SOC 300 University of Washington Seattle Campus Family Court Cases Discussion Humanities Assignment Help. SOC 300 University of Washington Seattle Campus Family Court Cases Discussion Humanities Assignment Help.
I’m working on a sociology exercise and need a sample draft to help me learn.
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Most weeks students will complete a short reading memo. For each memo, students will respond to questions, such as “What motivated the author to study this topic?”, “What is the dependent variable and what are the key independent variables?”, “Did the author pursue a deductive or inductive study design?”, “What are the studies key findings?”, and so forth.
Many questions have a single correct answer. For instance, students may be asked to identify a research question, explain how the study fills a gap in the literature, state a hypothesis, interpret the study’s results, or apply material from lecture to the study. For these items, students are evaluated for answering the question correctly. Other items ask students to evaluate the quality of an article’s research design or to draw conclusions from the article. For these items, students are evaluated for demonstrating careful reading and high engagement with the article. This requires students to understand and communicate the article’s central arguments and analytical strategies.
It is possible that students will not receive credit for a submitted reading memo. Students who do not receive credit will receive one or more of the following messages at the end of their evaluation:
Student’s responses indicate limited engagement with the article.
Student’s responses do not show adequate application of course material presented in lecture or section.
Student’s assignment is incomplete.
Please read the article attached and find the correct answer from the article.
SOC 300 University of Washington Seattle Campus Family Court Cases Discussion Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
America Public University The History of the US Intelligence Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
Describe two historical events that had a profound impact on the how the U.S. conducts intelligence. Name a historical development that still impacts us today when it comes to domestic intelligence (intelligence support to the Homeland Security Enterprise).
Reading material:
Based on the course readings and associated websites, categorize the PRC’s ability to collect intelligence in each of the five disciplines (OSINT, GEOINT, HUMINT, MASINT, SIGINT, and cyber) against the United States as either (1) highly capable; (2) capable; or (3) marginally capable. Be sure your response clearly identifies the specific organization, bureau, or responsible for performing the associated collection.
Reading material:
HCCS The Fisherman Dance Shoulder Deep Movement Influence in Culture Essay Humanities Assignment Help
Answer the following questions
in essay format. Essay must be minimum of 500 words. Only refer to
the dances presented in the course. If you choose to do additional
research you must cite your resources correctly.
Plagiarism or cheating of any kind will result in a zero for the course and will be reported to the Dean of Student Services.
If you have any questions about the essay, please let me know.
1. watch the video below of the Fisherman’s dance then Describe the dance in
detail (movement description, costuming, music, who performs the dance,
why the dance is performed, when the dance is performed, etc.).
2. Discuss the cultural and
historical context of the form (when and where did the dance develop?
what cultural/ ethnic groups perform the dance? how does the dance
reflect the historical time period and/or cultural norms?)
3. What did you find most interesting about this dance form and why?
University of the Cumberlands Economic Effect of Natural Disasters Article Discussion Economics Assignment Help
Topic: Economic Effects of Natural Disasters
Note: Articles should take from after 2012 peer reviewed economic journals only
The Process for completing this assignment
- First, locate articles related to the subject chosen.
- Complete the list below for each article. The article presented first should be based upon alphabetical order of the article title.
- Cite the article using the APA style.
- Write a concise summary – in your own words, no copying – of no less than 200 words for each assigned article that complies with the following:
o the authority or background of the author, including why we should trust the source of the material,
Section 2 (Label this Section 2):
List the question and then provide an answer in paragraph form. Each answer should be no less than 250 words.
o Explain three areas where (most of)
your research agrees (each answer should be no less than 250 words for a total
minimum of 750 words)
o Explain three areas where (most of)
your research disagrees (each answer should be no less than 250 words for a
total minimum of 750 words).
o Explain one thing that was most
surprising to most of the group members and why. This should be no less than
250 words.
o Explain the one thing that was most
interesting to most of the group members and why. This should be no less than
250 words.
- Note: Reference Page using APA style. Please make sure that you also used in-text citations within the body of Section 2.
SOC 370 California State University Northridge Politcal Sociology Essay Humanities Assignment Help
Final Paper:The final reflection paper is due Wednesday, December 9th CALIFORNIA TIME (6-8 pages, 12 font).The final reflection paper is an opportunity for you to write down a summary of the readings and your critical reactions. The reflection paper helps organize your thoughts and encourages you to be an active and critical reader. The reflection paper should reference the authors of the weeks of readings you selected. You should select at least two weeks of readings. You can evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of each author’s approach, compare and engage with other readings, and also consider what you might take from the author for your own analysis.
HIST 49C UCSB The Role of Religion in The Liberation of Africa Research Paper Humanities Assignment Help
Hist/BLST 49C: Research Paper Guide
Here are some crucial guidelines as you work to put your research papers together. Please pay close attention to the first key points:
1. Title. The title of your paper needs to be concise, precise, meaningful, thematic, and directional. It is the first pointer to the reader towards what argument and direction your paper is taking, before they even start reading what you wrote.
2. The second crucial building block for your research paper is the introductory paragraph. It needs to contain your thesis, that is, what argument you are making in the paper. One who has no thesis cannot write. The thesis must flesh out the preview that the reader gets from the title to constitute the compass for both you the writer and the reader. These two aspects of your paper cannot diverge.
3. Sources. You must have a good sense of what sources you are using. We expect that you have a good number of both secondary and primary sources for your chosen research subject. The source material needs to go beyond the syllabus.
4. Cite your sources correctly and consistently using the citation style that you are familiar with.
5. This course is on African self-liberation, and your research topic has to be related to this theme.
6. Length: 6-8 pages, 12-point, New Times Roman, double-spaced.
7. Grammar. Please revise your work thoroughly for facts, names of places and people, grammar, punctuation, paragraphing, run-on sentences, incomplete sentences, spellings and other mechanics of writing before you submit it. Revise your final version at least three times. Note on paragraphing: please do not indent first sentence in your paper. From the second paragraph on, you either indent or skip a line. Do not use both paragraphing formats together.
TOPIC: : Colonialism as Epistemicide….(For example) Catholic Education in Angola and the Congo how it relates to African self liberation…
.doc file | MLA | Research Paper | 7 pages, Double spaced
This is a research paper. The theme of the class is about African self liberation. Please note that this paper is not all about African liberation. But this paper is about a certain topic I choose that relates to the theme of African self liberation. The topic I choose was Colonialism as Epistemicide…. For example) Catholic Education in Angola and the Congo and how it relates to African self liberation. If there is a certain region or settler colony in Africa that you know more about that relates to Colonialism as Epistemicide and how it ties back to African self liberation you can choose that too! When talking about Colonialism as Epistemicide be sure to talk about a certain region or settler colony that was affected by this and how it relates to African self liberation.
HIST 49C UCSB The Role of Religion in The Liberation of Africa Research Paper Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Ohio State University What is Sociology of Art Essay Humanities Assignment Help
Essay must be a minimum of 350 words (not including reference page or heading
Topic: What is Sociology of Art?
• What is the Artist’s Role in Society…
• Why is Art Important to Society…
• George Zisiadis: Can Art (and Sociology) Change The World?
• The Role of Arts & Culture in an Open Society
• TedTalk: Why Art Matters
Essay 1 Prompts: Consider what you have read and watched this week. Using this information explain why art matters for a society (any and all societies). What do we gain from the existence and creation of art? Why is art important? Reference what you have read and watched in answering these questions.
Columbia College Decision Making Model for Maya Decreasing Profitability Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
Write the part of 300 words analysis according to the document provided:
Population Services International carried out a social marketing project for 2 products, Raja brand condoms and Maya brand oral contraceptives. They carried out the same marketing strategy for both products although they received 2 different outcomes. Their marketing approach should have helped boost sales for Maya although it was only increasing Raja’s sales. PSI needs to figure out how to correctly market the Maya brand product in order to boost sales.
Analysis( the part you need to write about)
Consider using the problem-solving model of decision-making to structure your analysis. More specifically, think of the concepts that are most useful in helping you understand consumer behavior pertaining to this category and this organization’s products. Focus on these in your analysis.
Washington University in St Louis Mergers and Acquisitions Spreadsheet Business Finance Assignment Help
You only need to finish the inputs sheet in the template spreadsheet for this assignments and you might need to use capital IQ to search for the related information of this deal.
here is the instruction:
Merger Model Project
Deliverable: Download the spreadsheet Merger Model Template.xlsx. Fill out all the yellow shaded areas with the appropriate formulas and submit the completed spreadsheet.
In this project you will develop a merger model for analyzing the following recent M&A transaction:
- AbbVie acquisition of Allergan plc ($61.9B on June 2019) – Pharmaceutical industry
Your analysis should be based on information available before the deal announcement date, except for deal documents such as the proxy statement and the merger agreement, which were available soon after the deal announcement.
In order to obtain the acquirer and target financials, key merger documents, and other relevant information related to the deal, I recommend that you use S&P Capital IQ.
The proxy statement and the merger agreement contain key deal information: offer price, form of transaction, cash/stock/debt, treatment of options, restricted stock units (RSUs), deal announcement date, estimated synergies, etc.
Please feel free to make reasonable assumptions, if important model information, such as deal fees, write-ups, etc., are not available. For example, if the write-up of intangible assets is not available, you can evaluate how intangibles changed around the closing for similar deals: e.g., for the quarterly financials before and after the closing of similar deals estimate the average %write-up:
(Int_Assetsacq-after– Int_Assetsacq+tgt-before)/Int_Assetstgt-before
Please explain in the comments column of the worksheets any relevant assumptions you may have made in your analysis.
Our S&P Capital IQ subscription contains only limited information about analysts’ earnings estimates. In the file IBES Forecasts ABBV AGN.xlsx , you will find the analysts’ forecasts, available at the deal announcement date, for the acquirer and target net income and EPS for the next three fiscal years. The data comes from the I/B/E/S database which is available at WRDS.
Please make sure you complete the following:
- Sources and uses of funds table
- Pro-forma combined pro-forma financial statements with deal adjustments
- Accretion/dilution analysis
- Credit Analysis
- Contribution Analysis
FTVM 102 Valley College Do the Right Thing Film & In the Mood for Love Questions Humanities Assignment Help
Paper 4, Pick two current films made in the last five years (between 2015-2020). NO 2 FILMS FROM A SERIES LIKE FAST AND FURIOUS OR STAR WARS – you may pick one film from a series but you must choose something outside of the series for your second, and think about how those films compare with the films we have screened and studied in class. For your answers, use the following questions, INCLUDE THE QUESTION IN YOUR PAPER BY COPYING AND PASTING, point deductions for not following directions:
1. Why was Mookie always running around in Do the Right Thing? Do you think he is justified?
2. Why is there a section shot in color for Raging Bull? Why was it shot like that?
3. Regarding In the Mood for Love, discuss the Mise-en-Scene? How are the filmmakers utilizing Expressionism?
4. What editing techniques did you notice? Were the films going for an invisible edit technique or a technique where the audience became aware of the edits?
5. Do the films show or tell us what is happening? Do they rely on exposition given by the characters or are we as an audience able to SEE the story/conflicts unfold?
6. Was there a film that you felt did not belong? Did you feel that a film we watched/studied not deserve to be a film worthy of study? What film would that be? Use film and cinema terms you learned this semester to make your case. What film would you, instead, put in place of the film you would remove? What are the reasons this film would deserve to be studied? Grade points determined based upon your answer.
… here is some films we have screened and studied in class
(THE GOLD RUSH– The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari – Un Chien Andalou– Citizen Kane– SEVEN SAMURAI– Fellini’s 8 1/2 )
Please use complete sentences and check for grammar/punctuation. Make all references and works cited in MLA style. Go to the Module with links for the library and tutors if you have questions regarding the style manual or need help with your writing. You can also Google to get examples.