short assignment Business Finance Assignment Help

short assignment Business Finance Assignment Help. short assignment Business Finance Assignment Help.

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There are a lot of picture, please make sure answer the correct question by the correct documents. There are names for the file, please refer to the correct questions.

Answer from your textbook, Chapter 10

  • Assignment 8> I already uploaded “ch 10 pdf”
  • Assignment 9> I already uploaded “ch 10 pdf”
  • Answer hypothetical questions here by fully IRAC’ing out each element and the relevant facts. I already uploaded the documents: Here are the questions: Hypo Questions.uploadHere is the law: WIC300 Law.handout
  • Answer from your textbook, Chapter 9, I already uploaded the” key fact” for the definition and examples as reference
  • Assignment 4 > I already uploaded “ch 9 question”
  • Assignment 6 based on the hypothetical on pg. 267 that says “Tom is stopped … the element of damages.” which is uploaded below

Make sure to label your answer clearly so I know when you are answering each question.

There is no minimum or maximum length for your answer. But these are Brief Answer assignments, so they are lengthier than the short answer assignments you’ve done. Like the short assignment you are identifying the the specific issue involved/being asked. But unlike the short assignment, you are presented with a longer and more complex fact patterns and law.

To earn points, it must be fully and meaningfully answered. Each answer should be at least a few sentences each, if not longer. Also, the answer should be a written grammatically correct answer.

short assignment Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Using Excel to solve problems Business Finance Assignment Help


Suppose that there are three suppliers S1, S2, and S3 in a distribution system that can supply 5, 5, and 6 units, respectively, of the company’s good. The distribution system contains five demand centers, that require 2, 2, 4, 4, and 3 units each of the good. The transportation costs, in dollars per unit, are as follows:

D1 D2 D3 D4 D5

S1 2 1 2 3 3

S2 2 2 2 1 -1

S3 3 3 2 1 2

(a) Compute an optimum shipping schedule. Is the optimal solution unique?

(b) Find the range over which the cost of transportation from S1 to D3 can vary while maintaining the optimal basis solution in part (a).
(c) To investigate the sensitivity of the solution to this problem, consider what happens if the amount supplied from any one supplier and the amount demanded by any one demand center were both increased. Is it possible for the total shipping costs to decrease by increasing the supply and the demand for any particular choice of supply and demand centers?

(d) A landslide has occurred on the route from S2 to D5. If you bribe the state highway crew with $10, they will clear the slide. If not, the route will remain closed. Should you pay the bribe?


The following is based on a real case.

At an International Cosmetics company (referred to as C)’s board meeting, the firm’s chief executive officer (CEO) reported that C was planning its production schedule for the upcoming quarter. She stated that the firm did not have the internal capacity to meet the projected demand and that the only short-term possibility was to outsource some of the demand to a third-party supplier. She indicated that C had been reluctant in the past to use vendors in this way because of the proprietary nature of the company’s product line. However, she had been in negotiations with a local supplier that was prepared to sign a secrecy agreement. She indicated that she would need board approval before proceeding down this path. The board’s chairman asked how much of the projected product demand might have to be subcontracted out and cautioned against exposing C’s complete product line to an outside vendor. She stated that the analysis could be completed along with a recommendation within a week using C’s analytics-based linear programming model and a further review of the candidate vendor.

About the company: The company C produces and distributes a wide range of cosmetics offerings through a subscription-based e-commerce model. Customers can choose from
different pricing plans, and the products are delivered to their homes monthly. The subscription model provided C with a stable income stream while continuing to build brand loyalty, particularly with regards to its 3 flagship products: face cream, body cream, and hand cream.

With sales approaching $150 million annually, C had experienced double-digit growth over the past few years. Its marketing department estimated that the demand for the 3 products for the upcoming quarter are 12,000 cartons of face cream, 8,000 cases of body cream, and 18,000 cases of hand cream.

The manufacturing process consisted of a two-stage production procedure that used four ingredients: purified water, oil, scents and colours, and emulsifiers. Stage 1 involved materials preparation and initial mixing while Stage 2 focused on final blending and packaging. The cost for raw materials is $1 per pound for purified water, $1.50 per pound for oil, $3 per pound for scents and colours, and $2 per pound for emulsifiers.

C’s available first-shift capacity for the next quarter was 15,000 labour-hours for stage 1 and 10,000 for stage 2. The first-shift hourly rate was $8.50 for stage 1 and $9.25 for stage 2. A second shift was available with a 10% reduction in capacity and a 10% increase in wage rates. C could also subcontract with a local supplier identified by CEO for face cream and body
cream at a cost of $40 per carton and $55 per carton, respectively. This vendor had the capacity to meet the demand requirements that were in excess of C’s capabilities.

The production department had available 200,000 pounds of purified water, 50,000 pounds of oil, 7,500 pounds of scents and colours, and 15,000 pounds of emulsifiers.

Face Cream

Body Cream

Hand Cream

Labour (Hours/carton)

Stage 1




Stage 2




Materials (pounds/carton)









Scents and Colors








(1) Use the given labor stages and material requirements provided above, what are the costs for producing the three products in-house (i.e., the internal production costs per carton)?

(2) Develop a Linear Optimization model to determine optimal production strategies, including the use of outsourcing. Specify the decision variables, constraints, objective function, and then solve using Solver.

(3) Using your answer in part (2) what production schedule minimizes total cost including outsourcing, and what is the corresponding value of the objective function?

(4) What labour and material resources are completely used up, and what are the corresponding shadow prices?

(5) What is the production schedule if hand cream can be subcontracted out at a cost of $50 per carton?

(6) Suppose that the board only allows outsourcing one product, i.e., only Face Cream or only Body Cream but not both. Under this additional requirement imposed by the company’s board, what production schedule minimizes total cost including outsourcing?


Earnings call Business Finance Assignment Help

Listen (or read the transcript; attached) for Fedex’s most recent earnings call and consider the following and respond to the profit margin question.

  • Have you ever listened to an earnings call?
  • What topics were included? Which were most helpful or insightful? Were there topics you wished were included or expanded upon?
  • There is likely a discussion of the Profit Margin results. Was there an increase or decrease in Profit Margin and by how many basis points? Explain what this implies, what is the driving force, and what actions would you recommend?
  • Were the analysts’ questions aggressive and challenging or supportive and respectful? How well did management respond to the questions?
  • What additional insights were you able to gain in regards to the company’s financial health, forward guidance, and strategic financial decisions?
  • Was there any information or perspective shared that a competitor could benefit from?
  • How will this additional information support your effectiveness within the organization?


SOC 105, DQs 1 page each. Humanities Assignment Help

“The Media and Race” Please respond to the following:

Debate It – Take a position on this statement: Representation of race in the media affects our perceptions of individuals. Support your views with one or two reasons and / or examples. (Cite any sources you referenced.)

Week 5 Discussion 2

Discuss one or two major problems with the way minorities are represented in the media, highlighting both the lack of diversity and the impact it may have on the way the world views the U.S. Support your views with one or two reasons and / or examples. (Cite any sources you referenced


Computer Assembly Programming and Addressing Modes Computer Science Assignment Help

1) Use SPIM to write a MIPS-32 assembly program that performs the followings:
a) Print your first and last name on the first line.
b) Prompt the user to enter an integer (positive or negative) using the prompt message: “Enter an
integer (0 to exit): “
c) If the user does not enter a 0 the program continues to prompt for more integers until a zero is
entered by the user.
d) After the user entered the number 0 it prints:
i) Their sum is: (the sum is displayed)
ii) The smallest is: (the smallest number is displayed)
iii) The biggest is: (the biggest number displayed)
e) The program ends.
Perform two test runs using the exact same data set shown in the samples below (except for the
name which should be your name)




Persuasive Essay Writing Assignment Help

Scientific Controvery – Drinking coffee is good.


1. An Introduction containing an Icebreaker with a Thesis and three supporting arguments

to support your Thesis presented in one separate complete sentence each.

2. Your Icebreaker should explain why anyone cares about your topic

3. A properly organized structure with the above Intro, three Body paragraphs, a Conclusion

topic sentences, and conclusion sentences.

4. One paragraph presenting logos-based appeal with lots of statistics (at least nine) to back

up your Thesis.

5. One paragraph presenting three examples with pathos appeal to support your Thesis.

6. One paragraph containing ethos-based appeals using quotes from proper authorities to

back up your Thesis.

7. Metacommentary that ties together your support, meaning between each example and

each statistic and each quote, you should have padding that helps explain the support you

are providing.

8. A properly formatted Works Cited- MLA FORMAT

Persuasive Essay Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Securities Portfolios Analysis Business Finance Assignment Help

So far, you have formed optimum portfolios of risky securities based on the approach taken

by Markowitz, by taking assumptions of SIM or CCM, and by using a model or your own for

your sample of 20 securities. In this assignment, you will use CAPM to decide about

securities that you will buy or sell short. You will also test the stability of beta over the period

of January 2013 – December 2017. Also, you will test the efficiency of beta adjustment

techniques such as Bloomberg, Vasicek and Blume techniques. The specific tasks are lined

up below. As before, you use your creativity in your presentations so that you clearly convey

your understanding of the relevant issues:


Case Ethics Business Finance Assignment Help

  • Read Ethics Case 10.5 – text page 213-214
  • Provide written answers to the two questions in the case – text page 214.
  • Read Ethics Case 13.5 – text pages 251
  • Provide written answers to the two questions in the case – text page 251.
  • Please refer to the Characteristics of Effective Writing and other portions of the syllabus for writing guidance.


    All written work, whether a paper, a summary, or a short-answer essay for a test question, should exhibit the following characteristics.Although each characteristic refers to “the paper,” you may substitute “the memo,” “the summary,” “the test answer,” or the name of any other written assignment.

    Main Idea

    The paper is focused, meets the expectations set up by the writer, and makes these expectations clear to the reader.The paper shows a clear sense of purpose.


    The paper is clearly developed; transitions are clear from sentence to sentence and paragraph to paragraph.In other words, the writer has not simply made a series of unrelated or vaguely related statements.Rather, each sentence and paragraph carries the reader closer to an understanding or appreciation of the writer’s goal.


    The writer provides specific, concrete, and appropriate information from memory, observation, reading, interviewing, or other sources.The paper is well developed with examples, details, illustrations, anecdotes, or the like.


    Sentences are varied and word choices are accurate.There is an absence of “clutter” or “padding.”Phrasing is clear and direct.Tone is handled consistently; sentence length and word choices are appropriate to the audience and purpose of the piece.


    Punctuation, grammar, spelling, and aspects of format are handled correctly.The writer has prepared the paper carefully with attention to appearance and other details.Opening, closing, and title are strong and contribute to the sense of purpose, focus, and unity of the piece of writing.


    Ask yourself the following questions:

    • What is my major point?
    • Have I supported generalizations, opinions, and conclusions with specific examples?
    • Have I avoided using unnecessary words and clichés?
    • Have I proofread for spelling, punctuation, and typographical errors?
    • Have I used the grammar and spell-check program in my word processing software?

    Did I make the correct choices in accepting or rejecting the grammar and spelling suggestions?

    must be 4 pages


    Museum Essay. Just visit the website and write an essay, no need to visit the museum Writing Assignment Help

    Visit one of the following museum websites:

    The learning objective of this assignment is for you to visit a virtual online art museum and to experience art in person. The assignment will be graded based largely on how well you follow all of the instructions outlined below. Points will be deducted for failure to complete the assignment as directed. So please read the instructions carefully and ask about anything that is not clear to you.

    1. Personal Reflection (30 points)

    What was your experience in navigating the website? For example, was it easy to find collections, information on artwork, exhibitions past and present, and other information?

    2. Analysis of Artwork in Formal Terms (30 points)

    Discuss visual elements and principles of design in an artwork to display understanding, analysis, evaluation, and comprehension of the formal aspects of an artwork. Refer to chapters 4 & 5 in your textbook.

    Select one 2D and one 3D artwork. Discuss which two visual elements and two principles of design are present in this work of art and give examples of how they function in the compositional aspect of the artwork.

    Look for these VISUAL ELEMENTS:

    visual tools an artist may use to make a work of art

    1. Line: Lines can show outline, imply a third dimension, show direction or movement

    2. Shape and Mass: Shape refers to 2 dimensions, for instance, a square. Mass refers to 3 dimensions, for instance, a cube.

    3. Light: Light reveals form. Where is the light source? What is the range of values, from light to dark, in the art you are reviewing?

    4. Color: How does the artist use color in the art object you are reviewing? Is it the primary colors only? Is it emotionally soothing or jarring?

    5. Texture and pattern: Does the art object you are viewing have actual texture, could you feel it? Or does it have implied texture, suggesting that it is smooth or rough? Does it have an overall pattern on the surface?

    6. Space: If your object is architectural or sculptural, it will have 3-dimensional space. Try to describe the space. If your object is two dimensional, how does the artist imply space, for example, through linear perspective, overlapping of objects, smaller or larger objects, or atmospheric perspective?

    7. Time and motion: Does the art object imply time, for instance, a sunset, or motion, for instance, a sculpture that moves?

    Look for these PRINCIPLES OF DESIGN:

    the organization of the composition or design of the art work

    1. Unity and Variety: Unity is a sense of oneness in the art. Variety maintains interest in art

    2. Balance: Symmetrical balance occurs when both sides of the art object are similar in size or shape. Asymmetrical balance occurs when the two sides are quite different in the appearance of the objects in the art.

    3. Emphasis and Subordination: How does the artist draw your eye to the center of attention of the art object? How does the artist make the rest of the painting subordinate to the center of interest?

    4. Scale and Proportion: Scale means size in relation to a standard or “normal” size. Proportion refers to size relationships between parts of a whole, or between two or more items perceived as a unit. Sometimes these are deliberately incorrect, as in Hierarchal Scale in the art of antiquity.

    5. Rhythm or repetition: The repeated use of a color, shape or line to create expression

    3.Interpretation of the art object (30 points)

    Select a specific artwork, one 2D and one 3D. Discuss the content of the piece. Why was it created? Does it have a narrative or discuss social issues? What emotional feeling is present? Summarize your reaction to this art object. Analyze the relationship of the artwork to history by placing the work within cultural, historical, and chronological context. Explain how the work reflects the style characteristics of the period. You may use your textbook as a reference, but provide citation notation.

    4. Appropriate formatting (10 points)

    Students need to demonstrate an understanding of correct format for papers and and attention to grammar and spelling.


    Essay Check Humanities Assignment Help

    Hello there! My previous tutor did a poor job on my essay. It resulted me getting a low score. I am going to send you the essay along with the feedback from my professor. Based on the feedback you need to make changes to the essay. After choosing you, I will send you the materials. This includes the full essay, and pictures of the same essay with my professor’s comments so you can make the corrections. Also please follow the rubric. I will send you the material, after I pick you!


    The learning objective of this assignment is for you to visit a virtual online art museum and to experience art in person. The assignment will be graded based largely on how well you follow all of the instructions outlined below. Points will be deducted for failure to complete the assignment as directed. So please read the instructions carefully and ask about anything that is not clear to you.

    1. Personal Reflection (30 points)

    What was your experience in navigating the website? For example, was it easy to find collections, information on artwork, exhibitions past and present, and other information?

    2. Analysis of Artwork in Formal Terms (30 points)

    Discuss visual elements and principles of design in an artwork to display understanding, analysis, evaluation, and comprehension of the formal aspects of an artwork. Refer to chapters 4 & 5 in your textbook.

    Select one 2D and one 3D artwork. Discuss which two visual elements and two principles of design are present in this work of art and give examples of how they function in the compositional aspect of the artwork.

    Look for these VISUAL ELEMENTS:

    visual tools an artist may use to make a work of art

    1. Line: Lines can show outline, imply a third dimension, show direction or movement

    2. Shape and Mass: Shape refers to 2 dimensions, for instance, a square. Mass refers to 3 dimensions, for instance, a cube.

    3. Light: Light reveals form. Where is the light source? What is the range of values, from light to dark, in the art you are reviewing?

    4. Color: How does the artist use color in the art object you are reviewing? Is it the primary colors only? Is it emotionally soothing or jarring?

    5. Texture and pattern: Does the art object you are viewing have actual texture, could you feel it? Or does it have implied texture, suggesting that it is smooth or rough? Does it have an overall pattern on the surface?

    6. Space: If your object is architectural or sculptural, it will have 3-dimensional space. Try to describe the space. If your object is two dimensional, how does the artist imply space, for example, through linear perspective, overlapping of objects, smaller or larger objects, or atmospheric perspective?

    7. Time and motion: Does the art object imply time, for instance, a sunset, or motion, for instance, a sculpture that moves?

    Look for these PRINCIPLES OF DESIGN:

    the organization of the composition or design of the art work

    1. Unity and Variety: Unity is a sense of oneness in the art. Variety maintains interest in art

    2. Balance: Symmetrical balance occurs when both sides of the art object are similar in size or shape. Asymmetrical balance occurs when the two sides are quite different in the appearance of the objects in the art.

    3. Emphasis and Subordination: How does the artist draw your eye to the center of attention of the art object? How does the artist make the rest of the painting subordinate to the center of interest?

    4. Scale and Proportion: Scale means size in relation to a standard or “normal” size. Proportion refers to size relationships between parts of a whole, or between two or more items perceived as a unit. Sometimes these are deliberately incorrect, as in Hierarchal Scale in the art of antiquity.

    5. Rhythm or repetition: The repeated use of a color, shape or line to create expression

    3.Interpretation of the art object (30 points)

    Select a specific artwork, one 2D and one 3D. Discuss the content of the piece. Why was it created? Does it have a narrative or discuss social issues? What emotional feeling is present? Summarize your reaction to this art object. Analyze the relationship of the artwork to history by placing the work within cultural, historical, and chronological context. Explain how the work reflects the style characteristics of the period. You may use your textbook as a reference, but provide citation notation.

    4. Appropriate formatting (10 points)

    Students need to demonstrate an understanding of correct format for papers and and attention to grammar and spelling.


    Essay Check Humanities Assignment Help

    Hello there! My previous tutor did a poor job on my essay. It resulted me getting a low score. I am going to send you the essay along with the feedback from my professor. Based on the feedback you need to make changes to the essay. After choosing you, I will send you the materials. This includes the full essay, and pictures of the same essay with my professor’s comments so you can make the corrections. Also please follow the rubric. I will send you the material, after I pick you!


    The learning objective of this assignment is for you to visit a virtual online art museum and to experience art in person. The assignment will be graded based largely on how well you follow all of the instructions outlined below. Points will be deducted for failure to complete the assignment as directed. So please read the instructions carefully and ask about anything that is not clear to you.

    1. Personal Reflection (30 points)

    What was your experience in navigating the website? For example, was it easy to find collections, information on artwork, exhibitions past and present, and other information?

    2. Analysis of Artwork in Formal Terms (30 points)

    Discuss visual elements and principles of design in an artwork to display understanding, analysis, evaluation, and comprehension of the formal aspects of an artwork. Refer to chapters 4 & 5 in your textbook.

    Select one 2D and one 3D artwork. Discuss which two visual elements and two principles of design are present in this work of art and give examples of how they function in the compositional aspect of the artwork.

    Look for these VISUAL ELEMENTS:

    visual tools an artist may use to make a work of art

    1. Line: Lines can show outline, imply a third dimension, show direction or movement

    2. Shape and Mass: Shape refers to 2 dimensions, for instance, a square. Mass refers to 3 dimensions, for instance, a cube.

    3. Light: Light reveals form. Where is the light source? What is the range of values, from light to dark, in the art you are reviewing?

    4. Color: How does the artist use color in the art object you are reviewing? Is it the primary colors only? Is it emotionally soothing or jarring?

    5. Texture and pattern: Does the art object you are viewing have actual texture, could you feel it? Or does it have implied texture, suggesting that it is smooth or rough? Does it have an overall pattern on the surface?

    6. Space: If your object is architectural or sculptural, it will have 3-dimensional space. Try to describe the space. If your object is two dimensional, how does the artist imply space, for example, through linear perspective, overlapping of objects, smaller or larger objects, or atmospheric perspective?

    7. Time and motion: Does the art object imply time, for instance, a sunset, or motion, for instance, a sculpture that moves?

    Look for these PRINCIPLES OF DESIGN:

    the organization of the composition or design of the art work

    1. Unity and Variety: Unity is a sense of oneness in the art. Variety maintains interest in art

    2. Balance: Symmetrical balance occurs when both sides of the art object are similar in size or shape. Asymmetrical balance occurs when the two sides are quite different in the appearance of the objects in the art.

    3. Emphasis and Subordination: How does the artist draw your eye to the center of attention of the art object? How does the artist make the rest of the painting subordinate to the center of interest?

    4. Scale and Proportion: Scale means size in relation to a standard or “normal” size. Proportion refers to size relationships between parts of a whole, or between two or more items perceived as a unit. Sometimes these are deliberately incorrect, as in Hierarchal Scale in the art of antiquity.

    5. Rhythm or repetition: The repeated use of a color, shape or line to create expression

    3.Interpretation of the art object (30 points)

    Select a specific artwork, one 2D and one 3D. Discuss the content of the piece. Why was it created? Does it have a narrative or discuss social issues? What emotional feeling is present? Summarize your reaction to this art object. Analyze the relationship of the artwork to history by placing the work within cultural, historical, and chronological context. Explain how the work reflects the style characteristics of the period. You may use your textbook as a reference, but provide citation notation.

    4. Appropriate formatting (10 points)

    Students need to demonstrate an understanding of correct format for papers and and attention to grammar and spelling.


    Essay Check Humanities Assignment Help

    Hello there! My previous tutor did a poor job on my essay. It resulted me getting a low score. I am going to send you the essay along with the feedback from my professor. Based on the feedback you need to make changes to the essay. After choosing you, I will send you the materials. This includes the full essay, and pictures of the same essay with my professor’s comments so you can make the corrections. Also please follow the rubric. I will send you the material, after I pick you!


    The learning objective of this assignment is for you to visit a virtual online art museum and to experience art in person. The assignment will be graded based largely on how well you follow all of the instructions outlined below. Points will be deducted for failure to complete the assignment as directed. So please read the instructions carefully and ask about anything that is not clear to you.

    1. Personal Reflection (30 points)

    What was your experience in navigating the website? For example, was it easy to find collections, information on artwork, exhibitions past and present, and other information?

    2. Analysis of Artwork in Formal Terms (30 points)

    Discuss visual elements and principles of design in an artwork to display understanding, analysis, evaluation, and comprehension of the formal aspects of an artwork. Refer to chapters 4 & 5 in your textbook.

    Select one 2D and one 3D artwork. Discuss which two visual elements and two principles of design are present in this work of art and give examples of how they function in the compositional aspect of the artwork.

    Look for these VISUAL ELEMENTS:

    visual tools an artist may use to make a work of art

    1. Line: Lines can show outline, imply a third dimension, show direction or movement

    2. Shape and Mass: Shape refers to 2 dimensions, for instance, a square. Mass refers to 3 dimensions, for instance, a cube.

    3. Light: Light reveals form. Where is the light source? What is the range of values, from light to dark, in the art you are reviewing?

    4. Color: How does the artist use color in the art object you are reviewing? Is it the primary colors only? Is it emotionally soothing or jarring?

    5. Texture and pattern: Does the art object you are viewing have actual texture, could you feel it? Or does it have implied texture, suggesting that it is smooth or rough? Does it have an overall pattern on the surface?

    6. Space: If your object is architectural or sculptural, it will have 3-dimensional space. Try to describe the space. If your object is two dimensional, how does the artist imply space, for example, through linear perspective, overlapping of objects, smaller or larger objects, or atmospheric perspective?

    7. Time and motion: Does the art object imply time, for instance, a sunset, or motion, for instance, a sculpture that moves?

    Look for these PRINCIPLES OF DESIGN:

    the organization of the composition or design of the art work

    1. Unity and Variety: Unity is a sense of oneness in the art. Variety maintains interest in art

    2. Balance: Symmetrical balance occurs when both sides of the art object are similar in size or shape. Asymmetrical balance occurs when the two sides are quite different in the appearance of the objects in the art.

    3. Emphasis and Subordination: How does the artist draw your eye to the center of attention of the art object? How does the artist make the rest of the painting subordinate to the center of interest?

    4. Scale and Proportion: Scale means size in relation to a standard or “normal” size. Proportion refers to size relationships between parts of a whole, or between two or more items perceived as a unit. Sometimes these are deliberately incorrect, as in Hierarchal Scale in the art of antiquity.

    5. Rhythm or repetition: The repeated use of a color, shape or line to create expression

    3.Interpretation of the art object (30 points)

    Select a specific artwork, one 2D and one 3D. Discuss the content of the piece. Why was it created? Does it have a narrative or discuss social issues? What emotional feeling is present? Summarize your reaction to this art object. Analyze the relationship of the artwork to history by placing the work within cultural, historical, and chronological context. Explain how the work reflects the style characteristics of the period. You may use your textbook as a reference, but provide citation notation.

    4. Appropriate formatting (10 points)

    Students need to demonstrate an understanding of correct format for papers and and attention to grammar and spelling.


    Essay Check Humanities Assignment Help

    Hello there! My previous tutor did a poor job on my essay. It resulted me getting a low score. I am going to send you the essay along with the feedback from my professor. Based on the feedback you need to make changes to the essay. After choosing you, I will send you the materials. This includes the full essay, and pictures of the same essay with my professor’s comments so you can make the corrections. Also please follow the rubric. I will send you the material, after I pick you!


    short assignment Business Finance Assignment Help

    short assignment Business Finance Assignment Help

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