Shoreline Community College Multiculturalism at Work Analysis Paper Writing Assignment Help

Shoreline Community College Multiculturalism at Work Analysis Paper Writing Assignment Help. Shoreline Community College Multiculturalism at Work Analysis Paper Writing Assignment Help.

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Option A:

Attend a festival, concert, art gallery, religious ceremony (with the permission of the community), visit the home of a friend from another culture, or read a book by an author from a different culture than yourself. If you have an idea not listed here, email me your idea.

Option B:
Watch a movie with a multicultural theme. I’d prefer that they all take place in a working environment, but that would have severely limited the selection and representation. Choose one that is about an experience very different from your own, even if it makes you uncomfortable.

List of movies to choose from:

The Kite Runner (2007)
The Other Side of Immigration (2010)
7 Years in Tibet (1997)
Namesake (2006)
Bend it Like Beckham (2002)
The Debut (2000)
Brokeback Mountain (2005)
Moonlight (2016)
Imprint (2007)
Atanarjuat: The Fast Runner (2001)
Smoke Signals (1998)
Dances With Wolves (1990)
Coco (2017)
Babies (2010)
Best Exotic Marigold Hotel (2012)
The Big Sick (2017)
Sorry To Bother You (2018)

The assignment:

1. Choose either Option A or B. Before you begin your experience, write what the culture is that you will be learning about, what you know about that culture, and which of the 10 daily biases (from pg9-11) you believe influence your view of that culture. Biases: Diagnosis, pattern recognition, value attribution, confirmation behavior, automatic perception, selective attention/inattentional blindness, priming effect, commitment confirmation/loss aversion, stereotype threat, anchoring bias.

2. After you you write your expectations, do either Option A or B. During it, take notes about what you are learning, what is happening, how people are responding, and the biases you are able to see in others as well as yourself. Again, demonstrate that you have a solid understanding of the course material.

3. Take your notes and reflect on the experience. Write 2-3 paragraphs summarizing your experience.

4. Evaluate and analyze your experience. Things to consider will be what you learned from the experience, has it changed your beliefs and/or perceptions of that cultural identity? Do you feel more comfortable, or less after the experience?

*OPTIONAL*5. How/why does “The Evolving Language of Diversity” ( makes the most sense to you and how did you apply it to your experience

Assignment should be 3-4 pages, single spaced with proper MLA citations (in total, paper will be 3-4 pages of written content + Works Cited page).

Shoreline Community College Multiculturalism at Work Analysis Paper Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Rasmussen Why a CSR Program is Important for the Organization to Implement Business Finance Assignment Help

You walk into your office at precisely 8:00 am to your phone
blinking with 5 missed calls and 3 voicemail messages from the CEO
Joan. She wants you to meet her in her office because she has a huge
concern regarding the company’s reputation with customers. After riding
the elevator up 40 floors to the top the building, you knock on the
door and are quickly hustled into the office. The CEO in concerned
about how the upcoming merger/acquisition and possible offshoring and
outsourcing of jobs will look to customers and wants to devise a plan to
help combat this possible image crisis. This week, the CEO has tasked you with developing a Corporate Social
Responsibility (CSR) program for Venus Widgets to help maintain a
positive image, but first she wants you to conduct an analysis. This week for your project, you will need to conduct and present an
analysis for a CSR program. For your analysis, make sure to include the

  • Describe why a CSR program is important for the organization to implement.
  • Discuss the impact that CSR will have on the community. Will
    implementing a CSR program be in the best interest of the company,
    community, and environment? Why or why not?
  • What are some of the pros and cons of creating a CSR program?
  • Your paper should be a minimum of 4 pages, using proper APA
    formatting and including at least 3 credible sources cited in your
    paper through in-text citations. Include an APA formatted title page and
    reference page. Your paper should also be free of grammatical errors.


FNU People of Irish Italian and Puerto Rican Heritage Presentation Writing Assignment Help

Read chapter 23, 33 and 34 of the class textbook and review the attached PowerPoint presentations. Read content chapter 33 and 34 in Davis Plus Online Website. Once done answer the following questions;

1. Discuss the organization and the family role in every one of the heritages mentioned about and how they affect (positively or negatively) the delivery of health care.

2. Identify sociocultural variables within the Irish, Italian and Puerto Rican heritage and mention some examples.

A minimum of 3 evidenced-based references must be used (excluding the class textbook). Only the assignment must be attached in a word document in the forum, replies do not. References must be no older than 5 years. A minimum of 700 words is required. APA style and no plagiarism.


HIST142 Howard Attaining a Status of Freedom After the End of Slavery HW Writing Assignment Help

Argumentative Paper: Students will create a particular argument on a select topic in modern African American history. The paper should not exceed eight pages and must follow the Chicago Turabian style format. Using your outline, you will submit a rough draft of your argumentative paper. While I will just be grading for completion, remember the more you put into it, the closer you will be to completing your final draft. Reread your answers several times to insure that there are no grammatical errors and that you have answered the questions using evidence from the assigned readings.


Division of Public Health Herd Immunity Against Influenza Viruses Homework Health Medical Assignment Help

Using online resources, identify and analyze a case of your choice (no older than 8 years) that you believe presents a conflict between public health, healthcare ethics, and current legal statutes (i.e., required vaccinations, no smoking policies, food/restaurant labeling requirements, school nutrition policies, etc.). ATTACHED

Then, take the perspective of a healthcare executive or professional solving a public health or ethical dilemma that your organization, community, and/or the healthcare profession at large are facing.

Based on your research and analysis of the case, write an 8–10-page proposal to other healthcare executives soliciting their support for legal reform with the state legislature. Include the following items in your proposal:

  • Describe how healthcare professionals and leaders can bring about changes in healthcare, legal, or ethical issues.
  • Explain the current conflict between public health, healthcare ethics, and the current legal statute you have selected. Use cases and outside resources to explain your position.
  • Present a new piece of legislature that will address the ethical conflict. While there are no wrong or right answers, make sure to link your new law to previous cases and/or healthcare ethical principles. Use existing laws but also be creative in writing a law.
  • Identify the barriers to implementing the law, the stakeholders, and ways in which the barriers can be overcome.

Your proposal should be approximately 8–10 pages in length. Organize your proposal in the following manner:

  • Title page
  • Introduction
    • Summary of selected case
    • Reason for the selection and how it meets the criteria
    • The ethical dilemma
  • Background research
  • Proposal
  • Description of proposal
  • Conflict
  • Proposed legislation
  • Barriers
  • Reference page that follows APA citation guidelines

Submission Details:

  • Support your responses with examples.
  • Cite any sources in APA format.
  • Submit your document to the Submissions Area by the due date assigned.



PM610 Colorado Technical Project Human Resource Management Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

Assigning team members to task roles is a delicate and critical task. When done correctly, the team members will be excited about their role on the project, feel confident they can successfully complete the tasks assigned, and know they will have some conquerable challenges as they move through the project.

To effectively assign tasks to people (and people to tasks), the project manager must perform the following:

  • Identify the roles needing to be filled.
  • Determine the skills required for each role.
  • Determine the skill sets of the team members.
  • Assign team members to roles.

The objective for this assignment is to effectively select your team from the following people:

  • Pat is available for 24 hours a week at $115 per hour. Pat was involved in several upgrade projects for this package and can act as business analyst, developer, or tester. Pat is very comfortable with the legacy system and does not see the benefit of moving to the Web-based version. He feels that the end users do not fully utilize the functionality they already have and will not use this new functionality effectively.
  • Terry is available for 24 hours a week at $100 per hour. Terry was involved in the original installation and every upgrade since then. She tends to be in developer or tester roles for this system but acts as business analyst for other systems. She is very excited about the Web-based package and the functionality it provides. She is concerned, however, that the end users do not have the computer savvy to use it.
  • Robin is available for 30 hours per week at $100 per hour. She was involved in the last two upgrades as a business analyst and has been trying to become involved in other systems and business areas. She was actively involved in the development of a custom Web-based application as a programmer. This was considered a skills development opportunity because her Web programming skills are not strong.
  • Chris is available for 24 hours per week at $80 per hour. He is new to the IT department; he was previously a customer service representative. He just completed his undergraduate degree in computer science and has experience with Web programming and software testing techniques.
  • Jan is available for 16 hours per week at $115 per hour. Jan is also new to the IT department. She was previously a consultant and was on process reengineering projects, including several for billing functions. She previously worked with the Web version product of the vendor’s competitor.

Assignment Guidelines:

  • In this assignment, you are planning to fill the roles for the following 3 positions:
    • End user
    • Business analyst
    • Team leader
  • For each role,
    • Describe the main responsibilities of the role.
    • Identify the skills that are necessary.
    • Select one of the candidates listed in the assignment description, and thoroughly explain why you have chosen each person for his or her role.
      • Explain any conflicts or problems that you encountered while making your selections.

      OTHER INFORMATION You have been chosen to be the project manager; you will be on the project 30 hours a week and your rate is $125 per hour. You have significant experience with the system and have managed previous upgrade projects. You have acted as a business analyst, developer, and tester for projects on this package in the past. You will select your team, which will consist of several IT staff, supplemented by staff from the vendor. You have been told you can have up to 2.5 IRTC FTEs, in addition to yourself, for the duration of the project. (The list of available people is described in the Phase Two task.)The vendor’s role is to be determined by you; their consultants cost $140 an hour for business analysts, $120 an hour for technical architects, $100 an hour for programmers or testers, and $90 an hour for instructional designers, trainers, or technical writers. You have a budget of $100,000 for vendor resources. You may supplement your team with vendors based on the holes in your IRTC team. For example, you may choose to have the vendor provide programmers if you choose not to have any of the internal staff provide programming resources, if your budget permits.You will follow your organization’s standard methodology for a package upgrade. Part of that process includes the development and delivery of documentation and training materials–a responsibility generally filled by the IRTC IT training group. You have access to .5 FTE for the duration of the project to develop and deliver the materials. The person with the most experience on the package and current training/documentation will be unavailable to the project due to other projects; however, the vendor has adequate materials that can be purchased for an additional $6,500. You will need to determine the training needs, analyze the costs associated with each option, and determine the project’s scope.With this version, the vendor also has another software add-on that supports the integration of your existing customer service system with the billing system’s customer service functions. There is not a decision yet as to which customer service system will be used, whether or not they will be integrated, and the extent to which customer databases will be integrated (if at all). According to the vendor, the installation of the add-on will cost $25,000 and take an additional four weeks.

PM610 Colorado Technical Project Human Resource Management Paper Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Yahoo Inc Industry Structure and Competition Analysis Business Finance Assignment Help

Section #1 (BIA1) – Business Impact Analysis: Firm & Industry Analysis – Industry structure and Competition (Market Analysis & Competitive Positioning). Students must select one research firm and get instructor approval.

  • Identify the research firm and provide a description of the industry
  • Provide an overview of competitors in the firm’s industry
  • Potential causes of failure (brief overview of BIA)
  • Describe, as best you can, whether the firm’s industry is growing, contracting, or mature and no longer growing and explain how these factors are impacting your firm’s business
  • Rank your firm’s position in the industry in which they compete.
  • Identify the products and services your firm offers and compare its products and services to its competitors (high level overview; not detailed)
  • Provide an understanding of the ERM program the firm has in place
  • Students may use graphs, spreadsheets and other methods to demonstrate work
    • Section 1 must not exceed 10 pages; double-spaced, 12pt. type and should preferably average 7 pages including texts, graphs, and/or tables

Note: Please reference all sources used in your research as footnotes at the end of the document in Section #1 so that instructors can evaluate your work and provide coaching for your project.


  • 10-K, 10-Q’s, most recent earnings reports — Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC) requires companies to file earnings reports no later than 45 days after the end of their first three quarters, and their quarterly and annual reports 90 days after their fiscal year end.
  • Go to or other financial portals and search for your company’s current market information. You’ll get access to the information by using your company’s stock symbol.
  • In the financial portal you will find a trove of information about your company: analyst opinions; stock price history; competitors; etc.
  • Search for news about your company in financial portals that you may use to bring your discussion and analysis to as close to the present as possible.
  • Edsel, Alexander D., Breaking Failure
  • Class notes, current events, and PPTX files


Project Planning Columbia Southern Introducing Scrum at P2P Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help


Read “Introducing Scrum at P2P— Part A and Part B” on pages 599–602 of your textbook.

After reading Part A of the case, answer the following questions based on the case details.

  1. How well is Scrum working?
  2. What are the issues confronting the Big Foot project?
  3. Assume you are Kendra. What would you want to say at the retrospective? How would you say it?
  4. What improvements or changes need to be made?

After reading Part B of the case, answer the following questions based on the case details.

  1. How would you assess P2P’s effort at introducing Scrum?
  2. What challenges does an organization face when adopting an agile approach like Scrum?
  3. What could P2P have done to enhance success?
  4. Identify the core agile project management principles P2P used in managing this project. How would the project have been handled differently if traditional project management principles had been utilized instead?

Reread pages 17–18 in Chapter 1 or your textbook, and answer the following questions about this case.

  1. What would be the technical side and the sociocultural side of this project?
  2. How can a Scrum master be in charge of both the technical side and sociocultural side of this project?

Your response should be a minimum of two pages in length. APA formatting is not required, but if any sources are used, the authors should be given proper credit.

Text book: Larson, E. W., & Gray, C. F. (2018). Project management: The managerial process (7th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education.


PUB510 New York University Week 3 Public Health in United States Paper Health Medical Assignment Help


Please note that each and every assignment has its own word limit.

Public health has a long history and has achieved many significant accomplishments since the 18th and 19th centuries. It is important to understand the history of the discipline in order to understand the philosophy, values, current structure, function, and priorities of public health. In an essay of 750 to 1,000 words, address the following elements:

  • How did public health begin in the United States? Describe the origins and explain the history of public health.
  • What are the core values and philosophy of public health?
  • Discuss the mission and scope of public health.
  • Compare and contrast to the discipline of public health to that of medicine.
  • The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has identified the 10 greatest achievements in public health. Identify and describe one key milestone in public health and how that achievement relates to the health impact pyramid.
  • Describe the value and significance of the selected achievement in public health today.

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. PLEASE review the rubric ATTACHED prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

Read Chapters 4 and 9 in Introduction to Public Health: Promises and Practices. Review Chapter 6.


Explore Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR), located on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website.


Review “A Framework for Public Health Action: The Health Impact Pyramid,” by Frieden, from American Journal of Public Health (2010).


Explore the Stats of the States page of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website to learn more about state-specific health statistics.


Read “Leading Causes of Death,” located on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website.


Read “Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. How Integrative Medicine Fits,” by Ali and Katz, from American Journal of Preventive Medicine (2015).


Read “An Ounce of Prevention: Deaths Averted From Primary Prevention Interventions,” by Hermosilla, Kujawski, Richards, Muennig, Galea, and El-Sayed, from American Journal of Preventive Medicine (2017).


MUST be 750-1,000 words and have at least SEVEN citation with the page numbers and SEVEN reference in APA format.(The List of References should not be older than 2015 and should not be included in the word count.)

Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources.

It is important that you cover all the topics identified in the assignment. Covering the topic does not mean mentioning the topic BUT presenting an explanation from the context of ethics and the readings for this class

To get maximum points you need to follow the requirements listed for this assignments 1) look at the word/page limits 2) review and follow APA rules 3) create subheadings to identify the key sections you are presenting and 4) Free from typographical and sentence construction errors.



University of the Cumberlands Pavement & Storm Water Management Facilities HW Writing Assignment Help

Discusses the concept of correlation. Assume that An agency has focused its system development and critical infrastructure data collection efforts on separate engineering management systems for different types of assets and is working on the integration of these systems. In this case, the agency focused on the data collection for two types of assets: water treatment and natural gas delivery management facilities. Please identify what type of critical infrastructure data collection is needed for pavement and storm water management facilities.

You must do the following:

1) As indicated above, identify what type of critical infrastructure data collection is needed for pavement and storm water management facilities.

Provide a comprehensive response to include 3 to 4 full paragraphs of sufficient detail about what you learned and HOW you can apply what you learned.

Use external research to support your narrative (outside of the textbook).

Cite your research using in-text citations and provide a reference section at the end of your work.

Use the APA format for your response.

At least 3 references


MUST be 750-1,000 words and have at least SEVEN citation with the page numbers and SEVEN reference in APA format.(The List of References should not be older than 2015 and should not be included in the word count.)

Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources.

It is important that you cover all the topics identified in the assignment. Covering the topic does not mean mentioning the topic BUT presenting an explanation from the context of ethics and the readings for this class

To get maximum points you need to follow the requirements listed for this assignments 1) look at the word/page limits 2) review and follow APA rules 3) create subheadings to identify the key sections you are presenting and 4) Free from typographical and sentence construction errors.



University of the Cumberlands Pavement & Storm Water Management Facilities HW Writing Assignment Help

Discusses the concept of correlation. Assume that An agency has focused its system development and critical infrastructure data collection efforts on separate engineering management systems for different types of assets and is working on the integration of these systems. In this case, the agency focused on the data collection for two types of assets: water treatment and natural gas delivery management facilities. Please identify what type of critical infrastructure data collection is needed for pavement and storm water management facilities.

You must do the following:

1) As indicated above, identify what type of critical infrastructure data collection is needed for pavement and storm water management facilities.

Provide a comprehensive response to include 3 to 4 full paragraphs of sufficient detail about what you learned and HOW you can apply what you learned.

Use external research to support your narrative (outside of the textbook).

Cite your research using in-text citations and provide a reference section at the end of your work.

Use the APA format for your response.

At least 3 references


MUST be 750-1,000 words and have at least SEVEN citation with the page numbers and SEVEN reference in APA format.(The List of References should not be older than 2015 and should not be included in the word count.)

Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources.

It is important that you cover all the topics identified in the assignment. Covering the topic does not mean mentioning the topic BUT presenting an explanation from the context of ethics and the readings for this class

To get maximum points you need to follow the requirements listed for this assignments 1) look at the word/page limits 2) review and follow APA rules 3) create subheadings to identify the key sections you are presenting and 4) Free from typographical and sentence construction errors.



University of the Cumberlands Pavement & Storm Water Management Facilities HW Writing Assignment Help

Discusses the concept of correlation. Assume that An agency has focused its system development and critical infrastructure data collection efforts on separate engineering management systems for different types of assets and is working on the integration of these systems. In this case, the agency focused on the data collection for two types of assets: water treatment and natural gas delivery management facilities. Please identify what type of critical infrastructure data collection is needed for pavement and storm water management facilities.

You must do the following:

1) As indicated above, identify what type of critical infrastructure data collection is needed for pavement and storm water management facilities.

Provide a comprehensive response to include 3 to 4 full paragraphs of sufficient detail about what you learned and HOW you can apply what you learned.

Use external research to support your narrative (outside of the textbook).

Cite your research using in-text citations and provide a reference section at the end of your work.

Use the APA format for your response.

At least 3 references


MUST be 750-1,000 words and have at least SEVEN citation with the page numbers and SEVEN reference in APA format.(The List of References should not be older than 2015 and should not be included in the word count.)

Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources.

It is important that you cover all the topics identified in the assignment. Covering the topic does not mean mentioning the topic BUT presenting an explanation from the context of ethics and the readings for this class

To get maximum points you need to follow the requirements listed for this assignments 1) look at the word/page limits 2) review and follow APA rules 3) create subheadings to identify the key sections you are presenting and 4) Free from typographical and sentence construction errors.



University of the Cumberlands Pavement & Storm Water Management Facilities HW Writing Assignment Help

Discusses the concept of correlation. Assume that An agency has focused its system development and critical infrastructure data collection efforts on separate engineering management systems for different types of assets and is working on the integration of these systems. In this case, the agency focused on the data collection for two types of assets: water treatment and natural gas delivery management facilities. Please identify what type of critical infrastructure data collection is needed for pavement and storm water management facilities.

You must do the following:

1) As indicated above, identify what type of critical infrastructure data collection is needed for pavement and storm water management facilities.

Provide a comprehensive response to include 3 to 4 full paragraphs of sufficient detail about what you learned and HOW you can apply what you learned.

Use external research to support your narrative (outside of the textbook).

Cite your research using in-text citations and provide a reference section at the end of your work.

Use the APA format for your response.

At least 3 references


Shoreline Community College Multiculturalism at Work Analysis Paper Writing Assignment Help

Shoreline Community College Multiculturalism at Work Analysis Paper Writing Assignment Help

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