SNHU Special Education and Learning Disabilities Response Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

SNHU Special Education and Learning Disabilities Response Discussion Humanities Assignment Help. SNHU Special Education and Learning Disabilities Response Discussion Humanities Assignment Help.

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This week you chose a topic that you will focus on for the remainder of the course and will be looking at through each of the lenses in this module. The topic is special education and learning disabilities. In your initial post, identify which of the topics you chose, discuss why you chose that topic, and share two questions that you developed in your KWL chart for your chosen topic. I attached the chart.

In your responses to your peers, locate two peers who chose the same topic you did. Discuss the questions they shared in their initial post. Discuss your mutual interest and potential next steps to continue investigating the topic and seeking out answers to their unanswered questions.

Be sure to credit any sources you use to support your answer, including articles posted in the course.

To complete this assignment, review the Discussion Rubric PDF document.

Reply 1: Kaitlin Dustman

The topic that I have decided to focus on is Special Education and Learning Disabilities. This is a topic that I have chosen for a couple of reasons, the first one being that my sister in law works in the school systems with children that have learning disabilities and helps teach special education to youth. I feel like this will help me better understand the career she has chosen and prides herself on. I also am a firm believer that there is no right or wrong way to learn information, everyone has things that help them learn and things that cause a bit more of a struggle. Personally I know that I thrive with visual learning. For people with learning disabilities it is just finding the way that is easiest for them to learn that works best for them. I think it is very important that everyone, especially those that are within the community of special needs or those with learning disabilities have easy accessibility and equal opportunities in education. I am looking forward to exploring this topic more so that I can continue to expand my knowledge on the topic and have a better understanding of it, especially through the different lenses of liberal arts. Two of the questions that have developed in my chart are, what programs are set up in school systems that are designed to assist those with learning disabilities and those that need special education? And how personalized are these programs created to the needs of each individual?

Reply 2: Lisa Griffitts

Hi everyone,

I chose my topic to be special education and learning disabilities. I chose this topic because my daughter has ADHD which is having difficulty paying attention and staying on task. Experts link ADHD with the structure of the brain, and there is evidence that it may have a genetic component as well. I find this to be true because her brother and father both have ADHD. I find this topic to be very interesting because even though a child has a learning disability it doesn’t mean they are not smart. They are actually bright and capable, it is just difficult for them to process words or information. There is so much more to learn about children with learning disabilities and having to take special education courses.

My questions:

1. How do you help someone with a learning disability to learn better?

2. Can learning disabilities be overcome?

SNHU Special Education and Learning Disabilities Response Discussion Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

IDS 3309 Florida International Media Literacy on Racism in Sports Paper Writing Assignment Help

This Project is a 4-part project that will require students to critically analyze and research an event that has been covered extensively in the media. The project will consist of an introduction, a case study, a final paper, and a video.

This part of the Project will require you to reflect on your project case study and what you learned so far about media literacy. Your final paper should be in APA style, will have 800 words and answer the following:

  • How did the process of researching influence your understanding as it relates to media literacy?
  • Explain how you became more media literate after researching your topic.
  • Expound on how your view shifted as it relates to media literacy after completing this project.
  • Describe how the project changed your perspective on how media outlets persuade you in viewing and reacting to their content.
  • What local and international organizations work on the issue of media literacy? Which of those work on themes related to your capstone project case? How can people get involved with them? Provide contact information and relevant projects or initiatives. Propose an idea for a specific initiative that would increase media literacy among a specific audience around the case you analyzed for your capstone project. (This section of your final paper will be used to assess the Global Engagement Outcome for Global Learning)

Make sure you DO NOT include the questions within your essay. You should be able to use your textbook as a reference to incorporate some of the new terms you learned in the course.

Directions for Project Part 3: Final Paper:

  • Word count for the body of the essay: 800. Going under or over the word count will be counted against your overall grade for the assignment.
  • Times New Roman 12pt. font double-spaced.
  • Essay can be written in first-person.
  • Submit it as a Word document.
  • Needs to be in APA style: A cover page, running header, citations within the body of the essay, and a reference page at the end.
  • Paragraphs should have proper punctuation, grammar, and structure. Practice the proper writing skills you learned in ENC 1101 & ENC 1102.
  • You will need to use your prior capstone parts and research about your topic to complete this part of the project.
  • View rubric to meet the expectations of the assignment.
  • Similarity index for the body of the essay within TurnItIn should be 25% or lower. Higher similarity indexes will receive an automatic zero

Attached is part 2 of the Project so please make sure it aligns with the topic of the second part (racism in sports).


North Hennepin Community College Vitamin D Deficiency and Rickets Research Paper Health Medical Assignment Help

Nutrition plays a vital role in a person’s overall health and well-being. Not getting enough of the recommended nutrients over the long-term can lead to malnutrition which often results in disease and illness.

In a 3-page paper, written in APA format using proper spelling/grammar, address the following:

  1. Define malnutrition and identify a specific disease that can result from it.
  2. Perform library research about the selected disease, and explain its physiological effects on a person’s body.
  3. Describe the relationship between specific foods/nutrients and the disease. Use the questions below to guide your response.
    1. Does research indicate that a lack of specific foods/nutrients increase a person’s chance of contracting the disease?
    2. Are there specific foods/nutrients that should be avoided by an individual afflicted with the disease?
    3. How do specific foods/nutrients work physiologically within the body to help combat the disease?
  4. Evaluate nutritional recommendations to help combat the disease.
  5. Cite at least 3 credible references and present the resources in APA format on the References page.

    For information about the impact of diseases on body systems and assessing the credibility of resources, consult the resources below.


Fontbonne University Health Promotion Plan Heart Disease Presentation Writing Assignment Help

Imagine that you are working in a public health setting and you are in charge of creating a health promotion plan to tackle public health challenge. Take the following steps:

  • Identify a current public health issue (excluding HIV/AIDS, obesity and youth violence). This can be any public health topic that interests you.
  • Develop a health promotion plan with at least three strategies that incorporate cultural awareness.

In this assignment, you have freedom to choose how you will share your plan. Creativity is strongly encouraged! Feel free to choose from one of the following examples or create your own:

  • Power point or Prezi presentation (preferably with voice recording, oral or video presentation) please include captions for each slide I will record what you type

You’ll need to include the following components:

  • What is your public health issue?
  • What is your imaginary role in your organization? Be creative!
  • Who is your specific target audience for your health promotion plan?
  • What are your three strategies for your health promotion plan?
  • How will you incorporate cultural awareness into your plan to ensure that it is as effective as possible (and speaks to your target audience)?

Please limit your presentations to five minutes or less.


Mesa College Wk 5 Understanding Interpersonal Communication Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, revisit and retake The Communication Quiz from Week 1 – How Good Are Your Communication Skills? Speaking, Listening, Writing, and Reading Effectively. (Links to an external site.)

An important theme throughout this course is being a competent communicator, which is the ability to choose a communication behavior that is both effective and appropriate for a given situation. For this final discussion forum, you are required to do the following:

  • Complete the assessment and compare your results from Week 1 to today.
    • How are they different, if at all, from Week 1?
  • Identify one of your communication strengths, using and citing your textbook.
  • Identify one of your communication weaknesses, using and citing your textbook.
  • Explain how working on your communication weaknesses will improve your personal relationships.
  • Explain how working on your communication weaknesses will improve your professional relationships.

For this discussion forum, your initial post should be 300 to 350 words in length. For additional advice about how to approach this discussion and resources for thinking about the value of listening and how to improve, review the documents in the “Resources” box above.

Bevan, J.L. (2020). Making connections: Understanding Interpersonal Communication (3rd ed.).Retrieved from:



Nightingale College Urinary Tract Infections & Disorder Comprising Discussion Science Assignment Help

As a learner in Pathophysiology, it’s important to take the information you are absorbing from your coursework and connect it to real life. Throughout the semester you will be invited to make connections by locating, reviewing, and summarizing current and relevant journal articles.

Use the following link to learn how to find and evaluate an online source: (Links to an external site.)

Please follow the instructions below:

1. Locate a current (medical or scientific) news or journal article based on one of the topics listed below:

  • Urinary Tract Infection, (Chapter 30, p. 753)

Note: As you read through the article, think about how it connects to Pathophysiology and why is it relevant.

2. Provide a write-up summarizing the article. Within your document, include how the information connects to Pathophysiology, and why it is relevant.

3. Aim to include 150 – 200 words in the summary.

4. Remember to cite your source(s) in APA Format!

Nightingale College Urinary Tract Infections & Disorder Comprising Discussion Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Nightingale College Urinary System and Urolithiasis Discussion Science Assignment Help

Urinary System, Urolithiasis

Assignment Instructions:

Respond to the following questions and statements using the case study below

  • List the components of the urinary tract from the renal pelvis outward.
  • Why would water facilitate the passage of kidney stones?
  • Why would water aid in the prevention of developing future kidney stones?
  • List the three stages in the formation of urine and describe each stage with regard to the structures involved and the direction substance transport.
  • The glomerular filtrate concentration of calcium (Ca+2) is about 4 mEq/L. The concentration of calcium in the urine is about 5 mEq/L. How would you explain this difference?

Case Study

Peter, a forty-three year old office worker, was struck with a very sudden and intense pain in his side and lower back. He was breathing deeply, and the pain began to recede. Eight minutes later, the pain was not as severe but Peter was still uncomfortable and called his physician. One of Peters’s colleagues drove Peter to the doctor’s office. While on the way to his appointment, Peter experienced another bout of severe pain and began to feel nauseous. The pain seemed to be spreading into his lower abdomen and groin.

After asking Peter a few questions about his symptoms, the doctor requested an abdominal x-ray, several blood tests, and urinalysis. As Peter supplied the urine sample he was disturbed to notice that the urine had a pinkish cast. The physician returned and informed Peter that he had a kidney stone which, based on its size, should pass on its own within a day or so. The doctor told Peter that he should rest at home until the stone passed, drink at least 2-3 quarts of water each day, and strain his urine in order to retrieve the stone for analysis. The doctor also gave Peter a prescription for pain medication.

Peter passed the stone the following morning and brought it to the doctor’s office. Analysis of the stone’s composition revealed that it was a calcium stone. Peter’s blood and urine tests had also shown high calcium levels. Based on this, the doctor told Peter to eat fewer foods containing calcium or oxalate and provided Peter with a list of foods to limit. He also told Peter to continue to drink at least two quarts of water each day.


SU Management in Healthcare Customer Care Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Please respond to the following:


Examine the potential mutual benefits that are afforded to health
care organizations and their respective customers populations when
health care organizations design and manage all-encompassing customer
experiences. Provide an example of such potential mutual benefits to
support your rationale.


Common industry knowledge dictates that in order to achieve desired
outcomes in quality improvement in health care organizations, the
leadership must consider multiple factors. Speculate on the main reasons
why focusing on “people” processes is a highly regarded practice for
improving the performance of health care organizations. Support your
response with at least two examples of increased value or performance in
the hospital you researched in the discussion preparation.


NSG 4055 South University Obesity Health Promotion Paper Health Medical Assignment Help

NSG4055 Illness & Disease Management across Life Span CP01

In a Microsoft Word document of 4-5 pages formatted in APA style, describe the information collected about a person with a chronic illness. Please note that the title and reference pages should not be included in the total page count of your paper.

Using the information from the interview you conducted in Week 2:

  • List the support needs of your participant beginning with the highest priority and then in descending order.
  • Provide examples of appropriate interventions of the professional caregiver, for example, the nurse.
  • Discuss how to implement objectives of Healthy People 2020 to increase wellness.
  • Discuss nursing’s role as an advocate for participant acceptance of diagnosis and treatment.
  • Discuss the impact of the environment on patient’s health.
    • Include social determinants that impact care.

Support your responses with examples and information from library resources, textbook and lectures.

On a separate references page, cite all sources using APA format. Helpful APA guides and resources are available in the South University Online Library. Below are guides that are located in the library and can be accessed and downloaded via the South University Online Citation Resources: APA Style page. The American Psychological Association website also provides detailed guidance on formatting, citations, and references at APA Style.

• APA Citation Helper
• APA Citations Quick Sheet
• APA-Style Formatting Guidelines for a Written Essay
• Basic Essay Template

Submission Details

  • Name your document SU_NSG4055_W3_Project_LastName_FirstInitial.doc.


Nightingale College Glomerular Disorders Dangerous to The Kidney Discussion Science Assignment Help

As a learner in Pathophysiology, it’s important to take the information you are absorbing from your coursework and connect it to real life. Throughout the semester you will be invited to make connections by locating, reviewing, and summarizing current and relevant journal articles.

Use the following link to learn how to find and evaluate an online source: (Links to an external site.)

Please follow the instructions below:

1. Locate a current (medical or scientific) news or journal article based on one of the topics listed below:

  • Glomerular Disorders, (Chapter 30, p. 755)

Note: As you read through the article, think about how it connects to Pathophysiology and why is it relevant.

2. Provide a write-up summarizing the article. Within your document, include how the information connects to Pathophysiology, and why it is relevant.

3. Aim to include 150 – 200 words in the summary.

4. Remember to cite your source(s) in APA Format!


Please follow the instructions below:

1. Locate a current (medical or scientific) news or journal article based on one of the topics listed below:

  • Glomerular Disorders, (Chapter 30, p. 755)

Note: As you read through the article, think about how it connects to Pathophysiology and why is it relevant.

2. Provide a write-up summarizing the article. Within your document, include how the information connects to Pathophysiology, and why it is relevant.

3. Aim to include 150 – 200 words in the summary.

4. Remember to cite your source(s) in APA Format!


Please follow the instructions below:

1. Locate a current (medical or scientific) news or journal article based on one of the topics listed below:

  • Glomerular Disorders, (Chapter 30, p. 755)

Note: As you read through the article, think about how it connects to Pathophysiology and why is it relevant.

2. Provide a write-up summarizing the article. Within your document, include how the information connects to Pathophysiology, and why it is relevant.

3. Aim to include 150 – 200 words in the summary.

4. Remember to cite your source(s) in APA Format!


Please follow the instructions below:

1. Locate a current (medical or scientific) news or journal article based on one of the topics listed below:

  • Glomerular Disorders, (Chapter 30, p. 755)

Note: As you read through the article, think about how it connects to Pathophysiology and why is it relevant.

2. Provide a write-up summarizing the article. Within your document, include how the information connects to Pathophysiology, and why it is relevant.

3. Aim to include 150 – 200 words in the summary.

4. Remember to cite your source(s) in APA Format!


SNHU Special Education and Learning Disabilities Response Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

SNHU Special Education and Learning Disabilities Response Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

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