SOC 101 Suffolk University Family and Marriage Discussion & Responses Humanities Assignment Help

SOC 101 Suffolk University Family and Marriage Discussion & Responses Humanities Assignment Help. SOC 101 Suffolk University Family and Marriage Discussion & Responses Humanities Assignment Help.

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Please answer this discussion based on the attached chapter in a document then make a response to two different answers in a different

Please read chapter 10 before answering the questions-thank you!

This is one of my favorite chapters! Marriage and the Family! There is so much that goes on in this chapter because the ideas/definitions around Marriage and Family are constantly changing. Typically what does not change are who those we consider to be our family. Right way, we need to realize that “family” does not to be blood-related.

-In looking at Family Structures, some forms of the family would be both nuclear (mom, dad, siblings, etc) and extended (aunts, uncles, cousins, etc.) To date, forms of marriage in most states is considered a socially approved union for either a heterosexual or homosexual couple. And lastly, the ways in which we date and court would be a combination of connection romantically and cognitively.

-The first and possibly second year of marriage usually is a period of adjustment. Communication is something couples can struggle with no matter how long they have dated or even known each other. Couples may argue over money, how to raise the children and even finding time to spend together.

-When adults first become parents, there can be an adjustment of “new roles” as well. If you ask a parent his or her expectations of becoming a parent before and after the child is born-there seems to be some interesting revelations. The tribulations of pregnancy is something individuals never really prepare for, however a lot of people experience. There is a lot of support for those who undergo such difficulties and hope for the future for those who would like to have children-biologically, through fostering or adoption.

-Some of the challenges that were discussed for families can be hard to read, however this is the reality for so many. Family violence, child abuse and even incest are all perspectives that should continued to be talked through in education. Family violence can be physical or emotional, such as child abuse. To date, both of these are underreported. Some fear their abuser and yet, at the same time love him/her. Child abuse can be physical, sexual, emotional or even spiritual. Incest is an unwanted sexual advance between family members. Research shows that “trust” is very difficult for adult children who underwent this type of behavior in the home. Trust is always earned, never deserved.

-Another challenge discussed was that of separation and divorce. Sometimes children in a divorced families think that the divorce was their fault or that the parents are divorcing them. A lot of children grow up wanting their parents to get back together again even if the marital relationship was not a good match from the start. I do believe in reconciliation and I have witnessed it in my practice as a previous therapist. And yet, I also understand in some cases it can be more abusive for the family unit to stay together.

-Lastly, the chapter concluded with that of care for the eldery. Sometimes older adults can suffer from mistreatment at the hands of either a caregiver or a spouse. This is also underreported and important for us as society to intervene when and if possible.

Insights: What are some other adjustments that a couple can go through their first few years of marriage? What do you think are both positive and negative adjustments?

Self: How can “trust” be earned in any relationship? What are some things that you have experienced that has developed a great sense of trust between you and a parent, friend, employee, etc?

Replay to these two responses:

response one:

Couples who are experiencing their first and second year of marriage commonly experience some adjustments that can both be positive and negative. One adjustment a couple has to make after marriage is trying to make their schedules work that they have time together. It can be difficult having to make two different job schedules and also having time to spend together and progress the marriage. Another adjustment might be if the wife is used to hanging out with her friends on Fridays but the husband wants to stay in or go to dinner, and they have to figure out how to adjust. These adjustments can be positive since it allows for each person to be able to sacrifice and adjust in order to make the marriage work. A negative adjustment might deal with a couple’s social life and how one person doesn’t like the other’s friend and so they might have to spend less time with that friend or it might create tension. A couple’s sex life could also have issues that might cause more problems as well.

Trust is not deserved, it is earned, and there are many things in a relationship that can earn another’s trust. For instance, honesty, respect, actions, and time can all earn someone’s trust. In my life, my parents have earned my trust by being there for me when I need to talk about something private and not sharing it with anyone else. I trusted them because they have always shown me they love me by taking care of me, supporting me, and sharing their feelings with me as well. My boyfriend has earned my trust by telling me what he is doing and sticking to his word over and over again. By not lying or changing the story, I know I can trust him when he tells me things. Trust has definitely been broken between my roommates in the past when they tell me one thing and act in a completely different way. It definitely takes time to regain trust when lies or actions go against someone’s words.

response two:

Insights: What are some other adjustments that a couple can go through their first few years of marriage? What do you think are both positive and negative adjustments?

Usually after a copule gets married, they are in the so called “honeymoon” stage and for the most part, they are still learning a lot about each other and there is still a sense of things being new and exciting. Not in all cases, because every relationship is different, but usually they haven’t had to experience any major challenges together. However, in the first few years, they will likely experience some kind of challenge, whether it is financial, related to a job, or even some kind of personal issue, like possibly addiction or somthing like that. I think that people learn about each other the most when they are facing some kind of challenge. This is especially the case with married couples because they are like a team and have to face these challenges together. One of the positive things about this adjustment is that each person learns more about the other and their relationship can be made stronger if they work together to overcome the challenge. One of the negative things about this adjustment is that challenges will test people and sometimes can bring out the ugly side of someone and some couples may decide that they aren’t as committed to the marriage as they thought.

Self: How can “trust” be earned in any relationship? What are some things that you have experienced that has developed a great sense of trust between you and a parent, friend, employee, etc?

I think that “trust” takes time to build. Being honest is of course important to keeping trust. When someone is dishonest, its an easy way to lose trust. To build trust, I think it is important to be cosistent with following through when you make a committment. This is important for all kinds of relationships, personal and professional, even the relationship between a business and a customer. Another important thing for building or earning trust is by expressing things through action instead of just words. For example, showing someone that you value them by taking actions that require some kind of sacrifice on your part. With friends, one of the things that I think is important for building trust is consistency and being dependable. For example, the friend I trust the most is consistent with following through and I know I can depend on that person. I know that I can rely on my friend and depend on them at I time when I really need their help, like in an emergency.

SOC 101 Suffolk University Family and Marriage Discussion & Responses Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

POSC 124 Grossmont College America Authoritarian Ruler Argumentative Essay Humanities Assignment Help

Okay, for this week we were to begin our series on authoritarianism, dictatorships, and illiberal democracy.

I have uploaded the lecture slide for the introduction to authoritarian regimes and the readings. They are in the file section on the canvas website.

For homework, I want you to look at the lecture slides, and also read the Zakaria piece on illiberal democracy and an excerpt form How Democracies Die. Up until recently, one area of academic debate was if the United States was currently experiencing some form of authoritarianism, and if President Trump exhibited some aspects of authoritarian rule (this is a controversial discussion). So here, is what I want you to do. Read these pieces and looking at “How Democracies Die” write in a 2-3 double-space pages if you think we are currently living in a period of illiberal democracy and/or if President Trump does in fact have or is an authoritarian ruler. Remember I want to read your thoughts! Do you agree with the authors, yes, no, and why not!




JRN 4425 Troy 1st Amendment Advocates Working to Keep Media in California Courts Article Analysis Law Assignment Help

The Assignment

Four (4) times during this semester, you will submit a 150-200-word summary [not a copy] of a

news story from any reputable state or national news source in print, on radio, on TV, or

online. Use Times New Roman, 12-pt. type, double-spaced. The story will be about the

intersection of media and the First Amendment in the United States—no stories from foreign

countries. Not part of the 150-200 words will be a description of where you found this news

item (N.Y. Times, CNN on TV, etc.), the title of the story, the date, and URL, if applicable,

although I need to have this info. Just don’t count these words toward you 150-200 range. The

story must appear in the news media during the week you will be submitting it. In addition to

the summary of the story, I’m looking for any insights you might have on why this is an

important case or issue and any implications for journalists, organizations, the media in

general, corporations, etc. Be sure to include your contact info at upper left: name, date,

which week’s summary, email address. Remember: If your story has nothing to do with the

First Amendment or nothing to do with the media, it will count as a zero. The story must include

BOTH. You will have no more chance to submit a summary that week.

There will be NO ability to submit to a particular week once that week’s deadline has expired.

Difficulties with Turn-It-In are no excuse. If you do not receive a receipt from Turn-It-In,

assume that your summary was NOT successfully submitted. I will not accept e-mailed

summaries unless I have made an error in setting up the submission link or Canvas is

down/broken. In that case, I will alert you to it. As we get closer to the end of the semester, and

your grade is close to an A, but you did not submit any or enough summaries, please do not

complain. There will be no exceptions made for anyone. PERIOD! Only one submission during a

specific week.

You will submit these through Turn-It-In links I will provide on our Canvas page under

“assignments.” I will read all of them, but will comment on only those that show a lack of

understanding of the assignment, those that show exceptional critical thinking, or those that are

plagiarized. If you write one, but are too late getting it into Turn-It-In, it will not count for that

week. (No excuses.) That means that you cannot submit it for another week. The story MUST

come from a news item from that particular week. (No excuses.) You will earn 20 pts. per

summary that does not receive a zero (0) up to 3 summaries. If you complete a 4th summary,

that one will earn 40 pts. for a total of 100 pts. for the 4 submissions. There is no need to submit

summaries after the 4th one, unless one earned a zero. If you submit a summary that is

plagiarized, doesn’t pertain to the MEDIA AND THE FIRST AMENDMENT, or is inferior in

some other way, you will receive NO pts. for it.

If there is anything you do not understand about this assignment, please ask questions about it in

class so everyone can become informed! The due date will be on Fridays at 11 p.m. beginning on

Friday of the first full week of classes. The link for the following week opens at 8 a.m. on

Saturdays. If you write about an actual case in court, INCLUDE THE NAME OF THE CASE!!


CRN 203 NEC Organizational Economics and Database Security Discussions Economics Assignment Help

Topic 1:

Research an organization or brand that you feel is a monopoly. Discuss the organization or brand giving your classmates a view details about why you feel it is a monopoly and determine if the monopoly is a regulated natural monopoly and why?

Topic 2:

After reading the section titled “Dominant Microprocessor Company Intel Adapts to Next Trend” (Chapter 11 pg. 384-385) and the article titled “2018-2019 Intel Corporate Responsibility Report: Creating Value through Transparency,” complete a list of reasons how a single firm like Intel comes to dominate some markets.

Topic 3:

Describe in 500 words the disaster recovery plan and who is responsible at your place of employment. Consider the critical business functions and your recovery point objectives and recovery time objectives.


MIS 201 SEU Management Information System Case Study Presentation & Questions Business Finance Assignment Help

Prepare an in-depth analysis of four case studies during the semester. Here are some guidelines:

Please check assignment requirement in the file

  • This is an individual assessment, which is a part from your course score. It requires effort and critical thinking
  • This assignment will worth 25 mark (Case Studies Questions 15 Marks/ Presentation 10 Marks)
  • Answer all the questions listed below for each case.
  • The ‘answers’ to the questions are best formulated by reviewing the case and the reading materials up and including the current week in the course.
  • The questions are worded to help you apply the readings to the case, so don’t limit yourself to the case’s terminology and perspective. The best analysis will abstract the case content by applying the reading materials to draw broader lessons about the material
  • As for the Presentation you should summarize your analysis of only one case study in a set of PowerPoint slides
  • No Plagiarism



ART 100 Cuyamaca College Chuck Close Artistic Approach Questions Discussion Writing Assignment Help

– submit a 600-750 word “tiny” paper ; grading rubric attached below 🙂

– use 12 point Times New Roman, single-spaced, and be concise!

1. Watch this video :

2. In 600-750 words, explain Close’s approach to painting, and how his process makes his paintings more engaging for the viewer. Be sure to include direct references to specific areas of Close’s paintings as you write your Reflection.

Address the following issues and support your ideas with careful observations of the images:

  1. When Chuck Close states that his painting “transcends its physical reality,” he means that the whole painting is greater than the sum of its parts. Describe the experience of seeing one of Close’s paintings up close versus seeing it from a distance.
  2. Although Chuck Close paints portraits based on photographs, the finished paintings do not merely look like large photographs. Briefly describe Chuck Close’s process of painting an image, and how the surfaces of his painting differ from that of a photograph.
  3. People today generally don’t have optical experiences because most of their visual experiences passively occur while watching commercial media. Explain how Close’s process of painting results in images that provide more engaging optical experiences for the viewer.

ART 100 Cuyamaca College Chuck Close Artistic Approach Questions Discussion Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

GED 216 CCU Durkheim Marx Weber Conflict & Social Change Comparative Essay Humanities Assignment Help

Compare and contrast the perspectives of Durkheim, Marx, and Weber regarding conflict and social change.

identify the question number you are answering followed by the actual question itself (in bold type). Your writing assignments will need to be typed double-spaced, using a standard font and 12 point type size.

350-500 words (1-2 pages) per question.

Citation Styles

The majority of your response should be your own original writing based on what you have learned from the textbook. Be sure to provide a citation and a reference for any materials used, including the required textbook. The following points are designed to help you understand how to provide proper citations and references for your work:

  • Sources are listed in two places.
  • The first, a citation, is briefly listed within your answer. This includes identifying information that directs the reader to your list of references at the end of your writing assignment.
  • The second, a reference, is at the end of your work in the list of references section.
  • All sources cited should follow APA style and provide enough identifying information so that the reader can access the original material.


Penn State University ?Mental Distress Among the Older Adult Paper Health Medical Assignment Help

CDC Call to Action Paper

Identify challenges posed with an aging population. Develop an action plan to address one of the CDC challenges.

Submission Requirements:

  • The paper is to be formatted per current APA, be clear, concise and students will lose points for improper grammar, punctuation and misspelling.
  • The paper is to be 3-4 pages in length, excluding the title, abstract and references page.
  • Incorporate a minimum of 3 current (published within last five years) scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions) within your work.
  • Journal articles and books should be referenced according to current APA style.
  • Identify the Call to Action challenge selected from the CDC report State of Aging and Health in America 2013.
  • Explore the challenge in the literature.
  • Identify best practices (if available).
  • Develop an action plan that could be implemented in your community.
  • it has to be APA format with a cover page APA format.


Chico High School 1918 Influenza vs COVID 19 Comparative Essay Writing Assignment Help

Write and submit a Comparative Analysis that complies with ALL of the following instructions:

For each of your answers, you must indicate from which source(s) you took your information. For information taken from the reading use (READ), from the WHO website use (WHO); and from the CDC website (CDC);. Note them just as shows in the preceding sentence, inside parentheses. Put the parentheses at the end of the sentence in which you provided the information.

  1. The Comparative Analysis shall include the following two components:

    1. What are three significant things that the 1918 Influenza and Covid-19 Pandemics have in common?
    2. In what three significant ways do the 1918 Influenza and Covid-19 Pandemics differ?
  2. There are no word count or formatting guidelines to follow; just do your best to answer the questions, above, in items a and b, in a logical and coherent manner.

Here is an example of what I want you to do in regard to citing the source for evidence: The 1918 influenza pandemic killed at least 50 million people worldwide (READ).

You can use the attached reading or do some research at both of the following websites:

Center for Disease Control Coronavirus (Covid-19) Resource Hub

World Health Organization Coronavirus Disease (Covid-19) Outbreak Resource Hub


SOC 310 California State University Channel Island Intersectional Policy Essay Humanities Assignment Help

Make sure there are atleast four scholarly peer reviewed journal articles found in the stony brook library database. Also paper not including the bibliography or any appendix page reached a full 5-7 pages. double spaced

Directions:1. Intersectional Policy Brief For this assignment, you will develop a policy brief that addresses the health or environmental consequences of racism nationally or locally (New York/Long Island). This project requires that you address racism and health using the lens of intersectionality. You must select a specific health problem related to the intersection of racism, class oppression, sexism and/or discrimination against LGBTQIA* minorities. In so doing, discuss specific health concerns for members of at least one racial or ethnic group,review existing policies, discuss related research and suggest policy proposals you think would make a constructive impact. Examples of possible topics include:racial or ethnic health disparities among low-income NativeAmericans; environmental racism in poor communities of color; mental health disparities among Latinx LGBTQIA* individuals; maternal mortality among African Americans, etc.

Follow this structure for your policy brief: Introduction and overview of the problem (1-2 pages) Explain current policies related to the problem (1-2 pages) Two or three policy recommendations and explanations for why they would be beneficial (2 pages) Conclusion (1 page)

33 mins ago

All final projects must include the following components: • Clear description of a specific problem or problems related to racism • Concrete suggestions for how these problems might be addressed • At least four scholarly references (peer-reviewed journal articles found in the Stony Brook library database or books — you cannot use ANY websites for your required scholarly sources)

32 mins ago

You must include a bibliography page in addition to the page limit and utilize at least four academic sources (scholarly articles and books). Your academic sources should relate to the ethnic or racial problem and impact of your proposal. You can include references from the syllabus in your academic sources. However, you may not use any websites for your academic sources, although you may include additional citations. Any academic source you cite should have page numbers and a specified author. Be sure to paraphrase appropriately, use quotations where necessary, cite correctly and avoid plagiarism. Citations and bibliographies should be formatted according to the ASA Style Guide, available in the Main Library (HM73 .A54 1997) or on Blackboard.

You can also learn more about the ASA citation style guide here:… Your paper (not including the bibliography or any appendix) must be at least 5 full pages and cannot exceed 7 full pages.

Formatting: Each project must be written in full sentences and coherent prose. You may use bullet points in the strategic/structural overview section only. Your document must be Word file with double-spacing, 12-point Times New Roman or Athelas font and 1 inch margins. Be sure to include page numbers. You may also include an optional title page in addition to the page limit. Projects that are longer than 7 pages will or less than 5 full pages (not including title page, references or appendix) will earn an F (59).


SOC 101 Suffolk University Family and Marriage Discussion & Responses Humanities Assignment Help

SOC 101 Suffolk University Family and Marriage Discussion & Responses Humanities Assignment Help

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