Skills Gap in Undergraduate Business Majors Business Finance Assignment Help

Skills Gap in Undergraduate Business Majors Business Finance Assignment Help. Skills Gap in Undergraduate Business Majors Business Finance Assignment Help.

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Suggestions for Working on This Project: In the course
textbook, go to page 27, and read Linda Hudson’s remarks in -Why Does
This Matter? Then – go to page 71, and read the overview about Team
Communication Skills – Why Does This Matter? Make sure to read Chapters
(12 and 13) in the course textbook before working on this assignment.

Instructions: In your team, plan and
investigate the Business Case below. Then, evaluate useful data sources
to address the Business Case. *Make sure to identify ONE applicable secondary business sources to support your findings. Use current data NOT over ten years.

Make sure to select ONE direct quote
from secondary sources. The source should
be used as three in-text citations (APA format) to support the
findings. *Do NOT use more than “three”
in-text citations in the body. Do NOT use the course’s textbook as a
secondary source. Make sure to list secondary
sources in the reference page (APA format).

Business Case – Research
related to higher education trends suggest college students do not read
course textbooks and other assigned course content. Drawing from this
literature, business research suggest this might provide a reason for
undergraduate business majors “gaps” in terms of not understanding their
discipline/declared major specific knowledge and skills expected by
industry. Some examples of these “knowledge/skill gaps” include but are
not limited to: preparing routine business – written documents or
presentations, utilizing specific knowledge/skills related to team-based
projects and demonstrating an awareness of workplace issues
related to their declared majors, e.g. generations, technological,
cultures, genders, etc., which might impede business communications or
performance on team-based projects.

Task: Investigate
whether graduating undergraduate business majors are equipped with
industry expected skills. Your team can investigate using (national)
data about graduating undergraduate business majors -or- specific
(local) data.

your position (agree, disagree, neutral). This means explain your
position in terms of whether graduating undergraduate business majors
are equipped – or- not equipped with industry expected skills- or-
neutral. Make sure to provide evidence to support your position from
secondary and/or primary sources.

primary sources – given the mixture of declared majors assigned to
teams in this course – it is acceptable to use a mixture of examples
from team members/ declared majors –or- if your team include members
with the same major –use the team’s specific major.

Skills Gap in Undergraduate Business Majors Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

APA formatting and citation questions Writing Assignment Help

1.Choose the correct way of citing the portion in bold. If the original portion is correct, choose “no change.”

Type of source: Book, edition other than the first.

Kloby, J. (2004). Inequality, power, and development: Issues in political sociology (Second edition) Amherst, NY: Humanity.


(2nd ed).


(2nd Ed.).


(2nd ed.).


no change

2. Choose the correct way of citing the portion in bold. If the original portion is correct, choose “no change.”

Type of source: Film

Levinson, B. , (1982). Diner [Motion picture]. United States: Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer


Levinson, B. (Director).


Levinson, B. (Dir.)


Levinson, B. (director).


no change

3. Choose the correct way of citing the portion in bold. If the original portion is correct, choose “no change.”

Type of source: Online journal article without Digital Object Indentifier (DOI).

Otto, H.-U., & Ziegler, H. (2006). Capabilities and education. Social Work & Society, 4(2). Retrieved November 8, 2014 from


Retrieved Nov. 8, 2014,




Retrieved November 8, 2014,


no change

4. Choose the correct way of citing the portion in bold. If the original portion is correct, choose “no change.”

Type of source: Article with one author (not named in signal phrase).

In recent years, developers have learned to perserve some key features that nature provides in order to help sell a home (Feagans, 2004).






(2004, Feagans)


no change

5. Choose the correct way of citing the portion in bold. If the original portion is correct, choose “no change.”

Type of source: E-mail.

At the debriefing for the 2006 Invasive Plant Survey, one participant said, “There wer many invasivesalong and near the roadways, but deep into the woods, there were only occasional patches.” (B. Thaler, E-mail, July 9, 2009).


(B. Thaler, personal communication, July 8, 2009).


(B. Thaler, E-mail July 8, 2009).


(Thaler, B., personal communication, July 8, 2009).


no change

6. Choose the correct way of citing the portion in bold. If the original portion is correct, choose “no change.”

Type of source: Magazine article.

Demos, T. (2006, April 3). The Sleeping Giant Goes on the Offensive: Steve Ballmer, CEO of Microsoft. Fortune, 153, 29.


“The sleeping giant goes on the offensive: Steve Balmer, CEO of Microsoft.”


“The sleeping giant goes on the offensive: Steve Balmer, CEO of Microsoft”.


The sleeping giant goes on the offensive: Steve Balmer, CEO of Microsoft.


no change

7. Choose the correct way of citing the portion in bold. If the original portion is correct, choose “no change.”

Type of source: Online article with DOI.

Roberts, A. (2008). Explaining differences in homicide clearance rates between Japan and the United States. Homicide Studies, 12, 136-145. doi:10.1177/1088767907310863.


DOI: 10.1177/1088767907310863




doi: 10.1177/1088767907310863. Retrieved form


no change

8. Choose the correct way of citing the portion in bold. If the original portion is correct, choose “no change.”

Type of source: Book with one author.

Fooner, M. (1973). Interpol: The inside story of the international crime-fighting organization. Chicago: Henry Regnery.


“Interpol: The inside story of the international crime-fighting organization.”


Interpol: The inside story of the international crime-fighting organization.


Interpol: The Inside Story of the International Crime-Fighting Organization.


no change

9. Choose the correct way of citing the portion in bold. If the original portion is correct, choose “no change.”

Type of source: Government document.

U.S. Library of Congress, Copyright Office. (2003). Copyright law of the United States of America and related laws contained in Title 17 of the United States Code, June 2003. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office.


Washington, DC, Government Printing Office.


Government Printing Office: Washington, DC.


Washington, DC: Government Printing Office


no change

10. Choose the correct way of citing the portion in bold. If the original portion is correct, choose “no change.”

Type of source: Journal article iwth multiple authors.

Richmond, R.H., Rongo, T., Golbuu, Y., Victor, S. Idechong, N. Davis, G., Kostka, W., Neth, L. Hamnett, M., and Wolanski, E. (2007. Watersheds and coral reefs: Conservation science, policy and implementation. Bioscience, 57, 598-607. doi:10.1641/B570710


Richmond, R.H., Rongo, T., Golbuu, Y., Victor, S. Idechong, N. Davis, G., . . . Wolanski, E.


Richmond, R.H., Rongo, T., Golbuu, Y., Victor, S. Idechong, N. Davis, G., Kostka, W., Neth, L. Hamnett, M., & Wolanski, E.


Richmond, R.H., Rongo, T., Golbuu, Y., Victor, S. Idechong, N. Davis, G., Kostka, W., . . . & Wolanski, E.


no change

11. Choose the correct way of citing the portion in bold. If the original portion is correct, choose “no change.”

Type of source: Dissertation retrieved from database.

Kazarian, W.H. (2008). A case study of the utilization of adjunct faculty in a private university (Doctoral dissertation). Available from ProQuest Dissertations and Theses database. (UMI No. 331876)


Retrieved September 16, 2008, from ProQuest Dissertation and Theses database (AAT 331876).


Retrieved from ProQuest Dissertations and Theses database. (UMI No. 331876)


(AAT3311876). Retrieved from ProQuest Dissertations and Theses database.


no change

12. Choose the correct way of citing the portion in bold. If the original portion is correct, choose “no change.”

Type of source: Selection in an edited book or anthology.

Baron, Reuben M. (1995). An ecological view of stereotype accuracy. In Y. Lee, L.J. Jussim & C.R. McCauley (Eds.), Stereotype accuracy: Towards appreciating group differences. (115-140). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.


(p. 115-140).


(pp. 115-140).




no change

13. Choose the correct way of citing the portion in bold. If the original portion is correct, choose “no change.”

Type of source: Unpublished conference presentation.

Becker, H.J. (2001, April). How are teachers using computers in instruction? Paper presented at the 2001 Meetings of the American Educational Research Association, Seattle, WA.


How are teachers using computers in instruction?


How are Teachers Using Computers in Instruction?


How are teachers using computers in instruction?


no change

14. Choose the correct way of citing the portion in bold. If the original portion is correct, choose “no change.”

Type of source: Book with one author (named in signal phrase).

According to Platt (1978), in the 14th century, it took many years for anyone to achieve high social status.


According to Platt, (1978),


According to Platt, C., (1978),


According to Platt, 1978,


no change

15. Choose the correct way of citing the portion in bold. If the original portion is correct, choose “no change.”

Type of source: Journal article.

Bryan, L. (1998). Drug testing in the workplace. Professional Safety, 43(10) 28-33.


43(10), 28-33.


43 (10) 28-33


43(10), 28-33.


no change

16. Choose the correct citation for the described source.

With an in-text citation, you referred to a book titled Swimming and Water Safety by an organization, the American Red Cross. The book was published by Stay Well Press in 2004 in Yardley, PA. Which of the following citation formats is correct:


The more informed you are about the water environment in which you are swimming, including its potential hazards, the better you will be prepared for dangerous situations (Swimming and water safety, 2004).


The more informed you are about the water environment in which you are swimming, including its potential hazards, the better you will be prepared for dangerous situations (American Red Cross).


The more informed you are about the water environment in which you are swimming, including its potential hazards, the better you will be prepared for dangerous situations, (American Red Cross, 2004).


The more informed you are about the water environment in which you are swimming, including its potential hazards, the better you will be prepared for dangerous situations (American Red Cross, 2004).

17. Choose the correct citation for the described source.

You used a book titled East Asia: Tradition and Transformation, published in 1973 by Houghton Mifflin Company in Boston, and written by John K. Fairbanks, Edwin O. Reischauer, and Albert M. Craig. Which of the following give the correct entry in the list of references/


Fairbank J.K., Reischauer, E.O., & Craig, A.M. (1973). East Asia: Tradition and transformation. Boston, MA: Houghton.


Fairbank J.K., Reischauer, E.O., & Craig, A.M. (1973). East Asia: Tradition and transformation. Boston, MA: Houghton.


Fairbank J.K., Reischauer, E.O., & Craig, A.M. (1973). East Asia: Tradition and transformation. Boston, MA: Houghton, 1973.


Fairbank, Reischauer, & Craig. (1973). East Asia: Tradition and transformation. Boston, MA.

18. Choose the correct citation for the described source.

With an in-text citation, you referred to two journal articles: (1) an article titled “Medicaid and Family Wealth Transfer” on pages 8 through 14 in Volume 46, Issue 1, dated February, 2006, of The Gerontologist, and authored by Jinkook Lee, Hyungsoo Kim, and Sandra Tanenbaum; and (2) an article in Health Affairs by David C. Grabowski, Joseph J. Angelelli, and Vincent Mor, titled “Medicaid Payment and Risk-Adjusted Nursing Home Quality Measures,” on pages 243 through 254 of Volume 23, Issue 5, dated September/October, 2004. What is the correct format for the citation?


As some states freeze or reduce Medicaid rates, the quality of nursing home care may suffer, but many legislators are instead focusing on limiting familial wealth transfers prior to Medicaid eligibility, a measure with little probable effectiveness (Grabowski, Angelelli, & Mor, 2004 and Lee, Kim, & Tanenbaum, 2006).


As some states freeze or reduce Medicaid rates, the quality of nursing home care may suffer, but many legislators are instead focusing on limiting familial wealth transfers prior to Medicaid eligibility, a measure with little probable effectiveness (Lee, Kim, & Tanenbaum, 2006; Grabowski, Angelelli, & Mor, 2004).


As some states freeze or reduce Medicaid rates, the quality of nursing home care may suffer, but many legislators are instead focusing on limiting familial wealth transfers prior to Medicaid eligibility, a measure with little probable effectiveness (Grabowski, Angelelli, & Mor, 2004; Lee, Kim, & Tanenbaum, 2006).


As some states freeze or reduce Medicaid rates, the quality of nursing home care may suffer, but many legislators are instead focusing on limiting familial wealth transfers prior to Medicaid eligibility, a measure with little probable effectiveness (Grabowski, Angelelli, & Mor, 2004); (Lee, Kim, & Tanenbaum, 2006).

19. Choose the correct citation for the described source.

On January 23, 2010, you retrieved from the online version of the journal Remedial and Special Education an article titled “Charter Schools and Students with Disabilities,” by Cheryl M. Lange and Camilla A. Lehr. Its Digital Object Identifier is 10.1177/074193250002100303. The article was previously published in print on pages 141 through 152 of Volume 21, Issue 3, dated May/June 2000. Which of the following gives the correct entry in the list of references?


Lange, C. M., & Lehr, C. A. (2000). Charter schools and students with disabilities. Remedial and Special Education, 21(3), 141–152. doi:10.1177/074193250002100303


Lange, C. M., & Lehr, C. A. (2000). doi:10.1177/074193250002100303. Charter schools and students with disabilities [Electronic version]. Remedial and Special Education, 21(3), 141–152.


Lange, C. M., & Lehr, C. A. (2000). Charter schools and students with disabilities [Electronic version]. Remedial and Special Education, 21(3), 141–152. doi:10.1177/074193250002100303


Lange, C. M., & Lehr, C. A. (2000). Charter schools and students with disabilities. doi:10.1177/074193250002100303. Remedial and Special Education, 21(3), 141-152.

20. Choose the correct citation for the described source.

You referred to an untitled review by Steven G. Gilbert of the book Doubt Is Their Product: How Industry’s Assault on Science Threatens Your Health. The book is authored by David Michaels. The review appeared in Volume 117, Issue 5 of the journal Environmental Health Perspectives, dated May 2009. Which of the following gives the correct entry in the list of references?


Gilbert, S. G. (May 2009). Review of the book Doubt is their product: How industry’s assault on science threatens your health, by D. Michaels. Environmental Health Perspectives,117(5), A218.


Gilbert, S. G. (2009, May). [Review of the book Doubt is their product: How industry’s assault on science threatens your health, by D. Michaels]. Environmental Health Perspectives,117(5), A218.


Gilbert, S. G. (2009, May). [Review of the book Doubt is their product: How industry’s assault on science threatens your health by D. Michaels]. Environmental health perspectives,117(5), A218.


Gilbert, S. G. (2009, May). Review of D. Michaels, Doubt is their product: How industry’s assault on science threatens your health. Environmental Health Perspectives,117(5), A218.

21. What is the acceptable length of an abstract?


between 150 and 200 words


between 100 and 120 words


between 200 and 250 words


between 75 and 100 words

22. Which of the following statements indicates correct usage of a running head and header?


The words “Running head” appear on every page, with the header and page number being listed in the right margin of every page.


The words “Running head” are no longer required, but the header and page number are listed in the left margin of every page.


The words “Running head” appear on the title page only, wiht the header and page number being listed in the right margin of every page.


The words “Running head” appear on the title page only, with the header being listed in the left margin and the page number being listed in the right margin of every page.

23. For all paraphrased and summarized content, the citation must include


author(s)’ last name(s) and the page or paragraph number


the date of publication and page or paragraphy number


author(s)’ last name(s) and the date of publication


24. Select the sample below that best demonstrates how to incorporate a citation directly within a sentence, for information that has been summarized or paraphrased.


ABC Corporation (Jones, 2001) was operating on a significantly reduced budget.


After running for office, Peters (2010) indicated his dislike for… (Peters, p. 34).


Smith implied the assumptions of the research indicated a problem… (Smith, 2004).


Jones (2006) stated the results of the study directly correlate with the challenges…

25. Select the answer that best describes the function of the reference page.


Sources cited in the paper must appear on the reference page in alphabetical order.


Books and articles read, but not cited in the paper, should be included in the reference page.


Videos and blogs should be cited in the paper, but not included on the reference page.


Sources listed on the reference page do not need to be cited within the paper.


Two Engineering Ergonomics homework related to each other. Writing Assignment Help

Homework assignment #2 is attached.

this is going to be homework assignment #3

1.Review your assigned occupation in Home Assignment #2

Your assigned occupation is highlighted on Home Assignment #2, which was returned to you/teammate

2.Interview/observe someone you know who works in the occupation OR complete an extensive search on the internet in order to find out what specific elements/actions are involved in your assigned occupation (i.e., job).

Example Occupational Job Task:Carpenter who builds tables out of wood

Step A:Move wood from the shelves of the warehouse to the workstation where the table will be built

Step B:Measure the wood to match the dimensions of the table that will be built

Step C:Cut the wood with a tool

Step D:Get the other materials needed to build the table


3.List all of the elements that are involved in your assigned occupation

4.Describe each element in terms of steps listed in #3.

Your descriptions should be complete sentences

and this is homework assignment #4

This is an independent assignment; please do this assignment by yourself.Read the assignment carefully and complete each part outlined in the bulleted list. Your descriptions should be in complete sentences.Your assignment should be typed and your pages should be stapled.

Due Date: Nov 5th

1.Review your previous homework assignment #3 and make the adjustments or changes I wrote on your assignment.

2.Identify four (4) elements/actions are involved in your assigned occupation (i.e., job). Some of you have already identified 4 elements in your previous assignment. Describe each element in terms of steps required to complete the task.

Example Occupational Job Task:Carpenter who builds tables out of wood

Step A:Move wood from the shelves of the warehouse to the workstation where the table will be built

Step B:Measure the wood to match the dimensions of the table that will be built

Step C:Cut the wood with a tool

Step D:Get the other materials needed to build the table, etc.

3.Describe the environment where each of the tasks are done (e.g., inside of a factory or office building OR outside in the forest or farm land).Your descriptions should be as detailed as possible.

4.Describe the equipment and furniture of the workstation(s) used for each element

5.Describe the tools and materials used in each element

4 total of pages, 2 pages each homework


Film Criticism – Barack’s Biography Writing Assignment Help

My primary aim in this assignment is to get you used to looking at a text from a rhetorical perspective. I am interested in seeing how you respond to a rhetorical event. Your assignment is to write a short (3-5 page) criticism of the film. You may take whatever perspective toward the film you wish. You may find it helpful to look at some published criticism. Remember, however, that I am much more interested in seeing how you respond to the film, and how you present that response, than I am in testing your knowledge of rhetorical theory. You may consider some or all of the following issues, but you are certainly not limited to them:

1) How does the film respond to a particular exigence (or need)?

2) What was/is the purpose of the film?

3) How are artistic effects used to enhance the message of the film?

4) Was the film effective as a means of persuasion?

5) What images does the film use?

6) Does the film contain/advance a particular vision of American society?

7) Does the film evoke other texts in American culture?

8) What does the film tell us about politics and elections in America?

9) How do the filmmakers use symbols?

10) Does the film tell a story? Do you find the story realistic? Believable?

11) What is the image of the candidate that is developed in the film?

As always, papers should be typed, double-spaced. Pay special attention to the mechanics

and form of your paper.

The film (A Mother’s Promise: Barack’s Biography)


Schizophrenia Safety Plan Humanities Assignment Help

Read the Topic 5 Ted Case Study.

Create a 1,200-1,500-word safety plan for a client similar to Ted, who had been diagnosed with schizophrenia that addresses potential depression and suicidality.

Include the following in your safety plan:

  1. What symptoms would a client with schizophrenia exhibit? What symptoms did Ted display?
  2. How would you have addressed Ted’s symptoms related to delusions, hallucinations, and depression?
  3. What other diagnosis might Ted have been misdiagnosed with and why?
  4. Describe which theories would have been most effective and which theories would have been least effective for treating Ted’s schizophrenia. Explain your rationale.
  5. Describe treatment options for addressing all of Ted’s symptoms.
  6. Explain how a client’s religious or spiritual beliefs come into play during the process of dealing with depression and suicide.
  7. Include at least five scholarly references in addition to the textbook in your paper.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.


Less than Satisfactory




70.0 %Content

10.0 %Schizophrenia Symptoms

Explanation of the symptoms a client with schizophrenia would exhibit and what symptoms Ted displays in the case study is not present or discernable to the reader.

Explanation of the symptoms a client with schizophrenia would exhibit and what symptoms Ted displays in the case study is incomplete or contains some flaws, though the content provided is generally accurate.

Explanation of the symptoms a client with schizophrenia would exhibit and what symptoms Ted displays in the case study is complete and accurate.

Explanation of the symptoms a client with schizophrenia would exhibit and what symptoms Ted displays in the case study is thorough and well-reasoned.

Explanation of the symptoms a client with schizophrenia would exhibit and what symptoms Ted displays in the case study is complete, accurate, well-reasoned, and fully supported. Student illustrates advanced understanding of the symptoms.

10.0 %Ted’s Symptoms Related to Delusions, Hallucinations, and Depression

Explanation of the relationship between symptoms related to delusions, hallucinations, and depression that Ted exhibits in the case study is not present or not discernible to the reader.

Explanation of the relationship between symptoms related to delusions, hallucinations, and depression that Ted exhibits in the case study is incomplete or contains some flaws, though the content provided is generally accurate.

Explanation of the relationship between symptoms related to delusions, hallucinations, and depression that Ted exhibits in the case study is complete and accurate.

Explanation of the relationship between symptoms related to delusions, hallucinations, and depression that Ted exhibits in the case study is thorough and well-reasoned.

Explanation of the relationship between symptoms related to delusions, hallucinations, and depression that Ted exhibits in the case study is complete, accurate, well-reasoned, and fully supported. Student illustrates advanced understanding of the link between the symptoms.

10.0 %Possible Misdiagnosis with Ted

Explanation of what other diagnosis Ted might be misdiagnosed with and why is not present or not discernible to the reader.

Explanation of what other diagnosis Ted might be misdiagnosed with and why is incomplete or contains some flaws, though the content provided is generally accurate.

Explanation of what other diagnosis Ted might be misdiagnosed with and why is complete and accurate.

Explanation of what other diagnosis Ted might be misdiagnosed with and why is thorough and well-reasoned.

Explanation of what other diagnosis Ted might be misdiagnosed with and why is complete, accurate, well-reasoned, and fully supported. Student illustrates advanced understanding of how a client may be misdiagnosed.

15.0 %Theories for Treating Ted’s Schizophrenia

Explanation of theories that might be most effective and least effective for treating Ted’s schizophrenia is not present or not discernible to the reader.

Explanation of theories that might be most effective and least effective for treating Ted’s schizophrenia is incomplete or contains some flaws, though the content provided is generally accurate.

Explanation of theories that might be most effective and least effective for treating Ted’s schizophrenia is complete and accurate.

Explanation of theories that might be most effective and least effective for treating Ted’s schizophrenia is thorough and well-reasoned.

Explanation of theories that might be most effective and least effective for treating Ted’s schizophrenia is complete, accurate, well-reasoned, and fully supported. Student illustrates advanced understanding of the importance of evaluating theories for treating a client’s symptoms.

15.0 %Treatment Options for Addressing All of Ted’s Symptoms C1.4: Demonstrate knowledge and skill in working with unique counseling populations.

Discussion identifying treatment options for addressing all of Ted’s symptoms is not present or not discernible to the reader.

Discussion identifying treatment options for addressing all of Ted’s symptoms is incomplete or contains some flaws, though the content provided is generally accurate.

Discussion identifying treatment options for addressing all of Ted’s symptoms is complete and accurate.

Discussion identifying treatment options for addressing all of Ted’s symptoms is thorough and well-reasoned.

Discussion identifying treatment options for addressing all of Ted’s symptoms is thorough, well-reasoned, and fully supported. Student illustrates advanced understanding of treatment options for addressing all of a client’s symptoms during the treatment process.

10.0 %Client Religious or Spiritual Beliefs with Depression and Suicide MC C3.2: Analyzes the implications of the Christian worldview as it relates to human value and dignity. MC C3.4: Examines the application of the Christian worldview within the context of discipline and vocation.

Explanation how a client?s religious or spiritual beliefs come into play during the process of dealing with depression and suicide is not present or not discernible to the reader.

Explanation how a client?s religious or spiritual beliefs come into play during the process of dealing with depression and suicide is incomplete or contains some flaws, though the content provided is generally accurate.

Explanation how a client?s religious or spiritual beliefs come into play during the process of dealing with depression and suicide is complete and accurate.

Explanation how a client?s religious or spiritual beliefs come into play during the process of dealing with depression and suicide is thorough and well-reasoned.

Explanation of how a client?s religious or spiritual beliefs come into play during the process of grief and mourning is complete, accurate, well-reasoned, and fully supported. Student illustrates advanced understanding of how a client?s religious or spiritual beliefs come into play during the process of dealing with depression and suicide.

20.0 %Organization and Effectiveness

7.0 %Thesis Development and Purpose

Paper lacks any discernible overall purpose or organizing claim.

Thesis and/or main claim are insufficiently developed and/or vague; purpose is not clear.

Thesis and/or main claim are apparent and appropriate to purpose.

Thesis and/or main claim are clear and forecast the development of the paper. It is descriptive and reflective of the arguments and appropriate to the purpose.

Thesis and/or main claim are comprehensive. The essence of the paper is contained within the thesis. Thesis statement makes the purpose of the paper clear.

8.0 %Argument Logic and Construction

Statement of purpose is not justified by the conclusion. The conclusion does not support the claim made. Argument is incoherent and uses noncredible sources.

Sufficient justification of claims is lacking. Argument lacks consistent unity. There are obvious flaws in the logic. Some sources have questionable credibility.

Argument is orderly, but may have a few inconsistencies. The argument presents minimal justification of claims. Argument logically, but not thoroughly, supports the purpose. Sources used are credible. Introduction and conclusion bracket the thesis.

Argument shows logical progressions. Techniques of argumentation are evident. There is a smooth progression of claims from introduction to conclusion. Most sources are authoritative.

Clear and convincing argument that presents a persuasive claim in a distinctive and compelling manner. All sources are authoritative.

5.0 %Mechanics of Writing (includes spelling, punctuation, grammar, language use)

Surface errors are pervasive enough that they impede communication of meaning. Inappropriate word choice and/or sentence construction are used.

Frequent and repetitive mechanical errors distract the reader. Inconsistencies in language choice (register) and/or word choice are present. Sentence structure is correct but not varied.

Some mechanical errors or typos are present, but are not overly distracting to the reader. Correct and varied sentence structure and audience-appropriate language are employed.

Prose is largely free of mechanical errors, although a few may be present. The writer uses a variety of effective sentence structures and figures of speech.

Writer is clearly in command of standard, written, academic English.

10.0 %Format

5.0 %Paper Format (Use of appropriate style for the major and assignment)

Template is not used appropriately or documentation format is rarely followed correctly.

Appropriate template is used, but some elements are missing or mistaken. A lack of control with formatting is apparent.

Appropriate template is used. Formatting is correct, although some minor errors may be present.

Appropriate template is fully used. There are virtually no errors in formatting style.

All format elements are correct.

5.0 %Research Citations (In-text citations for paraphrasing and direct quotes, and reference page listing and formatting, as appropriate to assignment and style, and meeting assignment requirements)

No reference page is included. No citations are used.

Reference page is present. Citations are inconsistently used.

Reference page is included and lists sources used in the paper. Sources are appropriately documented, although some errors may be present.

Reference page is present and fully inclusive of all cited sources. Documentation is appropriate and citation style is usually correct.

In-text citations and a reference page are complete and correct. The documentation of cited sources is free of error.

100 %Total Weightage



Team Project section 2 Writing Assignment Help

Just follow the Section 1 I attached and write section 2. Need to read both assignments I attached.

Section 2: Menu Development (15 Points)

A sample menu with prices must be provided in this section. The minimum number of items for each operation type is listed below.

Menu Item



Private Club


Food Court













N/A Beverages

A Beverages











Hot Food






Cold Food






  • List each menu item for the type of operation you have chosen (based on research).
  • List projected prices for each specific menu item.
  • List estimated expense prepare each item
  • Explain your rationale for choosing the price for each item listed on your menu. Why is each item priced the way it is?

Examples for your use:Unit cost to prepare / Price per item

  • Concessions – Snacks – Cracker Jacks$0.50$2.50
  • Restaurant – Appetizers – Shrimp Cocktail $3.00$12.00
  • Private Club – Soda – 16 oz. (Pepsi of Coke)$ 0.50$2.50
  • Private Club – Beverages – 12 oz. Imported Beer$1.00$10.00
  • Luxury Suites – Hot Food – Classic Cheese Pizza$4.00$5.00
  • Food Court – Cold Food – Chicken Caesar Salad$4.50$12.00

Team Project section 2 Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Literary Analysis Research Paper (30% of my grade!) Writing Assignment Help

Tutor must feel extremely confident in their ability to write a well, in-depth 2000 word research analysis on a Drama (or 2 dramas if it helps shape your thesis) of the 3 we’ve read in class: The 3 Dramas we have read are “Trifles” by Susan Glaspell “A Doll House” by Henrik Ibsen and “Fences” by August Wilson.


1st I need to turn in a research proposal this is due on the second of November take your time and use the outline provided

the last picture has what’s expected in the proposal which I will need before the second

last page also has annotated bibliography/ preliminary research requirements and due dates

some important pointers


do not use a quotation as your opening sentence


quotations back your thesis or used to create educated argument against sources point.

MLA format & work cited page the book we use that should be “primary source” is the “Norton introduction to literature” (green book) by Kelly j mays

please take your time and update when you can its due the 30th all together its 30% of my grade so please treat it like so

thank you


english Humanities Assignment Help

Question 1

Agree or disagree with the statement below. Support your agreement or disagreement with evidence and development.

(8 points per question; 4 points for EVIDENCE, 4 points for DEVELOPMENT).

The poem Sir Gawain and the Green Knight meets the expectations of the romance genre.

Question 2

Agree or disagree with the statement below.. Support your agreement or disagreement with evidence and development.

(8 points per question; 4 points for EVIDENCE, 4 points for DEVELOPMENT).

The Black Death is not an important context for understanding the Pardoner’s Prologue and Tale.

Question 3

Answer the given prompt, incorporating a claim, direct quotations from the passage, and development into your answer.

(8 points per question; 4 points for the CLAIM sentence, 4 points for DEVELOPMENT).

Why is the following passage a typologically important one for interpreting Beowulf?

And they set a gold standard up

high above his head and let him drift

to wind and tide, bewailing him

and mourning their loss. No man can tell,

no wise man in hall or weathered veteran

knows for certain who salvaged that load. (47-52)

Question 4

Answer the given prompt, incorporating a claim, direct quotations from the passage, and development into your answer.

(8 points per question; 4 points for the CLAIM sentence, 4 points for DEVELOPMENT).

How does the following passage show Arthur’s conflicted character?

His blood was busy and he buzzed with thoughts,

and the matter which played on his mind at that moment

was his pledge to take no portion from his plate

on such a special day until a story was told:

some far-fetched yarn or outrageous fable,

like the action-packed epics of men-at-arms.

Or till some chancer had challenged his chosen knight,

dared him, with a lance, to lay life on the line,

to stare death face-to-face and accept defeat

should fortune or fate smile more favorably on his foe. (89-98)

Question 5

Respond to the prompt below with a sentence bundle (a claim, evidence, and development).

(18 points per passage; 6 points for CLAIM, 6 points for EVIDENCE, 6 points for DEVELOPMENT)

Women in Beowulf vs. Women in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight


Need help to complete Discussion board on Systems Approach and Motivation Business Finance Assignment Help

*** No Plagiarism Acceptable ****

Systems Approach & Motivation

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Need, job rotation, idiosyncratic deals, and Adams’ Equity theory all have a component in common – motivation. This component should be understood by anyone in the management ranks.

1) Review at least five motivational theories.

2) Consider how you would utilize motivation strategies in your organization to drive performance.

3) As part of your discussion post, include the following:

* Definition of a systems approach. (Use in-text citation quotation marks)

* Discussion of how, by considering the organization as a system, these strategies impact your approach.


* The main post must be 3 to 5 substantive paragraphs 250-300 total words and include at least 4 APA-formatted citations/references.

* The final paragraph (three or four sentences) of your initial post should summarize the one or two key points that you are making in your initial response.

* Must include all the references and in-text citations. (Few references must be peer reviewed empirical journal articles).

* Also need help on two subsequent replies to colleagues. Each reply should consist of a relevant paragraph containing 100 words or more.


Film class Humanities Assignment Help

In module 8 we shift from thinking about society as an external reality that is shaped by forces much bigger than we are to the very important question – “who am I” and “who do I want to be”? In one of his sermons, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. offers three criteria for living an authentic life. Thankfully, we are also able to hear Dr. King speak in his own voice.

With an idea of what a complete life means according to Dr. King, we return to The Hunger Games series to see if any of the characters in Catching Fire (2013) are living a complete life, despite the larger social chaos that surrounds them.

Discussion Worksheet

Module Theme:

Identify 2-3 philosophical questions or problems:

Pick one philosophical question or problem to address:

Identify 3-4 relevant terms, concepts, or principles from the assigned materials:

Identify 2-3 possible conclusions using the terms, concepts, or principles from the readings:

Final Thoughts:


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