SOCW 2001 Walden University Where Is the Social Justice in Criminal Justice Worksheet Humanities Assignment Help

SOCW 2001 Walden University Where Is the Social Justice in Criminal Justice Worksheet Humanities Assignment Help. SOCW 2001 Walden University Where Is the Social Justice in Criminal Justice Worksheet Humanities Assignment Help.

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1(a)Discussion: Why Social Workers Document

Imagine you are working with an established client. The client’s appointment is late in the evening, and you are tired when it ends. You normally take notes during the session and then submit the electronic documentation immediately afterward, when it is fresh in your mind. This time, however, you tell yourself, “It can wait until tomorrow.”

Tomorrow comes, and you forget to submit the documentation. Such an oversight could have ramifications for you as a social worker, for the client, and for the agency. How will you safeguard against poor documentation practices?

In this Discussion, you consider the negative effects of improper documentation and potential strategies for documenting correctly.


  • Identify two reasons why it is important for social workers to have strong documentation skills
  • Describe a situation when improper documentation could have a negative impact on the client.
  • Describe a situation when improper documentation could have a negative impact on the agency.
  • Identify a strategy for addressing improper documentation, and describe how you would implement this strategy.
  • Reccommend a documentation strategy for your colleague to implement.
  • 1(b)Discussion: Where Is the Social Justice in Criminal Justice?The U.S. justice system is often cited as being unjust. Specifically, people of color are disproportionately represented in the criminal justice system with over 58% of prisoners identified as African American or Hispanic, despite accounting for only 25% of the general population (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People [NAACP], 2016). Estimates suggest one out of three African American men will experience imprisonment in their lifetime (NAACP, 2016). The impacts of incarceration extend past release, as a felony conviction limits voting rights and creates difficulties in finding employment and housing. What are the reasons for the occurrence of these racial and ethnic disparities?In this Discussion, you consider how institutional discrimination may be a factor influencing these statistics and how the intersection of poverty impacts both crime and victims. In addition, you provide ideas about how to address issues related to social justice that may have contributed to the criminal behavior._____National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. (2016). Criminal justice fact sheet. Retrieved from
  • Post two examples of the impact of race, ethnicity, and/or socioeconomic status in the criminal justice system. and at least with ideas about how to apply principles of social justice within criminal justice (consider both victims and offenders).Note: Practice using APA citations and a reference list by supporting your post with evidence from the reading.

SOCW 2001 Walden University Where Is the Social Justice in Criminal Justice Worksheet Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

B 232 Harvard University T shirt Company Targeted Market and Segmentation Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

Company Name: Perfect Prints ( an imaginary business focusing on selling t-shirts)

Request: Submit a 2-page paper in which you create the marketing persona chart and description of your target market for your t-shirt company in the apparel industry. This paper will consist of two sections: targeted market and segmentation description and a customer persona chart. Your paper needs to be in APA format, include a title page, and a reference list.

For the persona chart, you can build your own or find a free chart making resource on the internet.

Section 1: T-shirt Company Targeted Market and Segmentation (2-3 paragraphs)

Describe the targeted market and include the segmentation information. You can use the resources in from the Discussion Board to research a specific area. Be sure to include the four segmentation sections: Demographics, Geographics, Psychographics, Behavior.

Section 2: Create a Customer Persona Chart based on your research

Create a chart with 7-12 sections to describe different attributes of your targeted market and segments.

Format: 2 pages, APA, Double Spaced, Times New Roman ,12 pt ( excluding cover and reference page)


Ashford University Herbal Supplement Pharmacology Case Study Health Medical Assignment Help

Use APA 6th Edition Format and support your work with at least 3 peer-reviewed references within 5 years of publication. Remember that you need a cover page and a reference page. All paragraphs need to be cited properly. All responses must be in a narrative format and each paragraph must have at least 4 sentences. Lastly, you must have at least 2 pages of content, no greater than 3 pages, excluding cover page and reference page.

  1. L.L. is a 67-year-old male who has been diagnosed with BPH. He is having difficulty with urination. He is currently on Cozaar 100 mg for HTN and his BP is well controlled. He is taking no other medications. The doctor has recommended medication for his BPH, but he would like to try a herbal supplement before taking a prescription medication.
    1. Would you recommend a herbal supplement in L.L’s case?
  2. 2. If so, what herbal supplement would he take?
  3. 3. What is the recommended dosage?
  4. 4. What are possible side effects of the herbal supplement?
  5. 5. What warnings should you give L.L. before he starts the herbal supplement.


Columbia Southern University Diabetes Mellitus Case Study Science Assignment Help

While analyzing the case, be sure to identify the major problems and issues.

  • Draft a response or strategy for addressing the specific major problems and issues mentioned in this story.
  • Make recommendations to improve the patient’s health, based on the specific symptoms and concerns discussed in this story.
  • Discuss any negative consequences that may occur if the patient’s health issue is not addressed, based on what is told in this story.

Your response should be at least one page in length. If outside sources are used, please adhere to APA Style when creating citations and references for this assignment. APA formatting, however, is not necessary.


University of North Texas Analysis of Dark Web Research Paper Writing Assignment Help

Headings required in the paper are the following; include other headings as needed:




Other major headings as needed

Subheadings as needed

Conclusions or summary

References (please try to use latest sources)


1. 12 page, APA format

2. Include in this document a list of articles you have found so far which you are considering for inclusion in the report. List the URLs and the title of the article. The article list does not have to be APA format for this assignment. After each URL write a one sentence (or very short) summary of the contents of the article.

3. Please write an outline also. (A sample outline is attached for you)



BEHS 453 UMUC Can Divine Intervention Aid in Domestic Violence Prevention Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Discussion 3: Preventing Domestic Violence–Men’s Work

In discussing domestic violence, it is important to note that most men in this country aren’t abusive. The question emerges, however, of the role that non-violent men have in preventing violence against women.

Rus Erin Funk, author of Stopping Rape: A Challenge for Men, writes “I want to see men come together to discuss these issues, and to plan how to dismantle this system of domination and control that keeps men in a position as victimizer or threat. That is our, men’s work…We have the ability to create a world where all women, children and men are safe from the threat of men’s violence.” (Funk, 1993, p. 129)

For the purposes of this discussion topic please complete the following:

  1. Watch the video: Violence against Women: it’s a Men’s Issue:
  2. Click on this link to hear spoken word artist Dasan Ahanu read his poem Can I, which he wrote while conducting sexual-assault awareness and education training with men in Durham,N.C.:
  3. Locate a web site of your choice that provides information about men’s efforts to stop violence against women.
    1. Post the web site address or create a link so that others may access the information if they desire.
    2. Provide a brief summary of the information located at the site.
  4. Respond to the following question:
    1. What role do non-violent men play in helping to prevent domestic violence? Please explain.
  5. Use proper in-text citations and references

Reference: Funk, R.E. (1993). Stopping rape: A challenge for men. Philadelphia, PA: New Society Publishers.

BEHS 453 UMUC Can Divine Intervention Aid in Domestic Violence Prevention Discussion Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

What is Love Early Adulthood Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

This week, we have learned about Early Adulthood. According to
Erikson, the task of a young adults is to find intimacy, a permanent
commitment to a partner. For many young adults, this is a time of dating
and selecting one’s partner to have a family with. One of the factors
in selecting a partner is “falling in love” with the individual.

discussion this week will be to explore the concept of love from a
psychological, evolutionary and biological basis. The following website
will examine the biochemistry of love: (Links to an external site.)

reading the page, you will find six discussion questions. Choose TWO of
the discussion questions and answer both in detail. After posting your
answers, you will see your classmate’s responses (unless you are the
first person). Make sure to respond to at least two peers.


ENGLISH 12 Apex Learning Write a Single Scene Paper Humanities Assignment Help

Write a single scene that uses rich description to convey a particular theme. Use vivid imagery, along with dialogue, reflection, or both, to highlight that theme and to set an appropriate tone.

Your assignment should include the following elements:

  • Rich description that uses imagery to bring the scene to life
  • A consistent tone that matches the theme you’re trying to convey
  • The narrative technique of dialogue, reflection, or both
  • You should have completed a draft of this assignment in the activity before this one. If you haven’t done so, go back and complete that activity now.

Ask yourself these questions as you revise:

  • Do I write from the point of view of my ambitious character?
  • Does my imagery appeal to multiple senses and match the tone of the scene?
  • Do I make use of dialogue or reflection to express the theme?
  • Do I to bring the scene to an ending point that really emphasizes the theme?
  • Is my assignment a single scene and not an entire story?

Use this rubric to determine how well you’re meeting the criteria for the assignment.


ENGL 2338 The University of Texas Arlington Week 3 Job Application Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Job Packet Peer Review – AO Coach Riedy

From 2212-ENGL-2338-700

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This is your chance to get ideas and suggestions from your peers. Remember, the draft that you post for the peer review must be complete and as polished as possible, so make sure you do one round of editing before posting.


Conduct two peer reviews using language from the “Peer Review Sample” document and entering your feedback in the “Job Packet Peer Review Form” and returning the “Job PacketPeer Review Form” to your peer.


1) Post a draft of the Job Packet (as one attachment) in this Discussion forum. Due: Friday of Week 3 by 11:59pm CT.

2) Use the “Job Packet Peer Review Form” below to provide feedback.

3) If a draft already has a review, please move on to drafts that have no reviews. If all drafts have been reviewed at least once, then feel free to review any draft you choose.


Worth 20 points.

  • 20 points for each peer review

You will receive deductions for the following:

  1. Not using complete sentences
  2. Not answering each question on the for
  3. Using only one sentence responses for each question

Due: Sunday of Week 3 by 11:59pm CT as a “reply” to your peer’s post.

No points will be awarded for late or missing peer reviews

No points will be awarded for merely posting your own draft

Job Packet Peer Review Fillable Form: Job Materials Assignment PR Form.docx


University of Texas at Arlington Unit 2 Technical Object Description Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Unit 2 Final Draft, Technical Object Description

  • Due Wednesday by 11:59pm
  • Points 100
  • Submitting a file upload
  • File Types pdf

Technical Object Description

This assignment asks that you select a technical object and write a description of its looks, features, and functions. In completing this assignment, you will learn how to define and describe a technical object to someone who has little knowledge of it. You must examine an actual object in your possession.

When selecting a technical object there are some objects that are not allowed for this assignment. These include: smartphones, pocket calculators, video game console or controllers, and fitness trackers due to the internet having easily available technical specifications of these items. You are not to copy/paste and cite someone else’s technical specifications of an object. That is not the point of this assignment. Rather, you are to conduct the measurements yourself and conduct light research. The light research includes technical information of the object you may not have, for example, the exact type of metal used in the object, the wattage or frequency information. Nor may you use any of the 4 objects (lamp, toothbrush, scissors, can opener) used in the Technical Object discussion board. You can not earn higher than a 60 on the assignment if you use any of the precluded items (smart phones, pocket calculators, video game consoles or controllers, fitness trackers, lamp, scissors, toothbrush or can opener). Also, remember that you are writing an objective, professional description of the object, not a commercial ad for it. Keep your language objective and precise.

Assignment Guidelines

You will choose your own topic (with exception of the precluded technical objects listed in the previous section) for this assignment. The subject of your description must be a technical object (e.g., clock radio, stapler, tongs, blender, food processor, etc.). Because you must accurately describe an object in at least 500 words, do not pick something too simple such as a paper clip. Choose a topic that is complex but manageable. Once you have identified a technical object, research it. Take time to learn about what the parts are called, and how the parts work. This might require you to read background information or otherwise inform yourself about the topic.

Audience and Content Requirements

Your primary audience would be someone who has little experience with the object that you are describing (e.g., if you select a stapler, then you need to imagine an audience of people who have little experience with the object, perhaps children).

Regardless of the object, your final paper should be at least 500 words; you must include ALL of the following contents in your description (given in order of how the content should appear in your paper):

  • Introduction (DO NOT label the introduction “introduction” per APA guidelines)
    • Orient your audience by providing a one-sentence definition of the object (first sentence)
    • Preview its various parts (2-3 sentences)
    • Discuss its uses and functions (1-2 sentences)
    • Preview the content of your description (1 sentence)
  • Detailed Description of the Object
    • Describe each part of the object in detail, including its dimensions, materials, principles(s) of operation, function, and relation to other parts (2-3 paragraphs)
    • Use the present tense
    • When introducing a new concept or term, you do need to provide a brief definition for a non-technical audience, e.g.:
      • “The bezel, or outer ring connecting to the lugs, allows the wearer to set a different time zone”
      • You will notice in this sentence the definition for the term “bezel” is a subordinate clause and is not its own separate sentence. You can also use parenthesis for definitions in the same sentence.
  • Conclusion
    • Re-state the major use(s) and function(s) of the object to solicit the audience’s support or awareness of the object

Note: Do not use the second person Point of View or personal pronoun in an object description.

Document Design and Illustrations

Give careful thought to illustrations and design elements: Do not decorate the document; rather use design elements and features to improve navigation and provide consistency and cohesion.

  • Use headings and sub-headings throughout the document (see page 133 for the correct way to size headings and sub-headings). Mark the body and conclusion of your document with headings (again, do not mark the introduction per APA guidelines). Use sub-headings to indicate the beginning of each part/component of the object you are describing.
  • Do not write large chunks of text without headings and sub-headings. Make sure headings and sub-headings are appropriately sized and structured.
  • Single-space the text
  • You must include at least two illustrations.
    • You may create your own, use illustrations from other sources or adapt illustrations from other sources.
    • Make sure you provide source information for all illustrations immediately below each illustration using APA guidelines (see lesson 2.4 for more information).
  • Apply as many of the four basic design principles as possible (Contrast, Repetition, Alignment, Proximity) to enhance the reader’s orientation and understanding of the document.
    • Use serif and sans-serif typefaces for the header and body;
    • Use up to two complementary colors;
    • Place like content in proximity to each other; and,
    • Make sure all of the elements have alignment.
  • Design your document for consistency (grid patterns, margins, justification, white space, indentation, font style and size). Review pages 128-131 in the course textbook


  • Keep in mind that your purpose is to describe the object yourself, not rely upon external sources to do the work for you. (Inclusion of cited manufacture specifications will result in a 20-point deduction).
  • Minimum word requirement: 500 words
  • Make sure to include URLs for citations, as needed (Failure to include working URLs will result in-point deductions)

Submission Instructions

  • Submit via Unicheck in Canvas. No assignments will be accepted over email. Assignments incorrectly posted or submitted to the wrong location in Canvas will receive a 10-point deduction
  • Required title for final version: your last name-audience object description. (Failure to properly title your file name will result in a 5-point deduction)
  • Submit the document as a PDF. You will only be able to submit a PDF.
  • Deadlines:
    • First draft due by 11:59pm CT Friday of week 2
    • Peer review due by 11:59pm CT Sunday of week 2
    • Final draft due by 11:59pm CT Wednesday of week 3

Note: On Academic Integrity

You must write the object description yourself. DO NOT copy descriptions you found elsewhere and cite the source. This is not the intellectual purpose of this project. This assignment is to help you learn how to write a technical object description on your own.

You are allowed to consult source material, if necessary–but consult only.

If you copy descriptions you found elsewhere, you cannot get a 60 or above on the assignment, even if you cite the sources in APA.

If more than 30% of your paper (percentage given by Unicheck) is copied from other sources, your assignment will receive a 0, even if the sources are in APA.

If portions (or the entirety) of your paper are copied from other sources without APA attribution, the assignment will be reported to UTA Office of Student Conduct for academic dishonesty.


Assignment 2: Object Description

Assignment 2: Object Description

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTerminology (5 pts): The description uses correct terminology and effectively explain the terminology to a non-technical audience.

5 pts


Most, if not all, of the terms are defined for the audience.

4 pts


Most of the terms are defined, but not all of them.

3 pts


About half of the terms are defined for the target audience but not all of them.

2 pts


Less than half of the terms are defined for the target audience.

1 pts


Hardly any of the terms are defined for the target audience.

0 pts


None of the terms are defined for the target audience.

5 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntroduction (5 pts): The introduction orients the audience by providing a one-sentence definition of the object. It previews the object’s various parts, discusses the object’s uses and functions. It also previews the content of the description. Conclusion (5 pts): The conclusion re-states the major use(s) and function(s) of the object to solicit the audience’s support or awareness.

5 pts


Of the required elements, there are either none missing or one missing.

4 pts


Of the required elements, there are two missing.

3 pts


Of the required elements, there are three missing.

2 pts


Of the required elements, there are at least three missing and/or the writing does not align with the target audience.

1 pts


Of the required elements, there are at least three missing, or a missing introduction or conclusion, and/or the writing does not align with the target audience.

0 pts


Of the required elements, there are at least four missing, or a missing introduction or conclusion, and/or the writing does not align with the target audience.

5 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDetailed Description of the Object (20 pts): The body of the document describes each part of the object in detail, including its dimensions, materials, principle(s) of operation, function, and relation to other parts. It uses the present tense. It explains new concepts or terminology for a non-technical audience.

20 to >18.0 pts


The description does give above adequate text about the parts and concepts (20 pts). The description may be missing one of the core details or functions of object (19 pts). The description may be missing two of the core details or functions of the object (18 pts).

18 to >14.0 pts

Good to Average

The description does give adequate text about the parts and concepts and may be missing three of the core details or functions of object (17 pts). There may be missing present tense or present tense usage may be inconsistently applied (16 pts). There may be a mixture of two to three missing core details or functions and missing present tense usage (15 pts). The document does not explain terminology for a non-technical audience consistently and is missing two to three core details and/or missing present tense usage (14 pts).

14 to >12.0 pts


The description does gives an average overview of the parts and concepts and may be missing three or more of the core details or functions of object (13 pts). The description may also rely upon summary or not give enough detail for the audience, and present tense may be inconsistently applied (12 pts).

12 to >11.0 pts


The description does gives a below-average overview of the parts and concepts and may be missing three or more of the core details or functions of object (11 pts). The description may also rely upon summary or not give enough detail for the audience, and present tense may be inconsistently applied (10 pts).

11 to >0 pts

Dour to Grave

The description does not provide an overview or describe most of the parts (range between 0-10 pts applied).

20 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDesign (30 pts): Effective use of the design principles (contrast, alignment, proximity, and repetition). Design features, such as fonts, font sizes, and forms of emphasis are applied consistently. The overall design is clear and consistent.

30 to >27.0 pts


CRAP principles are clear (30 pts). There may be one major (29 pts) or two minor (28 pts) inconsistencies in the document. There may be one major and one minor inconsistency (27 pts).

27 to >24.0 pts


CRAP principles are somewhat applied throughout with consistency. (26 pts) There may be two major errors (25 pts) and two minor errors or one major error (24 pts) that detract from the overall balance and structure of the design.

24 to >21.0 pts


CRAP principles are average (23 pts). There may be two major errors and three minor errors (22 pts) or one major error and multiple minor errors (21 pts) that detract from the overall balance and structure of the design.

21 to >18.0 pts


CRAP principles are below average (20 pts). There may be three major errors (19 pts) or two major and three minor errors (18 pts) or some combination that deter a reader from the document.

18 to >0 pts

Dour to Grave

CRAP principles are inadequate (17 pts). There are multiple errors that impact the overall readability and design (range of 0-16 pts).

30 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIllustrations (15 pts): There are at least two illustrations. The illustrations are effective, each serving a functional purpose (meaning, it helps the reader better comprehend the task at hand). It is not merely used for decorative purpose. The illustrations are appropriately documented, displayed, and labeled.

15 to >14.0 pts


Illustrations are correct (15 pts), and there may be one minor error (14 pts).

14 to >12.0 pts

Good to Average

Illustrations are mostly correct with one major error (13 pts) or two minor errors (12 pts).

12 to >10.0 pts


Illustrations are average with two major errors (11 pts) or three minor errors (10 pts).

10 to >0 pts

Dour to Grave

Illustrations are inadequate (9 pts). Illustrations are below average with multiple errors (range of 0 to 8 pts).

15 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeStyle (15 pts): Present tense is used throughout. Headings are in parallel form. Numbered/bulleted items, if used, are in parallel form. Paragraphs are unified— each paragraph has a single focus, begins with a topic sentence, and develops around a single idea.

15 to >14.0 pts


There is a consistent style throughout (15 pts) with the possibility of one minor error (14 pts).

14 to >12.0 pts

Good to Average

There is a above-average style throughout (13 pts) with one major error or two minor errors (12 pts).

12 to >10.0 pts


There is an average style throughout (11 pts) or with two major errors or three minor errors (10 pts).

10 to >0 pts

Dour to Grave

The style is inadequate (9 pts). There is a below average style throughout with multiple errors that impact the overall style of the document (range of 0 – 8 pts).

15 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMechanics (10 pts): Spelling, APA documentation, grammar, and punctuation are correct. Minimum word requirement is met. Contains all of the required sections.

10 to >9.0 pts


Error free (10 pts) or there may be one minor error (9 pts).

9 to >7.0 pts

Good to Average

There may be two major (8 pts) or two minor errors (7 pts).

7 to >5.0 pts


There may be two major errors and one minor (6 pts) or three minor errors (5 pts).

5 to >0 pts

Dour to Grave

Any rating between 0-4 exhibit there are too many errors that impact readability of the document.

10 pts

Total Points: 1


SOCW 2001 Walden University Where Is the Social Justice in Criminal Justice Worksheet Humanities Assignment Help

SOCW 2001 Walden University Where Is the Social Justice in Criminal Justice Worksheet Humanities Assignment Help

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