SOCW 6070 WU Supervision Leadership & Management Personal Perspective Essay Humanities Assignment Help. SOCW 6070 WU Supervision Leadership & Management Personal Perspective Essay Humanities Assignment Help.
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Last week, you began exploring the similarities and differences of leadership and management roles and the contributions these roles make to an organization’s functioning. Social workers need to be aware of these similarities and differences in order to determine which management or leadership skills are most appropriate in a given position or situation.
This week, you have focused on the influence of external factors on an organization’s functioning with a special focus on their impact on the leadership of social workers in supervisory roles.
As you have explored leadership and management roles, skills, and behaviors, you may have become aware of how these align, or do not align, with your personal skills, strengths, and interests. You may also have begun to consider how external factors might influence you if you were to assume a leadership or management role in social work.
For this Assignment, you assess your strengths and areas for growth in order to determine what aspects of leadership and management are a good “fit” with your personality, leadership style, and relevant skills. You also address how external factors might influence you as you serve in a leadership or management role.
Assignment (4–5 paragraphs): Complete the following:
- Assess your strengths and areas for growth with regard to both the leadership and management roles based on what you understand about these roles so far. Be sure to address whether your skills and interests align better with the leadership or management role.
- Identify at least one area of growth in either of these roles you would like to further develop, and explain why.
- Identify two significant external factors that might influence your work if you served in a leadership or management role in social work. Explain why these external factors are significant and how they might affect your work as a leader or manager.
Required Readings
Northouse, P. G. (2013). Leadership: Theory and practice (6th ed.). Los Angeles: Sage PublicationsReprinted by permission of Sage Publications via the Copyright Clearance Center.
- Chapter 1, “Introduction” (pp. 1–17)
Northouse, P. G. (2021). Introduction to leadership: Concepts and practice (5th ed.). Washington, DC: Sage.
- Chapter 1, “Understanding Leadership” (pp. 1–24)
- Chapter 2, “Recognizing Your Traits” (pp. 26–54)
- Chapter 5, “Developing Leadership Skills” (pp. 127-158)
Lauffer, A. (2011). Understanding your social agency (3rd ed.). Washington, DC: Sage.
- Chapter 3, “Role Playing and Group Membership” (pp. 70–98)
SOCW 6070 WU Supervision Leadership & Management Personal Perspective Essay Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
PSY 240 Stratford University Seasonal Respiratory Issues in Children Discussion Writing Assignment Help
– Demonstrate your critical thinking skills! To do that, find the peer-reviewed journal article that you want to explore (to make it interesting/fun, explore a topic that is relevant to your field). This week, share the title and citation of your chosen article along with answering the following questions: (1) What is the main issue or problem the author is focusing on in this article?; (2) What is the main purpose of the article?; and (3) What information is being used by the author and what is its relationship to the main issue?. Keep in mind, it’s less about critiquing the content of the article, and more about demonstrating your ability to think critically! -200+ words
-Add to it by answering the following: (1) What conclusion(s) is/are being drawn by the author?; and (2) What are the implications of the conclusion(s)? Remember to refrain from critiquing the articles and instead, demonstrate your critical thinking skills! -200+ words
– By now, you are familiar with your article and the problem the author has identified. Add to your paper by answering the following: (1) What main concepts does the author use to relate to the main issue; (2) What’s the point of view of the author? and (3) What are the author’s assumptions. Remember to refrain from critiquing the article and instead, demonstrate your critical thinking skills! -200+ words
– By now, you are familiar with your article and have established the author’s logic by answering the previous questions. Add to your paper by answering this series of questions: (1) Discuss the significance of the issue that is the focus of the article. Why is it important? On what do you base your assertions regarding its significance?; (2) What potential problems do you see in the author’s reasoning? What potential problems are there with the author’s use of information? Does the information used appear relevant, significant, valid, and sufficient for the conclusions being drawn? Do you have enough information to determine whether the information is relevant, significant, valid? Remember to refrain from critiquing the article and instead, demonstrate your critical thinking skills! -200+ words
– By now, you are familiar with your article and have thought critically about the author’s purpose and reasoning. Complete your paper to your paper by answering one final question: What point of view is ignored by the author, or has not been considered in dealing with the issue? Then, prepare an introduction and a conclusion that captures your overall thoughts to also be added to your paper. As a final reminder, refrain from critiquing the article and instead, demonstrate your critical thinking skills! -200+ words
Harvard Business School Target Sustainability Audit and Report Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help
Submit PowerPoint presentation with 3 slides (rubric attached) about the company Target.
Environmental/Sustainability Benefits: Discuss the emerging opportunities in the evolving “green markets.” In this part, cite strategic opportunities to pursuing green markets. One part of this would be to summarize the different green markets in the Clorox case and provide the strategic discussion as to how they successfully developed green brands or programs for the Company you have been assigned.. Summarize the benefits of these efforts for marketing, branding, reputation enhancement, and how it may relate to the IPAT model etc.
- Make sure to include the takeaways from the Dannon and Clorox cases. Each case provides good examples of the benefits of CSR.
- The goal is to assess the costs and, more importantly, the many substantial and strategic benefits of doing sustainability and/or CSR program at a firm. Also assess their profitability and trends in their CSR programs and how it relates to management.
- It is also important that you use and cite the course readings in completing this part of the assignment. The readings have been carefully selected!
- Sources used from outside the course readings are NOT NECESSARY but can be used. If you use other sources, these must be carefully and correctly cited, and your report should NOT plagiarize or you will fail the course. Any outside sources must be clearly indicated and documented, and not simply by a web address.
In the above assignment, do NOT forget the benefits that accrue to people, consumers, localities, and other stakeholders as well as the planet. Sustainability is not just about money (or solely an instrumental benefits to the firm’s shareholders alone). Triple bottom line thinking is required. Benefits are financial, social, and environmental, and these benefits are related to each other.
PHIL 105 Brookdale Community College Flat Earthism Criteria of Adequacy Discussion Writing Assignment Help
After thoroughly exploring the material, you are required to write a 2-3 page essay in which you are expected to do the following:
- Identify and explain the five criteria of adequacy.
- Drawing from the material in the module, objectively explain the fundamentals of flat-Earthism.
- In addition to the material provided in the module, the documentary film Behind the Curve is a useful resource for exploring flat-Earthism.
- Note that you need to first provide your audience with an intellectually fair exposition of the flat-earth conceptual framework for fear of not committing the straw man fallacy.
- Present an analysis of flat-earthism by employing the criteria of adequacy.
- Note that your analysis is expected to identify and explain how well flat-earthism may, or may not, hold up to at least THREE criteria.
Oman Tourism College ethical Environmental Dillema Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help
Student should follow the basic case study format in answering the case studies.
- Introduction (examine the case and highlight or summarize the relevant facts pertaining to the case)
- Identify two (2) or more key Issues/ problems.
- Write the three (3) possible solutions for the Issues/problems identified in (b).
- Select the best solution from letter c and justify your answer.
- Recommendation and suggestions.
Case No.1
Mr. Said joined a large private coal based power producing firm as a Graduate Trainee. After one year of training at different facilities of the company he was finally posted at a production unit. In the past one year of his service, Mr. Said had availed a loan of RO 3000 from the company to pay off his education loan. He had tough financial background and this benefit so early in the service won the company a great admiration to Mr. Said for past several days Mr. Said has been making an observation at this unit. Late in the nights the chimney of the unit spills off an unusual black smoke. He noticed it for a few days until upon some enquiry he found out that the ESPs (device to separate coal ash from the smoke finally going to chimney) are switched off to save power as they consume a substantial power produced to run them. Mr. Said knows that this is in violation of the law. ESPs shall mandatorily run in a coal based power plant of a unit as this. Switching them off in a running plant violates the environmental laws. Moreover, in the long run this practice shall damage the atmosphere of this area. He talks to his manager but the manager asks him to keep off this and explains him that this company makes huge money saving power by keeping ESPs off for a few hours daily. And he further cleverly says that no one can see smoke late in the night in this less populated forest area. A few days later Mr. Said gets a chance to see his unit head. He puts the issue back. The unit head warns him of dire consequences if he further raises this issue. He also threatens him to sack. Next morning Mr. Said is served with a show-cause notice against some irregularities in his work and his identity card has been blocked for an automatic attendance. His presence in the office was recorded in person by another staff but without his signature.
Mr. Said wants to complain this violation of environment to government authorities but in doing so he will finally have to lose his job and loan repayment is a burden he cannot bear. If dismissed on corruption charges, he faces a chance of career blockade
Case No.2
You are a trainee (electrical) in your second year of training within a small practice. A more senior trainee has been on sick leave, and you are due to go on study leave. You have been told by your manager that, before you go on leave, you must complete some complicated reconciliation work. The deadline suggested appears unrealistic, given the complexity of the work.
You feel that you are not sufficiently experienced to complete the work alone. You would need additional supervision to complete it to the required standard, and your manager appears unable to offer the necessary support. If you try to complete the work within the proposed timeframe but fail to meet the expected quality, you could face repercussions on your return from study leave. You feel slightly intimidated by your manager, and also feel pressure to do what you can for the practice in what are challenging times.
Santa Monica College Communication and Self Disclosure Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help
- Create a 12 part/page slide presentation using powerpoint which summarizes the most valuable concepts in our course. Be creative! You may include images to spice up your presentation. Note: Canvas will not accommodate files with audio and other multi-media, so keep your presentation limited to text and images, only.
- Be sure to include both a title page (page 1) and a final slide to cite your sources used (page 12 or greater). You must also credit the authors or websites (small print placed on each slide where you are displaying references to work other than your own), so that it is clear where you located your information and concepts used.
- Only use the attachments below as sources or references.
Minimum submission would be 12 slides which include your title page, 10 page presentation, and a slide to cite your sources.
Santa Monica College Communication and Self Disclosure Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Presentation of Self Bill Gates Sociological Analysis Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
Your task in this assignment is to apply Goffman’s concept of presentation of self/impression management to analyze a public person’s official homepage, Facebook page, Twitter, Instagram, and blog. You may only use these types of online sources to find material about your subject and you may only use web content directly managed or explicitly authorized by the person in question. That is, you may not use web content managed by a person’s fans, supporters, etc. You are free to choose any public person except Donald Trump, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Mike Pence, Hillary Clinton, or Bernie Sanders.
the paper should answer the following:
What self is the person trying to present and what impressions is the person trying to make on others through online platforms? What message and what image is the person trying to communicate and convey about themselves? How do they try to do it; what information do they express and what “sign-vehicles” do they use to express it? Can you detect any discrepancies between the expressions given and the expressions given off by the person? Does the person engage in any defensive practices to ward off potential disruptions to their online presentation of self and impression management? If so, what is the nature of these potential disruptions, that is to say, how do they potentially undermine the person’s presentation of self and impression management, and in what way do the defensive practices attempt to ward them off?
5-6 pages double-spaced pages of written text excluding the reference list with 1″ margins, 12 font, and Times New Roman.
detailed instructions attached as well as relevant readings.
University of California Los Angeles Coolies and Modern Japan Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
You should improve and expand your argument, augmenting it with additional support from the readings, including other relevant class texts. Do not use sources outside of the class readings and lectures.(typed, double-spaced, 12 point font)
the prompt of the paper is: Imagine you’re a “coolie” (as described in Driscoll’s piece) and you just read Soseki’s piece above. Write a response to it from your perspective as a “coolie.” Hint: what is the official view of “coolie” culture?
here is the one need to be revised:
I find your exploration of modern Japanese civilization to be rather sympathetic, as I can see some of my own life experiences mirrored in your words. I do not think that you notice the same parallels that I do, though, so I wanted to send you my thoughts on the matter. First, I would like to assure you that I sympathize with your appreciations of the East-West collision. You say that, since contact with the West was established, Japan has been pushed into a motion it cannot escape, leaving it no choice but to “continue twisting and turning” (Soseki, p.318). The influences of external forces on your lives, forcing you to take ten steps at a time rather than just one (Soseki, p.319) is surely unenviable position, but it is not one that is unique to Japan. Nor is it a situation that disembogues only when the West bursts into your home, demanding that you accommodate their requests. On the contrary, Mr. Soseki, I am sure you that you can find in Manchuria a trend.
The Japanese arrived to our land, declared that it belonged to it by virtue of Conquest — a war won with Russia that somehow resulted in Chinese land being ceded to a rival empire — and accelerated into movement by a force external to us. You state, in various occasions, that Japanese civilization has been “externally motivated” (Soseki, p.319), but it has also been an “external motivator”. As Japanese economic interests in China grew more lucrative, your empire began to sediment a colonial outpost in the region that resulted in the devaluing of Chinese laborers. Through external forces, we were categorized in a variety of ways. Our culture was stripped from us, reduced to nothing but a brute laborer with no interests but “card games and weekly visits to the nearest opium den” (Driscoll, p.48). We were given jobs that, though they allowed us a chance to make a living for our survival, would not have been given to others who were deemed, unlike us, humans with a need for a balance between work and life. Though we generate great value —through our work the industrial advancements that make life cozier for some are possible — we are not compensated properly. No, for the “coolies”, those of us adopted into Japan’s own Imperialist ambitions, such concessions cannot be granted. We are not, after all, like the Japanese. We have no concern for a work and life balance, we have no concerns for the exploration of culture, we have no time to resolve the question of “life or death” or that of “life or life” that you explore in your essay (Soseki, p. 317). We have nothing to do but work.
You mention that, as technology changes, the amount of labor that one must do will change. The person who works the field and the person who drives an automobile for wages, they all put in different amounts of effort (Soseki, p.317). You do not mention, though, that this is not the case for Coolies. We have no choice but to put in much more labor, much more effort, than other laborers. We do not get the privilege of letting technology ease our labor, though our labor eases the spread of these technological processes. We are the workers slugging through the fields, while the Japanese can enjoy the ease of just driving the vehicle. But you do not mention this. You create a separation between you and the West, placing the latter as the force that has pushed you around. A similar dynamic exists here, though. We are pushed around by the Japanese interests in our area. We are your colonial project, the manifestation of your own Imperialist ambitions. For the “coolies”, Japan is our West, our external motivator, our domineering boss.
other suggestions might help:
Hi! I find your overall argument very interesting specially in drawing a trend between western treatment of Japan and Japanese treatment of the chinese coolies. I like that in addition to talking about Japan’s imposition on China and making the Chinese coolie culture, you bring out Soseki’s argument on progress in civilization and how that hasn’t really helped the coolies. I think you could expand by bringing in how the coolie’s view Japan to be internally (not externally) motivated as they make money based off the coolie’s hardwork? (just a thought!).
I think this response was very well written. Not only did it follow the prompt well, but it was also very creative. The writer clearly read Driscoll very carefully in order to put themselves in the shoes of a coolie. Furthermore, they still managed to fit in citations from Soseki to make their argument stronger without hindering the first-person narration. Another aspect I liked very much and did not see in other papers was the writer’s ability to draw parallels between the coolies of China and the Japanese in order to sympathize with Soseki in order to make their argument more relatable to the “Japanese audience” it would have been intended for if they were actually a coolie countering Soseki’s argument. Thus, I believe this aspect would have made this paper much more effective against the intended audience. Overall, a very well written paper. I wish I could be more helpful in providing some tips, but I think the paper is excellent.
Differences Between User and Kernel Mode Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help
Each process that runs in memory allocates space in memory to store its code and data. This space consists of memory pages. Each memory page is 4 KB in size in x86 systems. All the processes address their memory spaces with virtual addresses, which are translated into physical addresses by the system itself with no interaction by any process. In modern operating systems, the two categories of the running processes: processes run in user mode and others run in kernel mode. Discuss the difference between both modes.
he answer should be in APA format with references and intext citations. Also once I get the initial post, i need the replies to a few of my classmates’ posts
LEAD 1010 Johnson & Wales University Leadership in Action Paper Business Finance Assignment Help
Here are the content details:
This assignment is meant to have you reflect upon what you have learned about yourself and your leadership abilities as a result of taking this course. Your essay will discuss what you identify as your (single) greatest leadership strength and your (single) greatest leadership weakness. You will also discuss 2-3 specific steps you plan to take to address your weakness and improve it.
Here are the technical details:
- This essay is worth 50% of your final exam grade.
- It is an individual assignment only.
- Must be submitted no later than Thursday, 11:59 p.m. EST of Week 15.
- The essay can be a maximum of 2 pages, double-spaced.
- Appropriate leadership terms must be bolded.
- This essay is a formal writing assignment, and will be graded for content and technical work.
- The Leader in Action Rubric will be used to grade this reflection paper.
You will be graded using the LEAD1010 Leader in Action Rubric.docx
If you have any questions about this essay assignment, please do not hesitate to ask!