SLU Week 3 Psychopharmacological and Behavioral Treatments for Anxiety Disorders Writing Assignment Help. SLU Week 3 Psychopharmacological and Behavioral Treatments for Anxiety Disorders Writing Assignment Help.
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Based on your learning in Hooley et al. (2017), select one of the following three for your week three discussion essay must be 500 words
1. Superstitious behavior is common. You may have your own superstition (e.g., a lucky pencil for taking an exam) or you may know of someone who is superstitious (this is particularly common among professional athletes and performers). What do superstitious behaviors and compulsions have in common? How are they different? Why don’t they extinguish? How do “popular” superstitions spread to many people?
2. Compare and contrast behavioral and psychopharmacological treatments for anxiety disorders. Which approach has the higher empirically demonstrated success, according to Hooley et al. (2017)?
3. Describe the diagnostic criteria for OCD and discuss the treatment approach using exposure and response-prevention, according to Hooley et al. (2017). Provide a case example from the text or other scholarly source. Recall that a website is not a scholarly source unless it has a .gov address. Scholarly sources refer to peer reviewed journal articles located in the library.
SLU Week 3 Psychopharmacological and Behavioral Treatments for Anxiety Disorders Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
CSUEast Bay Discovering the Remains of German and Russian Soldiers at Stalingrad Essay Writing Assignment Help
All students will complete a five-page (double-spaced) final research paper for the course. Students are free to choose whether to write about a bioarchaeology OR paleoanthropology topic. Resources and themes for both areas of study are found below.
Students choosing to write a bioarchaeology research paper will focus on a particular time period, culture, and site. A comparison of sites is also acceptable. There are myriad cultures that left behind material culture, but remember that the paper must focus on bioarchaeology or the analysis of human skeletal remains. A detailed description of skeletal remains, size of the burial site(s), time period, associated grave goods, and general understanding of the life experience of the past populations should be included. The focus of the paper is up to the student (e.g. status/wealth, male vs. female experience, elites and commoners, children, health, diet, migration, etc.). The best papers will include:
- Dates and detailed description of the site
- Detailed description of the burials
- Critical analysis of mortuary behavior (e.g. How and why did the living choose to bury the dead in a particular fashion? Was there social difference in death? Etc.)
- Description of grave goods and meaning of the goods if relevant
- Summary of cultural attitudes toward these particular individuals or population
Bioarchaeology resources
This is not an exhaustive list! Students will be required to do research on their own to find appropriate academic websites, journal articles, and books. There are many sources online and it is up to each student to determine the validity of the source. Please message the instructor if you are having trouble locating appropriate sources.
Journals (available online through LCC):
Bioarchaeology International
Archaeology Ireland
Archaeology International
Archaeology Oceania
Anthropology and Archaeology of Eurasia
Books (available through LCC):
Across the Alps in Prehistory: Isotopic Mapping of the Brenner Passage
The Bioarchaeology of Dissection and Autopsy in the United States (e-book)
Bioarchaeology of Impairment and Disability (e-book)
The Bioarchaeology of Social Control
Bioarchaeology of Socio-Sexual Lives (e-book)
Bioarchaeology of Women and Children in Times of War (e-book)
New Developments in the Bioarchaeology of Care (e-book)
Exploring Sex and Gender in Bioarchaeology
Children and Childhood in Bioarchaeology
Colonized Bodies, Worlds Transformed (e-book)
An Archaeology of Prehistoric Bodies and Embodied Identities in the Eastern Mediterranean
Bones of Complexity: Bioarchaeological Case Studies
These Bones of Mine
Bone Broke
Powered by Osteons
Grave Thoughts
Students choosing to write a paleoanthropology paper will focus on a particular hominid fossil(s) and site of discovery. A review of the fossil(s) should include a detailed description of the anatomy, comparative fossils from the site (or in the region), and any stand-out features that were crucial to the understanding of the fossil and its place in an evolutionary timeline. Each paper should include details on timelines (including disputed timelines if relevant), cultural and social reactions to the find (if relevant), and a description of the excavation at the site. The region should be described as well. The most successful papers will also include the following:
- Dates of the fossil
- Discussion of the excavation (including where the fossil is currently housed)
- Critical analysis of the fossil in the evolutionary “tree” (Where does it fit and why?)
- Detailed description of the skeletal anatomy of the fossil
- Detailed description of the comparative anatomy of the fossil (What is the closest ancestor? How do paleoanthropologists determine this?)
Paleoanthropology resources
This is not an exhaustive list! Students will be required to do research on their own to find appropriate academic websites, journal articles, and books. There are many sources online and it is up to each student to determine the validity of the source. Please message the instructor if you are having trouble locating appropriate sources.
Journals (available online through LCC):
Physiological Anthropology
Books (available through LCC):
A Companion to Paleoanthropology (e-book)
Anthropology Without Informants: Collected Works in Paleoanthropology (e-book)
The History of Our Tribe (e-book)
New Perspectives in Southeast Asian and Pacific Prehistory (e-book)
The Strange Case of the Rickey Cossack and Other Cautionary Tales From Human Evolution
High Resolution Archaeology and Neanderthal Behavior (e-book)
Modern Origins (e-book)
Born in Africa: The Quest for the Origins of Human Life (e-book)
The Fossil Chronicles (e-book)
The Last Human: A Guide to 22 Species of Extinct Humans
The Great Paleolithic War
The Human Evolution Blog
Talk Origins (the Human Evolution Evidence tab has many fossils listed!)
Becoming Human
GRADING: 100 points
- Title page with name, class, date, and title = 5 points
- Body of paper with relevant content = 65 points
- Proper citations within the body of the paper = 10 points
- Proper citations on separate Works Cited page = 10 points
- Proper page length = 10 points
- Five-page research paper with sources cited if you used any (this means five FULL pages – no creative spacing! Fill every page to get full credit!)
- 12 pt. Times New Roman font
- 1 inch margins
- Double spacing
- Put your name and title in a header or on a title page
- Citations properly cited in the text
- SEPARATE Works Cited/References page with citations properly cited
- At least five scholarly sources
- SEPARATE title page with name, class, and title information
- Numbered pages
Liberty University interpersonal Communication DB3 Discussion Writing Assignment Help
You will reply to the threads of at least 2 classmates (200–250 words each).
In your replies, extend the discussion by analyzing and building upon your classmates’ ideas. Replies must demonstrate course-related knowledge and assertions be supported by references in current APA format. Use first person and single-spaced formatting and indent new paragraphs. Your Replies must be well written, well organized, and focused.
- T H posted
Discussion Board 3
Perception is an important concept that is a large part of communication. Perception can be defined as “a social and cognitive process in which people assign meaning to sensory cues” (Stewart, et al., 2005, p. 163). There are three basic subprocesses of perception, which are selection, organizing, and inferring. Selection refers to the decision to pay attention to certain cues. These cues used in the process of selection are not always responses to things that we see and hear, but also to past experiences and judgements that we have of others (Stewart, et al., 2005, p. 165). Organizing involves arranging and rearranging the cues that you have selected and making predictions and assumptions of patterns of behavior based on the cues processed through selection (Stewart, et al., 2005, p. 166). The third and final subprocess of perception is inferring, which involves making judgements based on your selected clues and the organizations that you apply to them (Stewart, et al., 2005, p. 166).
After these three subprocesses have been accomplished, we can begin to form meaning from our experiences and perceptions. When perception is used in a positive way, it contributes to impression formations that are fluid and that utilize more categories of perceptions. This allows us to make communication more person centered, whereas if we have a more fixed state of mind when it comes to perceptions we become more position centered (Stewart, et al., 2005, p. 171). Another way that we can apply meaning to our perceptions is through attribution. Positive attributions focus on possible external factors leading to a person’s behavior, while negative attributions attribute the behavior a person shows to character traits of the person, which are also known as internal factors (Stewart, et al., 2005, p. 172). Another aspect that perceptions can contribute to both positively and negatively is stereotypes. A stereotype is a preconceived notion that we have for someone, and these stereotypes can be either positive or negative as well as varying in intensity (Stewart, et al., 2006, p. 173).
As we can see, perception plays a big role in how we communicate with those around us. Positive perceptions allow us to be more open-minded towards the individual that we are communicating with, while negative perceptions close off avenues of communication that could be available. It is important to recognize and regulate our perceptions of other people in order to have positive communication experiences with them.
Stewart, J., Zediker, K., & Witteborn, S. (2005). Inhaling: Perception. In J. Stewart, Bridges not walls: A book about interpersonal communication (11th ed., pp. 162-178). McGraw-Hill.
2. R R-T Posted
Forum 3 (Module 3) Mindful Listening
Mindful Listening
Mindfulness is a technique that I have been practicing daily for a while. Living in the moment and taking in everything from that moment while using my five senses to do so is part of mindfulness. I started doing this with my morning cup of coffee, hearing it brew, feeling the warm cup in my hands, and smelling the sweetness of my favorite creamer, tasting the freshness of the new batch of coffee, and seeing it in my favorite cup. I started to incorporate this into other things within my daily life. I find this positive for my soul and well-being. As far as mindful listening, this is more of a challenge for me as well as a newer concept. Mindful listening involves more than self with less peace and quiet. Even though this concept is existing within me (Stewart, 2012. p. 187), I need to let it come out more. When I think of mindfulness, I think of solitude. Mindful listening has nothing to do with solitude. It has to do with focusing on that moment of conversation with someone and getting the full affects of what is being shared.
Mindful listening is important for the listener to be informed on all magnitudes (Stewart, 2012. p. 190), of the interaction. This action helps create a more informative and open-ended conversation. This is necessary during conversations to become more than just dialogue. As our textbook describes inhaling and exhaling as “organic” (Stewart, 2012. p. 158), our conversations with one another should become alive. Mindful listening can help us better create an aura during our time of connection with others that is worth remembering. When I think of conversations with others, I cannot think of many interactions that have had a wow factor on me personally, but I can relate to moments of connection. I feel the better one gets with mindful listening; the more wow moments will be experienced.
The fact that most humans seek to bond on a unique level with others, (Petersen, 2015. p. 13.) relationship is important. Therefore, proper communication with one another is essential. Mindful listening is just one of the aspects that can be practiced during conversations with each other.
Stewart, J. (2012). Bridges not walls: A book about interpersonal communication (11th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education. ISBN: 9780073534312.
Petersen, J. C. (2015). Why don’t we listen better? Communicating and connecting in relationships (2nd ed.). Portland, OR: Petersen Publications. ISBN: 9780979155956.
MSU WK2 Merits and Demerits of Crystal Productions Internal Policy Promotion HW Writing Assignment Help
Assignment Content
BUS 3061 Capella University Basic Accounting Equation Effects Business Finance Assignment Help
Part 1: Basic Accounting Equation Effects
Count everything, or almost everything. Just about every event that happens in a business results in changes to the assets, liabilities, or equities. For this reason, it is critical for the accountant to analyze how every business event affects the basic accounting equation, and how every event must be managed. Part 1 of the assessment is a good test of your critical thinking skills as you apply them to the components of the accounting cycle, in particular the basic accounting equation for the balance sheet.
Given below is a list of 15 business transactions. Using Part 1 of the Assessment 1 Template, indicate whether each transaction increased (+), decreased (–), or had no effect (NE) on assets, liabilities, and owner’s equity.
- Purchased supplies on account.
- Received cash for providing a service.
- Paid expenses in cash.
- Received an investment of cash from the owner.
- Experienced a cash withdrawal by the owner.
- Received cash from a customer who had previously been billed for services provided.
- Paid cash to purchase equipment.
- Paid employee salaries.
- Paid a creditor from whom the business had previously purchased supplies on account.
- Sold new shares of stock.
- Paid cash for monthly rent on the office space.
- Paid cash for monthly utility bills.
- Performed services on account.
- Made a payment on a loan received from the bank.
- Purchased for cash merchandise that will be later resold for profit.
Part 2: Missing Accounting Equation Data
The accounting equation requires that it always be kept in balance after a business transaction has been processed. This requires the accountant to have applied knowledge of all parts of the equation and to be able to critically analyze when the equation is not in balance. Part 2 of the assessment provides you an opportunity to apply your accounting equation intelligence quotient.
Using your knowledge about the accounting equation, answer the following questions in Part 2 of the Assessment 1 Template. Be sure to show your calculations.
- The liabilities of the Smith Company are $120,000 and its owner’s equity is $232,000. What is the amount of the company’s total assets?
- The total assets of the Jones Company are $190,000 and its owner’s equity is $91,000. What is the amount of the company’s total liabilities?
- The total assets of the Greene Company are $800,000 and its liabilities are equal to one-half of its total assets. What is the amount of the company’s owner’s equity?
- Beginning the new year, the Orange Company had total assets of $800,000 and total liabilities of $300,000. If total assets increased by $150,000 during the year and total liabilities decreased by $80,000, what is the owner’s equity total at the end of the year?
- Beginning the new year, the Orange Company had total assets of $800,000 and total liabilities of $300,000. If, during the year, the Orange Company’s total liabilities increased by $100,000 and its owner’s equity decreased by $70,000, what is the company’s ending amount of total assets?
- Beginning the new year, the Orange Company had total assets of $800,000 and total liabilities of $300,000. If total assets decreased by $80,000 and its owner’s equity increased by $120,000 during the year, what is the company’s year-end total liabilities amount.
Part 3: Accounting Conventions and Principles
Accounting conventions represent the principles, assumptions, and rules that guide an accountant as he or she analyzes the effects of business events on the accounting cycle and applies them to various cycle procedures. Part 3 of the assessment requires you to determine which of these conventions apply to a given business scenario to enhance your understanding of the foundation of accounting procedures and processes.
Using Part 3 of the Assessment 1 Template, identify the applicable accounting convention for each of the following business scenarios. More than one convention may apply to each scenario. Explain your choices for each scenario.
Before completing the scenarios consider and describe what role ethics has throughout the accounting process and reporting to internal and external customers. Throughout your assessments ensure that you apply ethics to your decision making and reporting.
- Scenario 1: The Acme Company is undergoing a reorganization to improve its financial structure. As part of this process, the company is considering lowering its expense calculations to improve the bottom line net income.
- Scenario 2: Regal Enterprises has purchased $45,000 worth new equipment for use in its manufacturing operations and would like to write off the cost of this equipment in just a couple of years, instead of the usual 10 years for this equipment type. The company’s president fears that the economic conditions in its industry will worsen and cause the company to sell the equipment sooner than expected.
- Scenario 3: Bozrah Industries, a small independent retailer, wants to change its accounting system from cash-based to accrual-based, and is concerned about how this change will affect the recording of sales and expenses.
- Scenario 4: Randolph, Inc., has experienced major turnover in its accounting department, and the new head of accounting has been going through the current records of transactions. A couple of those transactions appear problematic. The first contains an error of $10,000 that the previous accountant decided was not large enough to adjust before the financial statements were prepared. This error would understate income and make the company look more profitable than it actually is.
- Scenario 5: The Morrison Company receives much of its revenue from those customers who buy or rent furniture and appliances on the installment plan. Because the company uses an accrual-based accounting system, revenue is recognized at the point of sale, even though cash comes in on a monthly basis from customers. Lately, the company’s accountant is questioning the use of the accrual basis for recognizing revenue, because several customers have defaulted on their contracts, causing problems in the accounting system.
- Scenario 6: Charter Communications has recently found itself at the wrong end of multiple lawsuits for failure to provide necessary services according to their contractual obligations. Senior management does not want to disclose the potential liability of these lawsuits on its financial statements.
Northcentral Kohlberg Theory of Moral Development in Healthcare Case Paper Writing Assignment Help
Assignment Overview:
This Case Assignment involves an in-depth analysis of Kohlberg’s theory of moral development, which is a stage-based model of moral maturity to:
- Understand the impact theory can have on educational and/or health science research.
- Investigate, analyze, and critique theory and/or theoretical perspective(s) in a study.
Before beginning this assignment, please examine the required reading materials in the background and view the following videos:
Episode 149: Kohlberg’s Stages of Moral Development | YouTube (Alanis Business Academy, 2013)
Kohlberg, Gilligan & Moral Development | YouTube (Rosalyn Martinez, 2014)
Assignment Instructions:
Write a 5-page paper in which you:
Part I
Examine and discuss Kohlberg’s theory of moral development and discuss the following:
- How does Kohlberg define moral development and moral maturity?
- From a historical perspective, how did his theory change over time? What are some of the criticisms of his theory?
- How can Kohlberg’s theory be used in educational and/or health science research today?
- Address any insights on the role of theory in research gained from the readings.
Part II
Identify and read a study of choice that looks at Kohlberg’s theory of moral development related to health science discipline.
- Identify and explain the authors’ stated or implied purpose.
- Investigate and critically analyze the studies’ use of Kohlberg’s theory of moral development and/or theoretical perspectives.
Do the findings/results of this study support Kohlberg’s theory of moral development? If so, how? If not, why?
Paper should be written in APA format; sixth addition
Northcentral Kohlberg Theory of Moral Development in Healthcare Case Paper Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
CSS 142 University of Washington Seattle Campus Mario Boards Revision Methods Programming Assignment Help
Hello i wanted someone to revision and make this program less complex and i have uploaded the file and also what the homework should look like 2 files are what i have done and the other is what the homework needs.
And a final checklist of things to look at before you submit your work:
- Remember you are turning in two files! (See the assignment description for details.) Please make sure any images are oriented so they are upright when opened.
- Compile and execute your code before you submit the “.java” file. If it doesn’t work, something is wrong.
- Check the extensions of the files you are submitting. The list of file types you can submit are given below.
- Make sure both files start with “LastFirst”, i.e., your lastname then your firstname, with the first letter of each capitalized. If you do not do this, I cannot guarantee I’ll be able to properly credit you with creating a working program.
- Limit the width of your code to 80 characters. This makes it easier for me to read.
- Define variables
. What data type should they be? How might you use these variables? - Make methods in your code. These methods can all be part of the class that has the
method. - You shouldn’t need to use looping or branching, though, of course, you could if you wanted to. Unless you are already pretty comfortable with those constructs, I’d stick to doing this the more straightforward way.
- If you’re using the BlueJ IDE, here is a quick review (Links to an external site.) of how to make it work:
- Pay attention to the last sentence in that review that tells you how to clear the screen each time before you run your
method. Otherwise, successive screen writes will add onto previous writes. - In the same Options menu that controls clearing the screen, also select “Unlimited Buffering”. Otherwise, if your boards are long, all of them will not show on the screen.
- Use Tab and Shift-Tab to quickly indent and deindent blocks of code
- Pay attention to the last sentence in that review that tells you how to clear the screen each time before you run your
RSCH 8110 Northcentral Stigma Behind BME Groups and Mental Health Paper Writing Assignment Help
Connecting the Topic Research Questions to the Literature Review
Mining Existing Literature Reviews: Empirical Studies & Ph.D. Dissertations
The literature reviews of existing empirical studies and Ph.D. dissertations can readily be mined for information regarding who is publishing in a given field about a topic and what themes, theories, and questions are being explored. In the literature review, themes are the common ideas being discussed across the literature on a given topic. In the literature, theories (quantitative) are “an interrelated set of constructs (or variables) formed into propositions that specify the relationship among variables (typically in terms of magnitude or direction” (Creswell, 2009).
In this assignment, you will evaluate scholarly work to guide the search for information on the intended dissertation topic and/or research questions.
- State the topic (The Stigma behind BME groups and Mental Health), working title, problem, purpose, and research questions.
- Locate three pieces of scholarly literature (2 empirical articles and 1 Ph.D. dissertation) on topics or research questions related to the research study.
- Write a brief summary 2-3-page paper that:
- Outlines the topic, working title, problem, purpose, and research questions.
- Addresses the following questions about the literature reviewed:
- What common themes (at least 3-5 themes) are observed in the content of the 3 studies? How do these themes relate to the proposed dissertation topic or research questions?
- What common theories (at least 2-4) are observed in the content of the 3 studies? How do these theories the proposed dissertation topic or research questions?
Johns Hopkins University Week 2 Net Present Value and Statement Connections Writing Assignment Help
Week 2 Project Deliverable 1 Submission
Project Deliverable 1: Project Plan Inception
This assignment consists of two (2) sections: a project introduction and a Gantt chart or project plan. You must submit both sections as separate files for the completion of this assignment. Label each file name according to the section of the assignment for which it is written. Additionally, you may create and / or assume all necessary assumptions needed for the completion of this assignment.
You have been made the Chief Information Officer and Chief Technology Officer (CIO / CTO) of an innovative e-Commerce start-up company that a venture capital group has funded. The CEO has given you sixty (60) days to deliver an information technology project plan in anticipation of the company locating to a new facility. Since this is a start-up company, there is currently no building or technology infrastructure to support the business. All information technology (hardware and software) must be implemented in either a hosted solution, on-site solution or a hybrid model. The CEO is expecting you to integrate different technologies from different partners and incorporate industry best practices in connection with the development of technological systems. The new facility is a two-story stand-alone building. The company currently consists of ten (10) employees with revenues of $5 million but is expected to grow to thirty (30) employees with revenue of $30 million over the next two (2) years.
Section 1: Project Introduction
1.Write a two to four (2-4) page project introduction that includes the following:
a.Background information of the company.
b.The type of business in which the company is involved.
c.A description of the information systems that the company should have to support the business. The description should include the following:
i.databases analysis
iv.networking infrastructure
vi.human computer interaction
vii.Web design
d.The use of at least two (2) quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
- This course requires use of Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The format is different than other Strayer University courses. Please take a moment to review the SWS documentation for details.
- Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.
Section 2: Gantt Chart / Project Plan
Use Microsoft Project or an open source alternative, such as Open Project, to:
2.Create a Gantt chart or project plan (summary and detailed) template. The Gantt chart or project plan should:
a.Record all tasks, subtasks, resources, and time related to the project.
b.Outline the planning, analysis, design, and implementation phases.
c.Develop in accordance with the systems development life cycle (SDLC).
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
- Describe the various integrative functions and processes within the information systems area, including databases, systems analysis, security, networking, computer infrastructure, human computer interaction, and Web design.
- Demonstrate the ability to evaluate organizational issues with integrative technological solutions.
- Use technology and information resources to research issues in information technology.
- Write clearly and concisely about strategic issues and practices in the information technology domain using proper writing mechanics and technical style conventions.
California State University Fresno Setting Strategic Direction Business Finance Assignment Help
You have recently graduated from Fresno State and have decided to take a more entrepreneurial route. An unknown distant relative has surprisingly bequeathed you with 10 million dollars payable on the condition that you use the money to help transform downtown Fresno. You have already secured the money but now must decide what type of organization to build. The possibilities are endless. Your task is to decide on a venture and set the strategic direction of the organization. Come up with an organization that will both be profitable and help revitalize downtown Fresno. (Hint: Don’t spend too much time coming up with your organization, vision, values and goals are much more important).
Directions: Upload a .pdf or .doc file answering the questions below. Answer can be succinctly answered in a page or less, 2 page maximum.
- What is your organization?
- What is your vision?
- What are the values of your organization?
- What major strategies/objectives will you develop to realize your vision and encompass the values of the organization?
- What tactics/action plans will you employ to realize your strategy?