SOC 1001 Thomas Edison State College Career in Nursing Research Paper Writing Assignment Help

SOC 1001 Thomas Edison State College Career in Nursing Research Paper Writing Assignment Help. SOC 1001 Thomas Edison State College Career in Nursing Research Paper Writing Assignment Help.

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For your post this week, you will be creating a small research paper based upon a career that you wish to pursue. This assignment will help you do research on this topic and to paraphrase your information which means to put it in your own words. This also builds upon research you did in UVC1000 in Weeks 4 and 5. Use the skills you have and try new research techniques. Document (write down and share) what you tried and how successful you were.

  1. Search the web using a search engine (such as Google or Bing) to find sample resumes and articles from your degree field and information about the field. If you cannot find an article about your degree field, perhaps you could find an article by someone in the field. Next, use the South University Online Library to search for sample resumes, articles from your degree field and other information about your field.
  2. Compose a small research paper as a Word document in APA format (name it W3DQ_YourLastName), that you will attach to your initial submission post, that includes the following components:
    1. Identify the career you chose and explain why you chose it.
    2. Find two sources in APA format from the open web and two sources from the SUO Online library that you looked at. Include your four sources in a reference section in APA format.
    3. Cite your references in the body of your document, following APA conventions.

    3. In your post, explain what search terms you used and the criteria you used to determine if the information was credible.

    4. Compare your experience searching on the open web and searching in the Online Library. You may want to try advanced search options and report on them.

    Note that from this week on throughout your college career, the grading criteria that mentions information literacy includes the requirement of providing references in APA format to support your ideas.

    SOC 1001 Thomas Edison State College Career in Nursing Research Paper Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

    SOC 1001 TESC Human Socialization Processes & the Psychosocial Development Discussion Writing Assignment Help

    In this third week, we are discussing the human socialization process and how it influences our psychosocial development. After you have read the reading assignment and lecture for the week, please respond to all parts of the discussion by the due date assigned:

    • Compare and contrast George Herbert Mead’s and Charles Horton Cooley’s theories of human development. Why are these theories part of the symbolic interactionist paradigm?
    • List and describe the key agents of socialization. How did each agent shape and influence your life? Which of these agents has been the most important in your life?
    • Look in the South University Online library and the Internet for information on “Feral Children.” Define feral children and explain why sociologists use feral children to support their arguments of the importance of socialization.

    Due June 1, 2020

    Using the textbook and the South University Online Library, write a 1000-word (minimum) paper. Refer to the APA resources found in the course home page, and thoroughly address each of the following questions:

    Families have changed greatly over the past 60 years, and they continue to become more diverse.

    • Why is the family considered the most important agent of socialization?
    • What caused the dramatic changes to the American family? What are those changes?
    • Describe the differences in marriage and family life that are linked to class, race, gender, and personal choice.
    • Do you feel the trend toward diverse families is positive or negative?
    • If the trend changed toward traditional (pre-World War II) families, how would that affect women’s rights?


    BCJ 3701 UOP Prevalence of Homicide Robbery & Sexual Assault Within the Community Essay Writing Assignment Help

    For this assignment, you will compose an essay in which you discuss the topics that were covered in this unit, including the following components:

    • the prevalence of homicide, robbery, and sexual assault in your local community, including which one occurs the most and why you think it occurs the most (The following link can help you locate information about this:;
    • the differences between homicide, robbery, and rape; and
    • the differences between the various methods law enforcement can use to investigate a homicide, robbery, and sexual assault.

    Your essay must be at least two pages in length. Be sure that you include an introduction and conclusion in your essay. Include at least two outside sources, one of which may be your textbook. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying APA citations.


    Campbellsville University Mobile Devices Threats Essay Writing Assignment Help

    Project Title: Mobile Application Security

    This project is about mobile application security and the importance to have installed mobile application security in mobile gadgets like Smartphones or tablet computers. The use of mobile gadgets has increased in the recent past and it has increased risks to our personal information, which are generally saved in our mobiles like the credit card information, contacts, business particulars, etc. Therefore, the importance of mobile application security shall be discussed in detail in this project so that how we can ensure our personal data from the external threats

    APA format


    Font: 12

    require 3 pages


    American College California Computer System Potential Security Problem Presentation Computer Science Assignment Help

    you will identify a computer system you have recently had experience with and prepare and attach a PowerPoint presentation (8-10 slides) describing a potential computer security problem related to that system. The target audience is a manager who you are trying to convince to initiate a project to investigate the potential security issues.


    • Begin with an description of the organization and the computer system you have chosen.
    • Where necessary, you may make assumptions about any specifics–please note these as such in your presentation notes.
    • Draw from the assigned readings (and independent research) to identify what topics should be included.
    • If you feel that slide information is not self-explanatory, add additional details in the presentation notes.

    No Plagiarisms Please



    HCCS Metabolic Syndrome the Disturbance in The Metabolism of The Body Discussion Science Assignment Help

    {Need help answering this below.}

    Please respond to the discussion topic below. Your contribution must be your own and not a parroting of someone’s blog, social media blast, or rant on the internet. Your initial comments must be at least a full solid paragraph for each question (over 50 words).

    “Metabolic syndrome was never a “thing” when I was a kid. I remember when my dad and mom first actually started going to the doctor for other reasons than being sick with a cold, etc. Now it seems that everywhere we look is a disease, disorder, or degerneration of some body part! (We are all messed up people!) Metabolic syndrome seems to be the new concern of the middle-aged.”

    Please outline your understanding of metabolic syndrome, and provide your opinion on the medical significance of the condition, once diagnosed. Do you believe it is a big deal, or not so much? In your discussion please include any strategy you might use to combat this condition.

    HCCS Metabolic Syndrome the Disturbance in The Metabolism of The Body Discussion Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]

    Santa Monica College Revolution and Reaction in the 18th & 19th Century Essay Writing Assignment Help

    Primary Source Response for Part II Test: Choose 2 of the following questions to answer. Make sure you answer all of the embedded questions.

    Each question is worth up to 15 points:

    1. Compare and contrast Adam Smith’s and Jean Jacques Rousseau’s view about the relationship between individuals and societies (community) and then explain how Rousseau is considered by some scholars to be a forbearer of communism?
    2. What is Liberty according to the Declaration of the Rights of Man? Give some examples found in the declaration of why the Enlightenment is considered a major precursor to the French Revolution.
    3. Using your textbook and lecture notes, contextualize the testimonies from the Ashely Mines Commission gathered in 1842 be sure to consider political and social contexts and current and pending labor laws at the time. Use quotes from the document that you think are most important.
    4. According to Peter Kropótkin in Memoirs of a Revolutionist, what was surprising about the reaction to abolition of serfdom in Russia in 1861 among the upper classes why might they have had this reaction?

    Part II Test, Short Answer Responses: In 1-2 paragraphs (at most) answer each of the following questions.

    1. What prompted enlightened absolutists to undertake reforms in the second half of the eighteenth century?
    2. Other than sharing a roughly common time frame, what are some of the similarities and differences between the American, French and Haitian Revolutions?
    3. Why was Eastern Europe slower to industrialize than the West?


    ENVS103 Highline Community College WK4 The Case of Bilingual Education HW Science Assignment Help

    • Due Wednesday by 1pm
    • Points 25
    • Submitting a text entry box or a file upload
    • File Types doc, docs, rtf, and docx
    • Available until Nov 29 at 11:59pm

    Annotated Bibliography Guide

    For your annotated bibliography you should use the following formats for your references. Here are some examples of how you should write the citations.

    • Remember that you must annotate each reference. In this case, you must include an analysis of the importance of the reference to your project.
    • Your analysis should follow the same format as the Collecting and Evaluating Lab.
    • Each person needs to have at least ten works cited.
    • You may not use web pages (those with no other source of publication than the internet such as in your bibliography. This does not include articles found using ProQuest, Ebsco or other search engines. Those are real peer reviewed or edited articles and are not webpages.

    Examples – These were made up by the instructor!!!

    Book with multiple authors

    Lakoff, George, and Mark Johnson. Metaphors We Live By. Chicago: U of

    Chicago P, 1980

    • Claim: In this book, the authors argue that metaphors are more important than we think.
    • Evidence: The authors counted the number of metaphors used in the average American 5 minute conversation.
    • Evaluation: Insufficient Evidence
    • Line of Reasoning: Though their ideas are compelling, they could have done more research on other forms of communication.

    Article in a journal or a magazine

    Ovando, Carlos J. “Politics and Pedagogy: The Case of Bilingual Education.” Harvard Educational Review 60 (1990): 341-56.

    • Claim: Carlos Ovando claims that bilingual education increases student success rates.
    • Evidence: The author provides data from dozens of studies to support his claim. In particular he focused on the college acceptance rates for students who had a bilingual education
    • Evaluate: Conditional Acceptance
    • Ovando systematically followed the success of students from kindergarten through college, showing that test scores are directly correlated with exposure to multiple languages at school.


    Annotated Bibliography Rubric

    Annotated Bibliography Rubric

    Criteria Ratings Pts

    This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeHas ten citations.

    10.0 pts

    Full Marks

    0.0 pts

    No Marks

    10.0 pts

    This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEach citation has an annotation

    10.0 pts

    Full Marks

    0.0 pts

    No Marks

    10.0 pts

    This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAnnotations and or citations are in proper format

    5.0 pts

    Full Marks

    0.0 pts

    No Marks

    5.0 pts

    Total Points: 25.0

    Annotated Bibliography Term Project


    Active Listening in Business Responses Writing Assignment Help

    Please help to do assignments and Give a comment on two videos attached:

    Ted Talk (Active Listening without A Partner)

    Watch a brief Ted talk (less than 6min.) Then free write/type as much of the talk that you can remember in 2 minutes. (Set a timer on your phone.) After you’ve finished writing, re-watch the Ted Talk.


    1. Turn in the link to the talk you watched and your 2min free write page.
    2. After re-watching the talk, what did you forget to write down?
    3. Why do you think you forgot that particular material?
    4. Were there visuals or body language that helped you to remember particular things?
    5. What do you think you could’ve done to remember more of the talk? Cite principles learned from this week’s module.

    Evaluate 5 Interactions Using Active Listening

    Evaluate 5 interactions that you have this week where you practice active listening, then complete this self-evaluative Listening Skills worksheet. Turn in the following:

    1. The Listening Skills worksheet with all 3 columns completed. (You can recreate this worksheet in Word or Excel if you like.) If you used active listening skills not on the worksheet, add them.
    2. Discuss the exercise and explain how your interactions progressed.
    3. Did you learn anything about yourself during this exercise? Discuss.
    4. Do you feel this exercise affected the conversations you had, their outcomes, and what you got out of them? Explain.


    HIST001 Los Angeles Valley Impact of Political & Cultural Developments in Western Societies Paper Humanities Assignment Help

    Essay Topic:

    Discuss the impact of the political and cultural developments in Western societies of the ancient and medieval eras with “Law and Order” as the central theme. Make sure to incorporate the “Perpetua’s Journey” text into the essay.


    This is obviously a very broad essay topic. The purpose of this essay is for you to think about the material that you have studied throughout this course. Provide your own analysis of the impact and legacy of the various historical events that you have studied. You are not expected to discuss every era that we covered in this course. Pick a few that you feel are the most important and that you can relate to the concept of Law and Order I will be looking for your ability to tie various historical movements together and show how they are connected.

    Suggestions for proceeding with this assignment:

    1) Look through your previous work for this class to refresh your memory on what you have learned.

    2) Look through the textbook and make note of historical events that you think you would like to include in your essay, and that you can relate to Law and Order.

    4) Pick 3 eras to include in your essay. Read up on those from the textbook.

    5) Draft your essay. Put an extra emphasis on showing connections between the topics and relating them to Law and Order, and comparing the eras to each other.

    6) If you have questions for me, contact me by private message sooner than later. Don’t wait until the last minute.

    Sources: the textbook and Perpetua’s Journey, and any other readings provided within this course if and when appropriate. You do not need to conduct outside research for this essay.

    Length: 6 full pages to 7 pages, typed, double-spaced, 12 font.

    Format Options:

    If you submit your work Inline, I will be copying it into Microsoft Word and adjusting the font size to 12 to see the page length.

    If you submit your work by attaching a document, use one of these file types only: .doc, .docx, .pdf, .wpd, .rtf



    SOC 1001 Thomas Edison State College Career in Nursing Research Paper Writing Assignment Help

    SOC 1001 Thomas Edison State College Career in Nursing Research Paper Writing Assignment Help

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