SOC 1100 Northeastern University Education and the Society Essay Writing Assignment Help

SOC 1100 Northeastern University Education and the Society Essay Writing Assignment Help. SOC 1100 Northeastern University Education and the Society Essay Writing Assignment Help.

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Students will write a brief paper on the hidden curriculum. Write about your K-12 educational experience and the hidden curriculum and the experience of someone else from a different reference or identity group. By using concrete examples and drawing upon the course literature and discussion you will write a 2-3 page paper in response to one of the questions for this assignment.

Objective: To reflect upon and write about the role of education in society.

To prepare for your reflection paper be sure to address each of the following topics”

  • Part 1: Introduction: Describe the your K-12 experience and focus on the hidden curriculum.
  • Part 2: Connection with the course materials: How does your own experience connect with the
  • chapter on education in society? Use concrete examples from the textbook to explain the connections.

  • Part 3: Conclusion: What key insights did you develop? This portion is where you talk about
  • the implications of what you have examined.

    Your paper should be 2-3 pages, double-spaced, 12-point font such as Times New Roman. Use ASA formatting for your style guide. Cite any quotes or paraphrasing within your paper.

    SOC 1100 Northeastern University Education and the Society Essay Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

    Explaining the Moral Quandary Human Dignity Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

    I’m working on a political science writing question and need an explanation to help me study.


    Length: 5 pages, double spaced, 12 point font

    Reference Style: Harvard System

    In the Harvard system, the author’s surname, year of publication, and page umber are cited in the text of your work. The full details of the book are included in a reference list at the end of the paper.


    In-text citation

    “An effective structure is important” (Redman, 2006, p.22)

    Reference list

    Redman, P., 2006. Good essay writing: a social sciences guide. 3rd ed. London: Open University in assoc. with Sage.

    For the full Harvard style referencing guide see:


    Recall, on the first day of class, I asked you to respond briefly, viscerally, to the following moral quandary:

    “In 2007, an 11 year old boy, Jakob von Metzler, was kidnapped by a man, Magnus Gaffgen, who planned to collect a ransom. When caught, Gaffgen refused to admit where the boy had been stashed. He confessed that he had killed the boy only after the Deputy Police Chief of Frankfurt, Wolfgang Daschner, threatened him with torture. The kidnapper was sentenced to life in prison. Soon thereafter the Police Chief was also arrested and convicted for violating the first principle of the German Constitution, which holds that ‘respect for persons shall be inviolable’.”

    Your final paper assignment is to re-read your first-day response and re-condition it based upon the material we have engaged over the course of the semester. Do you still agree with yourself? Why, or why not? What moral assumptions underpinned your original response? Were those assumptions logically sound (i.e. self-consistent)? Now that you have become more sophisticated in your approach to moral questions, which moral philosophy(ies)/philosopher(s) would you argue prepares us best to respond to this scenario and why?


    JWU Retirement Systems and Implied Benefits and Costs for Workers Pension Plan Business Finance Assignment Help

    Create a unique hypothetical client who has a pension plan with a lump sum option. The details are up to you and you can be as complex as you like. Maybe the lump sum is the best option in your scenario because the client has cancer and wants to skip chemotherapy, instead traveling the world and seeing the sunset over… Or the client has a long life expectancy and prefers the steady payments, or would prefer to invest the lump sum in a child’s business venture. Whatever you want, just create a unique client scenario.


    Los Angeles Valley College Voting Districts and Affiliation Parties Questions Humanities Assignment Help

    Mapmakers (and geography) are crucial to the process of creating voting districts. The creation of a new congressional district, or the loss of an old one, affects every district around it, necessitating new maps. Even states not adding or losing congressional representatives need new district maps that reflect the population shifts within their borders, so that residents are equally represented no matter where they live. This ritual carving and paring of the United States into 435 sovereign units, known as redistricting, was intended by the Framers solely to keep democracy’s electoral scales balanced. Instead, redistricting today has become a part of the political game. The Redistricting Game is a fun interactive way to investigate the importance of the redistricting process. This game will show you how the process can be manipulated, and if you understand local demographics and voting patterns, subtle shifts in the district borders can swing elections. Many countries struggle with how to allocate democratic representation within their territories. This example is from the United States, but it is not a unique phenomenon.

    1. In Mission 1 the goal is Population Equality. This means:
    a. Similar numbers of homes in each district
    b. Similar numbers of people in each district
    c. Similar percentages of ethnic/racial groups in each district
    d. Similar percentages of economic wealth in each district

    2. In Mission 1, what always gets the Representatives really mad?
    a. Moving the lines so the population goes down in their district
    b. Moving the lines so the Representative’s home in someone else’s district
    c. Moving the lines so that the percentage of the opposite party’s voters rises
    d. Moving the lines so that the Representative’s territory becomes smaller

    3. In Mission 1, once you have completed the basic requirement of the mission you will see what next to the representative?
    a. A green check
    b. A blue check
    c. A red check
    d. The words “Good Job!”

    4. In Mission 1, once you have completed the basic requirement of the mission you now must get feedback to see if your new districts will be approved. Who is not consulted?
    a. State Legislators

    b. State Governor
    c. District Voters
    d. State Supreme Court

    5. In Mission 1 click on the “Learn More” tab, which of these is NOT one of the three most fundamental concepts of redistricting?
    a. Compactness
    b. Contiguity
    c. Population Equality
    d. Voter Distribution Pattern

    6. In the “Quotes” tab from Mission 1, who said the following?
    “[Democrats] get to rip off the public in the states where they control and protect their incumbents, and [Republicans] get to rip off the public in the states [where they] control and protect [their] incumbents, so the public gets ripped off in both circumstances. In the long run, there’s a downward spiral of isolation.”
    a. John Cornyn (Senator R-TX)
    b. John Engler (former Governor, R-MI)
    c. Newt Gingrich (Former House Speaker R-GA)
    d. Barak Obama (President, D)

    7. Mission 2 is about how to change the party affiliation of a representative through manipulating the district boundaries (gerrymandering). When you begin the game, what number is blinking?
    The new ratio to be achieved is
    a. The percentages of Democrats in a Republican’s distract.
    b. The percentage of Republicans in a Democrats district.
    c. The population number in a Democrats district.
    d. The percentage of Republicans won in a Republican’s district.

    8. According to the Mission 2 “Learn More” tab, which of the following is the most likely way to achieve Mission 2’s goals of favoring one party over the other?
    a. Cracking
    b. Packing
    c. Both Cracking and Packing
    d. Neither “Cracking” nor “Packing”

    9. On the Mission 2 “Quotes” tab, the following is included:
    “It used to be that the idea was, once every two years voters elected their representatives, and now, instead, it’s every ten years the representatives choose their constituents.”
    a. True
    b. False

    10. What is “Bipartisan” about the goal of Mission 3?
    a. The parties work together to ensure that the incumbents of both parties are safe and won’t be challenged.
    b. The parties work together to ensure 55% majority for each party incumbent.
    c. The parties work together to ensure that the uncertainty of new candidates and new emerging constituencies are mitigated.
    d. All of the above.
    e. None of the above.

    11. As you begin Mission 3, what is the reason given for acting in a “Bipartisan” way?
    a. Your approval ratings are below 35%.
    b. You hold your seat by a narrow margin.
    c. To protect yourself from allegations of corruption
    d. It was a primary piece of your campaign promises.

    12. The Voting Rights Act explored in Mission 4 is intended to protect
    a. racial minorities.
    b. language minorities.
    c. religious minorities.
    d. A and B
    e. A and C
    f. A, B, and C

    13. In Mission 4, the primary means of ensuring legislative representation to minorities is through:
    a. Cracking
    b. Packing
    c. Both Cracking and Packing
    d. Neither “Cracking” nor “Packing”

    14. Mission 4’s “Quotes” tab includes the following statement by Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga):
    “I don’t object to polarization if it achieves an objective.”
    a. True
    b. False

    15. In Mission 5, on Reform, the challenge is to build your districts without considering the party affiliation of the voters. On the “Learn More” tab a number of states who have attempted reform are discussed. Which of the following is a state with independent redistricting commissions?
    a. Arkansas
    b. Colorado
    c. Minnesota
    d. New Jersey

    e. Oregon

    This is an in-depth, multimedia interactive that explores the political, economic, and cultural implications of borders that are heavily fortified or militarized. Not all of these borders are political; in Brazil it explores the walls that separate different socioeconomic groups and in Northern Ireland it looks at walls dividing religious groups. Walls may seem like a worthwhile investment but rarely address the underlying tension that made separation seem desirable, and thus may be just postponing a problem rather than solving one. Thus, the overarching questions are these: Why are we building these walls to divide us? What are the impacts of these barriers?

    1. According to the Guardian’s Our Walled World, how many miles of walls were built between countries in the last decade alone?
    a. 2,000 miles
    b. 4,000 miles
    c. 6,000 miles
    d. 8,000 miles
    e. 10,000 miles

    2. How many walls are highlighted on this website?
    a. 5
    b. 10
    c. 15
    d. 20
    e. 25

    3. According to this website, how long is the wall separating the United States from Mexico?
    a. 155 miles
    b. 310 miles
    c. 345 miles
    d. 1700 miles

    4. Which country has the longest wall?
    a. India
    b. US
    c. Morocco
    d. Korea
    e. Israel

    5. How many of the individuals highlighted in the section on the US-Mexico wall lived in the United States at the time this story was published?
    a. 0
    b. 1
    c. 2
    d. 3
    e. 4

    6. What two countries now split the territories traditionally inhabited by the Saharawis?
    a. Mauritania and Western Sahara
    b. Morocco and Algeria
    c. Algeria and Western Sahara
    d. Morocco and Mauritania
    e. Western Sahara and Morocco

    7. What country has the Saharawis refugee camp mentioned in the story?
    a. Algeria
    b. Mauritania
    c. Morocco
    d. Western Sahara

    8. Which is NOT a walled Alawite district in the Syrian city of Homs?
    a. Akrama
    b. Al-Zahra
    c. Bab Amru
    d. Nuzha
    e. Wadi Aldahab

    9. Felani became famous because_________________.
    a. he was a migrant who was filmed being severely beaten. These images went viral in social media and caused the Indian government great embarrassment.
    b. he successfully sued the Indian government for damages caused by the loss of his fields, which lay on the other side of the fence from his home.
    c. she was killed as she crossed over the fence. Her death on the fence became of the symbol of the inequality associated with the forced separation of Bangladesh from India.
    d. she led the protests to the fence that brought millions of Bangladeshis to the border. These protests ended up destroying almost 300 miles of the fence.

    10. The wealthy Brazilian residents of the 16 condominiums of Alphaville are protected from their poor neighbors by
    a. 18 miles of walls.
    b. 200 security guards.
    c. security gates reminiscent of airports.
    d. All of the above
    e. None of the above

    11. Living in the condominiums is likened to living in
    a. Beverley Hills.
    b. Heaven.
    c. Panem (Hunger Games).
    d. The Truman Show.
    e. The Twilight Zone.

    12. The young Catholics of Belfast discussed by the Catholic community worker Ray Grant have little to no contact with the Protestant children who live on the other side of the “peace walls.”
    a. True
    b. False

    13. To migrate from North Korea to South Korea Oh Sheyek
    a. had to cross minefields.
    b. crossed through the Rimjingang River.
    c. went through China and then on to South Korea.
    d. became a soldier and crossed the DMZ with his partner when on patrol.

    14. The 7.5 miles of border wall in Spain _______________.
    a. separates Spain from Morocco to deter migration from Africa
    b. cuts off a mountain pass between Spain and Andorra
    c. surrounds a Basque community known for separatist sentiments
    d. surrounds a huge detention center built by the EU to house illegal migrants prior to deportation

    15. What is not similar between the walls discussed in Greece and Northern Ireland?
    a. Both run through urban areas.
    b. Both separate divergent religious communities.
    c. Both separate two national groups.
    d. Both use barbed wire as the primary material separating the spaces.


    DMTS Women Drinking In the Japanese Culture Research Paper Writing Assignment Help

    Your paper should be 7-10 pages, double-spaced and typed, font size 12. It must include proper in-text and bibliographic citations. Your bibliography and title pages are in addition to the 7-10 pages of content. The papers should directly address the content of this course. It must be about a research question. I will put the final paper rubric in the outline so you use that to know what to include in the paper and I will include my outline for the essay in the final. With the essay topic article.


    1) Thesis: _______________/25

    Questions that I ask: Can I identify your thesis? Does it meet the assignment’s requirement? Is it adequate for a paper of this length?

    2) Overall focus and development: ________________/25

    Questions that I ask: Does the essay stay clearly focused on the task of supporting the thesis or keeping the promise made in the purpose statement? Is the organization of the paragraphs logical and appropriate for achieving the essay’s aim?

    3) Persuasive interpretation of the evidence and argumentation: _________________/25

    Questions that I ask: Is enough evidence presented to achieve the essay’s purpose, and is it presented clearly? Is the interpretation of the evidence conducted patiently and persuasively, such that it clearly supports the essay’s goals?

    4) Mechanics and style: __________________/25

    Questions that I ask: Is the essay free of mechanical errors and awkward stylistic features that distract from a reader’s ability to follow and appreciate the essay’s line of reasoning? Does the essay’s style contribute to the authority or attractiveness or its arguments?



    Stratford University Bio Engineering and Its Impacts Discussion Science Assignment Help

    LESSON 9

    Application Assignment

    Case Study: Complete the case, Giving Birth to Someone else’s Children

    First, Download the case study.

    Second, Work through the case, answering all questions.

    When you are done, upload as usual, then complete the Online Final Exam (link below).

    Discussion 9

    Watch the TED Talk It’s Time to Question Bio-engineering . Critically analyze the argument the speaker is making. Discuss what you believe and support your answer.

    Please make sure that your initial post is a minimum of 300 words and post by Wednesday. 2 replies to two different student threads are also required with a 100 word count minimum. APA reference and in-text citations at required for all outside information placed in your discussion thread. APA reference is expected for all initial discussion posts. Discussion forum is DUE at 11:59 PM EST. Late submissions are not accepted.

    Stratford University Bio Engineering and Its Impacts Discussion Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]

    Marymount University Calculate the Accuracy Import NLTK Questions Programming Assignment Help

    import nltk

    from nltk.corpus import brown

    brown_tagged_sents = brown.tagged_sents(categories=’news’)

    size = int(len(brown_tagged_sents) * 0.9)

    train_sents = brown_tagged_sents[:size]

    test_sents = brown_tagged_sents[size:]

    #train the tagger

    unigram_tagger = nltk.UnigramTagger(train_sents)

    #calculate the accuracy

    print(“Results on test set {0}”.format(unigram_tagger.evaluate(train_sents)))

    print(“Results on test set {0}”.format(unigram_tagger.evaluate(test_sents)))

    #1) Why is the training accuracy higher than the testing accuracy?

    #2) Why is the training accuracy not perfect (100%)?

    def_tagger= nltk.DefaultTagger(“NN”)

    uni_tagger= nltk.UnigramTagger(train_sents, backoff=def_tagger)

    print(“Results on test set {0}”.format(uni_tagger.evaluate(train_sents)))

    print(“Results on test set {0}”.format(uni_tagger.evaluate(test_sents)))

    #3 Why does the accuracy score on the training data not go up but it does on the test data?

    #4 Create two new taggers, A BigramTagger that has not backoff and a BigramTagger that user a unigram tagger as backoff. Report the accuracies. Why is one so much lower than the other?

    #5 Repeat #4 with a TrigramTagger using a Bigramtagger as backoff


    CSUN Physical Linguistic Thinking and Emotional Changes Child Development Essay Writing Assignment Help

    Preschool Observation (50)

    This observation consists of three parts. First, make sure your read the assignment questions in detail. Then, watch the three videos below and take notes. Finally, write up the assignment and submit it for grading.

    Your observation should be written in essay format and be sure to answer the three requirements in detail. I would expect the assignment to be 2-3 pages including an introductory paragraph and a paragraph or two for each content area. Your assignment should be proofread for spelling and grammar so you do not lose points. Make sure to reference page numbers from the book and other sources you use.

    1) Name one thing the children are learning in each domain below that you observed in one of the videos. Use a quote from your book or another cited source to help explain your answer. If you use another source you need to have the name and author etc. (15 pts)

    1. Biosocial Domain
    2. Cognitive Domain
    3. Psychosocial Domain

    2) According to Piaget, children construct an understanding of the world around them and experience discrepancies between what they already know and what they discover in their environment which is how they learn. According to Vygotsky, important learning by the child occurs through social interaction with a skillful tutor. The tutor may model behaviors and/or provide verbal instructions for the child. Vygotsky refers to this as cooperative or collaborative dialogue and guided participation. (20 pts)

    1. Provide two examples from the videos of children constructing knowledge through their play experiences. Describe what they are doing in each example and how they are learning according to Piaget.
    2. Provide two examples from the videos of how the teachers or caregivers “scaffold” children’s learning to help them find solutions or forward their thinking. Provide the examples and describe the words or actions used to provide support to the child/children.

    3) Describe three other things you observed about preschool children or early childhood education after watching the videos that you found interesting (15 pts)


    BUS 128 Grossmont College ACME Corporation Professional Communication Portfolio Business Finance Assignment Help

    Creating a Professional Portfolio of Communication


    You will develop your own personal portfolio of professional materials for career development. In this assignment you will create a professional resume, a cover letter, and a professional LinkedIn profile page in response to the following job description for a Social Media Communications Manager. Your resume and cover letter should not exceed a single page each. You need to craft your cover letter to reflect the skills and abilities in the job description so the recruitment software program will “pick up” the key words, like search engine optimization, so that your cover letter is selected as a match. Think about how the skills you have learned in this course give you the skills and experience to be able to do this job.

    LinkedIn is a professional social network- it is for professional networking only, not a social or news site. The intention is to network with like-minded professionals in the industry of your existing career but also people who could serve as useful resources for switching careers, looking to get into other fields, or friends of yours who offer services that might be useful professionally. Take at look at my LinkedIn profile and link with me!


    1. Create professional resume and upload it to this assignment
    2. Write a professional, 1-page cover letter applying for the job in the description below and upload it to this assignment.
    3. Complete a LinkedIn Profile (see below) include the LinkedIn profile link on your cover letter and resume


    1. Textbook

    2. Job Description: Social Media Manager

    “We are looking for a social media manager to administer our social media accounts and perform community management. You will be responsible for crafting and writing posts (images and videos provided by other team members) and responding to fan comments. You will also regularly update the social pages (cover, profile, etc.) based on current brand goals. Additional copywriting requests for company ads and website will also be expected. Strong copywriting is essential! As part of the interview process, samples will be necessary.

    As a social media manager, we expect you to be up-to-date on the latest digital and social trends. You will have great communication and writing abilities that will allow you to clearly express the company’ vision through social posting. We are looking for someone who’s passionate, pays great attention to detail and wants to grow immensely in an incredibly fast-paced start-up environment.

    Job Duties:

    • Manage the social presence and the social media day-to-day activities
    • Manage operations of uploading and posting on all social platforms including Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram & Reddit
    • Copywriting for social media & other company initiatives as needed
    • Design and edit social media strategy to align with brand goal
    • Community management via response to comments and messages
    • Maintain and update posting calendar
    • Oversee social media accounts’ design and timely updating


    • Bachelor’s degree in Marketing, Business Administration, or related field of study preferred
    • Proficiency with Facebook, Instagram & YouTube
    • Knowledge of online marketing channels
    • Stays up-to-date with current technologies and trends in social media
    • Excellent copywriting and communication skills
    • 1-3 years experience in social media & copywriting preferred
    • Passion & knowledge of Basketball (Soccer a plus)
    • Strong strategic, analytical and organizational skills
    • YT SEO experience preferred

    Job Type: Full-time

    Salary: $50,000.00 to $65,000.00 /year


    • Social Media Marketing: 1 year (Preferred)


    • Bachelor’s (Preferred)


    • English (Required)

    Address your cover letter to:

    ACME Corporation

    1000 Main St

    San Diego CA 92000

    Assignment Expectations


    • Resume = no more than 1 page
    • Cover letter = no more than 1 page
    • Resume templates in Word or Google docs are fine, but don’t use anything overly graphic- recruitment software is text-based and will not be able to read fancy graphics.

    LinkedIn profile:

    • must be a complete profile including a professional looking picture (selfies are fine as long as they look moderately professional).
    • You must include your LinkedIn profile link in both your resume and cover letter so your instructor can verify your profile.


    Abdulrahman Kanoo International School Coal to the Great Northern Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

    [13] Witham tendered successfully for the supply of coal to the Great Northern over a period on one year. In his tender, Witham undertook to supply such quantities as Great Northern may order from time to time. Assume that the tender was on Feb 15, the winner was announced of March 15 and the obligations pursuant to the tender began on April 1. Suppose that on June 1, Witham informed Great Northern of intent to opt out. Suppose that Great Northern placed the following orders on Witham on the following dates:

    Date of Order Coal (tons)

    April 12 25,000

    May 3 75,000

    June 18 45,000

    June 30 100,000

    July 15 85,000

    August 12 65,000

    Sept 5 85,000

    Suppose that on June 1, Witham mailed Great Northern a registered letter announcing intent to opt out. If in the tender the opt out notice period is stipulated as 60 days from date of the receipt by the tender awarded five days subsequent to mailing,

    [a] On what date will obligations of the tender awardee cease pursuant to the opt out?

    [b] How many tons will the tender awardee be obligated to supply the tender awarder?

    [c] Assume that the tender awarder supplied no coal to the tender awardee and plans to sue the tender awarder. How much ordinary damages is the tender awarder likely to be awarded if, in 1873, the price of anthracite coal in the market was $4.27 ( ) but in the tender the price was stipulated at the forward price of $3.77 for that year.


    SOC 1100 Northeastern University Education and the Society Essay Writing Assignment Help

    SOC 1100 Northeastern University Education and the Society Essay Writing Assignment Help

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