SOCI 100 College of San Mateo Sociology Questions Programming Assignment Help

SOCI 100 College of San Mateo Sociology Questions Programming Assignment Help. SOCI 100 College of San Mateo Sociology Questions Programming Assignment Help.

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1In sociology, macro refers to __________ and micro refers to __________.

Group of answer choices

agency, structure

structure, agency

religion, society

beliefs, institution

2_________ is considered to be the founding father of sociology, but __________ was one of the first people to establish sociology as a formal discipline.

Group of answer choices

Karl Marx, Max Weber

August Comte, Emile Durkheim

Max Weber, Jane Addams

W.E.B. DuBois, Harriet Martineau

3. The government, religion, family, education, and the media are all __________.

Group of answer choices

part of societal agency

psychological entities

scientific institutions

social institutions

4. Sociologists use __________ as a tool to study the social world.

Group of answer choices

scientific methods

individual experiences

mathematical theory

formal customs

5. Jane Addams and W.E.B. DuBois were two founders of the __________.

Group of answer choices





6. Please choose only ONE question to answer.

Write at least four complete sentences. Be sure to address all of the topics in the question you choose.

One more thing. Use your own words. Use your on ideas. You do not need to plagiarize by copying someone else’s thoughts. You are just as capable as they are.

  • What is dramaturgy? What are the elements in this method of analyzing society? How does it apply to social life?
  • What do you do to curate your online personality? Not being on social media is also a form of impression management—how? Impression management is not being fake; so what is it?
  • What happens when we fail in our impression management? Use examples from your own life about how you failed in managing your impression.
  • Dramaturgy, with its look at the world as a stage, is one sociological tool to analyze the world around you. How will having this tool change the way you view yourself and those around you?

SOCI 100 College of San Mateo Sociology Questions Programming Assignment Help[supanova_question]

MGT 498 AMU MGT 498 Strategic Management Essay Business Finance Assignment Help

    Review the following terms and concepts discussed this week to prepare for this assignment:

    • organizational structure
    • organizational culture
    • inertia
    • Holacracy
    • PESTEL model

    Create a Word doc and title it Strategic Management Research Journal Part 3.
    Write a 525- to 700-word response to the following prompts in your journal entry:

    1. Assess whether Caterpillar Inc. is using the appropriate measures to verify its strategic effectiveness.
    2. Summarize Caterpillar Inc.’s organizational structure.
    3. Determine whether Caterpillar Inc.’s organizational structure is considered a traditional organizational structure or a Holacracy.
    4. Justify why it’s important for Caterpillar Inc.’s leadership team to study and understand the company’s internal and external environments.
    5. Evaluate Caterpillar Inc.’s competitive position and how they have responded to shifts in the external and internal environments.
    6. Recommend strategies in operational changes to support Caterpillar’s strategic plan, future business decisions, and improvement in business performance.


MATH 1210 Saint Marys University Introductory Calculus I Exam Mathematics Assignment Help

12 questions about Introductory Calculus I

1. Prove that the equation x
5 − x
3 + 3x − 5 = 0 has at least one solution

2. Find d
dx2 , in terms of x and y only, if x
2 + 4y
2 = 4.

3. Differentiate the following functions. DO NOT SIMPLIFY YOUR WORK

4. Evaluate the following limits

5. Find all points of continuity of the function given by
f(x) = (
x if x < 1,
if x ≥ 1.
All points x should be considered and sketching a graph is insufficient as a solution.

6. Differentiate the following functions. DO NOT SIMPLIFY YOUR WORK

7. Find an equation for the tangent line to the curve x
2 − xy − y
2 = 1 at the point
(2, 1).

8. Sketch the graph of f(x) = x
showing all of your work. You will want to use
the following information:

9. Find the absolute maximum and minimum values of f(t) = t −
3 on the interval
[−1, 8].

10. Show that of all rectangles with perimeter 4m, the one with the largest area is a

11. Evaluate the antiderivatives.

12. Find the derivative of
y =
Z sin(x)
ln(1 + 2v)dv


AP ENGLISH UND Up from Slavery by Booker T Washington Essay Humanities Assignment Help

Your Prompt:

Truman Capote, the American author who penned perhaps the first nonfiction novel in 1965, In Cold Blood, once said that the “first essential of the nonfiction novel” is that “there is a timeless quality about the cause and events,” meaning that the text’s characters, events, and other literary qualities stand the test of time and are just as relevant to readers decades later as they are on the date the text was published. 

Consider Capote’s assertion and how it relates to your nonfiction text. Then write an essay that defends, challenges, or qualifies the notion that your nonfiction selection exhibits this “timeless quality.”

Support your argument with specific details from your nonfiction selection, and from your own reading, observation, or experience.

Remember, structure is part of your strategy as a writer.

Make it a part of your plan! Look back at lessons Introduction to Argument, Structure as Rhetorical Strategy, and Crafting Purposeful Structure and plan how you can organize and develop your ideas for greatest impact and effectiveness before you begin writing.

Hello, the book is the same as last time, “Up from slavery” by Booker T. Washington.


ENG 315 SU Wk 7 Professional Experience Social Media in The Workplace Worksheet Writing Assignment Help

My Name is Christie Paschall so you have it for use.

  1. Professional Experience #4Due at the end of Week 7 and worth 22 points (Not eligible for late policy unless an approved, documented exception provided)For Professional Experience #4, you will create an outline of your presentation in Word or Excel using short bullet points and key information that you want to communicate (in either your audio or video recording for Week 8). You will be provided with an outline example and you may choose to use that example format or create your own for this Professional Experience.Instructions:Step One: Access, download, and review the “Presentation Outline Sample” document that is provided to you as an example.Step Two: Save the Outline Template to your desktop using the following file name format:
    • Your_Name_Presentation_Outline
    • Example file name: Ed_Buchanan_Presentation_Outline

    Step Three: Review the Outline Guidelines that you will use to create an outline for your Week 8 presentation based on Week 6’s PowerPoint presentation. Note: A video preview is available under the Week 7 tab in Blackboard. Make sure you leave the comments column blank so your instructor can provide feedback.Outline Guidelines:

    • Use Microsoft Word or Excel only to complete your outline.
    • Use short bullet points, rather than long paragraphs.
    • Focus only on the key points in your Week 6 presentation; avoid discussing less important details.
    • Refer to the example outline (provided in the Student Center).
    • Base your submission on the outline format in the example or create your own for this Professional Experience.

    Note: You may use the provided Presentation Outline Sample or develop a different outline of your own using Microsoft Word or Microsoft Excel. Be sure that you save the file name using the naming convention outlined in Step Two if you choose not to use the outline example that you downloaded and saved previously.Step Four: Save all changes you made to your document and submit your completed outline for your instructor’s review using the Professional Experience #4 assignment link in BlackboardNote: This is a pass/fail assignment. All elements must be completed simulating the workplace environment where incomplete work is not accepted.

    • The professional experience assignments are designed to help prepare you for that environment. To earn credit, make sure you complete all elements and follow the instructions exactly as written. This is a pass/fail assignment, so no partial credit is possible. Assignments that follow directions as written will receive full credit, 22 points. Assignments that are incomplete or do not follow directions will be scored at a zero.

    The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

    • Plan, create, and evaluate professional documents.
    • Write clearly, coherently, and persuasively using proper grammar, mechanics, and formatting appropriate to the situation.
    • Deliver professional information to various audiences using appropriate tone, style, and format.
    • Learn communication fundamentals and execute various professional tasks in a collaborative manner.
    • Analyze professional communication examples to assist in revision.
    • Develop presentation skills for use in the professional environment.



Introduction to Python Movie Genre Questions Programming Assignment Help

  • How does your movie genre compare to the other genres in the dataset? For example: Do the movies in your genre have longer than average runtimes? Are their ratings substantially different?, etc.
  • How does your movie genre trend over time (decade by decade)?
  • What are the key qualitative aspects of your movie genre? Feel welcome to use specific movies from your genre to support this part of the analysis.

Analysis Requirements

At a minimum, your analysis should contain the following:

  • Well-explained visualizations to support your findings (minimum of five sentences per visualization)
  • Good use of markdown to explain your code (minimum of one markdown cell for every two coding cells in your Notebook)
  • A minimum of one quality comment for every five lines of code (use these to explain the technical details of your code
  • Deliverable
  • Jupyter Notebook file (.ipynb) with:

    • a maximum of 1500 words of markdown (A.P.A. format)
    • no limit to the number of lines of code
    • Tips
    • To check your code for errors, restart your kernel and run the code from beginning to end.

Introduction to Python Movie Genre Questions Programming Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Pasadena City College Conservation of Angular Momentum Lab Report Science Assignment Help

This lab is about the conservation of angular momentum. Basically, we have a disc spinning with a certain amount of angular momentum: Li=Ii?iLi=Ii?i.  We then drop another disc on top of it. The force between the two discs is internal, and does not cause any external torque. As a result, the angular momentum of the two-disc system is conserved: Lf=LiLf=Li, or


However, since the rotational inertia of the spinning system increases with the addition of the 2nd disc, the angular speed decreases:  



1. Pre-lab Activities

  • Watch this video for the lab. It has the equipment, procedures, and the data you need. It actually  contains  two  separate  parts:  dropping  a top disc  with  the  same  mass  as  the  base  disc, and dropping a top disc onto a washer of unknown mass.Link (Links to an external site.)
  • Read this manual for the theory of this lab: AK-RMV-conservation_of_angular_momentum.pdf  ActionsNote that it only covers the first part of the lab in the video above, when the two discs have the same mass. Since the rotational inertia of a system of given shape is proportional to its mass, and the final mass is twice the initial mass, we expect the final angular speed to be half of the initial angular speed:

?f=(IiIf)?i=(mimf)?i=12?i?f=(IiIf)?i=(mimf)?i=12?i    .

  • For the theory of the 2nd part of the lab (dropping the top disc onto a spinning washer of unknown mass), the conservation of angular momentum still applies:

Ii?i=If?fIi?i=If?f   .

Here IiIi is the rotational inertia of the washer of mass m1m1, inner radius r1r1, and outer radius R1R1— you need to figure out the formula for IiIibased on these parameters. The final rotational inertia is If=Ii+12m2R22If=Ii+12m2R22 , where m2m2and R2R2are the mass and radius of the top disc dropped onto the washer. Your job is to find the mass m1m1of the washer from the formulas above. 

2. The Lab

Launch the video above again to collect data. 

  • Part 1: Dropping a second disc of the same mass onto the spinning base disc. You can find the initial and final values of the angular speed by pausing the video at the following two moments —- before the top disc is dropped (see the PDF file here if the picture below does not load properly: before collision.pdfActions):  before collision and after the top disc is dropped and settles into the spin (see the PDF file here if the picture below does not load properly: after collision.pdfActions): 
  • after the collision

These two pictures came from the lab video. You need to find the same two moments for each of the 4 trials — 2A through 5A — and record the initial and final angular speeds from the screen. 

  • Part 2: dropping a disc onto the spinning washer of unknown mass. Perform the same data collection steps as part 1, for the remaining 5 trials in the video (1B through 5B). 
  • At the end of the video they provide some measurement results for the mass and size of each disc. This one is for the washer (see the PDF file here if the picture below does not load properly: dimension of the washer.pdfActions): 
  • washer size

3. The Lab Report 

This is a short, group lab report. It should include the following parts: 

  • Coverpage 
  • Equipment (no serial numbers are needed). See the manual above for the equipment list. 
  • Data: See above.
  • Analysis: First, write down the basic formulas for this lab: the conservation of angular momentum.  See the first paragraph above. 

    • Part 1: Take the average value of the ratio of ?f?i?f?ifrom the data of the four trials (2A through 5A). Find the percent error — the theoretical value is 1/2. 
    • Part 2: Write down the formulas, including the one for the rotational inertia of the washer (which toy need to find), leading to the final formula for the mass of the washer (m1m1). Plug in the values of the angular speeds you obtained for each of the 5 trials (1B through 5B), and obtain 5 values of m1m1 Take the average of these as your final experimental value.  I will publish the standard value of m1m1after the lab reports are submitted. Your result should be within 10% of the published result for maximum credit. 

  • Discussion: Optional for this report unless part 1 has a large error (over 5%).


Ashford University Psychiatric Treatment & Patients Mental Health Rights Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Round 1: First Rebuttal (Posted by 6/10) – After each group member has posted their arguments, you must then attempt to rebut at least two arguments that take an opposite view to yours. (So if you argued in the affirmative, you must rebut two negative positions). The computer will randomly assign your rebuttals. Your rebuttal must be founded in at least one reference in the course literature or other literature you wish to introduce to support your position. *

Against forced treatment

Forced psychiatric treatment disregards the patients’ mental health rights. Patients have the right to refuse treatment (Huffpost, 2017). Mental health treatment is a sensitive treatment. The medications provided in this treatment pose serious risks to a person’s health. In this regard, a person’s dignity should be respected (Fok et al., 2014). This respect should be demonstrated by allowing the people to make decisions concerning their mental health treatment. Even if the treatment is in the best interest of an individual, it should not be done against his or her wishes. Compulsory treatment violates the individual’s right. It puts the patients into further agony (Scott, 2013). Hence, it should be avoided. The decision to get psychiatric treatment should be impartial.

Moreover, Having a mental health condition does not make a person less human. In this regard, people should be allowed to continue doing what they love, enjoy and dream of. Thus, these people need dignified treatment. The mental health rights of all individuals are protected (Gill, 2019). Nonetheless, the mentally ill people in the U.S. have been subject to abuse and discrimination. America has had a long history of treating people with mental health conditions in disdain. These people have been subject to forced sterilization. In light of this, the mental health hospitals in the U.S. are overcrowded (Scott, 2013). Certainly, people will continue having mental health conditions in America. If mental health rights are not respected, these people are bound to experience suffering and discrimination.


Although many people believe that persons with mental illnesses should be forced to receive treatment for the safety of others, the United States government should allowance all persons with mental illnesses to be able to make their own decisions regarding treatment because forcing mentally ill individuals to receive treatment is a form of prejudice and discrimination. The historical laws that supported the mandatory psychiatric treatment were founded in statutes that allowed the opening of asylums and deprived the mental health community of their rights and freedoms. Historically, the mentally ill have been subjected to inhumane conditions. For instance, the law supported the performance of experiments to help find a solution for the mentally ill. However, this not only proved ineffective but scarred the mentally ill for life. Subjecting them to involuntary treatment not only discriminates against their rights but also prejudices them as a community. It leads to the establishment of stereotypes that further the narrative of the mentally ill as dangerous.

In addition, there is a significantly low correlation between crime and people with mental health issues. For instance, there is no association between gun violence and mental health issues. However, people still insist on blaming this on a medical condition. Thus, mental health treatment should be voluntary rather than involuntary. In most people’s perceptions, mental illness is directly associated with violence. Much of the stigma associated with mental illness is due to the perception that mental illness influences crime. This view is further exemplified by the media linking violent crimes with mental health illnesses. This disregards the fact that most violent crimes are committed by people without mental health illnesses. This bias contributes to the stigma and involuntary treatment subjected to victims of mental health illnesses. In essence, mental health conditions contribute insignificantly to crime and violence in society and should not be used as an excuse to forcefully provide treatment for victims of mental health illnesses.


Zhejiang University School Funding Inequality Outline Powerpoint and Speech Law Assignment Help

first work speech

During this 6 to 8 minute speech, you will convince your audience to support a policy to address a problem of common public concern.

As you invent your argument, you need to identify a policy problem, define it within a reasonable scope, and establish its impact. Additionally, you need to research and develop an account of why the problem exists, how it began, and what factors allow it to continue. Finally, you need to advance a policy proposal that could fix the problem—whether a new law, a regulation, a university requirement, or some other action that would be taken by a collective decision-making body. Draw from the Keywords on Public Policy, Causes, Evidence, and and Making Policy.

This speech also demands that you take care in finding effective evidence and assembling it into well-reasoned arguments. You do not have to create a policy of your own.  In fact, it is recommended that you argue for a policy that has been proposed by a credible individual or a group, or one that has been adopted in another community or similar situation.  (In other words, your goal is to discover, through extensive research, the strongest policy-based solution for the problem you’ve explained, and then to convince us that the policy is the best solution.)  Quoting reliable sources and experts will improve your own credibility.

When you arrange the speech, it must include an attention-getting introduction, a focused conclusion, identifiable main points, and smooth transitions. The internal structure of the body needs to follow an appropriate policy speech structure, strategically selecting the best format for your argument: Problem/ Cause/ Solution, Cause/ Effect/ Solution, Problem/ Existing Plan/ Counterplan, or Need/ Plan/ Advantage. Additionally, the structure of the speech needs to account for other factors, such as balancing scope and depth and anticipating counterarguments. For more detail, see the Keyword on Arranging a Policy Speech.

For style, this speech uses a slightly more formal style than the speeches before it. Because you’re talking about a topic with a long history and potential technical jargon, there will be moments where you need to inform the audience. Effective use of metaphors, analogies, and other rhetorical devices will be key to ensuring peers’ understanding. Likewise, as your longest speech, you will need to think carefully about how to maintain vocal variety throughout. For instance, you may consider a somber or outraged tone for discussing the problem step, while adopting a more hopeful and uplifting tone for the policy step. Taking time to think through these stylistic elements (which apply to writing and delivery alike) will aid you in preparation.

Regarding memory and delivery, students sometimes struggle when transitioning from the This I Believe speech to this one. Whereas the TIB speech relied on personal stories you already knew (at least on some level), this speech involves sharing research that will be new to you. That means you need to spend more time internalizing it to talk about it well. Review the Keywords entry on Planning Spontaneity if you get stuck. It’s okay to use notes to keep track of challenging-to-recall information (e.g., the names of sources), but do not rely on the notes for remembering large blocks of text.

You have violated the genre if:

  • Your speech focuses on shifting people’s deepest beliefs rather than convincing them to support a policy. While your speech will undoubtedly address either political or moral views in some capacity, it’s unlikely that you will change their position on a controversial issue in just eight minutes. A focus on policy allows you to set more reasonable goals and consider how multiple stakeholders, including people who disagree in principle, might respond to your topic. It also allows you to focus on more local or specific issues that tend to be less ideologically polarizing.
  • Your speech pretends to speak to an imaginary audience. While your policy should be designed to be enacted by a particular authority (e.g., a state legislature), your audience—that is, the people you’re speaking to—should still be your classmates. After all, they’re the ones who will be watching and reacting to your speech; they’re the ones you need to convince that the policy is a good idea.


  1. Time limit: 6-8 minutes (see time requirements and penalties on grading rubric)
  2. Visual aids: Are required and should be part of your presentation (integrated with your recording through Kaltura Capture). The visual aids should be clean, organized, image-centric, use minimal text, and follow the principles outlined in the Keyword on Designing Visuals. Your visuals should complement your spoken message, not detract audience attention from you or your argument.
  3. Sources: The speech should include at least 6 sources collected from credible research outlets. These sources should be clearly, audibly stated out loud with enough information (e.g., name of newspaper and date) that a person could easily locate it by searching. This research should lend credibility to your argument by demonstrating the extent of the problem, identifying causes, and proving the viability of proposed policy solutions. Remember that your goal isn’t merely to meet the bare minimum number of sources, but to convincingly support any claims you make in the speech. The Keywords on Evidence and Conducting Research should both help you fulfill this requirement.

second work ; outline

Creating a thorough Policy Speech outline will help you to organize your ideas, plan your presentation, and ensure that your content is well-developed.

Remember that this outline is not the same as the notes you will use while delivering your speech. As you rehearse your speech at the beginning, you can use the outline to help you internalize major ideas. But gradually, you should move toward relying exclusively on note cards memory cues. By the time you record your speech, you should speak extemporaneously with only minimal presentation notes.


Broward College Hospital Readmission and Hospital Care Quality Essay Humanities Assignment Help

I’m working on a literature project and need guidance to help me understand better.

Choose one of those topics for the literature project:

Patient satisfaction

Nurse to patient ratio

Hospital readmission

Nursing incivility

A literature review is a synthesis of chosen evidence and resources on a topic of interest. Your assignment is to select a topic of interest and complete a literature review. You are expected to select 3 articles. These sources should be current (within the last 3-5 years) and have at least one author that is a nurse. Your review should be 5 pages maximum (including title and reference page). It is imperative that APA (7th edition) formatting is utilized.

Essential Steps of the Literature Review:

  1. Define the research problem/topic
  2. Determine key terms
  3. Select primary sources of evidence
  4. Read and synthesize evidence
  5. Write a synthesis of findings that compares and contrasts findings

Components of a Literature Review


The introduction serves the purpose of presenting the problem and briefly explaining the significance of the topic. You should also share your search strategy with the reader.

Body of Literature Review

The body synthesizes the findings from the studies reviewed. You will first complete an annotated bibliography of each reference. For each study, you should briefly explain the purpose, procedures for data collection, and major findings. Be sure to discuss the strengths and weaknesses of each study.


The discussion section is your opportunity to compare and contrast the evidence you reviewed. How is one better than the other? How do studies compare or contrast with each other? This is where you draw conclusions based on the available literature.


SOCI 100 College of San Mateo Sociology Questions Programming Assignment Help

SOCI 100 College of San Mateo Sociology Questions Programming Assignment Help

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