Simple Research journal -qchen Writing Assignment Help. Simple Research journal -qchen Writing Assignment Help.
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My topic is this one: Is GMO Food Really a Solution to our Food Shortage for the Future?
Use the topic that I chosen, write this research journal. Find 2 !! articles.
Writing instruction is post in the attached file. Total word count: 600.
Your research journal is a place to organize and reflect on all the information you are finding about your research topic. It is a place to start collecting evidence and to think about its use in your paper. It also helps you make connections between your articles’ information. For your research paper, a single body paragraph should have evidence from different sources. This makes an argument more convincing. If more than one source is agreeing on a point, the reader feels it is a stronger argument. You will find these connections between your articles in this journal. Additionally, the research journal is a lower stakes assignment to practice your APA references and MS Word document formatting before you turn in your research paper. Basically, this journal will help you develop your paper before you start to write it.
See the Example Research Journal Notes for details about how to approach this assignment and what you need to include.
When you are ready to write your research journal, use the Student Sample Research Journal to help you with formatting and ideas about how to include the information you found.
Simple Research journal -qchen Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Analyzing and comparing the TV show Friday Night Lights with another sitcom. (analyze family role in both) Writing Assignment Help
Need to have watch friday night light THE TV SHOW and have good understanding of charters and their family role and compare it to another other tv show with family concepts in mind. I would like it to be about the father role in the family. So like in modern family or malcom in the middle the father has really lost their role and they are no longer the head of the house like in 50’s and 60’s tv had made them out to be. and then compare that to maybe eric taylor who still has some head of the house traits but tamy over the shows start to take control.
the document attached is more clear.
If you have watched the PBS documentaries “Man of the House” or “Idependent Woman” it be awesome if you could include quotes otherwise don’t worry I will add them.
I need help with my assignment. Other Assignment Help
Question 1
Assume you have noted the following prices for paperback books and the number of pages that each book contains.
Develop a least-squares estimated regression line.
- Go to Excel. Create a scatter diagram for the data. Include the trendline (regression line). Make sure from Week 1 you know what a trendline is. It is NOT simply connecting the dots.
- Once the scatter diagram is created, right-click on the trendline itself in the graph. Use the “format trendline” from the menu to show the equation of the trendline and the r squared value on the graph itself.
- Provide the coefficient of determination and explain its meaning.
- Provide the correlation coefficient between the price and the number of pages.
- Run the regression analysis as demonstrated in the video lecture. Follow the directions of what to analyze to test and see if x and y are related. Use α = 0.10.
- What is your null and alternative hypotheses?
- What is the t value?
- What are the degrees of freedom?
- On what basis do you reject of fail to reject the null hypothesis?
Question 2
The following data represent a company’s yearly sales volume and its advertising expenditure over a period of 8 years.
- Develop a scatter diagram of sales versus advertising and explain what it shows regarding the relationship between sales and advertising. Make sure your axes are labeled and that you have the axes correct (notice that x and y are above the labels). The graph should have a title that mentions the two variables.
- Use the method of least squares to compute an estimated regression line between sales and advertising OR just show it on the graph along with your r-squared value..
- If the company’s advertising expenditure is $200,000, what are the predicted sales? Give the answer in dollars. (This is found using algebra and the equation of the trendline / regression line – make sure to watch your units)
- What does the slope of the estimated regression line indicate?
Question 3
For this question you will need to reference the data in the ROI Excel spreadsheet. Download it here.
Using the ROI data set:
For each of the two majors:
- Draw the scatter diagram of Y = ‘Annual % ROI’ against X = ‘Cost’. Include the trendline (regression line) and the r-squared value (coefficient of determination).
- Obtain b0 and b1 of the regression equation defined as y ̂ = b0 + b1X (y intercept and slope).
- Calculate the estimated ‘Annual % ROI’ when the ‘Cost’ (X) is $160,000. (algebra using the equation of the line)
- H0: β1 = 0
- Ha: β1 ≠ 0
- In a highlighted box, write a paragraph or more on any observations you make about the regression estimates, coefficient of determination, the plots, and the results of your hypothesis tests. Please note the plural nature – paragraph or MORE, hypothesis testS – there is a focus on the comprehensive nature of this final part of the project. One way to set this part of the project up is to first talk about each test – what is it, what does it test for? Then show your work and discuss the outcome. Repeat this for each test. Summarize findings at the end.
Test the hypothesis: You will need to show work for the tests you are performing – t-tests, F tests…see the end of chapter 12 to make sure you are doing a comprehensive analysis.
Evaluate the effectiveness of Mental Health Courts. Although this program may ease the workload for courts and corrections, are Mental Health Courts effective in treating offenders and preventing recidivism? Writing Assignment Help
The courts continually weigh the advantages of sending offenders to jail versus diverting offenders into treatment programs. One of these programs is the mental health diversion program.
Instead of locking up mentally ill offenders some courts now redirect these persons to community-based treatment services. If a crime was committed because of mental illness, a tailored treatment program might be more effective in treating these individuals than incarceration.
Assignment: The objective of this assignment is to evaluate the effectiveness of Mental Health Courts. Although this program may ease the workload for courts and corrections, are Mental Health Courts effective in treating offenders and preventing recidivism?
Students are to use three journal articles relating to the effectiveness of Mental Health Courts.
The submitted paper must be a minimum of five pages of 12-point font (Arial or Times New Roman only), double-spaced type, not including cover page and bibliography. Resources must be reflected in a bibliography, using APA citation rules.
Paper Formatting Requirements:
Cover Page: Include the title of the paper, your name, the class title and date of submission
Section 1: Introduction: Make an introductory statement about the topic and explain the purpose of your paper.
Section 2: Summarize the main points of the three articles, including why Mental Health Courts were created and how they are used.
Section 3: Compare and contrast the authors’ perspectives on the advantages and disadvantages of Mental Health Courts. Do the authors reach the same conclusions? How are their perspectives alike and how do they differ? Do the authors conclude that Mental Health Courts provide effective rehabilitation, reduce overall recidivism rates and are an effective use of resources or is the overall cost of these courts disproportionate to their degree of success? Provide statistics to support the authors’ findings.
Section 4: Conclusion: Provide a focused, concise conclusion based on your analysis of the articles, explaining why Mental Health Courts should or should not be used.
Reference Page List at least three journal references on a separate page and provide complete citations in accordance with the APA style manual.
I need help with my discussion. Other Assignment Help
Relationship of Height and Weight
- What is regression analysis?
- In every-day language, what is a trendline, and what is it telling us?
- What does it mean to interpolate? What does it mean to extrapolate?
- Using the given Height and Weight data set, follow the steps in the weekly video or on pages 584-585 of the textbook for performing a regression analysis using Excel to analyze the Height and Weight Data set (assume height is the input variable x and weight is the output variable y).
- Once you have performed the analysis in Excel, state the correct simple linear regression equation and use the regression equation to predict the weight (in pounds) of a person who is 65 inches tall and the weight (in pounds) of a person who is 100 inches tall.
- Why might the regression equation you have found not be a good predication of the weight of someone who is 100 inches tall? Are you interpolating or extrapolating when you use the trendline to predict the weight?
Download the Height and Weight Table Here.
The initial post should be a minimum of 150 words.
Discussion 3 Analyzing #BringBackOurGirls alongside more artistic activism Other Assignment Help
Assigned Readings:
1. Hilary Matfess, “Three Years Later, A Look at the #BringBackOurGirls Catch-22 (Links to an external site.)” Daily Beast 14 April 2017. [news story]
2. Amanda Holpuch, “Stolen daughters: what happened after #BringBackOurGirls? (Links to an external site.)” The Guardian 20 October 2018. [review of HBO documentary]
3. Meredith Loken, “BringBackOurGirls and the Invisibility of Imperialism.pdf ” Feminist Media Studies 14.6(2014): 1100-1101. [brief academic article]
4. Polly Brock, “Nigerian Art on its Own Terms: Interview with Peju Alatise (Links to an external site.),” Art/ctualite 12 November 2014.
Poetry about the Chibok Girls by African poets:
1. “Bring Back Our Girls – A Poem for the Missing Nigerian Girls (Links to an external site.)” by Zimbabwean Poet Batsirai Chigama (you can click to hear the poet read her work)
2. Success Akpojotor, “Colours from Chibok (Links to an external site.)” Poets Reading the News 6 September 2017.
In this Discussion, we turn to the case study of the #BringBackOurGirls online activism campaign that came into prominence shortly after the Chibok girls’ kidnappings in Nigeria. There are a variety of articles here analyzing the scope and impact of the hashtag itself and of digital activism in general. This week there are also examples of visual art and poetry that also seek to make public statements that call for justice while also contributing objects of beauty–visual images, poems.
Task: Write a 400 word essay in which you present a provable argument about which type of activism discussed for the week best achieves its overall goals. You may begin this from your opinion, but the thesis has to be analytical and there has to be textual (including visual) support for your claims.
- In other words, your thesis can’t be: “In my opinion, X type of activism is more effective than Y type of activism.” That’s just a reflection of what you personally think. It’s not an argument.
- Instead, formulate your thesis in terms that can be proven and which characterize what kind of impact one type of activism has vs. the limited or broad nature of a different type of activism as represented by our readings.
Discussion 3 Analyzing #BringBackOurGirls alongside more artistic activism Other Assignment Help[supanova_question]
SOAP of acute disease-Pneumonia Writing Assignment Help
This sheet is to help you understand what we are looking for, and what our margin remarks might be about on your write ups of patients. Since at all of the white-ups that you hand in are uniform, this represents what MUST be included in every write-up.
1) Identifying Data (___5pts): The opening list of the note. It contains age, sex, race, marital status, etc. The patient complaint should be given in quotes. If the patient has more than one complaint, each complaint should be listed separately (1, 2, etc.) and each addressed in the subjective and under the appropriate number.
2) Subjective Data (___30pts.): This is the historical part of the note. It contains the following:
a) Symptom analysis/HPI(Location, quality , quantity or severity, timing, setting, factors that make it better or worse, and associate manifestations.(10pts).
b) Review of systems of associated systems, reporting all pertinent positives and negatives (10pts).
c) Any PMH, family hx, social hx, allergies, medications related to the complaint/problem (10pts). If more than one chief complaint, each should be written u in this manner.
3) Objective Data(__25pt.): Vital signs need to be present. Height and Weight should be included where appropriate.
a) Appropriate systems are examined, listed in the note and consistent with those identified in 2b.(10pts).
b) Pertinent positives and negatives must be documented for each relevant system.
c) Any abnormalities must be fully described. Measure and record sizes of things (likes moles, scars). Avoid using “ok”, “clear”, “within normal limits”, positive/ negative, and normal/abnormal to describe things. (5pts).
4) Assessment (___10pts.): Diagnoses should be clearly listed and worded appropriately.
5) Plan (___15pts.): Be sure to include any teaching, health maintenance and counseling along with the pharmacological and non-pharmacological measures. If you have more than one diagnosis, it is helpful to have this section divided into separate numbered sections.
6) Subjective/ Objective, Assessment and Management and Consistent (___10pts.): Does the note support the appropriate differential diagnosis process? Is there evidence that you know what systems and what symptoms go with which complaints? The assessment/diagnoses should be consistent with the subjective section and then the assessment and plan. The management should be consistent with the assessment/ diagnoses identified.
7) Clarity of the Write-up(___5pts.): Is it literate, organized and complete?
non profit finance discussion and responses week 8 Business Finance Assignment Help
Please answer each discussion with 250 -300
words, APA style. DO NOT FORGET THE CITATION!!!! Then write a response to 2
students for each discussion week with 100 words min, and directed at them in a
positive manner not in 3rd
person! The other students discussion posts can also be used as an example on
how your initial post should be done. So by the end of this assignment your
should have done 1 discussions and 2 responses!!! Read and watch all materials.
Materials needed are attached!! Other students discussions will be uploaded as
soon as they post and time might be extended for up to 3 hours
I have a written task about rhetorical analysis Humanities Assignment Help
I have writing assignment for a book. Practical Argument (Short Second edition). By Laurie Kirszner and Stephen R. Mandell.
1. Watch the video below about rhetorical Analysis.
2. Read the document attached, A rhetorical introduction.
3. Read the Practical arguments pages 89-111
4. Complete exercises 4.1 on page 106 and also exercises 4.2 on page 109
All I need done are the exercises 4.1 and 4.2 from the book. I have a video and document to give you some background on the topic and what the answers should look like from the exercises. There are no word or page minimum, as long as the exercises are fully complete. Please let me know of any questions.
TS 1.5: Was There a Great Awakening in Mid-Eighteenth-Century America? (just need to write a thesis paragraph) (wont take longer than 30 min) Humanities Assignment Help
- Taking Sides Issue: 1. READ
- Taking Sides Issue: Was the Pequot War Largely a Product of Native American Aggression?”
- Write a Thesis paragraph response for each issue that follows the social science writing methodology for the course located in your syllabus.
- Thesis paragraphs must contain: Context, Complexity, Well-Reasoned BECAUSE thesis statement (Opinion-B/C-Rational), and an essay map (three separate sentences that follow your thesis derived from the rational of your thesis.
- Each paragraph will be graded following the Essay Grading rubric and will be worth 30 points.
Does the paragraph begin with detailed historically accurate context associated with the topic question?
Does the paragraph provide complexity which articulates both Taking Sides author’s POV separately?Does the paragraph contain an underlined Opinion- Because-3 Part Rational that does not contain 1st person references; states the author’s own opinion; contains a complex rational that can easily be expanded into three sub topics?
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIs the sub topic identified by structural indicators; does it clearly demonstrate how/why it proves a portion of the thesis rational; is the ST historically accurate?; does not contain vague/generalized statements?
Is the sub topic identified by structural indicators; does it clearly demonstrate how/why it proves a portion of the thesis rational; is the ST historically accurate?; does not contain vague/generalized statements?
- Write a Thesis paragraph response for each issue that follows the social science writing methodology for the course located in your syllabus.
- Thesis paragraphs must contain: Context, Complexity, Well-Reasoned BECAUSE thesis statement (Opinion-B/C-Rational), and an essay map (three separate sentences that follow your thesis derived from the rational of your thesis.
- Each paragraph will be graded following the Essay Grading rubric and will be worth 30 points.
Does the paragraph begin with detailed historically accurate context associated with the topic question?
Does the paragraph provide complexity which articulates both Taking Sides author’s POV separately?
Does the paragraph contain an underlined Opinion- Because-3 Part Rational that does not contain 1st person references; states the author’s own opinion; contains a complex rational that can easily be expanded into three sub topics?
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIs the sub topic identified by structural indicators; does it clearly demonstrate how/why it proves a portion of the thesis rational; is the ST historically accurate?; does not contain vague/generalized statements?
Is the sub topic identified by structural indicators; does it clearly demonstrate how/why it proves a portion of the thesis rational; is the ST historically accurate?; does not contain vague/generalized statements?