SOC SCI 172AW Ohio Christian University Chi Square Nonparametric Test Questions Science Assignment Help

SOC SCI 172AW Ohio Christian University Chi Square Nonparametric Test Questions Science Assignment Help. SOC SCI 172AW Ohio Christian University Chi Square Nonparametric Test Questions Science Assignment Help.

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WK 5 Chi Square Nonparametric Paper

Interpret the Chi Square nonparametric test.

A Chi Square nonparametric test is truly an interesting test. It simply allows you to determine if what you would expect to observe in a distribution of frequencies is what you would also expect to occur by chance (Salkind & Frey, 2020). It is the most common of nonparametric tests. Remember that a nonparametric test does not assume variances are equal in a sample of a population.

  • Read Chapter 17 in your text.
  • Watch the video about chi-square. Chi-Square Test: Crash Course Statistics #29:
  • Prepare a two-page example examining the need for the Chi Square nonparametric test in a research example of your choice.
  • Make sure to demonstrate your understanding of both chi-square tests mentioned in this chapter: goodness of fit and the test of independence.

SOC SCI 172AW Ohio Christian University Chi Square Nonparametric Test Questions Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Los Angeles Pierce College Current Status of Women in Combat Paper Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a history writing question and need a sample draft to help me learn.


Please write a well organized essay explaining the current status of women in combat and your opinion on whether or not you support this change. Finally, address whether or not women should be subject to the draft, just as men are. Submit your work as a PDF or Word doc only. There is no right or wrong to this assignment. What I’m really looking for is your depth of knowledge and how well you state your position. Be sure to consider all you’ve learned in this class about women’s history and equality (don’t forget about connected themes like the Equal Rights Amendment). Your paper should:

include an introduction and 1-2 paragraphs summarizing the current status of women in combat

the remainder of your paper should include your analysis and demonstrate your thorough knowledge of women’s history

include 2-3 quotes from class materials that support your position (if you’d like to include outside research material, be sure it is from an academic, reputable source)

include in text citations and works cited in any consistent manner you choose

at least 700 words (not counting name, date, title)

be written at the collegiate level (spelling, grammar, sentence structure, etc.)
have an originality report of 25% or less.
, an anti-plagiarism website. Shortly after you submit, you will be given an originality score. This tells you the approximate content of your paper
that is not in your own words
. Don’t be alarmed- if you included quotes (and you should) you will be assessed a low percentage. Anything around 25-10% is perfectly appropriate. If your percentage is higher, you should edit your paper accordingly and then resubmit. Any essays submitted with 50% or higher may be subject to 0/40.
Please visit office hours if you have questions, or send me an email. Don’t forget: The Writing Center is offering online sessions! Please consider
making an appointment with a tutor (Links to an external site.)


UNV 508 Grand Canyon University Counseling and Internship Hours Worksheet Humanities Assignment Help

I’m working on a psychology spreadsheet and need support to help me study.

UNV-508 Topic 3: Counseling Worksheet

Details: Complete all four parts of the chart listed below. Include properly formatted APA in-text citations as needed as well as an APA formatted reference note below.

Part 1: Practicum and Internship

Directions: Include in-text citations from the Practicum/Internship Manual and your state board as needed.

Practicum and Internship



1.How and when would you begin to search for your practicum and internship site?

2.What steps would you take to secure a practicum and internship site?

3.What are the top two questions you would ask a supervisor interviewing you?

4.After reviewing your state board licensing requirements, do the following:

Identify the number of required practicum hours

List how many practicum and internship hours are required by your state

List how many practicum and internship hours are required by GCU

5.What is the difference between direct and indirect hours? How many will you need of each during the practicum and the following internship courses?

6.What documentation do you need to have in place before you begin your practicum and internship?

7.Summarize your goals that you would like to achieve by the time you complete the internship experience.

8.List at least three of the largest behavioral health resources in your area. Do any of these offer internships for counselors?

Part 2: Licensure

Directions: Cite the appropriate state board website information. Please do not contact your state behavioral health board.




1.What licenses does your Behavioral Health Board cover for counseling?

2.What are three main differences between two of these licenses covered by the board?

3.Are there tiered levels between dependent to independent licensure in your state (such as LAC to LPC, LPC to LCPC, or counseling intern to LMHC)? What are the differences between the two tiers in your state?

4.What does it take in your state to be a specialist in your field?

5.What is an endorsement/reciprocal license? Briefly discuss endorsement/reciprocal licensure in your state.

Part 3: Personal Professional Plan

Personal Professional Plan



1.Where do you want to be one year after graduation?

2.Do you have plans to be in private practice? If so, what would you need to consider in developing the plan of action?

Part 4: Clinical Mental Health Counseling Orientation Videos

Directions: Cite the orientation videos. The videos are located under the Topic 3 materials. Note: You should read the questions before watching the videos.

Clinical Mental Health Counseling Orientation Videos



1.According to the Clinical Mental Health Counseling Orientation video, what is the mission of the counseling program?

2.There are five program objectives listed in the orientation video. In one sentence, discuss the last one in that list. How does it pertain to you?

3.According to the orientation video, what is the name of the code of ethics counselors in training need to adhere to?

4.Do you feel as if the orientation video and student handbook were useful to understand the program you are currently enrolled in? Are you aware that you can contact your student counselor or college administration with any questions?



HRM 6015 Human Resource Learning and Development Project Manager Portfolio Business Finance Assignment Help

Part I: this part is based on the home tutor job description and ad attached. Please pick one of the resumes to hire. There are three resumes, please tell me which person you would hire and why, along with why you wouldn’t hire the two other individuals. Again, rich and descriptive reasons for why you would or wouldn’t hire someone. One to two pages. APA format.

Part II: There is a job ad for a position at Amazon, but this job ad is not attractive. You need to update this Job advertisement and make it interesting and eye catching. Will upload later.


ART 001B Pasadena City College Art that Caught My Attention Essay Writing Assignment Help

Your textbook contains many examples of recent art, globally produced, from the 1980s to nearly the present. As you will see, this art can engaging, dismissive, challenging, evasive, mocking, and even at times beautiful, an idea that may seem all but bankrupt in the Post-Modern universe of our time.

Here’s what I’d like you to do:

Find one work from Gardner’s Chapter 16. Any medium (that is painting, sculpture, video, performance, early art, etc.).

Provide the artist(s) name, title of the work, date and location (if this last is known or relevant to the project).

In a written text – and using your words – clearly explain why you selected the work for this class assignment. You are also expected as part of this assignment to include a succinct description of the work.

Submission requirements:

Your submission should be in essay form of no less than 250 words (that is approximately the length of a single page, double-spaced.) You are welcome to exceed that, but you must meet the minimum.



UMUC Social External Factors Impacting an Organization Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

Last week, you explored how systems theory and the ecological perspective emphasize the interaction between a human services organization and its environment. Any change in one part of the system effects change in another part of the system. Because organizations are not immune to their environment, local, national, and global events affect them.

Social workers in administrative roles must be able to identify and analyze the external factors that affect the function of the human services organizations for which they work. Though you may apply leadership and management skills as you assume an administrative position, you may also be able to repurpose many of the assessment skills you use in clinical practice for macro social work. Just as you gather information about a client and develop strategies for treatment at a micro level, so too, at a macro level, you gather and analyze information about a situation or program and identify appropriate strategies that will support positive organizational functioning.

For this Discussion, you address the Phoenix House case study in the Social Work Case Studies: Concentration Year text.

Post by Day 3 an analysis of the supervisor’s role in the Phoenix House case study and identify leadership skills that might help the supervisor resolve the issue. Identify which aspect of this situation would be most challenging for you if you were the supervisor. Finally, explain how you would use leadership skills to proceed if you were the supervisor.

Support your post with specific references to the resources. Be sure to provide full APA citations for your references.

UMUC Social External Factors Impacting an Organization Discussion Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

ISO certification TQM Maslow Hierarchy and Leadership Exam Questions Business Finance Assignment Help

1.What is ISO certification? Why would a global company like GE want ISO certification?2. Why is benchmarking an important component of TQM programs? Do you believe a company could have a successful TQM program without using benchmarking? 3. Discuss how the dilemma of teamwork vs individual work might be intensified in a virtual team. What dilemmas do you encounter when you must do a, class assignment as part of a team? Discuss.4. What are the characteristics of an open communication climate? Describe the organizational benefits of managers cultivating an open communication climate.5. Describe the elements of the communication model. Give examples of each part of the model as it exists in the classroom during communication between the teacher and students.6. In a well-written paragraph, explain the difference in challenge stress and threat stress.7. In a well-written paragraph, explain what attributions are and how they affect team members?8. In a well-written paragraph, explain the role of a transformational leader.9. In a well-written paragraph, name each level of Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs.10. In a well-written paragraph, define and explain Level 5 Leadership.

important notes: i.Please be reminded that when you are asked to explain a concept or a word, we are asking for more than the definition. I expect you raise at least three points about the subject matter in question. Add an example to buttress your point. Be concise and hit the nail on the head.ii.Secondly, when you asked to list, just list out in an organized and clear way. Do not make your work too clumsy or cluttered to read if not marks will be deducted.iii.Number your work.iv.Give examples to help shed more light on your point when explaining. But if the question “list or briefly list” then you do not have to give examples. The whole point of examples is to buttress your point so that way it shows you understand what is being asked.v.Avoid beating around the bush (you can lose points) and not making any point at the end of the day. Carefully think through and ensure that your thoughts are properly! Study! Study! You have been given all you need to be a successful candidate in this exam 3 so prepare enough so that you do not fall short. We all desire to see you succeed as your success is our success here .vii.If you have any questions please email me.


SOCW 8205 WU Wk2 Mental Health Intensifies Symptoms of Physical Illness Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

the biopsychosocial model focuses on the interactions between the “bio,” “psycho,” and “social” aspects of an illness. To illustrate the relationship between the “bio” and “psycho,” consider diabetes and depression. Although the exact mechanism is unknown, studies show that depression and diabetes might be linked (National Institutes of Health, 2011). The everyday stress of managing diabetes may contribute to the development of depression. At the same time, depression may reduce overall physical and mental health, making diabetes symptoms worse.

At all stages of illness, medical social workers must assess the presence and severity of psychiatric symptoms in the face of physical illness. In the presence of these symptoms, medical social workers need to understand the root of the symptoms. In the absence of psychiatric symptoms, medical social workers need to consider whether and to what extent patients might be susceptible to mental health issues. Completing an ongoing assessment of patients’ mental health status can inform and support medical social work interventions

To prepare for this Discussion:

Think about Discussion 1 you completed this week. Consider the example of diabetes and depression. Focus on the possibility that mental illness may intensify the symptoms of physical illness, which in turn worsen mental illness, creating a vicious cycle of poor health and health outcomes.

Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the resources and the current literature using appropriate APA format and style.


CUNY Brooklyn College Medication for Treating Skin Condition Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

A researcher is interested in understanding if a particular medication is effective at treating patients suffering from a skin condition.

Design an experimental study to test whether the medication is effective. To do this, you should describe:

  1. What is the research question you are investigating? (Hint: this is basically mentioned above)
  2. Identify the independent variable and dependent variable.
  3. Identify the sample and how you would conduct the actual study.
  4. Describe what you would need to know to decide whether the medication was effective.
  5. Describe the limitations to your study, based on the design you described.

Your paper should be in paragraph form and be between 2-3 pages.


Rasmussen Minneapolis Minnesota Effective Communication in Nursing Presentation Health Medical Assignment Help

This a project should be power point presentation.

The topic is effective communication in nursing

  • information is clear, thorough, accurate and relevant
  • Identifies major purpose of topic/project


  • Explains importance of this topic for the population of interest


  • Correctly identifies Nursing Process and how it applies to the presentation


  • Overview of project is adequate and supported by evidence-based research and APA formatting for PowerPoint presentation


  • Discusses nurse’s role in health awareness in the student/patient population



  • Project is well prepared & organized


  • Informative and well communicated


  • Includes applicable teaching/learning material:
  • 10 NCLEX questions and answers based on your topic
  • Review Modules ALL Modules for information related to your topic:

a)Add content from these modules to your PowerPoint

b)Identify Module you find data from

  • Research and discuss different learning styles for teaching and education

*Minimum of three learning styles (Ex: handouts, skills sheets, videos)

here are some of the referrences I need to be used

Bello, O. (2017). Effective communication in nursing practice: A literature review. Retrieved 15 November 2020, from

Dithole, K. S., Thupayagale-Tshweneagae, G., Akpor, O. A., & Moleki, M. M. (2017). Communication skills intervention: promoting effective communication between nurses and mechanically ventilated patients. BMC nursing, 16(1), 1-6. Retrieved 15 November 2020, from…

Rauseo, M. M. (2016). Effective communication in nursing: is it necessary to know your own sociological bias?. Retrieved 15 November 2020, from…

Sibiya, M. N. (2018). Effective Communication in Nursing. Nursing, 19. Retrieved 15 November 2020, from





SOC SCI 172AW Ohio Christian University Chi Square Nonparametric Test Questions Science Assignment Help

SOC SCI 172AW Ohio Christian University Chi Square Nonparametric Test Questions Science Assignment Help

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