SJCC Suffering in James Baldwin Sonny Blues People Experiencing Grief Essay Writing Assignment Help. SJCC Suffering in James Baldwin Sonny Blues People Experiencing Grief Essay Writing Assignment Help.
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Write a 4-5 page paper using MLA format about Sonny’s Blues. Writing a paper is a process. In order to have a well written analytical essay, you must have a workable thesis or point you are proving. You must support that thesis and have a flowing paper that has transitions between paragraphs. One major idea should be in each paragraph and each idea should flow into the next one. Your conclusion should restate your thesis, bring to- gether briefly all your supporting ideas and end with a strong finishing sentence.
I strongly recommend you try to use at least 4 quotes from the text to backup your ideas. Remember to quote using the MLA format. If you do not properly format your quotations, you will be plagiarizing.
SJCC Suffering in James Baldwin Sonny Blues People Experiencing Grief Essay Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
RLST 206 Towson University Christianity Judaism and Islam Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
I’m working on a religion writing question and need a sample draft to help me learn.
write a one-page response for each of 5 questions (5 pages total).
- Explain the significance of religion in the formation and shaping of human culture and traditions. Please also provide appropriate examples.
- What are the basic beliefs of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam? Compare and contrast the essential teachings of the three traditions by pointing to their similarities and differences from each other.
- Judaism, Christianity, and Islam claim that the will of God has been communicated in various ways and the scripture records those communications. How did historical contexts help to shape the content of the Hebrew Bible, the Christian Bible, and the Quran?
- Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are known as monotheistic religions. However, each religion is distinct in its understanding, and the distinctiveness is grounded in the way in which each tradition articulates specific emphases in its monotheistic theology. What is theology? Who are theologians and how do they go about their jobs?
- Jews, Christians, and Muslims place varying emphases on religious creeds. What is a religious creed? To what extent does each religion emphasize “correct belief” (orthodoxy) and “correct practice” (orthopraxy)?
Answer the five questions. Each answer should be at least one page in length (Line Space = One and a half, Font- Times New Roman, Size 12)
SDSU Marcuse Totalitarian Society Political Involvement & Activities Discussion Writing Assignment Help
watch these two videos and answer the questions assigned to them in full sentences:
a. What does Marcuse mean by totalitarian society?
b. How do the illusion of political involvement, forced altruism and the limitation on personal freedom, and capitalism’s self-perpetuating system contribute to totalitarianism in Marcuse’s sense?
a. How do media contribute to alienation and totalitarian society?
b. What is the main concern of Horkheimer and Adorno according to podcast presenter (around minute 9)
c. What is relation between mass media and the Nietzschean death of God? And how does this explain the worker embracing his own alienation without realizing that s/he is alienated?
d. What do H and A claim about true art versus mass media art and how life imitates art?
e. The culture industry isn’t surprising to people, so why do we still consume it?
f. What does adorno think can change the world and how does that contrast with Simone de Beauvoir?
LDR 535 University of Phoenix Week 5 Change Management at Samsung Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help
Complete the following IN YOUR OWN WORDS. It will run thru a plagiarism checker, thanks. Purpose of Assessment
Develop specific strategies with supporting tactics to implement positive change within an organization. You may refer to the information that you prepared in Week 5(attached) to complete this assignment, but your submission should add to your prior research and not just copy your Week 5 assignment(attached).
You’ve been hired as a consultant to develop strategies with supporting tactics to implement positive changes in the corporation you chose in Week 5(attached).
Review your analysis of the corporation’s change process from Week 5 to be sure you have a thorough understanding of the change and the need for the change.
Prepare a 12- to 13-slide Change Management Presentation for the company’s Board of Directors. Include the following:
- Evaluate why this change needed to occur.
- Discuss how this change impacts the company on a global scale.
- Discuss how this change impacts employees.
- Using Kotter’s 8-Step Change Model, chart strategies and tactics for positively implementing the organizational change. In your chart, complete the following:
- Develop strategies for each of the 8 steps in Kotter’s model
- Develop tactics to support each strategy
- Justify the effectiveness of each strategy and tactic with a rationale.
- Conclude your presentation with an explanation of how this positive organizational change will help the company sustain a competitive advantage in the global market.
A T Still University Management Question Business Finance Assignment Help
Self-assessments were already taken. Review the assessments along with my corresponding responses and expand on the responses. The assessments and responses will be provided to the selected tutor.
In a journey entry of 4 to 5 paragraphs, reflect on the results of the assessment. In your reflection, be sure to:
- Discuss what you learned about yourself as a result of taking the assessments and the implications for your personal leadership development.
- Research and identify three potential professional resources to help you develop each of the areas of development and why you think they would be helpful.
CLP 2140 MDC Psychopathology Substance Use & Related Disorders Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
I’m working on a psychology writing question and need an explanation to help me study.
Really expand, elaborate, provided references, etc. on the questions
1- Some aspects of Mel Gibson’s behavior, such as lashing out in anger over minor issues, is consistent with intermittent explosive disorder. Do you think a diagnosis of intermittent explosive disorder can excuse abusive manner under any circumstances? Why or why not?
2-In the clinical video, Scott says he has had a year of abstinence from alcohol. However, he indicates that he is currently drinking on a daily basis. Suppose a friend of yours, who is concerned about his own drinking, tells you he has enrolled in a “controlled drinking” program. Based on research, how successful is your friend likely to be?
CLP 2140 MDC Psychopathology Substance Use & Related Disorders Discussion Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Saint Louis University Madison Arguments on Politics Questions Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a political science test / quiz prep and need a sample draft to help me understand better.
Madison argues in Helvidius paper #1 that the president’s exclusive constitutional authority under Article 2, section 3 to be the commander-in-chief doesn’t imply that the president has any authority to declare war or initiate military hostilities. Indeed, he argues that the commander-in-chief cannot be a proper or safe judge as to whether a war ought to started, continued, or terminated. TRUE or FALSE? Explain your answer:
Madison contrasts Hamilton’s objectionable idea of a “concurrent jurisdiction” with “a concurrent right to expound the constitution.” The latter concurrent right is inconvenient but necessary. Madison says that it is “obviously and radically different” from Hamilton’s kind of concurrence. Explain the difference.
Madison says that “it would be highly improper to magnify the function [of receiving foreign ambassadors and public ministers] into an important [presidential] prerogative.” But such a magnification is what Hamilton proposes. Identify an important prerogative power that Hamilton wishes to defend on the basis of this function:
Madison provides a hypothetical example in which Britain launches a surprise attack on the US, kills all the political leaders, and threatens to conquer and absorb the territory of Georgia and South Carolina unless France intervenes to defend the American people as obligated under the Treaty of Alliance. What point is he illustrating with this example?
INTL 646 AMU Week 7 Latin America Issues and American Mission Presentation Humanities Assignment Help
I’m working on a global studies multi-part question and need a sample draft to help me understand better.
W7: Regional Issues: North America, Russia, and Europe
Contains unread posts
Discussion Questions: What is the single greatest impediment to successfully interdicting transnational crime illicit trafficking, especially in light of their support t
W7: Human Security Threats
Contains unread posts
undefinedAvailable on Monday, March 15, 2021 12:00 AM EDT
Answer the following prompt:
In what ways are different threats to human security intertwined?o terrorist efforts? Provide ex
W7: External Threats/ Boundaries
Contains unread posts
The United States has looked upon security in Latin American nations as a significant national interest since proclamation of the Monroe doctrine in 1823. Since then there have been a number of military interventions, the latest in Panama in 1989. During and since WW II the United States has focused on influencing Latin American security by close relationships with military and law enforcement establishments.
Assume you are a member of the Southern Command J-5. You and some colleagues have been tasked by your Brigadier General boss to develop a four to eight slide PowerPoint presentation which he can give to a group of US Ambassador designates who are visiting Southern Command Headquarters. The substance of the briefing is to evaluate whether the strategy for enhancing security in Latin American nations has been effective. Develop the General’s briefing based on your readings and any personal experiences.amples.
COMS 210 MSU Mankato Create a Computer Program Computer Coding Task Programming Assignment Help
The assignment is
We are now in Day08 of our Internet Programming course. Today, we will do some coding and put our work here in this discussion forum. Make sure your Atom or VSC environment is setup to act as a PHP server and you can test your output to your computer’s web browser. See the instructions here in the Day07 video (the beginning).
There are several exercises that follow and you should place your code in a new discussion titled “PHP Code Exercise #2 – Perry”, using your name to indicate to others that this is your discussion answers. Some will be easy to do, while others will require a bit more thought. Use the monospaced font in the Moodle editor and space or indent the PHP code appropriately.
You will receive 10 points for your discussion post with your PHP code and 2 points for commenting constructively on 2 other of your fellow student’s code. Feel free to comment on more than 2 other discussions as it benefits everyone.
PHP Beginnings Ex. #2: Create and Use Variables
For your second PHP exercise, echo the following statement to the browser:
“Twinkle, Twinkle little star.”
Next, create two variables, one for the word “Twinkle” and one for the word “star”. Echo the statement to the browser, this time substituting the variables for the relevant words. Change the value of each variable to whatever you like and echo the statement a third time. Remember to include code to show your statements on different lines.
PHP Beginnings Ex. #4: Arithmetic-Assignment Operators and Variables
Arithmetic-assignment operators perform an arithmetic operation on the variable at the same time as assigning a new value. For this PHP exercise, write a script to reproduce the output below. Manipulate only one variable using no simple arithmetic operators to produce the values given in the statements.
Hint: In the script each statement ends with “Value is now $variable.”
Value is now 8.
Add 2. Value is now 10.
Subtract 4. Value is now 6.
Multiply by 5. Value is now 30.
Divide by 3. Value is now 10.
Increment value by one. Value is now 11.
Decrement value by one. Value is now 10.
PHP Beginnings Ex. #7: Variable Data Types
PHP allows several different types of variables. For this PHP exercise, you will create one variable and assign it different values, then test its type for each value.
Write a script using one variable “$whatsit” to print the following to the browser. Your echo statements may include no words except “Value is”. In other words, use the function that will output the variable type to get the requested text. Use simple HTML to print each statement on its own line and add a relevant title to your page. Include line breaks in your code to produce clean, readable HTML.
Value is string.
Value is double.
Value is boolean.
Value is integer.
Value is NULL.
PHP Control Structures Ex. #1: If-Else Statement
In this PHP exercise, you will use a conditional statement to determine what gets printed to the browser. Write a script that gets the current month and prints one of the following responses, depending on whether it’s August or not:
It’s August, so it’s really hot.
Not August, so at least not in the peak of the heat.
Hint: the function to get the current month is ‘date(‘F’, time())’ for the month’s full name.
PHP Control Structures Ex. #2: Simple Loops
In this PHP exercise, you will put all the loops through their paces. Write a script using first a while loop, then a do while loop, then two for loops. The script will output the following to the browser:
abc abc abc abc abc abc abc abc abc
xyz xyz xyz xyz xyz xyz xyz xyz xyz
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1. Item A
2. Item B
3. Item C
4. Item D
5. Item E
6. Item F
Create the ‘abc’ row with a while loop, the ‘xyz’ row with a do while loop, and the last two sections with for loops. Remember to include HTML and source code line breaks in your output. No arrays allowed in this solution.
SU Curriculum Design Development and Implementation Pilot Curriculum Essay Writing Assignment Help
Curriculum Development and Implementation
Scenario for the Three Assignments
Assume that you are the curriculum designer for a school district. The school board has requested that several teams develop proposals for new curricula to meet newly established state standards. You and your team must develop the first proposal as a pilot or model for the other teams. You have to first identify a specific curriculum area not currently used in the school district that would greatly benefit the students in the district. Use the Internet or the Strayer Library, as well as your textbook to develop a pilot curriculum for a specific discipline area such as reading, math, or science or grade level (K–12) at a local school district.
Instructions: Curriculum Development and Implementation
Write an 8–10 page paper in which you:
- Summarize the following aspects of the Curriculum Inception and Foundations assignments. (a) Describe the specific curriculum area and grade level(s) for the pilot curriculum. (b) Describe at least four core instructional goals for the curriculum. (c) Review the various approaches to be used for the planned curriculum as well as potential cultural influences. (d) Review the strategy for incorporating critical thinking skills into the planned curriculum using Bloom’s Taxonomy.
- Develop at least three student learning outcomes for each of the core instructional goals in the planned curriculum. (Note: Student learning outcomes must support accomplishment of their respective core instructional goal and be stated in a manner that is observable and measurable. The student learning outcomes must also support development of critical thinking skills consistent with Bloom’s Taxonomy. A brief article on writing student learning outcomes or objectives is provided: Writing learning objectives: Beginning with the end in mind .
- Outline a least one instructional lesson or exercise that could be used to facilitate mastery of one of the three student learning outcomes listed. (Note: The instructional lesson outline should include instructor activities to promote mastery of the learning outcome and develop critical thinking skills. The outline should also include student activities that promote critical thinking and accomplishment of the learning outcome.)
- Propose at least one way the students for which the lesson is designed will use technology as part of the lesson, providing a rationale for the technology.
- Propose at least one way in which technology will be used to deliver the lesson, providing a rationale for the technology.
- Create an implementation plan for the curriculum in the form of a PowerPoint presentation of at least eight slides. Include (a) a summary of the development process (the first two assignments), (b) the instruction lesson outline, (c) an implementation timetable, and (d) the human and capital resources needed for successful implementation. (Note: The PowerPoint, which is not part of the page count, will be presented to the district school board.)
- Use at least three relevant, scholarly references published in the last seven years. (May use references already used in this paper.) (Note: Wikipedia and other nongovernment websites do not qualify as scholarly resources. Review the supplementary readings list on the first page of the course guide for possible reference
Note that you did not submit the required PowerPoint. You also need more details for the instructional lesson or exercise section. You need to provide the process that another teacher could follow. Your score for this section is 30 points. It is zero on the rubric but I added 30 points in the total score.
You are also missing these 2 sections:
nPropose at least one way the students for which the lesson is designed will use technology as part of the lesson, providing a rationale for the technology.
nPropose at least one way in which technology will be used to deliver the lesson, providing a rationale for the technology.
[supanova_question] .
Note that you did not submit the required PowerPoint. You also need more details for the instructional lesson or exercise section. You need to provide the process that another teacher could follow. Your score for this section is 30 points. It is zero on the rubric but I added 30 points in the total score.
You are also missing these 2 sections:
nPropose at least one way the students for which the lesson is designed will use technology as part of the lesson, providing a rationale for the technology.
nPropose at least one way in which technology will be used to deliver the lesson, providing a rationale for the technology.