SEU Wk 2 Critical Thinking & Decision Making Global Drug Pricing Ethics Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help. SEU Wk 2 Critical Thinking & Decision Making Global Drug Pricing Ethics Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help.
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Critical Thinking Case Study: The Ethics of Global Drug Pricing (100 Points)
Using the Six Steps of Decision-Making framework from this week’s content, please develop an essay responding to the following questions related to the case study The Ethics of Global Drug Pricing (p. 113).
- Recognize decision requirement: What are the ethical issues being discussed in the case concerning drug pricing?
- Diagnosis and analysis of causes: Why are drug prices so high in the United States and what should be done?
- Development of alternatives: What are other countries doing to fight high drug prices?
- Selection of desired alternative: Decide on alternatives for the United States.
- Implementation of alternatives: Which alternatives would be best to drive down drug prices in the United States?
- Evaluation and feedback: Have your recommendations been implemented in other countries? Are they working? What has been the outcome?
In this course, you will have six Critical Thinking assignments where you will respond to assignment questions to develop an essay. Essays have an introduction (to the topic of the assignment), a body (where you will integrate your responses) and a conclusion (your thoughts on the assignment). Please do not just answer the questions as is. It is best to use APA headings to capture the essence of the questions as a way to make sure you have integrated all of the responses in your essay. Also, make sure you are using an APA paper template as a starting point.
Your well-written essay should meet the following requirements:
- Be 5-6 pages in length, which does not include the title page, abstract, or required reference page, which is never a part of the content minimum requirements.
- Use Saudi Electronic University academic writing standards and APA style guidelines.
- Support your submission with course material concepts, principles, and theories from the textbook and at least two scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles.
SEU Wk 2 Critical Thinking & Decision Making Global Drug Pricing Ethics Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
University of the Cumberlands Big Data Uncertainty Research Paper Computer Science Assignment Help
While this weeks topic highlighted the uncertainty of Big Data, the author identified the following as areas for future research. Pick one of the following for your Research paper:
- Additional study must be performed on the interactions between each big data characteristic, as they do not exist separately but naturally interact in the real world.
- The scalability and efficacy of existing analytics techniques being applied to big data must be empirically examined.
- New techniques and algorithms must be developed in ML and NLP to handle the real-time needs for decisions made based on enormous amounts of data.
- More work is necessary on how to efficiently model uncertainty in ML and NLP, as well as how to represent uncertainty resulting from big data analytics.
- Since the CI algorithms are able to find an approximate solution within a reasonable time, they have been used to tackle ML problems and uncertainty challenges in data analytics and process in recent years.
Your paper should meet these requirements:
- Be approximately four to six pages in length, not including the required cover page and reference page.
- Follow APA 7 guidelines. Your paper should include an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.
- Support your answers with the readings from the course and at least two scholarly journal articles to support your positions, claims, and observations, in addition to your textbook. The UC Library is a great place to find resources.
- Be clearly and well-written, concise, and logical, using excellent grammar and style techniques. You are being graded in part on the quality of your writing.
Chamberlain College of Nursing Integrative Physiology of Pneumonia Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help
I’m working on a nursing report and need a sample draft to help me understand better.
ASSIGNMENT CONTENT The length of the paper should be 2-3 pages, excluding title page and reference page(s). The title and reference pages should be in APA format. |
Category |
Points |
% |
Description |
Introduction of disease
15 |
10 |
The introduction statement should: 1. Be one paragraph (approximately 200 words) 2. Include the disease description 3. Include the disease epidemiology 4. Includes information that is supported by current scholarly literature or course textbook, as evidenced by in text citations (4 required elements) |
Etiology and Risk factors |
15 |
10 |
The student includes: 1. Common causes of the disease or condition 2.Risk factors for the disease or condition 3. Impact of age on disease or condition 4. Prevalence of disease based on gender 5. Genetic basis of disease 6. Lifestyle influences on disease 7. Information that is supported by current scholarly literature or course textbook, as evidenced by in text citations 8. If a listed factor is not a component of the disease the student must state so in this section (8 required elements) |
Pathophysiological processes |
30 |
20 |
The student: 1. Describes changes occurring at the cellular, tissue, and/or organ level that contribute to the disease process 2. Describes adaptation of the cells and body in response to the disease 3. Relates disease processes to manifested signs and symptoms 4. Includes information that is supported by current scholarly literature or course textbook, as evidenced by in text citations (4 Required Elements) |
Clinical manifestations: subjective and objective findings |
23 |
15.4 |
The student: 1. Identifies subjective complaints that contribute to diagnosis of the condition 2. Identifies the body systems affected by the condition 3. Identifies physical assessment findings that contribute to diagnosis of the condition 4. Identifies pertinent laboratory tests necessary for diagnosis of condition 5. Includes information that is supported by current scholarly literature or course textbook, as evidenced by in text citations (5 Required Elements) |
Complications & Diagnostics
22 |
14.6 |
The student: 1. Identifies a minimum of two (2) complications of the disease 2, Discusses the implications for the patient when complications are left untreated 3. All information is supported by current scholarly literature or course textbook as evidenced by in text citations 4. Explains the purpose of each listed laboratory and diagnostic test listed within the clinical manifestations section 5. Discusses the significance of test findings in relation to the disease process 6. Includes information that is supported by current scholarly literature or course textbook, as evidenced by in-text citations (6 required elements) |
Pharmacologic recommendations-(20%)
30 |
20 |
The student: 1. Lists each medication individually with rationale included 2. Includes dosage, route, dosage frequency and length of treatment for each medication 3. Includes the drug classification for each medication 4. Includes the side effects of each medication 5. Includes the potential drug interactions to consider when prescribing (medications to avoid) 6. Includes information that is supported by current scholarly literature or course textbook, as evidenced by in-text citations (6 required elements) |
American Public University Environmental Awareness and Protection Proposal Other Assignment Help
Scenario: To obtain an initial meeting with a prospective sponsor, write a one-page (single-spaced 12 pt. font) proposal for $25,000 in grant funding for your project. Your proposal can be about education, health, student lifestyle, environment, technology, sports, culture, business, etc. Write a first draft. In your second draft examine the verb lists and determine if your writing can be adjusted to be more specific and purposeful. Your proposal should explain what your project is, why your project is important, what the $25,000 will be used for, and why the sponsor should listen to your idea, and, how will your project benefit the sponsor? Be creative but realistic.
SEU Wk 2 Critical Thinking & Decision Making Global Drug Pricing Ethics Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help
Critical Thinking Case Study: The Ethics of Global Drug Pricing (100 Points)
Using the Six Steps of Decision-Making framework from this week’s content, please develop an essay responding to the following questions related to the case study The Ethics of Global Drug Pricing (p. 113).
- Recognize decision requirement: What are the ethical issues being discussed in the case concerning drug pricing?
- Diagnosis and analysis of causes: Why are drug prices so high in the United States and what should be done?
- Development of alternatives: What are other countries doing to fight high drug prices?
- Selection of desired alternative: Decide on alternatives for the United States.
- Implementation of alternatives: Which alternatives would be best to drive down drug prices in the United States?
- Evaluation and feedback: Have your recommendations been implemented in other countries? Are they working? What has been the outcome?
In this course, you will have six Critical Thinking assignments where you will respond to assignment questions to develop an essay. Essays have an introduction (to the topic of the assignment), a body (where you will integrate your responses) and a conclusion (your thoughts on the assignment). Please do not just answer the questions as is. It is best to use APA headings to capture the essence of the questions as a way to make sure you have integrated all of the responses in your essay. Also, make sure you are using an APA paper template as a starting point.
Your well-written essay should meet the following requirements:
- Be 5-6 pages in length, which does not include the title page, abstract, or required reference page, which is never a part of the content minimum requirements.
- Use Saudi Electronic University academic writing standards and APA style guidelines.
- Support your submission with course material concepts, principles, and theories from the textbook and at least two scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles.
TESC Visionary Leaders Responsibility in Building Employee Engagement Paper Business Finance Assignment Help
Hello I need assistance with writing at least a one page essay or more on one of the topics below. I have attached the text book and requirements for the essay.
#1. Visionary leadership (HRD). For Deming, a visionary leader
effectively translates ideas into processes, contrary to the simpler idea of a
charismatic soul who can inspire and motivate others. What is the visionary leader’s responsibility
in terms of building employee engagement?
Customer-driven excellence (measurement). Ogden et al.’s (2010) terminology,
reflecting an earlier edition of the Baldrige criteria, elevates the customer
to the dominant role in the leader’s translation of customer voice into
operations. The current Baldrige criteria have rephrased the term to return the
emphasis to the leader’s role in actively pursuing the voice of the customer.
Implicit in this change is the sense of the organization’s adherence to its
stated purpose versus inadvertently
letting customers pull the organization away from that purpose. With this
tension in mind, operationalize customer-driven
excellence as a quality management criterion.
Organizational and personal learning + Agility (HRD). This item incorporates
two sections in Ogden et al. (2010). Organizational learning is more than
merely a matter of ensuring that every employee is learning. Rather, the
organization itself must learn. To comprehend this proposition, one must take a
systems perspective in visualizing the organization. Knowledge management is a
logical corollary in this view. In terms of HRD, how can one determine whether
an organization is actually learning?
Valuing employees and partners (HRD). Leaders in organizations often
confidently announce that they value their employees and partners. However, the
matter of turning a potential platitude into meaningful action is a substantive
challenge, which few organizations manage to meet. How may leaders translate
the exhortation to value
employees and partners into observable processes?
Focus on the future (measurement). Ogden et al.’s (2010) phraseology, from a
former edition of the Baldrige criteria, may inadvertently encourage
organizations to overlook short-term goals. The current Baldrige criteria have
rephrased the term to balance short-term and long-term efforts, given that
customers and other stakeholders constantly place both short- and long-term
demands on the organization. With this change in mind, operationalize focusing on the future as
a quality management criterion.
Managing for innovation (measurement). Managing for innovation connotes
processes that affect processes. The organization contrives rules and routines
whose specific goal is to identify when and how to alter current production or
service steps to adapt to the logic of the changing external task environment (i.e., fluctuating
resource availability and evolving customer voice). Operationalize managing for innovation as
a quality management criterion.
Management by fact (measurement). Managing by fact means insisting that one’s
decisions have the benefit of objectively generated data of some kind rather
than merely one leader’s self-confidence and intuition or the fallacy of
collective assent to untested and unanalyzed strategies. To measure the
practice of managing by fact, one must find ways to measure the extent to which
one’s decisions use data rather than opinion (Summers, 2018). Try to
operationalize managing
by fact as a quality management criterion.
Social responsibility (HRD). Social responsibility refers to proactively
promoting desirable ends for people and communities outside one’s organization.
Thus, the context is the general environment rather than the task environment.
It suggests augmenting the organization’s core purpose with a broader conception
that envelops a larger, more externally oriented, domain of interest. How might
an organization’s leaders combine social
responsibility with employee engagement?
always, clearly indicate your selected item first, by indicating the number.
Write at least 1 Page (as defined in the syllabus). Again, your concept may
demand more detail than that short length allows. Review the Week 2 writing
criteria, if necessary, for further details on correctness.
TESC Visionary Leaders Responsibility in Building Employee Engagement Paper Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Baltimore City Community College Complaint Handing Script for Max Modem Report Computer Science Assignment Help
Part-1 (A Complaint-handing Script for Max Modem)
Molly Jeavsay, who works in the administrative group at Max Modern, is the person to whom complaints about company products are directed. Molly has kept a running tally of which modem products generate the most complaints. She periodically passes the complaint tallies to the product design engineers and assembly line managers in the manufacturing division as feedback on problems end users or retail stores encounter with Max Modem’s Products.
Recently, the engineers became aware of a large volume of complaints about a new model of DSL modem, D-700i. They have asked Molly to collect more information from users and retailers about the problems with the D-700i modems.
Help Molly by writing a draft of a simple script that help desk agents could use to collect some basic information about problems users and retailer are encountering with the D-700i modems. The Script you write should respond to two goals: (1) to collect basic product information that would be useful to Max Modem’s engineers and managers; and (2) to exhibit a diplomatic way of asking for information that reflects an excellent customer-service ethic.
Your report should be NO more than one page and half typed in MS Word.
Part-2 (Evaluate Vendor Support Web Sites)
Select three or more support Web Sites from among the following hardware vendors:
- Apple (
- Dell (
- Gateway (
- Hewlett-Packard (
- Lenovo (
- Sony (
- Toshiba (
Compare and evaluate each vendor’s support Web Site using the Customer Support Criteria discussed in Chapter 2. Limit your evaluation to the support home page and perhaps one level below the home page.
Address questions such as:
- How easy or difficult is it to find information about a specific models?
- Does the site provide the kind of information that a user support specialist would need to know?
- Is the information in a format that is usable?
- What tools are available on the Web site to allow someone to contact the Vendor with a question?
- Is it easy to navigate the Web Site?
- Based on its support Web Site, how do you rate each Vendor’s Commitment to excellent customer service?
Your report should be NO more than one page and half typed in MS Word.
University of Cumberlands Data Analytics and Data Mining Essay Computer Science Assignment Help
There is much discussion regarding Data Analytics and Data Mining. Sometimes these terms are used synonymously but there is a difference. What is the difference between Data Analytics vs Data Mining? Please provide an example of how each is used. Also explain how you may use data analytics and data mining in a future career. Lastly, be sure to utilize at least one scholarly source from either the UC library or Google Scholar.
At least one scholarly source should be used in the initial discussion thread. Be sure to use information from your readings and other sources from the UC Library. Use proper citations and references in your post.
KAU Organizational Leadership Types of Leadership Style in Organizations Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
For this assignment, you are asked to determine your own personal leadership style. Start by taking the self-assessment from the MindTools website: ( Next, complete the required Goleman reading. Develop an understanding of your leadership style.
Goleman, D. (2000, March-April). Leadership that gets results. Harvard Business Review. Retrieved from…
Based on your experiences, current readings, work experience, education, and use of self-assessment instruments, describe what you think your personal leadership styles are. Include the following in your response:
- Develop an understanding of your leadership style(s).
- What is/are your style(s) and give an example of when you have applied your leadership style(s)?
- In what ways will this/these style(s) help you achieve your goals?
- Evaluate yourself relative to emotional intelligence (Goleman article) and explain how you will expand your emotional intelligence.
- What areas of leadership styles may be shortcomings and how will you improve your leadership?
- Write an essay that includes an introduction paragraph, the essay’s body, and a conclusion paragraph to address the assignment’s guide questions. Do not address the questions using a question-and-answer format.
Your well-written paper should meet the following requirements:
- Be 3-5 pages in length, which does not include the title and reference pages, which are never a part of the content minimum requirements.
- Use APA style guidelines.
- Support your submission with course material concepts, principles, and theories from the textbook and at least two current, scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles. Current articles are those published in the last five years.
West Virginia Junior College Morgantown E Trend Shoes Business Strategy Questions Business Finance Assignment Help
1. Based on your company’s latest financial statements and all of the other available data regarding its performance that appear in the most recent Footwear Industry Report, list the three measures of financial performance on which your company did “best” and the three measures on which your company’s financial performance was “worst
2. “What resource strengths and resource weaknesses does your company have? What external market opportunities for growth and increased profitability exist for your company? What external threats to your company’s future well-being and profitability do you and your co-managers see? What do the four SWOT lists indicate about your athletic footwear company’s present situation and future prospects? Where on a scale of 1 to 10, where 10 = “exceptionally strong” and 1 = “alarmingly weak” does the attractiveness of your company’s situation rank?
3. How favorably do your company’s costs compare on the benchmarking data provided in the most recent year’s Footwear Industry Report? On how many of the benchmarking measures were your company’s costs below the footwear industry average? On how many of the benchmarking measures were your company’s costs above the industry average? Based on the benchmarking data, how strong on a scale of 1 to 10 (where 1 = very weak and 10 = very strong), is your company’s cost competitiveness? Are there any areas where you and your co-managers should take actions to lower costs and improve your company’s relative cost position?
Based on your experiences, current readings, work experience, education, and use of self-assessment instruments, describe what you think your personal leadership styles are. Include the following in your response:
- Develop an understanding of your leadership style(s).
- What is/are your style(s) and give an example of when you have applied your leadership style(s)?
- In what ways will this/these style(s) help you achieve your goals?
- Evaluate yourself relative to emotional intelligence (Goleman article) and explain how you will expand your emotional intelligence.
- What areas of leadership styles may be shortcomings and how will you improve your leadership?
- Write an essay that includes an introduction paragraph, the essay’s body, and a conclusion paragraph to address the assignment’s guide questions. Do not address the questions using a question-and-answer format.
Your well-written paper should meet the following requirements:
- Be 3-5 pages in length, which does not include the title and reference pages, which are never a part of the content minimum requirements.
- Use APA style guidelines.
- Support your submission with course material concepts, principles, and theories from the textbook and at least two current, scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles. Current articles are those published in the last five years.