider how you would support your solution with examples from experience or current real-life examples or cases from textbooks.

Complete this initial analysis and then read the discussion questions. Typically, you will already have the answers to the questions but with a broader consideration. At this point, you can add the details and/or analytical tools required to solve the case.

Case Study Questions:

Compare and contrast the appliance strategies used by another multinational appliance company such as LG, Samsung, Bosch-Siemens, Electrolux, Whirlpool, etc. and Haier.

What is Haier’s internationalization strategy?

Does Haier’s international strategy appear to be effective?

Is it likely that Haier’s success and management practices can be applied outside of China? Why or why not?

Embed course material concepts, principles, and theories (require supporting citations) in your initial response along with at least one scholarly, peer-reviewed journal article. Use University academic writing standards and APA-7 style guidelines.


Prince Georges Community College Leading Health Indicators Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help

1.Visit the Healthy People website using the embedded link:

Review their 26 leading health indicators (LHI). Identify 3 important indicators that you would like to promote as a community health nurse. Discuss why these three indicators are important to you? Identify a primary, secondary or tertiary prevention strategy that you would use to improve the health of people in the community using one of these selected indicators. For example, smoking among adolescents is one LHI; this may be important to someone if a family member or friend began smoking in high school and developed lung cancer. A primary prevention strategy could be educating high school students about the effects of smoking; a secondary strategy would be to screening people who smoke for early detection of disease; tertiary prevention would be smoking cessation to limit damage and disability.

2.Define public health nursing. Discuss the following three core functions of the public health nurse: assessment, policy development, and assurance. Explain how population-focused nursing practice is different from clinical nursing care delivered in the community

Two professional reference

One reference can be the Text book titled public health nursing by marcia stanhope and jeanette lancaster


Review their 26 leading health indicators (LHI). Identify 3 important indicators that you would like to promote as a community health nurse. Discuss why these three indicators are important to you? Identify a primary, secondary or tertiary prevention strategy that you would use to improve the health of people in the community using one of these selected indicators. For example, smoking among adolescents is one LHI; this may be important to someone if a family member or friend began smoking in high school and developed lung cancer. A primary prevention strategy could be educating high school students about the effects of smoking; a secondary strategy would be to screening people who smoke for early detection of disease; tertiary prevention would be smoking cessation to limit damage and disability.

2.Define public health nursing. Discuss the following three core functions of the public health nurse: assessment, policy development, and assurance. Explain how population-focused nursing practice is different from clinical nursing care delivered in the community

Two professional reference

One reference can be the Text book titled public health nursing by marcia stanhope and jeanette lancaster


Review their 26 leading health indicators (LHI). Identify 3 important indicators that you would like to promote as a community health nurse. Discuss why these three indicators are important to you? Identify a primary, secondary or tertiary prevention strategy that you would use to improve the health of people in the community using one of these selected indicators. For example, smoking among adolescents is one LHI; this may be important to someone if a family member or friend began smoking in high school and developed lung cancer. A primary prevention strategy could be educating high school students about the effects of smoking; a secondary strategy would be to screening people who smoke for early detection of disease; tertiary prevention would be smoking cessation to limit damage and disability.

2.Define public health nursing. Discuss the following three core functions of the public health nurse: assessment, policy development, and assurance. Explain how population-focused nursing practice is different from clinical nursing care delivered in the community

Two professional reference

One reference can be the Text book titled public health nursing by marcia stanhope and jeanette lancaster


Review their 26 leading health indicators (LHI). Identify 3 important indicators that you would like to promote as a community health nurse. Discuss why these three indicators are important to you? Identify a primary, secondary or tertiary prevention strategy that you would use to improve the health of people in the community using one of these selected indicators. For example, smoking among adolescents is one LHI; this may be important to someone if a family member or friend began smoking in high school and developed lung cancer. A primary prevention strategy could be educating high school students about the effects of smoking; a secondary strategy would be to screening people who smoke for early detection of disease; tertiary prevention would be smoking cessation to limit damage and disability.

2.Define public health nursing. Discuss the following three core functions of the public health nurse: assessment, policy development, and assurance. Explain how population-focused nursing practice is different from clinical nursing care delivered in the community

Two professional reference

One reference can be the Text book titled public health nursing by marcia stanhope and jeanette lancaster


SEU Decision Theory Risk Management Government & Alliances HSBC Bank Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

SEU Decision Theory Risk Management Government & Alliances HSBC Bank Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

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