Shoreline Community College Finance and Economics Research Paper Economics Assignment Help

Shoreline Community College Finance and Economics Research Paper Economics Assignment Help. Shoreline Community College Finance and Economics Research Paper Economics Assignment Help.

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This time there’s a short article: Why the economic value of a face mask is $56.14 (The Economist 8/22/20)


But though the article is short, it’s important. Read the article and explain not only the article but how you could use this information to create nudge (incentives and/or disincentives) to behavior related to mask-wearing. Be sure to explain the specific costs and benefits you identify, and how they are calculated.

For your paper, 2-3 pages (1.5 spacing, 12 pt font) you should:

  • briefly summarize the article
  • explain the economic issues in the article
  • your opinion of the topic and what it might mean for the future
  • anything else you wish to add

This is a chance to show off what you are learning in class, so be sure to bring in economic concepts and not just write about your opinion. Support your ideas with evidence from the article and theory from the book

Microeconomics, 7th ed Hubbard & O’Brien, 2018. Any version of the text, looseleaf, digital, paperback, etc will be suitable.

Shoreline Community College Finance and Economics Research Paper Economics Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Capella University Data Quality Case Study Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Please answer all parts fully and completely all parts need to be on separate Documents.


Impact of Data Quality in Data Mining and Analysis

By successfully completing this assignment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

  • Competency 1: Evaluate how data management domains impact the outcome of data mining and analysis for business intelligence.
    • Describe the role and importance of data extraction, transformation, and loading.
    • Describe an application of data extract, transfer, and loading.
    • Analyze the role of data quality and its impact on the outcome of data mining and analysis.
  • Competency 5: Communicate ideas effectively.
    • Communicate effectively.

Assignment Instructions

Write a paper analyzing a business intelligence case study where data quality may have impacted the conclusion and the recommended course of action. You may develop a prototype database using Excel for demonstration purposes.

In your paper, identify a business intelligence case study, highlighting its data requirements. Then address the following in regard to the case you identified:

  • An examination of the importance of data extraction, transformation, and data loading.
  • An analysis of the role that data quality plays on the outcome of data mining and analysis.
  • The impact, positive and negative, of data quality on outcomes in your business intelligence case.
  • Recommendations for a course of action to avoid negative impact for the business intelligence case in question, as well as for process changes for future data mining projects.

Submission Requirements

Your assignment should meet the following requirements:

  • Written communication: Written communication should be free of errors that detract from the overall message.
  • APA format: Your paper should be formatted according to current APA style and formatting.
  • Length: 2–4 typed, double-spaced pages.
  • Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.
  • PART 2:

  • Data Extraction and Transformation

    To complete this discussion:

    • Consider a business intelligence project of your choice. It can be a quality control project, inventory management project, customer service analysis, or introduction of a new product to the market.
    • Assume that in addition to business intelligence, you would conduct a data analysis for an inferential evidence-based recommendation for future direction.
    • Develop a strategy for identification, extraction, and transformation of the necessary data for your business intelligence project.

    PART 3:

  • Internal and External Data Extraction and Integration for Business Intelligence

    Use the first discussion in this unit, Data Extraction and Transformation, as a basis for this discussion and assume that the data required are identified in external and internal repositories. To complete this discussion:

    • Identify a business intelligence case study and highlight its data requirements.
      • Develop a strategy for integration and aggregation of data from different sources as well as the measures needed to be taken to assure high-quality data.
        • How do you confirm that the database contains all necessary data needed for the analytic project? For example, in detail, review what is needed to analyze the efficiency of advertising channels.
    • Develop a strategy for development of the data model.


St Petersburg Security Privacy and Confidentiality Issues on The Internet Paper Computer Science Assignment Help

Topic: #4 Security, privacy, and confidentiality as they relate to patient information and data integrity

  • Threats to security, privacy, and confidentiality
  • HIPAA regulation
  • Practices that protect information and data
  1. Begin with an APA-formatted title page. Insert a page break after the title page to begin your summary.
  2. Beginning on page 2, write a 500-word article summary that includes a topic sentence.
    1. An academic summary focuses on identifying what is most important in the article and relating those facts in APA format. You can use your Academic Writer account for help with APA format.
    2. The topic sentence should tell readers the title of the article, the name of the author, and what you’ve determined the main point of the article to be. It will only include ideas from the original text; you will not insert your own opinions or interpretations. This paper should be an attempt at formal, academic writing using APA style. View the following sample paper to guide your APA formatting: Sample APA Style Paper.
  3. Insert a page break to create your References page. Since you’re going to be summarizing an article that has been published in an academic journal and you’re going to have found that journal in one of Galen Library’s online databases, the citation on the References page will be written as follows:

AuthorLastName, AuthorFirstInitial. (Year). Title of the article using sentence capitalization. Name of Journal Using Title Capitalization, volume#(issue#), page range of entry. Retrieved from <url>


Jackson, S. (2017). The stages of patient admission. Journal of Nursing, 7(1), 45 – 48. Retrieved from

Items of note:

  • For the volume and issue number, you’re just listing the numbers.
  • The volume number will be italicized, but the issue number will not be italicized.
  • Use sentence capitalization for the title of the article; that is, you’re only going to capitalize the first word of the title and any proper nouns.

This document should be formatted according to APA standards:

  • Times New Roman, 12pt. font
  • Double-spaced lines
  • 1″ margins for the entire document
  • First-line indent for all new paragraphs
  • Title page
  • Running head on all pages
  • Page numbers
  • References page with a correctly-written APA citation, formatted with hanging indents

Once you’re done with your document, save it as YourLastName_YourFirst_Name_unit_7.docx and submit it to the Unit 7 dropbox.

Your submission this week will be a Word document (.doc or .docx).

Don’t forget to consult the Grading Rubric (below) before turning in your assignment.


PHI 103 Ashford University Marijuana and Recreational Use Paper Humanities Assignment Help

Your task is to present and evaluate the reasoning from a non-scholarly source on each side of your issue. There is no need to take sides on the issue at this stage. In your analysis, strive to be as objective as possible, evaluating the reasoning from a neutral point of view. For an example of how to complete this paper, take a look at the Week 1 Example paper.

Your paper should include clearly labeled sections addressing the following elements:

  • Introduction (approximately 100 words)
    • Explain your topic.
    • State the specific question that you are addressing.
  • Presentation of an Argument
    • Describe the non-scholarly source (e.g., an op-ed, newspaper article, website, etc.) on one side of the issue.
      • Summarize the key points made (approximately 50 words).
    • Present what you see as the main argument from that source. Make sure to present your argument in standard form, with the premises listed above the conclusion. (approximately 100 words)
    • Evaluate the quality of the reasoning in this source (approximately 200 words)
      • In completing your evaluation, consider assessing how well the research supports the premises of the main argument and how strongly the reasoning supports the conclusion of that argument.
  • Presentation of an Argument on the Other Side of the Issue
    • Describe the non-scholarly source on the opposite side of the issue.
      • Summarize the key points made. (approximately 50 words)
    • Present what you see as the main argument from that source. (Make sure to present your argument in standard form, with the premises listed above the conclusion.) (approximately 100 words)
    • Evaluate the quality of the reasoning in this source (approximately 200 words)


QSO 355 SNHU Resource Estimate Schedule Project Management Plan Essay Business Finance Assignment Help

Update your project management plan to account for the changes in the second case study. Update section I, part B of the plan explaining the changes to the scope and schedule and update section IV describing new sources of risk, their impact on the schedule, and how the company might mitigate the risks. Be sure to address all critical elements in part II of the final project. Make your revisions to the project management plan in red font to indicate new material.

In addition, submit a revised schedule using the Gantt Template with the changes from the case study. It should be a complete, polished artifact containing all of the critical elements of the Final Project Part II.

For additional details, please refer to the Final Project Part II document.



UP Popular Company Sponsored 401 K Retirement Plan Economics Assignment Help

Describe types of plan features (i.e. vesting, eligibility, entry dates, retirement dates, etc.) and estimate whether or not these features are valuable.

  • Analyze the fees associated with the plan, and explain how are they paid.
  • What investments are available?
  • What other features and opportunities does the plan provide?
  • Choose one plan that you would like to further analyze over the next few weeks. Briefly address the strengths and shortcomings of this plan. (If you are creating a spreadsheet, complete this portion by submitting a 90 to 175 word summary).

here is what my team mate has said about his retirement plan (not sure of his job for he didn’t state)

The information I have for my retirement plan is a government pension plan. Vesting is 100 percent after 48 months. Only full time employees are eligible and the entry date starts after a 6 month probationary period. The retirement dates are age 60 or age plus years of service equal to 85. The pension is portable and fees are taken out pre-tax and 100 percent match by employer up to the maximum which I still need to figure out. The investment is fixed in a system with thousands of other government employees. The rate of return is 9.17 percent while the employer cost is 11.39 percent and the employee cost is 9.12 percent.

and here what i said about mine I work at Walmart

have a 401(k) plan via my workplace(retail industry). It’s a profit-sharing, 401k, and ESOP-style defined contribution plan with a profit-sharing component. The BrightScope Rating for this design is 57. In terms of Total Plan Cost, this plan is in the top 15% of all plans. There are presently approximately 1,655,000 active members in the 401k Plan, with over $30.2 billion in plan assets. Both the money you put into your 401(k) account and the money you put into your Company Match account is instantly vested in you.…

here is the link from my team mate

UP Popular Company Sponsored 401 K Retirement Plan Economics Assignment Help[supanova_question]

SOC 480 Grand Canyon University Christian Worldview on Poverty Paper Writing Assignment Help

The final Research Proposal assignment for this course contains multiple parts that are due at different intervals in the course, with the final assignment due in Topic 8. Access and read the “Research Proposal Assignment Criteria” to understand each section of the assignment.

Using your selected social problem, you are to approach it through the lens of the Christian worldview (CWV).

Part V: The Christian Worldview Essay

Using your selected social issue, you are to approach it through the lens of the Christian Worldview (CWV):

Example: alcoholism I PICKED POVERTY

Analyze how the CWV could influence prevention or evidence-based treatment strategies for clients dealing with the alcoholism.

Now, following the example, use your selected social issue to address the prompts:

In an essay (750-1,000 words), address the following:

  • Access and read the “GCU Statement on the Integration of Faith and Work” document. GCU believes that the work of the Christian should focus on helping people deal with social issues so that the human condition can flourish.
  • Explain how the Christian worldview could influence prevention and treatment strategies for clients dealing with the selected social issue.
  • Explain how a social worker with a Christian worldview could assist a client struggling with the selected social issue.
  • Explain how a social worker with the CWV can help alleviate the problems of a client living with the social issue you selected.


GCU Challenges with Communicating and Transparency in a Public Health Agency Response Health Medical Assignment Help

Please see my weekly discussion question Answer and response to my discussion question from the professor and reply to question asked by professor:


– minimum of 150 words or more

– strong academic writing / APA style 7TH ED

– scholarly ( peer review) articles, no older than 5 years (please use in-text citing and HYPERLINK to article to must be in the Reference section.

– please be original writing and must answer all parts of question for full credit.

MY weekly DQ:

According to the assessment, I have several strengths in building trust as a collaborative leader. One, I am keen on creating communication processes that are safe for everyone to speak what is on their mind. I achieve this by being an active listener and respecting people’s opinions and views. Secondly, I protect my group from people who are more focused on power than the collaborative process. By ensuring that each person is treated equally in the group, people gain the trust of my leadership and thus feel accommodated to participate. Thirdly, I approach collaboration by depending heavily on creating trust among stakeholders. Once trust is developed between stakeholders, then they can collaborate effectively towards a common goal.

Apart from the strengths, I also identified areas for improvement in building trust. First, my behavior frequency for establishing a common ground among stakeholders during the initial stages of collaboration is low. I have been more focused on creating a consensus along the journey and rarely during the initial phase of collaborative activity. To help build trust, I need to develop common grounds that will encourage collaborative relationships between stakeholders right from when a group is formed. Further, I needed to improve on ensuring transparency in the processes of collaborative leadership to all stakeholders. Sometimes I have withheld information about my plans and processes for collaborative partnership among some stakeholders and this can be a hindrance towards building trust.

Trust is a critical ingredient for successful relationships within the public health system. Trust provides a sense of safety and thus stakeholders can interact freely with one another without the fear of being judged or exposed. Noteworthy, the public health system consists of a myriad of aspects and professionals who should interact comfortably to yield better results. Additionally, trust enables people to share information freely with one another. As such, people are more likely to share ideas and solutions for improved performance of the health systems.


Building trust with employees mirrors the work that must be done in communities we are looking to implement public health interventions. Work must be put in by leadership to ensure that relationships and trust are being built. You made a great point that there must be transparency in a relationship for trust to be built. In my organization, we take feedback from staff to discuss at the leadership table on how to relay information about the happenings of the organization. Time and time again the concept of transparency comes up. For me, this speaks to the need for staff to not only understand what issues are being brought forward but also a clear action plan of what is being done to address those issues raised by staff. Hearing that staff would like more transparency is a great opportunity for any public health leader to think about how to better and effectively communicate ideas. What challenges do you see with communicating and transparency in a public health agency?


University of the Cumberlands Diversity Organizational Behavior Concept Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a business discussion question and need an explanation to help me study.

  1. Description of the OB concept. The history and theories behind the use of this concept, as well as any negative opinions or theories against the concept.
  2. What benefits do you see with the use of this OB concept.
  3. Identify one organization known to successfully apply the chosen organizational behavior concept to their organizational structure. these organizations should come from Forbes 100 Best Places to Work list for this year. Please provide a description of the organizations chosen, their background, and how/why this OB concept was applied. Be sure to include examples of concept applied within organization (answers may vary based on the organization)
  4. How has this concept impacted the organizations? (answers may vary based on the organization)
  5. Describe how the organizations are viewed as leaders in their industry because of the use of the OB concepts? (answers may vary based on the organization)


Southern New Hampshire University MOD6 CH14 Case Analysis Lucy V Zehmer Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a business law report and need a sample draft to help me learn.


In the case of Lucy v. Zehmer, Zehmer spent the night drinking with his friend Lucy. During the evening, a piece of paper was signed whereby Zehmer agreed to sell his farm to Lucy. In this assignment, you will review the full case study in your textbook, analyze the contractual elements and ruling, and indicate whether you agree with the ruling.


Read the Lucy v. Zehmer case summary in the “Elements of the Offer” section of Chapter 14 in your textbook, and the analyze the case in relation to contract law.

Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:

  • Identify the contractual element Zehmer contended was missing.
  • Summarize the court ruling and explain the reason for the ruling.
  • Agree or disagree with the ruling, and include a rationale to support your ideas.
  • Summarize a personal experience in which you entered into a contract that you did not think of as a binding contract at the time. Consider which elements of a contract were in place and which were missing.

Guidelines for Submission

Submit your case analysis as a Word document. Write a 1- to 2-paragraph response for each of the 4 rubric criteria. Sources should be cited according to APA style.


here is the link from my team mate

UP Popular Company Sponsored 401 K Retirement Plan Economics Assignment Help[supanova_question]

SOC 480 Grand Canyon University Christian Worldview on Poverty Paper Writing Assignment Help

The final Research Proposal assignment for this course contains multiple parts that are due at different intervals in the course, with the final assignment due in Topic 8. Access and read the “Research Proposal Assignment Criteria” to understand each section of the assignment.

Using your selected social problem, you are to approach it through the lens of the Christian worldview (CWV).

Part V: The Christian Worldview Essay

Using your selected social issue, you are to approach it through the lens of the Christian Worldview (CWV):

Example: alcoholism I PICKED POVERTY

Analyze how the CWV could influence prevention or evidence-based treatment strategies for clients dealing with the alcoholism.

Now, following the example, use your selected social issue to address the prompts:

In an essay (750-1,000 words), address the following:

  • Access and read the “GCU Statement on the Integration of Faith and Work” document. GCU believes that the work of the Christian should focus on helping people deal with social issues so that the human condition can flourish.
  • Explain how the Christian worldview could influence prevention and treatment strategies for clients dealing with the selected social issue.
  • Explain how a social worker with a Christian worldview could assist a client struggling with the selected social issue.
  • Explain how a social worker with the CWV can help alleviate the problems of a client living with the social issue you selected.


GCU Challenges with Communicating and Transparency in a Public Health Agency Response Health Medical Assignment Help

Please see my weekly discussion question Answer and response to my discussion question from the professor and reply to question asked by professor:


– minimum of 150 words or more

– strong academic writing / APA style 7TH ED

– scholarly ( peer review) articles, no older than 5 years (please use in-text citing and HYPERLINK to article to must be in the Reference section.

– please be original writing and must answer all parts of question for full credit.

MY weekly DQ:

According to the assessment, I have several strengths in building trust as a collaborative leader. One, I am keen on creating communication processes that are safe for everyone to speak what is on their mind. I achieve this by being an active listener and respecting people’s opinions and views. Secondly, I protect my group from people who are more focused on power than the collaborative process. By ensuring that each person is treated equally in the group, people gain the trust of my leadership and thus feel accommodated to participate. Thirdly, I approach collaboration by depending heavily on creating trust among stakeholders. Once trust is developed between stakeholders, then they can collaborate effectively towards a common goal.

Apart from the strengths, I also identified areas for improvement in building trust. First, my behavior frequency for establishing a common ground among stakeholders during the initial stages of collaboration is low. I have been more focused on creating a consensus along the journey and rarely during the initial phase of collaborative activity. To help build trust, I need to develop common grounds that will encourage collaborative relationships between stakeholders right from when a group is formed. Further, I needed to improve on ensuring transparency in the processes of collaborative leadership to all stakeholders. Sometimes I have withheld information about my plans and processes for collaborative partnership among some stakeholders and this can be a hindrance towards building trust.

Trust is a critical ingredient for successful relationships within the public health system. Trust provides a sense of safety and thus stakeholders can interact freely with one another without the fear of being judged or exposed. Noteworthy, the public health system consists of a myriad of aspects and professionals who should interact comfortably to yield better results. Additionally, trust enables people to share information freely with one another. As such, people are more likely to share ideas and solutions for improved performance of the health systems.


Building trust with employees mirrors the work that must be done in communities we are looking to implement public health interventions. Work must be put in by leadership to ensure that relationships and trust are being built. You made a great point that there must be transparency in a relationship for trust to be built. In my organization, we take feedback from staff to discuss at the leadership table on how to relay information about the happenings of the organization. Time and time again the concept of transparency comes up. For me, this speaks to the need for staff to not only understand what issues are being brought forward but also a clear action plan of what is being done to address those issues raised by staff. Hearing that staff would like more transparency is a great opportunity for any public health leader to think about how to better and effectively communicate ideas. What challenges do you see with communicating and transparency in a public health agency?


University of the Cumberlands Diversity Organizational Behavior Concept Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a business discussion question and need an explanation to help me study.

  1. Description of the OB concept. The history and theories behind the use of this concept, as well as any negative opinions or theories against the concept.
  2. What benefits do you see with the use of this OB concept.
  3. Identify one organization known to successfully apply the chosen organizational behavior concept to their organizational structure. these organizations should come from Forbes 100 Best Places to Work list for this year. Please provide a description of the organizations chosen, their background, and how/why this OB concept was applied. Be sure to include examples of concept applied within organization (answers may vary based on the organization)
  4. How has this concept impacted the organizations? (answers may vary based on the organization)
  5. Describe how the organizations are viewed as leaders in their industry because of the use of the OB concepts? (answers may vary based on the organization)


Southern New Hampshire University MOD6 CH14 Case Analysis Lucy V Zehmer Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a business law report and need a sample draft to help me learn.


In the case of Lucy v. Zehmer, Zehmer spent the night drinking with his friend Lucy. During the evening, a piece of paper was signed whereby Zehmer agreed to sell his farm to Lucy. In this assignment, you will review the full case study in your textbook, analyze the contractual elements and ruling, and indicate whether you agree with the ruling.


Read the Lucy v. Zehmer case summary in the “Elements of the Offer” section of Chapter 14 in your textbook, and the analyze the case in relation to contract law.

Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:

  • Identify the contractual element Zehmer contended was missing.
  • Summarize the court ruling and explain the reason for the ruling.
  • Agree or disagree with the ruling, and include a rationale to support your ideas.
  • Summarize a personal experience in which you entered into a contract that you did not think of as a binding contract at the time. Consider which elements of a contract were in place and which were missing.

Guidelines for Submission

Submit your case analysis as a Word document. Write a 1- to 2-paragraph response for each of the 4 rubric criteria. Sources should be cited according to APA style.


here is the link from my team mate

UP Popular Company Sponsored 401 K Retirement Plan Economics Assignment Help[supanova_question]

SOC 480 Grand Canyon University Christian Worldview on Poverty Paper Writing Assignment Help

The final Research Proposal assignment for this course contains multiple parts that are due at different intervals in the course, with the final assignment due in Topic 8. Access and read the “Research Proposal Assignment Criteria” to understand each section of the assignment.

Using your selected social problem, you are to approach it through the lens of the Christian worldview (CWV).

Part V: The Christian Worldview Essay

Using your selected social issue, you are to approach it through the lens of the Christian Worldview (CWV):

Example: alcoholism I PICKED POVERTY

Analyze how the CWV could influence prevention or evidence-based treatment strategies for clients dealing with the alcoholism.

Now, following the example, use your selected social issue to address the prompts:

In an essay (750-1,000 words), address the following:

  • Access and read the “GCU Statement on the Integration of Faith and Work” document. GCU believes that the work of the Christian should focus on helping people deal with social issues so that the human condition can flourish.
  • Explain how the Christian worldview could influence prevention and treatment strategies for clients dealing with the selected social issue.
  • Explain how a social worker with a Christian worldview could assist a client struggling with the selected social issue.
  • Explain how a social worker with the CWV can help alleviate the problems of a client living with the social issue you selected.


GCU Challenges with Communicating and Transparency in a Public Health Agency Response Health Medical Assignment Help

Please see my weekly discussion question Answer and response to my discussion question from the professor and reply to question asked by professor:


– minimum of 150 words or more

– strong academic writing / APA style 7TH ED

– scholarly ( peer review) articles, no older than 5 years (please use in-text citing and HYPERLINK to article to must be in the Reference section.

– please be original writing and must answer all parts of question for full credit.

MY weekly DQ:

According to the assessment, I have several strengths in building trust as a collaborative leader. One, I am keen on creating communication processes that are safe for everyone to speak what is on their mind. I achieve this by being an active listener and respecting people’s opinions and views. Secondly, I protect my group from people who are more focused on power than the collaborative process. By ensuring that each person is treated equally in the group, people gain the trust of my leadership and thus feel accommodated to participate. Thirdly, I approach collaboration by depending heavily on creating trust among stakeholders. Once trust is developed between stakeholders, then they can collaborate effectively towards a common goal.

Apart from the strengths, I also identified areas for improvement in building trust. First, my behavior frequency for establishing a common ground among stakeholders during the initial stages of collaboration is low. I have been more focused on creating a consensus along the journey and rarely during the initial phase of collaborative activity. To help build trust, I need to develop common grounds that will encourage collaborative relationships between stakeholders right from when a group is formed. Further, I needed to improve on ensuring transparency in the processes of collaborative leadership to all stakeholders. Sometimes I have withheld information about my plans and processes for collaborative partnership among some stakeholders and this can be a hindrance towards building trust.

Trust is a critical ingredient for successful relationships within the public health system. Trust provides a sense of safety and thus stakeholders can interact freely with one another without the fear of being judged or exposed. Noteworthy, the public health system consists of a myriad of aspects and professionals who should interact comfortably to yield better results. Additionally, trust enables people to share information freely with one another. As such, people are more likely to share ideas and solutions for improved performance of the health systems.


Building trust with employees mirrors the work that must be done in communities we are looking to implement public health interventions. Work must be put in by leadership to ensure that relationships and trust are being built. You made a great point that there must be transparency in a relationship for trust to be built. In my organization, we take feedback from staff to discuss at the leadership table on how to relay information about the happenings of the organization. Time and time again the concept of transparency comes up. For me, this speaks to the need for staff to not only understand what issues are being brought forward but also a clear action plan of what is being done to address those issues raised by staff. Hearing that staff would like more transparency is a great opportunity for any public health leader to think about how to better and effectively communicate ideas. What challenges do you see with communicating and transparency in a public health agency?


University of the Cumberlands Diversity Organizational Behavior Concept Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a business discussion question and need an explanation to help me study.

  1. Description of the OB concept. The history and theories behind the use of this concept, as well as any negative opinions or theories against the concept.
  2. What benefits do you see with the use of this OB concept.
  3. Identify one organization known to successfully apply the chosen organizational behavior concept to their organizational structure. these organizations should come from Forbes 100 Best Places to Work list for this year. Please provide a description of the organizations chosen, their background, and how/why this OB concept was applied. Be sure to include examples of concept applied within organization (answers may vary based on the organization)
  4. How has this concept impacted the organizations? (answers may vary based on the organization)
  5. Describe how the organizations are viewed as leaders in their industry because of the use of the OB concepts? (answers may vary based on the organization)


Southern New Hampshire University MOD6 CH14 Case Analysis Lucy V Zehmer Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a business law report and need a sample draft to help me learn.


In the case of Lucy v. Zehmer, Zehmer spent the night drinking with his friend Lucy. During the evening, a piece of paper was signed whereby Zehmer agreed to sell his farm to Lucy. In this assignment, you will review the full case study in your textbook, analyze the contractual elements and ruling, and indicate whether you agree with the ruling.


Read the Lucy v. Zehmer case summary in the “Elements of the Offer” section of Chapter 14 in your textbook, and the analyze the case in relation to contract law.

Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:

  • Identify the contractual element Zehmer contended was missing.
  • Summarize the court ruling and explain the reason for the ruling.
  • Agree or disagree with the ruling, and include a rationale to support your ideas.
  • Summarize a personal experience in which you entered into a contract that you did not think of as a binding contract at the time. Consider which elements of a contract were in place and which were missing.

Guidelines for Submission

Submit your case analysis as a Word document. Write a 1- to 2-paragraph response for each of the 4 rubric criteria. Sources should be cited according to APA style.


here is the link from my team mate

UP Popular Company Sponsored 401 K Retirement Plan Economics Assignment Help[supanova_question]

SOC 480 Grand Canyon University Christian Worldview on Poverty Paper Writing Assignment Help

The final Research Proposal assignment for this course contains multiple parts that are due at different intervals in the course, with the final assignment due in Topic 8. Access and read the “Research Proposal Assignment Criteria” to understand each section of the assignment.

Using your selected social problem, you are to approach it through the lens of the Christian worldview (CWV).

Part V: The Christian Worldview Essay

Using your selected social issue, you are to approach it through the lens of the Christian Worldview (CWV):

Example: alcoholism I PICKED POVERTY

Analyze how the CWV could influence prevention or evidence-based treatment strategies for clients dealing with the alcoholism.

Now, following the example, use your selected social issue to address the prompts:

In an essay (750-1,000 words), address the following:

  • Access and read the “GCU Statement on the Integration of Faith and Work” document. GCU believes that the work of the Christian should focus on helping people deal with social issues so that the human condition can flourish.
  • Explain how the Christian worldview could influence prevention and treatment strategies for clients dealing with the selected social issue.
  • Explain how a social worker with a Christian worldview could assist a client struggling with the selected social issue.
  • Explain how a social worker with the CWV can help alleviate the problems of a client living with the social issue you selected.


GCU Challenges with Communicating and Transparency in a Public Health Agency Response Health Medical Assignment Help

Please see my weekly discussion question Answer and response to my discussion question from the professor and reply to question asked by professor:


– minimum of 150 words or more

– strong academic writing / APA style 7TH ED

– scholarly ( peer review) articles, no older than 5 years (please use in-text citing and HYPERLINK to article to must be in the Reference section.

– please be original writing and must answer all parts of question for full credit.

MY weekly DQ:

According to the assessment, I have several strengths in building trust as a collaborative leader. One, I am keen on creating communication processes that are safe for everyone to speak what is on their mind. I achieve this by being an active listener and respecting people’s opinions and views. Secondly, I protect my group from people who are more focused on power than the collaborative process. By ensuring that each person is treated equally in the group, people gain the trust of my leadership and thus feel accommodated to participate. Thirdly, I approach collaboration by depending heavily on creating trust among stakeholders. Once trust is developed between stakeholders, then they can collaborate effectively towards a common goal.

Apart from the strengths, I also identified areas for improvement in building trust. First, my behavior frequency for establishing a common ground among stakeholders during the initial stages of collaboration is low. I have been more focused on creating a consensus along the journey and rarely during the initial phase of collaborative activity. To help build trust, I need to develop common grounds that will encourage collaborative relationships between stakeholders right from when a group is formed. Further, I needed to improve on ensuring transparency in the processes of collaborative leadership to all stakeholders. Sometimes I have withheld information about my plans and processes for collaborative partnership among some stakeholders and this can be a hindrance towards building trust.

Trust is a critical ingredient for successful relationships within the public health system. Trust provides a sense of safety and thus stakeholders can interact freely with one another without the fear of being judged or exposed. Noteworthy, the public health system consists of a myriad of aspects and professionals who should interact comfortably to yield better results. Additionally, trust enables people to share information freely with one another. As such, people are more likely to share ideas and solutions for improved performance of the health systems.


Building trust with employees mirrors the work that must be done in communities we are looking to implement public health interventions. Work must be put in by leadership to ensure that relationships and trust are being built. You made a great point that there must be transparency in a relationship for trust to be built. In my organization, we take feedback from staff to discuss at the leadership table on how to relay information about the happenings of the organization. Time and time again the concept of transparency comes up. For me, this speaks to the need for staff to not only understand what issues are being brought forward but also a clear action plan of what is being done to address those issues raised by staff. Hearing that staff would like more transparency is a great opportunity for any public health leader to think about how to better and effectively communicate ideas. What challenges do you see with communicating and transparency in a public health agency?


University of the Cumberlands Diversity Organizational Behavior Concept Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a business discussion question and need an explanation to help me study.

  1. Description of the OB concept. The history and theories behind the use of this concept, as well as any negative opinions or theories against the concept.
  2. What benefits do you see with the use of this OB concept.
  3. Identify one organization known to successfully apply the chosen organizational behavior concept to their organizational structure. these organizations should come from Forbes 100 Best Places to Work list for this year. Please provide a description of the organizations chosen, their background, and how/why this OB concept was applied. Be sure to include examples of concept applied within organization (answers may vary based on the organization)
  4. How has this concept impacted the organizations? (answers may vary based on the organization)
  5. Describe how the organizations are viewed as leaders in their industry because of the use of the OB concepts? (answers may vary based on the organization)


Southern New Hampshire University MOD6 CH14 Case Analysis Lucy V Zehmer Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a business law report and need a sample draft to help me learn.


In the case of Lucy v. Zehmer, Zehmer spent the night drinking with his friend Lucy. During the evening, a piece of paper was signed whereby Zehmer agreed to sell his farm to Lucy. In this assignment, you will review the full case study in your textbook, analyze the contractual elements and ruling, and indicate whether you agree with the ruling.


Read the Lucy v. Zehmer case summary in the “Elements of the Offer” section of Chapter 14 in your textbook, and the analyze the case in relation to contract law.

Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:

  • Identify the contractual element Zehmer contended was missing.
  • Summarize the court ruling and explain the reason for the ruling.
  • Agree or disagree with the ruling, and include a rationale to support your ideas.
  • Summarize a personal experience in which you entered into a contract that you did not think of as a binding contract at the time. Consider which elements of a contract were in place and which were missing.

Guidelines for Submission

Submit your case analysis as a Word document. Write a 1- to 2-paragraph response for each of the 4 rubric criteria. Sources should be cited according to APA style.


Shoreline Community College Finance and Economics Research Paper Economics Assignment Help

Shoreline Community College Finance and Economics Research Paper Economics Assignment Help

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