Sexual Identity Representation in Brokeback Mountain, homework help Writing Assignment Help. Sexual Identity Representation in Brokeback Mountain, homework help Writing Assignment Help.
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final essay
Your essay should be between 1500 and 2000 words.
You must include a Works Cited page, NOT an Annotated Bibliography.
Your Works Cited page does not contribute to your word count.
You must cite at least five secondary sources, including at least three scholarly articles (peer-reviewed).
You may use as many essays from the texts as you want, but you may only count one of them toward
your five-source minimum.
You may use dictionaries or encyclopedias (including Wikipedia), but they are probably unnecessary and
they do not count as part of your five sources.
Conduct research on the representation of race, gender, sexual orientation, and/or ethnicity in
American culture, particularly in movies or television.
Your essay should pursue some of the following questions, though not all of them will be relevant, and
many more will present themselves as you conduct your research:
How do these images and representations affect the mainstream American perceptions of race,
gender, sexual orientation, or culture?
What effects do these representations have on the cultures and groups being represented?
Your primary sources can be one of the following:
1. An analysis of a single movie (e.g. representations of sexual identity in Brokeback Mountain)
2. A comparison of no more than two movies. (e.g. aliens as stand-ins for minorities in science
3. An analysis of a television series, focusing on between one and three episodes. (e.g.
representations of socioeconomic status in Orange is the New Black)
6 -8 pages
Final Essay
Muslims in American Cinema:
In the past 15 years America has been engaged in the War on Terror, the most common enemy in this war are Muslim extremist. This has led to an increase, and possible negative exposure for the Muslim culture in American cinema. In American cinema we have come to relate Muslims not with the religion, but with the extreme terrorist acts that are seen in movies such as Zero Dark Thirty, Act of Valor, American Sniper, and The Kingdom. Something very common about these films is they are all military action films that take place in the post 9/11 War on Terror. American cinema has not changed its representation of Muslims, the industry is only catering to the culture that thrives off of action film, and dramatizing the enemy that America is fighting in the War on Terror, it is unfortunate that this enemy fights for a misrepresentation of Islam.
Following the post Afghan-Russian war in the late 1980’s Osama bin Laden found himself on a mission for Jihad, or as he would interpret Jihad, a Holy War. This led to bin Laden establishing The Base, or in the Arabic tongue, Al Qaeda. Al Qaeda was a way for bin Laden to spread his own subjective interpretations of Islam, recruiting followers from around the world. Al Qaeda would take credit for many global attacks following the end of the Afghan-Russian war, it’s most deadly taking place on September 11th, 2001. In the aftermath of 9/11 “more than 2,600 people died […] [at the hands of] 19 hijackers.” (National Commission on Terrorist Attacks upon the United States). All 19 hijackers pledge allegiance to Al Qaeda, and carried out their acts for Islam. This attack put blinders on Americans as all could think about is how 19 Muslims killed more than 2,600 people on American soil in just one day. Rubina Ramji examines the role of Muslims in American film and finds that
“[a]fter 9/11, many North Americans turned to popular media outlets to better ‘understand’ the religion of Islam and the terrorist motivations of these Muslims. Instead of illustrating a highly diversified Islam, these outlets seemed to merely confirm the existing stereotypes” (9).
Ramji identifies the unjust truth, a truth that Muslims are misrepresented in film, just as their religion may have been misinterpreted by the terrorist who carried out the attacks.
After the attacks on 9/11 the American military entered a multi-front war throughout the world. With Afghanistan and Iraq riding the front pages, both of which were Islamic States. News outlets televised how young Muslims from around the world join Jihad against the west in Iraq. The most common enemy in this war is misled Muslims in street clothes, not Nazi Germans, or Russian military, the common denominator for the enemy of the state is that they are all Muslims who fight in the name of Jihad. Popular World War 2 movies such as: Mrs. Miniver, The Negro Solider, The Purple Heart, and many more all dramatized the representation of Germans and Japanese, the American enemies. It seems only logical to fuel support for the World on Terror by exaggerating the representation of the American enemy, who so happens to share one common trait, being Muslim.
In Post 9/11 cinema we have seen Muslim terrorist represented in films such as: The Hurt Locker, The Kingdom, The Green Zone, Zero Dark Thirty, Lone Survivor, American Sniper, Iron Man and many more that are action packed, war driven movies. Although all these movies depict the American enemy as an angry, dark hair, dark skinned Muslims, some bring to light that not all Muslims are terrorist. In The Kingdom, Jamie Foxx’s character befriends his Saudi Arabian counterpart a Muslim played by Ashraf Barhom (who ironically is Israeli). Viewers see Barhom’s characters normal life, his normal family, and his normal values. Although many of the war driven films portray Muslims as the barbaric terrorist, many like The Kingdom pay tribute to the brethren-in-arms against this enemy who themselves are Muslim.
All the movies mentioned above were box office hits, grossing millions for the production companies that produce them. In capitalism America, it would only make sense to continue to produce movies that a company knows will make money, and action-packed war films do the trick. In Dr. Kerem Bayraktaroğlu’s analysis titled The Muslim Male Character Typology in American Cinema Post-9/11, he concludes
[t]he fact that movies reduced the diversity of Muslims and their multiple cultural experiences into a two-dimensional Arab stereotype can only be explained as America’s fixation with Arabs and Islam. However, there are signs showing that this is changing. Despite the fact that movies released post-9/11 still involve some “cardboard” characters, emphasis has recently been placed on presenting a diverse commonality of ideas that form the basis in which the character of the “other” and “self ” share a deeper understanding of and respect for one another. (358)
Although Muslims may have been misrepresented in cinema thought the dramatization of the Muslim extremist, Muslims are becoming more complex and diverse in their representation in American cinema.
An example of American cinema that has a positive representation of Muslims is the movie The Kite Runner, a father-son movie about a Muslim father and his son who flee Russian occupied Afghanistan in the 1980’s. This movie identifies the complexity of an Islamic State culture, and the own inner cultural and racial tension that are seen within this society. It shows Muslims as people with guilt, grief, excitement, values, and anger just the same as if it were a film about a Christian family from suburbia America. The Kite Runner won 6 awards and 23 nominations, The Kingdom only walked away with 5 nominations. Based off of these statistics one can argue that the former was more popular than the latter, however, one would be wrong. The Kingdom had an American box office gross of over $47,000,000, while The Kite Runner had an American box office gross of just under $16,000,000. Money talks, and The Kingdom is without a doubt more popular in America then the award winning film The Kite Runner.
Since 9/11 the War on Terror has not slowed, currently Iraq is falling at the hands of the newest group to claim global Jihad, Europe has fallen victim to multiple terrorist attacks, Syria has collapsed, Turkey is fallen apart, and many have been publically tortured and beheaded at the hands of a common enemy, Muslim extremist. It would be unfair to blame American cinema for the poor portrayal of Muslims. Americans enjoy action, action is going on around the world, and the capitalist can profit by dramatizing the global action into a movie for Americans to watch. The blame is not for Hollywood to take, but for the individuals who do their religion unjust. However, Hollywood can continue to progress in representing Muslims in a more positive light. This can be accomplished by allow viewers to see Muslim characters other than terrorist. Let audiences see Muslims as humans with emotions and families, humans with jobs and commitments, humans with ethical and religious beliefs. These characters do not ever have to be the center of the movie, just like The Kingdom did it allows viewers to relate and build emotions other than anger for Muslim characters. For Salih Sayilgan writes “Through immigration, conversion, and birth, however, Muslims are America’s fastest growing religious groups. America’s six to eight million Muslims frequent more than 2.000 mosques, Islamic Centers, and schools.” (par. 10).
Mainstream America is vulnerable to developing a bias at the hands of social media, news outlets, and entertainment media such as television, movies, and radio. Mainstream America as demonstrated this with law enforcement, politics, and Catholic Priest. When a few law enforcement officers are caught abusing their powers the entire community is scolded. When a politician is caught cheating on his wife, or taking bribes, all politicians are labeled. When a few Catholic Priest are accused of molesting young boys, every other Priest is seen as a possible pedophile. When 19 Muslims kill over 2,600 people, one has to find it hard for Mainstream America to not become one bit bias. A bias like this is something that takes a larger industry then Hollywood to combat. It takes Muslims leaders meeting with leaders of other religions; teachers teaching acceptance and the truth behind such extreme organizations; and lastly, Hollywood continuing to emphasize and cast he complex role of the real Muslim. All this can be accomplished while still delivering the action packed movie that depicts the Muslim extremist of the modern day War on Terror and their false representation of the religion, almost win-win for the industry and the religion.
With the background and data that has been presented, it is easier to see why American cinema has not changed its representation of Muslims, the industry is only catering to the culture that thrives off of action film, and dramatizing the enemy that America is fighting in the War on Terror, it is unfortunate that this enemy fights for a misrepresentation of Islam. This will change, even with the rise of violent acts at the hands of Muslim extremist around the globe. Organizations such as the Council on American-Islamic Relations, Islamic Society of North America, the Muslim American Society, and many more are continuing to advocate on equal rights and representation for Muslims in America. The War on Terror is one of the longer runner conflicts that America has engaged in, and it is inevitable for people not to capitalize off of it. However, in the end there is an unjust representation of Muslims in American cinema, with all data aside Muslims are not equally represented as any other religion.
Works Citied
Bayraktarolu, Kerem. “The Muslim Male Character Typology in American Cinema Post-9/11.” Domes; Digest of Middle East Studies (Online) 23.2 (2014): 345-59.ProQuest. Web.
Ramjo, Rubina. “Examining the Critical Role American Popular Film Continues to Play in Maintaining the Muslim Terrorist Image, Post 9/11” Journal of Religion and Film” 20.
Sexual Identity Representation in Brokeback Mountain, homework help Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
English Watchmen Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help
You will need a minimum of 3 quotes from Watchmen. You will also need at least 6 quotes, a minimum of 2 quotes from each of your 3 scholarly sources—No Google sources allowed for this assignment — you must use the LRC for books and articles. All quotes should appear on presentation slides and must be properly cited according to MLA. Please use proper capitalization, spelling, and punctuation. Please do not use pictures from the movie or other Watchmengraphic stories.
Create a slideshow presentation with a program like Prezi or Powerpoint. You should have at least 15 slides. These slides should a mix of images and text (your required quotes, properly cited).Be sure your final slide is a Works Cited in MLA 8.
What I will look for when I grade:
Your first slides (2 slides):
Title slide with title of your presentation and names of group members
Thesis Statement/Claim that specifically states what your presentation will prove about your topic
Content slides 3-19:
required quotes from Watchmen (minimum 3) required quotes from 3 scholarly articles found through the LRC databases, 2 quotes from each article
Works Cited slide (1 slide):
entries for Watchmen and 3 scholarly articles properly formatted in MLA 8
Presentation content: that you prove/support your claim/thesis with required quotes
Please do not include any author biographies, summaries of the story, table of contents, or the like.
‘Women in Watchmen B: Sally Jupiter, Laurie Juspeck, Gloria Long (Malcolm Long’s wife), Kitty Genovese, and Jane Slater
How are these women characterized in the novel? What is their relationship with the male characters? What is their relationship in the events of the novel? Are their roles crucial? What are their roles in Watchmen’s society? Do any of them reflect the changes going on in the 1980s given the Women’s Movement? Other aspects to consider: violence towards women, rape, parenthood, male/female relationships.
supply chain case Writing Assignment Help
Letter to the Board
- The letter to the board should be the first page.
- The letter should be on white 8 ½” x 11” paper.
- Use a twelve-point font (Times New Roman, Helvetica, Tahoma, Universe, or comparable).
- Do not use different fonts, italics, underscores, or bold print anywhere in the letter.
- The letter should be in portrait style.
- The letter should be short, no more than a few paragraphs, on one page.
- The letter to the board should contain the answers to the question you were asked to address.
- The letter should not contain details on methodology or use any statistical language (e.g. stable, control chart, Ishikawa diagram), tables, or charts.
- Use direct language and active tense.
Check your letter for spelling and grammar
Section #7: Project Implicit Writing Assignment Help
Go to
This online project is associated with fascinating research about attitudes toward various aspects of nondominant cultures.It is well known that people don’t always “speak their minds” and it is suspected that people don’t always “know their minds.”Understanding such divergences is important to scientific psychology and for our purposes concerning cross-cultural perspectives.The Project Implicit web site presents a method that demonstrates the conscious-unconscious divergences much more convincingly than has been possible with previous methods.Research using this new method has been conducted at the University of Washington, University of Virginia, Harvard, and Yale.
On the Project Implicit web site you will find a Demonstration Site and a Research Site.Choose the Demonstration Site.There you will find preliminary information and an “important disclaimer.”Read over this material carefully before you proceed, knowing there is a possibility of encountering interpretations of your test performances with which you may not agree.If you opt not to proceed please talk with me about an alternative assignment during my office hours.(Over the past seven years, not a single student has opted out!)
As you continue you can choose from about 15 possible tests that interpret your responses to various aspects of nondominant perspectives, cultures, views and traditions (such as Asian-European American, African-European American, Arab Muslim-Other People, and Native-White American).Choose any five of the tests (of the 15 or so, the categories vary over time) and complete them.In other words, you can choose the tests according to your personal reasons.
Copy the results of your tests to be included in the Portfolio at the end of this section.With reference to the results from the tests, analyze your findings.Again, you must provide a copy (screen shots) of your results. The copies of test results should follow your discussion of these questions:
Interpretation of Results
1. Explain to what extent you agree or disagree with the interpretations provided.
Relevance to Cultural Diversity
2. What does this entire assignment have to do with a general education course with the “cultural diversity” distinction?
Relevance to Cross-Cultural Perspectives of Tourism
3. What does this assignment have to do with cross-cultural perspectives of tourism?
Length:Two to three pages (copies of results don’t count toward page limit)
Structure Follows Strategy Powerpoint Presentation help Business Finance Assignment Help
I am needing some help on a following Powerpoint Presentation for a Master’s Level course in Management on the following:
Purpose of Assignment
The purpose of this assignment is to give learners experience in formulating management strategy for expansion into global markets.
Assignment Steps
Resources: Management: A Practical Introduction; Global Markets web link
Use SWOT analysis for his or her organization (Copy of SWOT analysis is attached). Learners may use the same organization from Week 2 assignment (copy of Week 2 assignment is attached) .
Select a global market into which the company might expand. This should be a market with different characteristics so do not choose a similar market such as Canada. (My thoughts on this is maybe using a European market for my organization to expand since I worked in the healthcare hospital industry as a dietary aide in nutrition services where we had a “patient room-service” program….details explained within the SWOT analysis attached).
Scenario: The company is considering expanding into the global market. As a result, the management team is analyzing the current strategic objectives, the organization’s structure and looking at how this change may affect any or all of these areas. You will present these findings to leadership once completed.
Create a 10- to 12-slide PowerPoint® presentation including detailed speaker notes you include the following:
- Introduction
- Examine the current strategic objectives of the organization.
- Determine the current structure of the organization.
- Discuss how expanding to a global market may affect work functions.
- Recommend structural alternatives that may facilitate the new global strategy. How do these options differ? What are their strengths and weaknesses?
- Determine the key components of a change management strategy for the restructuring.
- Recommend next steps for an action plan.
- Conclusion
- References (Please include web links of where cited information is coming from so I can look them up on my end).
Create a “Recommended Structure” infographic in an appropriate format for the organization based on the analysis. The infographic should illustrate your choice of structure. (I’m confused on this part of what an “infographic is? Appreciate any helpful feedback on this and how you can create one on PowerPoint since I have heard before that “infographics” can be done on them for my understanding? Would like to make sure it is a business style professional one as in giving a presentation.
Speaker Notes are required for each slide as in giving a presentation to leadership team. Please use proper APA citations within speaker notes required.
Format the assignment consistent with APA guidelines. Also, when pictures are used from web sites, cite on the pics where it is copyrighted from in APA format.
AIS Microsoft Acess report Business Finance Assignment Help
Project – Part 2
Fall 2018
Mesa Veterinary
1.Identify the fields that would be used for the recording process.
Identify which Tables will be used to create the input screens. Fill this out and hand it in.
A. Make Appointment
Identify the Tables used:
B.Perform Exam
Identify the Tables used:
C.Receive Cash
Identify the Tables used:
2.Create an Input Form for the business events on Access.
3.Enter the data below using the Input Forms you created.
Make Appointment
AppointmentNo |
EmployeeNo |
CustomerNo |
ADate |
PetNo |
ServiceNo |
2001 |
A247 |
C161 |
11/15/2018 |
P13 |
8569 |
5471 |
2002 |
A247 |
C161 |
11/15/2018 |
P28 |
8569 |
2003 |
A254 |
C175 |
11/15/2018 |
P20 |
5487 |
2004 |
A247 |
C160 |
11/16/2018 |
P22 |
3102 |
5471 |
2005 |
A247 |
C172 |
11/16/2018 |
P27 |
8569 |
2006 |
A254 |
C159 |
11/16/2018 |
P14 |
6982 |
2007 |
A254 |
C163 |
11/17/2018 |
P12 |
5471 |
2008 |
A254 |
C168 |
11/17/2018 |
P25 |
8569 |
2009 |
A253 |
C158 |
11/17/2018 |
P16 |
8569 |
Perform Exam
ExamNo |
EmployeeNo |
CustomerNo |
AppointmentNo |
EDate |
PetNo |
Weight |
Service |
5001 |
A245 |
C161 |
2001 |
11/20/2018 |
P13 |
22 |
2345 |
5471 |
8569 |
5002 |
A245 |
C161 |
2002 |
11/20/2018 |
P28 |
22 |
2345 |
8569 |
5003 |
A252 |
C175 |
2003 |
11/20/2018 |
P20 |
35 |
2345 |
5487 |
5004 |
A252 |
C160 |
2004 |
11/21/2018 |
P22 |
12 |
2345 |
5471 |
5005 |
A250 |
C163 |
2007 |
11/21/2018 |
P12 |
15 |
2345 |
5471 |
Receive Cash
RecieptNo |
EmployeeNo |
CustomerNo |
ExamNoNo |
CDate |
Amount |
GLAccount |
1001 |
A251 |
C161 |
2001 |
11/20/2018 |
$65 |
752598 |
1002 |
A251 |
C161 |
2002 |
11/20/2018 |
$40 |
752598 |
1003 |
A251 |
C175 |
2003 |
11/20/2018 |
$85 |
752598 |
1004 |
A249 |
C160 |
2004 |
11/21/2018 |
$50 |
752598 |
1005 |
A249 |
C163 |
2007 |
11/21/2018 |
$50 |
752598 |
4.For each business event, identify one reports that would be generated to help plan, control and evaluate the business event.
5.Create two reports of your choice.
AIS Microsoft Acess report Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Assessment 1 Executive Brief: Proposal of New Economic Opportunity Writing Assignment Help
Assessment Instructions
In this assessment, you will propose an economic initiative that presents an opportunity for improved care quality.
As an emerging health care leader, the senior management has requested that you independently research and explore one of the economic opportunities that may be available in your care setting. This may be offering a new service line, working to improve a service line already offered, retiring an outdated or unprofitable service line, or any other economic initiative that you believe will be of benefit to your care setting in the short and long term. One example of this is a recently launched partnership with a local bicycle sharing company. Your care setting partners with them to host healthy community events that offer free screenings for early detection of various health issues. This helps fulfill some of your care setting’s preventive and healthy lifestyle initiatives, while also potentially driving referrals to other services provided by your care setting. You have been asked to submit your proposal in the form of a 2–4-page executive summary that includes your proposed economic initiative, supporting economic data, and an analysis of the proposal’s benefits for your department and for the care setting overall.
You have been asked to ensure that your report addresses the following. Note: The bullet points below correspond to grading criteria in the scoring guide. Be sure your work is, at minimum, addressing each of the bullets below. You may also want to read the scoring guide and the Guiding Questions: Executive Brief: Proposal of New Economic Opportunity document, linked in the Resources, to better understand the performance levels that relate to each grading criterion:
- Propose an economic initiative that presents an opportunity for your care setting at both the micro (departmental, neighborhood) and macro (organizational, community) levels that you believe will provide ethical and culturally equitable improvements to the quality of care.
- Analyze the supply and demand for your proposed economic initiative within contexts relevant to your care setting.
- Explain relevant economic and environmental data that support your proposal and analysis.
- Communicate your economic proposal in a logically structured and concise manner, writing content clearly with correct use of grammar, punctuation, and spelling.
- Effectively support your proposal with relevant economic data and scholarly sources, correctly formatting citations and references using current APA style.
Example Assessment: You may use the assessment example, linked in the Assessment Example section of the Resources, to give you an idea of what a Proficient or higher rating on the scoring guide would look like.
Additional Requirements
Your assessment should meet the following requirements:
- Length: 2–4 double-spaced, typed pages. Your proposal should be succinct yet substantive.
- APA format: Resources and citations are formatted according to current APA style.
- Resources: Cite 3–5 authoritative and scholarly resources. Be sure to include specific economic data and support as part of your cited resources.
Lean Six Sigma Questions Writing Assignment Help
I have a questions in Six Sigma which I need it’s solutions after 48 hours. These questions will serve as my final grade, so take a look at them first and see if you can solve them all right. I must get an A, so if you don’t really know the subject do not offer your services.
There are 9 questions.
P.S I know some of the answers can be found on the internet “Chegg, Google, … ext” You can’t use any of them. All math formulas and graphs must be original NO screenshot.
Melting Metallurgy and Practices (A356 aluminum lab report) Writing Assignment Help
I need a help with write the A356 aluminum lab report and I want it 100% berfect
Requirements for Laboratory Report
The laboratory report will consist of
- Abstract (150 words or less)
- Introduction discussing the theoretical aspect of the modification treatment of A356 aluminum alloy. Introduction should cite references.
- Experimental Methodology
- Presentation of data including photomicrographs, tables and charts
- Perform cooling curve analysis to assess degree of modification. Specifically use cooling curve to explain results and correlate to microstructure.
- Explain grain structure of photomicrographs.
- Discussion of findings.
Conclusions related to the experiment
using thermal analysis to assess the effectiveness of Sr modification treatment for A356 aluminum melting. The report will be a full report following the AFS Paper format. The AFS Author guide and paper template is available on eLearning. AS with the Gray Iron Inoculation Effectiveness paper, my expectation for a high quality paper is one that is fully researched and analyzed. To get you going down that path, I will have one requirement that must be satisfied. You must have a minimum of 5 different references (my slides do not count as a reference) related to the topic of aluminum metallurgy, aluminum melting, 3xx series thermal analysis, and strontium modification. Each paper deficiency below the minimum requirement will result in an automatic 5 point deduction. For example, if you only cite 3 papers, you will lose 15 points from the total score after a grade has been assigned. To avoid this problem, research the topic!
I have attached a copy of Chapter 3 of Solidification Characteristics of Aluminum Alloys, Vol. 2, Foundry Alloys, to assist you in interpreting the cooling curves, correlating the microstructure to the cooling, and assist you in developing a good introduction poster board.
comparative literature-bhao Writing Assignment Help
need to choose one prompts from the lists questions, the writing instruction is post in the attached file. There is one grading rubric attached in file.
No outside resources needed !!!!!, Total word count for this order: 1450.
We have plenty of critical/theoretical sources that we are reading in class; please do not use
outside source materials unless you discuss it with me in advance. Refer to the APA definitions
of gender and sexuality provided on Canvas, our secondary articles posted on Canvas, and/or our
lecture slides to define key terms, e.g., the absurd, Surrealism, gender, sexuality, homosociality.
Essay grades will reflect your understanding of the material, the level of critical analysis, logical
reasoning, supportive evidence using appropriate citations and relevant details, clarity of the
thesis statement, the logical construction of paragraphs, your use of transitions, and the
effectiveness of your conclusions. Essays should be relatively free of errors in grammar,
punctuation, and spelling. The best essays will consider the literary qualities of a text, and will
resist reducing literary texts to the ideas they contain.
What is a close reading of two texts?
A close reading of two texts is an interpretation of the observations you make as you read, view, or experience two texts in light of each other. It involves three main components:
A thesis that compares and contrasts the meaning and function of two texts. It must be something you can argue for and prove in your essay. The thesis should be both precise and controversial.
Evidence from the texts. What specific words or phrases or what specific scenes or images led you to have the ideas you express?
Quote/describe them. Analysis of that evidence. Explain how you arrived at your thesis.
The future detailed information is post in the attached file, please check!
Sexual Identity Representation in Brokeback Mountain, homework help Writing Assignment Help
Sexual Identity Representation in Brokeback Mountain, homework help Writing Assignment Help